lh.Cundian Stateman, Eowmanvffle, reb. 22, 1967 -f l " al r 9 6 M k i a p e re' a g one Co m m anderHighly SuccessfuSal rttes" of 19 6 M k Fi l Ap e r n e' a gC owAtnd on omadrYouth Pae evc ays Officiai Vis itfYu evc Tuesday, Feb 7ha pae. t ursrieo o10with a largecrw na Thswhassednte oLegion A uxiliary tendancee.wecoed soi omnderGertrude 1l78'sPublic Speaking Co.mTu ~3ims sawa7 was we-mttee. The Legion PubliC ches, Brownies, Gie n onsadDvdGIhit , for bier officiai visit by Speaking Contest will be held' Cubs, and introue r. rsvein ses ao es e t Mary Westcver atlon Saturday morning, Febru- n r wlhn wh tod he C wa, D n V te C si vleLadies Auxiliary to the'iZoeComndrWilam'amala" who lie1 nIda ndLwi coad PtylCanadian Legion held officiated atath teLegion Hall recently.of two additional rnembers ofi took care of an naî o1doGeren rhi n Ln e ports Officer EdnaEl the executive, Comrade Rena tebttruhsrn e alMlsn t als Ilott. Oshawa, was also wel- Bathgate and Comrade Kitty lief in prayer adGd h Cof~.Newman. Following the busi- overcame man. ifclis t ws rgetd ta u Plans for the Zone Bowling ness session a social hour wasl and set a good eapefrt te etnso h an Tourniament to be held in enjoyed, and a delicious lunch other boys andgilai vrnihheCisan eore Oshawa for the auxiliaries inl was served. jthe World Tee Ado atcpt March were discussed by he dTher hh rpae yCG!T Zone sports Officer Elliott. Kigom b S.ta]' Mgembers of the local auxill. NNS ILE no end", opened h erie ary were asked to nteda E NS IL Nz.iàIt h alt speclal sports meeting to bel ItIbY Miss ilee!tMcur~ held in the Legion Hall here (ntended for last week)i The Sailorette Juvenile Corps of Bowmanville seen here for the Eis, Carol Carlson, Theresa Payne, Judy Pir, Cathy Paa t. wihth al ta wrsIptk on Thursday evening, March The below zero temperature' ,ifeetcop. haeYtgp, y sn led the servieo ry »th, at seven o'clock. Ion Sundaygcaused a drop in last tnie together. They now move on to dfeetcrs They hv Captain Irene Rietmnuller, Karen Sarginson, Bannie Lou Carlson, "Praise and 1hn5jil~~ekyRpr It was decided that the th usua.,good attendance atIbeen together for ail the 1966 competitions and have won many Shelly Vanstone, Barbara Henning, Kathy Blake, Janet Lovekin "Confession", a"inres; eeo!Fb131 nlsv Bownianville Ladies Auxiliary the church service. Mr. Mitt-; awards. From left to right, Michelle Lamnont, Sharon Piper, Susan and Janet Bate. Pht.yAtrSui sion". The Scipua Di- to the Royal Canadian Legion ler's message entitled "The Phoo______ Stuiolague was taken A~ w1lenetina ascale-Acid Test" had its accustomed ________________________________ y Ms oe- msin wien tethein i ociHal ere lfervor and sincerity. With successfully so ve shouldi ed was a so!oftheateirhymle: The North wind mar M erAleyrnitadBrts aeF9fiae eni Marc th fgor tlhe eiseveral apt illustrations aurl'ollow Mis example and enlist e George and Margaret Quan- blowand we shall have dnoth iss Allyso rsr, la on!Maurhadvisedr the mmembers hli n aur shortcomings U l trill. A residet of the sh'ad Sflhlth obin domyheDisniarges bers of the 10 other auxili. speaker avsd t a eb rss Cambers, organist and1 M a vers wpICouawa a asneo145te Ohad ha otshahteRbnd uirCorocpelao prtos Ploene niht ap?~t~sIsome soul searching in this corleader directed the an- 1 reviously since 1i45the Ken- thenorhig Helstinh cirafwhRssM-Mnroeatns2 Flrec Kiht pstpes-Iten hchwa n nietbanand keep himself clfas organist, adsn mrcc ramns 3 den, as akedtawrte~0Lenten season and test our,thmwihwsa fcet At the Fehruary meeting; 523.37 as of December 31 dal area. He was a member1 warm, beside some frozen anthem accompanidb i Montreal ta obtain the mo- standard. Our infallible guidelIrish hymn by Mary Byrneof Manvers Township Munici- 1966. 