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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 16

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- - ~ - -- . - -~-~- --- ~ - ~âe t .... ~ ~ ~ ... - . .r-...-e,.m...77, The canaianstatemun, B UMnleu a. là,19lm Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale jLvestock For Sale Wanted Work Wanted Real Estate for SaleielEtefoSa E aefr ASHTON-Bradley and Sheena WATEII for oade and delivered, BUYING or sellng furniture 1.5YEARÏ-OdHeièn,75àc C iRSpta oandsr48 uu sa e O-bdrom hmami ELf.~ (nee McFee> happily an- Cail Clit Pethick 263-2131 or appliances, call Elmer, apicce. Phon 623-5125. -a1-1o rÎ t héICb o tYOUNG woa ,s-rswork TrWO v yo *ounce the arrivai of thefr sonl RAWLEIGH Products Dealer. Hampton: business 263-2294 - - __ __ orfUorCippled Farm after 5. 11-1 buarn, Edward S.ENw I*rch ch7tht196 at67 w hone9835w70Phonereidene-23-265. 6tNE CbaenceAilONE oar eigttmothaaidStStocPk. edup rompi, -- oPexNrince ecesary casieS9,50. Pone c1sa rsuito$9,5r00.SpiPl unt ina Hopitl, Tron . 75.Clet)Ali Farm, Telephone CollecL 263-,7,Ï. WILL care for children, by w îîl train yen. oun Sna Hopial Toon vntCOFFEE table, two end tables, 'North St., Nwate 10-2 .lr, fth e day, in my home. Phone A 111,CLOTHES dryer with vetA .L 1 to. ~~$75.00. Phono 623-881. 11- $15, baby stroller, $7; Singer! wMsar___ _ ll ur Farm ,623-762. 11-1 Part or full time axs, o eym r t, "' ~ i ae d- vacum leaèrand carpet SeedfoSaeTRN :BRYANT-Mr. and Mrs. Walt WATER for sale and delvered. w ee,$4.Poe623-7053. - - Licence No. 101-C-67 nr ickingexelladt formfreezer.EALNSTANC eu ,Bryant (nee Donna Maguire) 24 hour service. Cail 623-575f;.swpr,$5Phn 11-1 Pit'11i<D7!Tr We HnfrrAyfBonuzCrrd hono lire happy to announce the -ALD hayDgGRAINalty, HELLE drid coro$us Ca________ 8tf i Newcastle 987-4353. .1OPeninirs In Rownianvilie. IDowmanvllle - 3 ibr.N. Cînwo .vrh f th i on K vi ~ legum e alfalfa m ixed. 263-8400. r ton F.O.B. Browview A R L E~3 -f H m t n r n , K n a,623 72 4. E. G AL E troy, 8 Ibs. 5 ozs., on Saturday, _____adtc eriejiNü --Cbor ra 11, 967,at emoral 10-2 ;arms, Newcastle. Telephone i jasokejc AUE loader, ploughing, Port Hope, Boildrngaret. 'M-ch Building Lot, Odeli Streandet -ML icutReal Estaten swiBroker , opItal, Bowmanville. Special MAW#S black tpot ie3,9747 to arrange pick-u7-4'74ERTArrangepCcA-upAIN Hlghest Cash Prices for Dead cliaig hi aig U For appolntment 50' x 100'. Only$,5028iiinSt-Bemvil 'thanks to Dr. Anfossi and Ma- like new. Phone 623-2375. or delivery. 6-tf and CriPpled Farm Stock tom farm work. 987-4754. - 1 ¶ernity Ward Staff. l1-1*1- 11-1 0NUAIN lwigreh A T S BURRETT FUR FARM - -_ 05euo rt Enniskiln62-31o lod, with rock wool. Work- ST<)RMONT - RODNEY Phone Long Distance 1-YAOLbowntti 'r _____-CLOSED for holidaiys, Feb. k115YAR-RAVELLatsteelo Bedroom, cenrl ag OOJG3270 'COOKE-Harry and Mary are ta March 15. Bill Hamiltn, man .hip guarantecd. F r ee GARRY - RUSSEL Zenith 66550 (no charge tEl Yeu) work an a farm from JuneP.EGRVLE t Garage. 