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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 10

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- ~ ~ r-r cTii C dim I «an ugi, flwmanidfe Mar. 15, 1907 ~ sFund Approaches $3,000 *o-tacrians ear Address on M'Aethods of Establishing Good Employee Relations nanas v ~ver ,avei ro ¶ rNew Jr., Farmers 1>resident'L.ands and Forests TrWeely Report Teprinting o!, "Renewing Snow Report Nature s Wealth", recen tly Depth of Snow - ce Thiekuaso campleted centennial history (Most lakes are slush covered) o! trie Ontario Department of place Groond Rooftop le@ Lands and Farests Is proceed- Minden 21.0" 6" 12" ing on achedule, and will be Halibucton 23.2" 10', 13-15., published an June 1. Gooderham 22.V" 10" 12-15" Mare than 200,000 words arc Apsiey 18.9" 12" 12", contained in trie 600 pae,1 Presqu'ile 7.5" 12"' The Importance ni reconcîl. tbat a fiirm's executive can of country club management tria*a business or industrial flot always achieve its abject- can also be dangerous ta the1 ,fllzation's objectives with ives af increased profits and well being af a business. This t eeds o! its employees ta output by being nice. Flrmness is the high pressure method e sure efficiency was empha- is necessary and taughness which considers that workers r *d by John Wainwright, gains respect, he contended. must be constantly driven. Tbronto, in bis address at the, "Good human r e 1 a t i a n s This type of executive believes ~ ~wmnvi1eRotary Club Sas g1igo wt epe that human beings are inher- :elheon meeting at the Fly-j Robert Blake. an autharjty on ently lazy and without much 101[_Dutchman on Thursday. . tCe subject, says that a cani- ambition sa they must be Ken Purdy, Chairmnan aof pany bas 'country club' man- controlled and directed. Such *ei Easter Seals Committee, agement when it la managed management officiaIs are con-' reported that returns ta date by a man wbo considers that vinced that mast peaple want i emontta$270.4. e e-a gaad relationship with i to avoid ahl responsibility, an ý-,1"-ided bis fellaw Rotarians people is of paramount im- that they must be mtated '! at the goal o ! th s years p rtance, and who will sacri- lby ear in rder t a gain re- Zaster Seals Campaign 's fice the firm's aims for Isults for the company. $1,00,the amount needed ta harmonious campany-warkers1 "The essence of leadership &Wthandicapped hlrni dealing".an good management is a 7 h Dr. G di an at Te pae edastrclknowledge and understanding Dr.G.idwnii nducing t The c pntakethe annustal re oaithe motives, bopes and ,_pest, peakerdsaid thMr !acm ny se annual needs o! labor, and ta find At the close of the annual banquet of Durham Soil Science IJepartment of the Uiest of Guelph;! 'Wainwright is the Personnel performance reflected the iact wy o hs hnst eUîest anstsaker aid . . aeth.fa it ba os igt U-aatefotathee nes ath e County Junior Farmers in Maple Grave church haIll aso shown in the above photo, from lef t ta right, publisf hers. o!Gaeu-to-ate bua ltsines p fec pts. Th e doten so h company". an Saturday, a new president was instailed and receiv- incoming president Jim Cryderman, retiring presidenti eainL text pboiheofs a duanu- eatebshiness thats T heo Mr. Wainwright said that ed the symbolic gavel af office. Guest speaker for the Gary Jeffery arnd Agricultural Representative for fatural er atsboos and offic e oVI oed lmat inchalcaboe be thinks there are useful evening was Professor D. W. Hoffinan, le! t, from the Durham A. 0. Darymple. suplis.variety af services, but bad approaches to employee mati- "Mr. Wainwright received nat made a profit. By giving vto 1 h aifcina as fahlows: Director - Harry bis B.A. from the University autamatic monthly increases security needs includîng such NE WTON VILLE Jos; S I aryOl. of Western Ontario, obtained t alal the employees without as wages, money in the bank, D KOO arc Jae Secrtaryg îer al-n -bis M.A. irn Psychology there, first consulting wlth union shelter, and food. 2. Psycho- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, ac- laLII>Lk B r edeR Arymple VatingselegaOsoand, and afterwards took past_ officials the firm had- been logicai nceds. The need ta campanied by Mrs. S. J. Lan- N eA-Rter ate Rssei orned, graduate studies in Psychology accused of violatîng collective defend themselves ini connec- caster, attended the funerai 1 m mA-Peert Chrat; oStnsd,' at the University o! Toronto,", bargaining procedures, and tion with their jobs. These ai the, late Mrs. George Hicks i n a IA-Pet e Sikaros Teveln ~~,r.