--~~~- 2 theCaujnBa an.omys Mar. 15, 1967 .Mag.l'strate's Court HeId in Bowmanville Youngster- Wins. Coveted Prize ai -Case Show !Nmncy on hez WbiIbt àbt Mait 81 »4 14th, 1967 cas or an additionaI three the. second wffe could brlng gae' Costa'j Traffi c o rt was held Mon . y. an action for annul ient o f on 1daywlth Mqifftrae R. B. B.0On Tuesday Magtrate R. marriage in civil court with 0 W~tto preldlng 8fld I K . Bexter re wlthÎ the costa asaesaed to the .a- -bt atn for the row. Crown Attorney G. F. Bonny.1cused.S 8 C castie. William Horace oC0Wle 8, *SOVOral eharLes were wlth. SIUOmea f Ar»Wn by thie rnbecause ,ThomasMeMleae 0 aged 43, LibertySte, North, 0 italn D <,,~ch, Ontario, pleaded -gulity cJiarged i Wth impaired driv- -lad beesi cafld away Eo U o1 blgamnY. Ho was represent- ulg February 25th, was re- om Whmh Mb ok f ? :r d by E. C. Wildinan, and presented by Terence Kelly, hrp whers mh. i . w r Ig o td tia y m gsrt Q.C., and pleaded flot guilty. rme Mr. ai j Constable L. R. James, OPP, conviction brought a fine U Ore Yin JonTwdll amcnvc.stated that on information $50 and coda, or seven days r.1 ~a hmard drivIng anld received ho began an inesi and automatic suspension of cAit G 75ea~ and coots, or 15 galion which revealed tliat license. cn dy. Ore Was an automa- the accused, under the name Constable J. A. Legato, Saks di UPfuoft of liconse. of Thomas Harry Barrnage, OPP, told the court ho fol-Mr a SConstable L. V. Dryden, was marred lu the Uie oe the accused's car northso e -:ýDP. tol themu-t niter.owa zPod i.Coutho foi- Church parsonage in picton on lghway 35 because It had r.W 0"d lhe, car east on Hlgh- on December lst, 1956, by a no tail lights. When the off!- manvilhi "Mqwa.y Sbecause Of a COMPlaint Reverend Sherman. The cou- cor observed tho erralic man-.o a '¶~y liiçk driver, The ac- pie lived together until 1960 ner lu whlch lit was bln Masv 9e turned Into a private when they separated. Thi drivOil, ho stopped the driver tra ,Vewad on the left aide Of flrst w fe is now living cern- and laid the. carge. MOr.si et oe st reuccrbo onlw uBelleville. Constal1e L. R. James, QPP, e S Utam ierhufli 1snowbank. On April l4th, 1964, con- describe*d tho tests for sobri - g r TIi.ofcrfloln th tinued the officer,tho accused, ety which he had requosted BinC ,,c>Peed,& was forced 0 o iiC under the name oh Thomathle accused to perform sud Unow uhordt Fo ar McMullen, in the Unit- gave two readings on theofhit voda Conlson, lIn h15 OPin- ed 'Church, Orono, wont breathalizer taken 20 minutes ~1 n 3r. T ielle W8 lm' through a form of marriage apart Of 1.6 and 1.5 parts ohlahtme N ~pird.wIth a w dow, the mother of icohol per thouund. '.a oh 15. Recause'of a part bottle of five chldren. lio added that Edward Aslagain described ~uIk. u i. cusds o- hnMr. MoMullen was lborn buniseif as a transient worker dwt &eIt the officer laid a chargeMi mother reglstered hlm un. with ne hlxed address. Con-Clet ~efIlega psesson, whlch der her maiden naine. She stable S. Rospond, OPP, sald Zbroughî aieo$1 d was living w1th a man named thus man was picked Up ait At the popular Browniu CaeShw el ute ettorgtaeDnBo ,teMC.oteso, Barrlage and when the ac- the 1867 restaurant labo Sat Town alatru n sidyeveShow herdIne 1 fsilC oe, .. lx .P n Sk Clnccused and hîs brother wreUrayn1ht Mrc lth ao i l laitri o Frie, who nga rhred