1da aml î liappy to announce the birth Raglan. 7-3 estirnates, Harry L. Wadc, pt.Agric. Lic. Na. 63-C-67.26th ta JulY -31st. Telephone home____$_,500. Wf a brother, Bruce Edward, BARGAIN - Good quality hay Phone Newtonville 786-2256.' TOP QUALITY -1623-5443. Real' stat11-1*e Hamptn dôr Bryan, Murray and Paul, ______38-tf TESTED AND TREATED RAINTING an2s Division ,çt., nowmanvill. ?February 20, 1967, at Memoril0sae 25c bale. Telephone -PAINTING an---- -d Decorating- i Building Lot, ceta,7'xJk :Hospital, Bowmanville. 11-11 130397. 1- USED washer parts, moos, CRaiRE ÈÀl egn ar Repairs iQaiywrmnhpadm-6334 170wt _________________ - - - -Beatty, Thor and Crosey CREte R SALL engine repcai Reairs Qaiywrmnhpadm- 2-2116'-$,0 ih$0 an 1- 1t9rs, ONIt S90, lessr4 chain teniaIs. guaranteed. For free1 or (Cobourg Office 372-7407 Oron, Adoption 40- mle, 30 o es Wn appliances, nationally adver- RR.FARMS tilers, etc. Also tuneups andetmtstelephone Lander1 li0130Ar 1alwr ;e » ~ Rl~ --Phono 623-3153. i- tised lime of furniture. ad'R. , BOWMANVILLE bae sharpened. Free pick-!Hrwr,63574 3)Arm l Greg is pleased te announce STÜJDËBAKER Service, MrktHaptn,234. 63710z63738.A BAAT l-' Guv LEBLANC bgar n -o. 3 anb11. -the final adoption of his chas- and used parts. Graham's l- t f 6-38.___14 . niARS ans, 27-roo iosalco-Brinil ,en brother Jeffrcy Lawrence. Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf Cas or alo--e PicncP. 2-prig-fd pnci Sappy pitrcnts are Bruce and ____Carsforale_______Sles_______ Hetini ary Somers (nec Lemyre). QUANTITY of baled Alfalfa -- -- For- -- -82-7461 ontyI à,EL omavle1- and Brame Grass, also two 1955 CHEV. car, $95.00. PhonoeFor.Rent35 Nelson St. BomnI Ql'D otpol -ieAre 2,0 ponies.__Phone 623-2646. 11-1 987-4356.-11-1 ISMALL apartmcnt, _________-t- 10 Acres ffl Acres, 10 acresbscls erHw.3 an ngn Engaemen QUNTITof~odmxdba- 1963 BUICK, good condition,!iCall 62.3-3573. ____ ,_tîýlLIVEST0CK SALES' Nnrth nt Bwmlvl ~1n twn highwayq.R, 3'Xcniin.8ro rm oe 1e1_a ala antity of straw. rensonable. Phono 6823-7694. FIVE-roam newly decorated lat Durham Count.y Sales Arena ENERT'RFECTisml '90'wbrn tra. 3-Re ad fro os, ah IOa ascnl oo ru Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Flinit- Cal) Wy'altesoi 1755861-I-1 apartment in Newcastle. lm- Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. LUBNG& ETIG il buni~low an $ra9om n unae 3,000 wistr2,am0 off, Newcastle, are pleased ta' 10-2 '65 COMET 2-door hardtop in mnediate possession. Telephone Seliing Herses, Cattle. Swine, MaldGoe15wces-Mllro 4her auhtr usn iaetaEZY FLOW fertilizer spread- gond condition. Telephone 987-4.10,3-.>11-i1 Oalves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reidroe2-50dnw. 63 Acres i Wl ecd-wt ulig ______gtrSsa in, e23221 l - _ --ý Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf' P-0. Box 1599 12Bdom hr 'Charles James Floyd, Bow- eor, gond condition, $100. Tele-26-1. -1 I prmns n e- Newtonvillp Area, new brick N.2 2-Broo oes iha jlgo ear ag 'take place on Friday, April____________ 11-1 automatic; $950. Telephone Ccntraly lacateci. Telephone Auction le ofmodrn Marnew barn, stream. Asking'lermq.