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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1967, p. 6

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S h mainSaemn OWMnVIe, Ma. M187 &itaUni. Everett Spires and a *nge S rsn M. l VIgHaa r i g ekato s ' Tamblyn, Llndsay CT' içi thc = Sprisrit cono nP U C =r nc e V i e is s erlu , O h a w a ; D ea p u t r w t Men's Cdn. Club Learns of imumIn ="e"4 Add Nice- Touch to YtePresident of the Bow lerM.Jme:ya.a Wyen Mauriýc C Io n w a , low that HatMth hetcethtosranso Great Accomplishments tel ter. AUr~tX 't Lion s uinner - uance aleCanadienOntmrio Hemt sturCon-rnfdArlUeofnth tr H ide nt o !b C ranch 17, Pr oys - Y un ov f r 9 7, m y , h os h c t i k ng th D E O D E t da~~~Y, U r. and Mn. Barry ClbTh e Lo aprty f w r d n !the Bow rnanville Ki- i c rl o o r h l n ao a d n o pao j I~~~rI IIrIw~~~~~~~~,~~ Ina, ~~~~Browa clled et the ik mand Dance hl tthe Lions dfrblack-throated yel- BobSeeI rsdn !teHatFudcman hnh ruh h w C ri p pi(2h*ld en *s Cfn reP. HmSnelnClmub aies fst inrfomn hebc.wa b Mis. Cartherfcle ratin durn hniga nAgsie w ~ ~ a i i g ~ g g ~~'~al ~ Sund~~ nd, Coz muntty CentrS on S t.- .mb . Bow m anville Rotary Club, and The coverag e r c i e te m o e h r i h m ta PY thali~ SCt8 ~O V nIng, 4th. here wacha plethora of Mrs. Stevens.fon y ur n w ap r s - m (T h nias qu as The. wonderful work bcing faiith the Expo '67 symbol'Fasnily Court asjced the Wo. his lite elcve-ia lart 220 Lions terwvam nabse nbcpao n ug rsd lshd b heOhwaothteed al. e' WlRo-uu t om ek : Z me ilsrh e ad r n: l h h ei r w i ac a nd n adb aa il o n h ec taa ni n sdssn d Pw h ichntiWit eh ea vu n d a m eru e ta thPpedOshal. wa anedted ble. meb-aYotCns re.lf ar es b- m Te. adC..I. eàE guetsaeniOyed a wonderful nearby an antique branched the Toast te the Queen. The c n hi a ens u-I ahlcs dPo PS s enre-a cTwsu o a Ple atedy, Jnib-a Y uth ofsn Coaentrsoe.te thlob- TegEla d G.T. arnex- svenlng. flower pedestal had each of Ibm Toast to the Ladies was pro-cess!iul. esati mon. enre wa usc ss d y oM d a l H r, t on ho w t d o a Bi h e t theoe rs eetingoltther n ex fM .b a biu d crations ranY containers illd w th posed eloquently. by J e Coop . Y u have e a l d u H e ot h h le g p a r etM N l, he a w a, g uaet Zia w h a re intr d W b.l g e fo eH .n e t m et t bb h i h U F t tra f om ed th c in t rim r of he p in k an d y ello w sp rin g flo w - er, a p at p resid en t. M rs. in fo r ip th e p bi1h t F b ! o e c e c n s p e a e r t t e d nn e 'm e t P ra n r e e tC hai r m wu s iuc. ,a l u b7The t 6 : 0 P n i iy<e tr n o o e r s In t e r a p e r s e d w it h g r e e n - W h it e r e s p o n d e d c h a r m in g l y r u a r y w a s H u tM1h ~s o e h t I a v l e CaainClub held at thc ente rtanment. They sang and that Uic league would sescbrn ooe.thing Irih The event. A- cellng Meg arch ed above seemed ta b. admir-ea.t ap el rsn-OtnoHatFudto s H sue h agea Sul vbing armHacne . pae hi w copn- what was needod thon start Expo rrroll un lni* nome- ln tue entrancehl a o-in i.foes A1a fe reou bauqueKel o! mcd dongiar c io ldo cri- inUi hy aea a da vnn mi .In his ment on electric guitars. nii a service te take care of It, ti about Easber c t red with rosesydof Mdre s M. W (Neill also spoke first number was a diet, and wh n bis was wel otab. Pib ick'aDay. md blou ass n i *lb s. c ap lo larwhite e ald t os rosesW