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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 12

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SwCm",=ianStatesman, Bowman'vtf.,star. i. leu ;Crowd Attends Opening id Fellows-Rebekahs Hall. he formal openIng af the cordially welcomed everyone bolme Hughes. kingl Centennfia Temple present in a brief address. AI Thene were four 50-Year Queen Stet, tokpaeMembers ai the Odd Fellows eveuday tookpaeb18 beautiful arrangement ai yel- present: Joseph H. High- eveingFeb ~low, white and red carnations, field, Otto Bragg, Luther 1 ienew builing was yellow chnysanthemums, red Nichais, and Sam Dumas, wht) te Ldthe Florence Nigbt. rasebuds and mauve iris now lives in Brigbton. District de r oeNo. 66, Indepen. centned the bead table, and Secretary McMurter alsa an- Beehive Rebekab Lodge pieces ai yellow and wbitemoehntw t-fv25ea 125.sweetpeas in crystal vases, Members, tbree members fram Mnd Master Max Singer and were also adorned with District 41, 43 from District Ie Grand Lodge ai On- miniature standards with flags 42, which includes Bowman- >4 officiated at the impres- ai Expo '67. ville, Port Hope, Cobourg and ;,eemony. Mare than No. 42 District Secnetary S. Orono; anc tram District 43, Lâdd ellows and Rebekab Gz. McMurter introduced the seven frani District 44, one kà, nembers and giiests head tables and district digni- iram District 45, one fram mddthe event. taries as follows: Grand Master District 48, also one from Dis- . 42 District Deputy Grand and Mns. Singer, District Dep- trict 36, 76 Rebckahs includ- ten Harry Wade, wbo pre- uty Grand Master and Mns. ing Noble Grand Eakins ai à at the banquet beld in Wade, Beehive Rebekab Lodge Rebekab Lodge, Lindsay, wife spaclous downstains bail, Noble Grand Yvonne Cox and of the Mayor ai that town, and ber busband, Eanlc Cox, No. there were 24 other guests. 41 District Deputy Grand Councillor Hughes brougbt Master and Mrs. Clan- grectings and congratulations ence Butson, No. 43 District irom Town Council. He said Deputy Grand Master and Mrs. that His Wanship Mayor Iva ~23 3 03Ernest Eakins, No. 44 District Hobbs, who is a member. ai $23-3303Deputy Grand Master and the I.O.O.F., had asked hlm ta ferMns. Nelson Wilder, Brother tell the gathering that he was fer Henry Banten, Noble Grand ai sincerely sorry it was im- Florence Nigbtingale Lodge; passible for hlm ta be present. Rebekab District Deputy Presi- "The new Nightingale Cen- dent Betty Major, Orono; No. tennial Temple is an asset ta S m 42 District Warden and Mrs. the town, and we are praud ta Fred Gruber, District Secre- bave these great organizations, tary and Mrs. S. G. McMuter, the Odd Fellows and tbe Re- Russell C. Honey, M.P., and bekahs here," Coun c 111 o r Mrs. Honey; Alex Carnuthens, Hughes stated. M.P.P. and Mrs. Carnuthers, Noble Grand Henry Barten and Councillon and Mrs. Glen- ai Florence Nightingale Lodge <un diun Weekly NewsppernAssoclutioni Annyounces q..- ce.ntennýi es$ cont'.. for seconde. -Sc 00 St U RESPONSIBILITY A ICANADIAN" Attention Secondury School Students YOU CAN 'MN CASH PRIZES - $25, $15, slO Every citizen of a nation bears a responsi bility for the conduct and welfare of his country. There is no more important group fo whom the nation should listen than to ifs youth. It is her young people who will decide what kind of country this Canada of ours will be in the years ta corne. 1As a prominent statesman fold the people flot long ago: "As cifizens of this democracy, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law-givers and the law-abiding, the beginning and the end." Because of your importance f0 the nation's future, we feel if is ap- propriate in this centennial year, that yau have the oppartuniîy 10 express your views an what you fhink your responsibilities are Io your country. And so, ài s with pleasure wp announce centennial essay contest forS cndiry schoolsuefnt Sa start todey to write your essay art "MY RESPONSIBILITY AS A CANADIAN" The people wha win will write because they have some ideas and want ta express them. But for further motivation, there are prizes of $U5.00, $15.00, $10.00 at the local level; more prizes if yoiu win the Provincial competition and a trip ta Ottawa plus more prizes for the National winner. We'll print the best essys. Judges Decisions Are Finail Nfere ore the Rules: 1. Yqu must b. attendig a high school in Durhami Caunty at the tAme. the essay la submitted. 2. 