jPORToPIcs >.4 " t *» to th"e tu Ibis c»lunin, we have extofled the .,Vtues Of badlntcm a a sport - but unfortutely wlthout --*Il mucil kucces . At le nst we havent~ been able ta stir Up __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..uch Interest. A.t let m tel! you somnethlng. If you reaily would Ilke '*pa"th gm t ts es -wih U Meen'sad kilRolci Second Cnadian Tire Bonpe 4 competing ta Toronto next week. You might cal! -th Im blggest event cfi fs kind in badminton history!Ia *Some 15 woutries are sendlng their best players ta h CaainCentenàll Badminton Tournament froin March ~ 2d ta 25th et Toronto'. Carleton Club.BolnNe Among the nationS represented will be New Zealand, BwlgNw 110ofand, Sweden, Jamaica, South Africa, Mexico, Scotland, Osborne and Tighe-were the ' Norway,JaaUld States and Canada. only bowlers ta 'better the 800 mark this week. AI Os. S Play begins Official!y at il o'clock Wednesday rnornlng, borne had games of 317-259. listing tbrough until 11 that evening, except for a bni 229 for 805. Murray Tlghe was ":break between tbree and four o'clock. Action continuez during four Pins off the pace with 'te" ehsT sdY n ri e ocokpia.n games of 210-322-269 for 801. e' ic ain ho ri hun day md fron t n oclo k Fida mc- Ten bowlers made the 700 àUIn until fiv". Semi-finals Wil get underway at eight Friday plateau. Howard Bromeil had Sevening. 798 and the high single gaine The Centennial ChlnShip finals wiil be played, Sat- 0f 325. Larry Piper had 796 .>. rdYay ternoon at 2 pin This tournainent will bring the (313), Maurice Annaert 751 1 (267), Sports Editor 734 (278). largest aMaY Of talent ever assembled in Canada. Fortunately This is the first tinie in montht it 10 ta be held In this area. We recommend taklng in the that Mohun has uhown any I tOUmney and If you have neyer seen top calibre badminton Promise. Dr. H. B. Rundie PhJe - OU WR b amaedl732 (250), Bd Leslie 714 (278), ~layd - ou wll h amaed!Russ 0k. 704 (237), Bian t t tj. j. tj t.MartYn 703 (249) Bob Rich. S1AL -J4AIT ards 702 (257), *lton Brock ~ SOFBALL-- .J. VAIETY700 (263). $ You know -" gummer Isn't realy that far away - and Harold Michelson had a .' si lust ta prove t - bOyw ould you like to play softbail? single game of 300. Fred * XèN, flot rIght now,. but If youplayed in the Jr. TonLau hoinon 277, John Carter 270, ' . *~lait Yeur Or would Me .to Play this season, get your names TdB~U28 a i l n a s q u l c k l y a s p o e s l b î e . ~M oD r l cy T h o m p s o n 2 6 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact any of the following- president Don Blshop, Jack Lander won aUIln1w......... se Ord Wallace, Frank Britton or Jini Clarke. honora with a single game of *4'492 and'atriple of 440. t tj j. t t. j The Mutton & Gould teain "COMMEECIL, TOWN ILGE. and JR. TOWN LGE. hld the high single gaine of It WIl b. second place Olympia Restaurant meeting tag. 1,275 while Ken's Men's Wear i nd CMyta Dalry for thec Town League Hockey champion. walked off with high triple, 3396. 19 bMp, with the finit gaine ta the best of five final scheduled TePpiClaby ti .sfor ciglit oclock, Thnnsday nlght at the Memorial Arena. have a 2-point cdge over Ken'ls Both finallats came up wlth two straight wins, ater Men's Wear. Pepsi has 20 '~dropping the. flrst gaine. Last week It .was Olympla over Points, Ken's 18. liMcNulty's Sports 3-1 and Crystal defeating Robson Motors AI Osborne tops the aven. 147-5ta take Uic besf of three semli.nals. ages at 248 for 30 games. Arenla manager ROY Neads clainis that CommercialHoad ro l mvdio tLeagu rsdn rddBc' second spot at 245. Last week's guepreidet Fed Buc" Cwle should help the N.H.L. runner-up, Bob L a w tao