M'AP.LE GROVE Dcrngton Council T.and Diabetes Test and .MBrs. Ken Brooks. Tle Robert, Weston, spent th I W11 . eld for tht. district chair antheni wau nildweedwt r n n Accoulnts amounting te euyR . alD hi Mple groe uiZh base. Zrown Hmi ing of Al' Howard and ai 8 30,187.06 were pasued for pay. eoedtut Orval Grills- b. Mient on Avril 12t i m2-5 1e Romnil wili speak Platta= Cet celebrate their nment at thefitfgiDn.àphtd Wee4 Inspgctor fer and 6:30-9:30 pan. Canvassers. next Sunday on "The Chris-1 mothera b!rthday. ington Township Council h.Id 197 This wwu secnded b will b. calling some time inf tian's ScilResponsibili " Several robins have bee n tn on SI5l ampno.. CfordncthiD wandpoit the next two weeks.i The monthly Fireside evening~ noticed anouid the past few Reeve H. C. Mir rsieîedrblePlc spoint-r The. synpatliy of *his com-i service will b. heid Sunday days. Spring must be on its ndalmmesfthcocIl 18 t$17 rhum i raunity la extended ta mrs.l evenlng at Ebenezer a t 8p. way wr peen.trck ddierwIb. n- . R Delve , and tuly, othrSekeC Re.h Hbrisah Mr. ad Mns. Arthur James Counillor Richard Gibbs, gged for $3.50 an hour for 4ters R. A.helvue and twCZionC hisianReformi and tamily, lier father Mr. A. seconded by Councilor %&- warble.fly sprayln , and one mn he uddn p,.JChuchOshwa.Ayer, Oshawa, spent thej sell Dow, moved that, aubject man will b. uuppl ed by the Ing of Rév. W. Deive, Hamil-i Mapie Grove monthly eu- weekend with her mothen, t h approval of the Ruoa tOilp at $1.60 per houn. ton. Hi, father was a former chre and crokinoie panty thîs MM,. A. Ayer, her father with '0eitednUntdChrhTs was moved by Counililor Pourton thi s ut Saturday. Everybody welcorne. hi. wile, also hi. son, Rock b. gven prmission to use Dow, seconded by Counillor Portenmi*besof our ý Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rogers Island;, Quebec. Mn. iand Mns..Mi Street trom the Scugog Gibbs. Si-C attended the sunrise& and famiiy, Mrs. Alian Snow- James . and family vlsited his Rolad to Mill Pond for an auc- Clerk-Adminlutnator. W. L. Oervice on Sundgy heid at den, Mn. Jimrny Snowden, brother, Mn. and Mn,. Archie tion sale li May. Rni a ntutdt re Camp Pretoria. Maple Grove, Mn. and Mrs. Jamës and famiiy, East An- On a motion by Councilion 400 paundi of Warbie Fly 'Oun paston Rev. J. P. Ro- Hany Snowden and daugh- gus, Québec, on Saturday. Ben Brown, seconded by Coun- Powder ram W. H. Brown ent - meili gave a special Easten; ghtens, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Mr. and Mn.. Roy Mclntyre, cillor Dow, council endorued a motion by Councillor Giba, message on Sunday.' A duet,.ý Goodmýurphy, Mn. Sasnow oatwr ndyclosteTwsi fCigads eoddb onilrBo "eu id Nt D. rVan " wab M .Is . e llan d ason Roy d s won Mr , C S o dn esolution supporting the con- Counillor Gibbs moved that beattfilynedend b Mn, rs.Bele Dvidon nd on Mn.'