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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 13

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Did yuknow Through- selected dairles, somne -six hundred Ontario farmers who produce miIk from Jersey hords, '~carry on an active program cof merchandising their milk under #the registered trade mark "Ail- Jersey". -This farmer sponsored advertis- Ing encourages you, the con- sumner, to try MILK SôId under thîs trademark cosis NO0 MORE but forTAâST'E' and QUALITY 01.4 ACTUAL JSUIRV EV* of Ontario Familles PREFER JERSEY MILK *Which type of milk rateshigh- est in terms of taste andi quality? When asked this question 67.4% cf a large representative group of Ontario housewives answered, JERSEY Orono -Public School Contest pesdnt Mm Haoldnot%;.rj OBITU)M Y The Canadlan atusman, Eowanvile, 'b. a'10 Mr. F. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliot &Il of Oshawai MRS. GEORGE L. HEARL Difficut Job hoosing H. edtgtheeeHampt. The death of 1Mr. George L. Cartwright Novices Mra. H. Patteoof Hampton. Heari who had been. ln fa1 Hampton U.C.W. are holdin health for smre time, occ=urrdl ifF 4 4 il 4 acoffee at this Tuesday, at MemorlalHoptl Bow- ~ l( r s w * HAl e~~~Fb. 14 in thie C.E. Wing Of manville, on unyJnuary ~J I ~ M I E techurch. Hours are fromn 10122, 1967. Hn9yîa W n Cso ti nt core.kra ltrono Tournament On Tuesday evening, Jan- "Bull Fighting";- Larry Lunn tohy for the senior 11nallsts Hipo uba Mse-Baith omrEn ah- uary lt many parents and speaking on Mark Tan and Carol Chatterton, a grade' gers met last Tuesday afterefeBrutwsorat atwih noce okywthwomuesltt pY interestesdpersons attended the. Carol Chatterton speaking on 6i student, was the winner of noon ln the C.E. wing of t)elreMnioa olwing Orono Pub lic Speaking Con- Abrahamn Lincoln and David the trophy for the junior fi charch.the death of her mather she teamn went to Orono Saturday, This again forced a fivu rn1Pw " test in the Orono United Giibank speaking on Dogs. ists. Ail the other spakers The Women's Institute ofiwas bnought, when an infant, Feb. 4th to play in the Little ute hOsvertimne .Dave- Church auditorium, when four' The four senior finalists were were presented with books. Hampton met last Tuesdayta Newcastle, Ont. N.H.L. tournanient. They came minut e geet a uyitii ont senior finalists and four junior Richard Bunting- The Air- These presentatiolis were made afternoon in the C.E. wing of Mis er sriedb oe osltinmhm ionte tt e lartw int avury finalists competed for the win- plane; Sally Staplea-S ehe by Mrs. Touchburn. 'the church. The program was an uncle and sunit, Mr. and Alter a poor stant in the firstecingwn ning trophy.. Leacock; William Giibank- The senior winner, William' in charge of the East Group Mrs. John Kenefick, in New- game, which they lest 9-0 tea1 itn wn Barbie Gustar was the pian- The Deadly Weapon 'Cigaret- Gilbank, wili compete at thei with the roll cail being ta naine castle and received her edu- Oakville, the boys settled' The boys deserve a lot et ist and opened the meeting by tes', the Cause of Luni_ Can- Township finals next and Saliyi'a Canadian premier since con- cation there. On January 19, down ta play smgorn e in a ther lat w o Smus playing God Save the Queen. cer, Cathy Wilkins - )Educa- Stapies, senior runner-up wiii federation. 