~~ Mn adth atc eo!isalcy of needs are the cause of con- in Bellevile on ThusaR eco-I-.----- for * rd-TdFly;Cra Tmln In bis address entitled contiriuing l'ower and lowcr formity, and resistance ta afternn. *U U -owardABradldey; Wi Hle ,Practical Human Relations" prices was bankruptcY. mchage, Inwhich ae dfec Aog hoeatcding the stein Representative, B eni Ur. Wanwright ponted out "The opposite policy te that armenismsnetitis catie oryKpper Carnia nrumn-Bon aand respected. Cliques in in- ville, Thursday, were Mrs. Ware peple's ned ta bTeeiked nivl in.Baren-neMVU dustry resuit from. these Millilgan, Miss Bernice Mlii- BroheseaewanheEstr IPsychological needs". gan, Mrs. IR. Farrow, Mrs. Roy rersAnaMetgal "Thrd" h sid "ae heHall and Charlene, Mrs. J. Mr. Peter Hoageveen o!fhsl by far the highest per- the Kemptville Agricultural Thir ned heaidoneateilis Blackstock, Ontario, has been centage A.I, Unit rating in Scool, March 30, 1967. We n 'y/ u suive nta be important and distinct- Mr. Luther.Davey of Balti- ecgizd shaving the iugh Canada._______ ive in the eyes o! others. 4~ more was a dinner guest with îr o ctht fiîny Eastern Breeders bas the W Dy The ncd for variety and new; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, c5%pithone ostandished largest volume ai business ai der Q Y expcriences, and change," he Thursday. cmeiinetbihd b n Unit in Canada, as asC IlT nd r Eastern Breeders Inc.for Dur- being recognized as havin Jhe G o A heEv delryed htsmaooyacM.anid b Mrs. B oea ham County. The herd of De- anc of the best herd pravng yoEg t eyoeThies mntnacmpne rMs BaJn sNeulta in de-, sresde aieB enFor i hway - o uand an assembly line can be Jons, wet ta Cabel ongBa. Nsitn Otsrs ntecntinent. Semen 1 nl deadly This esultsin de-Wednesday for the funeral ai followed close with 7317o sales have. stretched auto g tmande for shorter working the late Mr. Alec M ei, h e rdofHoar ellmm countries in the world. 'eura bourg and for campensating Mr. and Mrs. G. McPheeOada, OtwstpiThis re we c-p s ra in heeis"le stated. family bave sold their bos 15-25 caws competition, te -- 1 .h . nathhwsted ite ilae ertiiity f Wbeing 944% Service was first organized in Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Lie I s r n e toc! eeds cnotb mtal the and aeliving inthe back wIe sternOnt aso in 1tedersDrhmannounced today that! time, but toa much frustration part ai the MHolm residence. ton listed 88%. the urpoe ofcatDurhamve laamenace. Smtmsi h T.B. Clinie wshl i Teeaentncsaiytemn n a aete edr r en aldfr results in aggression," the the local sebool on Friday a!- higbest in the county but just mendous pragress in that field highway contracts in the Dur-! spae arned. He cited ternoon. ai those entered in the comn- in thepat 20 years. I a ra severai interesting examples. Miss Karen Lee visited Mr. Petition. These men are ta be Branch Supervisor, Milford' The first ai *these calîs for* Thl o m nc -Grant Wade on Friday after- complimented for their fforts Cegtn rp red a i- Th e vital rai o mmunica- n rpot a i.resurfacing ai thie Macdonald- tilsol haveIngo bu- onadenig and ability aplid o ep?-crae o! 380 cows in thie PartCate rwyfomWln m"" pIDan relations was stressed by Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoli ductive efiienfcy in trh eir Hope Office, making a total Street in Oshawxa easterly for e us oUVIIIIJI Mr. Wainwright. "This can, and Tarnmie o! Bruceficld, herds. a! 12,264 services. Approx- a distance of 2.78 miles in- be a probleni because ai the'Iwere eekend guests with Mr. The two top herds of ahi en- imately 5,800 of these were in ciuding the waterpraafing a! size and compîexîty af argan- and Ms Ross Brown and tries in E.BI. service area will Durham County. Mr. Harry thie Ritson Road structure. izations today, and because ai famnily. be established and trie awn- Jase was Chairman, and otri-, The second is for trie resur- the status feeling. Wc do not Dinner guests Saturday ev- ers recognized aithtre annual er speakers were Dr. Merlin 'facing ai Highway 115 from express ourselves ta those ening with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- meeting ta be held ai the Wilson, Veterinary Consultant, lHigriway 28 westerly, a dist- above us, and we do not listen lace Baugrien inchuded Mrs. A. KemptviIle A g r ic uit ur a and bis Assistant Dr. Myron lance of 7.5 miles including trie 'ta those beiow us," he con- Bougrien, Mr, and Mrs. Ewart School, March 30, 1967. The Milis, and R. B. Brown, Hol- in)tersection at County Road Y Choose a t've year savings goal. It couid ho as tended.