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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1967, p. 12

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-,.-...~ - ,~.--.s. '-~. The Canadim OSttesman, EownmvMe, leb. 1, 19W Births eUAKER-Haârry -mad Linda wish to announce the blrth of & daughter "Tamara Leigh- Aime" on January 4th, 1967,1 et Mernorial Hospital, Bow-1 manville. Special thanks ta Dr. Keith Siemon. 5-1 BUTLER - Robert <Singer Bob) and Theresa are happy ta announce the arrivai of a son, Donald Thomas, January 14, 1967, at Memnoriai Has- r ital, Bownianville. Special hanku ta Dr. Ewert. 5-1 ENATIUK - Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hnatiuk (nee Jean- ette Boe) are pleased ta an- nounce the birth of their son, Van Paul Alexander, an Jan- uary l2th, 1967, at Grace Hos-1 pital, Toronto. 51 KENNETT - George and Eveline wish to announce the sale arrivaI af their daughter Evelyn Grace, on January 24th, 1967. A sister for Robert and George. Special thanks ta Dr. Anfossi and the Maternityl Ward staff. 5* ORMISTON-Garry and Ann (nee Tangelder) are proud ta announce the arrivai of a son, Paul Richard, 8 lbs. 8ozs., on Wednesday, January 25,t 1967, at the Oshawa Generali Hospital. 5-1 THOMPSON-Mr. and Mrs.t Éon Thompson (nee Darrach) announce the arrivai af their diaughter Deborah Anne on January 25, 1967, at Me- marial Hospital, Bowman-C ville. 5-11 * Egagement 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowan, Enniakillen, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Cheryl Anne, ta Allen Law- rence West, son af Mrs. Stella West, Cobourg and the late Mr. Elmer West. The inarriage ta take place at Hampton United Church on March 4th et three o'clock. 51 OSMMO -EGALLANT-The mnarriage was solemnized af * Gemmfa Marie, daughter af Mrs. Ernest Gallant and the late Mr. Gallant, Shediac Bay, N.B., and Robert H. Os- borne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Narry Osborne, Bowmanville, on Saturday, January 28, 1967, ln St. Joseph's Church, Bow- nianville. .5-1. DeathsE MA PIN, Nancy Alle-EMter- ed into rest at the Community nospital, Port Perry, January M 1 I967 Nancy Alice Clewett, C ardas of Thanks Sincene thanks ta relatives and -friends for their visits, cards, gilta and kindness dur- ing my recent stay in hospite. unî special thanks ta Mrs. Morrison, nurses on Surgical Floor and staff, alsa ta Doc- tors Sylvester, Spnouil and Hubbard. Albert Hilîs. 5-1 The famiiy of the late Wal- lace Holmes wish ta express their sincere thanks ta neigli. boums and friends for thei kindness and sympethy dur. ing their receat bereavement. Special thanks ta Rev. Wood- land, Mm. and Mm.. W. T. Lake, and the Marris Funemal Chapel. 5-i We would like ta thank our 'fiends and neighbors for the loveiy gifts- preseated ta us et Br.wn's Scbool in honour af aur recent wedding.- A speciai thanks ta May Sinclair, June Wilson and Joan Couch for making this presenattian possible. Judy and Andy Herrell._ We wish ta express aur sin- cere thenks ta aur fniends and aeigbboums for their tbougbt- fulness and beip wbea we lost aur home; also te the New- tonville Women's Institute and also ta the Clarke Township and Col. Giles Fine Dopent- monts for their efforts ta con- trol the fine. Jean, Jack Ogdea and Maay tbanks ta my friends, relatives, Tiity U.C.W. for cards, flowers, visits and gifts. They were deeply appeciated. Thenks alsa ta Dm. K. Slem- on, staff af Memorial Hos- pital, Dr. Grant, Osbawa; doc- tors and staff af neumo-surgi- cal Floor 12 af Toronto Gea- oral Hospital. Mrs. H. T. Hircock. 1 Stark-My grateful thanks ta relatives, aeighburs, frieads and organizations ,for cerds visits. gilts and flawers ne- ceived wie in Oshawa Hos- pital; also ta my family since eturning home. Special taks ta Rev. Dougherty, Eaniskîl- len, and Dr. McKinney and nurses on 2D for cane and kindaess. Elizabeth Stark. 