IIeced Potentate of Kha rtum Temple -4 Their many friends in the area will be interested in the above picture of Mr. and Mrs. Wreford F. Souch, formerly cf Bowmanville. Mrs. Seuch is the former Gertrude Morris.. Tbey reside in Winnipeg wbere Mr. Souch was recently elected Potentate of the Shriner's Kbartum Temple. He is also a member of the beard cf the'Shriner's Hospital. They expect to visit Bowinanville this year on the way te the Imperial Shnine Sessions in Wasbingston, D.C. in July. The Statesman is 'indebted te, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens for bringing this item about fermer Bew- mhanviIle citizens te the attention cf our readers. Mrs. Stevens is a sister of Mrs. Souch. Formier. China Mission ary Speaks At.Women's World. Day of Prayer ~Port Hope, post Off ice kMýý New Home OTTAWA, Feb. 14th - MovIn feor the new YWzera1 Ilding la Port ~pewlll be on Saturday, 1b8lth, Durham M.P. UselC. Heaey sald today. AU Departmneats should be oen for business la the aew builin on Monday, Fcb- rusry 2thi Mr. Honey sald. ln addition te the Pest Ofice the new building will acemniodate the Customs Office and the offices f th" Deimtment of Maapower. -The ladies of the Baptist~ butes of His Kingdom, ber Church were the hosts for' central point was the need of the annual World Day of each individual, of accepting Prayer services, held on Fi-' their place in it, by a personal day, Feb. lth, at 2:30 and encounter with Jesus Christ, 7:30 p.rn. in St. John's Anglil in acknowledging Him as can Church. Mrs. Capt. Fra- Saviour and Lord. ser was in charge of both ser- Miss Vivian Sadier was vices and extended a warrn soloist in both services and welcome to ail in attendance. sang I'Tomorrow May Not Mrs. John Bell (Mrs. E. Corne." Mrs. Mark Marchant Boomer's rnother>, a retired was organist, and ladies from Êaptist missionary to China, the different churches made was guest speaker. 1 up a rnost effective choir. Wc The theme of the services welcorned into our rnidst for was "The Kingdorn of thelthe first tirne, the ladies from Lord." The sirnplicity and St. Joseph's Parish, and the sincerity of bier 'presentation Mananatha Church. of the gospel of Christ, and Those taking part in usher- His neyer ending Kingdorn, ing, and readings, also these was rnuch appreciated by the in the choir were: ladies present. As she dis- St. John's Anglican - Mrs. cussed the nature and attri- (TURN TO PAGE TWO> Overflow Audience To Speak Hiere Greefs B.H.S.- Annual Hoof Night Pro gram Bowmanville High School's Hoot Night Variety Show was a great success on Friday ev- ra ne s cning. The enthusiastic ap- ta g r plause o! the large audience , that filled the Asscrnbly Hall iv r ik U tion o! the excellent entertain- j ment. Albert Kerekes was ToIIflClr the able M.C., and hie and Don ser R~obinson were the producers. There have been several O Canada played by the Incidents wlthln the lait High School's Concert Band opened the prograrn. Then few days that have alarm- David Peters, Director ojf cd parents and teachers. Music, conducted this band's Attempta have been made playig o!the vertre wich strangers to entice chlld- plaingof heOvetur whchren Into a car to go away included an expressive ren- fradie dition o! Slavonic Dances. fonMadr aferoo.o The band members who Seugog Street near the played wcne Debbie Adarns, Christian Reformed Church Pierre E. Trudeau, M.P. Bey Anderson, Carol Belîrnan, on Scugog Street two men Debby Brewster, Sharlene Cain, ln a faîrly ncw red car The Canadian Club of West;Jim Cobban, Alice Cbittick, trled to persuade a l0-yean. Durhami announces that the Susan Craig, Barbara Crorn- old boy who llved in the next speaker in the current bie, Bob Cuthbertson, Rîck