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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1967, p. 18

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à-z1 Canadian Stateunan, Dowmanvme, Mar. 2M, lIM ldGraduation Exercises esM Flor Red Cross Home Nurses Jtý *f~Gaualoxnlght was held alio 't1anked the ladies cf the certiicates te, the .foliowlng:dsa hrtseRd rn oeNurs- atternoon Branch cf the Womn- Mmis.>BlackunMis G. Bly- ad.I agCus t St JOWs' Parish ens Auxiliary ef St. John's for levenMis. R. Buwuieester, etoa on tise evenIng c March the three lovely quitta they M .L Clark, Mrn J.L. De- mn fulsFteen ladiesfrm Bow- donated for this. Gooyer, Mis.T. Dykstra, Mrs vlNewcastle an>d Oreno w.W. "Bill Bagne, Water G. Evers, Mn *P. Groenveldrée e uent15 eek im er he atey Cairman, outlmed the Mrs .A . A-Munneke, M is . leleadership f Mins M Iarge program of his commit. Oldejans, Ms, S. Robbins, h~~ eR..and Mn. R. Van- tee ln> this area. He stated thgt Mns. T. Sikmna, Miss Erica i o ruelearning how te the maix> aim cf Redc~ ross Wisniewski and Mis. G. Zwier. huét fo tos11 t horne. is ta teach as maeny people as Mis. X Collacott was absent. Car twr thX 1ÔY Sery, Branch pl e the ewyt njoy Mns. Spry complimented thse Manven CeIemwelcomed thse. men- wtrs ortcs that drownlngs ladies cri their appearance -in ane pfthe clan andT their may 'be preventéd. Mis. Spry unifemin and assuredý thei ef frs tIan>d 'ntroduced thse spoke efthtie number cf people thse help they would new be e~>h Executive te thein. Thse that she and hem assistant, Mns. hi their own families, their frsi Part, of the evening teck IF. Grifix> help through thse neighbors and the community. fotrin cf a final tesson forLoan Cupboard Svîçe A She expressed the hope that clBto acquaint them'average ef three reqiqéstspe they would xow consider thein- the work -of thse Red week were fllIed in> 1966. Un- selves znengers ef the local i~ n this area. W. J. E. fortunately Donald Harvey, Red Cross an>d would fxd the, QXmmlstex, Treasurer, reported First Aid Inst'uctor, was un- turne te help with seme cof thse Stotal et $1550.00 collected te able te be present. Thw report 'Llé ni the local canvass with of the Women's Work Chair- Mns. G. Zwier exprèsged thse Ute rural areas yet te be heard man Mns. E. Rundie completed thanks et the clas t0 teir in- **M. the picture et the work carried structers and presented them J L Dav'ey, Blond Doner eut 1$' the local Brancis. Her both with a levely cup- and Ianotlined the clinjcitalent for writing verse, per- saucer. Thse Branch executive ruip mthis area and stresseditrayed vividly the work and aise presented ,thein with a importance etf lnding new importance ef her departusent. gft in appreciation et the *nors each turne. Mns. G. For-' The instructers. wearing many heurs they, had devoted Ehnfldthe DatterServie.those ve caes es R Mcdam, mngee aRe.Mcaran setwith lier report et the them by their class, ixtroduced Special guests for thse even- Grade 5 and .6 students at thse Hampten Publie kovich, Beth Coutts, Danny Catto, Dale Barnes, Mich- Abe told ef the help given te assistant commissiener for On>- Harry Black, Ontario Division School completed a joint project last week after ael Verbrugghe, -Debbie Nolan, Clarke Wilbur, Laure local famnily whe lest theiritarie Division cf Red Cross and officers. Mr. McAdamn began his onhfcutnadpatn.Sonere, lef t to rig, Martindale, Paul Kioster and Beele.uet Me in> a lire lst week. She Mrs. Spry presented pins and Red Cross career as a Water are Couzyn