,-N W~ The Canadian Sateuman, Nowmanvlle, F.eb. 1, 1907 on Mr. MavIn te give the Toast Fm ~ . ~ l & the MHaggis wscldout. The Haggis baes eeJohn (atwiht's McLaugh linFarmi Cartwer Pfe ManodTu Carter m o ug Dnany m Re:eives (enten niai Plaque Mr.Mavin gave tehsoi "Address t te Haggis"o. His hi Nks Bruce Heuip Paue rtheir farm. Their Cartwrlght's gpaclous alder ereisnet 4lthi ententr- lit Pona1* a nd f or puhased fram The citirens. Twe -children werecd wrorda winen iaueuuonor havn.ee=vdMte fCrow n by j EHa r ry'sSgre at:- barn of thisnmrriage, Alma jIn broad Scots. baetéýýt.Laughlin. en the homestead. Harry was President Cale on behaif of Qrot.grndfiather William born I 1904 andin 1929 lie evrZne ,esent thanlced the **YflaImw cLaughlhn nd Jais Hi i- !8idBe.rthia Hamy, howmnv E CLadies' Aue'lar ardsn wro mrri j~ . wa aso bni Corw'~gi~ta the Royal Canadian Lgo I. and and came ta Canada la T1'oy have ont son Lawrence, for preparin ald Servgtr - ~1818. Theyottled In Cavai born In 1087. Iii1984 Law'dlclu ht. Scrtr L ou Townihlp but purchaufie ro yda the loenc K it apast presi. Cartwriaht f armi 1849 on Bofli Lawrence an i wil dent ni the muilry, wau the (PO PUON> lot 17 on the sixtiha concsson ge igrduatos, Law- catering couvenor. hanod b b.ag ntioly OradiahorWiliam Mc.ronce, B.oc. liscience, and After dinnor Preaident Cole 1188101d bY -bting UrolLyndadiE.Sc.Wiliam Houle Econo- turned the program aover ta chq41o.Ut with rod and white LaùghIln wus born In Cavainic. arnc <u~j Mr. Mavin, the MC. Mrt. $Pot Rtiiadded. Thon eWas a Township Ini 1820. lit theon the stait 01 Poet P* Kaye Freethy wai Ini charge hii4o golden Rotary Wheel and early part et 1888, ta lugar. High Scheel and touches Jére of the Tartan Club Draw. The an equafl lare reproduction malng finie, ho wuast itn once and Mathematics. They iy winners wcre H. Tutui, of tii gi t= lCreothefi the woods, an alniost Un- have ance daugliter, Lynn, D. McPhearson, Derrick Sev- %tous. broken iarest. For twa days bornint 1966. ern, Miss Jean'Bell, William Président and Un. Stevens, and a night Uie township w as Lawrie, Miss Susan Grey and Rarry Van BoUle, David HMg. îaakîng for hlm, Comnletoly ,Tiore have bien tour Don Wight. The attractive 8=Mad Sicetmry and Mns. A. exhausted, ho tunibled "b o houses built an the MeLaugl- oor prilze wau won by Mn;. f~~iymple wcro nsponsible nolghbour'u cottage. In 1852 'lin Farnu Ti n eu days t for the supenb decanationu. William and Rinai Marlow there Wosuth i irt shanty Lahetawif.Il Lgo An exoeedngly larg aid weremarried.and thon a botter log cabin. Tc~wav1e Lgo pnuce ompoid argenid wr are.a«Later tdr prssent aPAcioi.s Pipe Band gave a magViiicent Lord anid Lady Montagu of Beaulieu, England, (&umn hert in front ci their exquigite1y arnanged cintre- The McLeuglhns woe c home was bui . n1966 Law- presontation of the Retreet hmBale beHmphrjhvVnee hs lne10 ol oe ple carnatos aof ed and tive members et Uic Churci rince had their homo buitton Ceremony and Drummers Sa- home, eaulot'in tAhey196 Caadie Tirehv nee u lsi 99RU o whicad to iCi aomed ofEngland, Elackstock. 