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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 12

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t <~~'~t - - '~-'4<' - ......, - ne C. madhma by kW. . &KU&&a Fagot, pfetota Chu "---Why seek ye Use Il enbatbnhey dead' Be la beré, tSla..." 245-6. 'Iere lBes". anre leope wOrds ai mail epiapha, 'T words ludicate Use univ, helPleusxeus of mn befare frea test enemy, deaUs.'Ir uMlliating words serve as signature othe Uic Uf icE Xuin, whether he b. princi 9iChs or pon, hlgi Jeaus C2lshowevel tise great exception, sud stead of Uic cold, imperm epitapis ctched an granite hewn i tn e, wc hear BEI -by John W..1 your telephc manager Our Company': recently been maile May have received, million sarcholders thaught same of tl migt ha of iterast ai Bell Canada'sf ectivities during 196E record ai aur emp whether driving m, answernug a questic Business O01%c, repai your home, or assist are a&l reflected iluth o! our Bell people. Sc bars or relatives. Nu work and live lu the in wldeiy-divcrsifled cations services to yoi And il la ibrougis Ih Annual Repart canr telephone service lu we arc continulug tc even ln sParscly sett tecisnology tisaI wil) bernefits to our subser.l Bell Canada-Nortiscn ram for satellite comi ai 1966, Uic Annual R future. A future wl advancas unimsgined Canada was begun. AUTOGONE? RENT A NEW '67 CAR-PROM US, (W.r. Jut afew m*utsaway.) &nl. ax.r You etu roet a qunking new Pord-bulit car frm w. Quickly. Tuke yow u" lc.Pria.lmrenu="nad - EowuBM MnVIDMer-. 1V lU?1ebOUlbd &Ma14 «à - fubtlie ni mmort MtiMet Uruhte go% &aY Message ' can to h sepuichre, carryiz vibrent declaration of a cales- pared spices with w1 tial creatu-e who, standig ai ennamnt the body oftise] eh thse gaping moutis af a reetly Master. It la true that ha lving vacated -wspulchredrs, been more attentive1 3 nat "Ble is not here, but Ia nisen"! words, and been given Luke Coupled wth this unusuil an- whole.hearte<djy to a st, nouncement, we have a gentie Uic ucnptures, they wou eming reprlmanid which serves ta mn- haebudrdtuu rhese dicate Usat a new ondes lias av couseterer s b 'ersal been inaugurated by tis apre- factos ln that day whisco >e hils cedcnt-smahing event. Frofi for an Imperfect under rhese naw on, a new word is ite be ing af Uings divine.' m the assoclaed with Uic Name Of fore, we sense a gentier very Jesus, and tisaI new word là tise angelic rebuke, "wh, ce or "111." We are toîd tilat the ye Uic living among thse c gh or purpase af Christ's coming was Il la to b. feared, ho, er, is "that menxi mgis have l11e, and that ours is a greater bl, lui- have il. more abuudently", FOR WITH THE NOON saI John 1:10). Paul declares lu sîm 0OF DIVINE REI ýe or hia letter ta TimoUs>' Usai aur TION SHINING D0WN theSaviour Jesus Christ "IathH 1N D E RE D UPON MINDS AND SPIRITS, STILL THE PRACTICI MANY TO SEEK THE LI AMONG THE DEAD. programme ai divine nec tion is linked with tise' E Lord Jesus who sits enth: in glor>' on tise right hai thc Majesl>'. And yet "w the millions about us ]LowryEEK THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD FC Me 0F RELIGION, ONLY T( DISAPPOINTED AND D' LUSIONED. What have panderous rituals and nr ceremanies af an imposini 's Annual Report for 1966 has pretentjous worship te do tise isen and glonified C] ed ta shareholders. Some af you How gloomy andl heavy i anc since more than a quarter- wonship ai tise natural r -s ibid stock lu Bell Canada. 