* Robinson and famiiy, and Miss purpose of thie competition is stein Representative. i Number 10 leading ta Miil- littie as $600, or os much as $5,000. (Your Language prabiems were Carol Peck. ta reahize thie excellent results The new sate o! officers sbrok. ,,....c.oveien mothid.osi co ragefro $It~discussed by the speaker. Hé Mc. and Mrs. Reid Wood achieved in many herds and $8333) ~Idtiat nisunderstandings atterided the Spartsman's Sbow give hecdsmen thie opportunity that's the. amount of tif. Insurance protection you ferent definitions for thie same company with1M cl n Mr". cèports in their« own herds. _77 hav, fr fve ear, fom ii.minte ou akeword. He also mentianed de- Stewart Wood of Bowman- Dr. R. G. Smiley, Assistant .- yor lr~ eost.Ths sinaditont al epsisliberate distortions. l. Manager o! Easterni Breeders yorfr / oi.Ti sinadto oaldpst Rex Waltecs, a past presi- Mr. and Mca. Clinton Far- mc., ceported aithtre Durhami mode, p us the. bonus your savings have earned. dent, moved a vote of thanka row were crda vening viiI- County meeting that services ta Mr. Wainwrigbt, and Presi- tors witb Mr. and Mrs. Alf.1had increased by 10,400 cows, Whetiieryou're sving foryour chidren's dent Bob Stevens also express- Perrin. mkn a total of 134.800 caws Yeducaio>n, for the doWn peyment on a new home, ed persanal appreciation ta Darlene Elliott spent th.e însemiînated in thie total X.B.I. for a retireMent nest egg... or evon if you don't. the guest speaker. He pre- ekn nPr oewt area. Trie sèrvices were: .b hve a speciai objective in mmnd, ask your senited Mr. Wainwright with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and H-oîsýtein 97,518, He r efor d agift as a souvenir ai bis Mrs. Ron Burley. 117,17, Ayrshirc 5,334, Jersey Toronto-Dominion Manager about the Go-Ahead visit ta trie club., Mr. and Mca. Bruce -Don- 4,06, haois286Gur- way of saving ... .Toronto-Dominion's Jack Lander reparted on trie nelly and teDan-cil, af Port 'Sey20 .Sliocthorn 1,321, curling bonspiel, and said Hope, visited Mr. and Mca.lDual Purpose 1,292, Angus ;1 Assured Savings Plan. No medicai is required. triat Tom Cowan was the skip Wm. Stapleton and Mc., and 1,227 and BrownSis51 of ther to fte ubs M c. Don S a to and am-prov n E trS.wissL1 or ea on o tre îuo n Dea - Trie a three rinks. Dr. Keitri Sie- iyo SSd an, a past president, was trie Witb Mr. and Mca. C. Lane Sie 1ase Lae"~a GrifiQoAhoid d-o frm -ub wre r. nd rs.Chalescredited with 24.154 services. G t.oA .dda omleader o! trie singsang. HuI Wr r n .Cire 83.61,oa!fail Hoisteins were TOf~ N C ' 0N Hooper played the piano ac- Gray and gicla, Bawmanvil]e. secv cedwt cmpaniment. Mc. and Mrs. Carl Todd and e__ wit ri r ven sires. .h#t'Twhp~0~,môc he diffeence The winners ai the hockey Ann ibMc n Ms . .iox aithtre local Post Office. i féoerd tedF4ec.dcaw were Hub Hooper and Farrow.iuaons -Ken Purdy. Guests present Mc. andiMca.eDon Eihiatt aithtre luncheon meeting werc wece visitors in Oshawa, Sat- no nti oesm ou IL G. LAWTON, Manager evnnwt c n in may be found ta better Don Gilhooly, Bowmanville; F. urday enig thM aýtrie present condition. 