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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 15

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Ofais ars f IÏ~hRn-Wm noncmn M gsrate"s Court M.1 Cara o Tank Crdaofr ________HeId in BowmanvilleA nag L se Iwud like toi tank I wlah to thank ail that àrYG3MC S pilea-<Rubboe * frim da, elghbors and r el- helped i n a , f r r da, g oda>post ald in i t o r s tiuafo vsiacada f oweru fowraYviit, urs»o es hg li eae nao. th3 February lUth, 1k? trailer were consumed by the guilty. Convito bruha andfit given me while i ital, Dr. Feiruon Stazi price.liat. six s .mAfeamplea omeca fr. fn f 5 d$420, Dr10 L s r i led t K-nae K Ouh&waGeea Hoapital and 0owlig for work 24 r les $1.00. Mi re r ümntl h or as h fiirwsCn 'am.Seil Harvey Strong. 9-1 Dep.LT28. Nov..Rubber <Co. traveller, pleaded fnot guilty thatMr. WiDawsn, old h cutdables.tufirt, as Con- a cer gtansiht b ugon am to nurses, Dr. Stockas geai. Hamilton. ont. 1-52 of making an improper left divb ater ageof, 2,5ha0stale D. tBartber andhsata tansmtlvoie ua otole mcnb L ZroklUn doctors. 'W* would like to thank our turn on Highway 35 Decemberdmien an av prerge 0f ,50 lfodBrerad hsns fcivltanheint Cir nc ils a e k pro tiwas brother Gordon said they were day'a sce e fito frî e n d s n d r e l a t v e s f o r a r d a, W n t e d ~ 5 0 a n d h adTh et b is o b b e c a s e so ft h ouideo n5 0cau n tyli d e - tr .ie, b u t e v e n o b s l et e, w i h i n st o p m g or oas e b l e e d ngaid e - Clrncgie.91ftns and catsfo r icocasrda, ________________ was Constable D. Stuart, <>P>R of the accident. He added that road about 10 a.m. and pass- a few duteaens, .D ACostnl, h ad My *cere thanka tealal ot our 25th Wedding Anni- Cash. On the Spot Gog aoriPtro.his client had stopped at, a cd several cars and trucks amilton, el Telephoe.D. Who remcmbered me witb e rCrpe Fm ougb, told leaglstrate R. B. service centre a mile or 50 parked near a dump. Ahead CoomiutonaBdelonatra, flowers, fruit and cad. Vea and Charles Downey. f Sock.PDead r C rc tFar Baxter he was southbound down the highway and had a of thena they saw a Volkswag- turer, said here on T 9-1__ about 11 a.m. with Thomas nap but was unable to explain en driven by Mrs. Popovich taon ta show toe Bo- Speiltak eD.K .TlpoeCUe 6-71Smyth, Janetville, on their wby his vehicle bad left tbe about 15 or 20 miles an etFb.Wscol aryavoc etve Seonrean stfof Sincere tbanks ta ail who Margwill Fur Farm way to a sales meeting in road. wa$0adcsa Its windows were cornpletely dinnermetn g tChluyngbs Kt.phn, hch for Flor knd rs. Ahlex Irs remembered me with carda, TRN Hamilton. He said that et the The fine ws$0adcss frosted over. Wen Mr. Barb- dnmev e tn CIba K4 Ngt <T~ for~a th i i d e a w i e I W Sflow ers and gifts wHonornM ewaves contvNew astltth In Menorial Hospital and wLicence TYRNo.11C6 rsvndys n hr a rpledott a h ayDutcbman.sudacItI sic rtrnn hm.marial Hpta l.Specdal thanksWe Licnce Any Bonus Card soto lane bec:me twn osevendsi nd tbiee r uledou t pasthhedy td t c asrtf alsoeursleson ad.Surc ll, o8-f ne for left band turna and osupesonaflcece uddenly swung ta the leftre- neteie !teLsrlgtwva rvltruj ElaLah _ lonre nSria lc _fGeorge Andrew Harrison, 8sulting in a collision. was first described abue iesaet ti eevr h onc for straight ahead. WhenFoctMnradDn il, r. Popovich, whose hua_ years ago, this discer( bste'ecane akt o I wui lie a xprssmy Mrs. R. McDonald. 