1.UiNe. hindulielute. The entire audience was '-vrGot nte 97Cnd ieCeritennilal Tour. The famous British w#htU ails.Thothln aivealwasg k agieat nterest Lyn, utui'erti thrilled by :his performance, automobile wiU be up against stiff competition fronu 100 of North Aierîca's best iaw1br*- Theothr tales epro*ntUve f th Care .centry, ome-ma hi an d rmme rsi reserved antique an ci assic cars i the tour thraugh Ontario, Quebec anid fhe ,Wré geots ii wit o oly - Wright churcli at the Synod stud two oaposite Unes, and whule earituies to Expo '67. The once-im.a-1:fetim, toui will start from Windsor and c h r y s-wite mu m iam dfr nany yoars. Qrandfai.ter Th Ucý4uh id UIthir ~teYid tfils the beating et Sault Ste. Marie in Ontario, Charlotteto wn, P.E.I., and Halifax and Yarmouth, char. n laU lgli, rmed pas eclAughlin uenvect us townîdscnansh49Vi e dthg diums kept tine urnec- Nova Sotia. avery lady pisotudrocotapera lilp well as ie won >the ou.s@lid çtlacnp *lways thir companiad. Thon at a certain cliver C#entnial upoon asa u orfra t yr.church aid commnwitY. ManY aneousî, e nt ly Kil. favor. Ti@ Flyjng Dtlm,, Fte a muJaelbagnhlyee tpa 4VO bilan. toauchers, doctortnu, Hll sthe piper. IIrinsura cC ornp nies 3 4 ,6 9 9 Motor Motel ented fer the wu s taI 1867 andd married lae s nurses and fermer$. aded between the lines aofr as n e î ne tP u d Prident StevonuneidOd. SArnuOIl*tIndt 1933 but io te&II rts of Canada aid Attewards the listeners Othmnuet Uihe od table were WU*c survives and lauon* tte n tae. f0a e I ve tm n Mrg.ate #m, roodont Mau e we e aun dlig ted y t e FOM PAGE ONE) ehe1a i tuee U nioms oftate wes ell eb a is laig ht nd b h sented the Medicai Staff Te les Conway ai Brandi18feK .U I data besicles MeLaughlin, Brave", "The etn itic Royal Canadien Loglan, Ins. $ eMetntftoteesate 97Prsd Conwa P neu d cnt RalpiU Y I U re ahu o , Pa ' e, W aters ", "Black Bear" "Ce ler i a e whyeDownýii i cnsmeFai, owney, Taylor, teler Herrung", "Road 'ta tie o h MdclStaff. &monM o' r rwta, Smith, Peter, Bray. Isle$", "Ceck ai 1h. North", Tic 1f. insurance.comana- firetIil niontis af 1966 thus Comittees for 1967 were set Gerg hie Bwmnilefcile, MCEIhhpe:y, E ug9hes , "Barren Rocks", "The Brown le;uin Canada continuecf ta reached $118,960,000.Upmtllwwtti first Gardolu, n hie 5J*f I umi. Magwood, NeabttI, Fawcett, Haired Wom ci", "Bannie Dun- increase their investment in . nentioîed as chairnian ini BownanvileKiwais lu ii~iiyrai oui bly, Sedgewlck, Dickey, dcc" and "The 100 Pipers". ataebn n elett Anather significant increaecc ntne aaeeî ViceProsdentGordn Bech, Bel Faill11, ThonipsOnt Miss Ramona Wiidman macle durnîg November. 1966, reports c'n iesmî duings veble tMn.Sckson r, M r. Wa M. Mn ainai.d Rae*r edpo-Lrre, Brock, Gre- a great bit witi her solo danc-, the Canadian Life Initurancecopie dungN ebr ttD.SleeMrWat Mns. Dairymple. was en4oad by he Bowrnan financeecHmpaylanper. Tus GeshsoceaHughe Oae aseibyCantata ville ,iy Y - wyck, Wndrew, Il u c k 1 la r, wTis was foilowed by the An increase of $24,320,000 , nen cmayppr hsGehleHgeMn. Kil- inerbeeta Club at Mini. F 0k. McAvoy, Heffren, ilayiig cf "Green His" aid morîgage boans and $5,120 .000 mncrease aniouited la $7,630,- Patrickc, Dr. Siemnon, aid Mrs. _erbet Fraser. Pýes1dent oriel Park CIubhause 0on aîceor, McMiUai uln, MhBIleOer yth ie hraleteai grud0. Gibsan. Finance, Mr. Cowan, Stavenu gave fie Toast te ti* Tiursday evening. iCinittBatl o'rs Hehenry l ral sd Dandwsan. 