he i ftoherl ubto s cuac e r h h t wl lt s rn o f trhd w hhf l o ween tg oc edh e e b a s C.eW iiit e.eE v e r y l a d y p n e u-dW .th avoa l wapst sn j o y ednt r u lyhg reatWs e r m o n Oshawa WOmen's Welfare a solo by Paul enitled "Silv- te another agcncy te continue. O ibiPen ndn yellroes. o tre Qa! potic atwln. wth a eenia slvcrst.eprhsensstcies I4mgue, Simca. Hall Settle- ery Moon" followed by Jim's He spoke of the lbagues sup- wITUARYad newspo.apnreofthecr Osal.iiawa.ntnnalcrst nignt Houte, and bhe Simca. sala, "Snowilake". CIlf Pcth- ervision of thii clty parka, fandk yllw ndneappe Hall oys'Club.ick ovof vot of b~c t id hat ~Stremers !parka,> and Roses held the looped ycl- The deliclous banquet was and it is apesr alo HlBosClb c nvdavtoftaktesi htI wsrsosil o reen and clusters of pretty low, green and pink streamners prepared and served by the forwand toeu inagiu Prcsidcnb Sidney Lancaster thc Young entertainers. H. br g thc Victorian Order W. WESLEY WEft3 uowems were uscd te tonm a radiating troni the centre of Catiiolic Wamen's League. Mrs. the ycan. ninginn shw.SpehAwe1kOw eidn fpictume on the bulletin board the bailmoan te the. aides, and Stewart Chishoîni, a past Once again, u hate peresdand tmor e thne6 a omeakcLe salvfratir o ton lases forsha.i$ec wf-kosreion fand a bal pale green umn iioî in their middle a bamboo president, was the catening thanka for yu sltn nieber s andT he irtab es w ere A fry hom e leagoue fonr a er co areio n a si ar- m olina, W . W esley W . r , pink ro es, basket of pink and yelow c nvenor. a d c - p n tou i prent. i i tableswea ngforviddyNecstld n ine. e ae of da rsey ica-ged 48 years, died suddeniy At the norti end ai the. bal-. roses was iung. A picturesque Anetnann ga enuary.op lillies-of-the-va DvdGaNwate nre.H pk !imnreat hus home on Monday, Maci room Yellow, pink and green centrepiece o elw And a peented bainngpogrm e Wibestwises.- ey, stadofmini-wanmntrcpeseucîng a -medyWtahbwh buestnadshold in mall soe o! the guest spear..m, school, mn.. aiso the classes , 1967. stramers wene diapcd t wite shasta crysantiemumo tria, the Paul Brothers and Younsvrytu, Mtnd n . cNreri s a o k ut- pe. f r i m r ns ta Son of S. Edgar W erry and fOr m n o type effect and ado ned tic head table, w icii Shirley, ram London, Ont.nai e n o ndto ,A > ! 0 1 stadin caeerin ocil wrk.Eurpe.thelab MytleM. roois,î~eaci gracefl iloaP was iield was ligited by bail yellow bap. Their singing was rewarded Esther M.Rihrs H.eakerld te lu th dat d- hestTispeaker mîso told o! the was bora et Bowmianville mab ttic wmlls and ccillng with ers in crystal candelabra. Yel- with great applause. Drn m seaer o i. br easu Hn llm gymn a m and club roorni mceved his ducation la 30- cluutered roses. Two dainty low baskets filled with yellw the balance o! he D rig Diector of uli1eatos minstabo a Si ca Halfor boys pnavided by tie ,iai wierc ho roaided .tiie bird cages adorned wlth flow- and wite shasta chrygantiie- dancveing wsejydt au Oshawa, and has been a tre- bague, and that when It was w po j ie nB acn asejydt ou thendos' C ubtebherougs Ofnecessayt xadmnewoeo iilte o Rseland. ors were suspended tram thic mums centrcd the otier tables, bar music by Charles Cochrane unionServc nPr er couze1 g.Mr.Gry lt BosClb i sid 81 ngied bbc former Helen L. and a bluobird, wiile the oth- bow tapers in crystal candle- lnHdsn.himno Dean Editor:- copa