.ind Mn.. Kelth McGiil tinued use of Officiai Plans as thie CentrailI.ake Ontario Con- and faxnily> wene Sunday sup- the principal instrument in servation A.ithonity b. noti- *Three N ew f iernbers MiickWood and faTily. The proposai of East Whitby tin to raise tram crettx st. b SMn.adM n.. evownsingpan h Sni aing. ied ha t ounhc. ofn ~~0~~~~~Oshawa, spent a lew day. Line of, East Whltby, eastt he authority's purchase of Join r4Insm en LIUO - w ~~iher cousins, Mr. and fnom Columbus, b. deslgnated akad eto roln Join K nsm en C lub, Mn,. Howard Cryderman and a deveiopment noad, was en- hi. was seconded by Coun- >ýAt the dinner meeting of Covey discussed the research iamiiy. dorsed on a motion by Council- cilior Bnown, and cannied. the Bowmanviiîe. Kinsmen!work being undertaken in the Mr. John Pritchard is SPend- ion Dow, seconded by Council- A By-Lsw to provide for an >Club held at the Flying Dutch- hope of conquering this ing his Easten holidays with ion Gibbs. expenditure of $170,000 on mni Motor Hotel iast weekiscourge. hi. parents, Mn. and Mrs. Otîs- township noada in 1967 was ?resident Raiph Whyte offici-1 He toid the local KinsmenPritchards and brother. Peter Sally Rice, Hawkstone, ia given thnee readinga and pass- 1 Menand Paul Pritchard, Manotick. visiting hier ister, Mn. and ed. The Road Supeintendent ated at the induction of threelthat the1 lg battie against Mn. and Mn,. Neil Bnowneil Mn,. Ray Dubeau and boys. was authorized to cail tenders wh ewames, LonoreTreaves, Cystie Fibrosis i. fot over He and family, hi. mother Mr. M. and Mn. Wm. Laird on al items in the road pro- rahCanawaspored by u-1 explained that although a cure Charles Brownel, Fnch, who and family, Komoka, were grami as appoved by counicil. ray ~ ~ ~ ~ I Cann atpeiet i sntt been discovered i. visiting lier sons and Mns. Good Fniday visitons with This was moved by the Deputy Osbone, sponsored by Bulle- somse encouraging pnogress lias Chales Dpw owmanviiie, Mn,. Wm. Laird. evscndbyCuilo tin Editor Don Masterson, and been made. Mn. Covey spoke were Sudpew, B uss n rs . .SwlwDw Lloyd McRobbie, sponsored by of a method now being used with the former's mother, and *Mrs. Wm. Laird were The counicil gave three nead- with considenabie success. Mn,. Sam Van Camp, Base Snday suppen guesta with the lngs and passed a By-Law ta Duing 1the impressive e- "Th is fairly new type of Lin., former'. sisten, Mn.. Amy authonîze an Amnib ula nc e mnony President Whyte wa therapy is. calied 'The Wash Mn. and Mns. Sam Van Cam Niddnie, Toronto. Agreement between the town-X -assisted by an Induction TearniOut'. The patients' lungs arejand daughters Lonie and Lîsa,, Mn. and Mns. Chester Milis ship and Bowmanviiie. 1 Clb ompeOshawoa Dug Hart and then washed out. This M, o Van Camp, Blase and littie daughten have mov- On a motion by Councillon alu cpaspedentf Bugcare process removed al ailucus1Line were Satunday visitons ed into their new home on Gibbs, seconded by Deputy.4 pas , resden; Bucecaused by the flines.," Mn. with' Mn.. Wes. Wenny and gae i odN Wjlliam. and Bill Leask. Cvyepind aiySon.greltodN. Reeve Down, lhe Clerk-Ad- DonBron, haiman o ien lbhveben- Mn. . a nd M oln . A.Mn. and Mn,. Banry Bieeks, ministnator was instnucted ho.4 tic CytcBros i Cmmiteeofrkingsn Clu1964haeip Mand. A. N .Hincock, Ottawa, spent the weekend appîy to the Board of Trans ane byehibri o! 1. lub peetwtose afsinced196ith elysticNaw A . wnHircack Sr., Osh- with lber parents, Mn. and pont Commissionens for Cana-' on bhal oftheclub prsen- ihos affictd wth ysti aw, wra utennoonrnonMn..W. W. BrwH.ndBnowna frandroabro-a cd a cheque fon $500 an d ri.