'ou mu aot b. a member ai the imnnediate family ai an .niploys .ot your newpaper.-- 3. Your enay shauldn't b. more than 750 words long. It would b. helpil If It were typed or at least written legibly. 4. Busays mufft be received by The Canafilan Stateornan, P.O. Box 190 BowmaniUle, flot later than M*ch 31, 1967. Odd Fellows Grand Lodge Officers Attend Opening The recent officiai opening of the Odd Fellows- B .ro. Max - Singer, Grand Master Grand Lodgeo Rebekahs Centennial Nightingale Lodge Hall on Queen Ontario; Bro. Ernest Eakins, DDGM, Dist. 43; Bno Street, Bownianville, saw rnany top officiais of the Harry Wade, DDGM, Dist. 42; Bro. Fred Gruber lodges hene ta mark the occasion. The above group DDGW, Dist. 42 and Bra. Glenn Wannamaker, Granc includes; from lef t ta night, Bro. Clarence Butson, Conductor, Grand Lodge of Ontario. DDGM, Dist. 41; Bro. Nelson Wilder, DDGM, Dist. 44; Four Fifty-Year Members Attend Hall Opening Amang the nearly 200 members and guests attend- are being greeted here by Grand Master Bro. Max ing the Hall opening were four local Odd Fellows who Singer. Incidentally, in the photo published last week had passed the 50-year mark in membership. They i the ribbon-cutting, the name af Mrs. Max Singer were fromn leit ta right, Bro. Luther Nichols, Bro. Joe was inadvertently omitted. Eighfield, Bro. Sam Dumas and Bro. Otto Bragg. They extended a vote ai thanks ta t o dalal in their power ta1 Noble Grand Cox, Sister Edna demalish this barnier ta wonld Kerr, wha was in charge ai pragness. the kitchen and other mcm- "Remember the exhortation1 bers ai Beehive Rebekah 'Do unto athers as you would Lodge wbo had assisted in have them do unto yau'. Sit preparing the deliciaus dinner back and always try ta see1 and served it sa efficiently. the athen side. Put yaurselfc In the large and well ap- mentally on the receiving endt painted temple upstairs after and nealize how yau wouldz the banquet No. 42 District feel in the circumstances. Deputy Grand Master Harry When we nemember that al Wade asked the fallowing ta mankind bas been created in dn GrnaMe'sér Sin er and God's image we should neyer himself on the dais: Grand be unjust ta any human being. Conductor Glen Wannamaker If passible never hurt another af the Grand Lodge ai On- persan. tario, Rebekah District Deputy "Respect evenyonc's religion President Major, Russell C. and they will respect yaurs. Honey, M.P. and Alex. Car- We ail believe in a Supreme nuthers, M.P.P. Being and have the same ulti- Introduced by Grand Con- mate goal. We must take ductor Wannamaker, t h e stock and do aur u tmast as special speaker, Grand Master honest men ta decide wbat is Singer, commended I.O.O.F. good for ail mankind. As District No. 42, Florence long as we have fith in aur Nightingale . Lodge and Bec- bearts rigbt will prevail". hive Rebekah Lodge for their The speaker said that ira- achievement in building the ternal organizations have a splendid new Temple, a sign great job ta do. "Our Order ai progrcss and co-operation. can do sa much that will He extolled Canada as the benefît others bath materially gneatest democracy in the and spiritually. Let us sec world, and said he is proud that aur lodges are canducted ta be a Canadian. The speak- with a truc spirit ai unselfisb- er was emphatic in sayîng ness and friendship and let that the Odd Fellaws have this nat be canfined ta aur the greatest fraternal anganiz- lodge raams but go witb us ation anywhere. "We must inta aur daily work. serve and sacrifice ta carry "Let us get rid ai ahl petti- out its principles," he assert- ness. Accord aur fellaws dig- ed. nity and respect, and have our He stressed the importance arms outstretched ta those ai each indîvidual giving full- wha are in need. Create a hearted allegiance ta the re- bulwark for peace through the ligion ai bis choice. This will forgîng ai the three links, hasten the day that the im- friendship, love and truth. partant goal, the advent of Have a kindly sympatby for world bratherhood, will be al people". abtained, be explained. "Today the Independent "Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, Order of Odd Fellow is gaing carry on your benitage. Hope ahead. We have a member- and pray for warld security ship ai 1,250,000,'l the speaker and equal justice far ail. The said. He spoke ai the forma- very existence ai civilization ticn ai a Grand Lodge in depends on world peace. Since Chule last yean, and ai the the foundation 148 