vicînîty to get iato their series wll be Pierre E. Tru-,Draper, Terry Draper, Mary veiiee. The police were denu, M.P., who will address Ann Doyle, Susan Elliott, luformed, and a patrol was the club on "Federalisrn, Na- David Goheen, Cari Hayrnan, made. Other chfldren have tjonullsm and Reason" at thellRachelle H u n t, Rosecran been approached in the nmtng Fcbruary 22nd, in Merkley, Nancy McReberts soutii part of on Trtafty United Church Sunda John McGuîrk, Linda Morris, TURN TO PAGE TWO) (TURN TO PAGE TWO)g. Local Travel Agency Mves to New Location Jury & Loveil Travel Ag-, Passenger Stearnsbip Confer- ency wlll open thc doors o! ence. These appeintments en- lits new location, 19 King St.1 able Uiem te make complete B.. Bewmanville, on MondaY,. arrangements for travel any- February 2th, 1967. This tra- i where in the werld. They are vel agcncy has been operating' also agents for Canadian Na- lu Bowmanville'for the past tional Railways and al Uic twenty-tlve yeans. !rom Uic'I major tour companies. Jury & Lovell Rexail Store.! Mrs. Marilyn Coty, who bas XI was originally located at, been superviser for thc past .fKing St. W., uni fivei three ycars, will be rnanaging ugo when thc drug, Uhc travel agency at its new *r~wsr-Iocated te 2 Kingý location. She swlknw ~)e te the tremendeusi cd from Bowmanville High e!t o the travel businessi School. Mrs. Coty completed sud the demand for priva cv bet trainigig course at tbe Air mmd comfort while discussing, Canada Training Centre in travel arrangements, it be-I November,' 1964, and la well Came necemary te separate the, qualifled te hundie evcry tuavel agency from Uic dnugj phase o! Uic travel business. stem 1This new office heu been jury & Loveil Travel Ag-:set up for Uic convenience ni awy holde Uic appointmrents! people whe wish to discs t the InteMrntionnl Air'Rnrl confldentially set up tra-1 ~n asoiaton the Mdr vr" rranqements withotit in-1 Conterence of Ameri- ter. ption, and with the cap-l Mo lb TranaAtantc able assitace of Mm .Coty. l rercning VOLUME R113 be ~Tfl4bî4n t4fr~rn~îfl 1...Pag.. Nearly 6,000 Pet Animais' Receive Injections -During 12 Anti-R abies- Clinics £Aeces OPENING - The impressive Nightingale Centen- niai Temple on Qucen Street, will be officially opened by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs this Saturday evening with a special oeremony, includ- ing a dinner and congratulatory addresses by high officiais. The many friends and members of the several erganizations who wîll be using the hall for their headquarters will be extending and receiving sincere congratulations on a job well done. t t t t t QUEEN - Zone J in bowling circles will be hold- ing a tournament at Liberty Bowl on Sunday when the Queen of the Zone will be chosen. Rep- resenting Bowmanville will be Miss Connie Bradley who was chosen by the Youtb Bowlers of the community. Her friends will be wishing ber every success. t t t t t CONVENTION - Election fever appears to be gaining some ground. It is understood that Durham Liberals bave been holding several executive meetings preparatory te a provincial nomination meeting in Orono on March 2nd. The new leader Bob Nixon will be the main speaker and twe candidates are rumored to be interested in enter- ing the centest. E. R. Lovekin of Newcastle and Roger Kirkpatrick of Port Hope. Both have been connected witb the party for some time. t t t t t KEY TAGS - This week, 43 war amps in Toronto will start mailing eut close te, eight million metal car licence key tags t9 Canada's car owiAers.' Since, the service was iauiced in 1946, 123,4'36 setý. 6f lest car keys have been found and returned to their owners threugh this service. Wben yours arrive, don't forget te send