1916, she marnied George hockey. townin the bat ogae D. Moffat, principal of the tion, the Art o! Learnnng. speak at the Legion Contest.1, The recton's wife, Mrs. Barb- Leonard Hearl who -survives, on thescndgm aant Can tiht nbowat o Ke Orono Public Schooi said a lcw Kay Lycett, speaking on The students of Orono Pub-1 ara Catto, will be the speaker - I. eie i om n esecodm gis Cartwright lok onMac 4h ar teDsrc words of welcome and Intro- behaîf of the judges, said the lic Schooi are holding a Talent1 tomonrow aftennoon at the ville ince 1916. NiewcastlfeCrtwrihocke ean paofsfr. Dstic duced the judges: Mrs. R. judging of these students was Night in the Town Hall, Feb-ý"Women's World Day of ry- he deceased was a mcm- but alter mising quite a few_________ Carleton, Ray Dickson and very difficuit and he had great ruary 9th. The diftenenit groupsljer" service held this yearPnYlT_________ Kay Lycett. praise for al, are practising many hoursrEldad United Chunch. ber of St. Joseph's Roman good chances, Newcastle wenti The four junior flnalists William Gilbank, a grade 7 alter school and hope ta see aý This Sunday there wili be 'Catholic Church, Bowman- ahead 1-0. Paul Larmer gotj B R E " were: Paul Staples, hlm subject istudent was the winner of -the1gaod turnout. -Tines'a rally for leaders of Sigma C ville, and her interests centred that one back shortly alter on:1 BU KJIO and Tyro groups in theCE around her family, home and a good effort. Cartw;right stillý win o te huch Metng~ huch wrehaving trouble putting( Miss Edith Halnoyd, Tor. comenc at8 pm. unvvin, bsids br hm-the puck in the net, althoughionto. with hier parents for the" commnceat p.m Suvivngbesies er us-they were carrying the play.~ weekend. Clbwil mect next cdes-lhome. She was pnedeceased MisAceTyo enee Mr n r.Chas. WarreniChnistie. On Febnuary 2lst students ida a dDoug Killens, preinident Decemben, 1960. before1 pital on Sunday for a tonsil- have returned fnom a pleasanti His fniends Iln the area wili at M. J. Hobbs School wiîî' Fr.uary ll5th. by a daughtece er, Frances.inhe iso ti ed t aplutrC -i month's holiday in the Riojbe pleased to hear that Mn. present a CentennialC o ! Hi-C "Wpea e ttechgs-wil As uriigpe boh riohd teen etr ar- on Mnda, Grande Valley, Texas. WhilejTed Chant returned home and Physical Education d s peakt ouh ervi the haredc ladtso murvivngr Wlamroth- w i ade. ressmiures on fr' iMiss Arlene Holroyd, seven. thene they also visitcd friendslaften spending several days in play. !in Hampton United Chunch onlBrault o! Santa Monica, Calif.;, time was then pîayed andIycan old daughter of Mr. and -, in Dallas, Texas,* . hospital last wcek. .His daugh-~ Winners in last FridayiSunday, Febnuary 19th. Miss Lucie Brault and Mrs. Larry Cooke scorcd on an un-I1 Mrs. Frank Hairoyd, had a"" "Spiritual Fine" was the ter, Mrs. J. Carter o! Thornu-evcning's public speaking con-ý Hampton residents M*ay bejOville Steger, both of Toron- assisted break to give Cart-' heart openatian in the Sickt a 3-2 win Children's Hospital. Toronto, subject of the sermon inhili with childnen Candy anditest held in Hampton Public: interested in knowing that theto. ,wrghta32w Wednesday of last week. Her " HaptnUnte huc lsthisiewrelnceo uets5~0Jwere Danny Catto, Solina Library Board is spon-, M rs. Hearl rested at the In the third gamne, against, condition is neported satisfac-,'ý Sunday with the children's at his home iast Sunday. grd as elasJn Ry-oigabutpto okaeMI story 'Lessons From the Snow" uda ine uetattenland avid DasJee bothîThe bus tiip leae Sorl omijs Funeral Chapel, Bow- Orono for the Consolation' tory at time of writing. Duning the service Mr. BruceIhoîne of Mr. and Mrs. Jackýfrom Grade 5. A reasonably 8:30 arn. and icave