tavCedlo gutemn to H o tly LandHandle Darlington. Pu6ic School Administration !At 90(rlia tl LovesSpors, D0viy r H tL n oveli sf-onthikadtistatedamayi Enjoyed -by Durham Club Tefnt. rl.clTeîionehprnte mt aeU 17 Al e d eenoedb b speaker Church, Misa Earle delighted coached a girls' bsbl a Ol al vr al n oî Feb. thdauinefbti alreher audience with her lovely back i wn trly 3' n rv i w a N l g t f r p t a t d o 't a y o o m u c h . " o ic e b y i g in g : " S o n g I ne e n_ TootosDtramCou n t e sy D.Dcino n t YtoMy Heart", "I Teed Pretty", Velmas ol Club. Seior past ,or- anuch! aur 1 r ville J.. Hendupsn was, both Miss Barbara Earle, accom- (she aiso laoked pretty), rmnsigo eoftvoeor and speaker; intro-pne by Mrs. Katherine 'dClimb Every Mauntain," and a recent interview.Sar aho oot:Gog dcdby Pie.Dr0. B. Ble on the piano (a for- concluided with the inspining Born in DarlintnTun radOvlWlima: .ikinaon wh:%Uutë~td how mer Leslie Bell singer), was 'Holy City," which set the shR h' I M crai ta initroçlueea :speaker; "If- ha the-solojat. Introduced by Mr. moad for the travelogue. farm there. He i osîio fo sernn.a la, a amai! lýotato find- out Mienderson as a frîend, who is "The HlyCty" was osen Mrs. Wallace MierR..5,WnIrfFoid; ajry minute detailsand they will ise Uthe soloist at St. Mathews by Mr. Henderson as his sub-.omaile Tyn) ject. Appropriate for this . H Mr. Raph cKeeon Osh Easten tsason, the pictures, bas 25ive i Onla] sneh ntn aeKthnr chosen mainly for historical first came ta OrilaM.T Doir.J.WSinebt iînterest rather than beauty, nant worked wihdcp !Oila eas a d weetaken a year ago to the Crig o o H ELP M A IN A INday on a trip ta ten diff:rent fore he went ta( oot >adSgetgadhlrn R L A N A Ncountries and ilIustratedth ar the late journeys of CrsInsaeAlter their weditq" einmrstedlgtu Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. travelled tae omnil.ocsona audyeeig Ini Israel, Kosher customs where they stayed o eeaiApoiaey 5 eaie V IT A L e smwhtdifeet nYears before rtuin trwreepcet:aed Uic meat course but in an- Mr. Tenriant wrkdfr. jred.hi ather section of the cafe. Mr. . .. R. Eaton's for 28 er nt ehp tcnb adta Henderson's usual order for à:MItr' o e RE RS ham" sandwich was re- herDngton Are's Publi Schal Board is shown Secretary-Treasurer and Business Administrator MJ.operate his own tx uies ab oyauad ceived with horror. Peculiar:- hereiwas thent te thatJ. Hhes decideda Hobtaho nllathen'sng hifoeatstepuprvii.g Ten.'s axi ties of the Synagogue were retiringathis Re.r and M1nisHe experîenced. On entering, Mr. Hampton. They are, seated, from left to right, Vice' rnia .R aoco h a ee pone o 5years . Hertrdegt' eho et adt n Henderson, lacking a hat, had Chairman Harry Qyler, Francis Werry, Chairman Sid- Darlington Schools Inspectar effective August Ist. yesaowenhws8. enntfrhecainad ta caver bis head wîth a scarflney Worden, Herbert Mackie and Bruce Tink; at rear,Hesilik b HSEstVIC Eies baeaatugamen'Eeftende hiseat wshes gallery - while looking for marnes, eucalyptus trees (Yeuti.i Addison Scott read minutes of If your envelope and donation were bi ie h pae vstlpd us) sa called (t011UI n t hi wf, h seke astld (h previaus meeting and the cor.,fD diT A L not picked« up Monday and you would stili women." knly'se the rtinc eve ess ouldn't Mr, gh c-ý lk. to donate, you may have your donatioin 5Bethlehem - that littie tawn: sleep.Il hAC at her late husband's death; safamous - set in a country Pater Noster - the Lord's fC I r -V [ IIEalaliWteT IT I A'I I ik picked up by calling 623-2343 or 623-5475rokandabes Prayer in thirty-six languages. 