SOLINA 19M. AzfflnwMoore recelved "«How Uic Worm Becamne Càr&eM. aud mm Is. WS og Iatweek of the "asn eutfl"Hs StrsrmnToNn, Darlene andDo. of her slste-ln-Iaw, M. was «"Whose God la Dead" ald, Oshawa,.wee Sumday Goorg Pamco of Saskatoon, which greatly araused ones visitons wtth Mr.a.n d Mms sasktchewan. Sympthy is thoughts. Next Sunday there Harvey Yellbwlee and. tam- *Xtended to Uic relatives at w111 be Confirmation and Uic Ily. t1is nie. Sacrarnent of Holy Commun- Ma. Lawrenr.Sar a iThe Wornen'a Institute will ion. lem, vlsited 7wýth Mansd "eton Wednesday, Apnil The Eldad C.G.LT. wIllMn.iRs oy Langmald necently. >t nsd.the roll eaUlla - To present thein Variety Night a Lance ayo àrl. an article you treasune concert on* Fnlday, Mar. 3134 Mas, a wrence- a. énd tel why. Ma. and Mni. at 8:15 p.m. ini thc comrnunity and Mas. Bruce Montgomery. ChSubce Tlnk will show some hall. Thc girls have spent1 ley nteresting pictunes. . much time in preparation for Miss -Karen Roberts, Ma. The ood ridy chrchthisand t sundsto e vey ad Mas. G. Rutherford, Allen fervioe for Uic Hanmpton interesting. Everyone weî- Rutherford and Christine Zu- charge was held in Eldad came. Iak, Oshawa, Mna. Fawler, church en Frlday evcning. Ma. aid Mrs. Wesley HUis Blackstack, were recent visi- Scipture was read by Mn. and family visited with Mn. tans with Mr. aid Mas. C. Barry Oyler af Zion and the and Mas. Albert Hilis, Ty: Hamen aid fanilY. Eldad choir sang two an- none, ta welcome them'home Miss Helen Baker, Toronta, thenis "The Old Rugged fnom thein trip ta Flonida. A and Mns. Barry Cawling Cross"and "He Lives." Rev. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tayolr and John, Ma.- Larry Welsh C. Catto chose as his fitting and family were Easten Sun- ai Salem wenèe aster Suuday sermon "Hel on a Hill". day tea guests with Mn. and pes<te wlth Mr. and Ml-s. Tom On Easten Sunday a lange Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. Baen aid faniily. crowd attended the church Miss Nan Ailin, Toronto, .Mn. and. Mrs. Ernest Hocka- service. Miss Jean Baker sang and Mn. Chas. Allun, Bowman- day, Eileen and Jean, wene a Iovely. solo and the chair ille were weekend visitons Sunday tea gucsts with Mr.J usedc'1r as ter anthemWVith 'Ma. and Mas. Wes. Yei- and Mrs. Barry Browcs onj 'Awake". Bey. Charles Catta lowlees. the occasion af Mn. Hock a- chose for thc chldren's story Mr. and Mns. Walter Short, day's binthday. On Satunday Mrn. E. Hocka- day and Eileen matared ta Hamilton and visited with Mr. and Mns. Raymonid Par- kinson, Hannon, and Mrs. William Grant ai Hamilton and othen relatives at Bramp- ton. Miss Eileen Hackaday, Ton- onto, spent the weekend with bher parents, Mn. and Mrs. E. Hockaday. Mr. and Mas. Hanry Knox U t j ~ if and, family wvere Sunday tea '.. guests with Mn. and Mrs. 