Goodyear hr$10 Prize, wiz of lait wcckle Centenulaontatt.M Audrew Devries, 44 Duhe St., Row- mnuvilleHéRcorreetiy îan- Owèrd eit Uname cf Sir Jouin eAbtbornilu 1821 A"d Cauada's fourth Prime Miter. Mr. Devrleib wlll recehve a letter entiltlng hlünta $10 Worth o! merchandise from Ioo's Shoe Repair and Pet Bhoe ing Street West. Entries continue to -row «aCh Week. Please rcmember t. mark the outý-lde of Lie envelôpe with tlhe words 'Centennial «Centest.' Palyrol The Payroll oft he Goodyear 'Tire and Rue~er Company - of Canada, Limited plant hero reached. $3,701,892 in 1966, a gain of $281»00 over 1965, plant manager J. T. Taylor announced tôday. The installation of a new conveyor beit press, which wWiicrease production by 25 per cent and the transfer of the hase manufacturing ta the new Collingwaad plant were also highlights af the plant'. 1966 activities, Taylor said. Empîcyment at the plant, which manufactures a wide range af industrial produets fronm V-belts ta printers' sup- plies, averaged aver 600, main- taining the' same high.level of the previaus year, Taylor reports. The new canveyar beit press, Installed at a cait ai $600,000, can vuicanize two stranda cf belting to a.width of 72 inches and a length of 35 fret, Taylor. sald. Maving the hase plant to Collingwood will alliow-the Bowmanville plant to expand LJ. 1.Tayloik Up *and concentrate on othe Ulnes,. he added. 1 i A production record was established by theý plant, which reclaimed about" *eight per cent mare ru= berci 1966 than in 1965, H. T. .aakeoI superintendent of theR =-i Division said. He predlctod thit. record weuld.fall. ni 190?and said ma-re equipmnent ni y b. installed 'to cape wlth p*t>duc- tion demands. The plý.ant,. which uses the "dry" process, was apened lu 1964. ý That emnployees are , king part i he cocmpany's sùgges-;.' tian pragrani in borne dut by the iact 19 suggestion. awards, valued at $255 were 'Imade during 1966.,z Goadyear in gaod for. area business and idustry,, said Taylor, pointing out the' Bow-, znanville aperatian puràdiased $1 million worth af goods and services fram 100 local sources -during 1966. Red Cross Menti March, Red Ctiin m.>ath, la here aaland imembers et the local- Branci have been busy ornpletint cam- Pailu&an.This- year the local. can nas ukuder the Ca*pable leadershlp of Mr. T. IL Wifdemaz6 Weil known local- buiunan. Lettei'utellin of the work done by the District ?ranch are teint out te ail Ew- manville heuseholders auk- lut for fhefr support. Enve- lopesare enclosd lfor doaa- lions. These wlilbc plckeil up by officiailRed Cross eanvassers durlut the house to house canvass Monday, March l3th. Rural-rea wil be canvassed <roughout the Ennaian taton,. bOUE 1rnb rntîf3 DUWMAÂYNJ.I AJaA.11% TJN iIU, WLL51NEJ.ILX. ±AKLU 1, 196*1 Thé auzr Cni..IN.,viam F Our maiiy friends holidaying i Florida will take I. pme coztfort froni this picture when they receive this iiweek's State.sman, although even down there the weather hàs,ýbeen somewhat chilly. Well-known pro- fâmsscona.Týorio'opfiotographer Nazi Newiton who, lives JÀA-hnniûakilln area hppned upon this scene'on Saturday during the worst storm' cf the season that blocked rural east-west roads completely. 