Social e£ersoni Phone 623-33 lir. P"rc Mutton bau ne- Ménrd from an eujoyable visit lethbaemson Donald ad his a2mmily et Hawkesbumy. Mr. sud Mra. George A. Brown, Liberty St. North, apgnt Suuday wlth Mn.. R. J. Clbnke of Peterborough. Robort V. Skeltou. Montremi, a cousin of lins. Glonholme Hughes, viulteai Councillar and Mmr. Hughes bore aven théi weékend. Mrs. A. Kershmw et Scar- borough bas been a gueit of hem sisten, lins. W. A. Edgem, Wellington St., and misa visit- ed anothen silter, Mns. W. J. Bagneîl, King St. West. Mr. and Mmi. James Baird, Dianne, Patricia and James cf Peterborough weme week- end visitons with Mmm. Baimd's ruother, Mri. A. C. Burgess and Wayne, Ochadview Blvd. 1 Miss Tina Hughes, wbo speutj a few days visiting hon piments, 1 ST. PAUL'S UNITED Minuster: 1ev. M. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Ortanlat: Mr. R. Metcaff, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. SUNDAY, MARCH 19 9:45 arn. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORS RIP Sacrament cf the Lord'a Supper GOOD FRIDAY 7:00 p.rn. Joint service wlth Trinlty and St. Paul'. congregationa. !Coimellor eud Mrs. 01 tHughes, roturned on i 3te Peterborough wher a student et St. Séhool cf Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. ?. L. sons Bill and Dennià koughnet, visited lait v with their daughter ar ily, Mr. and Mro.1 Richards, Llida and tOdeli Street. Mns. Arthur Stephi returned home from wlth her son and daug] 1mw, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens amd family Angeles, Calif., for t! two and a hait months. David Kerr, Neil Me and Michael Leddy 1 Monday for Gander, where they will boardi on Thursdmy (tomnorro, Scotland. From Scotiar plan to continue on a1 the Continent. Our thanks te thosi have been k:nd énough1 or 'phone in items f4 column, thus makînI column more intereoti REHOBOTH Mitian Rfornr Church SegtStreet Rev. A. VandenBer, B.A.. B.D., M.Th. Worship' Service 10 ar.. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 m.m. Sunday Se' Back To God Hoi .CKLB Every Sunday, 9:151 "Ever jone Weloorn. ai lenholme, Joseph's à, Van- eéend 1 rett, na basc lité r-i%- James of Los ho pastt eGregort lOt on1 Nf id.,c a 'plane1 W) for1 nd they tour cf ie whoC ta sendb or thisC kg the e ýng for I i ied< hg M., ar . to br ha hool ci soi ýur Tt ha P.rn. ci we j w N I ~1 Noon: "Coffee RHer f. E I I I 1:00 - 3:30 Ail Young People Wolcome Mr. Okoth, Slides, Tahk, QUestions, Singing Theme: "Why I amn a Chiustian"p 7:00 P.m. - Evensong - Mr. Okoth 811des and Informai talk on Renewal, Prayor and Wltnesi BOLY WEEK SERVICES: Monday, 8:00 p.m. Wednosday 10:00 arn. and 8:30 p.rn. Mauudy Thuraday 8:00 p.m. Thse Institution et Thse Lord'@ Supper Good Frldar Noon te 3:00 p. Bauter Day, 8:00, 9:0q, 11:00 amu., 3.00, 7:00 P.M. The Salvation Army Division Street Bowrnanvîlll. 