5-1 At this time I wauld like ta express rny appreciatian and sincerest tbanks toalal my Iieads and good neighbours for the abundence of cerds, letters and flawers, ail beer- ing siacenity and wondu of encouragement sent ta my wife during hem mcent ilinnas in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Richard Manning. 5-1 *Lcust Hil(fommerly af Scer-1 borough), wife of the bate Jobaston-The family af the Norman Randalph Meppin late John Alexander (Allie) Moutned hy deugbter Lucie Jahaston af Blackstock, wisb (Mns. Herbent G. Luko), to express their sinceme tbaaks Locust HIi; son John R., for the meny kindnesues and Nestîetan, and eigbt grand- undemstanding of relatives childnen ad anc greet grand- and neighbors during bis child. Funerai was heId on lengtby ilîneus, for the floral January 30 with intorment in tnibutes, cerds and sym'patby, Pine Hills Cemetery. 5-i*;ta Dr. Diamond, Rev. Romeril _______and McDerm'ott - Panabeker Fuacral Home, also the U.C. MUR.RAY, Mary Reanie-At W. for their services. 5-1 Memoriel Houpital, Bowmnan-1 ville on Tuesday, January 31, The family of the late Mn.. 1967, Mary Robertson ci 38 Elizabeth Ana Porter wish ta Concession St. E., wife af the express siacome thanks and ap- late Robent Grant Murray, precietion ta their neîghbours, dean mother o aKy af Baw- friends and relatives fan actu manrville, Mrs. J. Kirng (Fran) of kindness, cards af sympa- of Hamiltoa, Mrs, J. P-amerthy and floral tributes neceiv- (Agnes) and John, bath ofled during their recent be- Tornot; ister af James Rab- reavemeat. With special thanks ertson af Floride, gandmth- ta Dr. McKeazie end the aurs- Jer af Joan and Kay. Retingjiastfonheecdfoo et the Northcutt and Smith gaffMeon tlhaspctad, Bow- Funerel Home. Funeral seron- menrlealunp tevllero- ice et 2 o'clock Fiday after- ton, the Comstack Funerel noon. Interment Bowmanville Home and Trinity the Mersb Cemetery. 5-1 W.A. 5-1* PETHICK, Rosa M-On Tues- In Memoriam day, Jenuery 24, 1967, et the BY-Iafn eayo Doctonu' Hospita], Toronto, BY -nfn eoyo Rosa M. etbck, elbed ur dean mora and gradma, mother af Mrs. W. H. Cumie Aeray fJ., wh1p965. aay (Elle), and dean gradmother Fhun lh 95 iof Mms. H. Humble (Joyce), You feIb asleep without good-ý Q and Mmu. D. F. Ault (Dorothy bye Ana). Rested et the Earie But memories af you wil ,Elliott Funenel Home. Service .nover die. was heid in the Chepel. Fmi- Quietly remnembered through! day, 2 p.rn. Interment Mount the yeamu,1 Pleesent Cemetery. 5.1* Witb silent thougbts aad i 1 unseen teers.1 -Even ememhbered by Rossu, VEALE, Dr. William Thomas Peggy, and gmndsons, Ken,"I At I.O.D.E. Hospital, Windsor,!Bob ad Jimn. 5-11 ;January 3lst, 1967, aged 68, 'beloved husbend af Dorotby, RICHARDS-Ia boving me- J der father af Mary, et home, mary of a dean mother and ansd Margaret (Mms. Donald gradmother, Rachel A nn Dudley) of London. Ontaria; Richards, who pessed ewey ibrother af Mrs. Richard Nu- suddenly Jan. 3q, 1956. ge nt of Toronto and Mrs. A mother whn gave us the Leand Payne, Newtoaville. bout years of ber life, Igesting et the J. H. Madîli Who cherished aur secrets, Fuineral Chepel, Harrow. Pua- aur sanmaw, aur stnife, oral service Friday. Februery Who taught us ta love and 3rd et 2 1.M., Bey. W. E. Ald- 1 taugbt us ta pnay, wortb otfciating. Interment, Dean mather ini heavea, God Colchester Memanial Corne-, bleus you today. tery. 5.