1 As you enter tise huge ter ie items covercd lu Uic report ai religion, whether here iseathen lands, the must>' ît ta you. For, bcisind Uic report of deatis meets you on E financial standing, pragram ai sida. Many religions are i 6 and plans fon Uic future is Uic done with dealis. Deatis pcyces. Their day-to-day jobs, bols are seen averywhe spiritistjc incense and but asasive cable-laying maciinery, af the spices risc te thec an about your account at Our Net onI> do men iriug or installing a telephone lu Christ midst dead relil ting you with a talephone call, wisich do no more than s ai His deathin i a histc lie Report. You may know Many fashion, but others seek ;oe may be yaur friends, neigli- iullness af ife lu the dcat umeraus Bell Canada employeca their awn natural lives,i eBowmanville anea. Their work iu trespasses and sins, anc off frar tise source ai true 1jobs helpa ta brng communi- and joy they pensist in sp )un homes and places ai business. ing time, talent, and mc hcir work duning 1966 tisatishe seeking for life iu a worl] relate the cantinued gnowtis oi human beings upon w reats tise certain seuleca our territor>'; tise story of isow deatis. Lufe cannot be ioun, aiselp Canadians kaep lu boucis the wonld's death. tled parts ai aur cauntry; new Otisers, somne ignorantly 1bring added communications soain delibcratcly, haviug iesscd Christ as their Savi ibers; innovations resul±lug inom now seek lufe and auj oyr n Electnic teaanwoirk and a prag- lu their own little meau,: munications. In telling aur story gardly cincle ai selfisis lîv Report aise looks farward taef.he Thay are constantly hearn speak ai "my home, my rhich will sec communications my income, my career, 1 just 87 years aga wisen Bell We submit that tise celee repnimnand is more nee now than il was in the da, * was spaken. Jesus Christ is in the daad religions of day non is He ta be iounc LeOe Operator could and id the whirl ai worldiy pleasi 1.17oai twsse ~non yet in tihe respecta sphere of punely selflsh livi doms sud JnfeatkLon0»One Haelalu ic heglory land,. , equest fron thte same volce, h is enly- as wc burn from th ion, for thse exacttte, FIny things wisich bean the ma: nd deieldc to ask tihe man wisy ai death and "seek thase tsi wisicis are above, where Ch] ay. sitteth on the right hand blow tise noon wisistle," h. laid God" (Col. 3:1) anc we going sure wbeuIrt weive o'clack." flnd 111e, and that more ahi dantîy. Let us first ramove1 iaugised lise OPerator. "Every beam n om aur own eye,1 y tise noon wilstle!" fore we undentake ta carri Uie attitude and practice * * * otisers, hefore we speak dead religions aud aqua dead churches, and before, how uscless lust ane telephane miake reference ta warlc *use il for a papenweîght Or pleasune and self-seeking. A buttisî'sabot al. her'dwe in contact with thse LIV]] buttht' abutal. Ter'dONE? DO WE DAILY DRA d nobody who could calI you. OUR SUPPLY 0F LIFE Ab sof othen lelephones, *11 aven JOY iram the great reserva ke your telephone valuable t aio divine glory? We can ai lead men so ian as we ai selves have gone. Let us lh lurn from ail these thir wisicis are dead and penishal and seek tise living whcre1 ia la ha found, at tise. ri isand ai Gad, ready ta impa l11e, His jay and His peace. Si ý ca .VIIJCl prtos Lre, able ,ing. B K TC and Lo5C C2ongratulations to Cart- Turnes n1c pubUa peak- oue act piays at 1the Commun- .nks wHge Cnrl ulcScisool !i.wi~Ié . e!d' «I~Wn ity NaHlï-3iadosel~ ,,ý , Éngs junior pupils. On Tuesday, at Havelock an Saturda> wa Tise studants of C.H.S. are rist Marci 7th, 50 pupils went ta hear skie did a good job and dlvided itot three isousea - ai Peterboroughs and compcîcd