VanHeuveleén, Donna Wotten, Leslie Jan- -Oshawa . Times Photo R.C.A during tise Secend W Ird War and later becamec nt ue tr nig nd o- TIENAGE DANCE ]directer of Disaster Services Hampton School Students ditioning. and was appointed Assistant Swlm Teste et ~ew. Tests ît t B wanvilernin CLUB ANNRENE associated with thse Biood Don- L fstruc yI (.rssTsts atforBoys oo, anar years, irisiting niany *ofthWenU, Bg9e7 . Instructorshag, Co frst clinics held in this area. Hampton Public School pu- are keeping pace with cen- Grades Wite 6. * 30, Instructor hag, Co He is new Campaign Directer pils will be showing their tennial happenings in Canada The schoDol is aise actively Mrs. Lerna Caverly, Mrs. lti Frid y, M rch lst, 1967 for Ontario. These gentlemen major centennial project te by keeping a bulletin board invoîved in a township..wide Miriam Hario, egsra outlnedtheprovincial work anyone visiting tise scisool. relating to prejects acress the preject efthtie Darlingten Mrs. J. Bagneil.$83 Music by THE SIX STYXS et the Society and presented Students in the senior country uring 1967. Public Shol Board, tie plot- Royal Life Saving Society- an excellent film "Harry's I' classes efthtie scisool have con- Tise tive classroom Hamp- ting et a township map show- Senior Artificial Respiration ta' Modern Dance Hall, located on Scugog Island, Hurry" wisicis vividly portray structed Canadian, provincial ton Public School was con- ing al Property owners in Awards. lst Bar - Dianne have, tunnot o out Ra, othN. eqd tise importance efthtie Blood and territorial crcsts te be structed about 10 years ago tise township. Harrison, Lorna Caverly, Bey- TrasfuionSerice diplâed n te chol hll-andhas165stuent frmi-Oshawa Times. erley Wiggans, John Sturrock, your olo in.JH.Dvyonbhlofways. A large four by cigist Stepisen Living, Shawn Leddy, mae -> Door Prizes- Spot Dances ail tisose present tisanked tise feet Canadian Crest will be David Wiggans and Tom Bar- Whet speakers fer taking time fromn placed on the wail opposite ton. dc Dancing from 8< 2tiseir busy scisedules to be thse scisool's main entrance. Re re t on R v ie Cnaia Rd ros ocet 8t12prescrit. Tise poe I k h rt einr-Hrl amfr Tise evening came te a .pleas- roetto tie rtBener aod 'anona , o ADMISSION - - - $1.25 per person ant close as a social heur was classes for tise Grades 5 and 6 Joan Gibson, Carol Van Belle: havec enjoyed by ail. A delicieus et Principal Gleibs- a menth os y lse ael.GwnGas hli eobe lunch was served by members te -compiete. T Beys' GmnClausees Caverd o. Gwen Gtu- ar laPhryllis McRDonig, Toron efthtie Branch and tisose pres- Centemial Cnces tien Boys' Gym Classes iseld rock, Tom Barton, Dianne Har- Dorothy EdmonSson Pauinh, Asur nt had an pprtunity te be- Tie main sciool centennial a Gym Display at Ontario rison, Siawn Leddy, David Wilicns, Ann aiAnnssr <L Bcore better acquainted and te projects will be te take part Street and Lord Elgin ISchools Wiggans. Hilon.An anh n L o c a t e d A N N K L N Lh av e rth ir m a n y q u e stio n s in -a s e rie s et c e n te n n ia l c o n - la st w e k .B r n e M d l i n r q r s a J u o r ar H a m ilton CLU B_____________ cers tenbi atbis M.J. Tise Gym Dispiay at Ontario basic lite saving and artificial Juditis Vinisis, Donna King, HCb eirPbi csoSre cso n Tedyrsiainpoiiny ti ad al n cuy on cuogîsîndL NG SAU T auto Rod, g ilatternoon fcaturcd tumbîing, a starting point for furtiser Ken Elliott, John Forbes. uw a LONG AULT aT May. Ail Darlington isead stands and active games training in lifeguard work and Interynediate - Mary Jean T Satrda Nie'. Aprl It ownshsip public scisools wiil taugist during tise past winter for those who wisis to assume Billett, Cindy Craig, Blake participate in tise concerts. bytieir Instructor Mr. Paul aquatic staff positions. Purdy. A LT D NIGville, were Sunday supper ase ostted acislt eter e parents wr vancedtringn fesvg Terry Russell, Bill Eeuwes, Muse'b GNE ND TALINRSguesta cf Mr. and Mrs. W. constru ctue ofablothet on isand to sec tise children in> and watermansisip suitable for Michael Carmen, Heather 39 Tre»p>< M us c b G N E N D T A LIN RSVaneyk. crovininl pictrs il ts action. tie experienced sw im m er. H oar, D bbie Salter and John Refreshment and Buffet Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable Poica lwr.'Tise Gym Display at Lord Lifeguards use tsis award te H ooper. and Bruce, Tyrene; Mrand xPo Trip Elgin was weil attendcd by - A MISIO - - $3.00 per couple Mrs. Harold Murphy, Margo If tise Darlington Townshsip Parents witi tise boys present- anKre e e v Su da s p Public Sciool B ard apprves, cd b i g i v ve mn v r us- _r Dancing Every Saturday Nlght adTeo e:Sn p-c îrn e ie Hmpton pe et tumbvlvin b o es per gueseof teLoxes l S-cislrmnay h a pae ftmlnbxos We citer to Banquets, Weddings, Parties,. etc. 113, olebratx>g Lussbwth- Sho nysec ZXPQ tisis work and active games. Mr. fromn 20 - 500 persons. day. May. Principal Gleibs saîd a àMerle Slute, Principal ef On- Be ready te weîcamc your two-day trip te Montreal isas tarie St. Scisool thanked Mr. F"or Further Information Telephone: T.B. and Diabetes canvasser already been partially ar- Paul Welsis, Gym Instructer i OSHAWA PR ER hnseciso o nterxgd for tise Department et Recre- near future. Clinic date for Tie ricipal said he ex- atien. 723-5731 985-2751 Tyrone is April 10; heurs, 2 te pccts about 45 students would 5 p.n. and 6 30 te 9:30 .M. go te tise fair in> one bus. Mug Hockey Schedule for -Ciildren wauId have te pay Saturday, April 1ut tiseir own expenses which are expected te be $21 for tise Bantam-Game 6 - Braves, trip, including accommoda..v.Cb,7am tien. Banta-Gaine 7 - Pirates tt n tTise Grade 1 class wiîî vs Panthers, 7:40 a.m. A tte n io n .Plant a greup et trees and Miiidgc..Gam 8 -Caluck* produce a map depicting Can- vs..R oyal, 8:35 a.1r.. ada 100 years ago and today. Midget.---.Game 9 - Orpisans Thse Grade 4 and 5 students vs. B.T.S., 9:15 a.m. as tiscir prejects, are repro- Bantamn-Gamne lO-H-uskies ducing tise homnes in wisicis vs. Winnèr ef Game 6, 10:10 JALL PERSONS they1liveusilg totis~ as amn.Crnt Keepng pee v. -inne of ame8, 10:50 Tise Grade 3 and 4 classeS a.m. Pce Wee-Game 12 - Red USING KENDAL vs. ris1:4 .. of Game 7 vs. Winner et Game Mayaxusen.ot1,122 ..t V ry FU TH týZ;ý onmo.. sjJeIjLscore ettise 1:35 mark efthtie D MN SERVIES BFORE EAVIG TH HOSPAL. UK IM~ tie wekendwith Martin For-! second period on a ga y~ ters and acmeid Bie tnbr sied b l Shirey erce an Bnin 1F _ ark' Brown. Tise Rayais trchad pster. and Ms orged isead again et tise 16:30 VA IU OM O 'EIA N URANCE SUCH AS RcadPse in Port Hope,imark cf tise second penîod by Sundr terst sP oonE6.3 -3 O..SI.. OTCOEDTH HOPTA CARESSuda ateMon Gary 'Perfect assisfed by HN 2- 3, DO NO CVE ESE OPIAMiAGE.sses Sandra Brown and Demnis Woolnei but tise Reyel Canal Domaslk et Port Hope dnew a cresscisecking penalty Olûari Hopitl Jsuýspent Wedncsday night witis et tise 18:25 mark and tise' Ontri.Mopîtl Isuance covers the following services provided Misses Shirley and DootiylI ndins tied te score t 18:50 Two Locations -1,6 Lansdowne