InstailNew0f ficers 0f Women'ifs MisinSociety Tme Annual Meigo! the lat Vice-President: Miss Clara and Welfaneé: Mm. B. W. Buch- I'eWPreabyP t eial, Thain, R.R. 2, Harold; 2nd aan 112- Monagban Road; wcwmn Miso Society (W. Vice-Preaident: Mrn. H. E. REy-S cayfer Literature: Mm. .) was held at St. PauI's, nolda, 186 Walton St., Port E. L. Clifton, 27 Beech Ave, *> oroue, Januany lth, Hope; 3rd Vice-Preaident: Mns. BowmanvMle; Sceta= for 1967. The eme for which was A. W. Allen, R.R. 1, Havelock; Glad Tidings Mn. Al e_ e *Serve the Lord with glad- Recrding Secnetary: Mrs. W. Keazie, R.R. 1, Cambe ird .feu"Commno asbl totFie Hastings; Cornes- Secrctary for Pe:MsD >k0 amjonlywfMeth'eh ponding Secnetary: Mns. R. N. Hosklng, 17 Bedford St, Port C:eterborough Pncsbytery, alten Robents, 255 Ontario St., Part HPeOt;ccayfnSp which the xnorning session was Hope; Treasurer: Mrs. J. W.1py Ms A. W. Allen, R.R. 1, opencd by the President Mrs. Cummings, 71 Pin. St. Narth, Havelock; Secretary for Life W. H. J. Fulton, with the cali Part Hope; Secnetary fon Af- Membership: Mrs. Wm. J. te onder and prayer. ternoon Groupa: Mrs. Percy Shearen, 711 Stannor Drive, The minutes o! the fall Campbell, R.R. 3, Warkwonth; Peterborough; Sccnetary for rally were ncad. This meeting Secretary for Evenmng Groupa: Historian: Ms. *-J. R. Thompa. was vcry ry attended, Mrs. D. W. Fniar, 432 King St. son, Millbrook. owlng ta badrweather and East, Cobourg; Secretary for Members without portfolio: bazardous diving conditions Girls' Organizations: Mis. M. Mis. G. G. Stephens, 100 Front se not much business could Ïý Bethune, 26 Coverdale St., St., Campbelllord; Miss A. V. donc. Cobourg; Secnetary for Home Davidson, 191B Murray St, Reporta for the year er Helper Membens: Mrs. A. J. Petenborough; Mrs. Robent Ru, then read by the varieus sec CamPbell, &.R. 6, Bowman- R.R. 2, 140 Harbour St., retetes falowe by shesec- ville-, Secretary for Welcome Brighton. tion o! the naminating com- mnittec fan 1967. The morning session was closed with prayer BLACKSTOCK by the Hastings Group. About 12:30 a veny enjoy- U.C.W. Meeting Mrs. H. McLaughlin; Treasun- able lunch was served by the The inaugural meeting o! er, Mrs. M. Byers. ladies o! St. Paul's la which the United Church Women Convenars: Citizenship and the ministers attending the was heid Tuesday afternoon. Social Action, Mrs. M. Van Presbytery joined. January 10o, 1967. Camp; Community Fniendship An haur later the cail ta Following quiet music by and Visiting, Mrs. R. Larmer; worship was given by Mrs. Rev. P. Romenil, Mrs. H. Kyte Co-op in M.E. and C.E., Mrs. Fulton and the devotional read "Ia aur Feliowship a J. Cannaghan; Literature and period was taken by members Fellowship?" The Esther unit Communications, Mrs. S. Van o! the new church la Peter- was in charge o! the devo- Camp; Hep. on Manse Com- borough St. Stephen's. Words tional peiod and Mis. Bruce mittee, Mms. B. Mountjoy, Mrs. o! welcome came fram St. Mountjoy read a poem "New I. Thompsan; Stewardship and Paul's W.M.S. Year", and a meditation on Recruiting, Mrs. K. Lee; Pro- Next was roil caîl and a "What Makes a New Year?" gram, Mns. P. Romeril, Mrs. good attendance was shown, in which she gave severai L. Wright; Social Functions, by eighty names signed on the quotations fram St. paul's Mis. M. McKee, Mrs. H. Mar- rexisten. . and St. John's letters, as "Ail tyn; Nominations, Mrs. R. Treasurer's report was given things are become new - If Duff, Mrs. N. Malcolm; Flow- .next and as there was a deficit any man be in Christ, he is ens for church, Mrs. J. Canna- It was voted ta put the day's a new creatume." Faiiowing gýhan; Suppiy and Social As-. collection ta caver it, which it prayen, the singing of the sistance, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs.. did. Mrs. L. R. Mitchell gave hymn "Standing at the Por- C. Hill; Hep. on C.E. Commit- pleasure tealal present with a tal" - and offeratory. tee, Mis. G. Strang, Mrs