wa eladskia did wonderfully tise Aile>' Cals, tise Ookpiks gta iu tise Kîwanis Music Festi- well lu winning at Blackstock, sud tise Tigens - fon competi- ýun- val. In tise Village Scisool Bowmsnvile and Orona. Also lion lu academnic achievemenî, tisa Chorus ai Grades 3 sud 4, to Heathen Doraîl wiso gaI field day, sparts aud* dramna. ha- boys and girls, Cartwrighst slong real well in lise final Tharefore cach hiouse present- ect carne finat with 86 pointa. Int irae places. ed a ane act play lu ibis corn- ai Junior Boys' Choir, Carl- Mn:. John Hamilton sud petition. Alaey Cals - "Who af wrighst again cama iirst wilh Mrs. «Fred Hamnilton visited Gels tise Car Toight?"; Tig- ily 87 points. Mrs. Canal Wsuna- Mr. Harry> Hall, sud Mi-s. J. ers - "Not Tonight", aud Oak- we cotla music suparvisor and A. Jaisuston visited Mr. and piks - "Mind Oven Mumnpa." dl>' accampauied lhem on piano; Mns. J. Rowland lu Cobourg, Tise students selacted, cast A re Mns. Shirley Turner diracled, Sunida>'. and dunacted Uic pisys with- N'G sud Mrs. Darolhy Venning Mrs. G. V. A. Scot i spand- out an>' assistance fnom lise IW assistcd. Mr. B. J. Cisurchis l ing a icw dasaet han1 homne. staff. Tiscir efforts rasultad fD Principal ai Cartwnighst Cen- Mrs. Joan Malt, Whilby, lu soma very sth11 compati- ira Irai Scisool. spent bise weakend withshan lion wisicis made tise judgas' il>' A good altendance gathered parents, Mn. and Mns. J. Van- lask van>' dIfficult. At lise ur- lunlise Township Hall Satur- liing. saine lime tise audience was an day nighin ionaun of a naw- Mn&. Fred Heur>', Mn. sud givan mars> enlertaining mo- igs ly married couple, Mn. and Mns. Cisarlia Hickey, Toronto, ments in tisa performance of Hie M ns. Bnisu Slaniland (nea visiled Mn:. R. Fond, Sunday. tisase Iisree comadias. gtGlenna McLeod). Mn. David Mn. sud Mrs. Parc>' Van The jucigas, Mr. and Mn:. A. atKyte was M.C. and fallowing Camp callad on Mr. Cisarles s RFit soma visiting called campais> Elford sud Miss Lana Eliord, and knMn. ud Mrs. . MFinIS to attention. Mrs. W. W. Van Cambra>', Sunda>'. from Port Penny Higis Scisool, Camp gave a isumorous resd- Brian Wolfe spent lise congratulatad tise students oni lng; Janica Crawford played weakeud with Paul Crago, tlias fine performance and a piano solo, sud Penny Cran- Bawmsnvillc. annauncad the following as dcli cntertainad with a guitar Mn. sud Mns. Frnk Cook, tise winnans: * aud maun-i ongan selecîlon. Beavertan, visitcd Mrn. At tisis point David preacnled Mrs. W. Archer, Frida>'. sdBesI Actreas - Lorraine Tus'- tise happy couple with a plat- Mn. sud Mns. J, J. Flett and uer, Grade 9 (Tiges'). farm rocker, coffac table sud Mn. sud Mrs. Ed. Harris were flest Aclon - Rein Bonsma, floral arrangement sud a sun- Satunda>' suppar gusts of Grade 10, (Aile>' Cal). burst alectriec dock on bhiaif Mn. sud Mns. Menvyn G ns- Best Supporting Actress - aif thias friands sud naigiu- ham. Joanne Ballingal, Grade 9, bons. Althougis taken coin- Mn. sud Mns. Richard Van (Oakpik). ietel> b>' surprise, bath Camp sud famil>' visited han BasI Supporllug Acton - bride and groom made fitting panants, Mn. sud Mrs. Roy' 9pn Bonuetta, Grade 12, replies, ailes' whicis dancing Marrow, Hilaon, Sunda>'. (Tger). was enjoyed sud a hountiful Mr. sud Ms's. Rupert Byes, BesI Play>' - "Mind Oven lunch partakan oi. Bowmsuvilla, wera Fridays Mumps" (Ookpiks). In the United Cisurcis Sun- guests aud Mn, sud Mrs. Wal- Tomciircionsud SauleBink-a day morniug tisa choir chose lace Rutiadge, Bancroft,* wencTmhshnadPalBik as liseir anthem "Oh Happy Suuday gucats ai Mn. sud