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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 10

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The Canadlan Statesan Bowmnvlle, Freb. 8, 1967 who gave umi a thouaht-pre. Ateseir dJnorucey A vokmng talk on our Canaidian cithe z>iatr, He ad a mmeru Tmmheritage. The Importance of E vvt m. Sat rresidenf 1He u sic Resuit Fourth '~'"'including in aur Centennial tre oiculatral Scite projects somnething aed tof- ae doing aten doajb Pplci r.Lm hnp assisting those Iess fortat Mr. Gomm0 a k eiCndabatlulso wowrtsceauli than ourselves, was stressed;IR J rJ5' a itj4J5 111M ee tinlg ,Mr om ambe itaethsbreetemitin hed y ee ect Aiberta Farmer year n suchwa D h aFjthfheau thesjHotsitsjoG IaJAlO s Fe era ion Presden "Srikes, so prevalent ta- O' floral arrangementadgr TIOn. T e e a tdey, are really a deep-seated wN , den plots, work a uirSn symptom cf national insecur- CI~V ~ ~ ~ *members.GrvuPs-ane o- '4WjjnJpeg, Man, Jan. 27th,-ntoba Farm Bureau, R.R No. 1,:Calgary, Alta.; R. Pigeon, Ex- ity. Faith »S the bulwark ta rjI4 John Caldwell 1hne r Ps id i Board ai Dîrectors ai the Emerson, Mari. Charles Huft 'ecutive Member, Co-operative guide us on1ta the future. We W Ecll n er n ? 6Gamme for his mstieet- G.VI ad in Federation ai Agri-Iman, Past Pi esdent, Ontario Federee de Quebec, Vercheres, c eih te p st u e c n T h an ul m ei g o e! rb y ld v 19 5 m u tn e eal , a d in a e uire re-elected James M.lFederation af Agriculture, Har-IP.Q.; Allan Smith, lst Vice- live in it, and we must cuit!- Teana etn iterbyaov 95aonigvgtbe n nanwly ing tallitand pictursioniy ea -4airy farmer atiraw, Ont.; F. MacDonald, PastiPresident, United Grain Grow- vate a proper prospective, be- Durham Central Agricultural ta $6,326.00. Amounts af $800 formed department for rab- Mr. Billings, onr eafa i~~No. 6, .-North. Edmonton, 1President. N.S. Federation of ers, Winnipeg, Man.; A. Steven- lieving that the Providence Society was held on Saturday, were paid for improvements bits. The first art competition the Society, thaed Fd1M m ra HoptI j4ta.,. as Peieto thejAgriculture, RR Westville .o, President, B.C. Federation which bas guided us in forrn- Jan. 231h, in the Odd Fellows ta the electric system, $1,200 was stated as most successfui Trull for his help i h o .ganization . fr16,aolw S.; N. Malm, President, Abr of Agriculture, Cowichan Sta- er years, will carry us on Hal', Orono, with 30 present. for new washroomn facilitiesand interesting for those at- ciety and for sellingth mm Igthe oganization's annual ta Federation ai Agriculture-, tion, B.C. through the future. The u.c. The new slate oi officers and over $500 for ground and tending the fair. bership tickets. HEasotnkVvekyR pr eeting in, Winnipeg th"1s W. was forrned five years ago, was presented by the nomi- building improvements. 