1< was taken at the corner of the &-th concession and the new Scugog highWay. Thére is a lot of digging ahead for that poor fellow with the shovel. %.remony. i [115 rrioay vening Àopen Cou Rte Vca0na Wn "With LateïtLearning Faiiies The new $376,600 vocationai south, west and east ai the addition ta Courtice Secon- first building, will b. offi- dary- School, that will be cially apened by Lorne John- officially opened this Friday son, dir-ectar ai tho program evening, ofiers the area a branch of the department. ai complete range af studies in- education. Mr. Johnson is a cluding business, technology, past resident inspector in trade, four and five year arts Courtice. and science courses and two- A $25,000 greenhouse is one yeai',-occupational courses. autstandig feature ai the The composite schooi has new school. Since November, nine new classrooms bringing the horticultural class has the total ta 19 with a grand grown iiowers and tomata number ai 45 instructional stalks in their study ai vani- areas. The school and addi- aus sails. tion can now accemmodate The schaal's chicken in- 1,150 students, whereas stu- cubator matures five dozen dent capacity ai the originalichicks a mnonth. building was 488. The former cafeteria, which "With th courses we now b.d a seating capacity 'oaf offer ithe schooI, young about 100, has been converted pole can obtain some train- into a home economics class- Fnejo for moist occupations room and is replaced by a here," said J. ,E. Speers, prin- brightly decorated and fur- cipal of the high school. nished cafeteria. About 700 The new addition, yig (TUAN.TO PAGE TWO) SCHOOL CLOSED DUE TO NO HEAT Pupils at Contral Public School had an unexpected holiday on Monday when part ai <he heatlug machin- ery broke dowu. Repaira wore made ln time ta have the largo building warm for Tuosday's classes. PLAN THREE-CHOIR MUSIC FESTIVAL To mark Canada'-. Centea- niaI a three-cholr Festival of Muic t. planned for <ho Town Hall bore an April l4th. Chairs wili luclude Rass Metcalf's M. J. Hobbs' sehool choir, Mrs. Elsie Drygala's chair frtem Oshawa and <ho Legion GIee Club. Legion Publ ic Speaking Winners The Legion Public Speaking Contes. beld at <the Legion Hall- on Saturday *ozniàg was one of thie Most succesis ever beld by Branch 178 aof<the Rayai Cimadian Legion. The first place winneru vifi compete in <lie Legion Zone Pub- Bi Speaking Contestt<o'be held bere in <the Legion Hall on Sunday aiternoon, MrIM11 at two o'clock. Officials and- wmners with theïr tro hies pictured aboya are: from lbit <o rigit., front row, Roger White, Margaret kinner, Barb- am cGulrk and 'n the back lst Vîce-President Rose Venasse ai the Ladies îùxHAzý<o the Royal Canadian Leizion Cindy Siblack, Patsy Blake, Public &MOIngCommittee Cb&vrman Tam McZ..irk, Lynda Hazelton, Legion President lawuiSConway, Donald Drew and é.b Mavin, a Past President. Midg'ets Win Over Trenton Un 3 Straieght In the game, played Satur-' day night, Bowmanvilic Mid- gets ciiminated Trenton Mid- gets in three straight games. The first pcriod was a clasoly- checked, clcanly played per- iod which saw anly anc pen- alty ta Sandy Brown of Baw- manvilie for kneeing at 16:39. The first goal ai the game was scored at 9:18 af the sec- ond period after Bob Howes scored unassisted. Twonty-six seconds later, Mike Cawker scored an a siapsiiot from the point ta give the team a 2-01 lead. There Wias a total af six penalties handed out with Trenton receiving four af <hem. In the final pcriod Trenton narrawed the margin ta anly anc goal ater,-Hamnel scored from Dobbie and Webb at: 6:52. Don McMulion scored the reassurance goal at the 15:37 mark, with Gregg Cor- den recelving tle aosist. Of the inuiinse-,*ta ponIaties p:- ;4~Igti4t &1L, Ç/3Lt s and1 /eieces BUTTER BEETS - Word cornes this morning that the IDA Midgets will flot be playing a hockey team called the Butter Beeps or Butter Beets on Sunday as recorded on the Sports page. Instead, they hope ta, have a Toronto team for opposition maybe there is a team called.the Pearly Parsnips or Squiggly Squashes they could f ind for replacement. t t t, t T TOURNAMENT - Ail day Saturday, the Arena will be packed with Juvenile teams from the area for a big OMHA Juvenile tournament that gets underway at 8 a.m. There will be 10 games in al with the finals taking place