mans for "Mind Oves' Mumps" Day." Rav. Romanil spoke on5 Mrs. Carl WrightI. (Ookpik). "Chisis's Last Prayes'lu tise Mns. J. A. McArtisur sud Uppenraom". Misa Ida Dempsey, sud Miss Iu St. Johnu's Churcis Rav. Bell>' McArthun Tanran to, OBITUÂRY i Rose spoka on "Lave, Justice spent Sunda>' witis Mn. and sud Equalit>"'. Mn:. Ardis McArtisur, Wil- P. W. DAVIDSON rNext Sunda>', Marcis Ilt, lowdale. at 8 p.m. there is to ha a Misa Joyce Mahaif>', Tan- The death af Percy Wilbert Cartwrigist Ceubennial Sei- Outo, spent Uic wcekand wiîis Davidson, 75 Scugog Street, vice un lise United Cisurcis Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Mahaîf>' accunred at Uie Princeas Mar.- wisen Romair Catisolie, Angli- and boys. garel Hospital, Toronto, on can, Presbyberian, Christian Paul Rahmi, Bs'ockville, Rs>' Satunda>', Mancis 4, 1967, foi- Refornm sud United Cisunci Mountjoy, Waterloo, and Don- lowing au Illness ai four 'ninistans will take part. CCis Van Camp, Toronto, speul mouths. He was lu is 641h Syrupalhis exlendad Mn. tise weekeud at their respec- yean, N;ormais Malcolm, Toronto, a tive homes. Sounaifbise laIe Williansd formes' Cartwri.ght resident, Mr. Bob Smiths, Toronto, Isabella Davicison, the deccas- and Mns. Mannill Van Camp vîsîteci Mn. sud Mn:. Chas. cd was bonson Scugog Island on thea deatisofai wfe andi mn. SmsIihsud Oliver, Sunîda>'. sud atteuded scisoal aI Entield 'han, Ms's. Malcolmn, Wcdnes- Mn. Gordon Manning, Wood. sud Raglan. His wifc, tise day.fard, was weekcnd guest af formes' Elsie Viola Abbott, Tise Younsg People ai St. Mn. and Mrn. Bruce Mouisîjo>' survives. Tise>' were married John's Churcis met w1th port and fanily>. ou August 12, 1929 et Burke- Penny Young People lic he Mr. and ?Mn. Grant Fengu- ton. Chuncis af Uic Ascension, Sun- son sud famil>', Toronto, wcre Mn. Davldson had reuided cli> evening, fan a suppcr, ai- Sunda>' supper gueula ai Use at 75 Scugog Street for a yean tcr whlch they thorougisl> en- Lloyd Wnlgisîs. sud hefore movlug le Bow JoYed bga#ng Mn. Ross Mn. and Mns. George Ruth- mauville llved ait Zion.WH Gnecnwood. mand Miss Canal erford, Allen andi friend, Osis- was lu Uic tnucklng business. WInter, t*çi Anglican young awa, vlslted Mns. G. Frowler, Tise deceasd was a memben stdnswh'ptl sgm- Sunday. ai Enfleld Unteci Chuncis, aud mer Iu Agrke on a work mis- Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Me. was also, fr 14 years, a maim- aorill «ý*& peie U Lughiluand famîl>' were ber aih5eSafe Drivers Lea- Uri asd JMcolintSunda>' auppruesta of Mn. gise. II Mj'b> sud Mns. Rarolci Wright sud Sunvlving, besides hi, wie, W=fr calleci on Mn. HenS. Mc. are a son sud bwo daugiltmr, "d atmirg BrianM m Laughlin, ail ai Oshawa. Mns. Elmer Dawn (Helen), Mtài n nd Mr.anid Mn,. NeiliMn,.mand Mrs. Onn Venning Geonge, Salis ai Oshawa, and eço ritnlu a imud Mr. sud Mn:. Neil Mal- Mrs. Charles Terry ' Peggy) bO~5~S3*bIIWWYcoln end faml>' attended Use ai Bowmanville. Tiser. are s-ervc ofaitise 100th Anni- five grandcslrn Xie; M «sary of Bmokllxi Churcis, Alza surviving are two ait- sunda>'. ters, Mn,. Elle K a ois-h Nu On 2Fnide> evenlng, Marchs wa 4n4 M(s .Hlbr 3. thse studenta of Car.twrwgt, (Peani) Of Bwmin,ilUe. le 111gb chooprementeci tbree Tisa fumira seiviai was - Report fromQueen's Park by Alex Carruthers, m~ P P. e ba& 1 "lty te] per' (2 -ir deadl ad thecy imore tudy of uid nal t tisen, i manyi h made ,rstand- There- ness ini ty seek dead?" ýweven, under. ;-DAY VELA.. 