83rd Anniversary Week-m End Satu rdoy - Speme Scarbor.ugh (itadel Sand "CENTENNIAL PROGRAM"y TOWN HALL For tickets pho» l03.371 Sunday - il arn. -m 7 p.m. SALVATION ARMY HALL ST ANDrSW$ PggrMSY~AN CHURCH Majoor Arcie MacCorquodale #u,* Sevatian Amvs% H..u. et CmSw rsr. W. hep. . continue to do no mr" others vill -- bertc tact us. Dial 3-U30.. For ppstenlty we shosi cmmd bore that for the few d"te weather l very bélmy. -Oldttéru h saying, "An tarly £asi eanly Spring". W. car hope thia in trua. We h1* enough cruil vindé low peraturhs and mew. lins. Bina AndIoin, lngton St., siéut a tes lait week w:th her tire ln-law and bis wîfe, Mr lira, W. Gordon Anal Befléville. While lu Belli Mr$. Anderson attended réception h onoôr in g Frances Mornon, Grand of OntAnao Grand Chapi lira. lana Anderson, P. Ondér of the Hastern mtténded thé réceptibun61 triafla 10, 11 and 109bha the Royal York Hotél, Toi ou Tuesdmy of lait wed] thé Wcmthy Grand Md lira. Heiéu Maniton af croft, and ira. Ban lMcKe Wamthy Grand Patron, Hope. lias Mary Jan@. Oke Victor Irving, Junior Figure Skatinig Champli Canada, weré leatured Ir North ork CentennialA Camnival, Toronto, on r eveniug, Satuda mter aud evening. Thy iii thme pefrancesagtin con-ing weekeud in thé 0 Skating Camnival. Rifleman Paul Brown Calgary, Alta., has been% ing bis sister and brothe: aw, Mrn. d ira. A: Braun, and hi. brothers istons-in-law, Mn. sud Percy Brown and Mr. Mts. Justin Brown. Ho hpre on Mondmy for Trel and will louve shortiy fI tur of duty witb the Que )wn Rifles lu Cyprus. Signi of Spning ame bus ut mll over. Lait Friday s wid pusîywillows meught into the office.7 id bedn picked the proî: Sunclay, March 5th, byMÀ >nville Therteli, 8-year on of Mr. and ira. Clan rherteli cf Kendal. Wei id a 'phono cmli lait Fri rm lira.Douglas Higgii ïmmpton intonmiug us1 ,ocusea weme lu blcomi iu mnrden, aud that tulip $P] eme well eut of the eanth WESLEY VILLE fOn Wednesday aftern. March Sth, 14 ladies cf U.C.W. met nt thé church the mônthly meeting. Président, Mrs. J. Groonsi opened the meetini with pz er and conducted thé busir section. Quiht blocks were celved ini answer te roll and taken to Mns. Arr Austin who la not yet able attend meetings. A commil of Mns. George Tuffordà Mrs. Groeneveld was appoi ed te meet with similar cc rmlttees from the other chu: appointments, to.discusp chasing of church Bib; Bible study on the Church m the World was presented thé, fwrm of -queutions on1 two chaptens read. for hor work, which concerned1 growth cf the creeds and1 Christian Church as It .tc lits form In différent cot tries. The offening was. céived by Mesdames H. Da, and P. Snell and dedlcated Mns. Groeneveld. A prgramme for Pasi Week was presented, miaki use cf coloured lidea. Foi:e inig the singing cf the fi hynn, Mns. GecTufford re an account of the lufe Leonando Dm Vinci and description of his paintin the Lait Supper, -duringwhnt a ilidè cf thîs picture wasi the icreen. Mns. Harold Ali tin read a poeen entitled, l'Tl Lait Supper". This was fi lowed by a dialogue as might have been spoken the supper, w:th the shîde bi Jing changed to Brown's pictu: cf Josus washing the diciple feet, at this point in the di; logue. The account cf th artiat's life and descriptionq thepre waa reed by Mr E. Branrrowcleugh. A pictui of modern Gethsemane talcu ini 1904 by Canoit Nalnbyf Port Hope was loaned by hin and shown whule Mrs. G. Tu: ford muid its description.. duet, "The Beaùtiful Gardé cf Prayer"' waa sung by Mr P. Snell and Mm.. K. Dinneý The icripture from Matthe, descibing the agony in th -garden was read by Mns. iF Auttin. A picture of thi iscone,painted by Hotimai was dsplay.d ad the on]l available gilde, ane by Sai man, was on the