~Sna afrapoa fc sn $100 chque îno thr. ovey stated. visitons with Mn. and Mn,. ther Dàve. On Friday Mn,. protection at the inteersction j $10 chquefrm te Bw H dscussed past endeavors Burton. Brown's sistens wene thein of the CPR witi th. Base Lin. inanvilie Kinette Club to K ns o the Kinsmen in this direc- Mn. and Mn., Don Brooks guests, Mn. and Mn.. A. Bush- Road at Lots 26 and 27 ,and X nen's Zone C Cystic Fibrosis tion, and said that the Kins- and famiy spent the week- .11 and Miss Ruth, Niagara also at the intersection of the representative Jerry Covey. men Clubs are now heiping to end with lier parents, Mn. and Falls, and Mrs. C. Pilch, Viv- CPR with the road between In an informative addnes.q finance a research centre at Mn.. Alex Tanner, Sterling. ian and Victon, Toronto. Lots 33 and 34, Concession 1. ,, on Cystic Fibrosis, a dreaded the Hospital for Sick Chiid- Mn. and Mn,. R . L. West- The many friencls of Miss Councîllor Brown, seconded disease of childhood, Mn. ren, Toronto. awayCmrn ee atrSnr ooe ilb lased by Councilion Gibbs, moved weeked visitons with thein to know she ha. neturned that a letten be ment 10 tie daughter, Mn. and Mn.. Cedrie home froni hospital. oadoTrnptCmmis- * ~Russell. Master, Tenny and Mn. and Mrs. Roy Topping ,or fTasotCn I 5Todd Russel neturned home and sons John, Gien and Ted pones ad esiein 10 lie pro- C EN *E N N IuA L G A .E with them for a visit. Topping were Good Fridaypoasndstmtsupie M.for automnatic protection at tie . LAS W EK' WNNE :Mn. and Mn,. Sami Michael visitons with hier parents,Mn intersection of the CNR with «' adfamiy, Pickering, were and Mn.. Fred R. Stevens. Bennett Road (Mile 292.93) LASTWEEW WIN ER:Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mn. and Mn.. Fred Stevens and also at Metcaif Road ~ DA ID W TS NMn.. E. Wihlidai. speiit a few days recently (Mile 289.08). This motion DA I A S NMn. and Mn.. Tom McGuirk with Ihein daughten, Mn. and was cannied. £-4 R.R. 6Bowniaville and family were Sunday visi- Mn,. Roy Topping and sons. -A_______ tors with hier brother, Mn. and Mn, and M.ns. A. Busieli, WIL REEIE A ~ GFTMn,. Don Wilhelm, Hamilton. Miss Ruth Busheli, Niagana Fin WIL REEIV A 10.0 GFTOn Monday Mn. and Mn,. An- Falls, Mn,. C. Pilci, VivianFren slup CERIFCAT FOMthur Scothonn, Ottawa, visited and Victor Pilch, Toronto, CERTFICAE FRM ler sisten, Mn. and Mn.. Tom Mn. and Mn.. M. Marko and McGuink and family. Miss Patsy, Georgetown, werc Club of Trinity Mn. ad, Mn.. Reg. Taylor, weekend visitons with thein DeVVITH R AL ESTATEOshrýaa r ister Mn.. Allan parents, Mn. and Mn,. A. Gib- H ls Seso 14 rak S. ow anvll Snwdn ere Tuesday visi- son, Base Lune. 14 FrankSt. Bowranvile torswwith their parents, Mn. Mn. Frank Olle, Stouf!