'UN- OUR IT IS E 0F VING Scrip- id b. cd, to Irsent ýdemp-1 living1 .nud ind ai 'e sec thatr ONE :)RMS O0 BE )ISIL- rsystic g and >with hrist? r man." mples or lu smell c every neverV ne - rning dead. scek igionsd peakC micalr deadu e ife f( end- y, oney, a d aif rhom T e ai p' dini b and t cou- jour, b, nmeut a' nig- t ving. d to u.1 car,1 My sa ýstial, ded1 w« AGICULTURE The estimates o.f the Depanimnent of Agriculture, prosented recently to the Legisiature by the Minister, the Hon- ourable William Stewart, provided an înteresting debate and revealed a num- ber of significant facts, centering chief- ly around the ARDA programme. A.RDA, the Agricultunal Rehabilita- lion and Developinent Act, pnior ta the two-year agreement of 1962, provided chiefly for the developinent of nabural resources and their conservation. The Province o! Ontario spent some 13.5 million dollars over thià pemiod, in the developinent of conservation prog- rammes, haler undertaken by other jurisdictions under the 1962 agreement. The fact that Ontario had develop- ed these programmes prior to this date prevented the Governinent froin taking full advantage of funds available under1 the limited 1962 agreement.9 Under ARDA, as under other shar-1 ed programmes, the provinces pay fi! tyi per cent and the Federal Governinant c fifty per cent o! the cost. Ontario, beingf the wealthiest province in the nation,1 and contributing almost half the nation-a al income, is required ta match the E'ederal contribution and, froin the bax-% payers of the province, contribute ap- s praximately haif of the Federal share. 1. Careful planning is therefore necessary r in assuring the wise use of the avail- a able funds.a There are 104 programmes under way aI the present trne, in the province, 1 involving ARDA, in which some 45 i nillion dollars are invesled. b One of the most signif icant of these g is the Farin Enlargement and Consoli- p dation Programme, which is of parbicu- c la interest to junior fammers. n Under this long-lerm programme e: uneconomic farins are being acquired by ARDA, as they come on the market tz [or sale. These may be leased on a five- t( year basis to fam operabors of proven a. biliy who require addibional land. ti 'his will be done at ARDA's cost price, lus any capital improvements; made fc y ARDA. The long-ternu objective of v. Ie plan, however, is ta seil the land. y. Four community pastures, owned gi )y ARDA, and available to farmers on g trentai basis, have been set up under mr his saine plan, and two others are inder development. th Provisions are made under this oz ame ARDA programme for the fariner au vho is selling his fanin, ta obtain as- gi stance in re-trainiug for off-farm em- a to retain a life-lease on the residence and a few acres of adjoining land. At present there are 650 farmers partici- patmng in re-training programmes in the province. Another of the new ARDA prog- rammes is the increased drainage grant to aid municipalities and fariners who require outiet drains. Under the Ontario Drainage Act, grants to municipalities wiIl be increased from 33 1/3 per cent to 66 2/3 per cent, retroactive to Apnil lst, 1966. This programme will be oper- ated until 1970, on a shared-programme bais, involving the three levels of gov- ernment. Many farmers are handicapped by small fields unsuitable for the use of modern machinery. To meet this prob. lemn, farmers may receive financial as- sistance for the removal of fence rows. Under the programme, 40 per cent of the cost to the farmer of hirig heavy equipment and operators for the re- rnoval of stone, stump and brush fence rows, up to a maximum of five hundred d1ollars per farmer, is available