9-1* Deadstock Service the car ahead, which was driv- Foet uaity odangerousbndbd en usig h influenced every majo rao wvsaen adbitu sincere thanks ta frienda and Mr. and Mn. Thos. Carter Hlghet Cash P'rlces for Dead en by Mr. Oliver, turned entoededigo iha 0 Fb a ihatuk agti o ad relatives for visita, carda, wisb to tbank their familles and Crirnled Farm Stock the straight-ahead lane and drivin sience"tegetsekra mlfe, eepan gilta and flowers during my friends and neighbours for BIJRET FUR FARM I wish te announce that 1 slowed up, Mr. Sabourin et- aylt.ig a tepigt unM adUcpsil sse Phono Long Ditance amn retiring from the Real tempted tepassIS ud I idContae D tat p, nchiea adg aku M.Co on reetstay in Memorial Mos- carda, gifts and surprse parry ol i'scrve te t Considtheae fturoll in a ieay ad gtbak ep M. Cophoined uttaLar nidustyae des rpricentrtyZenith 850(n hrt o YuSstt usnsandel hr- eete nthyae Ptanka twanr . cKenziad Satr a eLe g n celebaeDp.Arcli.N. --6 yb nanigpasfraleft ight ecros in front o! wild 15-mile chase at speeds Dan Reynolds, a transienttreedithLarbcashletouhaaora aa the nurses on the Surgical their twenty-fifth weddin new type o! service which him and a collision resulted. up to 100 and 105 miles an on bis way to Halifax, pleaded teteedu rwho on huadha eo g b~~~~~~ our. Evidence was that guilty ta illegal possession Of munications indicates we ai b et g th see ta 1, 0 Flo.anvray -fW ig hope will be af interest. boroug , wbo was repre- Costable L.. J. Mahoney liquor and was sentenced ta soan be nunning out o ai re arnet Eileen Adams. 9-1 M.adMs o anr ie d Bo UI ama truly grateful for the brugexplained that ho trat h ti a anse eAnerdayon al. Ronds D q asarintense M r. and M rs. R oy M aynard ~confidence placed in m y integ- w as on is w ay frein P eter- p t e e rieR o d o A n e s n ai M r R e n l S e t st a e l ok g f r w a " hb m c u d Vce-We wish ta extend are very grateful tofowman- Mixci Bowling News rity during the past fifteen br hto mke two b s topnhesleeng car. Constable came iýn fr a night's lodging to use light wavesfoca-usdtdrleenUctgh aur beartfelt thanka and ap- ville Fire Brigade, Clifford. years, during wbich time nel clai ecsl.H de tua~ proceeded out anto tbe Monday evening. Wben Cons- munîcations insteado!rdoetmeraskwno the acts o Pethickfriends, elatives adbiorleaytcturnedeton biranrotiontablelT. hDevis, searchod hhimrhe taavesT Dandsforrcthe firlie time, kindness, messages of syna- neigbbouns for their help et for a big 788 triple. Etchen'ssaern sac h this handced that after the accident hie pro- light and saunded bis born for found e part bottie of wine Using a diagramao h st eddsiia eaa Pathy, beautiful floral offer- the time af the tire in their had games o! 263-215-310 ta esnlytruhti ie ceeded on towend Oshawa. the driver te stop. Instead, but no money. spectrum o! light freqe suhaaumnatobsao anga received fnom neighbouns, home et McLaughljn Fera o i bwes aane toemot 3,0000. heCrwnsugetesta Mr. Harrison tried ta force the ________ Mr. Cook explained thehgellni relatives and fienda. Special Sunday night. 