e ~~~~~nMarch 4 instaton of1 Mr. Rand ryadSna ulrpot eegvnh the new offiem r ill take Mand s Mrs. iDonHmlo raue gvn otsts Place with a dance and lunch R h ae o a k t alledsi hlrn avle acoyrpr o h er Press Reporter - e ~~~~~Mr. and Mrsn ec a hrhaet omaJno Ste ar-Le .Capspent a fwdy ih rnho1.CW hywl a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson Mr. * l R pato andMsotnVneet hi w xctv n Swere weekend visitors with CMP, Listowel. cnutteronmeig hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mrs. Robt.nFord returned and activitieshbut still be a A world record price of taken to Af!rica. Mr. Philp said hie was not Wilson and Suzanne, and with indtrsnt: h olw as a et ozstallion for sale. ity, conformatiohome osl v Sutnday rom i ee ato orrgla oyo MW a s etecnly shothe natuincreadspefromnfeales oly proud that one of his cat-.o n gadohrMs .Our attention by well-known couldn't get the thought of Tt'ad Mr. and Mrs. EmrAce hywr bet e a resul of a transaction between retained and other purcae tle had achieved a world ree- McQuade. Orono connoisseur of horse Royal Skytop out of his mind. the ssibilitiesRirognize - arnd Ji, Whtbyn Msro hirfrtmeiga Gloriadale FrsocotinCnd n h nied r rcbu loru ha r n r. rn hm-esh W. C. Evans who It bothered him enough that townand briof hhRnoyal Sy- MrilyndfPetrboogvstsh odysoigo a Ifope and Tutira Farms of States have brought Mr. Philp's such honors should come to son spent Tuesday and Wed- Megded sotiag tht "He rdidneebd otyaftthsaent sui Sro HilutisedM.anMr.WlrtA-othsitrsednjon Arundel, Quebee. herd up toa acompliment of 40 Durham County. nesday with Mrs. Thompson's wO Sdber'sn'oyalthyetop He re tuerne ssho tate toe R hph o fer youhadchr.atRay. a awMcmosgt Tutira Farms bought a half females. l In addition toa alarge num- sister, Mrs. James Naylor and A 14 eaon ofthe dabest. dwhere t h cehore a sa le rkd mkw ithh rleiv isgft osLnda the, ulh Rv oesae hti interest in Gloriadale Bons. The farm manager is Jack ber of Gloriadale sires and brother, Mr. Bob Johnston, Bred nd aol Sandard and oh tlim. ne huedif. e a ae wssall h:sand MirrayMonjoWae-'narftuehehpevoes af t a price of $15,000. Morton. females which have been ac- Pefferlaw. Nestletown Rth Sadsa h e storain.He figured it.sHe as awvnfrmlo pn h eknda als hita dcto loriadaleParms, owner of the In addition to the retained quired by owners in every Mr. and Mrs. C 1 ar k e chamion, wllon cas the tgandhim fat winer. eshwdhos, iriends aywithdaoeiMr n restv oms ou frbtFarse h record setting bull, retained half interest in Gloriadale province of Canada and in Williams visited Sunday with Roya p tr ali . clas s ea amdat several firsthi treowgnzeanthis ahatndlen eraMr s. ocagh olsskfradleaefo the remainmng half interest. Bonaparte, the farm still has many states of the United Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs. the first per air. Itthws ef and woates romng im how getale nd a o seh n ebi eeSnaiah raiain o h >Gloriadale Farms is owned hssr n nthrwdl ts, hr rie ssin Dave McMleH I1sda1eWinter FairppearRncaat the for the Royal at the s aetme. ths s atalnis.thder bnsAierge Soi r.Eihcuch hsgopwudb by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Philp. known sire, Gloriadale Meteor artificial breeding units across Mnor, Oshawa. Friends will but he wonh. y lSk :iytop Saderfigrd his was. th Jnny Canuckfthe Ca rphTrn.acern.os o e Gloriadale Bonaparte ws5h h oio. -ud esryt erta r.M-oe ih t scaseasily oya to mg im out. thyat am estrElder o hthe ut MssAleeenSonadies ulct n rvd b=rnin September, 1965, the Mullen has not been well the stallion clss, then lhetwet tatoy alSkb