after supper. t t ** i t t i. CENTENNIAL - Some weeks ago we mentioned a local store as being the first ta have a Centennial window. Unfortunately, we missed a display of flags and posters in Oke's Smoke Shop window. Incidentaily, Boy Scouts held their annual week last week, with a fine display of their work in the Cliffcrest Cleaners window. WINNER - Mrs. Ruth Foshay was the $21 winner of the Newcastle Midget 50-50 draw held recentiy. Aise, Ron Best of Orono recentiy won $100 in the Chamber of Commerce draw. Congratulations! CONVENTION - Liberals frem ail over the county wiil be eut in full force on Thursday night at Orono . . . weather and roads permitting . .. for the provincial candidate nomination meeting. Dick Lovekin of Newcastle and Roger Kirkpatrick of Port Hope are still the only two who have an- nounced they will seek the nomination. Any other takers? This will be an excellent opportunity for the uncommitted or even members of other parties te hear Liberal leader Bob Nixon in action. T Tt t LUCKY - The Roy Maynards who live just wes< af Tyrone must consider theinseives fortunate. On Sunday night, a fire started in their basement that threatened <o destroy the entire structure. Bowmanville firemen plus a mile-long entourage of spectators sped ta <he scene and had it under contrai in less <han an hour. Had the fire happened a few hours earlier, the road would have been plugged with snow. It had been cleared that afterneon. A couple af cats were lost in the fire <bat happened on Mr. Maynard's bir<hday. A pet lamb and a third cat survived. There were a couple of other fires in the area, but no damage was reported. WINNER - George Cawker was the winner of draw number two Tuesday nigit in the Kin In- vestinent series. He bas now $50 be hoped for but didn't necessarily expect. T t -r , t SPIEL - This Saturday, Bowmanville Golf & Curl- ing Club wili be packed with rinks taking part in the Canadian Tire Bonspiel that probably will beconie an annual- feature of the curling season. The two draws are pre«ty well filled, so it should be an excu<ung day. Spectators wilI be welcomed <hroughout thie event. The following Saturclay, there will be an invasion af Apple Growers for another bonspiel. In the meantime, plans are pro- ceeding ta launcli <he golf season in a littie over a rnon<h froni now. Considerable early work is in thie cards to build up tees, top dress greens, etc. *iad, Trenton recelved 24 min-1 utes in penalties while Bow- manville only received 12 minutes. There will be no Midget game this Saturday night, but there will be ail-day Juvenile Tournament at the Memnorial Charles Carpenter of Courtice, a caretaker with the Darlington Townuhtp Arena starting at 9:00 a.m., School Area Board, has an interesting hobby that cOmpletely fis bis spare time. March 4th. Don't miss it. For the past 20 years he has been whittling away at inany creations, maost ôf which are shown on the table in front of him. His most recent effort that toolc over 130 hours to make is a beautiful totem pole marking Canada's CentenjnaL. Opens Superettee top portion was whittled out of white pine and the base was a piece of mapi.e that came fron, the Bradley's Schooi belfry. R. John .effrey. An advertisement in this issue annaunces the openig ai Jeffrey's Superette, Liberty St., South, in the premises former- ly occupied by Thickson's store. Mr. Jeflrey wil aperate it as a variezy store open---er night util 10o...c uc vc Bnig i nin ace lbk. and i nT a Born in Pthri n iert n ilaonT a k euycated t headeli Prtd A nus ntteda Prerdf ry coois, lieeiivowored nquestinto tees Port Perry, fer several years. wiil be held in Bowmanville Mor eetly, he has been a an March 15. distributor for Ideal Dairy for Dr. C. J. Austin, coroner, I19 years.nri otefre will preside aver an inquca He is more atefre detormine the cause ait Jean Metcalf ai Maple Grave oft iPu evsu,2,a foi he Schoyo n ai N rds athe,1of aC enwal. 