i ng. rbu e Mn . G ay Mcs. o s C u ih w m i gM e calf who survive . on was filled w tii yelIow s ng- sticks. ln R d s ,Ch rm o Nefl' wnk n ePoio lti. ametms nd g163y m. Wrrbws rd..theLadies' Night Committe., Sarne tUne. ek g Nippcl i bdr n's en fte su -soendl 93 r.Wry sahighly Lionette Ede Cale was tic was in charge a! arrangements ..a- invlted ~uatn Cripld Cilre's enre Grattriut ws pldbyrespecbed fanmer biiroug out Pink and yeilow roses in dlecanationg convenor. Sic was for tic enjoyable event. He union serviceinPrPey The guest speaker bold the r oalt t heibub e was p id is communiby and surround- attractive base relief shmped assisted by Lionettes Bei was assistcd by othen mcmn- at which minit r o h haif- club tha he isépoyed by plo rj>Nenl t Counc; n.b~xg M8e, and aio ook an ac- bras. baskets graced tie aide Vanstone, BettyBEr oau gih, ber of thecommitte, Ralph PresbyteianUiend D R NG N proteted rJniztî~wsTMstdIlshed. Ho spoke of Its Ince hoo nity. He wms a Yellow in, n re President George White Ralph Kelly, Bruce bush, took part. Theeingw 1928 tiennein 1res-d5d.Monisth, RanceDillling, A eg i caiUHOLTER 19p28 wfre dcpe as amnati. arno orsaei was Treasuner of Eldad the coiling contre et tic sauth table were His Wonsiiip Mayar Eugene Bethune, Ross Metcalf Church.10KngS.W Bwmvil c'pa welare eparmen imcnt'a. all gefor a ceImn .Church TrusteBoard. Mrn. fteblrom eteIvan Habbs, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. amd Howard Gibson, a past The Pniesthe preachefdrnoeHalfo achlre' Per ws otnodreto623-d7341crnrs & Pros hieDitic GvEnr ntprsdmates eron tie ecanamtc depression o! sciool and treatment centre. Wurhm waa aioste ciotn Cof erd wahicores. Til vhitDstitGv aex.peiet i sroaeo icbi _____________ tie 1930o themo was a great Hc described thc progresD aqConyHisenCu one brocs caverod witic ______________ Jf -your insurance progmamns ned tanrtthe work o! the made and thc move ta langer and a Peut director af tiheqlsited pl lnudonsomthee 40em't adequatuly caver you lespeieln16.EtrnBeds Cpoa q, ho oxplaincd.- pmila13. tion, as well a at priai- side o! tii. stage. Below tics. __________________________LAMB________ asains major passibilities Of e leaguc members con- Eventually even more space dent of th ic Ohîwpa Sodbus- tces was a white wicker chair a4hai vmssod for funad hd eîd ta was needed to adequaboly pro. bers' Club, esd a bird bath garlandeda u 'E d1ay to find yourcff in serious clobhlng for distribution teath a langer number o! crippled The deceased was misa auWIo C<EUSPE Uuscektop faono! a vacant building, Crippled Children's Centre Board, and was chirmman of oo ersJ ry Ao lot U CIICICaOiW In 1DS3 tic ciby's wel!ane de. was built at m total cosb of Solizia Cammunity Hall Build- AOC&s nOW-4or your bhome, partmenb was otarted, but the $340,000, Mn. MeNeil told his "n Committee. For nine R jE OOE0MEASLA MBS $ er aiy>ruam e assac ve yI esntadec.yeang ho was a member o! ecom menus 4I ca, amly oebuin ss W 'l asita ce gi cn bylb do s lo a dinc.S ana Public Scol Board S AS% Er SNE/T~ UIT 5 << ~ eeyuapop tk coven everything aecessary. H. alto shawed a colared and sorved a carmn fth L E E W N --C yriala yi Stato wt. weltanc allawaace for clati- by CFTO and lator donabed tae 55W51 I V BflLOIN LAM BI ,j iurOP JS L cost or obligation. Ing lua nly $1 per monti. tic school. Heurt wanmngSuriviving, beuides i wi!e etbiag