'z- Ross Cryderman and famiiy. £UPT OtMas. Eih ec omn 0 a a ville, was Sunday 'guest with Ma. and Mrs. Doug Flett and iamily. Mn. and Mns. Russell Vice with CANADIAN TIRE were Easten Sunday tes guests W hee Giaspdil, Taunton, Mn. and Mns. Ray Middfle- tan, Robin, Bruce and Billy, Balanced W ees 'TrnoMran s.Hol Now is the time to get ready for Loianne and Danny, Salemi, were Easten Sunday guests spring and summer driving. At C.T.C. th. adMs lxPt we blanc whels ad were flly Recent visitons wlth Mn. w. blanc whels ud e'reMIY and rs Canence Vice were Mnr. Munice Jebsan, Beaven- qualified in alignmnent work. ton, Mn.and Mas. Adison 7 Scott, Bethany, and Mn. and ;DÙq.1,for a FR Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mn. aid Mns. Grant Glas- WHEEL BALANCE CHECK! pel, Dwayne, Darneli and _____ Clarke of Tynone wene Sun- day guests witl5 Mr. aid Mrs. Pency Westlake and fsmiiy. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Pres- SEE ton, Bob, Kolleen and Janet were Sunday tea guests wlth BEN DICKINSON the Roy and Chas. Langmaids. Mn. and Mn.. Ron Broome AT and ]Kelly, Bawmanville, Mn. Robent Blackburn, Salem, Mn. TUD~ and Mrs. L. Parker and chiid- c ~ren,. Oshawa, wene Sunday CANADIAN TIRE visitons with Mn. aid Mns. flIAA1 ... . ~ Frank Westlake and famlly. DOVWWMI LLE 6P-.2471 *~. *-4~9J-m * - Canada's finest COLOR TV at NEW, LOW PRI'CES an Easter services were held here on Sunday. Rev. J. A. Ramjit spoke on "The Neces- sity of Easter". An excellent service was........... held at Garden Hill on Good Friday. The sermon was 'The Three Crosses on Cal- vary"y. A quilting was held at Mns. E. White's home on Tuesday.. On Wednesday night Mrn.... and Mrs. E. Fowler attendedâ the Key Club Dinner and Charter Night pragram at Idalia Golf Club, Port Hope. On Saturday, Mardi l8th, during Minor Hockey On Saturday night presenta- Dy ay awards were presented to winning teamns tions were held for Mr. and Dy a Mrs. Charlie Murfie and Mr. and players. Also, crests were presented by the Hockey and Mrs. Robt. Westheuser at Mothers. In the top photo, Mrs. Stewart Chisholm is Newtonville Hall. Mr. B. Far- distributing a few of themn. She was assisted by Mrs. row and Mrs. Lew Hallowell Fred Sheehan. Middle photo shows Ralph Cryderman, provided.. the music. Mr. Lloyd Clysdale called for Borne big gun for the Amenicans in the Tyke league receiv- of the square. dances. The ig the trophy for their win over the Bornbers. Bottorn addness was read by Mn. picture is of Robbie Brough of the Bisons in the Atom Charles Trim and Mr. and Mr'. Laueater they defeated the Giants. Presenting Munfie were presented with a Legea china cabinet while Mr. and their trophy is Town Clerk-Controller Robert L. Byron. Mrs. Westheuser received an Photos by Lloyd M Robbie arn chair for the living-room. Lunch was senved. rpis o d e o ln Mrs. M. Luxon and Pernn G o y a o ln Mread nd dal, visiuted ith The fnont-nunning Belts and ered their Easter eggs early Mund. adMs .Qatii the second place Hse deliv- this year, each handing the Sunay.Fan Beits and the Combines Mr. and Mns. Nick Yules, a big fat goose egg to in- Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. D. lèsi MIUhlIIf crease their substantial lead as Harnys and family, Coiborne, d the season draws to a close. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rus-à sel White over the Easter The salty Crackerjacks triedr fplay the Bunny noie and holiday. hippity-hopped ta a 6-1 handi-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Quantrili cap victary over the Machin- 0 and Michele spent the night ists. The Braiders averpaw-c with his parents and wene ee nudroee oe hereforEaser srvies.Hause 5-2, the Office dictated Mr. and Mns. H. Staats, a 5-2 sermon aver the Ban- Brantford, spent the weekend\., buny and the Reclaimators ne- with Mr. and Mna. Thlckson. claimed a 5-2 win over the Other guests were Mr. and Millwrights. Mrs. J. DeKoken, Whitby and DonOk took the high single Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Westheus- game, a nice 378. Five athers er, Bowmanville. capped the 300 mark, KarI Mr. and Mns. O. Mercer had Piper, John Carter, Jack Bond, tea with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fait, rAnaol Langstaff and Fanewell Pontpoo, o Suda* Blackburn. "Blackle" toak Pontpool an unda. idthe high triple with an 835 and Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, ~na less than eight othens reach- Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. -e 1 d aven the 750 mark, includ- Don Whitbned and girls, Osha- ing Kani Piper, Anaol Long- wa, wene with Mr. and Mrs. ?~ staff, Don Bagneil, Jack Bond, L. Muldrew over the Eastcr Don Oke, Bnian Martyn, Mur- - ndy.4 ay Grant and John Carter. Master Bruce Fowler held Newcomer Ken Switzen found a birthday party an Manday. THEý GREATT the hidden score. He was il an the 26th. P C A U RTe m St n i g Nancy Fowlen le ta speak at EERSETINCAR Team Standi1g the Durham Club, April 28th EVRSENINCNAA et ______ 133 Ini Toronto. TATTOO -67 stars hundreds a1 Braiders ________118 Mr. and MMs E. Elliott, Armed Forces personnel In a twa- Banbur110 visited in thc cominunity, Sun- haur pageant of Canadian Mil MacyhineSag0 day. hlt Packe th otiReclaimators ______103 da.hsory. Pakdwlhacton, i, Crackers 103 Mr. D. Thompson . and colour, thrllls and laughteri Superb Office 101o daughter, Oshawa, vlsited with entertalnment for the whole famlly. Combines _______ 86 Mr. and Mns. L. Muldrew. Get your tickets now! Millwrights 82 Mr. Russel Savory was with OshwaChi Auditorium Fan Beits _____ 76 Un. Smith-and Man. Sa.vony SUNDAY. APRU. 2nd Power House ____ 75 on Sunday.a ...Tp wev Paula and Craig Morris. SB..m Top - _w 87 23 Toronto, are wlth their grand- MONDA Y, APRIL 3rd D. Oke -___ 84 227 parents, Mr. and Mms G. Mor- 8 P.M. D. ýBagneil 21 223 -ris for the holiday., also Mr. Tickets avallable et: F. W *ght 87 218 Gary Morris, Toronto. Oshawa Civi< Auditorium, J. Bondi __ Uai 218 Mr. David Thrower, Stark- p. O « 42, Oshawa, Ontario D. Perfect 84 218 ville, visited wlth Mr. and Man. Adulte: $. -00.w sîjH. Bnomell 87 215 A. Stec recently. Chidren: 8150- g $1. $.,2R Hately 84 213 Mr. and Mns. A. Stec and Mail rdersmuet laeluMl self- A. Lobb 87 211 family were wlth Mas. Ralph adrem retpru euvelopeiR. Maynard 27 210 Boughen, Newonvlile, Sun- withmener order. Jk. Piper -- 87 208 day. w, G. Brewster - 84 306 EL OROOME 6Oth Annîversary Special If youlve been waiting for the right prîce ta corne along on a top quality, brand-name Color TV Console, wait no longer! Right now, Canada's own Electrohome 15 celebrating its 6Oth Birth- day with a money-saving Anniversary Sale!lIt presents a rare opportunity ta get Electrohomne quality and dependability at savings of $100.00 or more. Check the line... check the prices *... youil agree it's Canada's biggest value in HARRY LOCKE TV