ofAad e ointe ya weekend gueut at 0. C. The Canadian Saemn Ew1vfeMr 1 Ticket convenor for the. Kop- 55tfl veoatng AinniversarAhtn. er Karnial Mrs. O. MC. Flinoffwholookd aterrecently with hier cousin, Mrs. the akin an disribuionD. J. Napier, Toronto. Repots romof tickets to themiembers. W om n's Ins itu es of the Eowmanville W. ..ags of Mn.S. na nM W o e ' n t t t s welcomed the ones présent. Curtice r. S.M pr K.PR ANvLAfter the singing of O Can-'. Mort.an Mr.L StnonDA KOPERKAMIAL the afternoon were Mrs. E. ada, she introduced Mayor Ma-tend a soci aleing Dn ýPassant, 111e member of Bow- Hobbs a d M. R t efodw h M. a d M . Rlh I heKopr arialhedmanville W. I., Mrs. M. Emner-j The drawing of the tickets Campbell, Bowmanville, in >nThursday, March 9, SPOfl- son, Netieton, Area Curator resulted ini the following honior iers 25th wedding ,.ICred by the Bowmanville of Tweedsmuir Histories, Mrs. winners:- Warnesa cr el oyt Women's Institute, featured R. Davis, Solina, first vice- Door prizes of $1.00 wereWe re iceeysryt Canada'. lOth Birthday. The president of Durham West won by Mrs. H. Couch, Mrs learn of Mrs. WiUl Ashton's lÇ£pper Karnivai is the only W. I., and Mrs. Wnà. Milligan, Somers, Mrs. Terry Price, accident near her home in raney-making project of the Newtonville, Federation Re- Mrs. Mary Rashotte, Mrs. Caesarea when she slipped '.I. and is a united effort1 presentative of Durham West Chittick and fell. We wish ber a quick by ail members. The large W. 1. The Tea Room was Gifts and winners were: recovery, also a good report crowd both in the afternooni convened by Mrs. Melville Qufit, Mn.. Art Hooper; sai- for Mr. Win. Ashton who is and evening made this a very Wiseman and Mrs. Harold boat, Mrs. T. Chant; floral in Memnorial Hospital, Bow- auccessful enterprise. GeneraliSumersford. Those helping to centrepiece, Mrs. L. W manville, too. Manager for the 1967 Kopperiserve and in the kitchen were Hughes; pillow cases, Mrs. G Please see Coming Events Karnival was Mrs. Mel. Wise-!kept very busy ail afternoon. Jones; egg pin cushion, Mrs. for complete Information Inan. The platform in the hall M. Flintoff; baby dress, Mrs about the card party whichPED A ER SVI Mis Worship Mayor Ivan'had two large floral baskets, A. Moffatt; toy, Mrs. Need- our choir la sponsoring. Also Hobbs' was present for* the Centennial flags and an ar-1 ham; measunring cups, Mrs e Coming Events about a closing of this event. He, as- rangements featuring t h e1Rashotte; crib quilt, Mrs. T. dance here this week. sisted by Mr. W. M. Ruther- Centennial Rose. Buttery; scarf, Mrs. Jamieson;, On Surday March 5, 1967,No . ford of the Department of Mrs. C. Downey, convenor' tray, Mrs. Somers; bride doli, Bettyan ght, Miss Serry is Agriculture and Food, made of the Home Baking table and 1Deborah Rashotte; jewellery Aston'rh, Miss ar e ektt C L the draw for the vanlous ber committee had a very1set, Mrs. Gaines; apron, Mar-Gen ..ad prizes. attractive table ihatejre Hoskin;1 apron, Mrs. Mr n.Aho n r The theme of the tea room' varlous kinds of food wbîch Wilson; teapot and cosy, Don- Dciald tewattpendGrae- al6 8 -4 7 was Centennial. The lnstituteý was soon sold out to eager oh oln na or ad/.