the shop- in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic two boys take Ceatigt adîMsBatieTylretr Hunst was installed as church ýLyon o! Hampton was Mrs. S.'good crowd attended the con->ping centre at 4:30 p.m. Any- Church on Wednesda, an-seconds apant early in the ital Monday evening. eIder while Mr. G. Chant and :Kersey, Hampton. test in spite of the inclementibody is welcome to take ary 25th, Rev. F. K. Malane1game. The three penalty kill-;i Mn. tev Aryn ereinsall1 M. F Horoy o!Bowan-weather, bad roads, etc. Last'advantage of this offer. officiating. Intermetwsi n u nadOoodd' ed as stewards. Rev. C. Cattoiville visited with his mother, Tuesday' the winners made! Hampton Tyro memnbers are Bowmnanville Cemetery. get a shot on the net. Later r.Cs ofiitda tecrmn. Mrs. F. Holroyd o! Hampton their speeches again in Salemistaging a paper drive this cni hepro Ooownt, etCshToa The Hampton Little Fniend's j last Sunday. This week Miss 1 Public School c oini p e t i1 aura onig 1wol e Many beautiful floral tnib-o ntepno rn oa Messengers met last 'ing.It w u es n as ad ttse ahead 1-0. Larry Cooke tied it eengerinmthe C.E.MondayiPariiaLabeo! Enniskillen against winnens fromn threemuch appreciated if residents' tote s taniMasic h ted p n anothen unassistedFor Ol.dla.a w theng chuch.the Chi. idrnn fse ndforhe ea wtgoal. Inpîac Wig !'issenin te ek it brothen local public schools. Wewould have their papers readyte deese w ias eh heldre ond pnidOnoo aa In theis., theorking onsclrook madegrandmothcr Mrs. Fred Hol-1will let you know if any o! for pick up by the boys. ,easdw hl.ecn pri Oo gin from old Christmas cards. Mrs. royd. the Hamnpton youngsters werei Anyone wishing to have! Palîbearers we ne Messrs. .went ahead 2-1. Cartwright S TA T E SM AN D. Adcock, leader o! the group,i Pupils of M. J. Hobbs Senior winnens in this contest next news pubîished in the Hamp-1 Ken neth Luxton, H a r v e y kept the pressure on but C informs us that the childneniPublic School put on a vcry week. Iton column please caîl M ns. 'Pal mer, Cecil Samis, John Van couldn't score until Dave Math-i LAM will shortly begin working 0nýenjoyabIe performance last' Hampton Home and School MacKintosh at 623-5294 before Dusen, Douglas Barr andý ison finally tied it !rom ai Phono 623-83Os a Centennial Pnoject consistingýTuesday evening when they Association met last Wcdnes- Monday evening._____ Tony Smyth. scramble in front o! the net' ____________ o! ascnp bok howng ic-presented the three act play, turcs o! 100 yeans ago as weîî' Rumplestiltsken" unden the' as collecting any clothing on 'direction o! teachens Mn. Mc- onnaments of that ena, ail o!' Quay who was in charge of whic thy wil hve o dith~e production and Mn. Dewell play for Parents' Day. assat ato 0su Mn. and Mrs. D. Adcockidents took part in the play u e - i h Mq s visited with their grandfathen, with many ôthers, bclpîng out1 Mn. Roberts o! Roseneath îast behind the scenes with light-I D we tegv i hr etig cnretc. D SUPER.RIGHT QUALITY PICNIC STYLE wishes on hlm 92nd binthday.