yeans aga Grand Lodges in Argentina, af the finst Odd Fellows West Germany, Denmark, Ice- Lodge in Canada the Order said the total membenship oi bas taken a leading raIe the -I.O.O.F. thnoughout the against batned tnd dissension, world is mare than 7,000,000. and prejudice. Speaking ai the Odd Fel- Grand Master Singer ne- lows' services and their con- minded bis hearers that God tributions ta philanthropie cneated man in His image and wonk he told the members thenefone ail are brothers. He thgt tbey should not take the painted out that pnecepts virtues ai their ander' for ]earned irom sermons an Sun- granted but sbould always day should be canried out bave in mind bow privilegcd every day ai the week. tbey are ta belong ta it. World peace can be further- "In 1860 the Odd Fellows ed by membens ai the I.O.O.F. wene the iirst organization ta and the Rebekabs thnoughout stant an orpbanage, and short- the wonld doing their best ta ly afterwards the first 1.0. spread the spirit aif niendsbip, 0,F. home for the aged was lave and tnutb, he said. A built," the speaker saîd. He wider knowledge ai the people added that many homes for ai other lands and thein pnob- the aged were buiît by the lems will help ta bring about order in Canada and the Unit- betten international relations, ed States, and that there are and banish the jealousy and 51 being operated now. bittenness that is prevalent, Grand Master Singer also the speaker declaned. spoke ai the Odd Fellows' "Thermo-nuclear war is a work in connection with the danger today resulting in the Eye Bank, annual Yautb Pîl- inter-dependence ofai an- grimages ta the United Na- tions. It is vitally important tions, cancer research, and the that you get into the business donation ai 2,000 wbeelchairs ai engineering ta build bridges ta hospitals. but nat material ones. 1., Rebekah District Deputy Build a bridge ai understand- President Major maved a vote ing, and brotbenbood. 2. A af tbanks ta the special speak- bridge ai tolerance and fair er, and District Deputy Wade play. 3. Build a strong bridge alsa expressed bis persanal Sp. ta other people that will pre- preciation ta Grand Master vent prejudice, a scaurge Singer for bis dynaii ad- that bas caused great banm dress. througbaut the Years. The white satin ribbon, I "«Prejudice is a dispicable stretched between two ped- tanic8 it is defined as a pre- dais, was cut by the Grand judgment ai à class or a Master af the Grand Lodge persan without a fair trial,,, ai Ontario, assisted by District Grand Master Singer said. He Deputy Preaident af the Re- ýgave a numben of examples ai bekah Assenibly, Betty Major, prejudice and its resultantlta ionmally open the new ýdamage, and unged everyone 1Temple. fia be on guard agâM14 atn d' Mr-. Mnycongratulated Flanence Nightingale Ladge jing his felicitatians ta, the Odd No. 66 and Beehive Rebekab FelloWs and Rebekahs said Ladge Na. 125 and extended that he and his wife wene his best wishes ta bath for all happy ta attend the apening success in the future. He ai the new Temple, a mile- said that be and bis wiie stone for bath arganizatians. were honared ta be present No. 42 District Warden Fred an this important occasion for Gruber, Part Hape, presented the Grand Lodge ai Otaria an attractive giît ta Grand and Bowmanville. Master and Mrs. Singer as a Mr. Carruthers In express- Isauvenin ai the occasion. i tained "in face ai persistent flected in the cout ai power. >oir yeliowpages la .e Our town's got everything ... fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the best place ta find them al is in your YeIIow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things ta do with radio and television. Your YeIlow Pages can help you buy a new set or repair or service your present one. Whatever you need, your YelIow Pages can help you find it quickly and easily. .. whether it be a deluxe model colour television or a simple antenna stand-off insulator like the one illustrated. Ves, it's good ta get in the YeIlow Pages habit ... everything's here in town. tue ~0 ilhM I intown NO. g Il I g u j, "j _j AÀS A w 1 1 iSun Life Reports an Sun Lite Assurance Company inflation and rislng deficits la af Canada epored an excel- international accounts." lent yeMa pors for 1966, Te North American econ- Bane Passant, Sun Lies amy, hie said, has reached a representative announced fol- point at which continuation .