-11 Yourmbie was unselfish, for 1 others you lived. Reception Not for wbet you received, but for whet you could Mn. and Mrs. Charles Dow- give: ney, 96 Higb Street, will b. Just a loving tbought, just a at borne ta friends and neigb- sulent tour, bons on Setunday, February 11, A beautiful memary ai a froni 2:30 - 4:30 and 7 - 9, mother so dean. Mn the occasion ai their 25th -Lovingly repiembered by vcdding enniversary. Bout deughter Alma, son-in-lawv iWishes onîy. 5-1. Ernie, a nd grandchildren Marina and Allia. 5-1 TutinTURELL-ln lovingm oy of a dear moher Etta who HIGH SCHO0-L aued:away Pcb. 1st 1966. AT HOMEN can tell, In Spmre Time Se sudden on earth the 1~eur f~ OtaluDIPOlhIThe blow was bard, the shock 1. orw botter Job sevene. £ bo*w a tom uetions To, part wîth onc we iovedj S~~ Deare still as years depant, li1 er memory livea wlthini -Sedly mlased by 11elcnanad --Sadlynmissed y wife Annie Jut and family. 5-1* Day ori RIMAR SAVE V2 MEMORIALS $995 Dignified uni Distinctive ette sui mIonaauents - Flat M4arkers chairs,% la designà for aay need anc kitc] 152 Simce B S8., Oshawa six chair 723-10M2 - 728-6627$ar4.95. Office. veahas like neY -Murphy Wanted to Buy 623-3781, 10 ACRE hÏome site,Bowman- ville ares. Write 6 Norwood fory Rd., Toronto 13, Ontario. 4-2 43Gol iS LIVE poultry, aId feutheêr fat remc ticks. M. Flatt, R.P. 1, Betb- WSINUS any. Phione 7 r 13 eoilect.i -~28-tf Cut,v OLD Coins, silver dollars, Nutis Ilarge coppers, etc., etc.; to D fat -w pnîce. Phone 623-3157. = Wf at uy for Murray. 51w a NoUcu sBO' Effective January 25, Twfll FU! no i1008v be respo"ale for debte- ine»red tûs my name. BorlandEuniott. I5*3 , I<wcatled-4* East of Rilson Re Dil 723-8131 nigbt - Bill Leaak,1 20% on Sealy Matt 4 coils, smooth 312 cods. $47.95; aite, buffet, tabf walnut finish, $10 then suite, larget rs, $129; Vinyl en% rs, $18.95; 9 x 12 Trade-in spacee w, foem rubber, yFurniture, KingS yoir freezer, locke tee Beet wtth a] moved betore yen 89e - FRONTI RmIS 57e lb. wrappei and froz No extra charge vaste your mouej sy cool prime steer à upply a lower eet at Se er ls. Il WMANVZJ IGID LOCIU SYSTEMl F»»NS 83-8-5 ad jroar. Phono 2-97.511 LJj(jK SIARTS ~ TO HAVE IT IN Pat -Yeng 6* 23-3077 After 10 TWOBEDOOMpemm ot, THSE ORNNGS A-i SHAPE FOR SPRING Ken Hockin -- 623-50551 Donald ,r-t, eaveilable Feb. îst; also store IRuoul ae 10tfon King St. Phono 623-2911. Dring Your Car la for Workmunship GuaranteeciHRad Fater -Ooo98-81phyllîs trous-~~~~ -niTN-P Fr so sBA owdFoer-Thomas trs-2-tf CHECK-UP adTN-P Fruo sB.A. Broaklil 655-3853 Lyle Mm top, TWO 2-hedrooômapartmeats, Ail wark done hy licensed TAUNTON ROAD George Deaton - dia- Newcastle, semni - furnished; mechunles Poe2325 Port Perry 885-2987 RosDu le, 4 ynung couples with one -child. 1Poe26-315.1 Wesley [39.50; Phono 987-4601. 5-1*, A/. 4-2 G feorge table,ý THE-or ose, gar- VV RI2ý .. oSfor Sale Harold )vened aege, newly decorated, central; g~. BwavleRpi- 95CE.%tnpc-p 2 rug, immnediate possession. Befr 85 KingSt W. _______________________ savon. onces, $110 monthly. 723-0452. Phono 623-3134 Refrigerato i cnition 5l 6-31 C $9. .5-1 1-tf ______________-1 IOOM, 5 -t. W . T E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a id1 9 5 6 F O R D % - ato n tr u c k , im - p h o n oe 6 and. bEatD.parmeat 4poomesu c ted A in e- mculate condition. TelephoeOM sion. Apply Sem's Restaurant, ________Servc- nDue ___ or 14 Division Street, Bownian- Cash on the Spot commercial and Domo"t 62-C-HËVY Il, 4-dr., very reas- ville,_ -- for Dcii o Cripplei Fin ergrain-1m1 olr onable, AI condition. Apply ROC bu.TWO bedoorn heated apent. Stock. Pioked up promptly Phone BERT STR Jack Lynn, Beaver Luniber,. "e mont. Possession immediately. Telephous coflect 263-2721 - »ys - 623-5774 Bowmanvllle. Phone 6231-338. BOOM Chiidren welcome. $90 e argwi1FrFrn Ngt 623-3177 - 5.1 Phone 6______ Mn month. Phono Newtoaviile M rwl u am Ntt CAR INSURANCE DUE??? BOO)M 786-2461. 