Honey a. n M.,ates Carruthers, MP n Clncmade wards of le Chldren's B compaint that he was stag- 53 lucky prize winners. The most delighted of them .H Mc)Bow.Tetcesweedanb r Aid Seciety thoy were regIs- fering aroiuid the parking lot RIwsltl ogBcl eR Mc)Bon h ikt eedanb r tere as arrnage. Ho had nf an intoxlcated condition. scooter truck from esterTiePctedboefo Jinisried for ~used tht, naine until 1960, flot The officer added liat Mr n.ie itue bv rr 1:inîshed for realizing that is proper reg- Aslagsin had been relesd o 50 mles an hour p oILne I HV I T i e s nDfnecounsel E. C. Wild- same day after servlug tS E Th&UV S easo n mn sa 7 is client had been for a similar offense. tifl tw ce going a eways which .Rj "The Cflra's Mdki 0M reieased from Cobourg jafl on Magistrate Baxter romand- lndicated the driver hud lbst LZB1 HIL o S Club at IÇJrby. a truck.Coo g. M A agl spk stopped the car and charged th Gar fo l ,sn Sat rd y a t e b il an se ur d a jo d ivl g C ob o urg r sdy o Fn dslpc n r l pton lie a enCh urch services er M r.dandth G arry F ow ler son of com panying a delegation t De ritanoh Rtecreation CroWn Attorney Bonnycas- up saying ho had a cuib hthe driver wlth careles. driv- odatnac. nd ee M n r. H n-stsdingthe weekactrng d m P o C( o u p eh e reg ? g o a n d aS u S un l h a ee M . a d M r s Ea n o w r . c o i lntvsi t d i s la n acur i n g t h e' ie a n t'puoaVeO O he owork he, although the CrIminai dollars lu bs pocket and ask- lug" Shool was prior. Rev. J. A. Thickson, his grandparents, when he was as close to home Gro eb"Carson Elliat and Code provideg% for, a stiff terni ing thal the mater be deall Magistrate Baxter fined him Ranjt spoke on «'The Com- Mrs. E. Fower ad Buea hcgteltrpr h Oa -'e Fxand others who as- oh lmprisoiirment, asked for a wilh now so he côuld b. on $50 and costs, or seven days, Pulsion of the Cross". Ln Faerat ndedrucewas Ced hicwae,he tookte ptor- oro Inaed -teacbing the Young- nomidnal penalty oh two' to his way.and suggested that the officer ten Services will be at Garde- on le theon Club rooms. Twotheun i eto the fmilyor1 Oh sta s * e rt h kli g. e our ni nth . W hich w ay? East or w est," could have charged th o driver Hfil, M arch 15 h. N ext Sun - stud nts from Port H ope w on. the w eekend . Othier visitors _ _ _ _ wou~~ 1s lik ho tha kIh agistrae Baxten sentenced enquired His W orship. with dangerous drving. Pro- day, services w ll be held ait M s H Q a tîi ha ee M . a d tr. E i a But eLines for tefr McMulln ho 60 days in CounN rh" r ple i c u-ceedng without a license Garden Hill ai 1a. m o - q itn Esw e nd h d a T n no n n rs. Baon exeletsrvc. yjIl with le warning.laI ed, "I au pick up work en brought a fine oh$M and on, "The Three Crosses on few friends and relatives in. Provost, Belleville, and M. ie Northland Raiiway."' costs, on an additional lirco Calvary"l. Easter S u n d a y M.adMs o htrdad r.J atadcide, h He w s s nte ced to t ree day. srvic s wll e h ro.and girls, Oshawa, spent Sat- Pontypool.V days In jail to date from lhe Evelyn Brown, Pontypool, On Tuesday afternoon the urday with M. and Mrs. L. A number of oa o r LU to go. haif te road free January their March meeting ai Mrs. Mlrw raiigacrrcn rjc ____________ tGordon Chesley Brown, 2th, was rPresented by E. C. Russel White's home. Mrs. Several atended the funeral for the summer with a track IN 