a howoneExca in Ottawa.nill U itdlC&,c of the~ tTCW.sIis Tues- 1 The Canadian Saemn omnll.Mr1,16 trvUn the brd oeaEca gU ie h rhdya ion Church. Guest ralerry iona wooliteY w e oovle speaker will be lawyer Mr. flwre at in matching Allen Strike af BowmawrilleawW h ls l tones, black accessoriez, and who wif talk on wills, estates,10 ç c miink jacket. A corsage of etc. Husbands and anyone in- camplemented ber ensemble. attend the meeting will be Ilvf~ They are reding at 41 Pair- Most welcomne. EE- way Hill Cres., Kinxgstonl.ThsSnaMrhIh iOh W1 L '- The bride, wba attended ~~the evening, H am pton C harge a a e o ,i te s 3 . 6 pe e t I er a e o~ Newtonville Public School. annual reartOfficiahw Bonetd89 ents on 2,49,142 shar Port Hope Hligh Sehool and ing will be held at Zion, at proft, ines ai 3.7prl er Peebruh eces o-8:30 p.m. Members attending1historY, and a303pecntea 0eretdidnd14 lege, is Vice-Principal ai Polý are asked to bring solid re- rise in sales, R ., .wl li Wson Park Public Schaol, King- freshments. President. hirolecrae paw stan. The groom is Vice- reported week.adcndrgai 26 cents per sh*r sitri-Principal af Rideau -Public jitherv il e ramptnarg-widecaOsharsenetpoi(frtei 97cmae ih2 41WART -STAPLETON Laurie Stapleton, sseri-Schaal %Kingston. He 'attend- Zjont erch emrsmpon Go andfsa $3,00d2,ua068cet7,s yar hi a b 4"Iaw of the bride, Ajax, and ed Sydenham Public Scbaol, FZion church memerson oodwa$2,8,06 cmprd i seethdvdedinr Arranpgments of W h 1t e Miss Carolyn Martin, cousin Kingston, Kingston Collegiate TFriday, Mar Ch nfrmaith. $1812s er ae ice16.TeuI15 chrysanthemums, and the soft af the bride, Kingston. Miss and Vocational Institute; and andhr ll bemmuConfirmation were $38,2,823 oprqatrydvdn i glow of candelight from c"- Brenda Martin, cousin ai the Ottawa Teachers' CoIIege. amnd oyCmUni n urh eiPrfith 18per35 etss]lb ai pil51 delabra, iormed an attractive bride, Kingston, and Miss _________HmtnUie hrhon 2roiprshre8s0,81sh2hodrs0frcodou~ uetting ln Newtonville United Beverly Stapleton, niece of April 2nd with a reception int2,4082utanigCm1. Church an Frlday evenng, the bride, Ajax, were flower cn md January 27, 1967, for the mar- grls. Al ware floor-length Manvers Coujcfl f ofirmed. MrAan nage at 7 a'clock ai Miss turquoise chiffon with lace wt r n r.L ol- £IDIC 'e baorothy Ann Stapleton, dau- bodice, highlighted by a flow- Al members were present 'u't' ghter ai Mr. and Mrs. George ing chiffon back panel which at the March meeting ai Mani- MAPLE GROV Mr. and Mrs. ai Pesn J. Stapletan, Newtonviile, and fell from the shoulders. The vers Township Council with Oshawa, wePIin Mr Hry aco teatsnirattendants wore tur- Reeve Lewis McGill presiding. Th ithmeig fteg dinner guet fMis ,fI son ai Dr. H. A. Stewart, quoise chiffon bow headdres- Communications rec e i v e d MaleGov Cotn osis Kingston, and the latte Mrs.j ses accented by bouffant veil- and read were from Magis- MpeGae"otnCuis Mr. and Mrs.FrkCui- Stewart. *. ing and seed pearîs, and the trate Baxter enclosing cheque 4-H Club began at 10 o'clock shanks, Ajax, acmaidhunodaIe.r.ii Rev. R. C. White affiiated flower girls wore headbands for $3.15, being Manvers share Saturday. March I lth at the bier sister andhsbn rA and the wedding music was ai white roses. They carried ai fines for January; Royal oeaiMs RyDbeu Il and Mrs. C. P. Swlo avstrEwedYOçCIilttt1 Played by Mrs. F. Gilmer. cascade bouquets ai red and Paving Ltd., Lindsay, adver- members of this unit are ta their cousin, Ms an on n shai(uht T u e b r i d e ' . b o t h e r , M r . w i t e r o s e s . t i i n g t h e s e r v c e s t h e y a r em a k e a c o t t o n d r e s s , s u i t a b l e S p r a c k i n g a t S h er o g i h t e a i i y t h a k h u e Th bid'sboter M. hteroes tsngth srvcs he aeta eàch persanally. The girls Agincourt. 