1-tf TYRONE for gent y o PYIG ig motThceWOLicence No. 4-C-66 Lander Harfdwarfe Join Largest Auto Insurer!!! St., Pho --y en oA, sovean e e and Honor ny 'Bonus Cerd and ELECTIOSxmnhi eim nly. ýrbç omsoeadfrig, _______and___100,___0 - B.I. and P.D. with . arï' hydre, $0 a week and came Ion Deadstock Service Personal$10Cl, le.' 9-year-old boy. Telephone ad$0 o. E 623-7330 alter six. 5.1Stahost Cash Prices for Ded - $34.90 on standard car. pieu.- - bLEorahoaesd Crippici Paru Stock HYGENTOSuppiles (Rubberurue use, l«s thun 7,500 TTV TPME ber ornhueand DRET ~ Fi goods> mailed postpaid in aannuafly, or $48.10 driven to a E guqcentral, Bo 11ile. BRETFRPR plain sealed envelope with work, and aven 7,500 mtiles. at Dusi Xvaiale limediately. Write Phone Lont Distance pnice list. Six samples 25c, Caîl 623-8621 for full informa- Oron. - Advertim.r q4, ce/o Canadien, Zenith 66550 (ne charge te yen) .24 sampes $1 .00. Mail Ordomr tion Car Inuurance ince Seiiui ,^lStatesman, P. O. Box 19(), Dept. Agnlc. Lic. No. 63-C-7 Dept. T-2. Nov.-Rubber &o.1195Ï. Dirk Brinkman, Scugog Calves., n3'tvw SU' 5-1lmoi 9Pl amilton. Onat. 1-52 'N., Bowmanvill.-3£S, Elours Ciii:1 1Mountjoy .623-361& ;McRobble *623.715i tg Donnelly -98j-72U lagn - - 2 8964 )avidson - BethanY SOrS rAnderson -349-3060 SVanflyk -623-7437 1Couti s - 725-2649 orna for Rent private entrance, Tle 623-5610. 5-lt 1or mons (fumisbed). 623-2687. 5-1.- and board aVul43 623-5512. 1and board ava1abli ' ileman. Apply 95 Quee(' ie 623-5213. 5-I., uction Se-les WEEKLY ' l MTOCK SALES haut Colfty sales Aiswg Every Thwru.. :30 p.rn. Sbo", Se . Ir. * flSai tesiM auu. *. DEADLUNE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. m. 'i Coming Events- Articles for Sale- Help Wanted 1 Work Wcmted - Real Estate for-Sale Recrl Estaite for Sale Real Estate forS 9 Dance at Enniskillen Hall, STRAW. Phone 723-1308. 4-2* MEN wented ta learsi diesel. BO in Grade XI desires part- -lFerur 4. Corne and have 100 BALES of goodý hay. Tele- Apply Advertiser 767, c/o The time work. Phone 62-7134 George Blyleven Guy-LEBLANC Peter Kowal,J. agood time. 5-l hno23290 Canadien Statesman, P.O. Box 5_____1__ -poe2324.51190, Bowmanville, Ont. 4-a-mi GR EAL INSRAC Maple G r o v e Monthly SAWDUST for bedding. Télé- -_________ 2 LADY willing ta care forRALO Realtor andLTGE ïEucbre Party, C. E. Hall, phone Thurlow 477-2508. 4-2 EPERIENCED waitress and ebjîdren daily in bier home. Phono 623-5300 EA IN RNC February 4, 8 p.m. 5-le - cook, neat appearance. Apply Phone 623-7316. 5-1 Bowmenvile: 1 % storey 623-7461 52 King St. W. Bowmaiý»1lle ~) ~ p~~; Tyrone all R for sale and delivered, Narthway Restaurant, Higb-h --- - - Cuto 6- o*brck-ous, il- - - 23-45 1 Cg« LMifPolry usoPethibikciuskl on 2325 jýEcery Fridy, niht amais- f ehik263213 way115 and 35, Orona. Tele- Picking, ed o rezr eOne, nlrelt ntario St. Brick bunga- sian. lunch and 45-t freezer.______________onlargn 983-517. , wrecently renovated, îow Svrlnw3bdamb _________________ Adms-_____phoe_93-517.5-t iPhane Newcastle 987-4353. ing price $9,800. Give Us an taxes. Asking only 1, .glows including storms and Mostr îna.ThrsayCLEAN oats and barley straw AMBITIOUS couple who need ___ _________38-tii offer. ycrens11iltinTapanstoes MntrBno hrdyfor sale. Edwin Staube, R.R. more incarne; unusual oppor-EX RThreseig Weluîtadkptre North End. 4-Bedroom brick ailen built an garean toe b -nigbt at 8 ccoclc, sporîsored 3, Newcestle,.Ont. 5-3* tunity forse good earningsWeifor ve n er hme &lbitadcurnedb 3 yteSnyiePrRed -tnt o oderig o onable rates. Phone 728-9063 bedroom brick vne bunga- om, close to school. Asking Osbawa Wood Products. Pric- - Barn oth nOshd ark, 39-tf WATER for sale and delivered, bath; work together part time Oshawa, alter. 