along 600 te help this worthy cause along. Incidentally, if you baven't already obtained your licence plates, Feb. 28th is the deadline. WAY BACK- Recently, Miss Carnie Painton, Chapel Street, received an interesting programn of an eperetta called "Sylvia" that was presented here on two nights, May 24th and 28th, 1918 in the Town Hall, knewn then as The Opera Heuse. It was sent te Miss Painton by Mrs. Dick Cameron cf Belleville, formerly Win MeMullen of Bew- manville. If space permits we boete include in this editien a picture cf the cast and the story carried by The Statesman at that time. Looking over the list it's nice te find that quite a few of the cast are still going strong. t t t t i. SAFETY - In the~ interests of safety, the young- sters who are taking skiing lessons each Saturday n-orning at the Oshawa Ski Club, east cf Kirby, are asked te obtain safety straps for their harness available at one of the local sports stores. The reason behind the request is a simple one. Without the straps, a ski'could corne off and go speeding down the hili, the sharp, point at the front causing censiderable injury to anyone it hit. The straps are flot expensive. t. 1 EXPERIENCE - Late Tuesday night, the Editor and bis wife received a phone caîl from their eldest son John and bis wif e now living in Montreal. There had been an explosion and fire in the apart- ment building next to theirs, about 30 feet away. One girl was burned to death and several others taken to hospital. At the time of bis phone caîl, two hours after the blaze started, the firemen stili didn't have it under control. No further word bas been received so, we presume their building did, flot sustain any damage. Gwyneth, Lee Wins (entennbial Contest rize The wlnner cf the Cea- tennial Prime Minister', con- test that appcared inluat week's Statesman lu Miss Gwyneth Lee, R.R. 3, Bew- manville. She cerrectly selccted the individual letters lu the advcrtlsementa and put them together te come up wlth the Dame o! Alex- ander Mackenzie, oue of Canada's Prime Miaisters. There were several hund- red other entries inlulst week's coateat who had the correct Dame, but Miss Lee's letter was drawn from the large carton, maklng her the winner. She wlll recelve a letter from The Statesman that wiil eatltle ber te $10 worth of merehandise from lVhyte Bros. Upholstery, King St. East. This popular contest has several more weeks to run, so enter now and you may be next week's wlnner. Please mark your entry en- velope "lCentennial Contest"' or somethlng similar so our staff wlll net have to open each entry before placlng It ln the content carton. IAccident Round-Up Two cars collided on the first road west cf Newcastle in Clarke Township on Tues. day morning at seven o'clocî, The drivers cf the cars in. volvcd were M. Kennedy, Newcastle, and Barbara Par. kin, aise of Newcastle. Con. stable Ken Ruttan, OPP, was the investigating officer. There was a two car coli sien on the Ncwtonvillc Road, north of Ne. 2 Highway on Tue*Layà at 8:30,».m.. .The 4riý verg of these cars Were Sid- ney Wybenga, Kendal, and Ernest Webster, Newcastle. Constable George Evans, OPF, invcstigated. On Sunday aftcrnoen at 3: 15 o'clock a car and two trucks wenc involved ini an accident on the Taunton Road at Mitcbell's Corners. Tw< trucks owned by DX Oul Wbitby, wenc parked over the bnow of a hill, one on the travellcd portion of the high- way and the other on the shoulder cf the road. A car driven by Gordon Payne, Pontypool, driving over the bill in avoiding the truck on the noad hit the ether panked truck wbich was on the shoulder. The truck drivers were AI- lison Rasrnussen, A rt h ur Street, Oshawa, and Stewart Johnson, R.R. 1, Oshawa. Con- stable