9- Vince Prout had 764 (302), Jesse Van Neat. Oliver migbt have intended to officer off the highway and the frequency o! llgbtwvs n oste, adM, thanks ta Rev. Charles Catto____ Joie Nowlan 715 and the top -________ ____ -_ go on to Oshawa and suddenly proceeded on with Bownian- C@ m.uruaNEW S the more messages thyc1"lxne rha Bi for his' consoling words and I would likes ta thank ail single gaime cf 355, Harold HlaBok2 0 chenged bis mind and turned ville detachment cruisers in f>lEy carry. He said the Lasrscinesi htbltii'u help In aur sad bereevement my friends and neighbons, w.î. Bennett 694 (279), Howard MlaBok 4 29left toward tbe Newcastle prut tion o! the spectruna, atag osblt'wsteky of e loving brother. Sincere and U.C.W. of Saline Caom- Brameil 683 (235), Bob Lea- Alan Lobb 24 209 noad. pnut thakatatarWmens6at-8untyfor41).thugtfu- an66 (41. OieEthe 22 22 Cnvctonbrughiafie f sateen gve b a as Tishee arkdnheen nlaivey anow bs non fr ekngides or.beaas tute end N'orthcutt end Smidth nesa, for cards, lettens and Hazel Donoghue was top Lau Welsh 24 200 $10 and $26.80 costs, ar five senger in the Harrison cen ne- o! icague basketball games about a mnillion Uresm oeteda-thLsr- n P'uneral Moine. other nemembrances wbileI lady witb a nice 733 triple. Hep Palmer 24 199 days. veaied that tbey left Tononto for the C.S.S. besketball teama. messages than the widerneltm sur ow div il. c Fmly -1*iae been ill. Mazel had scores o! 250-228- Joan Brunt 24 196 t8pman rvteFe.Orjioadbnmtasofrquce wnm Th Vc aiy -*ta, Velma Spires. 9-1255. Lil Connors bad 638 Audrey Osmond . 24 194 Don William Welsb, L t 8onFp..n dtoe wt a ene-Ourjunior. Vnd sianand Mrte m~ ffeuncieswno u e o r njspsiite, a Toau an nind nd~wol lket takii (231), Mary Nowian 637 (227). Bob Leaman------ 18 193 Concession 5, Dariington, buit ta Toronto they pasaed a police Rase are second in their cause o! ats high fnequeny reiesour sncefrenat d Iwud iet thank al AI Blanchard bad a sangle Alex Wiscman 24 193 an addition ta bis barnwith.. car "with the acceleraton night leegues and the senior teamn, C.omparing Laser ligh ibjWycof rltvs u ncrs hnsmy frienda and neigbbors for gaine of 259, Elton Bnock 255 Ken Nichais 24 19.1 out firat obtaining a permit. to the floor and several cruii- caached by aur awn Mn. Nes- ordinary light, Mn. Coai dK4 Clb ficsfo 67 fralyu idesadhl iiscadfoesplnsand Mang' Crago 230. Bob Glanvîlle 24 192 He pleeded guiity ta thas con- ers cbasing us with the roof bitt, firat in their Icague. light given off by a ligh ubPeietRyLtage Vc. during Mowand's long stay i and gi!ts whiie in Memonial Morley Etchen's teemi now DnBraly----94 1.92 travention a! the by-law E blgts on and severapie Ohw CnrlDunnh s iogaie o n hstaan&lcwieIwsH ia.Speciel thenks to bas 43 points for finat place. Mary Wilcox 24 18.9 C. Wildman acted fan the cana ahead o! us with the roof only opponient betwcen thena while Laser light la rdKa off wonk witb a braken ankle. aP safBo lnvlesl.n a e BîlnBade 4- 1ÏTonhp A " h a n Y a " *a D .r S e m nlu r sson dt afnB brGs evsi a n da liise o n d F e n o n ".y a n1d T w n htph e h t a n . a d h e .O. . S A f iin a slns" h i s s p c iaTk ids! l g h t a n D i e c t r sO a b r n eWi Afr iea han n elgbu"a te oditheritas floor, aiso the with 36. AI Blanchard 24 189 Charlci Warren. Building d'This la a shocking exmpeBelville. We thenk the cames nianching out o!fh n im n r opr hi rensadnihur deiin.AI Osborne leada in the Murray Grant 24 189 Inspector, said Mn. Welsh atart- o! dengerous drlving," coin- boy s and coaches a! ail the o! the tube like a regimeto iswr rsne u Leakard community and sur- Russell H. Gilbert. .