-gageAsig$30. i4t, 96, t 7p..,Ne- LECRI sav, fid.,boh 623-7053. 11-1 623-2911. ll__ 1-1machincry, including a nearly nnly $7,000 down. 1t197 t7pmNwILCRCsoe rd. ohnwCstrcemodernad SETCTANK Liberty ~Liberty St.N., Phono 623-5719. be sald for cxpenses o r> hcentral, reasanable rent, thre aique urniure, the an1 Build~,inTyLoStee N1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conners, 11-1* 27, 1967, at 10 a.m. at Acker-,roornis anid bathroom. Apply woutr. ewsJ. on ad, selling .UUJ.ING STABLES kswthnckAea, 7 ronm,1$25065. Abrana omsoe n a! m cutauomtialywhleApril 8 at Lots 3 andi 4, Con- BETlirKI age bain, 916 acres workable. n.ounice the engagement, of Ye wait, at McMulen Hard- Bowmanville, Phone 623-5756. THREE-room -heat-e-d apart- cession 1, Danlington Township,,î ER OM KNS Asking $26,500. Terms. ' Seir daughter Sandra Anne, ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- -___________ 10-3 ment on King Street, New- 1 , ile at fB½ A Mn. Larry Michael Nemiaz, ville. 3-tf '59 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2-, castle. For twa adults. Avail-Iville. Sale ta cwmance, Phone Caîl ovlleet86255 99 Acres f ONY Bdrombrckbugao 4~eniof Mr.R.a3ndomn Male REFRIGERATOR, chest rer~or hardtop, 6 cyl., stand4ard;1 able April lst. Phone 987-4627. prom~ptly at 1 p.rn. Further -ai- ol1 __4-1t Bewdley Area, 6 room hoisk- AVAILABLE TWt aeidieadgrg «eiisz RR. . Bwmnvile.boy ad mto ingoo sape 1-i particulars, sFRAbillBRINK , 90 res wo frabe. pAsk EAOAB1RA Wedding ta take place April field and chair, 48" bed with FRAadmooNngodsae;Kscbus eBsnwoRINaeKpitdonSuhayDie $7On .2,197 ocok tt.Pu'shaborand high chair. ýwhitewalls, two new 5low 'TWO bedroam heated apr csh. Farm solci. Jack Reid, barn,9" ce okbe s -United Church, Bowmanville. Phono 623-5631. 1- 1 i tires, $350. Caîl 655-4997 after1 ment. Possession immediatcîy. auctioneer. 10-5 Trenching ignl 1,0.Lwec .Wie-6325 RNES.Bikbna ______ ~I si anasszewt o.ihu 11-1 Chilciren welcome. $90 a atqeBSPI AKJ100 Acres LawenceloCwitWh T 111ALUMINUM and steel shedsi month. Phone Newtonville High class modern and SINTATNBwle !aKmombue . . Caverli 6-62ara, eeinbid n Mr.andMr. Dvi Scttrafor. Hitpnie.Core nl Wa-nted 1786-2461. ________-tf !Hatmpton 263-2270 1 da 1 onveniences, large barn, :A. L.Hoey - 6376îin.$680-Tn ,Park annaunce the engage-1socý them Mangwill Cu iLEANING woman nequined. BACHELOR, one bcd ro l Wroath china, paintings, e1ec- Hapo 6-207ronage on threc roacis, .100~~- _____- eesî apammintMfndge nci tnical appliancos, bedding, lin-______2-farsilwkae.Akn o oma ayKcho26-72.10-tf ~Piae 7 e nt.,nc1en, etc., the prperty of Mrs. -$28,0001 New3 b$10,m0bric bung i»yeto te agteNonRGenna Fr, Tyo3.-elph17ePhno62-285ihe $5.69King t. FE., Bo lCann, 72 Centre Street, VA1 O .,0 ih$000dw. WFan elEttîwWt -hp ice n Jyet__________-EXPERIENCED waitress Urnt shd$8.69KigSt .VAN-R0W rn e ýkon of Mn. Peter Kichko, of O'Sgeen tartan sports appoarance. Apply Nothway 623-3434. 