IbmCaadfanStateman EowinanvMe, MUn. 29, RN Bob Besf Memorial Midget Tournament Won by -Bowman ville Oxono-ce Togan:h Bob the end of the firsteo n gals ne =t eiraiTuament by Mike Donoghue and rry wus a feature at Orono Arena Preston. Tr flday, March 1 ah. In the secondpid Bow. Tint ga:ne saw- Orono rnanville scored agmnwlth Mktgets defet Millbrock 5 ta Doug Craugh being thc marks- S- man. Steve West assisted by la te second gaine, Bow- Barry Hazelden put Orono in »fmn'ille Bantarn Ail-Stars the running again in second 1eieted Newcastle 3 ta 3. period. Orono then scored Third gaine for. the Consola- two goals early in the third ton Trophy donated by Smith period to tic the gaine at 3 to 3everages saw Miiibrook de- 3. Goals were by Steve West liat eî by a score of assisted by Doug Taylor and 8 to aTi gaine was very Steve West trom Neil Allln. close untîl the* third period Bowmanville's Steve Forsey whcn MWlbrook scored six scored the winner assisted by of their goals. The score at Tom Simpson with 2 minutes thie end of Uic second period and 40 seconds lcft to play Was 2 ta 2. ini the gamne. Fourth and final gaine for Our congratulations ta thie thie Championship Trophy do- Bowmanville team. We wish mated by thie Orono Amateur them every success in their ,Mhletie Assn. was won by the O.M.H.A. Bantam playoffs. Bownianville Bantam Ail- The boys who made this Stars who defeated Orono by tournament possible wish to a score af 4 to 3. This was al thank ail those who helpcd very close gaine with Bow- Jin any way ta make it once manville leading 2 to 0 atlagain a success. ........... Great Show on Earth Coming to Expo Ïn May .. Mantreal - The Ringling herd of trained elephants in ~ '* Pros. and Barnum and BaileylIcaptivity, as well as camels, circus, in its own silver train, ýseals, chimps, bears, dogs, Is raaring towards the Expo Ilamas, 'horses and tigers. The Automotive Stadium, wher2 angerous acts, where jungle the Greatest Show on Earth1 beasts are featured, take place * will thrill cfidren of ail ages in a specially buiît cage that ~ . during 26 performances, May cost $50,000. Highlight is a .. . .- 16-28. sensational number in which ~ ,~. More than 300 circtqs starsi 10 tigers take part and two .Q . and 200 animal performers flatural enemies, a horse and wil7 take part in this three. a tiger perforin tagether. ring spectacular.1 The famous Ringling clowns ..... Circus President John Ring. 1have concacted new routines. llng North has signed 25 They are led by Lou Jacobs Puropean acts neyer beforelafld the world's tiniest clown .,. seen in North America. These Jstars, Prince Paul and Frankie ~' . wili be integrated with last Saluta. Richard Barstow, who gy year's successful show that in- hassr e teRnligso9~..~ cluded mast of the world's top fr9years, bas created glit- .-.*- acts. tering new numbers for the Thie Ringling Circus animal 1967 show. kingdom features the biggest 'Viva Mexico' Matures three .. rings of prancing Liberty hors- 0 EBENEZER Mx nfl achanros The circus stands on its head for "' :;.,s . . U. C. W. 'Alice in Topsy Turvy Land', TeEeigUnit ad te odncircus averes.I L me the n d.Mdl' opee ->~. Ebe e e UC.. et n ll thwt a-a acri h Chitian Euatriory and the anb inling ebe0 prayer. girls and spotlighting Euro- .... Our eea meeting ob The Greatest Show on Earth, genera ta bepean web star Erika Pinske. Above are the mernbers of the two choirs fram Crwih DvdMt March 30, with Mrs. Raymond wiîCabtwarircus aaviternatio Osborne, Mrs. Glen Pickell and wai star he istaigemat. Public School Who won great honors for the school by winning two Elaine.Arche Mrs Ebr nowen n hare. l tar inth mist f gratfirsts at the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival. Top picture, back Panschuk, Di Te nEer nitwdetin cage, international exhibition. row, left to right: Mrs. Wannacott, Gary Thomson, Tom Tennyson, Crowelis. Cei be April 20th withi Mrs. Dennis Malcolm, Roddy Campbell, David Malcolm Paul Jdo, EaieWrigh Eobcrt Muir, Mrs. Jack GayAlan Frew , E riC Post. Centre row , lef t to right: M rsJ d on E a e g and Mrs. Donald Metcalf in SAnnLgMPaaviGrhamTer c argex. urKinn Larry Cooke, Gordon Beacock, Gary Davidson, Paul las Johnston, prsne nMrs. Doug Reynoldsnte and e Kristensen, David Mathison, Michael Rogan, Paul Larmer, Mrs. row, lef t ta r: lnPfring worship service, hier graup were in charge ai thie Turner. Front row, lef t ta right: Douglas Johnston, Tommy Wotton, Marlow, Jair tImhiir."Tbe Feeling, ai March meeting of thie u.C.W. Peter Kristensen, Jack Gunter, Larry Werry, Jamie Malcolm, Philip Cindy Redzi1k Zaser" ATjoièdin singing The -meeting opened with -thie' AchrBtem-itre ak .I eftr. Ch ty t od is Rsn T- devotionai and Bible reading Bot m'peu e a k.r w a.rg~t.Its. vvannacott, day". A foem entitled "The by Mrs. Sam Buttery. Several Lost Char ">, written by Adel- hymns were sung and thieM O R R IS H aide Anne Proctor, was read. worship closed with prayer. MR I - S& rlpturc reading w as taken M rs. Jim Coom bes gave a Th a c me t n of he he 2 r a 2 p .ln he o e from the gospel ai John. Mrs. humoraus reading. Mrs. Ken Ti ae etn iti h 3da ..i Rehm Muir closed with prayer. Fletcher, in ber usuai enthusi- U.C.W. was hed on Thursday ai Mrs. «Stanley Clark. Nine Mrs. Raymond Osborne and astic manner, gave us some memibers werc present. The Mrs. Robert Muir iavoured al "Tips on Gardening."l Miss Foxboro, were weekend visit- third Tuesday is tRie regular by, singing "The Old Village Susan Craîg favored with a ors with Mr. and Mrs. Les day ai meeting but Tuesday Church", accompanied by Mrs. piano solo. Mrs. John Coonibes Welsh. 