17W**W EU 5I1UU Fis, Ronald Jackson for sun- I lI V ~ f~l I after 6 p.m. Donations may be Ieft at their sheep with the goats. of Jerusalem! ThePolf S Scott aise reported on the rer- hence tbe saying: "To tel the Betbesda, Solomon's IPoool, the f1raProlt eathmeig panofthBord of Fr.ercks hamay o TrotoDoinon sheep from the goats." On Golden Gate was sealed (ltte teards, theansf 'e that littie Pnnrthat oadTnronto-DominDame of tt e oc, Mr an Mrs DALVÎIGTO Bai, omavll.the ground an which stood travel between Jordan and renovations in the church, and O raom, now stands the Chunch the Wailing Wall, nearby Plans for a Centennial Pro- and two other ententainers are Earl McQutaid are the new! of the Natîvity. The famous Arab children playing, the ject were diseussed by the caming from Peterborough. crtkr ftecuc.NTC F B-/W cnenn stables were underground ini Damascus Gate, were ail Bowmanville Ladies' Auxiliary A request for the auxiliary Mrs. T. J. Jackson and Mrs.1 caves under two hauses. visited pictonially. An exca- ta the Royal Canadian Legion ta cater for the lunch ta be Clarence Rowan led the wor- the propsdcomc fteKn Thank You for Your Support Herod tlat king 'bath mnean vating group from the Ar- t the eting held in the served in the High Schol ship service of scripture, medi-i Bridgeanthtpr ard re t e he lo ic l ep , Un v asi ' eian Hll on Saturday even- girls, gym nasiu rn alter the taton, prayers and hym ns re- sla ing of he ale bab es, of oro ta, on M ount Zion.1îng. Iy w s decided ta have B w m anville Skating Club 1ting ta the them e "G od's u e s a p o c e I e e o a d r n caused the Holy Family ',0 Peter and John on the site of Secretary lorence Knight, a Carnival ta be held next Promises." Mrs. Jackson aiso ning throgiat ~ os3 n flee into Egypt. Pictures af the Last Supper: tablets mark-1 past president, write ta Branch month was received, and the mnade an appeal ta members ta.,3i h r on:sino h Camao, bath aid and modern, ing the fourteen Stations of 178, and ask for appraval of auxiliary agreed. A convenor save used nostage stamps 33 i of a city of three million people; the Cross. The pictures* ended the auxiliary's tentative pla is for this bas not yet been ap- which are used in msinTwsi vor f the Nule River and the spot with the Church of the Holy ta instal a public address sy1s- pointed. work. Tosouhrno "aalo nc ~uKr~KAII N UN' ifl~ where the baby Moses was Sepulchre erece nte e~nh e IHal as its Camrade Frances Bruce was Rk WllamPircoldther ose tan te bof thebis- ootheprrciecton.named catering convenor for fls oun the b uses Mr. of the C rucifiion. the President Mary Westover theViy Night banquet ta be Bil td n "The Chunch between si os3 n 3 T W S I ofD1 ed , 1,adTe Stdyo pr h TOW NSHIP ofDARLINGION bridges In the world. FreinM n.E olr ocd presîded at the meeting. Corn- hl o day evening. Ap d Te Wrld" going back ta bRI GT N ilis c prcainfrtepesr aezi Graham was the 7th, by Bac 178 ofte h days of the Roman empire quarnied for the pyramids- of not one, but two treats - pianist. A satisfactory fin- Royal Canadian Legion. Sec- during the reign of Emperoni NOTICE I EE~GVN ta h th elgtulsnin n taýConstantine and bis s eqet Council Coportio thoeo olosa moumntstasaedeimofunumgignntsraancalreprtwasprsetrdreaortnghtwa apaitedcovesio t chisiantyaMn. arlngonat tsregla CoapciImetin t b Egypt's dead kings. One alone veîîing via pictures throughby Treasurer Audrey Bate, a catening convenor fon the Pinerysisntcus n It.M! alno caver 13 acres of ground and the Holy Land. ipast president. lunch ta be scrved at th erc csd the ena dur-! hlonTu took 100,000 men twcnty years Mrs. O. J. Henderson, as-' Arrangements were com- Legion Dsrc BowIi e ing Constantine's reign whenIdoThsayte6h yofpil197t ta build. The famous Sphinx sisted by Group 4, was theipleted for the social evening Tournament on April 8th. christianity hecame the state the Council ChE rsi b'T si ala N O T I C Eis 70feet tall and 100 long. hostess of the social our. ta e held b>' the auxilary n Comade R e na at reli ian somedoathepr-1 