* ~ fi4b1n ~ f~~ 14i -e -p Pag4 u WMNVIL, NARO WDNmAYinB Rv1 11 -j2ý00 Physiotberapy Treatments Rabies Clinics 34,699 Pounds of WashigStJ nAe Secase o theincreage i - . wthelncideneof rables la Accounts a m o u n t in g to Fleming, Q.C. Mr$. S. G. Mc- *36,166.2 were plssed for Murter, Iiarry Jose, New- payment at the meeting of the castie; William A. Kilpatrick, 'Board efDirectors of Memorial Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Clarke ilosbita1 held in the Board Township; James Stutt, Dr. Boom lat Wednesday even- Keith Siemon, Dr. -Allan B. "nag Board' Chairinan Keîth Sylvester. W. Rex Walters, and Jacikson presided. - Hospital Administrator Bern- Others present et t .he meet- ard Holden. .Iwere Tom Cowan, Hl. A. Mr. Cowan was appointed Barron, Darlîngton Township, treasurer, and Mr. Holden, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, President o secretary. Dr. Slemon pre- the Hospital Auxiliary; Hiugh <TURN TO PAGE TWO>, Odd Fellows Prepare for Officiai Opening 0f Their New Building The new Centennial Temple Following the de on Queen St., built by Florence 'a 25-year jewel ww 'lghtlngale Lodge No. 66, In- to Bro. Clifford IV dependent Order of Odd .Fel- a resîdent o! Toroi ipws, 'vas recently the meet- cousin, P.G. Malco Ikg plice for local members on behal! of the lod and visitors from Oshawa, District Deputy G IBrooklin, Port Perry, Lindsay, ers f rom Districts ]Peterborough, Campbellfor d 4 n rn Tweed, Cobourg, Port Hope, Gan 4 aW Grn Orono. when the local Initia- ie anamaker,1 tbry Degree Teamn conferred brought grcctings1 the work on two candidates districts and Grar from Port Perry and one from; The official openf Prt ope. iheld later this mont Farmstead Improvi egrce work, as presented Moore, now ObJective M967 U 987 Bowma nville Centennial Fund Receipts ta date: iPrevious Total Jan. 27- Toronto Dor Bank )nto, y his OM- âO- <'uanA4m Tnrial 'JlU, Moore, Bank"of The Bowmanville Branch of special mention to groups fromI dge. Commerce 25.00 the Canadian Cancer Society Trinity Church, St. Paul'a 1 Totl $5,29.58held their meeting in the Church, Pentecostal Church.1 arand Mast-Toa $5195 Lions Centre on January 24, Christian Reform Churh, 41, 42, 43 Expenses to date: 1967, with Pres. Clarence Bell Baptist Church, St. Andr ew's, 1Conductorintecar Church, Canadian Order of' Port Perry,'50-50 Draw Seller --- 250.00' in the chair. j rono frmtei 050Da Wne 13OW The meeting opened with Frses n rmOoo from their 50-50 Draw Winncr "300~0the singing o! O Canada,wih MsMdene erlya- ind Lodge. Operating Expenses - 7.2 r. crly tthi scmaniebyMrs.Merkly.1 ing will be Total $1,627.82 followed by a prayer by Rev' at the piano, rendered three' th. ________________ Gilchrist of St. Andrcw's liyely dance selections on the j -- Church. violin. Mr. Bell wclcomed the In the absence o! the Sec-! rement Awvard people 0 the meeting, with retary, Mrs. D alr h' NEW AW CMING Dunn. It was moved by Mrs. i NEW AW CMING B. Syer and secondcd by Mrs. A ncw law coming into cf- S. McMurter that the minutes fect early in March makes it be approved as read. A list mandatory for people ta deter o! the officers for the Ye'ar ~ifrom smoking around gas 1966-67 was read. ~,pumpa at service stations. More The Service ta Patient' re- details will be available latcr, Port was given by Mr. B. no doubt, but it is understood Syer, in which she statcd iat "<the maximum penalties go as transportation had been the high as $10000. TURN TO PAGE TWO) $7,022.0 $7,000.00 $6,000.0 $5,000 .00 $4,000.0 =2000 Cancer Society' Branch tIiJs area, severai inoculation 1 Olin have been arranged ictepets#- 1be found ln an adveriise- ment on page 10 of this Isue.. REMOVE THOSE CARS If you leaVe your car parked on Bowmanville streets over- night, you may wake up in the morning and find it has disappeared. The parked ývehicles are creating quite a nuisance for ýsnow removal operations. So, ifyou leave it, be prepared to pay the cost of having it towed away. Rotary Ladies COMSBACK - We Iearn this morning that the Bowmani.ville- 1956 Ontario Juvenile Hockey' Champions are planning to stage a