'rod aneay lrlee LareStapleton of Ajax, was Dr. Allan Stewart ai Ed- prepared ta carry out; Dept slee showdnshtruep ut in Ms hre rehm n icmotn int Given in marriage by berimonton, Alta., brother ai the sai PublicdWelfare advising oMiss Crl rehm r Pl phaigo h nue father, the bride ware a ful_ groom, was best man and pthe that thne Children's Aidn Grantt ushers were Mr. Gary Smith, will be increased irom 40 to ptifaceing on garm esAt JonKnight, rono ee1llffid~u f legth g n ai w hit e so ik M r. Jam es T ennan , M r. K eith 60 per cent; D ept. ai T urism t is t in e w r l a e u d y s p e u s s w t h a c n ie a e b l u t p le e igneofwht sopHeserkila Knstoad&Ifomto eC ntenalta have Miss Patricia Wray, farmers daughte n u-rleigpiata eula neckline and long lily-pointed eMrGailhofcMillnsoandTo& evnfosmion ee toip;Del*> the Home Econamist, attend band, Mr. and Ms ae arnae okpae Mr. GarthMeMillanof Tor- eents in he townshp; Dept.and speak on the eurmnsMtiadfn aleeves. The iitted bodice was lno hy aifrna t fHghasr alneo feach girl for requirement avinnle.yBwa- Mct~tn a l-ut accented with lace and seed ~'Thyoefomia-fHihysrbaacai -' " civentil. Pearl appliques, and the full 1966 Road$1,74bs3;dy intheofDay.MrPerPicad, rmnwsmitaedora length train, which fell fromi The reception was held in amansai&$l9747.13; ept. ai Mr. PeterhF the shoulders, was edged with~ Newtonville United Church Lns&Frssr Sorry ta hear ai sa much Doug Craig, Mantcwr ima ota match mng scalped lace. Her Hall where the bride*s mother W oodlands Improve mfent Act' s*** * ith e flo n in the hm nt os- f r er ga nd ahryr. L eln subsanp(BeDy e bouffant veil was caught ta a received wearing a turquoise concerning private 1 a n d s;wt h f oigi tehs om.l rnr tiara headpiece af seed pear s silk crepe dress w ith m atch- ! a e . a D n ld c n e n ! r d W r g t r. A s i en a d b ot e r :~a - e b nou heo rdre a s cade ink hros and rsagSewait s-and * ng trees on same ; .'oc Stephens, also Mrs. Stephens, Pritchard.tis . b o u q e t a r e d r o s e . p i k r a e s . r s . t e w a t a s c u t i a rf o r a f e w d a y s . W e w i s h a F r i d a y v i s i t o r s w i h r a n Miss Marilyn Adam ra sisted ta receive and chose a 1 Bthany - Peterborough S k.: i" speedy recovery for them all. Mrs. W. H. Broi r .NwBaDn sofrdi i* am lc rp rsmthnýlbconcerning road condijr, Oshawa was maid ai honor bakceedes acîgtions fom7Ahihwy o kOur pastor gave a wonder. LeValley, Mr. B adlM on nEu 'oy a ali and the bridesmaids were hat and corsage ai pastel pink f..7.i..yt S. . u.ero n.Big ..lm inM. .Fer rpaain .afaîaaldu Mrs. Erwood .Reynolds, King- rases. area; notice af Warble Fly ý Chrisin Sl-ontr". iss TorFlmmto, 1atne h aeSoe. aifcino orm~' sta, rs..JhnBerysiserFolowngthereepionth Scoo Mrch3Oh i Lndav ~i sther- * fCotook Msow.ntofanddod. and rs o n e r , itrS eeral ar c couth ns ,-.C y e ma h __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ of the groom, Toronto, Mrs. bride and groom departed for Te ayoolntenil ol ati heate.Nx gr...t. Johnstermembermbtan tferand -- - eePnyeli LCetd. Pint- Msol r. Mlol twrson iteaoepotecagdbonfrt in t hemSacra- .. .................... .ng a.lit wa gip n hed g- mrig asi ewovle U ie hrh n Fia nnJnuary 27, he am intredand ned- ahad tpithe Rlig16,a 'lc.Frel sDrthownsSahitnthpbid i te au h er iductea Session and grant Mavestons. ~~ '-~~ The JonDeyl LdDrit r. . ad MStew ar Kings o lman tewlat, Ms . Siteart. Phot o yAt arS t73 .n.n Sna. Maurce radey ill att nd - - - - - - - _ ___ ___ ___ ___confMa ie r aveo. T e S c a hede Cohagd mnrtuHlatiosmtanissesi the Rad So t a eJ e L ui"Te chM ss T s a14 i e .