pKING ST. W. 50 WMANVILLEC ELIZABETH VILLE Muior, Hockey Winners , Bowmanville Ma Police A rink skioppd by Harvey Cook of the Bawxnnanville de- tachuIent af thc Ontario Pro- vincia Police emenged vie. toniaus in Uic annual curling bonspiel held by the associ#, cd police departments oi Osh- awa, Town ai Bowinanvilhe aid Bowmanville detach- ment ai the OPP, held at the BOwmnanvflle Golf aid Curl- ing Club last Wednesday. Thc winning rlnk was made Up ai Harvey Cook, skip; Lan. ry Mahouey, vice; Ken Laton, second, aid, Gary Brunton, iead. The overall titie was* won by Uic Oshawa ninks, skipped by Ernie Barken, Stan Hodg- son, Fred Johns and John Reardon. Thc event znanked the clos- lng ai the season for curling amoug tUic associated depart- ments. The league championship was also won by an Oshawa nink. Highlight aof Uic day was the presentation of tro- phies, ta the winners in the «*spieil" as wçell as the league champions. They wene Stan Hodgson, skip, Dave Edwards, vice,,Jon Jenks, second, and Tern Delves and Nonmr Whyte, bath leads. Other awands went ta the9 winners af "A" and "B"1 sec-J tions af the league. TheseJ rinks werc: "A" Ennie Bar- ker, skip; Ken Young, vice- skip; Jack Macderniaid, sec- ond; and Michael Michslow- ski, lead. Merv Buckwsld was spare. Iu "B" section the winners were: Reg. McIntyre, skip John Maslewicb, vice-skip; 1AI McLaren, second; and DaugÉ Cox, lead. Bob Reid was j spane. -Times. F Mar. Will Ashton, Caesanea, Mr. and Mns. Osborne Hoan, 1 : . . Rosseau, Mn. Russell Onuliston, Enniskllleu, Mas. Dickinson aud Mas. M. Trevail, Oshawa, wene Sunday callers at Mr. and Mas. Lloyd Ashtou's. A lange cougnegation was preseut at the Esster chunch service on Sunday afteruoon. Bey. David Nonthey gave a fine message. The lovely fiowens placed in . . .. . . . . .the chunc!h were in memony ai the late Mas. Russell Onmiston. There was a veny good at- tendance at the Sunday Schoi session. After the apeuing with hymu, prayen and scniptune reading by the Supenintendeut, M. W. Blackburn, a film was * shawn befone the lesson peniod. The Explorens Girls sud Tyro boys gsthened at the chunch on Wednesday even- ing. Bey. Nonthey shawed the1 film "Christ Is Risen", aiten which all joined in singing1 sanie sangs, aften which. the Tyro boys neturued ta the .iue ExPlorers gInls contmnued with their meeting on "«St. Pst- rick's Day" sud lunch was1 served.9 Sunday school at 1:45 o'clock1 on Sunday. Chunch service at 3 p.m. Sacrament wlll be observed . The card party at the school was weli attended on Satun- day evening with clght tables flu pngress. Winnes wee high ldy, Mns. S. Gable; la'vw ldMS.' Millson; high mai, Ma. Aldred; low anu, Doug Blackburu. Door prize, Del- bent Potts. Mrs. William Keilan, Mns. M. Taylor, Oshawa, wcne Sunday a visitons of Miss Cons Degeer. o: Mn. sud Mas. Ken VanAlistin fi sud iamiiy, Polton Station, E were Sunday callens at Mn. E sud Mrs. M. Poilsnd's. W Mn. G. R. Thomnson sud son q Wayne, Carleton Place; Mr. L. 9'l F.' Thompsou sud son Tcnny, e] Toronto; Mn. Grant Thamp- SE son sud Miss Jane Oliver, Si BowmauvMle, vlsited Mars. A. Thompson. M Mn. sud Mns. Nelson Gage, LI Thonhili, were Sunday vîsit- th ors ai Mas. M.' Bertnim sud so famii[y. ar