'emut akos!ctveKings ade tStreetsry plConeUnihted Churchmuictins watadcrefuealsevie a tion picture on Expo '67 s w0;lierms ant nke u s ctiveman icaso aedantetic ltles a onith cv ei Cmuiain.redad Tefnra evc . d____ cal odo rm w&Vstn ors38pm al -tatitca b sow tatorer ad o olokesa msi svealcati e. McGill and treasurer Rass discussed included a ques- held et 2 p.m. Feb. l7th, at tint Mr. H. Ibing, Toronto.,\vas!David'son were authorized ta tionnaire from the Otaria the Mclntosh - Anderson Fun- evening. and nflence wereexpectesýda weekend guest at 0. C.' sign the Debenture for $440,- Humane Saciety re dog con- eral Home, Oshawa. întermcntAor hi b o ie It ie-Pesidnt ose Vea s Jeaidtedjsht; I 'c>ctnssk fort i o It ws anoucedtha isrom us. We were remîdds!o'.000.00 in connection wt hýrl The Extesin & Field. was in Port Hope Cemetery. 'Vc-rsietRseVnselthat Jesus faced. cd tst Several couples attended the1 new Public School presently Service reil sipo a- willbe memer f Banchman ties ad masued ujanualLadies' night of the' under construction. The de- vers building by-law; J. R.; tlls o o Masonic order at the Lions'l bcnture is for a twenty year Simonett, Minister of Energy! N IL Centre, Bawmanville, and ie-, period with equal annuel pay- & Resources, cancerning a: inay ot'Iain potamast enjoyable evening.' ments and ta bear interest at proposed 10 acre pond in thej Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beckini, NU ~Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashtanfive and one-half per cent per township; the Department oflmiss Janice Goring, Oshawa, an IL7.B lan 8 W A YIJ were guests recently at the annum. Tourism & Information. reý visited at Mr. Tom Bci'.i home ofMr. andMrs. C TrentCourici will oun te er new regulations concernîn Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taylor, I epsat Haydon. formed Janetville Vlner tourist accommodation;: a- David and Marilyn had din- Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Fire Brigade the sum of, istrate Baxter enclosing Mag-ine help startMr.an LitleBriai, wreSaturdav'$2,000.00. Accounts ta be paid. ývers share or fines forMan- 1nerWesdoy xitM r.an d te- odeiize or To M ake Y our N ext Ms Li Hp adM r ug t nh 00 ip bofps10oP .rj 6 in ri odRas ussof Mr. and Mrs. Les- expand your Calf CropWayne Rwntree, Prince AI-This ban ta bear interest ofl Association regarding Semi- lie Cochrane and Ralph on ~ ~î (r p t e M st ert. :pent Sunday eveningisix per cent per ennuin endiar for Councillors on Febru-Ithe occasion of MrCoc rane's business. with Miss Gail Stainton. ban ta be up ta a five year; ary 2th;The Peteborough Ski birthday were: Mr. and Mrs. Mer ad recent tea gu sto r. period.î Club concerning a road park- Ken Cochrane and Dawn, Mr. ýwr eettaget fM.;Aby-iaw a introducedi n problem;Jae A. Mac- Howard Cowling, Mrrs. I. ~ L and Mrs. J. W. Bowman. !and passed whereby the Donald o! Oshawa rega rding; Dolson, ail o! Whitby. W Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt. onhpo avr ol the matter of opening up a M.Egr rct'sfins INDUSTRIAL ~~ ProfitableiOne Ever Oshawuce o $75,000.00 frorn Road Allowance; Robert A.Iwillî ladoknow that he j DVLP ETB N OFFSRING0F TESE ULLSLin. and John C. w er udyat Bethany if the need should ties Roed Engineer, with re- much improvod. EASRING O R T ESE BUdîiner gundtso!n Mr and Mrs.arise in 1967. gards ta improvement o! a; Couidtilete ad!s- TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES EA N OE!lCanieron Oke's, Oshawa. i