comeback. They, weIl play an exhibition game against Bowman- ville's 1967 Juverniles on Saturday, Feb. llth, 9 p.m. at the Memorial Arena. llowever, there is a problem. The. former champions are trying to locate what the moths have lef t of their old sweaters. If anyone knows where they are, please contact Vince Vanstone at 3-2354. i. i. . i. i DONATION >- The Canadian Club of West Dur- hani has sent a cheque for $100 from the Winnifred Werry Memorial Fund to Bowmanville Public Library. It will be used to purchase reference books in xnenory of Mrs. Werry, the club's Charter President. t f. i. i. t CHANGES - The Balmoral Motel, more recently called the Bowmanville Motel, now has a new name. In future it will be called The Castie Motel. A huge new sign was installed proclaiming the new name this week. Also, it is expected that following_ extensive renovations, the hotel will hold a Grand Opening in the near future. i. t t t i. DOCTOR.--- Don't forget Bowmanville Drama Worksbhop's big production at the Town Hall this Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Wynne Wonnacott is directing the three-act comedy "Doctor In the House." Tickets may be obtained at the door. The members of the Workshop have been working extremely hard for some time on this project to make it a tremendous success for this Centennial year. Ail they need now is a large and enthusiastic audience to make it a great suc- cess. t t t t t IDENTIFIED - In last week's Statesman there was a picture of an upside' down truck near Enfield in which two men nearly lost their lives. The unideritified persons who dug them out of the snow were John Knox and his son Brian. Mrs. Len Lucas happened to be driving past at the time and when she saw their predicament she went to the nearest farm house and alerted the Knox family who came to the rescue with shovels. iýSKIERS - There was 'a fair turnout of young 1,skiers last Saturday morning, taking advantage of the free training at the Oshawa Ski Club, Kirby. Every Saturday a bus will leave the Lions Centre at 9 a.m., returning about 1 p.m. Bus cost is only 500~ for public school children and 750 for high school students. Carson Elliott and Fred Fox are the instructors. Cail the Recreation Office, 623-3114, for more information. tt t t t LAY AWAY - Yesterday, the Works Dept. did a fine job of clçaging -up the man street. While ~~~the~ .,here,,wag. sorne -fun.,, e-snow .euated i front of Hooper's Jewellery & Gift S1'op. Some one, and we suspect a member of Hooper's staff, or it could have been .?he proprietor himself, climbed to the top and set up a large colored sign that said "Try Our Christmas Lay Away Plan." It attracted consderbleattention and brouàht many chuckles from passing pedestrians and motorists. t. t t t t AMBIGUOUS - Ini one story of a church con- gregation meeting in this area, a reporter wrote that a certain member of the community would be consulted about carrying on as an elder. To prevent any misunderstanding, the Editor changed the 'carrying on' to 'continuing.' O 1utstanding. Novice Players I J- G. Tivey, lef t, of Peterborough and Rory Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs, Tyrone, were a couple of happy hockey players when this photo was taken. They had just been chosen the outstanding novice players during Young Canada Night at the arena on Thursday and received autographed sticks fromn injured Maple Leaf hockey player Brit Selby, the honored guest. Photo by Lloyd McRobbi. Selby-A Major Attraction Large (rowd Braves Weather To Attend Young Canada Ng~ LocêW.To~ret5Cb Despite th'é suddêu 4wn- bec ^,of-& 'broken. leg, 'vas ' faîl o! snow and 'in gênerai amaor ttraction fr nt only~nL.r migh bete ged ousy tha on gstrs buaprent s test Cntr*4 wveather, a large crowd esti- well. Brit awarded hockeyCo ls mnated at over 800 attended sikautorpe by the lEnfies for, The Siates. Young Canada Night at the TorotoMale Leafs, to the mian's Centennial Conteet Bowmanville Memorial, Arena, top players on each team. reachegi a ne* peak tht. Thursday night. They say that the ladies.are week, with th.eniai-openlig Young