icreen. Ai account cf Hoftman and hi painting was rend by Mrs. I Barrowelough, also a poeni "The Olive Tree Speaks". Thi mnusie cf Sweet Hour cf Pray er was PlaYed by Mns. Reeve followed by a benediction b. lir. J. Greeneveld. lirs Clarence Nichols .and Mmi Goeneveld mise ussisted wit], the dialogue. The Buit familles ware ir BoflevIlle on Wednes&a mter. noon ater receivng Word, o dti death of Mirs&George Hicks, aliter Mary Of the late Mir- R, Boit, on Tuesdaymter. noon. Tboy attmnded the fun. oral held ori Thwogday ater. nOOn. Mrâ. Hiekswau boru In Port Britain and lived mont ci bar lite thoN uùtil bor marriage. Quiterf 1movod to Port Hove lait weok whore they cern. 1ewda qui tat -the home of pècJ1Snon IHope st. Cnrtullaana to ]Robert Dimer who wc socond M«jle In bls vomCam"s at Pt. borouqh Mugie FestiVaon Chrc srice waà at Wel- croon S avk monmlng, wlth Swauy chool bore aftorwardo Oftérlng wms re- celvod. bY. BarrY,.Bout amd Neil Groeueveld, the conclud., ing,-hymi played. by Marge &anAz4 tho. 0,o , g yer by th-te =marycun a nd beachr 11010Lao Mr. and IM. Carrolll Mci.. 0 IorI., oe Suaday wI, d tblt to Con- uid ri- tr, an rtainly v. had r dàys rother- r. and lerson, léville, d the mmL Adah Oêr. St4r, kt Dis- eld at )ronto, * for ltron, Bin- Séèver, Port eand Paire nu of ln the Arena Frlday 1give n this Drilliu vit This Saturday and Sunday, citizens of Bowman- on Sunday. This group of musiciansi hog5,0 er-ins saog5,0 rden ville are due for a great musical treat. The galvation Salvation Armyvoluilteer bandsmen and women an Arxny's Scar1orough Citadel Band will be giving per. throughout the world. The leader is Dr. Win. Lorhmer, Mn.. formnances in the Town Hall on Saturday evening and a medical practitioner in We1lesley Hospital. For. and in the local Salvation Army citadel for two services further details -ee the advertisement on page 7. or a OurKU N I s.y rs.David Nom- lr Y RN E tlk ad «showed sorne slides mting on "Upper Canada Village," scme Couples Club wiil meet at Mns. Wesley Wer and tam- young telîows jumpod out of where she was hostess durng Y holidays.- Miss Graco Smith wene Salem Sunday Schooi this lly, Solinà, on the sudden bed 80 vigoroushy and so early and Mmi. Edith Murphy gave rhéy Saturday evening when Mr. passing ot ber husband and on a Satumday niornimg, as an atrdviol. re- vious Albert Rundie will be guest tather. A numben from here they did Mai-ch i lth? ThedesteMs rdinoPI-o mter speaker, speaking on "Land- visited the Morris Funeral lure was a bus trip te the prde i.Ar te bnsins r-old scmping in gencral'l ulong Chupel and atteflded the funl. SPOrtsmen's Show ln Toronto, M ns. Rbr abr eot enc wth iles.orl.Accompanied by sevemal mon, ed on the Contonnial project, misa Sympathy la extended te Mr. Harold Gaskin, Dawson a bus load cf Tymos and Sig-.ic st eeaeteSn lday Settiement, was overnight ma C's from Hampton, 11 hy-dyich o cre a Snd uk is c fi1 *,,guest of hie sister and bro- don and Tyrone hud aý~en- three mor U om. taf Hockethylnlwli. rs dnuldy oking and "Col- discussion followed concern- ihr George Alldnead. lecting data" ofln any aspectsinaCetnilspe.Sc PiIL L Mri. Pency McCoy spent the et sports, lna tenwih Mpr. Sc C. elebrate weekend with her daughtem, Mns. Lloyd Skinner was Richards, Mns. Edith