The United Counties Engin- bridge in the 7th concessiioined winter" we hear men- TORONTO, ONT. 250 University Avenue -Te? hige 368-1145 IMrs. J. Muller and Darrylh er wiih be notified that the between lots 20 and 21; De- tioned from time ta time') It M~ O r c a r d V a e A B U d v a a c e o r e M i e h i e fO s h a w a , w e r e S t u r d a y v i s it i r a b s p o !t M a n v0 e r . s w i h or e - M a rt me n tn o ! H i g w a y s e fr i n g st a md a d n u r s e r y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EfecUion (Hostein) (Hereford) Certified Meat ors at E. Wright's. qur-bu1500cu d !Mitnnc loec o _ »ga.ughter produce almost Sire. Tested steer sons Mrs. G. Bradley, Cahander,icrushed gravel in the currenti 1967; Russell Honey, re Sea-, Z 10%, mose mllk than averaged 943 lbs. at 1V1,4 Mrs. J. Griffin, Oshawa, were year. way Motors; Northumberiand, Saturday cahiers et F. Beck- Ail property owners having and Durham Heelth Unit; ~ ermte.months old. ett's. arrears o! taxes for the year monthiy report. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, 1964 will be natified that Among the accounts order-; KinabuatSapem Wllaar umo 2 jwere visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. payment o! same wili have ta ed paid were the Winterl ~ Cimx .îrsy)(Angus) Certified Meat Louis Jeweli, Sunderland. 'emd yMy 16.AlWrspyr1 rmJiur Sire.Teste stee so 1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, unpaid taxes eftem this date l3th through ta February 4th Daughtersg ive 13%12DaSerend Brian, attensensa'ta be registered under the in the amount o! $1,045.00:1 Smore miIk than avrgd87lb.a 34 surprise party on Fridev even- tex sale procedume under the Road Vouche No. 2 for roadl bedae.months old. ing at the home o! Mr. and Department of Municipal Af- accaunt $2,955.55; E r nesti Mrs. Reg Brock's, Bowman- fairs Act. The tex arrears for Lamb $5.00 woif bounty, and! elà Braggart Lonedale Baron 22nd. ville, on the occasion o! their 1964 ad16 mutt 2, eea efr cons (Shorthorn) 15th wedding anniversery. 1 Grse>Tested steer sons averaged Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, gires 1W 14% Mglbsat 1,:Y gIhIIIS Miss Betty Jane Werry, Mr.ý ~oe llktisas hrdmaes.and Mrs. A. J. Werry, Sandra, t=e__ a yrshanhfrde> Sir. tdste os Sharon and James were Sun- t r t /e 8 lt r IO D G E R T E S OE S MLC i tanday tee guests o! M. and Mrs e t r to tC i Bmdnbushs Final (Charoais)> Certified Meat G. Werry's. AIA IPSL frrsac upss rO D A E S C R T E Coasmm A yrhreuie.l edser osMr. and Mrs. F. Beckett,, AIML ISOSA fr earch0.0pupses, for DaisMrs gve 8%averged 170 Is. at133~ were Saturday evening vist- i ear Sir: ddta l.Oyusn o moe i t erd ate d 1070nMI s o13Y ors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Grillin, 1 I have just finished reed- research end up buying M E M u ým«,»jk tan ermats. onts od.Oshawa. A celebmation o! Mrs.1 ing an article 'in the "Star yaur own pet ta be kiiled 1 11 Griffin's and Mrs. Beckctt's Weekly" dated February 18, without yau knowing it?DO Y U Q A I F birthdays. Congratulations. 1967, "The Dognappers Are Maybe people who have CEN RAL ONT RIOMiss Susen Werry spent a Aftcr Your Pet," and before flot read the article will flot few days et A. J. Wcrry's lest I can get my mind on ta, know exactiy whet I arn W ~ TT E DE hIL I CCLI week. This week Master Scott reediiùg this week's States- pointing ta. 1 suggest after * A TL ~ U Bb REEDING ASMJU Werry is spending e few days. man I have ta sit down and you are finished reading Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, n unload my disgust on ta yaur Statesman ta look