00 Quee. Kn ~cki wasticAudeyelee and Donnan Band. rents was racorcied cluring tic The major decreese duning James A. Bell, Mr. Hughes leader cf tic sîîgsoig, aid the Wiyte, a, director, were in Cartwright lis proud of Little Miss Wiidman misa re- moti by comipanles handling November, 1966, was in iold- aid Mr. Joue. Equipmenî aid plana acconipaninient wlag charge af arrangements for the thesse Pioncer families and ceived tremeidous applause ý5 per cent 0 life insurance ings ai short-term commercial Furnishungs, Mn. Barron, Dr. playad by Mn.. Keth Billet. event, and thc menu included muci credit is due ta thc for her performance oi Thpinvetmi n behaîf ai Cana- paper. Tiese dropped by $10,. H. C. Aibossi, Mn. Fleming, Prosident Stevens Intradu c- a i îy f asîy casserqîsftes i iUl.wo wodDîewîc i id Vsmi lisdathesanspecialwhosaciuestdDane, Miis.h dL dian policyholdens. This bnrngs 420,000 during tie moiti, al- aid Mn,. McMurter. Public ed he pecal uess, r$.L.aid plads, also several delec- niiccd se much tiat theur with skilled priecision aid lie total increase or eticlrst liough învestment lni short- Relations, Mr. Waiters, Mra. W.tonel, Mrs. eorey an- table desers.clilîdren might have an cdu. perfect tempo. For lhii.daîce Il moitis ai 1966 i n ortgage terni commercial paper hasn Ayre, aid Mr. Fleming. Dis- W.tDonei, M .orgeVameertp. Cation. Their icots are very ohe used Pnesident Caoa'.loans la $425,222,000 and in uIcreansed by r$23,440,000 cdurng aster, Mr. Stutt, Mr. Barrai, Mni. ChahIs M4gof', Healunm President Barbara Masters dcep in lie family farm aid swords. real estate and gnound renîs tic Il-moiti pcnhod. Mn. Cowan, aid Dr. Sylvester. introduced. tie Rotarlens Who Ipresicleçi. A satisfactory iai- ~it igt ho dded liat Cart. During tic balance ai the l 4,8,0.Tic livestments oi lie Joint Coîference, Mr. Jackson, ha o ne i lu u e a i s cil s at n asu m siw î ~ s u i b t~r I w . e cn n r ae Sellck's arche A t thi l arn im ,Ilil a insur- c cnpafl es andlig 85 p r- D r. A. F. M cK enzie, Dr. Sle n. Night 1966 and their whves: by Treasurer Iris Murray. lio becaise they $-pas'ecl stra Provided excellent musi clac companiles contuîued ta cent of thc lue Ixsurance on, aid Mr. Walers. Mr. aid Mis. Jack Laîder, Mr. A guIf for lici îcw baby son, this way." ordacig.Ti wnn ofa suppert tie grawth and pros-, savings et Canadian pelicy- Mr. Holden Iiiormed the. n.. Mt. . arroi, Mr, and Sot eîpesne a i-fo acig h wnec rt f Canadien industry by holders rase by a total of $48,- board liat thc iesphlal' e MsM.-ï4McMdMran teDiane Zini :from tic club. aid MroS. K eit ersoMaidliiceesing ticir holdings of 590,000 duning November, Hausekceping Manager, Wm. Mis. qli McLooàd, and Mn. Thc Sunchune Committee'i ne-. Can.d Ms. eîb. Crgunamer.corporate bonds during tc 1966. Wallis, lis a patient in lie p and LraM iim ntPooe port given by Kinette $jeep r.an*fl.Heb.Came.Toronto GeneralHoptladi h a~ opeai wly ioedlaIa uIid ee . Orvele Selleck'î archestrealaise Hsia i In a êdun adwtt hwd hta * hd en9is cxpected tb be absent on t Toast . hoatii Ladies Dr. ICcth sent ta Allai