in the Eorm of a grant. As of January lst, 1967, over 1,000 farmers in the province are participating in the programme. Another ARDA programmne, is the me- vitalization of the province 's maple syrup industry. This has been accomp- lished through the establishment of a processing and marketing co-opera 'tive; " maple syrup extension specialist and " maple symup producers; association. The estimates of the Department of Agriculture, now approved by the Leg- slature, include ten million dollars to be used in the fiscal year for capital grants to farmers. The capital grants programme will be spread over a period of twelve years, making a total of 129 million dollars available, to encourage effective farm planning and operation. The extended period has been es- tablished, so that farmers will not have Lo make hasty, or ili-advised decisions, as to how to use these grants effec- Âvely. The capital grants will be available .r farm, drainage, the erection or reno- 7ation of farm buildings, paving barn- rards, liquid manure storage tanks, grading, packing and storing buildings, ireen-houses, silos, grain storage, and nilk-houses. The basis of the grants will be one- hird of the cost, up to a maximum of re thousand dollars per farmer, on Lny one or any combination. To be eli- ible for the grant, a fariner must have Sgross income of three thousand dol- s RESPONSIBILITy CANADIAN " 'j z fb1,Y v Attenttion Sec., Jury SchooI Studeats You cAN wN CASH Pmas s25, $15, $10 Every citizen of a nation bea r esponsibiity for' the condluct and wclfare cf his country. Tisane is na marc importent group ta whom nn e nation should listera tisan fa ifs youth. kt vs hen young people wiso wiii decide whot kind of country this Canada of ours wiIl be in thse years to corne. As a prominent statesman toid tise people "o long ago. *As citizens of this dcmocracy, yau are the Mruos and tise ruled, the law-givers andi thse Iaw-abiding, thse beginning and tise end." Because of your importance to thse nation's future, we feel it is ap. prapriate in this cantenniai vear, that you have thse opportunity ta express your views on what you think your responsibilêties are to your country. ~!befEanablÎan tatonrn oent.ou*l essy contsst fero rua oday adusl d j is ScMr oetday la va Yor.s.y cm 'My RESPONSMBU1y AS A CANADIAN 7h People Who vwh *« %w"because *yhm as»kleu want t0 express themi. But for furthoer moivotiorb, ther. are prises a $25.00, $15.00, $10.00 at the local lavel; more prizos if you wm ihe Provincial cmq.NUm end 4atrip joOttaw a more priza for i*me Na&x-onal ww.e Well prfw oboutosays Judges Decîsions Are Final Here ore the Rles: 1. You muat be attendlng a hlgh scboël hl Durhan County at the trne the esay la submltted. 2. You may not be a member eit tbe lumediats immily of am 1 cmnployoe of your newspaper. a. Your essay shouldn't be more than 750 Word& lont h wffl b. helpful if k wore typed or et buat writtea Ieg!bIy. 4 Emssamut b. recelved by Thse Canadian Statmm, P.O. Dom 190, Bowmanville, nct 1*1er tlusn Mareb 31, 2987. Cgudja eeY Ne-suprsAmsdutiuw saces Years ago wlseu hamile &Il calis la ma esk&febr sieciaiSev Operator taI a dally aiways Just before noi aise became curions ai lie called day aller da; "D'a my Job t bl bier, 4"sud 1 want tl e i «Tisa'. funny » là day 1 set my dock b3 Ever stop ta Uink wouid be? You could wall isanging, maybe, be nabody to cai and It's thecimany millions the country, that mnak yau. mammmm centenni ess y contest for secondary schon! students - ý id i 1 1 & mihFuerlHAYDON = % ,Bommile nMon- EDay ýMri UnVL as Z COf- Club 