n, ~:expansion ta balance their teas. He may have a point too. dnopped to third Place with .A Lter thre. cf the six sernl-final contests were tied, the play- 243. a4~es conttaued on iglif wheme they left off intheli openlng The Men's Major League ex. tnds congratuain oCn gain cf he inal. hie Bradley and Shalene Cain Mutton & Gould Sheil battled froin behlnd - three on winning the girls' senior tiUres ta, eanni a 4-4 deadlock with Walter Frank Real Estate, doubles championship of on- SIni thc first cf a best of five final series. Next game goes tanto on Sunday at Plantatin 13 unday mornlng ef ten o'clock. Bowl in Toronto.Maati offthc hat o a member cf An pse h u t c m kin ta Uic Jun or own Lea ue ur league, Harold Bennett, bet f 'Ive final seriez. Nichais' Matons trounced flrst place for doing sucli a fine job of SKent's Men's Wear 6-0 last week to take a commandlng 2-0 coaching. The amount of Sbulge ta Uic champioSlpairp turne that Harold Bennett has 4. ThIrd galne wl!! ha played Sunday night at 7:30. spent with the young boys t t t tand girls of aur town in teacli- j. j. j. j j. ng the fine points of bowling ,. O . A. PLAYOEFS is really paying off. Bowmanviflc?g nIrÀgýet ad bgntam teains continue their ltir Week Sund Ichedule for OnUar I0ÇefVs thls we.ek, wlth Uic mldgets ?* ctually having 1p)a&»d' thefrÊrst am In e1ii »d, ~ Aeaes TUMUdy niht A report appears'elsewhcre Intheli Statesman. Naine Gaine. Ave. e' SScnd gaine In the best cf threc seriez g0eez Saturday AI Osborne 30 248 g pigt at the Memonlai Arena in ]BOwmanville, gamne ie Howard Bromell - 3o 245 .~seven o'c1oêk. Aftfthe fime thus Was betag Writtcn ît ati Bob Lawtoni _ 30 243 ,à kown wheére or'when a third contcst would take place If Dr Hy Tighe - 30 232 si*eeded. .Lmy Pipe -__30l 232 The bantam s*il meet Georgetown ita a besf of three Ed. Leslie 30 231 i uores, which also gaf underway Tuesday nigt. The return Maurice Annaert - 30 230 There were some good games and Wonderful- prizes *for the winners during of Stet w b hee o Sturay igh. tarin 5 Enie Perfect 30 230 the second annual Canadian Tire sponsored bonspiel at Bowmanville Golf& 41 t 9l b e.o atna ilisatn at :30. If Don Oke -____3o0 226 Curling Club on March 4th. At top are the winners Of he first draw; at rear, a deciding third gaMe t, mequired if wifl either be played Ted Bagnell 3o 223 from lef t to right, BbFseSi alKwladsosrSe caih e muday Ia'Georgeown or Wednezday night in Bawmanville. Si Trewin ___ 30 219 2%,ret dalci réit oe'tothse in tw tamsWhBrian Martyn 30 216 seated, Audrey Cummnins and Shirley Robson. Botfomn, Mr. MeTavish is congratu.. 00gD af d ea fcei oat themeý InteOarose fintals teü amaWhc A S -a 30 215 laing Skip AI Rundle and his rink, including Ken Rundle, Mrs. AI Rnde and w -flndn therniel es ta Uic ut o e i-fi al . ou r c c ou t D n B ge).3 215 Id a G o d d ard . S eco n d p lace in i th e first d raw w en t to S tu J a m e s' rin k a n d th ird S on u lyr ligterbibt wt ogircmpeti- George Glanville - 30 214 to Boyd Ayre's rink. Charlie Bickle's ta9c m e o di h e o d da n t4e' 9ncmn p lt'S always casier ta give a littie extra whcn Russ Oke -____3o 214s encaescodithscndrwad .4, ou have support. Russ Hately 2 1 Jack Gays rink was third. A delicous dinner as served by The Acres Restaurant. Le' d Uc bys n t vitor. ~George Bebee ___3( 213 »0 eVàal ge ou ad cee th bos n t îvctryItMatt Harrison __ 3 213 Town e g Pa of 04 Would b. nice fa se. a8 gond crowd at the Memonial Arena Nomin I Hnning - 30 213 Lau Mn SaturdaY ailght fthe Uicplayoff dauble-headen. Ruas Hailman 30 212 The h t eam h avenfive, which i f ca ld &_ ulta Onta nlo Bob Kent on8 -208 p ~C±ut sn~ ol Hank" Lanepckn