Hmone assn yla 1so u n ls BC rmsldrock. A hall and Miss Vîvien Philp poured whcn members of the ather lunch alter th e Legion District itual rights of thecuhb- te KingBriged patoNshRausds mile ride around the base of tea. Mn. E. Shier thanked nine auxiliaries in the Zone Public Speaking Contest onicame fatally entangled with1 prahst NOTICE ISIIEREPY GIVEN that the the Pyramids was taken on these ladies. Auld Lang Syne. will be guests at the Legion Sunda>' aftrnoon, March 19thlwordly ambitions and the bat- apochs heeo ndr:nigtro hth caes-tedrivr's slogan: The March meetin, because Hall here. Secretar>' Knight in the Legion Hall. She willItebgnb een sacred andl southern partofLt32n& 3inherdC- .»arlington at its'regular Council Meeting to be look after me well", "Back- Fnida>'. March 3lst, at the for this event. dent Rase Venasse, 2nd Vice- Mer Mrs. Harold White and held on Thursday, the 6th day of April, 1967, at sheesh, Backshesh!" - the Women's Art Association ,. A special program of en- President Hilda Humphry Mrs. William Lawrence in the through the sotenproIth oigalod ibe ouncj Chmber fn he Twnshp Hal at pnice af photography or just Prince Arthur Ave., at 8: tertainient as been planned and Secretary Knight. raies of a clergyman, retired allowance betwensi os.3 n 3 Hapt, a 13 pm rantiethreferwil being tourists, The recent winner ai the Dur- for this social evening. The Alter the business meeting farme nd ofician, Mr. Pier- -'~ ~ a 1:30, erparsin o b ny-l e wîdedieta nd rap termpressive abinCount>' Club Shicld for Lord Elgin Public School Choir a social houn was enjoyed cy brought the problcms af the NTC tbe templesi calumn-law obelisk, publicand eaking mintthepeschoolsfwill sing. There will c Comrade Grace Murdoch thecarl>' churcl down ta present NTC SAS iREYGVNta iii~ptw the oflowng oa andheedples, cbulmnstbe l4th Nulepakiny thwer, wiîî givdances > isPtstBah oia ovnr ervc day living as the>' discusscd the Council ofth Crpaioofhe owsp 1$iÏtùÏýé Îhe fflowinhow the Mcsurcancbas becomeilofiDanlingtoissproposeslae, Sthiasamevmeetingerby andllth centnB..,ewas4tc her speech cither at the March Miss amona iliixan, deliciaus lunch. anoîvwith ic S atecin aur fl areid yl eathrz teslecnh Gtesad odbegafre odanlc n a hallmileA e !or postponed April meeting. novdwtthSaeinur 4eafesd1 Gresrd oa en oce odoead alml veu fI.J. P. Lovekin, canvenon~If i'n , tracks, etc. and the final ques- sadsopped PP gi Sphinx at Luxor, formenly for the March Omdyeectnninterg, ae ai td u ar f h oVloodrI iunning through Lot 17 in the 3rd Con- called Thebes, leading ta the ranging ta meeting, is an tien "Should the church pa>' lowance te thEabtigon-s cession and Lot 17 and 18 ini the 4tb tmb I Ramss 2d.tos have an interesting - aes on their praperties?" C..ocession cf the Township of Darling- famaus af the Tombs af thepae. jpI v ,, - Mrs. Winnfred Spencer gave Tepoposdb-a n.4ia hwn h ton.-- Kings was King Tut's tomb, Ln a talk on "The' Grawth o h lep ui ofic n the Who was onl>' 18 years oId at Show n "V i n o or a Protestant Church in Canada," lands afected my ecny e death. Excavatcd out af rock, JNI A5<1 jgaing back ta the carl>' days Township Hall. and toexwpropiiate certain lands ini said Lot 17 its gold adarrîments and solid Jury 'V E IW I rIra elofu of immigration, calanization, thtle 3rd Concession and Lot 17 and 18 in the gald effigies proved the weaî- ril and dealing in detail with the ct oceso f the Township of Darlington, tmcs o mbeiscver'o au Dangers from 'Ibranches of the Protestant or her counsel, aeto oiio. n requirod, for the aforesaid. road. mdmae The exaticaîl>' fascinating beautiful and diverse country, churches, first in the Mari- dlaimns that bis o e ad i1~b rjdcal Picture alter picture re- land once known as Abyssinia which is impregnated with the tiec n h peda rt