10-tf illesclling witiinut ehvepia- oe EngtnOtniad r.jcketÎ,siz 14, worn once. Restaurant, Highway 115 and - - esenve, Saturday, Mamch 25. Painters Wehlae ite Mnngey LIMITE« i os i o JUma Canon, St. Therese, Que- iayso nvy uk adgn 5 Poo9351.l fIN Orono, anc furnishedheat- Sale ta commence pramptly at De vailbiefor stt.rtWg.s '<Çec. The marniage ta take sie 2;mr sports jacket and ----__ --d bedroom, privato bathroonm, p.m. This sale wiîî includJe and Dcorators After Houri; Please Cali - 21RngS.2.3 owavil343e9:mbic oueo lc tTrinity United cap, groy flannels, blue and OFFICE Help - maie or fe- and cntrance, parking. Write such itemns as a 3-piece Walnut,27Elgn s. -r Jorgensen- 987-4491 2-33.9'xio o.Coet Èhurch, Bowmanville, Satun- beige neversible al weather maIe, ful time cmployment, ta Advertiser, P.O. Box 98,'dnig2o7 sitlgpixm-111Semt.Osaw-ad isrit eholan sopin. ew day, April 15th, 1967, at three- 1coat, size 4; grey flannels, size light duties, xine, pro-1 Orono, Ont. ll-ifýately 200 yeams nid; walntit Phone 623-3075 - - i el ersateardcs i 5,0 on _____________ ____________ferred. Phono J2ohn7 frDRe l E tat .,t irt o' l o c . 1 -l à 8 C îl e w a st e ~ ap p int ent 62 - 1 0r B O W M A N V IL L E - L v ely 1- ch a irs in n eed lepo in t, 21" t el1 39-t f J h n F . D e i lhA A R M~In o o P o e t j' Frthcmin FIRH BRS - - amanbedroom apantment with din- vision, new. Funther pa0cu: SECND ncane or ngroom, nefnigematar andilaseadngti iprtn JACK BURGESS (REAL ESTATE LTD. 100FIRHAcre Highway Faro detnacheci, in good1 ro- mpotan 10 Ace Hgh 47 King E. Phone 623-5081 lover 40 who has 3 ta 5 hours1stove. Available immediately. laucti,se bilîs. Terms cash 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville1 Excellent 9-room sldbikCnr ftw.3200 ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ _in day. U p ta $600 in a m nth , i hon 725-8576. '101t n pe t ol . J c R ii a c O L B U R N ER S - FU R N A C E S Ph nI23 3 5 hom e. Go d b n, s ea l .LvlanageBRING TOUR R. ikosnPosSut 1(--- ___- t iPonen; sLdanck e His, -ANhDnVa623b3e5font ai - rn Mrs. A. Terrance wishes toi OR PORK TO BEEF ' Pceso, rs. Suhonone;LwrneHriCLAE aual rnae iknnounce h o homniWe Speclalize I .. westernn trle Corp., 534 HIREE bedmoom hbouse and clerk. - ! PHOMN E ATOS ChistAsCRoS. Profess0ionl0le ammtbus:s.dn. $o4ic0,.0n ikarigeofbe dagherUSOMCUT761010. l-ïAvilblAvailable Wit Writein'30Ace ar Jenn-Eizbeh.teMr lertiser P.9O.cox 190 an auonaf mdemp Fam M- -.5alIy pruneci. Ready fan mark- barns Class "C"', ci'1 n 2adaa3bdon Benjamin F. Thompson, B. Sc., WRAPPING AND REAL ESTATECAREERI5 769rna, Pc0./oxCa1adi,1 atuon ni moApn. ,Car na-263-251et. Caîl: George VanDyk licen&e. Nowtonvillar, lat.$580 ý of Mr. andi Mns. QUICK FROZEN Watrafitm eioravil. -___ chinery and Equipment, Mail Address: M3-7437. good road. Excelletopr'iAr FriiE. Thompson o! Bow- pr b.Ant afor h ellomavleate ,uptim udnM-H 44), M-H s, Cnm-F 0P Bx5- --owmanviiîe 180 ACRE FARM. Excel-,ýuiya 3,)) sonnf5Cpel._etaegetorBowmanville lentfor rainand _____arge *=ville., Ont. Wedding t ttere ed ticluding tw44tractonSP.