- and Mn.. E. H. Wilkins, Pont ville, was a recent visitor Membens of Trinity Churci PRIME MINISTER: Hope. witi Mn. and Mn.. Fred Ste- Friendship Club gathened for ~ MA KEZI KNGMnr.and Mn.. Ray Dubeau vens. their monthly meeting on MAC ENZE KNGand sons spent the weekend Mn. and Mn,. Fred Stevens Marci l7th witi Mn.. Claude 'i iwith hier parentsMn. and recentiy visited thein cousin, Ive, pnesiding and Mn,. Albert Mn.. A. Rice, Hawkstone. MissIMn.. Jo. Jewell, Canninglon. Cole at the piano. There wene 45 nmembers present. Tic wonship service, con--- TUDC dtd by Mn,. Irwin Bragg -11W WELL DO YOU KNO WCANADA'S PRIME. MINIS TfeRS'n MssEsela lakbr followed lie Easter tiemne, in- cludmng hynins and Bible read- - PLAY~th Cenennal Gme'You oudWining. Mrs. Lloyd Aye sang a bautîful solo, "The Strangen of Galilee". Mn,. Bragg pr.- PLAY theCent nnil G me'Y u C uld W n entd athougilful Eaten meditation. Mns. Ives outlined plans for R future meetings. On April 28-- WE WANT For the Best CLEARANCE 0F SPRING OPENER' D th. club wiil have a potluck T O B E V O U Rsupper in t ie chu c i hall. A t - TOB O RIn Dining and WORK SHOES KITCHEN CHAIRS tht. meeting Mn. and Mr.. C. E G G A N n t e r a i n . n t * 9 5 0 - * 9 . 5 - 1 o . o R E C O V R E DT i n k o f H a m p t o n w i l l s h o w - - TOOI RATHEntranot nt 950-$.s-o.oRE NWCOVEA-$3D 99 slides of! hein flower garden, T O O I L T H EA s o w s - -- - - $ .9 9f o il o w e d b y a q u e s t i o n a n d - - FL IN OL ~. --.$6-00 - CASH & CARRY - answe p e r 1od concerning Glen Rue DUTCHMAN J OE' W YmsR flavoun to tie day Re. A. W. W0 Durne u N ETUATSO EAIR FURNITURE AND Harding led in an enjoyable Produts Fr Lie Hw. 40 6233373 AND E P UILTEIN in-ong of Irish song,. Mn..- W ed uara tee ur A D RE TA U A NT ND P T SH P UP OLeaskN gave an amusing read- __________For__________ 801K623-3373 55 King E. 623-5252 ing. A "Siamnock" contest 80 Kng S. W.wasconducted by Mn,. Hard- VIilai. TOM Sbls fon Il Il seStre D wnT H couple o! day. on the wee 'r ' Lmcase Mehaic *a U e cl StoreeIend..crn on Mutton & Gould Uhîlt Ons u()lle eut of Osawa WM1s.H eeeor uuv~.Iflg TownLinson Hlbwayi R.ItorJoanne and Inian, Urs. Clarke-- Service Station - 1 i ngS- .63-31OPen weekdays 8Il r, shw, isteoa IZ3 Se gog St 62 -74 1 02 ing St W.62373 1 8 a.n - 10 pm 14 Frank St 623-3950 KeithiStainton.. et~ Il Si- Mr. and ~Mrs. ILDort, West __ UmmýMn. and M . Han, Geiss-h I -. .. K LVIN TORberger Sr., visited Mr&. Fred TEE M Co pliment ws ~ -DO GENO. RO Rebbins and Isobel, Oshawa. I SOFT DRINKS V VL AT c ohnsructive crîi REFR FRSTr.Camnyvs.ithe i e, tao.. -. heîp us to continuo. * i CL T OPc.'. on vSund a elo 35cECrtonwCO a .Pleaie you! L 0 102 . Freezer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeil, - Plus Carsto Lanes For APpointment0 Dairy Corpartment Mcates -loh a PlsDNsi T. 9__ -.