Murphy Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, Ton- hostess for the Manchi meeting and Miss Gruce Smithj arving ~ r~I ~ .o nte, and visited several old of United Church Women, lunch. i0t vr Birtnoay time neighbors and triendi. when areund 31 ladies were The Junior Choir was In ýOonMr. and Mrs. Verdun Thj.. present. We weme pleased to full attendance at the Sundîy the Hockey Mothers met ut the bault and family, Oshawa, have lins. R. Cooxubes, Mr.mi. ninng service, slln g i ng fer Lions Centre with feurteen wene.Sunday supper guests of W. Park Sr. and Mrm. H. "Rock cf Ages", with Mri.1 Thé present. Pros. Anna wélcomed Mm. and Mrs. C. Clark; altem- Skinner of Bowmanville -as John Vaneyk as organist. veld evenyone, rail was answemed, noon guests wene lMr. Imwin ray- tneasumer's report was given Miller and childmen, Hampton. cois and minutes ef luit meeting Mmi. Leon Moore accomn- ne- wene read. panied Mr. aud Mmi. A. E. cail Mury Cawken brought lu a Moffutt and Mmi. V. E. Mill- nohd report on the cnests. It was son, Bowmanvilie, te attend ete decided te purchase 540 and the funemal of their cousin, ttee every boy in, Miner hockey Mmi. H. Bland, Peterborough, and Wilho. given a croit from mise visited relatives at Mount dnt- Hockey Mothens. For this Plesunt. lîst week. om- year only wo will have a cen- Mns. Edua Philp, Mmi. Joan t mceli tenniai motif in. the buck- Abrumsansd Mns. Leon Moore M um- ground,. visited Mmi. Aninie Hatherly les. lins. Ede Rundle wms. a at the home et hon son and and guesttat this meeting; she wms daughter-in-lawi Mr. an d in the finît President of Hockey lmraHrry Hatherly, 266 Beta the otr ganized 10 years S ,Teato 44eek. - t me- ae,Foeb. 26, 1957. Mri. Run- Sorry te heur you feU sand In- tsdl g ave a veny lutenesting jured yeur ahoulder, alsa ho- teseh on how they got stamt- lated boit wishes on yeur ook cd and how thoy aised money blthdmy, Febnuury 25. un- te hel the boys' tourna in Congratulations and best re- Little N.H.L. She aloe passed wlshes te Mn. Thomas Gibbs rke arcund sanie photos that were on bis Blst blnthduy, Murch 13. by taken when they tinst hud a Mn.. L. Goodmnan, Bownian- team to dress up in Little ville, wus Sunday guest cf ion N.H.L. Mr. and Mmi. L. Skinner and ng Demie Simpson thanked lins. famlly. )w- Rundle for ccming out and Mmi. Gardon Van Camp, irst presentcd ber with a eit in Bowmnvillo, Mn. Ivan Ste- ad appreciation. phons, Toronto, were Sturday cf Bithdiy cake wms cut and guests cf Mr. and Mns. R. SLA I a senved with tea by Emihy Gibbs. ot Livingstone, Mary Cawken Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frun- ch and Donce Simpson. cis and Dennis, Bowmîuviiie, on Wo will bcld aur ncxt meet- weme supper guests Suuduy of us- Iug March 14, instead et the Mr. and Mms. A. Knowlton. 