1 It was decided at the nieet- ed Mrs. T. Fairbrothrfrte Jn-0-Fb nlsv T'his. is Mr. Bentley's 1g u and we should- not forget that nating committee and approv- A bank balance ai $292.74 ing ta hold a field hay crop beautiful il1 a w erarag-Adsios .H full terni as the chief D icU Fi ld Y ield o ur iirst commitmnent is ta ed by the meeting. Those existed with an outstanding1jcompetition in 1967 aîong ments.Brts4mi,4eae 8 offiicer of national îarmi organi- 1*U U Jesus Christ, and not ta the elected ta office are.. Donald loan ai $2,100. It was reported 1 with grain, corn. Improve- Mr.E aovercfe 1Dicags-9 *m tlon. Lionel Sorel af Mont-.' material side af aur own local Staples, past president; Wm. that this was covered by aniJ ments are ta be sought ini Mrs. Stephens tacoucaertns --3 ZMunroeP.A t O SCdIChCrlesntuon society. If we fail ta respond Slater, president; Wm. Tamb- amaunt of $3,l00 ta be rcceiv-t parking and cansideration is election af officere hc e 'o prtos----2 '* cf Embra, OntariAtaSwereCoevectio ta the change within our own lyn, lst vice;, Clarence Turner, ed irom the government faI aso ta be given ta extcnd the Sule silow:P1iet1Eegn0teamns--2 'ced first and second Vice-Presi- church, we fail as Christians. 2nd 'Vice. Onai s rn.housing for the poultry ex- Mr, O. Challice; ist iePe iiighus38pm al *«lents, respectively, for the Delegates attcndingthe On-1 conditions," advlsed Mr. Hill. May aur hopes and ambitions Directors ai the Society are Gate receipts in 1966 were hibits whcre in 1966 a num- sident, Mrs. E. Coier n comlng year. Mr. Sarel is theltaria Soil and Crop improve- In the sauthwestern counties neyer be small, and let us ail Len Pears, Gardon Watson, up approximately $1,000 over1 ber af exhibits had ta be Vice President, Mi CrB- Preident ai L'Union Catho- ment Association convention in ai Ontario lie recommended strive ta make this a really Carlos Tamblyn, Lloyd Atchi- that oi 1965, and it was stated turncd away duc ta the lack lings; Directors, Mrsi . hr lique des Cultivateurs and Mr. Taronta Janvary 25 ta 271that later varieties be plantcd great ycar, in' every way, for son, Russell Osborne, Garnet that the 1966 fair was on a af accommodation. win,. Mrs. F. VaggMr.R *Munroe is President af the widened their choices whcniaraund June 10 and early Canada". Rickard, Richard Cookson, par wîth former promotions. IR aednapoce hlCanaMs .Eas -Ontayo Federation ai Agricul- three crops and soils specialistsivarieties during the third Secrctary Mrfs. R. Bcst rcad Harold Ransberry, John Stone C. W. Billings rcparted that 1 society asking for financial[ Mrs. H. Barlow;Auios ~~iim. ~with the Ontario Dcpartmcntwcck af June. In the Huron-lthe minutes oi previaus meet- and Walter Piersma. Gog h ara rn in 19671 assistance toward the cost of Mrs. Neil Porter, r.H ~nadiinte F ire-'a Agriculture and Food in- Perth area, late varieties ing which wcre adopted, fol- Carson was rc-appainted man- would be held on September'the ncw cement iboor whichî Murray. addieletod the CFoAloingc formed them ai variaus crops' should be planted during the Iowcd by the financial report ager and Mrs. J. Rickard, sec- 7, 8 and 9th. had been laid in the fairl Mrs,.0. Challiceo ca ebesathBortasrepotential feed value. last week af May, and early ai the general fund by the rctary-treasurcr. Rprsfo lotal& bidn he sas sdaifhrhsad as niembers ai the in terms ai dollar value, varieties during the first two Treasurer, Mrs. D. Vinkie, and The financial report as pre- partments showed an dnce-1 bidngwihsasaudasilerusatandev m, mmincreaseeExe anv arena in the wintcr. ThelIeryane for their hicpadc- & /A9IE * ~rniteefor197, ian wih1white beans equal the acre wceks ai June. aserythat ai the Centennial Project sentcd at the meeting showcd in exhihits over last year.1 request is ta be given furtherl aperatian. She then rsntdi s