B. solo, accampanied by Mrs. G.,Ms .Kt odce h Gunter; Rep. an Board' of W. Cnaw, who aiso provided business when reports were Stewards, Mis. M. Byers, Mrs.E music for the hymna. heard from ail departments; C. Hill; Press and Archives, Misa Mary Whale, Executive aise Secretary Mms. H. Me- Mrs. G. Strong; Pianist, Mrs.t Director for Overseas Missions, Laughlin read several "thank L. Thompson. gave hien addness and spake o! yau"> notes fnom fiends re- Unit Leaders: Anna, Mrs. themenandwomn wo gvemembered at Christmas, and G. Skelding; Candace, Mrs. W., a11 they had, even their lives. one from the Victor Home. Mahaffy; Dorcas, Mrs. L.f We must make every effort ta The Congregation meeting, Wright; Esther, Mrs. A. Tay- Increase aur giving so as not Jan. 2th, World's Day of ion. Me iss W haecondute i Prayer service ta be held in Mrs. Kyte weicomed the? MissWhal conucte inthis church, February 1th, new president and asked hem iniqtallation oé officers for 1967. and the Oshawa Presbyteriai ta the chair. Mrs. Larmer Mns. Fulton neminded us that in Northminsten, February 15, gave a brie! talk on what we pnaie frs167is tancrtes were announced. Mrs. Kyte shouid do in the new year asC aurmeberhi, m tenexpressed hem appreciation for U.C.W. members. A hymnh closed with prayer and the the co-operation and willing- was sung and Rev. Romerîlu Benediction. ness o! the executive and pronounced the benediction.D The ladies served tea and mmes dnn e w cooke, bwhich wae t ry el- o! office. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL c beon eft or Rev Romenil gave a short WEEKLY REPORTE address an "What is the For the week a! January C LIST OF OFFICERS FOR 1967 Chunch doing?" befone con- 9-15 inclusive: Ronorary Presidents: Mrs. ducting the installation o! the Admiissions ------------------16 d lianold Tate, Mrs. R. N. Mc- following officers:* Binths, 3 maie, 3 female.. 6 b Cullach, Mrs. A. E. Toombs, Past President, Mrs. H. Diacharges -------------- 86( Mns. R. J. Randail. Kyte; President, Mis. G. Lar- Major openations-------_21 0 President: Mrs. W. H. T. Fui- mer; lst Vice President, Mrs. Minor aperations.------- 23 si ton, 26 Prncess St., Port Hope; R. -MLaughiin; Secmctary, Emergency treatments 321so BLACK'S - Os hawa ÇLrcIdal £'eliness &prianq '67 c e 0 More beautiful than the sights and sound of spnîng . a. the Spring Bride. She's begowned in one of our enchanting creations *hat captures ail the swectness and feminity belonging to this day. BRIDAL SALON . . Evcnything for the bride fnom headdresses ta going-away outfits, as wdll as e complete selection o! gowns for the bridesmaida and i anthena o! thc bride and groom. Ail bidal arrangements carricd out in complete privacy. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 725-1912 fS LADIES' 13L CKWEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Open Frideys 'Tii 9 p.m. [Wiii iudge .at Carnegie- Hall GREENVILLE, S.C. - A solo contesta sponsored by Durham Caunty native, Laun- the SCMTA and judged by Dr. ence Morton, has been selected Bela Nagy of Boston Univer- as one o! two judges o! the sity. National Guîld o! Piano Teach- In April Mn. Morton will ers ta judge auditions at attend the national convention Carnegie Hall in New York o! the Music Teachers Nation- City, June 9-30. This is ane o! al Association in St. Louis, Mo. the iargest auditions in the Last October he attendcd the nation and is considered anc Van Ciibunn International o! the most- prestigiaus seiec- Piano Competition in Fart ions among judges o! the Worth, Texas. National Guild o! Piano Teach- A graduate o! Bowmanviiic ers. High School, Mr. Morton did Mn. Mortan is chairman o! his pre-coilege piano studies the department o! piano and with Reta Cale Dudley, mother acting chairman of the divi- o! Ray Dudley, who is current- sion o! music at Bob Jones ly artist-in-residence at Cinci- UJniversity, Grecnviile, S.C. He nnati Coiiegc-Conservatory. He is the son a! the iate Rev. attcnded