5 p.m., Paul low with extra room in base- anlY $9,900. Low down pay- led from $17,268.00 with ane rnNrtOsa. - 24 haur service. Cal 623-5756. or full time. Writç Advertiser Torok. 5-__ * ment. Large kitchen-dining- ment. INHAmartgage et 63/% in- -Plan te attend "Hoot-Nite" 29-tf 786, c/o The Canadien States-- roam and meny other extras. North End. 2-Family home terest. Please 'phone for ap-ý >Fridey, F lebruary 10. Music,00 BALES hey, 45e baie, man, P.O. Box 190, Bawman- WOMAN wishes ta look after This bouse must be seen ta be on 2 acre lot. Asking only pointment to inspect these, vile ~chideninbe onhome, eppreciated. Asking price $14,9(0Tm. any time. acts, displays, for parents and ayqatt.Poo7 4vicinsty oi Central School. $18,900. Trs cireik.52Betbany. 2-6* MALE, qualified tool and die 623-5966. 51QenS.5Pe hwn aatln nDrigo Bowmrenanile Rod a nd Gu-2 HAY and straw and two vaung makers, aise experienced lathe - Four bedrom brick home in uelent St 5Pleoning'st Six 10-acre home sites of Bowmavill a Gn oprato, caableof wrkin GIR Friay Rceptonist ex-cente oftowTonwlrgeipeewTothhia ireelististi Clul arb hldige metigldaingAstnaWomeehntinegtr, apbleaIworinAGILsriin ecetoois, e-Pentene twnonnare.tee met skig 35305, Wo0d0.rce Cal or urberin Thursday, February 2nd 7-10 623-2212.- 5.1 * ta close tolerance, for dlean, perienced in ail phases af lot. New ail furnace. Asking consider house as down pay- 'frmai. modern plant. Top wages' fie ruie References. price $11,900. Terms. ment. rain ?p.m., in the basement aoM- OD ulty bey for sale, benefits, permanent employ- Phone Caurtice 728-0473. 5-1 Courtice - Weil built three w comrilppets smarial_ Park Clubbouse. 5-i any quantity. Phone 623-3097, ment. Apply L & L Tool Ca., MOVING? C 1 e a n i n g Up? bedroom frame bouse with Concession St. Duplex oni on King St., bath showing' r nulSe' omnt Bowmanville. 5-1 Ltd., Simpson Ave. South, or Tbrowing Out? Cal me,, I extra steel and shower -in corner lot of 118' x 175'. Ask- excellent return for the priv- Club Card Party will be held STUDEBAKER Service, new write P.O. Box 329, Bowman-1will take away discardebles' walkaut besement.*Large lot. ing only $15,9()0. Lwdw t netr atteadused parts. Grahams vle.4 free (Avaid the spring rush).!Suitabie for V.LA. Asking paymient. Three bedmaam frame hua- 1967, 8 p.ffi. Eucbre and 5()() Garage, 416-263-2233. 43tf WATDMl rFml 623-7276. 4-tf price $15,900 -Trs le Admission 50c. Lunch and SHEARED raccoon fur coat Do you bave ton or more boursj PAINTING and Decortîng- 1 On Higbway 2 east of New.lIn ors euse - l9-449 ao Schmilbe st h aem przs _ 571 witb metcbing pilîbox bt week that you can use te1Qaity workmanship andmacste large treed building wlot., .Jrenen- 8-491'on Sool buses right atl size 14-16. Cal 263-8885. meke extra maney represont- tenials, guaranteod. For free Pricod to seli.151 Plnt atn Pnae2-4* ing aur firm in your erea? 1lostimates telephone Landerý Orona - Large ravine build- !Alter 9 P.m. PIease Cal: Supper-St. John's Anglican - Ol requisîte is that YouJbe;IHardware, 623-5774. _ 1figltwt ee-aln ideW.FrnkRai "ae . .Cd -6324 5:30- SKuedaLSAWb. , 5:0- SKLSAWto andate3-tf,1 ing lot wiwith tnever-andeilingK Ewide, xpvrerrank cRek.LTwnawterA.aiL. Code A. M -r623-264526 7 p.m. Admission: Adults 75c, $20; new Honda scooter, 50 cc., have a car. No investment. OKEPR xeinecek onwtraalbe LIMITED D .Mergr-9746 children under 12, 50c. span- hall price, $165. Cal 623-2401. Contact Don Hill, giving sales requires full or parttime work, Asking price _$2,900. _________St._Jon's________5_ lin office or home. Avatlable 21 Kinir St. W.. Bowmunville !P. Kowal Jr.-- 623-5868 somedby S. Jon's Gild-_________________5L'~experience, at 337 Caleman St.,lFb1 e ar uisto ak6339 ettes. 5-1 KEYS cut eutoatically, while Belleville. 