value ai cornoras67a cropgandth"Plant barley iust a arYby Mrs. F. Gilmer. aycieyerwt ncssdTiswsepc all Oin the conside ration, a gift ta Mrs. E. Cuiri .4 wBoffiiersinSakate- . ae ofcor a a ro, ad anaciveyer wthineeaed hi wa epeca oflioe rsin a ave e considered hîgher in vaueasyou cangeton .the land,"I Wrl'sDay of Px-iyei- will pametsfor prize manies1uulllsulc science aepartment, i t s the intention ai thelappreciation ai her fiea ~~F~rtio a Agicltuethan soybeans", stated W. M.1advised Mr. Wright. "The yicld be observcd here Fcb. 10, to and considerable amountsý ligli and heavy horse division jSociety ta set up a Centennial1 lunch canvenor fo1 eea ~3tgin;L.F.Burows Caa-Hill, Markdale. response seems ta average Out which Kendal and Shublih paid aut for ground andburdi the fair. Fine cxliibits wcre, Committee ta prepare plansyar;ta Mrs. N.Ale wh .4Ian orticutural ouncil~ R. W Johnson, RigetownIat again a a busel'a dyuas ldies aerinvied.tA.upTaialg imrovemets.rToal prietrepotedtintheecatie deart a i a spciainntureefrfthishad accd as reasurr ais *Ottawa; G.Culual lst ieistrcsscd that alfalia was one 1we niove froin the end ai May tea wili be served at the close. payments for 1966 was consid- ment, needîccraft, fruit and1 year's fair in Orono. -Timcs. for a number aiyof as ta-w' a iry. Flelst i Ontario's most productive ta mid-April seeding." Mr. Presbytcrial meeting in Osha- ta Mrs. T. Fairbrothrase ,.4rZ5Lert, Dir armers aiýO g legumes. "If your for- Wright also acknowledged that wa, Feb. 15, aur group ta pro- H dA n M eigso himn B.FometePrsien, ~ age program does not lean other crops could fit in. "How- vid'e the cvening devotionai. Luai --wbo Fretr rsdnMn-heavily on alfaifa where corn ever," he suggested, "in April, Rail Cail was answered by theLck drwbuetwreAR IGN is not used, it sliould," he you shouid give barlcy top paying ai yearîy fees. Mrs. ,StSa won by Mrs. Long r .E ~~4issng DL urged. "Aifaif a an aiso cmpiriy In May, get the corn Stapîcton tlianked r n - c r ic ,IfL i ciis sQurili. RcarpeWon.d UP O ST R oMs in et pliment corn quite well as a, in first, foilowed by barlcy, for the work donc in cannec-QMs.C MLan.A aei protein supplier." !and then finish up with oats." tion wîth the wedding suppertaM.nd rsCI i~\fihout~j"j~g . Several factors make the' an Jan. 27. Plans for the t radMsCalc hn 2-31Fe siae 6E9g 3s htiom attabremre Good Friday service on March f 1 I-ie ___________ k taa osmes aeprofitable than a switch ta1 NE WTON VILLE 24, wcre discussed, andshRfv. Vmoat DaC aiT TPIVi Otaa-Cnuesaecorn," Harvey Wright, Lind- j R. C. White agreed ta contact E E e d fo r DT hsi e it DIIPJEIS a.isng a bet if tliey aren't saY. reminded. "First, chang- Ameigwshl eee pae. I a n cluding eggs on their grocery ing from oats ta barlev Te-,Ameigws edhr tan ose aer. Itas un-fo s, says Frank Payne ai the ouires no change in m hinery.Ithen Dial soffc e Tedyal a gedt ayfr(n da ~.A Poultry Division. 'Second, techniques ai estab- hnmebraite ee- atan ai ilfor v the curci: k 'Hepont ou tateg *iishing and growing barley phone Commission, representa Schta pia o hvng;t ete SundaBe a u tîfy in g V illa g e hae faoints 20utthat 2 pric- aenat grcatly different from tîves ai the Bell Ca. and oth- Scolpaotne;t e h he flasemn20t a 25nper gsnt ae fratwiecr er e pearing for the price ai future suppers at $2.00 ph etmnt aige oe tGrer e tetento r od rooHrtclu annSoietatbî ,carryîng out the Ce n-1repart.