the University o! and Mrs. R. E. Morton. Rev. Toronto and was graduatcd in Mrn. Morton was ministen o! piano from the Rayai Causer- Necwcastle United Church from vatary a! Music o! Toranto 1938 until 1945. with the solo pcr!ormer's dip- He has scrved an the board ioma. At the Toronto conserva- of judges a! the National tory he studied with the famed Guild fan several yeans and teacher, Alberto Guerrero. îas judged auditions in Col- Mn. Morton aiso hoids the umbia and Hattiesburg, Miss.; bachelor o! arts degree with a Norfolk, Va. (twa ycars); major in English from Texas Chattanooga and Washington Wesleyan Coiiege iu Fort College, Teun.; Ocaia and Worth and the master o! music Brevard Caunty, Fia.; Fairfax dcgree with a major in piano County, Va.; and Atlanta, Ga. from Southerri Mcthodist Uni- He is immediate past presi- versity. At SMU he studied lent o! the South Caroiua piano with Paul Velucci. Mlusic Teachers Association He hoids memberships in j (SCMTA) and is a member Phi Mu Alpha and Pi Kappa1 of the executive board o! the Lambda national music fra- southern division. He also bas ternitica. cerved as first vice-presideut Pnior ta caming ta Bob Joncsi and convention pragnam chair- University, Mn. Morton w as a1 mian and chairman o! College member o! the piano facuity1 tudent Affaira o! the SCMTA. for eight years at Texas Wes- For the past two yeans, Mn. ieyan Coilege. He bas held bisJ tortou's students have been present position for the past i ârst-piace winners la the piano ten yeans. r fir Reports from in Women's lsîue e MAPLE GROVE W.. The January meeting o! the Wamen's Institute was heid on the 9th at 8:15 in the C. E. building with the President, Mrs. S. Doyle, presiding for the business. The rail cali, "Who was Prime Minister when you werei born?" showed that ail had donc some research ta go back, over the ycars.1 Mis. W. Brown reportcd for9 the Association o! Consumers.f It was decided ta donate ta thei local Board o! Stewarde, Men- tal Hcalth and aur F.W.I.O. project. Mrs. H. ryderman was inE charge o! the prograri on Cur-j ent Events, and apencd the same with a "Happy New Year" rcadîng. The Matto, "The beat tbing about the future is that it cames anc day at a time" was commcnted on by Mrs. G. Lee. She said "Wc arc wise ta iivet a day at a time for wc bave ail o! today for today's tasks and ail o! tomorrow for tio- morrow's tasks. Taday la the oniy time we are sure of, s50 wc need ta live nîght now and C be happy with today". Mrs.M Lee ciosed withi the poema "Make the moat o! it" by c Edgar Guest.n EATO-N'S -,N OSHAWA Introduces. HEARING AID W. E. LANG crUh auadg il UAmaioIgi The built-in power celi of the Unitron "Petite' hearing aid can b. re-ch'arged about 600 times for 18 to 24 months of peak performance on the samo battery. The slim, elegant design moaes the 'Peti' almost unnoticeable . . . only your improved hearing moas you aware of its presence. It is suggested that you try the "Petite' in situations and environrnents where it was previously difficuit te hear and experi- ence the joy of improved hearing. Perbaps this aid wiII b. suitab. for your type of hearing bas. Phone today and make an appointment te try the new Unitron 'PétW h ïrin M . PHONE >25-7373 HIARING AID AND OPTICAL CENTRE, UPPER LEVEL Mm. J. Cryderman, a delegate ta the Junior Farmers course în "Effective Speaking" at 1Albion H i 11I s Conservation Farm at Bolton told o! the course he had taken. Jim had the wamen participate in im- praomptu speaking and gave a mast intcresting account and examples o! his training. Mn. and Mrs. H. Crydarman told a! the trip they had taken Ithis past summer ta British Columbia. Mis. W. Laird showed their alides which were vcry bcautifui and enjoy- ed by ail. Mis. R. Dubeau on behaif o! the W.I. thanccd the Cnyd- ermans for such a fine pro- gram, A social haîf-houn was en- joyed by all present. BLACKSTOCK W. I Jauuary 4th 22 ladies spent an intcrcsting afternoon in the