Woodward, son o Ib yPlayed tic music for tie Dasi. e c s u sick leave for six wceks. S] 8Iemon%, #. p&st, preisidaît, paid cf Kinette Ruby Woodward, R et ng White Sergeaint, tie Sigit- N ew a t e Junior. sI heticHospital Administrat- tnibt. fp* he o Iary duringis recent tay 4n sainces.ean te Sot Mr: ances ors report for Decemben, Mr. e: 1 sReeln aidres hcpher ScoîtisiEL NE)D efeat Juven iles 4 m3 Holden stated liaIticnc w as l je o th laiesKintteKay ain a aitas always extra work ai a _qt ftld i ay inae puetr etge utpAli.. total etA redOn Saturday evening the frcrn Bnian Peters :t 15:55 year-end nature gfor bot he ri bo ItbI~1 Kh a, 'Ro ay l viag, , adgain et gw e a nst tiree milnutes, later il was staff and also tic statistical ec b, COVere ffi* fi N l Jfrio ' Greg Cordon froni Jbhn Oyl- figures, ta be compiled aid for- h by nd - Thes ta4thed Dominion pl" Ti6eOtkonviélinhsts, gaiud oipcu c wa 'tin s. lr r rocThiesuescoring wes al for en. Il was a demi first period warded t i jmno flc ia' itauToonaha. been 'deîe ta help ui, dpincmc rpr.Ti oinnil ntcf r . e-fa hcckey wihi aly two Bureau ai StUtistics. thaei ade nc4 e te, Pas.eeco lee a ella.b r.E o.Bwnevlei tefrtt wlans econdod b .tE. for a ld. Il was Riek Woonrrpenalties. Tic play was dam- Discussingeinengadr piayIng cf a rnedley ef Irish Skating Party ta Ile ield on inatcd by Bowmaîville. maintenance h. said progrns dScettisi musieanad maî y Saturçiay, Fcbruary ultu. Il Tic Trensuren'g repont was As tie gamne progiessed in. is bcing made witi tic paint- popular 1 eectiu. frd tcnghe weathan Io cold enougi for given by Mis. B. Tillcoclç. Sico ta thi. second oured it lie- Ing ai ticeniedical floor but tl Excellent music frd ecn ut doon Ice, tic skating wIl uneveci tic adoption L cf ae oger eaat er ne.sls reedn lol was providdby the Skylige«s. Ilsii Momroial Park, and if taid it 'wau seconded by secetedthc only goal. It was as the ares is alw4ys occuphed Pl TIisor1~stas aiîhd .Cnot Il wlll lie eI Orono Arena. gr'ns. R. Saundans. C o dscee by %Steve Buris un, by Patients. Ha mentioîed a known cMIlvas Penny, Sang terwsrds lunch will lie serv-e Lins. R. Saunder, îccepted qisieted. fiat tic installation of a ne- a. çavora solos..Prilas. were cd aI Memorhal Park Club- a certificale from Ontario ~O AEOU iti hr eldNw placemeil hot water tank has et gven for igit Spot Dancis. house aid Ihene will lie enter- Division. The certificate sittële finislied inte olrP nos ee is omItaiiit. i-tim lever in fis modem day cast.le attsrted la score goals. n1. alet Tlh 1nsw o rs OMeagisg. Tiey certainly liad Tic second Newcastle goal Main. ]Ygo$der, Mn. 'e. L. Ewert, Mis. Tic Iucky winneis of thc "Ta 3owmanville Branci ticir opportunlty Thursday was açorcd et 4:13 W' Steve mache bitcen t ld P Cuthbent MeDonold, Mis. Allen draw pnizes an Tiursday foi 1966 in recognition af gon- mai ypahgUi pnn ui, i sii eî h ny bg, isled, D B. Sylvester, Mng. Don Marris, eveniiig wone Kinette Fal «Quis service, ca-operatien and garnie ini a sport wihIolustupe Green aid ,MaeGnegen. At apuhlesearpac-a Lin. Grdai Boeccliaid Mrs; Ruîdle and Kinette Gladys effort eicheicecl ly the mcrl. posed ta blonig ta ttcenmale 14:25 Cunniig secoidî ment for ute am heated serve