21 ame sponsoring a =enthte weekend ulUs Ml. dutdby 8w. IH. A. Turner. <ardjartymonSaturcay aveu- Paterson. Tmorar8eentombmcut was ing in thse achool. veryone Mr'. and Mm. Lloyd Slemon, Vlntn the teda Cemetery welcome. Susan and Freddie, wre Sun.. bHnpaonwsll be in The Haydon Tyro boys with day supr guests of Mrs. r. Ham tnCnitr.the Tyrone Tyro group and Toms, Enniskillen. Among thse lovely floral Hamnpton Tyro and Sigme-C Susan Slemon clebratedI tokens, evidence of thse esteem grup aong wfth some o f her fourtis blrthday on Wed- lni whch the deceased was theirpdad's, enjoycd a bus trn ay March 8th. Her held, were those from Zion to sec the Sportsmn's Show grandmother, Mn. F. Toma, Comrnunity, Burley BusLUnes, in Toronto on Saturday. !hiskllen,' was guest af and thse Sweet Adelines. Douglas Blackburn went on Suaan on thia occasion. a bus trip wlth thse pupils of Sunday school session at nu.,,~.,Courtice Sehool to thse Agv4- 1.45 p.m. and churcis servce LONG SAULT cultural Coflege, Guelphs, On at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Saturday. Thse blg banks of snow alog Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey The Couples Club meeting the roadaïde arc gredualY and famlly, Castleton, were will b. held at Salem n ch saopeainig wiout any bigt Sunday supper guets f Mr. on Saturday cvenlng. Mr'. ufl oo f watcr. and Mn.. Harold Murphy. Rundle will give a talli on1 Miss May Tabb, Orono, Mr'. Mauter Tim Johnston, Les- landscaping. and Mrs. stan Cowllng, Sae kard, spent Saturday nlght Sunday school session and cm. wlth Mn,. Tabb and fam.. with Trevor Murphy church service was very well ily on Seturday. Mr. and Mfrs. John Baker, attended on Sunday atternoon. ________ Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Falls. Miss John Baker and lcky, Brook- Joan Falls, Kendal, werc o lin, and Mr. and Mrs. Kelth r g .ests of Mr. and Mn i EWTONVILLE I Gable were Sunday dinner Blackbur and iamlly and geste of Mr. and Mns. G. Mns. Cowllng. Clarke Cotton Plckers 4-11 Baker. Mr. ansd Mns. Eerl Thomp- Club held their fourth weekly Mr. and Mns. G. Drury, son and Cynthia, Bowman- moeing a tthe home aofMUri. Whitby, Mrs. Fletcher and ville, vislted Mru. A. Thomp- J. Beattie, opening with the Mr. John Johnson, Oshawa, son on Saturday. 4-H plcdge. Minutes of last were Sunday guests of Mr. Mr. and MN,. Lloyd Ashton meeting were read by Arlene, and Mrs. B. Johnison. vLsited Mrs. J. Brown, Orono, and Janet was appoInted to Mr. and Mrs. F. E.Alxn1 recently. take next weck meeting. der, Bowmanville, were Sun- Mr. and J. Pott% visit- Mon.>' for dues was handed day suppen gueats of Mr. ed relatives at Collirsgwood lni to Suzanne, atter which the RobI. SIm. on Sunday. roll ws a, aied. Mrs. Beattie Mns. F. G. Armour and Missi Mrs. M. Bertrim, Jean and »nnoiuneýd Mixs Ray would Bertha Armour, Hampton,. Birdie, vi8ited with the Ber. tw, prt-«,î on March 22nd, were Thursday supper guests trim family at Crow Lake on and tIhat Achievement Day af Mr. and Ms's. Sidney Cor- Sunday. will lie heit1 on May Oth. Mrs. nias. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pol- AngI reaw sâne pamphlets, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk lard and family visited Mr. andi we inudied uta>' stitching spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Art Pollard, Care- dari*, and how to use ma- and Mrs. Boonstra and Mr. mont, on Sunday. tenrtâain different ways. and Mn.. Vandyk, Bradford.I Garry Paterson, Ohawa,ibMeeting tlud wits prayer. Jil à-IS A

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