---_ r. nzH mi n I_ k , .a.gh.way N.L z Open Bowling Every Day Excepî .Wednesday *Enquit. at 723-485 Phione Now BEAUTY SALON 65 Kint St. E. 623-7541 auMg Jbt 0'*! $299.951 with trade R COWAN EQUIPMENT Co. 134 ingLEwmavI1 SEE NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE. . . FOR EXCITING USED CAR NEWS v TRADING POST SPECIALS :j weekend at RaY Cameron'a. , Master Tommy Brooks, Bow- manville, was an overnight - visitor at Ray Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stone. house and family, Whitby, vlaited at Nelson Fice's. Congratulationu to Scott and -=A ,usn Sta ny n dDonenhth , birthda 24 March 28. Mns. Ray Cameron vslted Un. Tlmn Brooks, Bowmanville. tMr. and Mrs. Murray pren- tice, Do4Ansview, were ffiday vsitors at Harry isher.. Miss Sharon Fisher vislted' at Hamilton and Miss Jante Fisher vlsited at Guelph on Tii CnadanStatesman, owmanvlfe, mir. 20, lmi 'TuE 8Iono suBs a UTFO R 1 DUOdLS ROUND STrEAK ORROAST FULL CUT ROUND OR SQUARE END RUMP ROAST BELF - - E BREAKFAST BACON JUMBO 59CFRESHRi SSmoked Flets 59b Haddock luets5P SSwlft's Premium Swlft'a Premlum Braun Schwelger W I EN E S BSandwich Spread sNOP wITHcONFIDENCEI WIN R acon and Liver a~~.epd ~ 5 5cRoll7c I THURSDAY NIGHT FEATUREI FRIDAY NIGHT FEATURE! 6p.m. io 9 p.m. 6 p.m. to 9 pi. MOM 'S- COLORED IN PARCHMENT RICHMELLO MARARNESPECIAL l.22c HAMBURG. BUNS 2 Pgs4 9c bF Presh Prducé eatures MEXICAN GROWN TOMATOESVINE RIPE 2e rCalifornia Grown - Snow White Florida Grown Gren CAULIFLOWE R29± ýONION-Snc.21 Carnation Evaporated 6-oz. Tins White Granulated:5l.1 b MIL-K 2for 33c SUGAR '37c 73.~ 32-oz. Jar St:otian GoId 48-oz. Tlnàâ Miracle W hip 59c. Apple Juice 3 for 8,9icj SAVE. ON DOMINION'S Heâlth and, Beauty Aid ý.Featur.s-]i O'~N BRANDSPepoodent - Giant Size Tubie BAVE 1 e Fiavours - 4 Pt. Chrton SAVE 10e TOOTH PASTE 57c~ R IHMELLO ICE (REAM 79 c Head and Shouiders - Large 2.07 o.Sz SAVE t4cU Pre2-Ground - 1-b. P-kg. SAVE 1o SHAMPOO -95cý RICHMELLO COFFEE 73c Moderne - Large Boxes SV t F .rozen Dominion Sweetened - 1Z2Y-oz. Tins SAVE lil c ial___ _T is s ue__ __2__fo r.___ _ 5_ _ $_ _ ' 'ORANGE JUICE 3for 89c ol-*HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 0 Baesd -11b inSA E18 Ply-Giant Size Pkg. o 0s Baysid -1lbTinSA '08 GARBAGE BAGS 79c SOCKEYE SALMON 97C GOOD VALUES Lchmello White Sliced 24-oz. Loaves SAVE 7c Preni - 12-,. Tn SAVE 10e B REA 3fr5, LUNCH EON MEAT 49c! Richnello. Plein - Sugar - Cinnamon SAVE 9c INSTANT COFFEE $1.39 __ -Pkgs. 20e Off Dove Lotion 32-os. Contaier Ret. 1.27 3AV U 88 DU ~ ~ o N q£4c LIQUID DEUERGENT 89c; Uichmello Large 16-oz. Size SAVE 20c C A KE MI X ES 2f or79c' 39( ~1-1b. Pkgs. BAES ____________________SILVERLEAF LARD 2for4v9c' Ail Merchandise-la Guaranteed To Give 1000%oSatisfaction Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, April 1, '67, in Bowmauvle WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIESt Open Thurs. and Frî. Nights 'tiI 9 p.m. King St. and Simpon- Avenue (Nighway , ls), 1-lb. Pkg. -i c I - n n n n BRYSON'S SMOKE SHOP si King W. -423-U8 p MOU' a m 16 IL Canada's Finest Red "Brand Steer