ytop, srbySkadi an Equestrianbrught sa o r.Han rodSnson i-a potniyt oodnt ion of Constellation of Bapton alast few days. In the even- take the chaminhI- eop,Gas rd by (Thna Mhr. ae ae oghnny anu cke w dlwes una-gussmetnsansrn.tgte nd Gloriadale Ransom Maid mg Mr. and Mrs. Williams cluded in thea ios wr hi. In- mentGraton(rThndernThroughbldrd an'diHaccsinofMr. and Mrs.HaodMrbthprsefrgetro- 5th. raal aso ad ETN V L Ewere supper guests with their former gad champsserethee ayistict, Ncorthefr On-.crosster isn'arbt rd ey nd adsos oruiie f evngCr Constellation was the first Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton Bruce MacDonald attended snadduhe-nlwbM.Wne min ttein ari whch acounnSforuithe ten a this er bt e at r. andaMs. rodTa-adhi hrh triple "A" rated sire in Canada and family accompanied by the hockey game in Oshawa, and Mrs. Ronald Williams and How did it happen that this eeinaio.ittenwmSot-JhyCauk erbthtrDneadBtyJne MsLwecepkefte aind he sired Captivator of Mrs. Bruce Donnelly and Saturday night. fml.little known stall' . ho rn ie arlie o He only red theRoyal. eon s' bgf re Siunbdsper usso cmnca evc edi B3apton, the first United States Darrell of Port Hope, were Debbie MacDonald met with The sympathy of the com- sired very few coltsinwhis hife thveeawrefols but thr of Roal Skybtowihsn' tigfor in r.DnNol n1h nlia hrhSna triple "A" rated polled Short-,Sunday visitors with Mrs- an accident at the local school-mum s. etended tioMan ti a ema n inw ned uch a O ese weeney n ers. a5 a Hestaln u hedhas a lthoe .y xrdgeemJnur 2d h horn bull. ILorne Todd at the home Of last week, breaking her rs. Jthohn.isMappi M.N on . th nnw ni oAdh eo i fsrnJc' ultsbstance and balance.i ss Edna Lamer i ii- adi wsamstisii was ne f te 1 femlesre-a wek g. in • man n woplce.Mappin at Whitby. ForcRalph Sale an't known if reenwood. His first foals loin. His slope of shoulder Wat Lre n oTo-fih olwrhptgte tai ne yo riad10feale FarmsMs neNsitlfto h aehr ruphl h ps yars the Mappinan alhnch ad'followed since becoming Sadler's prop- would do credit toa aThorough-t. Mr.sosestenMshwedy tranear dispersioale rm insed n e e origt tOn pend oCtheir popular dances in family have been spending Sdeedit hth Irty will be ready to race in bred. If his foals handle as'MutoEsrMran yesevnflmosokinArctn Otoba e iper195.s ee ral wed es wrinth h e roth-da ommunity Hall, Satur- their summer at Lake Scugog. Most missed him, ton.Hewas - ya 968· . i sabes ilaeakheasod an'tMutoEns.wiDl ild"he e he CeOf 6 65tl.sl t htseer Jim, i akelan, Foi-day eveming. For many years they had a looking for aSadr oa ktpwsinsalsb ifcl bekand t ain. n Dorrend RyM-Wys"Ihwe h ol 47 were acquired by Untied Mr. Cliff .Reid of Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown cottage at Caesarea but later stud about two year goad mSeouhntrio bu e r Royl Skt topkyse atu e ui ughntteddteSaahemooebytredifrn Sgtates owners. The average ville and Miss Flossie Graham, and daughters visited her bought at St., Christopher. At headed for the sales that foi-Saer bgtahav m but hoer.lestain utl ooks ais nthugh EdnsFarm adIdsralmsinre i fiaadi price of the cattle sold was Newcastle, accompanying her mother, Mrs. v. Wagg at thle present time the family lows after the Royal. He 11l- sheems to h erbeen oer-he hasefially foundhis niche. qTpentO inaootla noydb l rsn $1,034 and the top selling bull, to Malton Airport. Stouffville, Sunday. have three cottages there. ed a friend while notecan-dsadoed .by lotherd igtger Warelkl oha mr ensa.Ms.BinHmlo Gloriadale Captivator, sold for M.adMs m tpe Visitors with Mr. and Mrs Mr. Norman Samells attend- was