5_,,1Fb. 1.s t a rtriaif ll s Jcohn39 Bowmanville and District you wait, et McMullen Hard- -o alahne 23885and O T 1 C A R T emeDObwae DistrictF.D W h Horticultural Society meeting were, 36 King St. E., Bowmen- TRUCK aRV R 53lter- ea saeBor ELESAELD ta be held in Library Audi- ville. __t Trîctor-trailer Driver Wînted B .Ld..1 ea1lor 1 rn tet Bowmnville, etel a Poo6335 torium, Wedaesday, Feb. 8tb SEAL out winter weetber Must have expemience and . BA AR S B cted- -a bick haly omePoneon3395 FrtzMntwibSupreme windows and cla record - Apply .)Wfalle HrsySre.Lt6'x190.18 CE AMnGo tpeaker . itz elcMarta, idoors. LameHrse Alee. ot nx ote0lCRphone oo týpakr Spca p.m. Mr.os.Lrn lln tlphn Plumbing & Heating 6320 Garage. Fruit trees. only buildings, large stream. Ex- new members. 5-1 623-3871. 5-2 CURVPLY62-53$250 aytri.cle bfanganfrm BUIGor selling fumniture i/O RO U T 35 Nelson St. Bowmunville $250 aytrs oln c n ri am _______________ Bowmanville, Prospect St. - Asking $30,000. Terms. MONSTER BINGO or appliences, caîl Elmer, _________ 1-tf 1 1400 SQUARE FOOT brick i6-rombrenlt65x10.55ARFRMnerB - k Hampton: business 263-2294 - OronoER I PRFC bungalo0w with electric beat..6àmhm nlt6'x10' 5AR AM erBw THURSDAY NIGHT. 8 o'co residence 263-2695. 6-tf1-- -- R I PE F C Large liv. roam - din. raom Nice dlean borne. $12,900 - manville. Modernized naturel Sponsored by the Junior W REAL ESTATE CAREER PLUMBING & HEATING with braadloorn and firepiace.lTerms. stone house. Barn. Stream, CabroComre BARGAIN Sale - Al l nwWanted - A full time reel Pol6334ai larecp ice'9Ace nTw fBw nd pond. Facing, two paved ChumBIErof CIommece furniture, stove, frig, deep- estate Agent for Bowmanville hn 63340clovr ît teew "OiteW 9mAvireswinThotwen 1of omroads. Cal:George VanDyk JUIE AVLO freezo with warranty, tablejra eln xeinepe, PO o 59cvrdwt h e Oie avlewt ttl -"12-47 OSHAW 8-tfchais.PCai 6Box0515992 carpet; 100' x 200' lot. Carport. brick home. ideal for sb _Ierred. Join one af Caaada's '78 Ontario St., Bowmanville!'819,900 - $4,700 down. division. Only $45.000 - Temms. SCUGzOG ISLAND. 76 Acre Annuel meeting af Durham EIGHT-foot meat couriter, largest realtors. Experiencod1-fONY$600orti3 Orono - Beautiful linishedlborme 011 heateding4-p fCounty Milk Producers, Orono $150.00 or best aller. Poo aagrt bl yu trn 'eom brck$bngalw0brckfhmes y OCONS Town Hall, Frîday, Februery Newcastle 987-4637, Trailway promotional assistance. Con- SEPTIC TANK Largo attractive mec. room. Ex-. CONSTRUCTION. Lots 75' xBeapn.Cî:Tm o- 3rd, 8 p.m., ta elect Directors Snack Ber, East Newcastle. tact Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I., Vice- etoacndinthug-20.$690-Trs.Clnly98764 for the corning yeer. Two 5-1* President, H. Keith Ltd. PUMPING cpinlcniintrub 0' 1.0 em.Cî el 8-24 membrs o th Ontrio ilkout. Paved drive. Lots aIo for eppointment et once ta 112 ACRE FARM, with 7 emesoteOnriMikSHELLED dried coma $62.50oRealtor, 181 Eglinton Ave. E.lomdhm. an tem Marketing Board will be pros- prtn FB Bove Toronto_12,_487-3333. 2-41WHITEWASHING STABLES sbrubs, etc. Orcbardview Bivd. înspect. roe oe aa tem ont. p ____ -s errn FewcstB. BrTelehn_2 i BERT TOMPKINS HOSPITAL AREA. 3 Bed- TaunlyR$3,0at.01 acrenMoutali:6233614 Wa iw omniyCn r 987-4474 tlange c-por LJ.KI VT Phn etavî 86-2552 Iroom bungalow in good con-Tano adEs.1aceMutoy62314 -Mostr Bi go Teny dliery ____________2tf ia, ccura-te CerT P hone eCiii lc 417 I dition. Stave, dryer, fridge, Ith mdr 1,500 sq. fi. 100 ACRE FARM.Ony1 gaes-twny ollars; fivnte 268BEATT te rangehinsck-pom-rqle _______________T eil uec nlddranch bungalow, lireplece. 1 minutes ImmOsbawe. Brick0 games-tweny dolars;live d ÈÉTTY sanchFRANKm- BRINKe Garage. $15,500. Ternis. acre in raspberries %h acre home, gaod bamn. Streemr. gaîies-thirty dollars; $150 plote with water bowls, aie FR$1400DOWBwINbK tistrewberries. 