Dr. Gardon Siemon sud Mrs. Slemon, Don Mills, wcne bc Friday visitons with bis fathen, TE Mr. Milton Siemon aid bis brother,' Mn. sud Mns. LloydUii Slemon sud famliy. wl Mn. Milton Siemon netunned W 'home with Dr. Gardon Slc- mon fon a holiday. ne Mas. Boy Graham was sup- M per guest ai hen parents, Mr. inj and Mrs. W. Rahm, Tyrone, Mi on Saturday. cc: Mrs. T. Pnuli,,,, .i..14,,M" 1 by ig le 1- ýe 1- e ri Averages Manch 24 AI Osborne 36 M. Etchen ____36 H. Bromeli ____36 E. Brock -- -___36 Hl. Donaghue - 33 V. Prout 33 D. Perfect -___36 J. Nowian ____33 G. Wilcox --36 MI. Harrison 36 A. Lobb _- -__36 J. Bedford 36 IL Bnock _____36 0. Etchen ____36 A. Osmond 36 L. Welsh ____ 36 2 3. Gianville - 36 1 H. Palmer 36 1 J.Brunt ____ 36 1 H. Bennett 36 1 M. Grant .____36 1 M. Wilcox 36 1 A. Blanchard - 36 1 A. Wiseman 36 1 S.Davis ____ 36 1 B. Leaman 30 1 E. Dickeus ~36 1 P.Bradley . 36 i D. Bradley - 36 iý K.Nichais 33 Iý Hlgh Single adies - H. Brack2 [en -A. Lbbb ___ 3 Hlgh Triple adieu. H. Bnock _ Jen - J. Nowian--- 7E Teani Standings resin Won bu'Lot Pins Pt ,tcher 27 9 35468 E zlanville 26 10 34427 )sbonne 20 16 35424 4 ,bb 181ký 171/2 347484 ýout 18 1.8 336794 1. Bock 18 18 339694 lerfect 16 20 328964 :Bnock 17 19 34C~4 3 Vilcox 14% 211/ 338573 Iromell 15 21 34122 3 lannison 14 22 32304 3 YELt12 4 3242 c A IV A s E Li E E't GI 3'ç 32 Yelventou's Wihite chunch, lugmented by numerous visit- rs on Sunday moruing, was ilied ta capacity ta hear Mn. Eanold Stobbart's inspiring ,aster message. Special music vas provided by a junior girls' lantet comprised ai Janice iacey, Barbara Wilson, Pam- .a Stinson sud Mitzi Malcolmn zcompanied by Miss Canai 'acey on the eiectric angan. Essten visitons in the cam- aunity included Mn. sud Mrs. âoYd Wilson ai Toronto with ceir parents the Allai Wil- on's and Mns. Ruth Wilson id Mas. Annie MeQuade. Thc Boss Lockwood's sud oys ai Peterborough with the ed Speuceley's. Mr. Ken Wilson ai Guelph niversity spending the week ith bis parents the Jack lilsou's. The Balph Malcolm's with Latives in local communities, lass Karen Malcolmn is spend- Lg a week with cousin Mitzl malin suad Miss Cindy Mal- lIm, with Miss Judy Robinson. Weienme visitors thi,,ns b 'rt ed r. d, r1 Tow Caad Ltaesaa, omfh, Ma. 0U and Unr. PIL Elfod, poe Mis A. Thompson attended thc weddung of her grand. daughter, Patricia Anmi Thomp- son, Bowmanville, on Satur- day. Mas. W. Martin and lins. . Potts visited Mr. Alfred.Rlch- ards, Salein. Y Ma. and Mrs. Morris P1flard, -visited Ma. and Mz%. -Art Pal- d; Clarýçx»cnt, on Sunday evenlQg. Ig A. L ad Mrs. Lloyd Slemn usan and Freddie, wene sup- per guests aifMns F. Toms, eEnniskullen, an Easter Sunday. Ma. and Mas. Fred McLaugh- lin and Paul, Fenelon Falls, -were Sunday evening callers ai Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton eand famxiy. *Ma. and Mas. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald, Ray; Mn. and Mas. Ivan Sharp, Linda, Janet; Ma. Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen; iMas. Verna Forsythe, from [Toronto; were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mas. Ross Ashton and famlly. Ma. Gordon Wenry, Mas. Walter Murray, Mrs. Verna Fonsythe, Toronto; Mr. Russell Oniniston, Mn. and Mas. Ivan, Sharp, Rev. Mary Dougherty, Enniskillen, were iast week visitars af Mn. and Mas. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray. Miss Beth Ashton was a Saturday visitor at the Ash- ton home. Mn. Gardon Wenry, Mrs. Verna Forsythe and Ronald, Toronto, Mn. R. Ormiston, En- niskillen, Mrs. M. Trevail,< Oshawa, were Monday dinner guests with Mn. and Mns. L. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley pects ta spend this week with CLASSIFIE»s bis cousin Jay Malcolin. Phono 628-8808 e 239 230 223 223 122 220 219 216 215 14 210 09 08 M03 97 197 197 191 190 190 8M '89 ý88 8 86 86 82 53 40 4 B4 là. 9 14 14 12 10 ý9 ý5 14 "The motorist.*. who hit me has no insuirance... lamage s?"Y (es. You probably can. The Motor Vehicle Accident ClaimeFundwas set Up by the Ontario Government for just that pux'pose. Motorists andpedestrians wha have sufferedpersonaiînjury, or damnage ta property as aresuIt of beinginnocentlyjnvolved insu Director of Claims, Ontario Deparimaent of TrangporL 10 Mary St, Toronto 5, Ontario *rInnocent vlctims of a hit-end-run occident con claux persona!l jury lass from the cOnt aria MVAC Fund. Hon. frwlun Haskmf, Anao DID You FORGET e. EASTER SEALS ~- s il PLEASE RETURN YOUR PINK EVL~ Can 1 recover MY" ý - -;Iw 2ý+ El y Jehn Stainton STEPHEN'S WIN Ty rE Stephen Fuels won the Men's Town League Basket- bail Championship in two s ight ga ies v en W yte 's j est sertes ever p4dàt~v league. The scores of the. t» g0 Bare as foflows.- Mar. 1.4~. ps 35, Whytes 33; jWr I Stephens 53, Whytes 52. In the first. gaine. wOib Stephens s5 -to i3, tp6$ Fuels led ail the wva, upu mnuch as .13 Points at one w~ ini the third quarter, but ly hung on as Whytes, -> afourth.quarter bid f1~ short by two points a buzzer went ta end the gnq In the second gani ( "à- tq 52). Whytes led aill the waý up as much as 12 p ointsi one time, but :with Ies'tajj. a minute ta- go Stephenia w"in ahead by the one Point n hung on. ta Win. There were many outÊMtai*,, lng players In this 'sertes 1.4d and Lowery, Hutchison, ,doyréè adDadson of Stephens, àn& ? Goldsteln, Caverly. Piar"u and Martin Ofi Wlytes. tra fact everyone made a large7 contribution ta the hug. sue'. cess of this serie. Cet Cash Todmy For OId Applianceaý throngh STATESMA N end t Malcania wene Ma. and ,Ms.Ado àNasato and Louis of Part Credit aid Uic Roy Wer- sry's aid girls ai Sudbury. àMr. aid Mas. Wllbent mai-i colin called an cousins, the McRobs aid Bailey families in "Guelph and Mount Forest thisi past week. Also called an Mus.1 HarnY Philp ai Stirling onei dyhis past week. Mrs. Orval Quackenbush1 kept ber appamntment this week with the staff ai parti Penny hospital ta camplete her1 IpokerAbaud - now thrèe ofaia ind. Aten a long holiday this( community has been nunningE the pon aId bird raggcd, dur- ing the iast couple af weeks,c day aid uight! Wouid you be-c lieve two trips? - special delivery. Mr. aud Mrs. Dale Stinson aud Danny. af Pontypool wene, Easter Sunday guests ai the Floyd Stinson's. Mn. and Mns. Ray. Robinson aud family wcre Esstcr Sun- day guests af Mns. Etta Robin.I son in Cavan. Master Marti Malcolm ex- Mixed League i f i- 1 Tte Cmadim Sbtmma% Bmmnvnie, X«. 1% IM -.1 il 1 1 Me RAYDON i