upfi Gol I ~1 5keeper Harvey 4"Slip" Row-e otherin upth DOW M N IL E an erouf in a desperation Inove at Bill C ossey had a hat-trck s, BEC REA TI0 1N D EPA R T M EN T Hardware -'15 15t5en , U t I wa 't fec ta l d lo i g R s ns, i - NDykstra's - x 11 115 1 4- the .e d ut l , as ' gfc le ad g o ngte am T a p n Jury & Lve!! 1317 13 ~In te nightcap, a pair n er lc .muDDY Selby GrantofadTryBak hMINO HCKE DH eating 13 17 13 Souroy Mrc lth Variety -10%k 19% 10% M.Muxed Major Leaamue 10 a.M. - TYKE FINAL 10:15 8-M. - ATOM FINAL MI:5Sarn8-M MIDGET FINAL 12.:30 »Lm PEE WEE MINOR 145 pmt - PEE WEE FINAL 3:'15 P.M. BANTAM FINAL -ADMISSION - AluNs Uc Cbil*m 12 Yemn and under - 25é Mamen0f lemetlon Hfockey Lee Admitted Fiee PUBLIC SKATING "- SMN, mARCil l9th 2 te 4 PM TTn WG O, itH2et* n 3e for aul Town League by John Stalaton SelFna' Flayoffe February 28, 1987- W1iyte's 30 - Coronation 14 Siephen's 37 - Roopees 30 March 7, 187- te'a, 42 - Coronation 27 Stephen's 51 Hooper'. 29 Twe-Gam. Total Pointe Whyte's 72 Coronation 41 Stephens 88 - Hoper's 50 Stepben's and Whyte's wiUl ay off la 4 2 omt of 3 finals, gae fnt teon Marcb 14. The w83' 5=etwo teana are lalgrlght now, it should L a close wide-open serlas with breaks decldinÉ tb* âfnal oeMI4 BANNE9I PASSANT 623-3M5 120 Duke St., Bewm"ehm * Ufe Insurance *Income Disabiljty *pension plans *Group Insurane *Business Insurance *Eutate Planning Sun L!4p Amsrance Company of Canada Mardi 6/67 Monday niglit was anothen niglif for '700 triples and only two lenioni. Pete Dcbbins headed thec lut wlth 757 (253- 230-274), Shirley Bickell with 756 (359), Day. Reynolds 753 (242-261_250),, Jini Webb 719 (290-261),' Ernie Perfect 717 (224-281-212>, Rosi Wright1 700 (200-209-291). Shirley. Bicke!! had higl instgle witi 359. Jean Holroyd had a nice1 348 thigle. -j ZOO Averages B. Buday24 D. Reynolds 244 E. Perfect _______242 IL Ballantine 231 D. Joli ______ '__225 F. Hmlii25 M. Annaenf ',_ 220 A. Saman _______2198 P. Dobbins 216 S. Bicke!!_______213 J. Carter _______213' R. HaHinianý 212 R, Wright 207 D- Wright 205 G. Bebee ______203 J. Murphy ý204 R. Mayard 204 F. Th on n_____203 L. Annaert ______201 TassaStading Buday 21 Jo!! '18 But tonsaw ______17 Annaert ________ 15 Colwell _______ 15 Pafield ________ 14 Bicke!! __________ 13 Emynes 10 Cool. 9 Sutcliffe _______8 Dunn 7 Higi single' S. ,Biche!!_______ 359 Euh rTriple P. Dobbta ______ 5 Nul aerm. »ÀUu - . - m Sm»ý St Josephs Mixeci Bowling League Miitg efafdUdendogu, Heaýdplns beat Go-Getters and Stnikers oven fheIc p.j pointe --Vadp, o. 2 3 1 3R M ' ' ' , Misfits- No. NO ERM3ATIRAVELLERS Go-Geîtrs, «o 4 - 26 Unfortunately nobody ta Bcwmanvllle came througli Underdogs, Na. 6 -. 9 wlth Uic trip te Bermuda ta tie final bowl-off at Peterbor. Ladies' Higli Single, Doro. o g ,S n a .Tee-y w nn r w s S m p t r f p t r thy Passant (254); Men's HigliogSna.TelcywnnrwsSi eesc ee. Single, Albert Samau (361); borough i wth a score (includlng handicap> of 863. Ladies' Higli Triple, Isobel Jack McNulty, Uic popular proprictor of McNulty's Sports, Garvin (651) ; Mcii', Higli led thc local contingent with a 778 fotal. Other Bawman. Triple, Albert Saman (868)- ville bowlers who reached flic final round, bowled thus way -Lew Welsh, 770; Roly Coombes, 759; Jack Parker, 758; cnr B.wlin Brock, 756; Mary Anne Richards, 756; Gary Woolner, VI ow iis 74; KenciiWseman, 750; Bob Richards, 748; Don Jensen, 735; Gond Wllcox, 726; Hazel Donaghue, 725; Jini Bruton, 704; March lOtir, 1967 Tom Pleasance, 694; Lew Wiseman, 686; "Mcc" Richards, This week saw George Mar- 645; Frank Westlakc, 842; Ron McLean, 634; Virginia Osmond, shall clobber Jini McKnlght 631; AI Lobb, 