-1* avenegea, hitting 238 for 24 Harold Bennett .- 24 189 cd ta build bis barn in 1965 mented Crown Attorney G.F. teamas for nepresenting aur soldiens - in the foimo iceîdnRyWowr roundng ana fory o ur _______games; Morley Etcher is sec- Connie Wiseman - 21 184 without e permit but abteined Bonnycestie. Cruisers froini cols wl nishth bam -aiwln at tp n thoughtfulness et Christmas The !amily o! the late Ken- ond et 232. Hazel Donoghue Shirley Davis----- 24 181 ane upon receipt o! a letter Bowmenville and Wbitby de- seniors luck in their upcaming iî arwclm, esi. meit etPeleto time. We elso went ta tbenk neth Fallis wish te express leads the girls' bowling, a Ernie Dickens----- 24 181 from the inspecter. When an tecbmentî were involved, ne- gaine with Central. Discussing the usesofteteKnmnCuE!Kl Rev. Mn. Long for bis many sincene thanka and apprecia- cool 225 for 24 gamea. Cecil Mutton ---- 24 181 addition was stanted in Octo- aulting in a collision between Many of the Grade 10 stu- Laser, Mr. Cook said,etUcpnclppse a oi ,visita, Doctons McRenzie andtinfrheasofkdesEhh Week - 2nd Sehedule Teamn Standing ber o! lest year Mn. Welsh waî twa a! thena. 1 roconanend six dents taok e holiday froni moment it ls only e laboaoyteK4llb n i rh' twot ni ta ff r. ofwsemlle sageso! aympathiy, beauti- Aeae Team W L Pins Pts. reminded that a permit was monthi in neformatory witb classes lest Tuesday aftcrnoon tool, beceuse It's al5 e d staffo! Osawa enerafMos Hardas, and donations ta the Namne Games Ave. Etcher -- 18 6 23855 43 ta secure anc. On Febnuary hesion" lceces sptose or ontoy The tripacth pwt hi onea ehagers psta. In Oshaat eefu ureatiHon, tFund reccived tram AI Osborne -- - - 24 238 Glanville - 16 8 22490 36 2ndn" the changehe waî laide ctchTheithth Pitl.In raefu a3prcitio, relatives, fienda and neigb- Morley Etchen 24 232 AI Lobb 14 10 23440 33 atntgvehesunsaciemt. The Bellemy Fanaily. 91 bour uing thein sd be- Hazel Donogue 24 225 Perfect .-- 12 12 22003 32 permit was $9.00 and the fine Magistrate Baxter concurred an ppotunity ta ait in on a In the field of mcin e, ~ ULT 1 $50 and $p.0rtment, gave theanstudents aixhievements. reaveI T DA ' ment. Speciai thanka ta Vince Prout 24 225 Osborne - 12 12 23726 30 $5a n $. 0 asa, orse e and ne d etix m nti c session of Parliement and Laser bas already founr s m O U E T N GET CA E TOD t t Rev. ilia mn Piecy, M . Les Dick Perfect 24 224 E. Brock - 13 Il 23069 29 d y. mie a d nc n et r n t. thus ta larn more about the uses. "'Eye surgeons ba e usd&RK R FOR OLD APPLIANCES Faîihrurt, and the ladies o! Howard -rml 24 223 Harrison 12 12 21642 28 Eric DhieS.Caie, John Quinn, before this untioning o! their govrn- it ta weld detached retiasi througb the Pontypool U.C.W. who Elton Brock 24 222 Prout ----- Il 13 22703 27 pleaded net guilty o! carcless court finit in 1963 and elreedy ment. We trust they ail en- the humean eye." sadMn STATESMAN Memoniai Service. Gond Wllcox 24 218 Bromell Il 13 23019 25 4th. Conviction brought e and 18 montha indeternainate Fn1tCuic "tbaasobnuedo SAFR STAESANMrs. Grace Fallis and Jana Bedford 24 216 Wlcox --- 7 17 22513 16 fine a! $25 and $20.80 coats, or for fraud tram another court Frday, Feb. ltconrtra e eicete brain surory. S. LTi Phn. 023-3303 Fmiy, Pontypool. 