1,150' paved Prîced ta seli. jackpot, and two jackpots et 2-unit DeLavel magnetic milk- ImmeUlaLely I-4-rorn home in Newtoaville.oarnag. nl$250-Sema, ARPRCL $250. Doar pmr i zoeu. Next ing machine, complote. Tele- for eompunyI Trenching Almau idn.1ageltrs for sale. Ail partly wooded,. Oshwa46-tf -$[6Nc0t0e-fullom amos Soe wthstream. Pricedý Ondypawa. eapoo 2-12.53 in Orono SPI AK$.00fl rc. fr new brick borne on lot 75' x 'fmom $5,000 Up. _______ __-COB Comn, $40 tan; aisoe INSTALLATION 1 $8,900 FULL PRICEfo thîs '2'. hsbatflhm 4 CEFRwt EXPO TOUR S quaniyh 45e bale, deliv- Person with Initiative and Hampton 263-2270 !very attactive and ~cornfort- must be seen ta be appreci- oorned borne, 2 barnis and a erdi -o r100 bales or pleasunt telephone menner altw bedroom. hom ated. 2,000 sq. It. af livingfm pnscAkn $500 more. J. A. Carscadden, tele- Wie24-tf south end an Bwrnavilpenspcs. aturl stne$font0e0ms FistChs camodtin'aPhono 983-5769. 3-tf ?iT- Camport. Large lot. and rpl,3, bethmoons. DIY28arsa MONTREAL DINNERWARE-SAL- Sets Advertiser 785 V A N' - R 0* DUPLEX, with goad month- Only $22,060 ý Terms. e AIng FARMW2t4870creas* on display in aur wîndow, see c/o The Canadien Stîtesman Pîtr ly incarne. Ont. St., Bowrnan- sbwHroyRa- -a ingpur eenHlin c0 ha.. For information, contact special r e du ced p ri c es. _P.O. Box 190, -Bowmunviiie - ville.. Asking $15,000. bedroam 8-year-old bungalow. Full lineof ac ehirery. Largo COLMER Jeellry 29 King HIERE'e YOUR KEY TOA a27 Decorators TWO ACRES witb older 3- Lot 52' x 150' Only $14,900 - snilir quota. Cali:LyeM- -_LBIG INCOME - MAIL TD î7Elgin St. - BowmunviIIe bedromornoe. Has 3-rocîm Ternis. an '322-3964. TR V L E VIEINSULATION, blowing rneth- The W. T. Rawieigh Ca. Ltd. I apartment nentiag for $40 mon. Oshawa, Whitmen Crescent NEWCASTLE. Alrnost new, TR V L SR IEod, with rock wool. Work- Dept. B-140-HY, Phone 6337 35' x 50' barni plus greenhouse -Brick borne witb epetment very well kept. 5 Roarned. Telephne 62-3265mamihp guaantee. Fre 4005Richeieu,_________.Q 39-tfiand tbree chicken bouses. in hasement. Excellent velue brick bungalow. Hollywood, T ele h o n e 623 - 5 e n i p ue H rantee . WF r e nt005 Rie Ieum ntreal P Q. __ __ __in__ __ _ ___ - $9500 - $3,000 Down. t only $21500. k1tche. W all t a w ll flnoo Phestimates, H e 8L.2W5detGentle: Iarn ae gdla JACK BURGESS NEWCASTLE - Brand new * * *covering. Cleen as a pin.' _________________ hoe ewoile 8625.thewrd aosRe ihbrick borne on Andmew Street. Large lot, lawý taxes. $3500. BO'WMAN VILLE USDwse at, 3- Lineon an OIL DURNERS - FURNACES '$16,600 - Modemn 2-year-old Fîrms a nd dw matns () an-tme ass LENEobme on Oetley Ct., $ 18,000)(- 10 Acres withbhouse and ONLY $3.000 DOWN. New BA M N O L BBeatty, Thon and Crosbey ( ) Full-time Basis PLUMBNG REPAIES 4 bedroom brick homo with bhrm neer Newcastle. Oaly 5 raomed, brick bungalow. Ah appliances, nationaîîy ' ( )r Please send meFEI PHONE HAMPTON large extra lot on Emily St., $14,000. mdm cneine.Lre V A LE N T IN E Maret, HeaIfmtniture 4. ddy'fulklBookand ato 263-2151 $11,600. - Terms. 10 Acres neer Newcastle. lot. Low taxes. Hepo.234-1. wîth---u-- --t------ ORONO - $2.000 dlown. Good building land. $3.800. INCOME HOME. Pertlyý D AN CE N------- - Mail Address: 'Branel new 3-hedroomn brick 2 Acres witb sprngs et rented. Large lot with streamn. T Y PE WR IT ERS, $49, na Address - ------------ ---P0. Box 543 - Bowmunville bungalow, $15,800. Leskerd. Very pretty cottage Close ta shopping area. Only' I i iyFe . Ith money down, $2 wkly. Add- ýCity --- - - - - -!~rDAk BUILDING Lots. Three - or home site. $3.500. $3.000 down. e.auuy e~ .. J rs, Ceshiers, File Cab., fldw,lProv. -L--LJ------Y-I.