J. A. Schultz, OPP, was the investigating efficer. Flappers ThriII Hoot NigFut Audience The. fctching fa Ppictured above on stage at 1 in thîs Bowmanville lih School'. Hoot Night Variety Show1 Kramp, entertained the audience by dancing a dasbing Charle- Nichols, Iston remiiscent of the Roming TWeates.Taki part i MgriJyn ie l, B.H.S Strong Man in Action Rick Bromeli above in bis Strong Man Act inipressed the Hoot Night audi- ence at Bowmanvifle High School on Friday evening with bis weight lifting of up to, 320 pounds. Expect Cernent Industry To Increase Out put by 5001'0 W ifhi n Next'Five Years There is considerable ex- pansion in the cernent indus- try at present, and the an- nual output, now 3,000,000 tons, is expected to go up 50 per cent in the next four or five years, Kenneth MacKen- zie, Project Manager of the St. Mary's Cernent Company here, said on Monday even- ing. He was the guest speak- er at the dInner meeting cf the Bowrnanvllle Lions Club held at the Lions Community Centre. He was introduced by Walter Rundle, a past pre- sident. President George White presided, and Perfect Attend- ance Pins werc presented asI follows: 18 Years, Rance Dil- ligIlYasGogsrw Brigadier LyaII Carr "Weil Known in Area WiII Be9Bu-ried Tdy riesarnan. t ~~ ~ h BrgdirnrZ activities of 0 Brig eo C neached te cvery segment cf Uic town. Because o! bis long and dedi- 0 cated niilitary service he was 1, te some extent a legend in bis D own time. Mayor Michael Wladyka1 sunimed up Uic feeling o! the1 cemmunity as be said. "Wc e have lest a great and altnuistic citizen this morning." Brigadier Cern entered the Peterberough Civic Hospital for a wcekend check up and dlcd in the hospital. Re wes born in Toronto butN came to Port Hope et an earlyB age with bis parents and ne-E .~ <. eived bis educetion i Port.e Hepe cheols.o Whlle et hlgh achool hed played wlth the achool football ir In î1927 Brigadier Carr j3c- tes. k, cd Uic Durham militia regiment The returns from BOWMan-A f:* *,5 and carrled bis service through ville ameuntcd te $1,100. au; le -~ to when Uic unit became the Newcastle $120 was reased in r. Lyall N. carre Midiand Regiment and then tO the canvass, and the roceedu ýd ~the bcginnig o! the Scoend in Onono' wcre $I.Th Citizens of Port Hope and Wonld War. Heart Fund Canveas I oSn. district from every walk of life He was a Second Lieutenant tinuing in Clarke Township. [, expressed shock and a sense when the regiment was mobil- Arrangements fer the Heurt' l o! bereavernent following the ized for active service in JulY, Fund Canvass in Dar1lnin 2 sudden dcath eanly Monday, 1940). Township bave flot yet bd t- Feb. 13th, o! Brigadier Lyall In. September o! 1942* he cernpîcted, but It la .Xpected Le N. Carr, C.D., 53, a distinguish- went overseas with the Hast.- t will be held later on this ecd soldier and preminent busi-1 (TURN TO PAGE TWO) meianth. i Speech by Fritz Marti yHorticulture Soc. Learns gImportance of Pru-ning Despite zero weatber last the gucst speaker said that I Wednesday evening thene was Mn. Marti carne to Bowman- a large attendance at the ville 15 years age from Swit:J ObJective $7,022»0 meeting of the Bowmanville zerland, and bas becerne a District Herticultural Society notcd autbority on Ui arA in the Public, Librany audi- and gnowing o! fruitetrees, terium te hear an addrcss on particularly scrni-dwar! ypes. AV "The Pruning and Cane o! "Mn. Marti bas given valu- Fruit Trees." The special able assistance and direction $5,0W.00 speaker was Fritz Manti, own- te fruit gnowers net only i in _ïMfl er and manager of Marti Or- Ontario, but aise in Quebec chard Supply and Service, and in'Uic Annapolis Valley $4100»1 R.R. 4, Bownianville. of Nova Scetia. He lbas aise 