627; Marlon Wisemîan, 621; Doris JolI, 809,0 7-0 and fie with Gien Prout Cecil Mills, 575; Laura Hazelden, 572; Clarence Carswell, 560 ad Jack Bond for finit place. an d B u e M c o ad 53 .A s or si l d h n cp . Betty Weztlake made a dlean dBueMcoad 3.A crsicuehnias sweep over Ray Westlake Two cf aur fine bcwlers - BIUl Wesflake and Ron Mayq with a 7-0 also. Glen Prout nard were unable to make the ttp, due ta lnes. downed Ron Brock 5-2 and Dot Bond downed Jack Bond D. MeReelis -_____ 13 N. Woodcock ____ 153 5-2 too. Harmy Snowden edged B. Bua 173IR._____ n153 past Jack Macnab with a %>y Woodward 173 . Ondn 153 cloe -3 K K ng167 T. A!!dread - - -__ __ 153 Ladies' Higli Triple went L. Woodcock _ 166 Ruby Woodward15 te Amy Miller with 642; D. N: Zondervan *. 166 E. Prout- 146 McReeis came up with a 594 B. MeReelis . 165 V. Luke 145 and R. Nolan followcd wlfh S. Milley 165_C._chwarz145 a 8.P ua164 N. King- 140 Ladies' High Single went ta F: Allen_______ 163 H. Ovende-n_____ 137 R. Nolan with 249; D. Mc- L. Veina 161 M. Archer 135 Reeis rollèd a 244 and Shur- F. Snowdcn ... 160 M. Tippins 134 ley Brock followed wufh a 241. F. Tippins 160 F. Potten 134 Mcn's Higli Triple went to E. Luke 158 S. McLean 118 Bruce Miller witli 708; Ev. B. Griffin 158 Marion Alldmead 117 King camne close behind with G. Dennîs 157 B. Hawkins 107 706 and KenciiKng came up R. Nolan 155S. Hawkins 103 wlth a big 702. ______ Mén's Higli Single wcnt to_____________ ____________ Ev. Ring with a 291; J. Bond rolled a nice 289 and Bruce Miller came up with a 280. Gaiez 200 and over w;ire. rolled by: G. Marshall .238, M. Dakin 207, 213, 219, . n o9r SPORTOPICS WIM IWCULD WL- W. have had sane pretfy tain scores turned lna a Libenty Bowl fis seaso, but none quite an good nm RuSI Hafely. Bowling, Thaday lntaheiGoodyarLeague, Rugi rackced up gaines of 314, 343 and 325 for thge ffletriplE Of flic Year .-...982! The previous mark of 960 for fthc 1966-87 achedule wau held by Mike Murphy4 and If appcared ta hae a good bet if"., wouldnbebee af-nti unm vdt Me ge * would you saY to a 393 gaie rolled lni the saine league. on thc sane nigit - and wauld you bcllcve, also on the samm alley? j. We're not sure if h. vas on the saine teani as Hately. Or againit hlm - but Frank Wright was ftic guy Who turnedi ln fie fine performance. rank knocked off eighf; consecutive strikes befone Ievtg a corner Pin standing ln fie ninfir frane. He gof if for a spae, came rigit back wlth a stnike and picked Up five pins, ta narrowly miss fli 400 plateau, Congratulations ta, both fiese bowlers on their *ine per4 Ray Westlake 30 2 Jim McKnight- 29 2 Ron Brock __ 21 2ý Harmy Snowden 19 2 Averages Marck 10 J. Bond _ _ _ _ _ _ E. King B. Miuer __ ___ __ G. Prout ______ R. Brock __ _ _ _ Hl. Snowde'n R. Westlake M. Dakin ____ D. Demnis _____ J. Macnab _____ . McKighît-- S. Brock __ _ _ _ _ D. Bond __ _ _ _ B. Marslil E. Archer G. Marslialf N. McLean D. Nolan __ _ _ _ V. King A. Miner __ _ _ _ M. Sedman_____ B. Wesflake B. Potter _ _ _ _ _ P. Stubbent PLANNING A NEW HOME THIS YEARf IUY A HALLIDAy "FAMILY-TAILORED"' AND GET TMIS BIG BONUS freebro dloo on INSTALLED BY BTRADWICKSI your living roomI LnCHoeoFANê K>WD àmum rm ,.broalloo Komis Caat S o HAL DAtS w V" --on., m uEfh we balace wheelsanad we're fulIy quallfled in alignient work. NXI 9 f eFREU WHEEL BALANCE a=lCK SEE CANADIAN TIRE 0 NEW DU= 2K TcHU CAUNTSAMD VANlT 0 MAMOSKITOUN APMUAN. WRSAILEDUmm A8IGLà Mn A=AGE W Yo u W NALUDAY INOMES UNM D g Dfflut . *1. 8 5 M AILSAV&,, UMJMJvTe, Coe«*2- I st tawigorue s b 11 Vk& m ) 0*NA4E*.ea.eoeneeeeeeeoolooeooo A*TEETJeM IL noMos e - leu NE*Cu ..à un"M Pmamn lm 74288 * J I... 623-7111 idd)ll M-2471