*H at F n f btte bu thn eer orquires a new set ai skills forýnew dial eut-oea Ardnpe patither bot orecold. OmbranoHordtiural o i tennial theme. Mrs.Thos.iDurîng the clearing ai theý thee uytaneegfr awr. jHill, ta go inta effcct very Apeiainthe;rssdmmbr el hi - ~ue rie onciusshppr. these mnwer e rmriyon ta the speaker, the Unit in meeting in the form ai a pot- Fairbrother was the anc re- itables Isabel Chailice ledth 41'hedrapin eg prces e-dsenmethods rai irasî orr ahertaomrcharge, and ail those assisting, luck supper on Jan. 26th. sponsibie for these arrange- 'gathering in a sîng sang wîthil -The rap i eggprice re-.discssiafterhdswofîchraailSrrase heforw thrmeTheertableasl oserfr thsThefubleywementstfuMrsmeEverett Ev BrownBow ata the ,fIbcts the recent sudden Up- ing yields. They al] suggested locai residents, Messrs, Arthur benedito.dcrtdwt oqesoý u atevr trypao ;aurge-in. production from Can- early seeding. "While the ate edknap and Ross Halloweil diction.damswasthhaddcradwthbuesai ue a the vcy trm iao A VS * idan poultry fanms. aif planting for white beans are patients in Oshawa Hos' r.J dm white 'mums and rcd camna- weather a much smaller turn- Mrs. F. Stephens, Harwood, "7'Mr. Payne says that eggs! is dictated ta a laredge pitai, having undergane re- er of the lucky cup during the tions with red, white and; out than usual sat down ta a District Directar, spoke a fewf bluvid poten i jst bot obn antthen wethe cn-*cen srgey.socal im whchfolower luecanle onth hed bunifu sppe orcod tr- ors, rigin gretngsA D 'fsnos eonmialfrm-40'ditions at harvest, choose a Ms ahrn twr ai Hce key, casseroles, saiads, jellies, from the Onai it nd 2nts a pound for protein varicty that will ailow harvestiKendal spent an aiternoan' eeonile ontremorevu iu~ 'W en eggs are selling at 60!during the first week ai Sep'- iast week with Mrs. Cecil1 four gamsoe h atBai rtdb r. urygn aes pies, ca and coce. teothe 1 oc'He n iE oM or wili _______a________________t______________________________St. Paul's Vestry Meeting dent, acted as master ai cere- Mrs. Everett Cauvier, Ist E R ' m 'sona adozn. erner t avid oorweaher Mrs. Earl Waikey was aid- Jan. 27, the locais dcmoiished "The Church is more than a manies In the absence af the vice president, called on the F N e . u mitted ta Memorial Hospital the Nicholson File Club 10-1. Minister" was the theme wîth president who was canfined special speaker for the even- on Thursday ai iast week. Aiter a scorelcss first periad, which Rev. Arthur Allerton ta his home with the flu. Mr. ing, Russell S. Gomme, Tor-j rmaurs 6,o7and schoth apass from Gilmer, and Gil- opened the Vestry meeting ai Billings introduced the head onto, Secretary Ontario Han- fo from oIIU teirotache s enoyear ercme bc with anc S. PaulsAgian Church at.tabie and called on Mrs. Fair- ticultural Association. Mr. 1 ther eahesenjye atrp ercam bck wih neBethany. brother for a few remarks. Gomme thanked the saciety: '~ ~ Y Y A H U U P O E T N ta Toronto, Friday a This n.fromin taîles ,bath power- Nw ofcr lce for r.Fiboh, as chairman for their invitation and fori Bowman i e wc sl ta sec the Ice Faliies. Ti 97i ueEns abas o the Cak etnilon-hew drf spr.He o h31 utig ws fnaned y teirGray, Trim from Gilmen, Rector's Warden; Howard Me- mite asd mn he o-otnudb