38 Mrs. Ken Fletcher, the pre- gnewn thousands o! roses, and wmanvill. sident, wbo prcsided et the in addition is pnesently en- #ne meeting, said that any sug- gagcd in the gladioli business Cnena gestions for bonticultunal Cen- as well. Mr. Marti is a gra- $10 tennial projects for home duate of Uic Swisa Agricul- Funçi ownens would be appreciated. tunal College near Berne," Y$AO Several new members jolned Mn. Slute neid. the organization during 'the Mr. Marti began bis talk by meeting. dlscuuuing tbe specallzed ala- ' Plans were completed for a taire of Uic fruit growlng chertcned bus trip ta' Toronto business. Hie spoke o! thU.c i-Croution f!loqW a, on March 4th to Ulve me. portance o! proper prunlng Mr. Lon Lice bers Uic opportunlyo! at- 'gave the basic reasonsooynu ~ t.ading Ucthe a te Iotvoe r rIt. It nesults hIn healtbler , and Garden Show te be bcld foUffl uid a botter crop hio fee at Uic O'Keefe Centre thatt ld hisbu £u4gnc.t: dd ldou cr A b I .Beturday. that it helvé conol kusectu ,Cb* and ClaudeKilnier; Six Ycai Ted Miller, Jack Mumdeyra Gordon Chartran. The birthdays cf Jlm Frank4 Wilfrid Carruthers, J ac k Brough, Ted Miller, Don Gil- hooly, Alex McGregor and Ralph Kelly were celehiaedà by their feilow Lions. In his address Mn. Mac- Kenzle described the. proceos used in making cernent, IXe aise speke cf the building ot the St. Mfary's- Cment Plant seuthwcst cmu~~anlle and gave th e * déeao what it WlU beoe wheu completed. M( N , -N GKQç . Heart Fund7 dance 4rop we.I.Louise 'Whitney, Karen PM U- Monday nlght aboû*t il 1cti Janice roses, Jan Black, ar-JO Burt, Jil bradewaSuaeto chImeyenw Rita VandeMeent, NrV Xoenderman, and ob. thé. oId h4clneate CR tat Smith. -P"ot.by LI>d Robe troet.ZNo daif M . - p e&d 'r: ;BOWMANVILL]E, ONTAIUO, WEDNESDAY U'RRRITAP.V 13-109'7 ÇIits and --.-%l 1 lver$1'O William Brunt, Chairmau ci the Bewmanville Branch cf the Ontario Heaît Foundation, is in charge of ail arranlgeu ments for the anniual tain- paign In this area te relue funds for heart research- ancl te help patients in need'e! open heart operations by payi! ing for the necesuSy surgery. The Heant Fund Canveus was held in Bewmanville on Menday. Members of the Bow* manville Klwanls Club hetl-i ed by takig ever two sectins of the town for thc door to deor canvais, and Bowmanà ville High School utudents The 12 anti-rabies clinics ago a rabid skunk eitcr ed a held by the Health of Animais herse stable there. Last *eek Branch of thc Department of one of thc horses ithat stable Agriculture i six municipali- was found te. have rabies, and tics of Durham County from it had te be dcstroycd. February 3rd te 9th wcrc well Dr. John Hcndry and Dr-. A. attended. People werc glad te W. Harris, both cf the Health have the opportunity te saf e- Animais Branch here, werc in guard their animais from the charge -of the anti-rabies cli- drcad threat cf rabies through ics and gave thc inneculations, innoculatien, and 5,864 dogu which were aise given by Dr. and cats werc vaccinated.- Alan Steel at thc larger clinios. The situation' regarding They were asslsted by Boyd rabies in this county seeme Robertson of the BovwmahviUe te have abated somewhat as office, and Robert Cunningham, there have only been two cases a Health cf Animais ernployee of rabid animais reported in ini Toronto. the last six wecks, but it is In Bowmanville 1,255 dogs considerably more senieus i and cats reccivcd anti-rabies neighboring Ontario County. vaccine. The numbers at sorne The two recent cases of cf the ether dlinics wcre: New- rabies In Durham County werc castle 382, Orono 376, Black- both in Lcskard. Six wceks steck 366, and Enniskillen 264. -1 r . 1 14 Pages %À lpà&- n--.. Canvass Iknllzulm. f - Nets.