told that hie ha u asa d nmcd stahnsaddintge but him through his foals. B1 he Offcial r orgfpoe( oeo tako e Mdtca day, witr. an Mr s. BrTue-noon imeluded Mr. and Mrs. Monday at McEachmie Fun- orecognize his quai- IAdvocate, oiesga.ayvih.e nmrussnvoehelvlyspe Fist Shorthorn to Africa Donly, P rt Hopr. ue Allan Meadows, Oshawa. eral Parlours, Pickering. repcrsgaever aisyn MsPv.Hmlongv This was the first polled •nelPr oe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray Sympathy of the community rneo arts ev.R omrlwa oe ftakst r.Rs Shortorn ull ver o beMrs. C. Walkey returned and girls, Bowmanville, wer is also extended to the family ivtdt eanfraohrtesoigo h im o hnme from Memorial Hospital, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrso M. aes tpesnwo(i lvnh er Wednesday, last. C. H. Lane. •was killed in an accident, Sun- LPrize winners at the Insti-r Wedr Mrs. Bill Wade was a patient Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood day, Jan. 22. tueeucreWedsda ngh in Memorial Hospital, Bow-lwere supper guests, Sunda In the Presbyterian Church, were Mr. OsmontWrigh manill fo sverl dys hewit Mr an Ms. eidWo Sunday morning, Rev. Fred by Mrs. J. C. (Mary) Cairns die reports about fiights from with and Mr. WalternLawrence latter part of the week, re- and boys. Swann chose as his subject, Keeping my promise to C.P. Air. A week later, Dec. ily and aniece, Joean and f aWahrbigclyse-t ayo the communiin turming home on Saturday. Mrs. Bea Jones has resumed the Four Gospels, Matthew, write to friends in Bowman- 14th, Mrs. Harris again made cno s ow earve though dtinathe Icei n go od- tp dtoMs ae Mr. Grant Wade was among her teaching duties in Port IMark, Luke and John. They ville I wish to thank Mr. John ther trip to Malton where I scanyonI t heail woedtinatth reas the Curblte ensonaadefamiy, als lme the Grade 13 students from Hope as of this week. were written at different times|M. James for allowing me to do boarded a jet at 4:25 p.m. saying "with vugrfe le ers arehvny osilt-sstprnsadbohr n Clare Hgh chol, wo, n M. Bll Wde as dmitedbut they have a similarity. so via the "Statesman." It was a fast flight To. ynreruecadoa.Mresnttetaicdaho Saturday motored to Queen's to Memorial Hospital, Sunday Mark, the first one writt.en, I had a grand flight to this to Honolulu to Aucklandrand ada 'rees arenttaliesCanb r and ilMr.GalKeycdnt Sepnsnba- Umiversity, Kmngston, and at- evening, to undergo a tonsil- was a guide to missionaries. semi tropical land. On Decem- at 12:05 a.m. on De .15spnsadmpesbtadgrs r. andMr.Cut Mwek $$$ ~~tended the Engineering lec- lectomy, Monday. Mathew,.a Jew, called Jesus, ber 7th I went toalMaiton pre- boarded the Air New ZealandI bushesfcrowd m amongst thm erahm er Sndyhae oldtMs.A.E.Rie tures. ~Newtonville United Church the Messiah. Luke, a physicl- pared to fly but the dense fog Plane at Honolulu (w had mrlan o tes bshs inth supp e ust fMr ndMs A i soe Mr. Jerry Adams of Toron- Annual Congregational meet- an, said, "Jesus is the son .of prevailing stopped all flights, been there three hours for lug- hillide tfulrsmamgth onlan d andfml'ws 1uiycr at PIAMIP-OAM to spent the weekend here ing was held in the Sunday man. John, a theologian, said, so my friend Mrs. W. J. Harris gage transfer, etc). Af r eaut iful. JanBrokhnd . hmeo Mde th Jim Adams. Jan. 25, after a pot-luck sup' Mrs. H. Visser sang "Softly where I stayed getting perio-,a.m. Dec. 16th and friends met I11 llhoaler h ow pmenhreoshaw.adwerSuna ust ob el tnxBcr at Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster per at 6 p.m., enjoyed by some andý Tenderly Jesus is Call- me