**M3'.0* -a :0 h al rv colora of yellow and bluo! customers. Mrs. S. Cordeni towel, Alfred Brown; sait a :0 n al rv were carried out in flags, convenor of the Candy both and pepper, Ruth Crago; Hi-.C led ushoe insin-on ciotha, serviettes, etc. The had, a wide assortment of masuning spoons, Ruth Mut-_"peainBvr wcha large table had a floral cen- bags and boxes of candyto baetMn.LBroe.... * a rinhpprec.Ppe terpiece of yellow munis, blue tastéfully arnanged bv Mrs. 1fhn o arl;bte ~e 4~ from ail oven the wonld get iris, and a touch of spring in G. Richards and Mns. Corden. is, Jim Hooper; socks, Mrs............. .. together and improve candi- a few pussy-willo'ws. This These wene soon bought. The S. Butteny; baby doll, Mrs. tions or build new buildings. was flanked by Cenitennial gifts were veny attractively Rsa nd; ea tlowcesand po This group o! men and wo- flags. Each amali table bad a arranged for display and fea- hsod es, Mn I. M ndy pt men are called "Beavers". Centennial lag. Members tured three quilts. This an-hles r. .na;a- The other Hi-C's which were serving wore Centennial ap-I ranging was looked after by ron Mrs. E. Richards; bowls,prsn wee Toe an rafla. Pouring tea throughout'Mrs. Ivison Munday, convenor Ms Rashotte; baby set, Har- presen~ out ce The whicnd old King; towels, Canal Jack- Cortc. h offening hh m a n; c u p a n d sa u c r, rs.th e O p e a tio n B e a v e r p ro je c t. fl nuiifygilMs .To end the evening we were Lee; bilue mounitain duck, senved lunch and hadt a dis- Marlene Luxton; pillow cases, csin u etH- et We Zre âýeac /Y ~~/01 Edith Brooks; tumblers, Mns.in l bhedoMac Ross Allun, scan!, Del Hen- o6 97 t80 n Machrch desbee; place mats, Jean Har- theet.Ala e wechrcb rison; soap disb, Eliasa Chris- bsmn.Alaewloe ~ijyy~ tie; groceries, Mrs. D. Pickard. Baby set, Mrs. Alex Wise-th exr Welsh; pillow cases, Mrs. GEORGE (PAPPY) SHARPE A ~~Porter; jelly moulds, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, R.R. 2, Newcastle, celebrated their 55th wed- Eolwn niieao be ult S encea piow case dnKane; apron, Mra. Helen dn nniversary on Tuesday, February 2lst. They were married February 21, moon heat Geotre at - ~~Mrs. K.Sqai12rceisM a.nd have three chidren, Don of R. R. 3, Newcastle, Bert of Bowmanville and (apy Sare agd 9 at ~~Mrs. J. Cole; sail boat, Ms Mrs. Betty Vasey. They also have eight grandchildren and one great-grandson, years, occurned' at Sunset G. Butteny; cup and saucer, Darreil Donnelly of Port Hope, shown in photo. To mark the occasion a family Lodge, Bowmanville, on Mon- Mrs. G. Van Camp. dinner was held at the homne of their son Bert, 188 King St. East, attended by day, March 6, 1967. Magazine rack, Mrs. L. Run-mmeso h aiywthteecpiMo hi auhe'h a nbet e was bonn in Trenton ie; lue ayPac;T ebr ftefml ih h xeto fterduhe h a nbet and was married 46 years ago ~ii eaI )Jlamp, Jackie Patfieid; ash be present. to the former Ethel Gunter IIILvL trays, Mns. Audrey Role who survives. The deceased '.~'L'.JJJt~ centrepiece, Chariene Hall; ner, Mrs. Houston. h as resided in Bowmanviile straner, Mrs. R. Hallowell; Unclaimed numbers: 1025, EN N IS* K *I m hi for many years. A gardener, 48 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE pillow cases, Mrs. Ed. 'Hoakin; 1471, 1862, 2248, 2141, 2393, -h-W- -- - U e was aelf-employed, and at towel set, Mrs. D. Pickard; 2694. If you bave one of these Rev. Doughenty cantanued Miss Sandra Werny spent1 one time was in partnenship SEE OUR SELECTION biankets, Russell Lamb; tea~ numbers please caîl at 108:the study af the Lenten book- the weekend with Miss Bren- with Fred Page o! Tynone. towels, Mrs. Whiteband; taw euo St. or phone 623-3438. let "Means of Grace. Our da McLaugblin, Union. M.'bapeis wieadason, elue, OF EAUIFU SPINGels Mr. Hnds vae, rs.attntin ws feund Mn.h h S hw aarp .sunvive by Somenscalea; lippers and bag, ttref aentio a cedocarnte Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick bath of Tren ion. TSs tbree fundamental doctrines. 