9-1 Je Nowlan- 21 211 Brunt ---- 6 18 21674 13 sGrn atBrce. cw-n oenctio!n$,700owing nfor vesi sun da th er o!".Kn-d roi elct ri ment ofrice for thenfDen- changes bere he bas peid $340. the Associates' et aur Valen- RESLJLTS COU0 T . ment oa! Transor te atoî He stili faces charges in An: tino dance, "Cupida Orbit". Cosul a! the c court lie wes northbound cester and Lindsay for simiielac asaosnd rCnii about 7 p.m. in a Volkswagen. offenses. ur Grade 12 Commercial Class. Spot dances wore won N nnel cd ta pas e 1966 Fard ahead he received one month to run Cooke, and Tcnry -Hubband o! bina and on each try the conaocutively. He was ne- and Alice Killen. The Iucky GOLDEN YELLOW Ford specded Up and Mr. minded that wben he gets Out winnen o! the dance with "H Ut ILLSTN SEVC WBruce bed ta drap.beck. On be naay stili be requlred ta nie- Lips Hazel" (alias June PlMoTIPELS CS B NNSan OPP cruiser conaing up be- Arenka Popovich, R.R. 3, O h w i hind him and signailing bina Charged Decenaber 3rd with1 -Lynda Killens, Real Licite Bcad PooWib tu top -WIleii he did se, 'the carelesa drhlviîg, pîieadêed t Sharon Grain. ___________ cruiser contintyed- on and 1 0 ' stopped the Fard dnîven by Mn. Dohle. Constable K. C. Letan, OPP, lb testi!ied thet wben bie finit 1 0 sew the two cana be thought tbey werc nacing and attenapt- James E. Dawson, 32 Con- ECONOM TENDER -JTJICY Delicatesscn Special LOW! LOW! PRICE! cession St., Heailton, pleaded BONELESS SPICED THRIFTY SLICED net guilty o! caroiess driving an Highway 401 Januery 25th.9 W IEN RS eHo was repneaented by E. C. ERS STEAK ROASI HAM ROLL BACON Pieces Wilm . SunOP 3 9 1b told Magistrte Baxter he a called to an accident eat o For YourNewcastle about 5 where Fezr 5 Ibs.1.89 8 5 c 1 9 8 c 5 9 cb tracter treiler lied nUn off onto FrM trhesfoud tet a e tbound LUCAS ARTHURS TNE the guard posta and pîunged TEDRdown an eabeni<t erI LEAN - TENDER ( I( it bunat into flames and burn- COTTAGE KULCK STEAK cd !uriousiy. a LowL wPies1 DAYOLLofieroorM.%aw FRSRCIPMn. and Mrs. Grant Thonap- ___ son visited during the week ABITIBI PREFINISHED 7 fPR -I N HE with is m ther, Mrs. jas. L CELERY 2 for 27cThompion, Fairview LodgeIP PL N M. Marvin Nobitt was a T A I I I I I f r f EAD HIRRFF'Sdinner guest on Tuesday With Pudding Powders 3 pkgs. * '/V' xhea.Gerg 4' x 8" 5Vanilla - Chocolate - Caramel - Bute«Otch ORANGES. ens apent the weekend withBAR their daughter and son-in SAVE 12c law, Mn. and Mns. Lannie Per CashFer 9 $1000Chapman and anily, Nantbet 3 , 5 n Sheet 4~ 2doz. By.Caarr SAV 2e )M nsd Ms. Witon Creed,$1 50 - D L ER D.E aYLgidDtre B,-l%,7cBarrie, wene Tuesday t595 - ELIVERE -~ Thunsdy gucîts of SAVE 25c 6ICELrUAEUI WoJ DEmerson..OI Toronto, vhted then. know that Mr.. EwArt B igt la 1progresslng favorabiyafe rnaeorsurgery ln Oshawa COMMTIEUM EDSOIGCNTEl Hgeaallp la sU in Port Ferry Sorryto r e n . Gw ere 3 l n-----A I .,r PHON 623 3541~ ~'uALO1ITuTHE NAM TO SgUULDON'w 5

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