--L---- ----'-4 AN 158' lots an Third St. Aiso six 50 Acre farm near Hemp- FAMILY HOME, 4be- DICK VALLEAU used, rentals, service, tredes.------------dLie f lakebe- AND IS RCHETRA BillHamlton Ralan Nonh -5-1 EXCAVATING 10'ltonrdLoaICak ton. 5-roamn home witb 4-pco. roams. AIl modemn conveai- Bill amiltn, Ralan Twp., 1 mile Irom Highway bath, ail fumnace. Large hemn onces. Recreation room. Double ADHSOCET AIof Oshawa). 42-tf ! REAL ESTATE SALESMAN LOADING - TRENCHING I 115, et $2.000 eacb.fo15hg.Stem$200lt.Due gag.Pic Daning10 1 ONTARIO grawn faundation We require e salesman taSaid, Gravel, Top Solalind 1foI50 T 1tra.*2,00lo.D3500 aag.Prc TICKE TS AT DOOR seed potatoos, Sehego and represent us in the BomnFllDlvre I a iad - 2-37 Tr n y $1,0. 4-2 Kennebec, $3 for 75 lb. hag, ville-Newcastle area. This isi 2-i-Hour WATER SERVICE IMilford MeDanald - 623-3911',1 crLtAkfr. om RaviE lot in 286wmanvil]e -dicnton large quantities; an oppartunity ta become as-i1 Reusonuble Rates IWiîf Hewke, Orono 983-5274 home, large haras. New 37' with stmeam. Cal: George Durham County Hog Pro- aise discount with Jenuamy saciated with a well known1623-5756 - DO WMAN VILLE lHoard Wight - 623-2524 silo. Neer Betbany. Only VanDyk 623-7437. ducers' Association Annuel order. Phono 983-9119 Orono. expending campany. We would Drt$250-TmsCUNR HOE No' Meeting, Tuesday, Februery 4-4_____ ipr0ef apersan, man an ladyl BAR E & BYAM IooyViviun -263-21.1 2,58-Tens CUTRJOE.Nw 7th, 10 a.m. ta 3:30 p.m., Odd- with Real Estate expenience110Acesokfrn eabikbuglw itgrg. Fellows Hall, Orono. Speak- CONTEMPORARY living room but wauld ho pieased ta talk i PLUMBING & HEATING Livestock For Sale Ida. Excellent 7-room brick Oil heeted, 4-pce. bath, anly- ers: Gardon Tobey, Swine sot, pale lamp, Hoover apant- ta an inexperienced persanl SALES & SERVICE 1bre odbrs od el19mntsfo saa Hosn <anng;Pof .ment wesher and fihberglasswbo bas selling experience'1 24-HOUR 1i2 GOOD pigs, sevea weeks velue et $25,000 - Terms. Cal: George VanDyk 623-7437.. Houing(monin); rof curain, 9" x96"and0 ae slligiaid; pool table, like new. CaIlý 400 Acre stock farm et OHW G. Forshaw, Swine Rations utin,9"x 6 n atcan wants tae aesligj unrSrie7621.51 ehn.Sra rse n Between the boums af 2:00 îng 96" x 54" AIl artïies their career. We aller P.ST., 1*3ehn.Sra cosse- ROAD, 4 bedroom brick by- a'ciock and 3:00 'ciock in theo bus then seven montbs nid. CGroup Insurance, direct Toron- SEPTIC TANKS AND I FIVE Holstein beifers, two ieIr.Ecletbikbvlwt eki aeet altemnoon of abave rnentioned Phono 623-7687. 5.1* ta ieeds and refemrals. Com- TILE BEDS regiutered, three grade; due in home, painted haras, 3 roiad Finished mec. room witb large- date, Nominations for County - - 'mission besis. PHONE March. John Bansma, 986-4478. frontages. Only $55.000 - stone firepiace. 2 Bedrooms.. Committeemen under the On- ]FIRTH BROS I HAMPTON 263-2289 5-1 Terms. 'Laundry raom, etc. Priced ta. Contact in confidence, H-. Di. TYRONE 263-26508 - 97 Acre Tobacco Famm. New sli. taria Hog- Producers' Market- 47 Kin E. Phone 623-5081 Hoad, Country Property Di- -- -LANDRACE boars, 8rnonths Pla hohel. . ~ ad, 75eac; aso12-we arhe 45' x 80'. Modemn 8-S BUNGALOW, with ail mad-, ing Plnwili e el.If ) DBRING VOUR BEEF vision, Gibson Willoughby' ...P...f T E1t'DTknid s.$C5 ecaiewe Alla îr romhome. Five kilas, two an "tio n rsLreq uired f or C c m E aid p ig s. C a en e. i ae n c an v en ien ces, on 2 acres. ' eetoiseuiefoCm- OR PORK TO US 'Limited, Realtor, 46 Eglinton rehus.oeamim imitteeýmenil. wîll h ei nWéSeluiela... vne atTrnt 2 dm har e-post -CIEHrfrd adAi-qipetin2ddas -- 1 jý%TTTÉ"%Te ern x TMe"

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