(M- > ..Bx53___a 3,0 em. 3Bdomhm ncut area. Seling Oxperience .re-iapartment on Mvain Street, i'bine, 10'; MFHay BaerlenFt fnganan ef areI10Acre Stock FrLn-apeadsaetos o -lie plYace &v13, 1967 S r7'O R fro.fi0R0n.o-.e.." tpacs s ! l aer VIA.N &iSLv.j stem go uidns Pue sy2mie.Eceln1f"icaldI 5:15 p.m. in St. Columban*s ' TMnagr t hep yu. trNg ricstie CuOorsus f Hay MowCt--M..F Seec Drilil  ,VA'NG 2sore y ee. eaforth Crch, Conwall, Ont. 11-1 350 up fagtratos nV nce ubben, Hay Conditinner, E$30.000.11 E AR. 7-. m-barns.hSlao. $2dD8,0ouslfMn,$,50 1% 'promotional assistance. Con- lePoo9253,Ml-gn aos e olni LOADING - TRENCHIING cd home. Barn. Stream, Only down.0 112 A RE FA M.c7 ooloyadns Siloe,28,00.- 6,00icre- hair Deaths ~ JSHAV1Atact~ Llyd G. Le, F.R.I, Vice-brook, evenings. 11-2 1Meyer: Wue Spraer, 1Sand, Gravel, Top Sou and 1$3,000 down. 10Ar amna adnkBre hp ulqipd i LF A tT Va uton R . E, sha Pe idnt à.Av e .i ot o 12. _ N o tices boom , 3-ton Trb k w ith H aistFI D li e d 20 ACRES, with brick hom e. Hill. Pav d ro d f o t g . i o n n a s a a 45 0 KI B E.- t M m n a o - Tun Son P P L YE , L Tshawa e int , Hv . . ,KeT oroLtod . 1812N ______ 2 H WSER IC Noba nsrth Enda . s - ce i pa.BmavleonFriday, Just East of Ritse Road 18 3.1 - D. . . -E s ffce 35 can Craft Bulk Miik Tank 1i .ao ATleRRICe Tobrs ml tna.Ak cncpmoperty wt od i3&ch luth, 1967, Ada Kimble, 473331i- r.E L wetsofie iiMilking Machine, Fumniture'l RaoaleRts ing $18,500. Terms. 17-room house; barn$800-4Bdrmstoyndahi 4ed 81 yoars. 92 King Street Dial 723-8131 i e . Extra . ?,be 3rd. niMonday, April etc. Complote lineof o! _____ - bousWMAVIL e 1 modCEm c Sones. * * iclylndcae wife of the late James Day or nght - BiLeask, Prop. JY - clsd. untilîmpheîe '623ofF - ---76 OWANIL E 15 moACe rM. tone cnm.brcoe 1ndrew Kimble. dean mother OR;Start selllng AVON Products, -i03mons. The SoperLty3, on«F.GJ ,BARNES Bi angeroe t;rnavtdeadrive and of Zetta (Mrs. Hary Kilpat- ORlnjuDw omnt EE detsdfrsl utLask & on, T 4Conwnshi&,BYAM Lange bamn. Stream.Asking7 Acres with excetoaî aae sîg$860 lick'i, Laverne and Bernice Annual Splecial Open territories now avaîî- 'ho graded andi labelled. For Dnign onhp 5mlsPUBN ETN $36,750. Tenms. mfie 12-room doule rc r' lablo In Port, Hope, Cavan, futher informationcontact north-east of Oshawa, 4 SLS&SRIE00AEFRMOny1bos.Lro7'x0'arHrdPek-Bcktk .Mrs. Leonard Dolanîl. Serv-i6.5c Beef Hinds 65ciManv or& and Darllngtosî Canada Dept. v! Agricultura, miles nnrtb and 1/ mile eaFt'O 24-HOUR minutes fnom Oshawa. Brick sot up for laying bn.L-9645 Cu n atFoe onhp.Don't deiay - CalilPest Office Building, Pete-of Taunton). Note-This ma- ,, homo, gond barn. Stream. cated on HighwayNo2narMlrdMfnid-2391 7uea hpleBwavle r write to MRS. J. HIL.L, 14 îîg,74-63 l,.icuinery is in excellent co-OlBmr Service, Priced ta selI.Cbur.