given fan heat tram scenes showed thi ecm and father, are five Jciilnn A coroner's jury iii recom- May lot taeOctoben lot. Now bierapeutic cquipment, andAnne, Edgar, Glenn, Jon0 dmnedta at ncnZb G tic department pays for pre- tic bravo efforts o! the vaîjant Ewmt A brother Dr. 3 allowcd ut Mospont rick on scrip on drgs but prier te ciildrsa ta conguer bîcîr George Werry, misa survives. Sundays. thii.the omen's Welfare physical disabilities. The fucmii service wa The jury was inquiring into SPACE aboutCLAR League supplicd tUc necessary John Riekard, a paut pnesl- icld froni the Morris icneltic deati Sept. 2nd luot year medicines ton the needy. dont, movod a vote o! thanks Chapel, Bawmanville, on Wed- o! George Thomas Mime, 29, AT801 "In 1937 the. Oshawa Police ta Mr. McNoiil for i excel- nesdiay, Marci h ,mdwso! Toronto, a racing driver CPST asked tic league ta assist Uic lent address. He aiso express- 8tduhe b avnFrd Re ilc il patsnga P CERC ~~NAKs~ men dri!ting from place ta cd appreciation on beaulf o t Sunderland. Interment was mosp oth Indian s wm<s A ACE GAMEuup o a ou nlnl place hoplag for work. Tiie the members te Presîdeat Lan- la Ebdad Cemebeny.Ter urymectheloie eomgGASorMetplyyamî memensala hipe mny n-caster for bis Ccnbsnnlml pins PAIlboarers were Meuars. W. mendation se tiat the maxi- r O B N U IL D < 8 U R A N C E e m loyt e irl n h s, . d t o o k ti eu . i d d s m b d . wYell w c , IR . B . D a v is , m m n u m b e n o ! r a c e o ff ic a s T I S S U E 4 labo ther o wn h oes ofEv e-Lamas Ielietb, Thiomas Baker, w auld be available for Sîtur- cT 84 ini IL . N w m i lcele ag tha ru h b e offo t !th igRobe t akins and 'ed day's practice runs.TA c l U C O 5 OUi. lsidnceSisters Association was form- SOINJ.LSPayne. Under rsn township by-iUlL. u "Tic Oshawa Juvenile and On Saturday, Mmci liti, UEIOg ssmuo ory sed eij> rtSudayw se IEIfET . i. iotqaii et o u ed. ~m ny relatives and frinds B 13 i fl; .araces, a uto nd an.g S not i l cirS.»A Y NA Kf ealid.on Mr. and M ms. Doug- A , pln y ratices P'mday. OF12U ~ )-T be ie etc u bes x ei lai Flstt -ut tic Solina Hall 1COU IR The Jury muled death a so MURPHY IL COM ANY it<i. RAT . a-GInuis PIEX TISSU E 2 59c ecdIAma 18 ON ST W, OHAA, iiin 5t wedi anniven- Cimrbered Accountant engine trouble and was hitb OF24AIY- - snll eet bcvr et cary. Bir. ad M ns. Fletti 93 Churci Street a car dniven by Richard l. PLACE MATSbeit e6h gd"js o 1wene Maisted by their fmmily, 623-3861 buma, 23, o! South Bend, Ind SOT U.IE-bu e!fao.AlTbe 725- 3 571 Mr. urra lb n is M .H OGINS jr iomcaieddWAX PAPER........... et r urneab ay lrlet and Mis Wib. i HveC() - The tur alsoondemnesue M a ie l e t lc o r , w i i e s,15ic t t . B w a v i s p i l c i t i c i e c l u s S O T E j'~ et w si o m in tie C h art c ed A cco u n tan t th t cars ln M sp or t ra ces b e FAClAL SSUES ~r~u t s y s w t I A " v r Linda Flett atteadcd tic guest Phone 623-3612 from tii. surounding country-1 SCOTT F U E L O IL teir wedng day, MrmiArt WLB& .mm - <>f real eabing55 bo k. a ,T ein att ndntM or.IL IAC . HA L sd.T W L OLE SA. 5 c-ou d ! Ta lr e m at. *I T V E 0 1Lwr Ioi h Oeevnt., 36%, King St. E., Oshawa OBITUTARV Uine. Ths happy couple wems Tlephone 725-6539 MRIHNYAL plesed te ave herotiicms DUREOWS, SELBY & Cô. Pi EE 24 Hou Emerency S rvice witi ticm, Mrs. Normman Ciartered Accountants Fallowing an illness a! anc aL 0 0 ct o m in il U VLeach, Bowmanville, andmi. 