bc X@zTIU Brown. Ulley. bers work~~ing togte arahrdfo n ableclies been found ta wi atnds, itll ned edquta fri atilete. I a real thriliug MeCullougli aid Rudman. be otstsatoyadqi*1 Ully.besworigta el i ee orth 4,Bavleta reci a witîess tian a minute ta suitable ior any expanded en er the work ai the cangdl4n back visitini Newcastle by a10 Bwavleple hi ice i.l h uue r a Doloitte, Plonder, Haskins & Souls Cancer Saciety in Ontario"acr f73 u notnt.gai n ecsl crd wlthwbom ar uowmcre4 C i; . WaG.Pul X ly aur reporter was unable la John Wardei scered witi Uic . . ardPublcityobtain tic goal-scaners for assist going ta McCulaugh. glbwoâMnw ogdCar e îke en1 tic aveu bato. Witi oie second ta go, JohnRE HR Montoith, Rithi, waters la ce. fr ropgwihi ta *gtph woole it:go EhîPtn.ail FR SN TR 1h 1rd cout ishem. N.R..in ounfte trs, as le ic g aeenters.th ~our Drug Store bas!- 1 's61 IO0XID CHOCOLATIS &mlà ncimdJJu. e'wy Und Prloed $1.00 $4*600 Y aLOVELL LID. tion, which uî open eveu# Tues. dasy afteinconet aheti Lions Centre.Tue drocuingg are madc for the use cf patients lnIthe aiea. Two very enlhliteniîg films wcre shown, "A Dacton Speaki Hi; Mind" and "Tue Choice". Tic znieting closed with lunch provldcd and scnvîd by Mr. Bell and is commttoe. Cancer Society Liherature was avallabli aI tic door for Rot atm the A, was Cen im boui ilom thé' tabi a tabl 01f Clii col, Glu Brai mm Ch B u ne . Cingu ,Otna 6Jai- tuany 67 - n. A Dow"5,Miville N ught OSc cadet, Roert Kazak,, ihobu warded tic aliltary cVoieM PAGE oNU> rancn Bdgtetahthe Royal milharY CoUloeofaiCanada. rt Burns drapéd hl oyal Roberttihéson et Mn. and rtTartanccîtred thé arci i . Kazak, 1.R. 1, Bow- letters en two Wangî ai mam" iahtended O'Neill Col- roam -fonmed tie follow Ie te aid Vocaîlonal Inst- qu'alition Imurns, tut 'ngr40Eowmanvllu iIh*SEUool .a "A Mai's A mai ior i graduatcd froni Courtice' hot", aid "Noeu. tat Theom iiBho t 98 tRC iAwa' ". The hoad tableth e- enhanced by îwo smcn anical lu iolow courle Mccd mmi spining whWo telaacivi fotbaU .basketbal 1867 wth icatier and and voflyball.NeHodoea n rilibona. Corieanad senior 4ppointment, Cadet =lnirs orai ul niather t- si eaer, aid Io nispon- trou Scotland nmarked sibiefr lte welf=an d dis- 200 Plasces uso longelc f vrmyadtsci & hr btthhll auyar.Ongrdu tio i cd PddmtGa:7y çJ uno ho w n ecelve a Boche- ded . Otmers Bt the bead loi ei Erigineenlng degnee aid weno 1!# Vic-Praudmt a co - " onas OfnQ- ýmcc Z78of te Ro er mth e Cauad In Armod diu Ab Mcviii Forces. th Roy. Wls admist teindvidj e "W ho aa<u Ch 18 Pa& n dobiga O bmls Z = % ztt.a a=%. Soeretar mattés anYi~h*edcnl Mtsiad. 3 o em a "t au~~~~~~~~~~0 wm ud-atcie buhil Jl~~ me w' MMby M. Gi- *1 X(dw<D » ,idu fo mat. Goals by Frank Bethe, Han- old Jukic and Cîaig MeLeod accountcd fer Oshmwa'e 3.2 Pc. Wee victoîy, witi Glen Rice aid Deug Tamblyn mcci. Jng tonrBawmanville. Tommy Simipson aid Kelti mountjoy fired a pair ai goals apioce andj Mike Donagiue collected four assists ta paca tic local,' Win over Pont Hope Ini tic îigitcap. Othan 'n nui' tallies wcnl ta Lurry7Al-I' len, Deug Parker and Steve IForsey. Rager Lees was Uic visens boul witi two, while Crgis Douglas îoîched tic single. Tii top players on caci tein