$000-6,0WifHweOoo9827 on Monday at 2 o'clock. Inter- Our rglrGo ult OQO OD OSHAWVA, - -on t a always been SEPTIC TANKS AD OHWGEPHS.A-Ion pont Bowmanville Ccmetery.igteer Beef. Priced te Save ONT., 725-96961fr' pr- N eTI tEinsige. This i eane so theTILE BEDSmstnw5roecbik5ArswthrckoueVvn 11 ofrezrMoey and111 jour leekr eninterview. No experence lnsd . hsstl e o e fthePHONE bungalow with Hoilywoo al conveniences, bn, na: oo1y- 6-11 11-1 Yen Money. sales ur foHAePTsNn263-2288 Tkitchen.gLocated mcloseeta salns of4HA5PTON T6r-2288arnetenRîcardt*d623-739t tIGHTENESSMary-Sud- riced rain-ed STAKS necessary. We train you. 8-4 DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP the season. Plan te attend. TYRONE 263-2650 overywhere. Bus service a 0Arswt ,0 et1- denly at her homo, 134 Bannie sumînmer. Makie your freezer1 CONSUMER RESEARCH fi _____n valbe ern ah. or Cl.GogeVnýall.8 Arswt '1%venue, Oshawa, on Thursday, PAY. One o! Canada's foremsorst Luc veaile te1rmsh. -62door. Cariveore VnD ontage, noarinda Researc197,companien 1'RADE 1 R EGISTRATION Lloyd WisonUxbndgeSal ~(ach9,197, ar Lnin B WM NVLL Market RUeaHhOcmSTERsINGison6237437. aleý 2-storev 4 - bedroomhe:Ior n.or .4nmel o owavie i OW A VIL as oPenings for women ta*j for Children who will b. - Manager andi Auctioneer. 8-6, Save Dollars! Have your chest- 248ACEbARMs8.Numbeamm 24bAreLaesor7frmROO ad$oa8,va5Cle ,bien 63rd year). Beloved wife FRIGID LOCKER lode neves(esnlitorfield and chairs r-u home am24neAcretnvLle. xelnshno6351. 1- ~othr o!Mrs R. aco ndtlepane)andgathr Sx Vers ! Ag by Wednlesday, Apnil 5, Crest- ered. Froc estimates, samples BOWANILE. ro ot ton10 h mothr o Mrs R.Bacn SYTEMlopiion inconfection with December 31, 1967 allun Holstein Dispersai. Auc- taken to homo.BMNIL. P petsoi). 2-saoroy 1-romom *clyMs .Bi Si- Poe 2-58l o enrcnutd nto aeo 5ha fRg Street. Brick home, funnace, largo barn. Stream.Ecl eyand Kenneth o! Bowman- 9- iopinion polis. Pasitîvely n~o Darlington Public Schools istered Hoîsteins (6 Grade).Bde rmArag btom Pidtesl Cl:enivstn t .Ville; Jean, William, John, sellîng involved. Bath day- The complote herd of Clame E:. \VHYTE BROS. Don Mountioy 623-3614. 'Termes.Proa Mevle fOhw;CalsCri fT ý time and evening work. Use Birth Certificates Allun, Bowmanvil]e, Ont., sel]- FUNURAD NEWCASTLE. Almost newJI* * *goi)mie otadî f Newcastle andi Wiibert o! - fcrdeial u e shoiild bie presented ing at the fanîn, Lot 2, Con. 2, FUPHTERAND brck unlowep. HolyoodGeeaStran Patpieis.ixames2c oronto. Rested at the 1 would like te thank essontial. Apply Canadian D9intn onsi,> j PHf OffYiGenl torevigvlae 4smls$..Mi re ;orthcutt and Smith Funemal fniencis, noîghbouns and rois- Facts Ca. Limiteci, 49 Welling- Parents should contact the 1miles cast of Bowmanville <' Corner igadDivision Sts.cneiR la sapn anshrwrgspms o 1 aitn n.15 rewiLgatin thn Glme al loceisetdygoiDp.T2.Nv-ubrC. Ifome. Funeral service was tives for visits, fruit, carsýton St. W.. Toronto 1, Ont. !Sehoî Principals to makelNo 2 Hîghway andi 1 mi hn 6355 'ag ot o axs 350.0Ecelet businss itmo- Tield at 2 o'clock Satumday and flowers while I was i Phone- 623-5252 PesepssthsorhonRoc I nio 8ci aftemnoon. Temporamy en- hospital. Special thanks ta'MNGRntcoe neetdprns Bulk Tank, DeLaval Milker__ 17tf!down. Ecellebenomuhoes tacev B n H b a d 1 l o rth o p e a i n o ! e î e c t n i c a n C h i c l t ! r e a d r n s o r a t o n f o t e h i c i e Mouh nl 2t 4ber pr -oubor mtos fr rck' ea- 16,400. Termis. Ud i rim. $5,500 $1,510dw.