323 King Street West monti, tie dembi af Henry nhos. Flstt o! Columbus. Oshawa, Ontario Hill ya. cumda AUTOMATIC d The boa table was cenbcd725-6451 - 728-7554 TyronedaocsudFbc re a o t S V NG 'y ATM TCDELIVERY b~ a lov:ly thre;-ticred wed. Wlim.D ebC.A.22, 1967. H. was i hi s 84th L I C N S E S R V I E M N s st r, is Pe ni ea i, d h irt-Son o! timbitsJ hnPiearly e e p e den dg o ceohdnh sofo bth ein try n g to athJtohnianHw hell attracbively deorated by Mrs. C r p r a c an d Rosaind Peterbaugh, h 6yas80tei.eedn rcrhd i rbesi r BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN Ernest Hackmdmy. was born at Bond Head, Sire- came to buying power. Those _pouring test wee G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. coe County, in an hotel whee PARTS INSURANCE PLAN M-s JhF.1% , London, Mmi. Ciropnact--- 4-s-paent wr e o iilidy Hwe . tt.ttieIG asfrmdinCnaa.omied he.str-nrswrete Yveyne eiiowiesaof Kendal, for -the Quoen's spent a !ew days hast week DONALD A. MaeGLEýGOIR Own Rifles. wlt M. d Mi.Rapi Lite, Aube, Hofmo Mn. il deligited la placing MGM Lrmmon and family, Black. Insuranso ils homc-grown fiowers, fruit Nw stock. a KimgSt. W., n aunvîilcand vogebables ia bis homes Miss Helen Deciient and Mr. Phion 23-5902 a! shut-in friends, and wîs ai- CANADAinU. 1I RAIE pl.!..aa , awehr, Trno ays wllling ta beach a ielping RAS M!'1UIbiIILIIC 4f jT Doglsd:hiMr nTortoLand Survying aayoel ae.AYW OK SJAMwqa y89 u A wi% n.andland___________inAIDF!" MAT IEE SATURDAY AT 2 P.M. Mr. Md Mn.. Bryce Brown, MERIILL D. BIROWN o! Bowmmanville, & daugi AS e3 410D'LII Oshawa, were Saburdmy evon. F.ENG.. O.L.S. MUrYe. rnoyoas avid k.4 9C1cK541000 Sunday t. WWnesd&Y, March 19 - 22 m.11Quesa St. - Bawmanville gdJhnlaid, A kosuvin - T MIX TmBaker. Bus. and Roi. Telepiono ndinie c - two sr van $ OU 4 PAK 0159 0» CM It hwa :0M.adMs reMc.6375n. aetosses n n WUMUHPK'-8c CAFORNIA 5.1151 NAVE O n. o m p et. Sho w at :30Cu m d MColm bus, vhGeor e M -62 - 2 1brother, Eva H ill, X Un iCher - C A K E M IX E s 4 M P IN SI PE f eC ou n n . b u l a t d y a n d J h n H Ui , a u l o ! P o r t G L U W iF A M L Y 5 1 "Spy with My Face"fd Mi. ougasM o r tg ags crei. 1srie a cdTOOTIPASTE n' $ Sm9W M.Melville Griffin, Black. E ATheON- ioo frones caerv!icNo was Mh0eN'I 190bet Vaug9hât David McCaIIuznstock, viulbed with Mr. NU BAbUPhono - oas-us cb mb Feml ho WOtten aMd !amlly.Phn9U51 ut&SihunrlHm, IEE$LCSO A G S " Mr. and Mm, Grant Down FIitM Ortgmge nda Bowm ville, an Saburday, and àt M or Wa~~~<ic Busines Properties ductod by 1ev. David Narthey md fm»ySunemlmd Mm h5d01105 - Fasfbmavrt y 2t, "inthewas on Mn OfRnt V4ted p 1 mDe r y don", s ung by Elva Kin Ail C lai, - Ad it E W eie.~ me, WlUMMm. ss. oha mi. T em nP omr3r entombment ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Mi. MNon ani Mm EN IE . D LET !, .D. W» s la b Ln t A Vau% Orono, Coiisi thr.dy i adyo, Marcl, 2U *R U,143 :Cam l'a= ati burd l ln he ain.m OO LI E w.~ ~ cfD0W0ea' ;,a . nd OMOSAnU.iUs bhe ovely floral ViBe, ak d Jt wun Tlpuetribubus, evidenceofa!tis es- O ILIAPOREO ~< ~ f t j i Vile, VIuêod vsbntly ibh M.Tlue Thum .- FnL la whli c dc se D NtheIG N f wmvM a&ý- b »». W«abeld, Werc thouds rn ~~~2.ÙI4 ~~~~~~Tymape Chrch, andtheii Royal____________________________________ M bow t#cua LAdlMnJel <n

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