0 W O P ER.R. 2, Newtonvillîe, was Con- Wildman sud pleaded not Morris presided. Mrs. M. Mc'-Of the laie WiIl Brothwoll at north of here. N_______f_______posessonf_____y Allister took lhe devotionai Campbellcroft on Wednesday. Mrs. N. Perdue, Brandon, liquor January 28th and fined John Evans, Pontypool, said part. The chapter of our new Mr. Alan Mercer, Los Ange-.Man., is visiting with hon $50 sud costs, on seven days. be was pnoceeding along book "Jesus Christ and lie les, California, spent the week- relatives. She has spent a Wè, re P083d toannoncethattheThe liquor was confiscated. Highway 16A sd had just Christian Lie", was pepared end with is parents Mr. and few days with M. and Mrs. W.ar peaedfoanoucetht he Ho was represened by Ter- crossed a narow cuivert with by Mrs. McAllster and aken Mrs. O. Mercer. He was ac- Ken Trew had tea with M. once Kelly, Q.C. his rigit whoel out on tho up by severai ladies as ~adMs .MAlse n Constable Ian Smith bold shouider, when ho was hMb by dialogue. mo r n . Ross Beatty one His Worship ho observed Mn. su approaching car driven by The minutes were read and Mc vn nd Mecnt. (A S ÎLE Il O T Eait a slow rate of sped Constable T. A. Yardy, OPPTesrr Sick Committee, àCl* en ts ovaferth eknoonM car o troui astopMisBrwn.aprved.repotsfrm iborough, was With hon pan- lsnwOe o uies efollowed il and walched was investigating officer. The Fbowen Convenor, were nead. DDO '7p lno opnfrbsns.it golrough two mr tpfnews$0d $ 10 es rA uligWs lne o n t vrdaathe ekndo.6 signs. A seanch oh lhe car three days. March 14th. The beef suppen (FROM PAGE ONE) than .E. ope tt n or Pubb I) N ONEon Liberty Street revealed an Henny A. DeMare, harged was disussed, also program lthihmanimeonemn. l c oSpeak tihnef ancPub. D IN LO GEopen case oh aie with several January i6tu unden he In, for sanie. Lunch was sorved IntemaieBw n-leSakgNnc empty botties and part bol- corne Tax Act with failing to by Mrs. Russel White who vile firemen had been called spoke. It was won by Te UNEL,., ~- tles. Ho added liaI hie driver file infomptononT4 honnis, as hostçs th seheilpie rO tbyBllvile. l ie d w ere o n li e sc e n e lu li m e fpo mrl i e B oloe vth eo a r e a . was close tb impairment. Plededn&tult. a. t dM ~crb urngwatere on l aie e Edward Orville Rainsey, 240 plained that ho h d c e k d s d M . ua t flbu di s la w n tn at e i H~~~PJRS: ~~~Broadway Avenue Toronto, wit his accountant sd been On Wednesday evening the 'spksTenws hoee Monda fo riday 8 a,.m. 1:00 a.adnvn ihUt Sa license ready. Hoe was given until here. Also tie PubliceOS eld thougi lhe lnlgade made al. Mrh4th, pIeaded guiliy to Marci 231hh o straighten ouItu ones fr iest record tîme getting ta lie 5 S Str'Y8am-113 ..the malter. Sc ol to pick winnens for the Pctuonesaoe.oa eI . 1 ~~Constable J. A. Legato, Raymond Maxwell Moore Oounty Competition on March ictn. Vashoweîand Blci, 7 Sudy .**1 on-80 .. advised by a passng motorist drving charge laid January E mall, ih nuidni ho heshould ceac ar o 28: Costabe ThA. ardanOIesEd iotato ,it ghoalduiengi- lie opposite aide ohthie main OPP, told tue court he iad ll hef rs Ae saian sten a" BRIAKFAST SERVED FROM - Xsre in Newcastle because luvestigaled a two car acci- afSlhol - LU CA1 .M. 2 M. D NN R 5of le erratic mianne n in dent in which M . Moore's afteerlho had been roeased EU . M L U N H 2 O O - P . . I N E R 5 SP .M . W h ic h lit h a d b e e n d r iv e n c a r a d r u n l to th e b a c k o hb u i d i g. Inif thl a j i c - around tevllg.anot.er car ahead on 'High.