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tbe funeral service was H _ i_ css Mrs. ed ute; picameraA Wof. a Martin Luther, the devout Rdnp n r.W .hl rm h hplo h case, Ms. ane;camraThe February meeting af Young Genman monk wbo Chedknapp Osad Ma. Wm edrmtecaelote Chestrtoersanwa Nortbcutt & Smith Puneral tauMrs. G.tBttery; teptwheled at te ome o! nthe so te couch ast te lacked Tuesday of last week Mrs. Home, Bowmanville, on Wed- and cosy, Diane Milîson. PesetMsE.Cuoxcopte nolde !thF. Toms accompanied Mrs. E. nesday, March 8th., and was ISweater, Mrs. Joyce Rw;Tbere e i members pres- Bible. Our minister warned Trewin, visiting Mrs. Gerald-canducted by Rev. H. A. Tur- quilt, Mrs. Vanderbeer; pillow ent. The Rail Cail was answer- us that a new reformation i el n ilBlcsok e.Itemn a nBw r ., ---cases, Mrs. C. Turner; glass ed by giving a pensonal Cen- beginning in this last half of Mn. H. Ibing, Toronto, wasimanville Cemetery. . % disb, Diane Milîson; pillow tennial Pnoject. Same a! tbe twentieth century which T - cases Mrs Feentra; pîiOw these were: getting a new rug,isgetnta cases, Mns. Aima Cooper; pil- painting my home, losing 500 years ago by Martin Liu- ALLTHEACCSSO IE 10 caesMn. Oie tchr;weight. Others had flot de- ther. She advised ber congre- uit, Rose Dickinson; compact, cided on a project yet. Tbe gation ta use and know the Home Economnies Convenor next week we wilI have aure Mrs. John Hendensan wbo bad Communion Service. made a tbnee-tiened cake dee- The openin.g exencises of oraed it re ad asocup te S. S. sesson include a cakes ta match the cake. It Bible quiz dîrected by Super was decided ta purchase a fiag intendent A. J. Wenry. ManyD EC I T A UUD MV C MA E R WE Efor the school aften consultîng parents and fnienda o! the day i * ~ with the principal Mr. M. Mc. school pupils are enjoying th'e P E C I T O AMERICAN - REBEL - AMBASSADOR Coy. Twenty-five dollars was pniviiege o! hearmng the -W 67 KING ST. E. 623-256BWAVIL voted ta heip the Kendal speeches by the pups who Scbool witb their Centennial competed in the Public Speak. FREE DELVR :4s Project. The annual Penny ing contest. Master Dale Mc- FACTORY LIST P R ICES Sale will be beld in May. A Gi spoke on "Canada"; Miss $ing %rg quilt is naw being Made for Sandra' Wenry's subject was this occasion. A vote Of "Halland"; and Miss Patti RAMBLER AMERICAN 220 2 DOOR SEDAN $2302. thanks was given ta Mr. Werry's was "Camp Pretoria." Mendensan, Mns. A. Low and These are ta continue until al 220 4 DOOR SEDAN $2412. Mns. Couroux. aur local juvenile elocuton- w g qA n 4e220 4 DOOR STATION WAGON $2723. ists deliver thein speeches. 