sanght au ou~~~~~~ft irowainealced ai Chi-rphyte, inom Trteew, Westheus syig ttth 7N W 1.9 6prices held tili March 1 profi rmtesaeo.hit Mrh rm TeWshu- Gilli Peopies' Warden; Noei ~OW~goemascndslasfahl Toon-er from Trin, Stark from Ron odhaij operation of the Horticultural, word Onono had arhtm Mr rakStpetn Trn-Rbisn MrhyfomLng rs oulsSmelt, Evlp MissDon Challice gavea the members ca-operate ta (Coumtice, Hampa n lr.Twsl ta, was home over the wcek- staff and Stark, Wcstheusen Sccretary; Mrs. Howard Mc- very fine repart ai the Junior make the socicty a success. jdîsing temnho eray end.m aBb Robinson, and GryGlAdt. Mm and Ms hni a-gv etnil omryGI io. Gardeners, and Miss Barbara Hle mentioned the beauty ai Mr.andMrs Chrle Wt- aveNetonill a omand- Lay delegates ta the Synod Aikcn gave the tneasurer's Orona and the activity ai bathi ers. Mr. pnd Mrs. Bruice-.Wat- 9 -0 lead. L. Battersby wiîî be Emery Smith and Mrs. '~ '~'~ crs and daugliter, ail aioron-om.-M. Broreton avoided the Douglae SnrMt. Lay delegates ta, were weekend guests of~ shut-out, and Gray ciosed the ta Parish Executive are Bruce CENTURION /67%~1 Equipment Storago Shed or Barn Mr. Raymond Bruce. OScoin . 29om trim. ea Smith, Miss Laura Morton *. . . . .. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huggins tOn Sunday Jan. 9the eteaff, and Noci Wood... 60' x 6Y. High centre drive-through arsa attended a wedding in Peter- to vnweete etof Activity reports and f in- -side storage areas. borougli, Saturday. Friday, with an 8-3 victary anciai statements were pre- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Russett o v er Matthews Conveyor. sented by Jack Palmer and ~cmmclhulgfr Contact jour residenit representativa and family ai Wellman's Westheusen and B. Robinsn Christopher Wood for the MEoimclbu I L Corners, spent iast weckecr each scorcd twice, and aed Sunday Schooi; Mrs. Howard wu, sqmhupiuhnt or livestock here with Mr. and Mrs. Bi,, an assist; Trim and Gray scar- McGiil and Mrs. Noci Word JIMStacey, and îamiîy. e oe ac adassstedgon for thc Anglican Church COMPEIM PEEING sVsTrM 1 Mr$. Norman Scott return- a tersGilmer hia al Women; Rev. A. S. Aiierton FEEY aPamedhmeo Saturday hrnad an assist; Ron Robinson for the Choir and Young RIU .05 ISILOS Memonial HsiaBawman-1ha te oth~er gaassist. ely, les ro TAM BLIUN ville. Her daughter, Mrs. Ken picked up an gal, ant rewKell, Amotisngra p se l ric aNewton, ai Hamilton, is stay- Jex and Weiss scorcd for ing moton s passcdr he p- ~E I U ~ 5BOX 21 - ORONO ing with lier for a while. Matthews. eration ai the Parish Hall in Y$Iifl tTcI .J PO E 8-53 Mn. Grant Wade and Miss Monday, Jan. 30, the local the bands ai the Wardens. y EKaren Lee were among thos entypce ptertidwn ________ attending the Ice Follies at in four days, as they deieated 4 T534DE~ * ~eTeRJOG anesFidyavailable t this writing, forZion(HopeT ownship) Maple Leas Bown attendd'that n.(Ibe the rt onvntin hld n jSunday, Feb. 5, Tratten's Sunday, January 22nd, at E APeterborough, Saturday, with pnovdtaleasubig 1:5a.,Cm non cr other membens ai the Orono block, as they sconed five un- vice was hcld at Zion United Sm teachens' staff. answercd goals in thc thîrd Chuncli fan the Zion-Mannish SE M r. and Mrs. Raymond Trimr period ta pull out an 8-6 vic- cangregatian. Rev. Ian Munno M M E wer Saurdy eenig ~~u-tory aven the first place New- was in chiarge and was assist- a~.saciatian in Belleville, on Sat- wh1h was sking on Friday. the secnetarys report. Treasu r- urday, at which Mn. Jin G!]