-blnsoh tbaze t ilsape - "rWhen 1- drove lu behind way 2. This was blamned on tPeofton Vazhe tltand s lim vlibeb Ngtte vehicbe," cniue o-following hoo closely and toonbroter rrascyndhavopnated Room Avîlai. y Nghistable Legale, "lb pulled away much speed. The fine WBS $50 blie rnc hasin eoer o asI SpeCial Weekly Rates from tue curb sud I hollowed and oasIs, or sevon days h ac ic.Otbro atS with tho roof ligil on lie George John Green, 'aged year. Jerry allihe lime oh the cruiser. Il sped away aht 45 28. 595 Rilson Road, S., Osh- Okle as ho w a hi mALAI __m ~awa, changed February l8ti kaoawt hpeto with careless divlng, pleaded quarter honses. Since laking 4-DR. HARDTOpS no gijy.oven, hhey have completely Sauterne Gold wlth Black vinyl top, ___Constable T. A. Yardy, OPP, red ila ned t her buld ings 815 x 15 white-OwaIltire, pwer e e r- J U R Y L O V E' L L LrDM testified liaI lie Green car, tadteohrbidns 85x 5Wiewl ievwrser norhbuV on wa-3 until they ad put them in top Ing, Pwer brakes, foreed ventilation -had run off onthle mwesÏloc odto.ssen uso ai>dlx etbl F I E I E YPR S RP I Nth tshouder, coss hee offtetle blaze and even n Wednes- ow mileage. Li. K16391. FR 1 E IV RY K XUII R SC IP I ta s so ul ad oersauedo day noon, with insurance ad-. SAVE DOLLARS ON TIS BEAUTY1 6 4 - 3 1t dwn an dm au en î turou iV ansc î3ndel still w as at a loss ttacloi55 s e udof onefra ho explain what mugit have MUSTANG "2+2"" FAST BACK 623-3361tcame 52 fo, t Ioon- started it Te ar i one adyApple Red. 8 cyL., accent stripe, ro I I $210cam agr eI. n Isby Jerry G race of O shaw a. C u s - -MN o ou t s ig t g o p M r-o reewi t r 1 a mager. restim ate of bs w as r leased. C ru x w hlMte c w t yll spor deo - v e r , b a m e d C ahc7d5ste 1rl w ite sto m r a io , s pe r o r t d e c o r ohaccfront treon T AR roup, elux oit., low m 1 ileg i H I. se x n e, a l o a h r uk.i c . K 1 1 6 outlerà'cud aidheiasChoiceof Vintago BurgundY, 2-a Mr.Nash l survive . by Gold and Moôn Green, Sprngtme ......$1 0eut er goo i hlm sudded DIAIM ONDS three sons sud bwo daugitens, i .a0W K10. C O N A C R. $1 49. ... ... .. ...$ 1 0 nO~ r mem er lg ing tueymond Of Leeds, England-I Lie. X 15028, K14794, K 50 0 h eqe h a n mil. le explaie d am o Halifax, N.S. Jo hný 'BAYER ASPIRIN Reg. 990 ..........................63C hou atam e ue 1 ercoze mesddrsF ~ eae~ U W E A N D R E G U L Ah Ban o h M ontreal, Oah- a(ri s a Ms, . . Aw i le. WE U R- fl R IUL Rawi Shopping Centis it ç1MoJ rthr, n. . oMissee h ~ Crown Attorney Bonnycas- " V$150"Aux. miesurv .E ivesf a h thI e Bn flte cuoThe. funerai service wau kICO h ntrfi hold from thie Morris Fanerai 'A'a" godrhmSalutoh i, ,'eBowmsunvile, on Fnl- debiL ansd credif for the I' l > dey, March 101h, sud wau con- SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF months oh October, Novemler duKutFaOo M-agisrate Baxter concur- (J Church. Ianernentewas lu Contact one ot our courteous sale s ta PSBUMPEA ST 9R GIFTS cosmETrICS red with tibsleaggon sd IIeow anvlb ear erehbryti- ud Fogg, Rap PhUp, Ray L adJourned the malter for > '-t ewe BowmeCotery.e boh wtdwla ýMchtim Mr Con er Mr A. . Msse-, to snoWeldon Brown, MornE D~~~ors wua rdoired to, pay thiel 