39' Temperance- St. Bowmanville, ()nt. C. Moore, Montreal, John B. Mca. R. Elliott. Wood, F. I. Bucrow, and Ted Mc. and Mrs. Bob Wilaherl Mca. S. Lancaster reported Rced, al af Oshawa. adSeitn saa eehavn contacted the Principal Sunday visitoca at Mr. J. Mac-rie'fhe local school, regarding -Mteil's. Ia Cesntennlial contribution from At Mr. Frank Gilmec's werie scety_ Books along trie Mc. and Mca. Raymond Gil- line ai Bible atonies are need- mec, Stewart, Steven and ed, apparently, sa a donation ý'FIRST A N N U A L David a! Dawnsview: Mc. was, votcd for that purpose. A ...... ... and Mca. Jim Gilmer, Karen, donation of similar size is ta Jeff and Lvnn, Part Hope; Mr.: be given Community Hall, for and Mca. Phil Gilmer, Biaine, improvements, and a smaller Kim and Kenny. one in support ai trie Harold At Mr. W. Boughen's wece King Rchabilitatian Centre. " Mc. and Mca. Clarence Yea Mcntion made that a and Stanley, Mr. and Mca. 4-H Club bas been formed in Alvin Yeo o! Hampton, Mr. this acea, with Mca. J. Beattie, S H O W and Mrs. Spence Gardon, 1 leader. Kendal. As Durham West District *You can protect your herd from the spread of these diseases, and use top quality sires through the services of CENTRAL ONTARIO CAIlLE DREEDING ASSOCIATION cLa 'ter tocy by Rchard S.A. LWloh LabrtadPalPrscomn District Forester. mnissianed ta write and re- -________ search the book for the De- partment, but even a cursor glance at the 80 pages 01 illu- tn er H r stratlo!;anudi15 age s teIe slght into this work, which W i ns A w rd took two years of writing and research. A renewed Constructive Each of the illustrations, Breeders' Award has been frorm fuil-colour scenes of presented to R. Stenger & forests and wildlife to the 30 I on of Enniskillen, Ont., by portraits of bewhiskered, high- the Canadian Jersey Cattie collared gentlemen who play- Club on the high production ed a prominent role in shap- 'and classification rating of ing the Department over theltheir herd. years, has its awn particulari During the qualifying period, story ta teil., the bull, Lindale Bijou Flash The black and white mapsiwas proven. He now has 29 were drawn expressly for the daughters that average 8,784 history by Lands and Forests' Ibs. milk, 524 lbs. fat, 5.97%/l, cartagraphers. B.C.A. 115-128, and 39 classi- Cottage Roof Snow Removal fied that average 86.75%. In At this time af year snowitheir herd af 33 tested caws, accumulation on cottages be- the average production m.e. ta tcames heavier due to freezing,19,930 lbs. milk, 546 lbs. fat, rand thawing activity. If youl5.50%, B.C.A. 131-133, and are in doubt about the abilityl41 classified that average of yaur structure ta support 87.52%. This is the fifth time this additional weight, remove that this honour has 'oeen won the snaw. iby R. Stenger & Son. CAflLE OWNERS 1 IF YOU BUY ANY BREEDING STOCK YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THESE REPRODUCTIVE DISEASES BRUCELLOSIS - causes abortioris at 5 to, 7 months, resuits in Many sterile cows. Avoided by early vaccination of aill eifers and artificial insehination. TRICHOMONIASIS - causes early abortions fromn two months. Cows discharge and become sterile. Spread by bulis. There is no completely effective treatment. Avoided by artificial inseination. VIBRIOSIS - causes breeding problems, Iow conception rates, early abortions, irregular heat periods and discharge. Spread by buils. Treated by breeding rest then artificial insemination. Mary Stewart C oU ,ollow.. to chiuidreni and frIends. ~flE DMSSONEFERMENTS ed by the Lord's Prayer, Mca. G. Stap*Ieton gave al Childrem u à15 prS Must b. accompanied by parents Sec.-Treas. Mrs. T. Hender- second unstalnient In he son reportd the minutes of series on the eacly pioncer lue previaus mqteting anid trie of Durham County. Roll Cali %1j»èý yfnaces, încrgas.d by $2P.00. was "What do We epc froni the. proceedsa fropm the card a teacher?" party ladt niontb. Mca. F. Gilmer ut the piano,Ai Cards cf sympathy are to conducted a musical contest.ýÀ -O matqI IR ~ *! M .R 4be sent t 0 ereaved mcmi- lyg a couple a! bars aif hav. An invitation tO meet 18 I i gs 9, which was Won wMtb Hampton bhrpi early by Mr*. M. Baàis' who cor- aeoen.d Aeplyws red Cthiada" was sung in clouing, - ON ARI 1fr RueIIfone, MP..after which 'the group in r.gsdhj Us tÉtitt, equst charge asulsted the hootess in au Im'ved xulo ui ln ebh, 1~ b? handy servics, he1pful people. And the iges. Take, for instnce,, all the things to you find the painters, wallpaper dealers, eed. Whatever you're looking for, your easily ... whether you need a complete ,s like the ones illustrated. So get ln the ltm a- 1 w 'l Lit%»%Ajàb ýýqL»AÉ&- IL- ki- - a au a 0

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