~.Lcmu, JC *i eeu io n yur m e u ptoca sion c or 25 h od InA j a x 9 4 2 -2 3 4 7 ing purpose s P owe k-2 . e ah r a ir o s, fld inbcd, P H O N IN C O M E H O M E , w ith a l 10 A cre parcelà, JEa -F O . n oi t l h e pe ing f r M n nd om es 1pr ne an Le thane. 1-26 32508. chairs, i de-board, , 72 R 13 P o n ty p o o l ode m conveniences. Large ville , $6,600 * $2,2 0 on. * pA s fr» s d o e O~ce -ÀdL-s op r. , E- desk 2 book cases, 4 tables 2 ROLPH HARDW ARE l t w t te m s i g $ ,0 on pmrninent eota- -~ DIS IN"~ - ViLtOAT yw1thout buildings. State full folding metal chairs, 2 piano 98-27 roo ow.3o!unaeO lendrs n pomie________ie_____-________ beche, 2BOWMAN VILLEd 98-527-OH i g OWMhVISu H lgy lb ocatioa. Start earmiagNftah-Th. burden etcf OIV W . swlipIgCe. LU.particulars andi pnice to Ad- beche, 2hotla, eod t tet ag omd l le Iff iHmla~.ta. itOiy' un10ecent Io" .ofa va dean 'S -1 M,- vertiser 797, c/o The Canadisît player, couch, nsltciwî-84ste.hLare. 8llroomoiaI- lot Braoian:<75bMrasa eEmp Stat»lman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- cm containers, 2 piclunes, mm e oe alt aiJ.fsssl *7358 4 etic odu à,, ,e I" O»he m b enii95= 4M ~ 108 'scenes; dishes, 2 sets drapes, Tuition floor covenings. Many exîras. Clave IIoCulog 2-S Eupet fiaak uotiie le4 b en 05*tIjsu <O1rUIPQ.mnvle.- ols, coqiol badc -Cail: George VanDyk 623-7437. RIME Kruger. ()SppyoWreecn bierids. 1 I board, maeazine rack, pianIos., HSCO LW. List Photo M.L.S. Bob Johnatorn *7878()Spl fTrsaMue au. in naSERVICEDLO 5 teachers desks, hases, 215 ATHMEsd Exclusive Ernie Wilson e*7595 7 upyc ht rfi Ad#iiiiifflur OM -be;lf Bo1111100le mower, biackboands, cupboard., le er al a é ,wtb the ( ) U-ieBOIs «,' IONTAGIE On the propet ouwI fn n Spare Timne AtrHuiCh:PtT.-o*507 Pit M4 eFE a large brick building 2 storeys Prepare fer Ontario DiploniaDoadMnte. 62-14KHokn-* z.nuApicseb ubledo ta pkUo .dCatalog AI'Pty high with basement andi or botter Job Phjllis McRobbie - 623-71535RY ester- Oroeo.31 aytne leround i acre af landi marc 1 Ail booksand ntuisThasDnel- 985-7264 Western Bannwser orne ' ~ US*~"~ LUN8ER or leua. Ternis on proporty $8 nionth. Writé, LjI. Masou -392-3984 CampbaWlr.ft 121 eeanl cetd et*%*-___ _______ ivon ay cfsale, subjecl to1a J can Scho ms e Davidson -B othany 30r! How srd Farder - bo t A. E m n , P.E g - ~ $ d d g g g ~ - ' ~ , a t lin g n T o w n s h ip B u ild in g , . L J L I - oD k lin 1 5 3 8 3 C u n i ' E g n e r Zonlg By-laws. Terms cash. 'DEPT. 60, 624 PRINCE»S . Woler Anderson- 349-ZOOS George Beates -MuipaBilng NôrsreCifPehIk KGTN OTM GeorgeI Cli!! ethi ~~~G8ON, OTAIKOV«Dfyk -623-7437 .trm8528 WilaSre, ?.~~ ..c 9 m arr CelltéP r em, 5. 6 11 1 ' C ow , O t z i - î. ,

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