there. Later they drove me I ea a v my ownaprtmn fMr.edMsBrtGbo. andrsL thhoef Mr. attended the Massey-Ferguson 40 members in".around the ity ad1 m eain t visit other fayrieds uMr.nvsd MrEretHe, sieTyoonF- DARLINGTON B u et nDTarors'Anual wi ev.pR.erCaWhitemonne erIndthehUitedChuredel ev- ressed by the floral beauty o boath istansmand, ma w rit to , eThu sadMs n oeray3d UPH LSTRY Memve n ol ewsing.o ence was observdine bshemn n "Wh New Presidentbas'h'aha d on thtle Pickering, vsitelyLre iter o s hv r 5 EntÉt.W.Bowanill Lndo, atudaet an O.B. members, Mrs. R. Bruce, Mrs. He said people should go side the Pacific. At present the BLACKSTOCK Fowler on Sunday. ut o hscr on'623-7341 Free Estimates AMessrs. Fred Henderson, C. andKrb A, Reichrath. Farrow nu d for the christiahen 0 SSmetnn tha"e° a pla ut a'de,-Splendid services were held tynock a r htoee n ai lwr H. ane PterHederonand Serr Mrs. J. Elliott feel that e has smns. Most channel between the two ports in both churches SundayS.onsoca theweeed saaaemvdt read mmnutes of the previous christians feel that they have Donald F. Wright of Har- so that ocean liners may save morning. The attendance ways T.hn A.C.W. mee in meeting which were approved, no sins. That mn itself is a row, Ont., is the new presi- many miles going around the a little under par as somee he'AC.W.metingofSt followmng which the report of sin. The choir sang the an- dent of the Ontario Fruit & Northern tip of the island. hadn't got their lanes and Jfa ohn' Cuch tooke fr the Session was given by the them, I,,Know Whom I Have Vegetable Grower's Associa- There are flowers, flowering driveways opened after Fri-ofaotucsperowhh mninister: Members of the Ses- Behieved". tion. He is the fourth gen- bushes and trees making the day and Saturday's snow and all ladi.fteongrgto g sion, 9; members of the Board eration to operate the family.city a veritable fairyland and drifting. wenur vtdoyhrdy of tears,11 persons under MEMORIAL HOSPITAL farm. An O.A.C. graduateevery householder seems to In the United Church the anuas r 26t. hee er 2 pastoral care, 200; number of WEEKLY REPORT class of '51, hie has been the delight in keeping their gar- choir sang an anthem, "How Rados eAms e loRv .C households, 60; baptisms, 7;. Ontario growers delegate to dens in perfect order. Houses Beautiful upon the Moun- prs e A ostdelcoubup marriages, 6; funerals, 6; mem- Week of Jan. 23-29 meclusive Canadian Horticultural Coun- are mostly one storey and no tains." Rev. Romeril spoke on per wsuenoyd y ll bership, 160: removed b Admissions -.._ _. 81 cil for the past three years. basements are required --- even the "Need of Forgiveness,, After suppmethn e reua TOWNSIP OFDARUNTON earth,5 laig ot1o Births-2 mae, - fm -al e 8 He succeeds Art Van Dyke in winter (so called) the temr- In St. John's Church Re fr fmetn ascnut 155; non-resident members, 35.Dicags.-.8 of Bradford. First vice-presi- perature Is usually around 64 R. C. Rose chose as the th'ed yPeidn r. -Lw ýSatisfactory rs0Ports were Major operations - 15 dent is Heber M. Irwin of to 75 degrees. of his sermon "Changemei rence who welcomene ad ODFLO SHL received from the Sunday Mirior operation ....... 2Nb orhigs1iis r. :WHlson .- I stayed overnight and next Christian -Living and Chu all2.-Oenin hynswseN. OON School by Sec'y-Treas. Grant Emergency treatments -_ 30 of Dundas is secretary-treas- morning boarded a Plane for Plans." urc 289 pevi. Rs ldte'e O GWade: the U.C.W. by Treas. Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily uirer and Jack Davis of port Wellington, the capital. This Due to the snow drift.tioMnlterio. ON, FB.t Mrs. W. Boughen; Centenniali Credit is editor of "The Grow. Plane was a new one, on its faster than plows could k Miute s of lda stmetig :0 pm IS NO W DUE AND "°Prject, by Treas. Mrs. F. Gil- er", officiai organ of the as. second flight (Inter-Island Air) all roads opened and then thP erredaddot.An IS -NO Wmer. AND mer. sociation. and was the last word in con- storm changing to sleet ad The Church, Manse and M. Fr IT Union - Other section chairmen elect- venience and comfort. In the freezing rain, the schools PAYABLE and M. Fund reports were all at the recent convention were: C.P. airplane we had flown at closed at 2 p.m. Friday ad given by Treasurer C. M. (apples) Harold Bonter, of 35,000 feet, but this I.I. Air, buses took the puils hoan .ones, and a vote of apprecia-ew Carrrying Place; (commodi- did not fly so high and we had lest it get rauch wors eu Do as ilb aalbe ttefolwn tion to the U.C.W. members ties) Art Shantz, Ridgeville; a good view of the lakes and fortunatl ain ceased efore Rab'e Clin' •: was made, for their financial . Otro amrs n (greenhouse) Vern Toews, waterways. dark UUAn Ies les- assistance. .TeOtroFres non Ruthven; (anions) Chre Members of my family met Saturday ver fortym . Mrs., Roy Farrow's name will be requesting meetings Srokoz, Grand Bend; (potato)lme at Wellington and I was bers of the N to.y mem- Feb. rd -- • - - nnisille Hall was ddedto thse o the th a un ber the orgamiza- Bud Crang, Alliston; (tender soon .settled in the home of Club toured some of thisare;..9 6pieahl ilM rh3 Feb. 3rd Enniskille Hal Session, epltacing s. M.teten, ieuig teOntario fruit) Reg Merritt, Grimsby; my nmece Marion who lhves im taking picture.At onte Feb 7h -- - amtonTw.SGrasibal, deplcased . o mth Stockyards Commission, in the (turnip) Smith Griffin, Ac- a spacious bungalow high upl gathered in the Chrisoin ted Feb 7t .. .. Hmpon wp.Gaage XiBoaldecSeads, For the very near future concerning a tn(vegetables) AI Collins, over Cook's Strait where at ucation room of the Uanie three year termi, members are: proposal for a beef marketing Woodbridge.' the moment dozens are bathing Church and Uniyd hted Also. may be obtained at any time at wm. Stapleton, Melville Sam- plan mn the province. The Others elected were Gerry at the beach far below. key dinner wew edahtr- Township Office, Hampton-Murack K all;-e, arlatemsudysalthaspreseProducts rsentatie totha sensec-."h verup ' except thehrbors UC.WeEte.Ua e Boughen, Mrs. Margaret Elli- Marketing Board in Toronto tion, Charles Huffman of Har- and business streets down Hearty cnrtliost W. E. RUNDLE Ott; 1-year termi, Clinton Far- this past week. row as OFA representativeitown. Away back in the years Reeve Merril laCtont CENTURION /67-A EupetSoaeSe rBr row.Frd.Hndeson hli, In announcmng somne of the and Dr. John Brown as repre- volcamec eruptions and earth- being elected mp e. on Township Clerk. Gilmer. dtiso h rpsdpasnaiet the Canadian Hor- quakes threw up huge mounds we neglected th r at en.Sry koagaae Treasurer, C. M. Jones; Or- Walter Miller, second vice ticultural Council. and hills of lava and soil and Mr ad Mrs a whLre ganist, Mrs. F. Gilmer; Asst. president and chairman of the Winner of the 'Master Seed on the hills the homes are attended thersOalhtarern-Eooia osn Organist, Mrs. R. Best: Sun- OFU Marketing Committee Potato Award was Smith E. built at every angle, steps sey Association arneio Gen- cnmclhuigin satyr idn errnas A obmmmw m day School Superintendent, C. said the proposai covers three Griffin, 96, fi- Erin, nt. Mr. leading up to them, or downOtaaTedcovnonifrm8 mt rIVso SWIne Feeding and Management