~ intraduc d and passe, set- O W n i red pa ced one - nu t t tie fotRte nom l li g 1 67road'l ex-m ry is Do oh nn S a le o ,t e r penitues or 967in heHamtonPubic chol hd a 147 lst ednsda Ma f bstie solo e gro i up fc t iwanSFestivnalned .he.oî.win a.cc.ou.nte~prentsMrand hîld e orgeJh peir obbs girvls laeand thgromrthi atceasoai20of iiratinormitecond and Municipal OpenHouA.Stewd at eK excellnthdefaesîveSgaea r RMea Eanuted7:30rdpc..o Choir sang Mariceforasuple is 0l 1; t heHmtndenodssca wlla adctn Pin fe h ch odre nah of Stheiolatcouple ai pece, win tRad Vocho. 3$6025 hoehld ebae sle nonng etue u eetas îhM.Dwlfrtulaeatio oMe.ssey J. Bluedack pfor typ et- e-jucHoA MtPteOpnTosesanin asîn nddîbwogpnyîgth ccmpnar tyngfr.CetnlaaRceyexer hitnandyfoRe- pr F peniture aiotria1forinsuth[elHakeplan thelicscho al o 14-bbsteîg AnesdCh rist sian onlircoeroplyers alslMtlfMic irectia.e $2.55o; $1,000. Blewett urot f ot 8PrintingthCaolWih sup.Peeroruhato oiNos pli res $31.46 Be Mna idiNals Open ay ae rnod a. sk.exlent d e d six pom int, M ar s .t rize. Thes e aung r.pand Mr.e . . horosangR T R O R PI K E V forldfuelri$2,7ppl ty$1poo11;The HPublicdSchol's T..arln L aandutngettfineg fourmusîecidre nder oftheeattendeofthecuchsevicei firsitplaceear eache. who R Io:ad Stoudir o .17, $60.2; ilfredda bke sal ncoa- ai ber h o a e ts ed J t-selebel! with."_M._ ewe Fire Nals fo Pontpool'Ms. Ct er's mahtherOpe Mrs e.tnd inM. g. Hobs Scaan have alsaexcllengthea io r uri ng atig Sudy coaei h -lly~w~~ rell pt heseve ottethewoie autn. SevethAir.and.reort a wooandul ma for og ontol $0.3; Teas-rolmen forgLadioe smasinca map ate lyfo M . T h etrbo rouh tachrs asweof time sehoos Hoas chirs An!esoiist i! steqgraiRcka e rind rs. inedadM. Ross u r of O tro fr isln wl aep ace itn o rthe liing recordeet thersiands -a - this yesterdayrnoo.îKiWaflisor Plans; arewbeinginmade for then week.Corulat io eeTB, tetswee anuae!Mr.RondRogrs. a.dH.daugh- queî314;BenrlNasThebute Sfinalsnhspisaitecho.ch taTr'cei iametn ithe ldieM18rpontssintgting ouDerSho asRaudaEvnng rTn!MsUlhr t PIJRVIRGNWOO. ~ ' CarlSmit wee tw ai he Te Ton Hal ws th~ îat wek Wih Niht e! at M. j thebbs Winieg C t e rnon c ahriesXP O' foraryelail $he.new Mnvers areal as Tedain ehenîn h o be i h in the hor.sTeinirectinsteadMrai the d .aneond Mr. telloamBee h Mn.ST Cetown mi en00:latra Sch uîMs .Bancad sincArgnooita Tusday, Chtoirn, pevousoly hed atthe scool. Chars HetOshwanviBe aderln tifrtportation; Mr. ad M rs. AJL.ckanchrck," N!lsonareeivned aa reoredsplby Gasudent s. arlubwer udyMr.r uss Reynoldgss an!in of 50, es aMadC ristie . s econd lace wcoing o nt.e- Hr mayf nsa M .wt h ome'Site, Mr oenadneai birs htyoesTh.C.W. ladioters. ere busy J.arara "AutumnLeave s \ex a uick ecavoerydfr'mMse uryTit ae :Opm Williams Bob$1.87 BrownChntOshawa;k. w o r1 d b e s wit and Mrs. H a w a d Sc tt, o w m a vill . at the K rsey lace utr h f th e follo iin t e Bae w m a he o pi al. Mrcsti W.g H. ra w n, oo fther O M N I L Lindae, haebeandguests Sunda ay is f h adesHmsial an!pTylal TeUnterbooChrcherw as