'h fouth Tuesday se that we can Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, bl- got oun tickets in ton the draw Mm. and Mrs. Walter Park, it an Minor Hockey Day, lunch Mm. aud lirs. Ralph Bowers ut 18th. and Ian weme Sunduy dinner F A H U B e- Methens pmsnting crests guests et Mm. sud Mri. George A io G re ou thît day are as follows: Bowers, Nestieton. AG rA I es' Tyko-Helen Sheehun, Midi- Mm. and lira. Frank Wilson 12,,Sugg. Iist 1.80,..................J 3 la- laine Willoughby-, A torni-and Hector, Mir. and Mmi. Ev- àis Mary Chisholm, Helen Shes- erett Wilson -and fumlly, tvir. cf han; Pee Wee A-Mari Piper, and Mri. Rois Wilson and M2 or M2B.4 rs. Mamg Tabb; Pee Wee B-Bet- family, Oshawa, were Sutun-Is.19 ie y Fosey, Mari Piper; Ban- duy evening gueits et Mrn d... Sgg it .2.......................... en tami-Demie Simpson, Donnie Mns. J. Wilson and Allun. a4 Of Cowle; Midget Juvenle- CpI. and Mmi. George Hodg. M, MainuTumblyn, Joan Rice. kinson, Picton, were Sunduy if- Rita Junkin moved the gueits etflMr. and Mmi. J A meeting adjourn, aeconded by Woodley and tamily. n Helen Sheehn. Mr. and Mmi. Robert Thîes- M. ~~~~bunger, Montreal, Miss ara- ofît 1 gamet Thisugr omante, THE SANITARY NAPKIN W r nweme Sunduy guests ofet KnwI..uiUI parents, Mm. and Mmi. W. ~ ri ete uimu.unumug.AS, 48s -Sugg. ly rO l c5X emptvilîe, pnth wek 1_end ut bis hom~e. tewesis189 1 1 Ih rt Mr. and Mmi. Arthur Young- o7 ,P min, Jim, Roy and Betty uit- E, ~~~~tended the Sle edn n, 75 Liberty St. 8. Anniversumy of hem sister, Mr. Phone 623-5100 and Mri., Douglas Flett, 'So-S LIMM iN T le Pastor: 1ev A. Kudra, 13.Th.. uni, Sturdîy night. eSory hear Alan Young.- E MN T 'y iissionary man bas pneueim ua t CHE ING GUM REDUCING PLAN ' a Quee' University, Kingston. 3 Convention We hope you'll sean ho bet- Eat 3 meus a daY..los. pounds, inches c S Thursday - 7:30 p.rn Congratulations snd boit 36% - Sugg o nRev. and hir. C. Bombay wishes te Mr. Oliver Beckett, g ~1 0 See colorul slirs brthie Plat birthday, March e6>li e Friday - 7:30 p.rn. ins. Theo Down, lma. Cie- - land Robb, Lakefield, spent - ev. W. Cornelius luit Fidmy with lins. R. -Field secretary of Virtue. East A.ù1ca Sinr R. Sot and Mri. L. S O T E Sinrattended a bltbdmy S O T E tfilm - The Kenya Story party tonrlins. L. Goodman on r udySorvices Satumday at the home o er onFci l Tissues Sunaybrother, Mn. and Mrs. Harold KANKIE PACK Sunday School at Skinner. Cougratulations Mmi. 9:55 a.rn. Goodman frein mil your TY. bxe ouYfienda _on .you - 4% d Scariborough -Citade[-Band .Coming Hem -This Weekencl Th aaIn ttmn Ew arýMu.1~ N TO ATEN HOSP DiblK I1IUIAT TRINITY UNITED CIIURCII Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.Iý PALM SUNDAY, MARC!! l9th, 1967 11:00 ar. Reception cf new members and Sacrament cf the Lord's Supper Meditation: "'FULFILLING VOUR VOWS 0F MEMBERSHIP"" 7:00 p.m. Sacramnent of the Lord's- Suppeer Meditation: ""REIGNING IN LIFE BY CHRISTI## ST. JOHN'S CHURCI' Anglican Iodeor: Rev. K. J. Frampton, M.A., .TIs. PALM SUNDAY 9:00 arn. - HoIy Communion 11:00 a.m. - Family Service Presontation cf Palm Crosses PREACHER: REV. YONA OKOT!! of Uganda distrct offce for l>rOçÇ g "We arefindig aJ6 mambor of Tii tiacorrgct, iBi Mr. Garland. "9W. silrnply av no cholce but te aead bîck te employens &M iC'i thern te e-check thoir Sodf An employer RSn apd la" by tehlowmg the jlemctaq in bis Emphoyem's TuxaGl e.' Uft là partAJlanlY impetaat0 9for employer, tor exmnipo, t record thelr employeea' 8oçw insurance Numbes, orcl This a the key ltoOzue~ under the Canada Pendslope*> Plan."' Ho urges employons te rqd thein '<Employeres Tai x d' ain and If thoy are an i need et holp, to write or t1. phono thein distric md tp. loffice. IALLY INVIT-ED 40 THE INIAL à YOU ARE CORDi 4m 1 1