8U ing It. F. WiiasuJonNh:' 219 King St. E, Bowmanville IP JrI A j5 $18;50 bwbàg Ruby Taxi.sosi.a, Prd A Leaeh no 232 4 Juvenil, Court- ended the n Avu sudorge -lW, m . allaPhne,6sud dochet toi h a day. randion, M r. avId Mllam m, )eîoitte, Plender, Hiakins & Selle witb wbom are now merged Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chateed ATorontont Oshawa Winnlpeg Teronto Regina Prince Humilts CaRiai George or VaJICOUVE ilon n I. lie ,e I ceal 'Stanley Ceri DENTIST wishes to announce the opening of his office for General Practice at King St. East, Bowmanvi lephone 623-7662 lIRA TOR LLE GALAXIE "500" 4-DR. HARDTOp Vintage Burgundy, 8 cyL., crulse-C Matie, 815 x 15 white wal tires, powi steerlng, power brakes, AM radi wheel covers. Lic. K11364. SAVE DOLLARS ON TRIS BEAUTI FAIRLANE "500" 2-DR. HARDTOP Nigît Must Bine, 8 cyl., CruIse-O-Mati« electrio cRack, 735 x 14 white aide wal tires, power steerlng, power brakes radio, tinted wlndshield, deluxe belte remoe control mirror, wheel covers Lic. K15029. A REAL BUY FOR A YOUNG LADY GALAXIE "5001, 4-DR. HARDTOP Pebbie Belgre, 8 cyl., 390 V-8, 2-V Thuaderbird engin., Cruise-O-Mahce eleotrie elock, 815 x 15 white waIl tires power sbeerlng, power brakes, AUW radio, deluxe belts, remote control, min- non, wheel covers, extra. heavy daty shooks, HRD. suspension. Lic. L88175. A REAL DUY ON A LUXURY AUTOI GALAXIE "'500" XL 2-DR. HARDTOp Rural Ambon wlth Black vinyl roof, eloctrie dlock, 775 x 15 white wail tirea, power sbeing, power bnakes, radio, tlntod winduhield, deluxe beila, rensote control ndrror, rean seat speakers, Lic. X15448. TEE BUCKET SEATS GIVE COMFORT AND LUXURYt PLUS . . . 4 1966 DEMONSTR&TORS CluranlngaI rock bottom prie.. 'NALD SALE-S Àethnu, Von Grady, D«n Butta 520 KIng St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-5241 3 mmmmummor rla toe b. congralulated "A Chrlsfmn". AfW er .bu« er finit attempt This inesa portion, Mr. White hàt. tition 'was held at Rave- a conlesî. Mrs. FUs sud 161. Todd served lunch suad M3s. and Un. J. DeKoker, Stark thanked Mrs. Todd for )Y# sud Mn. sud Mrs. the pleisant ahbeinoon and Westheuser, Bowman- inviled the ladies ho ber home wene wîth Mn. and Mrs. lu April. ickson, SUnday. Robert Sunday aflernoon Boy. RP. le mishortune ho hurt hm C. White gave thi scod n Playing hockey auth iSsge oh Ms serles»n tIt lu Port Hope, Sunduy vîew with Jesus", luis lo, tue 'certain ruler suying Master whîb shaU 1 do 1 In-' TÀRK VILLE it et:mnal life?' as record- lu lie gospel ac aud Mn, Cimnile Trlm, Luke. uvne were Saturday Mns. Llew Hallouell was 8 diner guests with orgmnisb for lue service. Next arenta, Mr. sud Mr Sunday the spocial Palm Sun- F'alls. day music wlll b. b>' the Clwoaa Moore sud Mn. Cildren's Choir of Kendal, llis Toronto, were re under direction of Mn. Me. vlaitons aI m. jim Coy sud Mn,. Lawrence FPar- row wili b. orgafflst. Mn. and Mru. Ewart ]Robin. Jim Cmswell will be guest or guosts witu Mr. andi saOlst for he Euster service. iallico Bougien, New- shirey Weekes, Bow- e, was a Sundmy vii- Wr. Harold Souch's. ind Mns. Lucien Lam.-3 nd hamily, Brighton, 623-330 li:day evenlng dinnen u wth Mr. and Mn.fe Carl Todd, President N à U.C.W., was hostess Maurch meeting aI her Wednesday aflernoan !k wltu an attendance ho meeting was open- lite Mary Stewart Mrs. Orme Fals gave samntoi cmg&n vancouvel