this Phone for service weekdays tili 10 arn, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGillj you and aur fellow readers. article up, it is weli worthG I I JAN 1E ForSudaysevie (iimot aea),and boys, were Sunday after-' It bothers me ta think it. Fo Sndy eric inrnstarasnoan guests o! Miss Mrae tha oniy lest week a Dog May I selute Mr. Walter phone Saturdays 6 - 8 pn. Dow, Haydon. Control Officer chased aur Stewart of the Star Weekly Mm. and Mrs. Mon Ciemensi family pet into the back- staff for bringing this out Liste in l cal d recto ies.and boys w ere Sunday te e yard, wth a big speech on i th o enI IMU guestsaet E. Wright's. . how helshauid flot be run- Keep youm eye on your ning et large. He is sup Fish bowl and youm pet posed ta be tied Up or kept Cenary, they may be next. m in the house. Well, as I wes Thanks ta the Statesman flot home toaepologize et the staff. The Charma an Me ber ofturne, I arn very sormy I had William A. Yeo, Th C aima nd Me bes fta let the dog out ta do his Hampton, Ontario. SMd before the lega waitp nso in prid asup', it pnsonifyo hveno other incarne. If yudohvotr Ho uhchance do you - -if(6 ECOURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL j have ta get a dog back .a8- OBITUARY incarne, but it is less than $720 a year amn601 ya SII ter he bas been sold t CE CI A. QUANTRL someone else? Wes tha in the faith!ul pet you peid X dol- A member a! the Darling-. ulf o upeetbto eue properly, sold ta a Dog- priar ta bis retirement this t a l 4SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ~~~~~~napper et a sizeable profit yeer, Cecii A. Quantrill died ta vr l g euiypninri SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ~~~~~~~~~~only to starve in bis barnl- Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1967, aU urnedarothyicreo tles 15 are on 1 bred hound you lost, sald He had been in faiiing heaith;ý for X dollars ta be uh-frteps year.1 emed? Mm. Quantrili is survived cul sgaatea es $1aronhi for etafircaceb isf.e athcupeisgarneeoareat$20arnnt iMatereta g i th ey a r pcets ub a u mart r lie d eigon, O nt., UT lIflhIr. If y o q alf , p p y i - * y , Mrc 3 1 6 71ta e ar pets pbck afl rWiîsd av i gon, w om eS c rty p n in rs fyu.U IIu pî vLîutUIy F rid a y M a r h r d , 9 aho egerl firchrane b in!ehe formher M et h l flln pH.,~& ~ il allog onpt tfa ices r gareHle Drty Gepin!945; a daugnhter, Mrsut H. r nappicaionn au815PU1fr ets just aiprsgain oden(orsonh,)Ho!wuaprdvu cnat of a~re at 8:15 p.m. j f~~~I o greedy on aps? and l t n, Ho ard of n e nD t ,U J JI U I Iy u Ipen ta me if I gathered up Fort William. n uIniw nwwa ol hp apelrf n a !fld A ge Security, Canada Pension Plan or Infic. 1 stray catile or horses or any Also surviving are two sis-,ý GUEST SPEAKER: 1 other farm animal and sold ters, Mrs. Charles Birch Addresses are Iisted in your bookiet thein et a profit before (Alva) o! Saskatoon and Mrs. notifying t h eir rightful Dean Leach (Ethel) o! Spa-, owner; Il would be a few kane, Wash.; a brother, Evaný Mr. L94. ohnstiq 1years behind bars ta tbink of Orono; seven grandchiidren ' Mr.L.M. ohsîoi.it over. But ta me the sanie ancn great.grandchild. Mr.ý ISSUED BY HON. ALLAN J. MacEACE t n ses , igo igtu-Qa sn, lying Officer eiwin; Ausat euy iite fEdctondroirnsgaà-sn ling ferEwn MINISTER 0F NATIONAL HEALTH ANDI EFR Assstat Dput Mi ute of Edu a1i 1 can only wonder how Quantrill, whe <ed at Bran- forý Ontario irnany people weuld take a don in 1944 whiie servingi chihd's pet, leave the child Iwith the R.C.A.F.. broken-hearted and sell the i Born in the Kendal area o! pet at aprofit to be kledlad eTown8hp.the deceaa..