uelt the.Cs hw for ontn! Mi r. W lerv CbmtinMr aheMr. S nada, But chIrsad It ome." ddseakerla nifht at a met-Mr. an! Mr.BEic Freborn cisç Nex metigrf oVnhalginWt onao ft CANADrexeptoANA wel n LTDli r Neas. er: M. n! rs H. Ashon Th cair ee iv'lÏ e 84 oint s a t heZion thomesa!antamh , Lin y, were n Mrs.Muray Lgan an!Ennîskinen; M. a!Ms.LTfrhahaeteesletas Shste so ication ed spaoe day sitoer ustswith rbiserPO.Bx74 - etr uh Mr.Wal ei et aTr Plar amnville Mrs.,Sevn boysi stvM.lJastaln "Th aianIni"a n! hussand, Mn. and Mrs.n Overans paetel had maduifer tohe T.BtetstsnorerSmaledaitHaptonsi foH wigers MaFred . St laMriean! rs.aBruceC e -bt ui ecesadls usa nM .Hbstr hi w osrmie Misss oo Woierv!arrie heirm Yle'b ihsfrased I is he lcs hi enna osum his unayaier or a ensitere Satra rntes ZDeLID'IDE.f frmanhs holi!aySit a r.nIcoveta Mrs. Tom Roers won age grapChFirtplae ia s nThey werec ce lle! lwas teSun- guests w uit Mr n! r .o MN IÂ.~~~~~-~CafSmih.w Caltw iornithe TheTony Hsalize! s byh erIn rody Russelsweond ih day due ta ev.Cat tosJ. b.!CharWiennip eg.saa At 0 PUEVIGN OL omite h wn t o ceeonfSndyaBa mleemgofialHadspi-7Cooibes san tird,"0Dou e ce. jstStrdyee Mr. an Mrs. NilbSeraS oto nla gs flyaraning fr o anyt ha-lnkcs frare t ne!C n te M te B .1ta uisadstf r o-Per, is Vr t ir the paledatfthheManvers onm boys an!lleadershtaMth Townsip Chtall S Behn a gentlemnhardhelpinarge olwn usaCir2 ulyhdathecol.hresHe Bwnvl. chedled o foeagi.Se t np tafthe o rtsmen's h o i csw asi hr lc ih 8 rvo4L D LAforWARLD rgrsieEebePny Ha ptee. PinsSixty boys, mshllgme s el s acigSnwen r.Jhnm-th ber.moeNohTenLdiersOaneaLsogbe1r ano .LBan! chgardCok, adAlSo eevdaToesbGr tdnS. r EreSA L Supr u OSHAWA h~de asuessforuranporessiveoun se yan n!Hy euchreplacarty n on Fniday manightedsdonM.as.wehl heasoHamptanecetooks OofFrd y Th g w th ee n p ox mtab e 46ai ple s.1vth e d s nwi h 15. en aso . ysoig9 onsf rt erH b s S h o ws aei n r.E wsM s ah , §1 supeà Englisà tPrie lssfa ihoeswent to in attendC.. ae.shechrere! vr ue rcvr rmM Mra wsSlm ors.Waer Nesalsheaniohmbl eint o meHmptro che abraWliach evdth ir rcued eIan... r o Bow, sam luxry broghthom anthWendyt BrownterbeanovalsRoceerfih ha!rpabyts arlan. LWW andmer;secod i zts t s n ! reorte ! a gs oo! ntimentewas 1111fo hefllwngi Bwanil hsitlM 9dID.H.Bowbrt B rw . a rmen Bow nrd Sott, oM an! Mr. i w Harrys D ar L n o ev . Appole-tn'aid B ow , an tt n e m ade from the....ld. b est ids playimive e vgentsitoS n a alrs at th e i M n !H né a d T e Al Cl I U itd hu- w s g he aeS o . with Mr. nd rs. alte ofMr. an Mrs. . lsn ere l a Ri Ri 'llT J Osdhawa. as D UM E 5 D WA C HSSA E F RMrs. MLen Bradley was a ww.KtU K TUI WAcH * *PA E ORSunday dinner guest ai Mr. . -~ MissElaine Annis ai Ter-! be aetM n ronto spent the weekend wxth - G m M mu w A antsMr. PDeand ! -. L the CElA ni . W n i t c c u c U.C.W. met last Tues!ay im Mrs. Jack Newton ai Whitbyi O P EN IN G amivsite!wihMnua!E dV EI.O Mrs. R. Farrow with daugh-! fers Marilyn an! Gloria at-; tende! a reuian ai ail couples; marrie! by ministers from, Brooklin United Chuirch lestý Mrs. Blake De Hart af Brook-LO A. lin. Mrs. Farrow tells us that L CA OBJECTIVE $7 00 a large number ai couples at-I DRI V E IN ha! been marrie! looi Il1,as.iTO DATE -$ 3 8 9 Sunday visitons wifh Mr. and, R E' S T A U R A N T . ~~and Mrs R:ss Trenouth ofA PULC SRIE 0Y UR R AR ýR E'S'A U RA N TCooksville. â ai tS ils basketbaîl tamiC u. Idefeâted Cmurtice Hich Schoal's Ijunlor girls .tean by a score --- -------