Who reeeived sticks froi" $e1by wono: Girls, Frances Hiekard (Newcastlc), Nancy Goodwin CEowrnanviflo); At. anus, George Tlvey (Peterbor- ough), Roy Gibbs (Bawrnan- ville); Pee Wecs, Joe Green- lice (Oshawa), GîcilIcee (Bowmanvlll. PACKS -623ý.i3303 338 London Road, Sarnia, Ont., Jan. 29, 1967. Postmnastcr, Haydoî, oit., near Bcwmnaviile Dean Sir: h amn looking tan informa- tion about a iamily ai "Ashton" - wc bolievi wio settlcd aI Haydon aven a 100 ycans ago front En glaid. Tie following win identify lhe famlly : 18171 COiUS Division 3, Danlinglen Twp. Oamuel Ashton, Ent. Merchant, agi _ s: Phyll Ashton, Eig., age 4s Noiea 13 Greco 1 salentS Tues. folke, we believe, wceeChunci of England, se would belong te lhe chunci closost tetahem store. I am inteîested i loca- tion and nature ofi Ual store and thi. dccli ai "Samuel ,Asiton". If ~ JOU dan aiois Me woul beMasl greful. W. requme thie information fOr Centamnial Fanullyis- tory. 1 do not kiow who el" té consuit. Encloiod jplîaso find a' itamped uclf-gddretsud en. velope for ycur use. I th.persan ini qustton bbanied ta your tawn, I wauld appreciate lhe naome ai Your raclai lioe, liat 1 May write te iim ai YOU May dollver lthe mesge. Sincemely, Mmme. W. Fr. Blnangwy. Editor'; Nao.-.If anyone cmn providé tie information re. 2ueîed, con tact Uns ~Court Venture -C.O.F. Meets in Ne W Hall adlai Order of Foristena, held Its finit meettagln hetiinew Nlglingale Ceîtennial Temple en January Sôti w1th Prei- dent Helen WalflI presîding. Mis. Canol Habirta neportcd on tic thrii Chrishnuas baik- ilsu $Ont ta familles at Christ- ma, ed ltterîofa acia. tien fanu tie r«Icpientswcro rend. GweDenilsar e m înhsre ai o Jehovah's Witnesses HeId et Scarborough Il hiru e ay, e un rfer the c0 out, la -an e tr l e iamty wa hel Btthe Sir "uyttem oai thirg"o hc Wif Z aurier Ceilegiate, the Bible speaklolnth 1tilt Saoruth, last weekcrid. chapter of Markt. It la rooted FIften congegations of je. tintCe Christian systenii at hoau Wi esses were au. tig nw i peration" sembl.dt under the thème "1Tu", 'Mr. Statton hishluiaht-" «"»ecOm. SPiritul Mon with ad, "Will b. the fufilunent of Everlestini Life W iView". the Lard'. jproyer'. 7%e PUrPase et the aosenibly wal te trongthen eacli îamlly, t, withotmnd the critical times Jx Instie adeatnti r eures atk lkSx ili;UG aleigh-rldc followcd b y a pot luck supper ta bi hildFIeb.-4 et Nestletan. Sis. Dorotiy Bond agrqO take charge of makhng otto ho b. ¶Iven ho the lQs- pitl ior thaïn cupboard.e SimIers Ev. Clarke an«.-'W n Twining et Court Chaumoe, Oshawa, canuplimneted the In attandance Fnriday aven, Ing wcnc 200 familltes for the prognan "ASound ISpiritual Rental e feYuUhi". A ncw film "',calt-go" was a featune '5f the ram. Mr. Alex Didur, Circuit SuIperviser, cm- Phieuc et, ,"tiare ani tome very deiMite thingu Iliat ne. quire aur attention in eider ho assure 'a uound spiritual icnitage far aur yauth' clai famly association and regular famIly Bible Study ai tic niait kind". An evqerflcw crewd Suîdgy aflenne iard tie keynohe adclîeuu "Seatisiy*ngMaîklnd's Grentest Nead"p.11Mn. C. E., StAtton, District Supervisai ai tic assenbled coigregmîhonu, slaled: "Sema henesl mcn have lnied te eliminate war, Improve