4402 D OR EDA $276 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin $247. fK.ULJIU.L were Wednesday visitons a! 440 4 DOOR SEDAN $2566. On Mancb I lth Mrs. Harvey Mn. Ernest Irwin, Mrs. Mabel 440 4 DOOR STATION WAGON $2890. Pascoe was hostess fan a pre- Bowen and Mn. and Mrs. T. v f i 440 2 DOOR HARDTOP $2612. Jaunice MacDonald, of Peter- Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick 14 eROGUE CONVERTIBLE $3007. borougb wbose manniage ta and Bill, Scanbneougb. wene SPECIALS AVAILABLE WHILE THEY LS ROGUE HARDTOP $2797. Mn. Douglas Pascoe will ak Saturday visitons o! Mr. and r CELEBRITY ASSORTEDESTRB ED MNAUE ' Mn.Gguests o! Mp.aandoMrs. A. L. ONLY RO Ès.cS$ 100 ONL andNomaDone, ccm-wene visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Reg. 1.49 ONLY -- --- ----- s CeconiySz 8 Includes: Ail standard equipment, full safety package - plus full tank of I anied by their music teachen, Keitb Onmiston's, Courtice. 8-0z., Reg.1.95$19- gas and 5 year, 50,000 mile warranty. Mns. Menkiey. Miss Tnixie Buma was an OLY----- --- $13 - ONLY - ------ Mn. and Mrs. L. Buckley, overnigiut guest o! Miss Linda Avallable: Vg engines, automnatics, four-on-the-floor, power options, bucket Leskard, were necent suppenery.I seata, Cuise Comand, steeo tape.guests of Mn.ar in .M. and Mns. WiTrAToms,* setCus onad trotp.Wilson on the occasion of upMi, M . and Mrs.. I W.Tms 200 Taste Samples Mns. G. Stephenson, Mns. R. Sandy Moore of Shirley were gusoline. Deduct your trade allowance from these prices to determine the BoladJmi ooe a ist Monday suppen guesta 1 SMILES 'N CHOCOLATESH difference payable. Dundas on Tuesctoy ta ee AA - An ywhere ~~~~brate with Mrs. Millier ber tion o! binthdays. gad1 RleeSr hot~DLE 92nd birtbday. Mrs. Millier is On Wednesday last wekNeucl utrogena... Soap ______P uyM o rem________ enjoying fairly good healtb Mns. Toms attended ber gran- II*TSO D o n tP a yiv' ore_________and also er usband.ceoffr daughter's fouth bithday, BRADOS LMade ISfor osincene birthday cnrt-lîttle Misa Susan Siemon, LOZENGES Soap Sestv km ou eg 3 $395 Down - 36 Months on the Balance ltosta Mrs illier wbo wa:ý Haydon. Ms o Getn1Swlnglng Savings $1.00 cake plus 10c trial size Slgs aig whiie living in Bnown's sec- famiiy, Hampton, weren - eg. 1.00 tion.- day guests at I. Sharp's. ONLY _-------------nl 6 9 T f t ~ ~ L I T A U T O S A L F S Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid andî Mr. and Mrs. Grant W erry6 9O n y 6cI o r2c Bernie, Brampton, were week- and family wene Sunday AU O S L S end guests with ber parents, guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Mer. -E VC S AVIAIUAm D ~~M. and Mrs. J. G. Stephen- bert Leighton, Bowmanville. P CA son. Mn. and Mns. Garth MeGili, T R ETLI IT A pedyreovey s ised ar ad imCanigtn, FR EDERICK'S PRESCRIPTION P A M C : IK E II T L IIî D Wfor Mrs. Eva Mcllroy, a patient Mn. James A. Wenny were inM méra ospita wj Sunday visitons at Mr. and 1. ON CALL FOR "AFTER-HOURS" EMERGENCY PRSRPIN manilII Mrs. H. McGiUl'a. "Te ambler usîngs" Mn.. Demack's mother, wbo Mn. and Mn,. Clifford Green, 2. CLAIMS ACCEPTED FOR BLUE CROSS AND 0T' RU LN 16 ans.w. S. KngSt.E.has undergone surgery, also,.emngod Quebec, wene 3- BARNES.HIND CONTACT LENS PREPARATIONSADSOUIN Pet* -oroug Bowmanville ating at ber home since bdng Mr. and Mii. E. A. Wenry, 4. SURGICAL SUPPORTS EXPERTLY FITTED BY CRIIDFTI 745-4695 623-3305i neiea WelmtherhOstal. ancouttnedthe lte Wley o!5. DIABETIC SUPPLIES, DISPOSABLE SYRINGESAN IDS '40600Y UNDERSELLS TRENT an appendectomy last week,j Wenry, Sauina. Mr. and Mrs.6 HE HIS RTHSCNSAALBEFRRN and Master Alan MeCanthy,-C. Green were Wednesday 6 HE HIS RTHS AE VIA who bad a slight relapse fol- supper gucisLà of Mr. and Mrs. ilwahis appendi operation.î Allan Werry and iamnily. =1 1"71-ý- ý -- -1- ,- - ý- ý -17 ý - 1-