Community Rail at the Women's Institute meeting. Aftcr thc Ode and Collcct the president conducted the bus- iness. Regular reports were reccivcd and secnctary nead correspondence, amangat which werc several notes o! appreci- atian for remembrances me- civcd at Chr'istmas by sick and' shut-ins. Also a Christ-I mnas and New Yean gmceting letten fnam Miss P. Wray, Hlome Economist fan Durham. Mrs. Ralpb Larmer was asked ta carry on with 4H Club work and she w&s, aiso appointed W. I. representative .0 the Recreational Board. Mra. Carl Wright and Mns. MIanwood McKee wcne ap- pointcd to secune plana and priccs for nenovating the stage of the Community Hail. Sevenal ideas for Centenniai year projects were disctissed and othcr items o! business leait with. Meeting was turned aven ta the group leader Mrs. Kenneth Sameils. This gnoup being in charge o! Histonicel Research, prepered thein programme with a Centennial flavour. T~he rail cail, "What; I intend to do for the Centennial was wcll answered. A!ter the singing o! O Canada, Mns. Samells conducted an 6mai qulz on leaders o! Canada 100 'cana a go. Mrs. I,.orne Thompson veny eapebly ncplicd 10 the motta, We anc proud o! Canada, let us meke Canada pnoud o! us". Mns. H.' Taylor gave th. Cunnent Events. In a wcll Iiought; out paper on Confed- nration Mrs. Russel Mount- ay gave an excellent nevlew pf the joining -of Uic 10 prov- Ices ta form lhe Dominion of MsRyBradburn nead th. minu es a he c Cou c! oM« ewry. 1t7,W=hprovod very interesti&n d humoisuandot naa. Of Particularintercst wag the repfor0f the. aui = ~ t iaetui li. *ifcrent Ichol setn, 41W to the k= pe t-the toi! at. r. .ack Ruhmtred an Item -Mo- domestic lMt in 1867 and gsye thc - ingr!dlente for a suc«msuCentenaîýy clc- bratior'i, "Iniaignation, inter. est and Enthugagm". Folloig "The Queca" and the Ibstitut. Grae a delicious lunch was -ucnsered by tha group' and a social hall hour enjoyeÏ. BVMRAI« W. IL Members of the Bcthany Womnen's Institut. wcre en- tentained et the home af Mrs. John Né(als for thein méeting on Monday nigbt. The pnogramn on Canadian Industries was ini charge lo! Mrs. Eanl McQuaid wbo dis- cuased the milling process o! Ilour end lits variaus relincdJ uses. Mrs. Vincent Jackson gave a Pper on The Quaker' Ooats Company o! Peténborougb mnd1 ita progneas since 1901 when it started as a amaial branch from the United States, ta be- came a great Canadian Cor- poration. Mrs. Jackson listed the many products now sold by the Quaker Qats Company o! Canada Ltd.. and items o! n interest conccmning t hl e i r1 manufacture.1 Mrs. Thomas Jenninga gave c comments on the pnogrnm i motta "An acre of" perform- ance is worth a wholc world 1 of promise". iý SThe roll cali was answered t niy cach member naming a a :creal grain and how it cames0 ao the table. Mrs. McQuaidv itributed a number o! recipe 3 books. c Mrs. John Neals conductcd 1i a contcst an Quaker Oats pro- v ducta, with Mns. Bella Smith r vinning the prize. r Mrs. Rarry Ryiey chaired ti the business session, weicom- ti ing the members and guests ri to the first meeting of this ri Centennial yean. Several o! m the ladies w er e wearing ri charming gowns o! the 1867 ti era. There was a discussian C re Centennial pnajects and it m was argeed ta hcip the Man- il ers Township Centenniai "ommittee with improvements oi no be made on the grounds IV. surounding the Township-6 Zenataph, aisa ta enter a float In the parade ta be heid on oi Victaria Day. There was a ei lrther discussion o! oid-time tE ostumes ta be warn and pat- t! ýerns availabie for same. A bi iumber o! members agmeed toaia )urchase Centennial signs ui vith the W.I. creat, suitabie ai r crection on mail boxes or c] ,ateways, which is the pro- o ect o! the Nipisaing District ID Tamen's Institutes. PC Further plans werc discuss- bi I for the sale of home baking c 'ith Mns. Glenn Preston, Mrs. W rhomas Jcnnings and Mrs. 7incent Jackson as convenens. TI Mrs. Harry Ryiey and Mrs. a bhn Neais will attend a train- ail ng schaoi for leaders in 4-H iris' Club work ta be heid Fi aOrono. 