ý Also taking part In the Members o! the Hampton 1pnogram was a gnoup o! talent- aouvlns Cay tie t teirslhaki ng partie schooe's bpennies SMOKED COOKED Doues Club trepoted having ed yung p u in h clsper ride last Saturday evening.1ipublic speaking contcst. Those Only catch bcing that "'Old'1wo made speeches last Tues- .amukLj Dobbin" had ta be replacedday were Nac encsnIIke by a more modern method o! Marilyn Knox and Vaîcnie PR 1 0 transportation the tractor, duelAvery from grade seven and to h muto nw TheiLinda Hazelton, Donald Drew, party flishcd up with danc-1 Cindy, Ayre and Cindy Sib- ing and nefresbments in the lock from grade 8. Four win- difference chunch hall. Iners will be chosen !norn this Sunday visitons at the home group to be held at M. J. *. of Mn. and Mrs. R. Clemens Hobbs School on Febnuany u g*~ ij*I k U~- o! Hampton were: Mn. and Mnm. lSth. Grade 7 and 8 students inI VVuE Ifood Mbil? L. Clemens and Mn. and Mrs. froni al'the schools in Dan-N A. L. Blanchard, all o! Hamp- lington will be taking part in M ton as well as M. and Ms. this contest. Wc will let you Tow bot thoy cdo..E Mrs. J. Metcalfe o! Hamp- the successful candidates fnom W. buitt ow businessby soing penan for generations of foflcs i ton spent sevenal days f.hi& M. J. Hobbs.Ne m wcek visiting with lfns. Edna M.-J. Hobbs SchoolFsecmfd liàyo.Ô Van Camp, Base Line. 'be a hive o! activity. Not only Four generations lunched at'do they present plays, publice.-For instance, take aur poicy on muhpIe-prced ftems. the home o! Mn. and Mns. Ted' speaking contests, etc. as well Chant o! Hampton a week last as studying the good old "three If un item Is priced 3 for 25r, tdm prico for anec k Wednesday. Guests wene Mn. R's", now they have aima taken 'wilouî> 9c. and Mrs. Frank Buffton ofon 'the' job o! producing a But what happons if you want two? G. Fox of Toronto witb daugh- ew". Under the direction o!Vnovr hi agtrMs colpprcle h Sn Do yau pay1 2 times 9 or 18c? Huy This Family Pack and Save! ter Sandra, their mothen Mrs. school teacher Mn. Stewart, Not at A&P. Grace Bartindale, winterîng the childrcn do thein own Wo sefl it ot 2 for 17c. ti eri nikleMmm. newsgathering, editing, etc., Thots the fair way - the A&P way. PORK LOIN (UT hITfO D. Kernoban, Whltby, and and in genenal leann the rudi- Mrs. J. Carter o! Thornhilliments o! running a newspaper. 9îO il with daughters Candy and'The paper selis for 10c a Y.sopyte aodbuinss.. in, food budgetng, pennies make tho differenco. Q A T R We wcth th foryou ad forus. ONELESS SOLIO MEATl vie hs ndaT Y R O N E Is tis a god rason for shopping A&PfORfUl O S World Day of Prayer ser- hockey.. soefmnyPO K B T R A T vc hsFiaFeb. loth, at On Friday nigbt the Eucbre cm of moloi 2 p.m. airs. D.avid ±iurthey îîiU O i t e Tyiit r1ialitwas will be the speaker. lagain betten than usual withl The Hampton and Tynone l tables. Winners wene Mn. Tyros piayed hockey on the ýCecil Wood, Donald Thomp- mili pond at Tynone Satur- ison, Emma Knapp, Mmm. Clan- day, Feb. 4th. Threc games ence Bradley, Mns. A. Thomp- were played. Tyrone won the' son, Mrs. T. Milîson. 50-50i senior game 7-6; the Pee We draw was won by Mrs. W. games, lst Tyrone 5-3, iidI Vivian. Hampton 2-0. A!tenwards the! Sevenal fromn Tynone cam- leaders, helpens and boys munity' attendcd "Sound o!i went to the home o! Mn. AI- Music" at the Regent Theatreb fred Knowlton for lunch, andý in Oshawa this past two if 'ýanybody conxplains about wcekm. their childmen having ponr The Junior Choir asisted appetites, Mns. Knowlton has', nt the Sun¶iay morning ser-, the remedy. Teli thcm ta play vice by singing the new "Cen- tennial Hymn". Mrs. Percy McCoy returned O BITUARY home aften spending two weeks with ber daughter, Mn. MRS. ELIZABETH PORTER' and Mrs. Norman Cox, Stouf!