Caesar and Cleopatra Takes Honors for Best Play a t Clarke Hig-h Festival fin .1 t It tu=eedù oldeo'Feb u. OBITUARY "eCmadian StemaEwavfeMu.,16 the mrn!ing everything was covere with a thick coating of GEORGE T. GILLIS Cargo greeting eact nam a colwsu~ o S" ice which looked very pretty a wedd, , t Foia n e but was very dangerous for The funeral service for the a n bae aigfu udySholwshI Meole using the raads. , h late George Thomas Gillis of together in a pond. Ahat 0anMs .Hiespf ort Hope bus picked up those Betliany, who dled February vote ai thanks was ive aitnet odci~te going ta Port Hope and there l5th in Peterborough Civc aur guest for tuia peau. sin Thrwre PUft was school for those who made Hospital, was held Feb. l7th, Tea was served b h i eceso uy abrh it ta school at Kenidal. The .ro St. Paul's Anglican church hostess and tea comitte.Te a unes going ta Clarke had a in Betha.ny. Prier ta the fun- president expreused tak o M.adMs roeCwf holiday. The sanding trucks eral the body rested at the ail helping in progrmta iOoovstdM.M were very busy but they had a Comstock Funeral Hone in afternoon, aimo a t i.Dc- son1n Mp .H large. area to caver. Millbrook.1 inson for the use o e nSnaFbur 5h Tuesday evening about 25 Mr. Gis, whe was retired home. The benedicto- Eeyhm em ahv parents gathered in Kendal after having farm-ed and work- cluded the meeting,. rvt ktn rka rs school ta form a P.T.A. for cd with the Departmnent of Friends wha met M.H1act ts vn dfiut1 thssho itit r.Be.Highways, died after a short Churchley of EnglanE sse eoit aeyfo oa non (across frorn W. Carnons) illness. He was born inCavan o n ineMHldr a.Nx isweh shaid need .-ofMr$.osene Mc 7s tersiet, wth Township on July 31, 1898, son ing ber visit moreme agfs on d pten" a ke u Davis (across from Ray Mart. of the late Thomas Gills and will be pleased ta ra h u ftemd inel) is vice-president, Dora- his wife, Uic former Grace. following: Mrs. HildaCuc--____________ ~~ i ~~thy Stark is secretary and Mrs. Wilkinson. Al his lire wBs ey has been appoit< nnuc e A. Dennis treasurer. We wish spent in teCvnand Mnstr Rpesnatv them the best af success in any area. He was unmarried. the Salisbury and Trobig M1their enterprise. Maybe they Surviving are two sisters, and District War PensinCm iaigShune chn remedy the keeping of the Mrs. Harry Smith (Minnie) of rnittee, Ministry of SiaSe children aoke ut in zero Omemee; Mrs. Roy Leach curity. Mns. Churcly a weather. (Myra) ai Peterborough; and been Secretary aiteoonfhinsre Sympathy is extended ta the two brathers, Ira Gilis, Cavan; Red Cross and St. Joh'c r-Emvb.IblIueva.k family af Mrs. Elizabeth Winn Harry Gillis, Bethany. anization for 38 years n niehisairurd~it Who passed away in Oshawa The Rev. Arthur Allerton 1946 went ta BUciga Hospital, Feb. 12, after suifer- conducted the funeral service. Palace ta receive theBiihAinwe reac nttt ing fram a braken hip. She Palibearers were Charles Mor. Red Cross Society' i-fin n~u eln usa was 90 and had been in poor ton, Weston Hutchinson, Charl- tinguished War Servc Ce- 1.aJtyashiklno. * for same years. Left ta es Smith, Douglas Leach, Car] tificate fram the Quenno 1isPOfIUYIthv thI mYun erpassing ae fourSmtanRoetGli. heQ e Mhr) sosadtegrandchildren. Burial was in St. Mary's Lady quilters of ons i~ _____________________She had made her homne with Cemetery, Manvers Wec earbuyfis.Il*d eu. Fred, back on the farm. There ing quilts before spingtks Iics fe aa hl . Was also Robert of Kendal, oer. eivn an ata euta ELIZABUT-VILLT William ai R.R. 1, Part Hope flRflTSU Mr. Minnie McHam ws(hEkg okpae ~AiVA.IJ±Jand Charles ai R.R. 2, Camp-M J.8L1.. guest speaker at WEcaeU Motmornta 1-u (Intended for Iast week) belîcroit. Another son, George,. C.W. February meetigSu-wrohruhtthamp,~ tepredeceased her in 19.58. The February meeting ai ject, "My Early E:precsmn a anandoe ei On Wednesday afternoonth Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster visa- 'the U.C.W. was held on Tues- as Hausekeeper in a Saki fmn ota United Church Women held.ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. day the 2lst at -2 p.m. at M s Saskatchewan in 191".Tl acopihdwta their monthly meeting at Mr. Bab Carruthers and family. Carlus Dickenson's. There Atrae wrhp srienwhaigsbtne(i-ys andMrs Mudre's ome A1Mr. Jack Fonk spent the ,were nine members and ane a eda ars ntd hc ,ikyhleha ius good number attended. Mrs. weeknd with his parents at;vîsit0r present. Cashurch at 1:5M as un eladtmItsrwhf Maris te pesdethrei( Burk's Falls. The President Mrs. Morton day, February 26th, teRv ed. Mrs. Keni Trew, te sec- Miss C. W. Stewart and Mrs. H-enderson opened the meet- Ian Munro in charge.Tee Nwi-yniofrdnjg retary-treasurer, read the min-JH. Foster attended the fifth ing with prayer, followed by wsa vrg ubrpe-m utes Th proramwaspre- annual meeting of the u.c.w. hymn 669, "Ail People That cnt.aServic a edi h Iadapo oyfrncls pared by Mrs. M. MeAllister groups ai the Oshawa Presby- on~ Earth Do Dwell", scripture chu rch cas usua, hewatrPraatoH.f it~ 4f an sheintroucedus ta aur terial at Oshawa on Wednes- readling by Mrs. D.Hansno 0btelcodsthti O*YUmo .~ ew ookof study "Jesus day, Feb. 15. There was a reading by Mrs. Helen Mc- two weeks aga when teSn Chrst nd he hritia Lie."large group of ladies in at- Holm, "To Define God". Hymn - Mrs. Ken Trew gave an excel- tendance. When aur ladies 662, "0 God, Our Help in S lent repart on the Rally at found out it was raining they Ages Past" concluded this part Brighton. Plans were made for did not stay for the dinner but ai pragram. ,~.. a quilting an Tuesday. Mrs. started faor home.Caswr The minutes ai the January Mudrw eredsupe il1stranded in the ditch and meeting were read by the stead ai a light lunch. She alang the sides ai the road. Secretary Mrs. Milton Brima- served open-faced toasted Cars coming from the west combe, later adopted. cheese and pineapple sand- ta Brimacombe's Hall were un- The treasurer gave -the ..n wiches, bacon anid cheese able ta make it until the sand monthly report showing the rails, toasted; miniature hot truck came about 10 o'c]ock. financial standing ai this dogs, toasted open-faced meat Mrs. Foster came home then group satisiactory, gîven by andýrelish sandwiches, radishes, 1 while Miss Stewart stayed at Mrs. H. Beckett. "Thank yau" fancy fruit salad, angel cake1 McKelvevs until the next day. letters were read. Mrs. Stan -_ with whipped cream, Christ-IM.adMs di mas cake, tea and coff ee. M.adMs di Couroux ley Clark affered her Our Wenesdayand Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray for the March meeting. ' Or Wdedy eveîlinglCouroux and Mrs. Ray Moore A cold meat and salad sup- Shrst Lenten services were wt- ai Toronto spent Sunday with per is ta be held in June, in- drawn due ta the icy road.1 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Demontig- cluding a show of antiques, The south and north Hope. ney at Kitchener. While it members wearing old-fashian- NSake ....... .area public school students1was a lovely day here they ed costumes. This supper ta competed in Public Speaking ran into snow from Oshawa replace the usual strawberry Dpn nU Contest at North Hope school:west. social. Dpn on Wednesday night.i Mrs. Diane Langstaff is cal- Mrs. Stanley Clark read a Miss Nancy Fowler was first lectîng for the Heart Fund in chapter from. The Church and Miss Nancy Walker, sec-' February so have your dona- Grows in Canada. Mrs. Min- ely xp ond. The third prize was won tions onl hand. nie McH'olm read a cîippingRely xpr htlanr fo yor ar by a student fram George Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foster, iromn the Anglican Church- icular man j:n pelm ou! esecai Tppcueshows the cast of Caesar and Clea- Hamm, Nancy Lowery, F1,chard Black, Letta Vander- Hampelton Pcor.t Hoe l on ecwrt ope, and f MissaShire mn,"A riue aAinOgn-fresh-as-a-breezpretyfnse hrs patra, the play that was judged best at Clarke" Iigh spiot, Carol Johnson, Gdrd Allun, Brian