ular weekly one, making it ing into the agricultural so- ly _priýed As this Is berry Professor R. P. Forshaw, Swine Specialist from the Friday night, Sunday after. ciety, and is an accepted fact saso every home smells of Animal Science Department, Ontario Agricultural Col.. no-n oda ihfrthtnihrte1rdcri a making - delicious fruits loge, University of Guelph will discuss various aspects the league-leading Newton- general or the consuming pub- are mnexpensive. Apples, apri-P E W en fedig an maagemnt.ville team. lic benefit from it. HWMC O A cots, bananas, lemons, pears, on eeingan mnagmet.(3) Carry out very neces- HWMC o A etc., come in March. Honey is Anti-Rabies Vaccination Clinics'foraldg«n asi h Special Film s~~~~~~~ary research intevrosSV NYU A exported the whole year round County of Durham will be held at the time n lcslse e The meeting will start promptly at 10:00 &.m. wilth NESTLE TON .markes t eorethwa,agarheeaeawasfoes o w a special film on disease control presented by Mr. F. wea whee.reby sthe farmer INSURANCE WITH thWalkirg do astrtin ThAg is rie is ofefreoff l achreb heCndàDprmn W. Copp representing Eli-Lilly Company. Frses'Lde pr ce for e vrsaifctory STATE FARMI Woenntoofmn es. Mri , o ricultuhere, Hefr altofinaimasBaondalonr.aeugdt Annual Meeting « ~~~~~The regular meeting of The type of research requir- oe fmn ae.Moi reetterdg o acain "Court Lady Snowbird" For- ed is of a socialogical natureFgas nin BiihIda The Annual Meeting of the Durham County Hog esters' Lodge was held on as the farmers problem todayChnsJpeeNgos R BE CLINICS - QURHIC U T Produers Association willbe heldt during the course Sunday, Jan. 29 at 1 o'clock is not one of efficiency of pro- from various lands intermixed ef the day with the election of committee men at in the Nestleton Foresters' duction, but rather receivn with British, French and Span- 3:00p.m.Hall , asatifactry rturnon lbourish and Eastern Europeans. 16 PLACE ~TM This -was nomination and and investment, with stability Ap stpaelte fweaNther does """" ••••••-... ..... Lunch election day. The officers for in the market.nt ui eolefomNoter Bacsoc C itrHl Do-its, efe ad andices il beprvidd or 1967 are: President, Sister May Mr. Miller said, "The Jack ef Europe or Russia and there are Feray3d E sil mu:0a..-200on an hosated o carebyth Cuny og Parker; Vice-President, Sister young farmers available and onyU. ewfoCnaaAndNwisten Community Hal 2:0pm.-500pm Pauwers on.tf e hrg-b teC«t 0 Jean Bolon; Chaplamn, Sister willing to take over agri-S.. February 4th NwateCmuiyCnr 00 ..-1:0no P»d m meefln.Marion Scott; Recordmng Sec. cultural production 1s alarm- I am taking notes regarding Bowmanville Fire Hall1:0 e Prises ~retary, Sister Anne Lee: Sec- ing," and pointed to the fact thevaroustres.Tusessndi.mp-Hall.m retatry-Treasurer, Sister Marg that the current dairy short-.lwr n atSna pn February 6th BethayowOrnhi Hall 93 ..-1:0no who are o m , e. mw e a r ee bduncte Sser Dor thy ag eare Indicative of this. a r np isn teotanhleotpolOrneHal200pm.-500pm *ioo$ 6ta.» &. Elliott; Inner Guard, SMster OFU bes been as ed the in. memory of the wife of a February 7thrn TownrgHall930am.-120 no This sin y by the Du Caro Doyle: Outer Guard, operation of the Farm • DIRK BRINKMAN Wellington citizen and all Twsi aae apo :0pm :0pm and tié SstrIen .ai.ducts M dn rd, pro- phoe 0336 nd in er ch blhr hus- February 8th Canton Fre Hall93 a 2 0no y b er th t8 to bmm th eyhs nth e e o o s . F eb ru ary 9th Po n t p e n H a B n n t 1m . - 2:0a -he-io-mn eey ore. Gorgeous la Clinics in Ontario County will be held ncmlto fDra Yesteday 1I drove north . a cst eanucdltr