8t Mrs. Thomas .'ennings nead lu .c financial report, the sp miutes o! previaus meeting 1Fi id the correspondence, which icuded a ietter o! thanka lai rom the Golden Plough Ladge W~ iCobourg fan the box o! or îristmas gifla sent ta the wl csidents there; greetings from sp, r. and Mrs. James Fraser nia are hoiidaying in Flonida, ye a n i v i t a i o n ! r o m t h e a p o i u k dnnur toeattentoWeirnxtInstitut. The Canadian rUttèànn, Ewmnv!fe, :Juile1, 1w8 to aten thfr extmeeting. The Bethany Branchae spnsrngabus nptoEx T>~fk IER and Dnl saB Wf in ~ Motea pn me=>r Saturday ni<,ht dhinei guesto were remninded that the final AthSudymrige- .WrIghts. payentforticetslanow vice Mr. hç%ttIer, o1 North. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toroilo. due. Thirty-eigbt will take mnserUnitd w&sa Our Iaen heween it thetspeakem inr wîtli g and Mrn. R. Virtue and gfrs Mr.Mcquaid disPlaYed the message. Mr. Mittler bas Mr. and Mrs. Ban IastefS ibooks in thne new Canadian kindly e t~t. .oran famiyBW81V > aenennTialst fLibrrytnw vl-spulpit supply again next Sun- were Sunday dinner get lae thseaoeraht olumves day manning. Our minugter, the Virtues. lisa te anoamao!evetsRev. Dougherty, bas returned Mr. and Mrs. Frank that brought our nation ta home from the hoapital to the land were Sunday tea duSU maturity, a permanent and handsome reference sertes that manse and Is convalescing of Miss Elaie Oke, Bowmnf wil enhance any home library, slowly. We ail wish her a ville.Il containîng works of some of speedY and complete recov- Mn. and Mmi ArthurTamb. Canada's best known writers ery. The mid-week groupa yn Cambray, wcre liaitn and artists. are beginning the ncw year's day dinner gucats ofMn Atasty lunch o! several Program wth meetings this Mrs. R. j. On.o types of cercal cookies .was MMad M i am r n O e er.on dwe r osun a iLUe ý,, served by the hostcss, assisted MrshandMamrOeKd, were Sunday evndustî!M. dM n by M rs. Vincent Jackson, M r . O dinn, er e g uas a! .ay v n d We rryo. r. a d r . Thomas Jennings, Mrs. Bruce ing inrgetofM.adW ry ;, Ryley, Mrs. Earl Weatherilt Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. Lloyd Avery, Mr. Mur'. and Mrs. Rosa Carr. Mm .E. C. Ashton, Mr. and ray Marshall, BowmanvIlmw Mrs. Glenn Preston ex- Mrs. G. Beech, Bowmanville, -Miss Laura Bowman, EnfIe1dl.; pressed the thanks of the Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Traveil, Miss Shirley Avery spent tfh-e graup ta the hosteas and ail Mrs. S. Rodman, Oshawa, Mn. weekend wlth Mr. and Mriýb who had assisted. S. Bartok, Toronto, were Sun. Richard Howe, Tilbury. - The February meeting wifl day guests of Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M be held at the home of Mrs. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainto Ina Palmer with the programj Mr. and Ms. Lamne Lamb were Sunday dinner guestsm0f-I on "Our Centennial Year". were recent visitors with 1&. Mr. and Mrs. ]RusseilOrmia0* and Mrs. Earl Trewin. ton. Our deepest sympathy is Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Petbsm EBE-N-ZERextended to the family of the ick were Sunday ee late Mns. J. R. Knox of Hamp- callers at Misa Reta Dicke Atro ui .. ton. and brother Allan, Hamptoiý Afiternooladi tt U.C.Wth Mrs. Clifford Greer, Hem- Mrs. A. Miller and Mrs. g. Titeetnn aiesattendedthemingford, Quebec, spent the Stainton, Tyrone, were Mon,.. unitmeeingon Jnuay 1, aweek with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. day callers on Mns. R. Rowr ovely winter afternoon. The Werry and family. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wrigh4#. LaeMrs. Chas. Elliott, Mrs. Graham Peel, Oshawa, were callers on Mrs. J. Hoàv opened with a suitable read- ee hrdyeeigustgahHmon ng, "Another Year". wr hrdyeeigget atHmtn Mrs. Eber Snowden ttldof Mrs. Greer and A. J. Mr. and Mrs. David Staln. lir d v to a ild W erry's. ton and Deanna, Bellvil hie dvotonl Roses of Re- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryded' the mrace,reindingosesoav and familY were Sunday ev- man and girls, Zion, weWe dhed tmescrthapinroes have ening visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitons at Mr. and ofde tamaurtappisscainse Fred COtY's, Bowmnanville. Mrs. L. Stainton's. f throesimporanltrsationsy Mrs. Ailan Wray .Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Pethic1I" Mirose hs. Fere isL uis ed yand family, Bowmanville, Mr. and Bull, Scarborough, were, OsbrneCa. n, M m issLie Stuart Lamb and Donna were Sunday visitors at Mr. aridý )soMrs. m. Bickl a t e, -Sýunday guests of, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. ~4rs Erc Curtie a thy d- Mr. L Laib.Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rundle, reofped ocg the h rgh sof h Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, Bowmanville, were Friday oe e jocng, the rose of la Carol and Gail, Weston, Mr. evening dinner guests witfl edmtion, the rose o reea-e and Mrs. Lewis Hack, Ricky Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan. ioerose of rigtosep ndtne and Philip, Toronto, Mr. and Mn. and Mrs., Fred Wright4' the rose of reconciliation, the Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd and Beverley and Barbara, Maplq, .ose o! rieune nd throe Earle, Blackstock, Mr. and Grave, accompanied Mn. anq., ose o!ce re rion". v ase rseahMrs. C . E. Horn, Oshawa, Mns. Edgar Wright and Bette, vase pand ed na ae beacwih wr udydne usst ii r.L e n eaerovitand wewereleft wither.Sndy dinnearr et-t siss.Fore L. Kn eith an1, he convicton that wen 1Wihn. adMs alTe isFoec a et o hristmas and Easter mingle wi. nto, on Sunday. ve have reached a new point Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, Mr. and Mis. Walter ]Rahtfl. n aur spiritual jaumney. N.Y., has been a necent visitor Tyrone, were Saturday callens Our music was a recording at Mn. and Mrs. E. Wright's. at Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Peth. ,f "HaIw Great Thou Art" and Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Mulier ick's. ers. Snowden closed with a 'Prayer o! Dedication". Mrs. Cari Down introduced )ur study for the year by ýmphasizing the came that was iken in the preparation a! he Centenniai series o! study aoks, in order that Canadians Lnd Amemicans might have a inique oppartunity ta under- ýand the maie o! the Christian ýhurch in the major aspects I Canada's deveiopment. Mrs. own closed with the iast aragraphs from the aduit ook, "The Chumch Grows in 'anada" by. Dr. Douglas J. Viison. The general meeting on ,hursday, January 26, wil be Pot iuck dinner and a baby tter wiii be an band. The Christian Education 'ai Night iI e bruary ;h at 6:30 p..wtapo ck supPen,' and the guest îeaken wiil be the Rev. Fank ddier of Toronto. Courtice and Mapie Grave tdie will join with us for the onld Day o! Prayer service n February 10 at 2:00 p.m., rhen Mrs. Dermot Anscott wil eak. Our first quilting o! the an wili be February 1 with OPENING' SOON!O FREDERICK S Prescription Pharmacy- 67 KING ST. le. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2546 "CONTAàClT" RLE SIMMS BRUSHES and ROLLE R COATERS 20/o. OFF ALL REGULAR Drijpleas Paint SErM-GLOSS Reg. $320 q SALE -.. .4 LATEX Reg. $300 t 2.9 SALE SPICIAL IO0fo OFF ALL PICES No Extra Charge for Tinting j / "Sunworthy" Ready-Pasted Reg. to $2.50 sigle rol .65C1 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE ___________65 c Corne in and au the many, many mor* hargains. SALE PUCES EFFCTIV TO JAN. 31 *COATER SPECIAL 7%k" MOHAIR SET COMPLETE Reg. $1.59 SALE f PRICE 9 8 C' SEMI-GLOSS Medium Grade GALS. ONLY AL L WALL MURALS 25" oOFF AL EOu A PAINT & WA LPAPER I33 KING ST. W. WMN1LPHN a a UNITRON ""PETITE"i CAT0WS OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY, 9:30 ar. t. 6 pm. Thursdy and Fridey 'til 9 p.m mmmvt-.ý Z-dr m 1 BUY NOW! SAVE $ $ $! 1 BOWMANVILLE PHONE