Haick, Gar Tuesday evening for the east Mrs. Martin Foster, Sunday. The visitor, Mrs. Ken Ashby School's annual drama festival on Feb. l7th. They are, Rivers, Ralph De Jong, Neil Allun and Peter Reîtsma. Durham title.j Miss Shirley Mercer and gave a most interesting show- from left to right, front row, Tina Kozub, Tove Jor- Lower photo shows the awvard winners, f rom left ta Sympathy is extended ta the 1Miss Margaret Ana Thampson ing ai a film taken during the Quantrill family in the death accompanied Brian FumIer and summer ai Morrish Church gensen, Doris Shubert, Eleanor McCracken, Janice right, Don McKenzie, Cathy Lovekin, Eleanor Mcaitete CilQaril Ted Stark ta their hockey Centennial Year, including:__ RuterfrdGar Foget Jaes ent Bo HederonCracken, Candy Storks, Marilyn Hramm, IRick Neall Oshawa. A good number from am hen Orono was play- The congregation c o mi ng and Miss Bennett; back row, Ruth Henderson, Marilyn and Jim Baskerville. heeatnddtefuea ning aà Canton. The home team down the church steps ater - he reda, e tefnea nwon. the mrnîng service, the Rev. ____________________________ ElW SI I ed the. pragrain and gave com-1ed ta Red Cjass work aswell ,1 .At, th e 1P.11 oofihe month. murvv ~menîs on the motta "For Home as much knitting and sewing Mr. Henry Thjckson is retiring eral aid-lime mottoes dating1 were sent overseas la localiyears ai service on the C.N.R. DRAMA FESTIVAL for, which they deserve much back ta, 1867, commenting an boys during bath Warld Wars. Little Janet White has been thanks. the family home and hospîtali- The Institute bought a piano, ilI with an ear-ache and bas WFriday, F'ebruary l7th, saw The following were the ty of earlier years. Mrs. Mor- stage curtaîn and matching been staying with her grand- theannal ram Fetivl o winer: Bst lay Casarton urged everyone ta buy1 side drapes for the township parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. «Clarke High. Each class was and Cleopatra; Best actress, Cndan products, buy locally' hall and built kitchen cup- White while taking treatments given the apportunity ta make Candy Storks (Ophelia); Best and sec aur village re-live thelboards in the basement. One in Toronto. their studies came alive. actor, Jim Baskerville (Ham- Past in the future. ýearlir project was la buy Cale- Mr. and Mrs. H. Staats, Precsio tiing inenu t); ic Best supparting actor, Members joined in singingman lanterns ta be used as Brantford, spent the weeke-rid lesontmn, neu t) ' 0 Canada. Mrs. George Neals'street lights, before the days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thick- and plin bar work ambin N e(sak Il); et sup read a pôem "My Canada.oielcricity and when hydro son. Mrs. E. Fowler and Nancry, outsta dlng perforanes.t Mcrckn Fahofa) 2 Mrs. Earl McQuaid was theiflrst came ta Bethany la '1925 Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuer .£)ùttariing erforance. Itprîze winner in a cantest an!i was the W.I. who went Bawmanville, and Mr. and isqiepsil htmnrcaty (PortiHam aBeat Canadiana. around abtaining signatures on Mrs. J. DeKoker visited with l que pssib l eetha may dre torn Meoararnm (tal- Mrs. Rass Carr gave a talika petition ta have a line built. the Thickson's over the wcek- suit. ai;en "Our Centennial Year" re_ They bought the first fire en- end. rouA trkadam n cndefr, lating some oi the histary o gifle for the village with hase Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer Mrus.Ast rikea drma n- cee, Justn iiuasa; Ms the village in the past 100 and buckets and built cisterns visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. thuias fom owranill, otsandngcontribution byyas"amn ais talk sa that the water supp]y would Fait, Pontypool, an Sunday. Mr.K.Stubigto, Ne drecoror actar, Don Mec- with nostalgia ai the Gond Old be adequate. This was the only Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitbred casîle tawyer, and Mr. Hig Kenzie (Brutus and Directar); ,Days. Truly, we wanldn't wantiequipment np until 1952. and