fetdb b adb-a ndwoapist corded famous spots, the F*ulty LAIaust was vividly partraycd ithe mster>'faIAfnica. It aisoe tmsand macsthe seD ominion- afcedb * The. proposed by-law and plan showing the foundations o! aur religiaus "Highligbts of Ethiopia" pnng- showeditr eal with their enimars h oiin lands affected may b. eu in tbe offices of tbe and cultural lIfe: Jaffa, Iroin Carbon manoxîde poisaninoe ram, part af the Bowmanville different culture and custoins. mbers joined in singing 0 ehad To'*vnshie Clerk in the Township Hall. which Janah set out, Galile, now bhas a special meann o Rotar>' Club's Travel and Ad- Adi Aabhe Capia ah Tazarctb; Mary's Weil, alwa.ys four Mllbrookaatengr venture Series, at the Tawnwas seen ta have Theim pragrain was In charge I steitninc i onbpt a meeting place for a chat! and if a recammendatian made HalIl Auditorium recentl'. 'pressive building-s, man>' as af Mrs. All-an Beer. Nc capsTh at bui l wor b er a n e l be rejudi hial ly m o a the eM ount T abo.hp ju ry î q îi g it h h p n o sd r be tre n a e a e a trln d a bi tpfather and awner a ibsaai ahunt los'M n, open DaiIy Until 10 p.m. - including Sundays the car, W. G. Ur>', ta get the . 'e show more Aarwswell donc, and the' muffler Iixed that night in Interest la VOU! picture s o!sman>' aI these ma- case e wasstoppd bythe ad paymore nificent beasts were amazing.L IE t a u i ga 1p ce.h a tp e b' te . - . aI paet n Y moU r e The>' must have been taken1 - fe furig Poice.Inteeat n YOthhea long distance camera1 I e l D ï COURTICE CnriWy savage animais as the close- ss S E R Ide I o iry Pro du cts CuteîCw.me.6/%Guaranteed ups seeed eipsiet Courticnv.Cst e1/4%Baboans, -and man> types O!ý The eua otl etPr monkeys were picturcd asî IET TET OT ý"QUIALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON" ing af the Courtice U.C.W. wasAnu Certificates LIBERTY STREETecis a heldin he curc baemen bids ith orgousplumage.1 wihthe Preident, Mrs. Lloyd 6 The zoo in the grounds aI the iNO Cutc rsiin, d1/2 %n vntRylPlaewsson nN W BEING OPERAED B T e minutes a the previus . ons the film asa pesented pc-Ie Ajaf J U~~~~ M IL K ~~~~meeting wee rad and ap- Annum tugiofanenite peni Tetre Neuii'cu &'urne~au MOL K ~~~~~proved. The tneasurer's ne- ô'iven dncetse musiians pla>r' N i ecl l port was given b>' Mrs. Ceci wO heulg ig dntieristrmumeints, landBt AeLc dMebnc Simmons and the secntary's .d / 0 hqig igntv ntuetadýBt r iesdM SK M'URSYrepart b>' Mrs. Gibsan. peeAouints acrobats ail taking part in the- S K I QUERSEY HO M OT e Fiendship Unit was Annum program PO E6 3 5 9 GOLO 2e% rpur radngb TRUST & SAVINGS BETHÂNYFULNE0 5 4 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~Adair, the meditation, the iO P R T: alitn tJ s p ' H sî theme being the Centennial. 23 ]Une st. w. GASOLINES Efor L UBRICANT -The devotional, closed with Eway Mrs. Alex MeMasten is a' A O IE prayer by lirs. Adain.82257 Pteti S. sph H p. .~ " - - J u n t e P e[t e r b o r o uge a VOU C"N î4bï hOU RMM - hecres- ornre l oye. K ________the__________________The_____OshawaMr._and Mrs. WaUly Reid are ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES -ACESR.E Uni ls iii charge of the Mardi 723-3221 spending a few days with M a*Ws un»meeting. )&0a. Osborne gave NUS friends in Toronto. C r e I *n w ' o a 8 O 1a readizg, ']t m Fine, Thank Sp c a i in nM n to.Thun.r. M ansel Finne>' is a'pg i . WM M PCEAitS - . Mrs. Chumbiey show- ,. 3 Patient in Clvlc Hospita t* ~wa~w '~'~I~a, dcolored alides o! Acrosa :30, TUNEPeer-oough W l. ~ V u u S W U T L I U T Q U JI T T I S nd t d a . l n . M K i h o - r s v c o 1T ht U n ited C h u rch W m e 1 IG N IT IO N A N D E X H A U S T Y T M Thedmc t in ac e qplzCou W à. cn met ini the Church hall aA D onR L RE A R Tu es.gthncosed ~Monda>' evening with 1ANlinsALRE - Ifarold White presiding. Mir&.A