2, o who s emloye on ecors Mntreal, and Michael Ouei- Oshawa General Hospital. Theylet,1,fCona. have three chldren, John 17, The two men were kilied Glenn 15 and Janet 12. an Feb. 7th whîle instailing The interior ai the store has signal cable under the rails. been compietely renovated and A third man, Leonard Duval, the new ewner weicomes 37, oi Montreal, was treated everyone ta came and see the in hospitai fer shock and re- new superette. leased. Rusl Honey MP Supports1,ý, Legîsiaf ion Restricting Useý. 0f Wire TappingDe ie Durham ]M.P. Russell C. càfaiicting<tho soeurity aib. enacted <th ery fù Haney strongly s u pp arte d tho nation whcn electronie tho law in Canadal' legislation ta regulate the use snaaping could be justified. Mnr. Honey polnted out <bat, ai wire tappig devices and Suci decisions shouid be <his subject t. now -under r olectronie intruders into pri- made by tic judiciary, he view by a RylCoriuo vacy when ho spake in <ho said, and urged <hat no wire- in British Colubla and a Houseofa Cannions on Feb. <appig or electronic snaap- aise taorin part oft<ho enu' 24th. ing should b. pcnmitted ex- ai the Foderal Goveniet' Mr. Honey said thene were cept by tho authority ai a Royal Commission. recmthO tumes in tic investigatian ai Judge's Ordor.ý set up on socuni<y Mti. serlous crimes against socicty The Liberal Member for Re thaugh< it would: be de- Durhain reviewed the Cana- sirable ta await the reporta S& e& Iýedian law and tic law af thc ai these two Commissions IbPe Shdul * ~ United Kingdom witi respect fore enacig legisiation bMt IHuUst L ivasion ai privacy, Ho urged that no <ino be lest lii said tic English 1mw was bringing dw prpjt muh clearer and definite legislation as sean as the r..ý F or uwo Victimes n eugd htlgsato.prshaebe ae Keen Co mpefition ,At Legion Public Speakîng( President Maurice Conway ai Brandi 178 ai thc Royal Canadian Legion welcomed the 22 contestants, and thc 100 people ithc audience at the Legion Public Speaking Con- test heid in the Legion Hall on Saturday merning. Ab Legisiators Take to Ice Like Vets 'on tes f i ncharge ai <hoeirnpressove 1opening cercmony. T. J., McGuirk, Chalrniau ai thc Public Speakig Came mittee, was in charge af ar., rangements for <ho evont; il was abiy assisted by other members oi <ho conimitte. lat Vice Presidont Bose Vê- nasse ai <ho Bawmanvlliê Ladies Auxiliary <o, th.eloy#lý Canadian Legion, Ab Mavin, and Joe O'Neill. The iudges for tho Junior, Elementary and Uihe i School sections were Mn". Nora Hornick, àg iember çof the teaching staff ai <ho M. J. Hobbs S e n i ox Elementary (TURN T.0 PAGE TWO) MEETING DISCUSSES CARTWRIGHT ARENA Dotait. of a rec epI.th2 lu Cartwrlaht tuudIon.lmi. provements te the areus, the hhtalatlon cf -lo-muaklng equlpmeut or a uew atout, arrlved too late for pub4eàs,. tion tht. week. It wli b prluted lulnfull lu the amtx Issue. Several other sdorlao have alse been crowde<l euti Bowmanville Centennial DONORS During thie official ceremnonies on Sa<urday ta mark thie Installation of art!- IAbatt'5 Ontario ficial ice in Newcastle Arena, thiree levels of gavernrnent were repreu. ented an the Brewern i.4 $ face-off ritual. Reeve Barl Walton dropped <the- puck while Alex d*rruuere; M.P. kaby'm l*.. IP., loi t, and Russell C. Honey, M.P., f illed i for the captains of thie two Jr. teamns, Ontario Twi*at .. Pete McCullough of Woodland Prodwicts ad Gene Balsn of Kens Men's Wear. ________ $7,022.0 $7,Oo.00 86,m00,0 sus58s i Makes Totem Pole. to Mark- Cer $281,OOO» Violent Snow Storm. Blocks District, on. Saturday lu rages 15é Per Cob y . NUMBER 9 S