ý9i lowing the annual meeting in cost and price incres st Monteal. le expected, accomrpanled The Company will increase a decrease In the rate dividend paymnents ta partici- growth. pating policyholders in 1967. "In Canada a greater reli- An estimated $67,279,000 will ance on fiscal Policies, auec- be paid, $7,88 1,000 over divi- ialîy restraint 'n governiment dend payments durlng 1966. expenditures, appears desirable Sales i 1966 amounted ta at this ie. When gaverninent $1,316,463,000 bringing total takes toa large a share af 111e insurance ifarce ta $14,- capital funds, corporations are 447,064,000, up 7% over the restricted in the amaunt af year. Individual lite insurance capital available ta them ta in- sales reached a record amount crease bath the capacity and af over one billion dollars dur- efficient af production facili. ing 1966 - a 9% increase over ties.,, 1965. Group life insurance sales amaunted to the substan- tial figure ai $3 13,458,000. Annual premiums payable ENFIELD for health insurance increased of by 23% to $17,930,000. Mrs. R. Griffin attended a Paymcnts tae olcyholders, family gathering at the home beneficiaries and lannuitarits of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wot- rduring 1966 incrcased by $18,- ten, Oshawa. id 197,000 to $263,362,000. Miss Cindy Balint, Philip, Assets ai the Company pass- Robin and Lee Balint spent ed $3 billion during 1966 and the weekend with relatives ini -amaunted ta $3,098,738,000 at Toronto. the end ai the year. The grass rate of interest Miss Nancy Simms and Mr. earned an the company's assets Joe Hancock, West Guildford, increased from 5.62% in 1965 visited at Mr. Flayd Lloyd's. ta 5.76% in 1966. The net rate, Recent visitors with the aiter taking into account in- Prescott families were: Mr. vestment taxes and expenses and Mrs. Murray Precott, was 5.54%. Earnings fram in' Cindy and Susan, St. Cather- surance aperatians in 1966 mnes; Mr. and Mrs. Les Gib- were $92,012,000, 11% higher son, Columbus, and Mr. and than i the preceding year. Mrs. Donald Gibsan, Oshawa; Funds held under variable Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris, accumulation pension plans Linda and Jimmy, South grew ta $64,281,000 an increase Monaghah. ai more than $12 million. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephen- At the annual meeting ai the son, Wendy and Michele, campany in Montreal, Sun Lue Newcastle, visited at Mr. Don president Alistair M. Campbell Lee'.. said that despite difficulties Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tay- present in 1966 and their car- lor and family visited at Mr. ry-aver inta 1967, "there is un- Keith Taylor's, Janetville, and doubtedly still a strong under- Mr. Frank Osborne's, Baw- tone ta business. There is every iTanville. reason, therefore, tao look for- Mr. E. Oakley, Toranto, ward ta a further year ai sub- visited at Mr. E. Balint's. stantial prosperity in 1967." Mr. and Mrs. Rae Cawling, Mr. Campbell said that in Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. 1966 excessive demands an in- Neil Smith and family, Cal- dustrial and financial resaurces umbus, were guests ai Mrs. caused inflationary tendencies, R. Griffin. credit stringency and rising Gathering iacts about the interest rates ta emerge as bistory of Eniield ane hun- patential threats ta the contin- dred years ago has revealed uation ai prasperity. that in the small cluster of AUl sectors ai the econamy houses around the church have been responsible - '*con- were: a blacksmith shap, two sumers when spending at rates general stores for a short beyand their current incarnes, periad, a camniunity hall, a labor when demanding wage post office, a shoe repair, a increases greater than ilicreas- piggery and a tavern. Thére es in praductivity, business were seven dwellings nat when increasing capital expen- counting the farn homes. ditures ta meet demands for How's that for enterprise? increased production ai gaads, There would be no time for and governments when run- caffce breaks in the goad aid ning substantial cash deficits." days. Mn. Campbell said that in _________( most industrial countries there bas developed a tendency ta Maliciaus damage ta Hydra assume that full employment installations can cause power and satisfactary growth must interruptions or create haz- be given prionity. He suggested ards ta lufe and property. The that these cannot be long main, cast ai repairs 1a ultlmately ne. t'. w w w w w g. w w I w w

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