- iville. Following a lengthy illness Mrs. Lamne Phare spent a o! two and a bal! yeans, the'i few days with Mmm. G. Mc-_, death o! Elizabeth Ann Pont- Coy, Bowmanville. er occurmed on Monday Jan. Club 49 are qvilting a quilt1 23, 1967, ln Memorial Hospital, this week at the home o! Mrs. Bowmanville. R. Scott. Ail hem life was spent in Mr'. and Mns. J. Welsh and: Manvens Township. She w[ls children Visited Mn. and Mrs,' the* daughten o! the late G. Alldrcad. William Cocker and the fonm- i Mr. and Mms. J. Shaw and! cm Jane-Widdls., chiidnen, Oshawa, visited with 1 Until her illness she wvas an ý Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. active member o! Trinity-the- 1Mn. Willamd Thibault, Osu- Marsh, and 'o! its women'b i awa, Miss Helen James, Fini- organizations. She was pre-, ton, Mn. and Mmm. Irwin Mil- deceased by her husband 1 er and 'Imily, Hampton, Chances Johnston Porter. ýwemc last weck visitns o! Mn. The funeral service for Mrs.1 and Mmm. Carl Clark. Week-1 Elizabeth Porter, 80, a! R.R. 1, 'end guests were Mn. and'Mrs.1 Pontypool was held fnom Tin-' Wilfrcd Clark and Mlles,! ity-the-Marsh Chunch on Wed- Tweed.i ncsday, Jan. 25. It was con- Mr and Mmm. Willard Clark!ý ducted by Rev. A. S. Aller- and family, Oshawa, wemel tan, nectar o! Bethany and the Sunday dinner guests o! Mn. Marsh Churches.1 Fred Clark. Sumviving ane twa daugh- 1Mn. and Mmm. W. Park visit- ters, Mmm. Clifford Fallis c d Mr. George McLellan at (Violet) and Mmm. Walter Todd ! Civic Hospital, Peterborough, (Domthy), bath a! R.R. 3,1 and alsa vîsited hem aunt, Millbmook, sud five sons, Alvin i Mmm. McLellan, Peterborough. of R.R. 3, Miilbroak, Leon-' Rev. and Mmm. David Non- ard sud Donald o! R.R. 1, they along with Arlene Hall, Pontypool, Roy a! Mavelock Bcth Knowiton, Maxine Ail- and Keith a! Bowmanviile. dread and Jean McRoberts Thene are 26 graudchildnen attended the C.G.I.T. Rally at and six great-grandchildnen. Hammony United Church on, Among the many beautiful Saturday, February 4th. floral tnibutes wene thome 1 Congratulations ta Rory fmom the Daugbtens o! Cavan 1Gibbs on bcîng chosen anc o! L.O.B.A., No. 1066; Trlnity the outtandlng Novice play.1 Chunch, Havelock Belmnon1t ens during Young Canadaý Legion Banch 389, Goodyear inight at the aena.i Depantments, Bowmanvilie;1 Miss Ruth Dundass sud Mn.' Department o! Higbways,I Doug. Getty, Toronto, wemel jPontypool. i Saturday evening callens on- Six gnandsons acted as pail- Rev. and Mmi. D. Northey, i 'bearens. They wene Ronald,lbeing Rev. Nothey's birth- Jerry, Kenneth and Ralpb Pont-! day. Congratulations. .2r, Earl Todd sud Ivan Fallis. i Weekend guest a! the Non-,i Buriei was in St. John's theys was Miss Lynda Mal,'L .'Anglcan Cernetery, Ida. Whitby. - CHIC E PRIME RIB 4 A&P Fanoy Quality, Red SAVE Up TO 10o OVER OTHER BRAND& SOCKEYE SALMON 71/-f-oz tin 5.5 c Del Monte Stowed TOMATOES Ros. Brand (Parcliment Wropped> MARGARINE Pillibury (Assorted Varieties> CAKE MIXES Premlium (Aamorted Varieties) CLARK SOUPS Jane Parkeor 1BREAD 60% HEWEA Reg. Prie* tin 38 - SAVE 7r 219-fi-oz tins 59 c Reg. Prie. 3 fbs. $I.0 - SAVE 15. 31-b P ios85 c Reg. Prioo pkcg. «o. - SAVE "o. 219-or pkgs 79< FEATURE PRICHI 4 1O-il-oz tins 69C Reog. Prioe loaf 2Me - $AV£ 7o 3 24« caes 6 5c STOCK-UP YOUR FREEZER GRADE "A"'# OVEN READY u 7 VACPAC-3TO4Ib.AVER. RED BRAND BEEF ROAST FIRST 4 RIBS ROAST7.INCH CUT 'b89c A&P INSTANT COF019 SAVE UP TO 70e OVER OTHER BRANDS PREPRICED £ I Fres Prduc FlroiumuuSmls, Whte oPir4Fulgofkket,tù . &Wd GRAPEFRUIT SIZI 96'3 10fr49C NOUE POH ICINER AT A"Pl AU. PRICIS IN TIs AD GUARANTEED THROUCH &ATURDAY, PPUART flui00. i. 1' JANE PARKER BUEBERRY rBLtPIE 24-OZ PIE 5 5(FL8 Reg. Prio. .«ch 5k. - SAVE 4o olue-.Priced! ýR 1 ffl c FULL 8" c looo r

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