- Mrs. Addison Scott narraw- en's report was given by Mn ns Arec a Lst Y ar Mnade u er mer ai Port Hope was elect- ly escaped injury when ber C. Inwin; U.C.W. secnetany's 3 I 1 1 f cd president. car was, badly damaged IRst report given by Mrs. E. Cas- Mrs. A. Wade spent several week. The accident occunred well; U.C.W.. treasuner's ne- fl ~ ~days in Port Hope, assisting at the new by-pass on Higli- part given by Mrs. E. Ruth- 11111 MP ~ aE Ie her inother Mrs. George Hen- ways 28 and 115 when a High- ven;Cemetery and Trustees' kil NP R A CR fromthe hl ospital there, on trc etoto oto n ney; Sunday School treasur- <~ Our town's got everything ... fine shops, handy services, hlfm epe n h n Saturday. collided with lier car. er's repart given by Mrs. E, place to find them ail is in your YeIIow Pages. Take, for instancalterinst owt IWorld's Day ai Prayen Mr. and Mrs. Clifford GUI- Green. ~~ - ~~service wiii be heid Friday at bank ai Peterborough ccdc- There wcre few changes home repairs. Your YeIIow Pages can help you.find the tradesmnyune r fyur W iI Contract ceu e 2:30 p.m. in the Sunday School bnated their Silver Wedding made in the siate ai off icers Hall, foilowed by a social cuP on Saturday evening with a for 1967. Secretary, Mn. paning to do it yourself, ail the materials you may require. Wha.vryuned orYIo A j ai ~~~~oftea, courtesy ai the U.C.W. party arranged by their fam- Chas. Raby; Elders, Mrs. C. Paecnhlp oufditqikyad asl. hthryuead nganww ig ntte Fron 1l2 Acre and Up Everyone wclcome. îly and held in the Township Raby was returned for an- ae a epyufidi ucl n aiy..wehryur Newtonville .W hl Hall a Bethany. other tr Mn. Edwin Ruth- house or just making a simple window repair with glazing poitcn ut ieteoe their iirst meeting ai the Gits ai a china dinner set yen wa.s tbe new member ap- illustrtd ei' odI e nteYlo ae ai. SFurth.r information is available from the New Year on Wednesday, and silverware were present- painted; Stewards and Trtîs- Fei. .lst,,in the Sunday Scbnol cd by their family, Kenneth tees remained the saine; Ush- Fi.dsmn fr icks Pckls.Hall, with an attendance ai 24. Gillbank, Miss Evelyn Gili- ens, Mn. Chas. Raby, Mn. S. ~' District FodmnfrBcsPcls Pres. Mrà. G, Sta»Ieton wel-, hank, Miss Sheila Giiibank Dickinson; Treasurer, Mns. C. 7 comcd those présent and and Mrs. AIibney Mitchel n ; Organlst, Miss HIlda opened, the meeting wlth a (Joan), and the many friends Ray s',Ms .Rby hyrnn and prayer. Who attenided from Peter- Sunday School Supt., Mn. S. Tedevotionai. was conduet- borough, Pontypool, Ballyduif Dickinson; S u n d a y Schooi Ro ad W Brook c y ntLaerMs .ad hn.As ist. eup.y'MisjElagn heoe Ir.-S. rw aigbruh ýMdM.Gl-Gen 6 D.. l, ~ - Sclpteand Mri. J. Cas- banlc <ne. Théinia Eliott) October 29tb was the date' Bowm n îi~ i rùujjl. ns&ing vocal solo, farmed in the BaUlyduff ares set for anniversary services.ý j' IEv rea TguArt", se- and wero aci n ail cern- fllowing the regular busi- the plana by mnity affairs. nesa discussions, a motion was; Phono 623-5125 . ra&MUmr Van Darn's orchestra made to adjourn. Rev. Munraj - ,.t »Jér mClr heIi, three-îer..Jwd- uc n sca orwasi

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