girls, Oshaw . wer wth gins, an actar from Toronta,! Best visual production, uTombeeve ý .capably evaluated aur efforts,1 scene (Ramea).. ta go back ta them. BetterqMoney was donated ta the Mr. and Mrs. L. MudewTe ___________________________________________roads, railways, skyways, tele- Cammunity Rink and ta the the weekend. They also visitedj phone, hydro, radio, lelevision 'Community Band. We havelMrs. A. Smith. Other visitorsl schools, etc. are ail praductsj1sponsored the girls',4-H1 Clubiwith Mrs. Smith were Mrs.1A e v wih utbig1h n in n ug_-ki g b ck ad, w av4r-R-a ar, Sar vle4am ce rns sa hlrna ourýwill be working ini Cobourg. forebearers - what we do ati the lime af aur centenary con-' cerns us as parents ai aur rE D L3 children. During the past 100 K N A years we Canadians caa look back on aur past and be proud! (Intendeti for last week) ai aur accomplishments. Ouri Misses Yvonne Burley and past was not drab - it was!Joyce Schooa ai Port Hope exciting in its happening andl were guests ai Darothy andý divcrsified enough ta suit the, Shirley Mercer Thursday night. - ON - most exacting story teiler. t Mrs. Jean Allen andi Mrs. Am saet m iin on epeaotApetcsi riig is truc Ihat we cannaI drive Loretta Allen ai PeterboroughAmesg oa btnsyu p plaotA pr ti ~ * m 1 A T ~ _____ m the future loaking intoa visited Mrs. Irene Mercer Sat- ~~ * * M. KI~~~~ rear vision mîrror, but peapieurday evening. Like the song says, it's funny how time slips as apprentices progrees ta the statua af iully. 9:yuieoakhadadaeGaes ~~~ M M ~~~~~wilflot look forwardti tapas-! Mr. Bert Tbompson accam- away. Sametimes that's a pity, because the iledged jaurneymen. standigotetr altecuo nta d -L ACE terity who neer look back toI panied is daughter, Mis. nineteen Years between the ases af sixteen andi vertiemtfocmlt.dtiantcOtro vI Wtheir ancestors and their prog-! Asseistine, ta her home in tCas s-yene areifY ieportant.1ThouIareDtheartmenCuofLabour'a Apfrenticeship Train- V D O - F _ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ress. This Centennial is a time, Moosomin, Sask., whrc e ît-ieaewimotn.Teaethe ' ~Nt quite. You must be 16 or aider ant have at LE u U R u S Ufor reflection and re-education.iwlî stay for a visit. when yu cati build a career andi a financially IastaGe10dtion.Wih diUnlo. inig m D U L O U *U LIl is a birtbday party whea we Dora MacDonald, Dt Mer- secure future. But ta do it, you have ta look atauhshihhodiomyeoil Dc I A LOA Eal join ta give, thanks for cer, Helen Couroux -and Dug ahcad. caaatinuh aseappetcsa nie~a high coldpmaye r 4l ________________________________________________________ aaag ! Bpouofyourhomentry a. M.anti Mrs. Allen Foster ApprenticeshipTrainingistalor-madeforyoung Wb(oen appwentlchpdo fer yewfmfuacasrI'TP~I, BUY NOW s e SAVE $ $ $ HERE 1 Lunch was serveti by the heit Saturday morning for a people who look aheati. This prograni, jointly When yau complete your tramning, you're weiI j hostess assisted by Mrs. Harry trip ta Virginia and other sponsareti by the Federal and Provincial Gav- equippedti tamem the future. Apprentieuebp %W. Ryley, Mrs. Ted Spencely, Mrs.,southera points. Jane and ertments, opens doora for look-ahead young training cati prepare you for a supervaory Poil- Ad- Hector Marlon anti Mrs. George IRalph Kennedy are staying people in over a hundred weil-paid, highly- tion or even a business oi your own. jati w» Neals. Iwith Mrs. Marlatt while they akiflt trades. It offert claurom instruction youre thirty-five, you can look back withP'2... Mrs. Thomas Jennings won' are away. MAR R ' S the lucky Valentine prze. The weather w» :ast un- and ti 4job traininlg plus risifl5 wage levds satisfaction. i~ ~ it~L O JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP The next meeting in Marchiusual ast week. Wednesday 39 IMG ST. W. BOW1MAFNVrlJLLE calManpower Development Program ie.Otrk euruuc<* . aI the home of Mrs. Robert1 realize that it was thunder anti Ryley. __ lflghtning that was acoorni*ny. . .