hockey star, Brit demanding equal rights more'. staff being -saved &a omdsiiea- Burns' Nighf Supper Attracts 200 Peopl1e On Saturday Evening The Burns' Night Supper outstandingly succcssful event. held in celebration o! the The spacious hall was at- 208th birthday of Scotland's tractively decorated for the famed poet by the Bowman-. occasion. The proscenium arch ville Legion Pipe Band in the was draped with Mackenzie Legion Hall on Saturday even- Tartan held Up at each aide ing was greatly enjoyed by o! the stage with huge ros. 200 people. Roy Foster was ettes of the Royal Stuart Tar- chairman of the committee in tan. A large portrait of charge o! arrangements for the <TURN TO PAGE TWO> [conteÎtatamarked -Cents"- niai Contest" on the outad* cf thefr envelèpes. The winer tbis weqk 'va June Siebagrth, '131 Ontadb Street, IlowmanvIi1e. Ieè entry "Louis St. Lauren~t» wIas drawn from the. large carton on Tueday evening.e She 'vili receive a gif t cor- tificate Worth $10at Muttoil & Gould'. Shell Service. Station, Seugog St. Readers are urged to not OnlY Pick oui the lbiters that when put together wlii speli eut the name of one'et Canada'. Prime Minister.. Tliey .should also read th# adverttsements because mary of the pariipating sslver- isers areleaturing special Cartwright Students Visit Guelph University Nightl Enjoyable Occasion The Bowmanville Rotarygardens formed o!floweringý Club's tremcndously succesafuli plants and greenery off-set Ladies Night Dinner and Dance 1 gleaming tiered fountains. In' at the Lions Community one pond a 111e size replica Centre on Saturday evening o! a young boy was fishing, and; was greatly enjoyed. President'there were figures o! elves andi and Mrs, Bob Stevens and plaies among the plants that Vice-President and Mi-s. E. outlmned the other 'valls. Witherapoon received the more The festive scene waa en- than 100 Rotarians, their Rot-I (TURN TO PAGE TWO). ary Anns and guests. Beautiful plants banked the1 FIRE IN NEW HOUSE Three girls and two boys fromn Grade 13 in Cart- entrance hall. and the ceilngs On Tuesday et noon,, Bew- wright High School, Blackstock, visited the University centre arch carried the mes- manville firemen 'ver. called of Guelph this past week. The students, who hope to sage "Welcome to Rotary's te extimguisli a blaze ithe ttend the University of Guelph, were accompanied lion. Wm. A. Stewart, Muuister él. Agriculture and Food, pregents Mr. 'and whte and blue letters. The . 2,West o! preston~-' by the CenemMS BIlNiihghro, ewKe «he_.ruleA ir Science teacher,'Mr. Peter Snaith. the high- ?Ir. Cmnc NihaI o!R.. 3 ~wcst1, Ôtario, wlth a plaque in recogni- arch wuasfianked by two large carety, a Quebec heater héà light of their visit wasr a buffet luncheon, given' by tof o their- successi the Farmstead Improveuent CentennialC~OMpetition con- a ee set up in the basement the girls in the apartment of Macdonald Institute. dgctod. by thie Dpartmen, -' 'grlcultw. P rii nd vod.' Ovf;" 4AMl eOntarin farms The festive decorations in te provide heat until the fuir- 'Sh in the picture in the front row seated fromn La,1m part in tise iéautltlcmtion projeci. *the. spaclous bailroom were r.- nace was operational. Tt th r onWte,(Crwih ..;Bed .-e ati h, «iito rjc. rkably levely. At bth 'ends believed to have beduý te llceftarl on rWot,Roertri WilHSo) n, dt Photo by Dept. of Agriculture and Food lm of th long room attractive.*caue of the Aire. Bae ainNrwrh oet isn dt McDnald; aeéated 4t back - Ellzabetb' Th"P~n u Cochrane, Robert ICyte, <4ail from cartwr rgiiiLaS. Leslie Mowat, Denis MLgaghlin, (Carwigt HL standing - Miss Marjortw Harris, director of the ~ manage ment apartmept and- June Cingston. The bôey visited Dr. James Schrodér's departmnent at OAC aod the girls attezdW t'food clan ven'bMq,ûl physical edt*t)on,,-buildin, uid tht , ment atter {uncheon. Univeraity u ~ror~ssea ~t -Iospt H DurngMont h of December $40Receives Special Certificafe * $5,079.58 miinfor Exceeding Fund Quota n5ni0n 1 MMM" quà.0va. 0 U 1 1 1 1 14 PaeF J30WMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1947 ffiieces 1 Il .nnerial 1 ý-ts and