2ist being sucb an Inclement Lloyd Down. and Mrs. Doug Reynolds gave Several irom this commun- day thie meeting was post- Mrs. John Romeril was a chapter ai the Study Book ity attended the Durham poried. ugeaker of the evening and on thie church in Canada. Mrs. Fariners County Co-operative The president, Mrs. Morton cose "Literature" as ber Jim Coombes conducted a banquet at Orona last Wcd- Henderson, c ond uc t ed the tapie. Knowing "bow" ta contest. During the business nesday evening. meeting, the business coming rcad enables ane ta read mare Ifinal.plans were made for ýa Miss Marion Buttery attend- iirst tRis time. The minutes qulckly. Icatering ta a wedding this ed the annual Junior Farmer ai the February meeting were Ms rifs. RmrlefsrewiSaturday. Conference at Guelphi and rcad by the secretary, Mrc. us rif umiale o sveal Meeting ciosed wlth thie spent thie weekend with Mr. Milton rma&be0wdwr beaok that she persanafly en- benediction and a social turne and Mrs. Doug Gamsby, adopted as read. Mrs. Harrypi joyed. Short humorous staries was eniayed. Guelph. Beckett, treasurer, gave the have a place in every home. Miss Jean Willet, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Samn Buttery, manthlY report wbich was There is goad reading ta fit Mr. Glen Blackburn, Kempt- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buttery and satisfactory. A motion was any mood, which leaves anc ville, were visitors aver the iamiiy, Peterborough, were made and carried that ail buis uplftd.weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guests ai Mr. and Mrs. be paid and sick membersb nch was m cservourdean .Baku Bob Craig, and amily in honor remembered either by flowers sa"al ure cosd ar vening. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Welsh,oîf Mr. Sam Buttery's birthday or card. The U.C.W. bas been asked ta cater for two weddings, anc in May, thie other in June. PAINT P NOWItas movd and scond:: ' that we accept thie invitation. __________________ The brides-to-be are well FO ,uch lnvd members ai churc and undayschool. FOR , ne wedingwîli take place ~A N A A' C N T N N.A L i appointed ta join with U.C.W.s ai Welcome charge about praviding Bibles for use m A L L U M~ m m ~ .A ~in c urch. The usuai dona- VV11 ""My .avourite Paint tion wl efraddta h thie udySho on thie S C A R F E S 8:: day of month. This con- SCA RFES fterthe collection. A two minute silence in memory of the late Governor- General of Canada, G.P. AA m iVanier, was observed, follow- FAv Vv ~ d byhymn187, Break TRou the Bread ai Lufe. '- Thie subject ai thie prograi was a number af beautiful .. pictures by great painters, Partraying Thie Last Supper, Crist Washing His Disciples "1 lst, Mo. M. Henderson, Mrs. Vr Anderson, Mrs. HarryBeckett, Mrs. S. Clark, MANUFACTURERS 0F A ec reading thie story- ai the a t o Il ~Se the newi id easrin sheati ison, Larry Cooke, Cindy MeCoîî, Carol Hutnton, . fusnsiof er, Dennis Malcolm, Eric Post, Michael Rogan, Christine )ianne Perigoe, Gary Davidson, Paul Kristenson, Cheryl TTC ?ntre row, left ta rîght: Mrs. Venning, Sandra Jhnston, T teD.C ht, Rosi Fallis, Kathy Walker, Peter Kristensen, Cheryl t h or -ry Robinson, Shelley MeMahon, Gardon Beacock, Doug- Amplé parkinfi ,Marlene Kroekenstoeî, Jack Gunter, Mrs. Turner. Front [ght: Wilma Wolters, Tom Wotton, Philip Archer, Anne ne Malcolm, Cathy Hart, Linda Scott, Patti Bryans, :owski, Janis McLaughlin, Donna Jackson. -Photos Courtesy Port Perry Star i Cartwright Schlool Choirs Win Two Firsts .ai Peterborough. Music Festival approaches to kitchens end bthrooms ... new ng and air condltioning ... pools and gardons s... home mntertalnment... building materials. >t a Commerce Red Convertble Loane ur wife would prefer a green sedan. Sedan, convertible, canoe, PMno, or wardrote.. ~ wife). Whatever it is you want, a Commerce Bankplan Loen can be tailored to your V eLoan Dpartment of any Commerce branch. CANADIAN IMPERIAL.1IANac 0F COMMERCE - fTheeIla ery Uttle dftfer. sharply until et age 75 ïthe ence betw.n tberWo rate lsa pproxlmately 8à per rates af Canadian males ta ~ O~0.AIter age 35, tuber. lémaes p t ag 35 at cubais rates amon Canadian fa e t ge 35,s tw hic b w o mnen tend t a Id ecre. T hey ageUicrat isappIroxmmaW~y remain between 30 and 40pe 35 per 100,0(0 fr bth- Fron 100,000 save for a sllght li then on rates among men risLcesefom75yar ndU