race relations, salve tie probloma of famiiy break- docwni aid salve mgnlciîd's mnany ether preblems. mai- lioldan stated. Ti; equ- mient bmsicmlly consigls et twPo- heahed food trucks, ceifee dis- Penser, plus cold food trucks 411 iratiéed areund a central core rollen coiveor. Ha' said liaI lie laundry PrOccssed 34,699 pounds ai linen during the monli, aid bhal thus depailmnent Io also ne- spaisible for tihedistribution of linon, which adds coîsid- ebl îote chewark ci tic ugnr taff. Tic Rasp itai Administrator reportedtlin th le X-Ray >ePartnient tic new film pro- cessor lu working well, and has îemaved some ot the ne- Petitive and manual pnooesses bal previquolY lad to b. car- led oul in thc dark-raam. Mi. Holden spoke highly cfl le work ai tie Pihysiotherapy lepartmnent, aid uild liaI ap. >rximatly 1,200 Ireatiients naMnti are * ven tiere. R. tle mention£ thlicquiet and fficient r=inng ait th ýhannuacy unden the direction )t Mrs. Nancy Cottey. Admissions le the haspihal in )ecemnben consisted ai 183 tulhp, 82 pediatnie, 38 nw sn nd ionechcranie. Tuere 'cie 41 major aperahiens and 1nmnor operatians. Emerg- ADE-INS (OMING IN Y DURING OUR Making HatS A gummany DaLy ior tue e"Rats Foi You" was godon Jaîuary 25h, 97 frein 1:30-4:00 pan. at tic O r- Oie United Churci. Six Wo- maen's institutes partilpated Ina eTraining Schaoel coiuet. cd by Mis. Mildrcd, MuIlian,1 Millinery -Speclallst, oe Ecaxomiffes Brandi, Otrio aný Fad lest Novembcî, aid neturned te thein cammuffities te conducî lie course tiare. Tic Surninry Dey providid an appottuuiîy foaile cth membgera Who particiPmted in tic preject ta bring their ceni- pleted bats tor ail ta te. Tirceo et Insttîutes dis. Inactive manier such as would b. found in a store window. ITu. oieu tire. Institutes lied lhieu mentions nodel thair liats In a Rat Panade. Mr$. Mulligai pnovided aýi Iiteîesting demonhnt.io# cal- lad "The Maglc Rt at Dc miewliig the audience addi-o I tional tnieks fer quIck azd. easy hat nuaklng. Mis. ev. Gray pr«mesid4 over ihelaflencnac4#a811M.- Znary Day chairlady. Miss Pelricha Wray,; iom"e' 8conomlaî for Durham. Pter. bonougi and Vlctaja, upoë'g duringth l i eetinig, webcom., ing thc ladies aid lianking them for themr part1clpgt-lo and altandanie th, 'i~ %ie project aid atSinta ry ~a.92 peoplewr aa> endance. -. Naturel Stoue, 5111 Brick, Bljc, SteeL Walk $labo, Ciment, Flue Tii.., 'etc. END 0F NELSON ST. -ALL PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1963 ACADIAN BEAUMONT CONVERTIBLE Deauttful condition. Lie. Î[83686. 1963 PONTIAC LAURINTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN Saclatematie tsmumeu, Lia. MI077 1963 FAIRLANE STATION WAGON *8iii., standard trausmiuslas sharp. Lia. X8634. 1963 VOLKSWAGENS 1 t echaise troms MacDONALD 1963 CI-EV. IMPALAS 2 te choe e hm, Lia. 311236 - 463893. 1963 RAMBLER STATION WAGON 8 cyl, standard trcambasle. Lia. X10234. 1963 MURCURY-MITIOR 4-DR. SEDAN V-8. Lie. Il? 13. 1963 PONTIAC LAURINTIAN S uL utomusîtae mlioq. Contact onuof our courgeous s»la staff: Bud Fogg, Hap PhUp, Nelion Barteu, Steve R9osick, Bey Lathangu., Vera Grady, Wildon Bro. 219 Klng-St. 0., Bwm.nvlII. Phono 623-2534 Phono 723-5241 520 King St. W., Oshaw. M a FOR LES