St., Peterborough, 7454695 to an out-patient by a hospital when used for emergency diagnosis and Mencen. on Don Childs' geai, assisted treauiet wthl twety-ourhous afer m acidnt:Debbie Lengçtaff was tiselby Mark Brown. Tise two t r e a m e n w l t l n w e n t 4 o u h o r i a t e r a n a c i d n t :g > a s t e t S u s i e D a v i s o n F n . . t e a n s o u g t i a r d f r e i g h t day night. minufes et evertime but tise 1 Use cf facilities mncludilug drugs, surgical supplie&sandursn Kendel scisool choir sang et1 Rayais were rct ta be denied. mr'ngservice. Sisiloh chunch Sunday atten- Gerald Brunt sccred ise win- à., ue of laboatory, X-ray and other diagnostic proeue o h noon xe tts jgs iuemr 01rpo.. of m u in qusemergency diagnosis and treatusent. Fnster jie he UIdto Wix tise gaine and tise Muig Ciurcis et tise church Sunday 'or e Royale. 3. Use Q' the servces Mehtlcned luin mad 2 above oni follow.up visits memning. LI&eSaving Testa »ecebsly te conclude the emergeucY treatmlent Of s fracture where RY Sleep, Carl and Linda Reuts et Royal Lie Saving time ftatm.nt w»astarted withln 24 hours after an accident. Langstaif, Mrs. MacDonald,'Society, Canada, tests iseld at Mrs. G. Mercer, Deug and tise BOYs" Training Scisool 4.- U» o<f t>ae servies mentioned in 1 or 2 ahove necessary to ccnclude Irene attended tise card party Pool an Monday, Marcis 20th, *tist<tmeut 01 a fracture where tihe treatusent was <arted b e t Newtonville. 1967:- *dm" of«W atint à a inpatent ILca teenagers attended the Instructoru -- W; Bagnehll daeia t Clarke Higis School Lermia Caverly, S. Reynolds. maft MbÏs Shirlev Mereer was aiParker, Jennufen Beat, Anne dinner gest eaturdav rventng jWiggans, Maureen "Tl gis e, at MrtinPostrs. Josephîhe Preece, Norma Lee. SOAR 0F IREC OR~The Teacéhers meeting wasj ii P C de. a fenMoii n. L ,,iz edlin OBITJAIRY Leit ta mourn ber lmi t de <Gibbas>m aeolse step-chldren. Norma C"i &wn six months, iii- Merill Van> Camp> of Blak. Minnie Malcelm extered stoc~k, and Glen of Edmonton kgt at Toronto EastGen Alta.; sisters, Mm. C. Nance) Îospital 0n Wednesday, Moore ef Toronto, Nee and Mt, 19V?, in her 74th ktel in Engla>d; brothert. Sbe was a daughe niJùm an>d Jack (deceaud). te Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Funeral services fer the de irah Gibbons of Ex>ge oeased were held et thélait Gibby" as she was et- Derrnott - Pannabaker atelY known to her in Port Perry on StUrzw frie>ds, was en e March I lth, withRer for many years tili her nald Rose, Port Perry,. conl ,ent et the candy con ducting the service. jti the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. ment was et the UnionqMne 'renta. A fastidieus tery veuit, Cadmus, Ont. eeper, the Malcoin Pallbearers were flephewi near Blackstock in of the deceased, Messrs. jaci gÈht TWSP. and in Moore, Wilfred Harrison, Kar rs Twsp. near Bethany Kyrytow, Victor, Harvey, ang ieral years. Ralph Malcolmn. Vhen you sav ieGo-Ahead way )u get Fe Insurance toc! )ose a ive year savings goal. It could be as aIs $.600, or as much as $5,000. (Your venient monthly deposit Con range from $10 to .33.) Whatever savings goal you set for yourself, 'the amount of Life Insurance protection you Dfor five years, from the minute you make firs.t deposit. This is in addition ta ail deposits e, lus the bonus your savings have earned. ýther you're saving for your children's ition, for the down payment on a new homne, retireMent nest egg .. . or even if you don't a special oblective in mind, ask your nto-Dominion Manager about the Go-Ah ead c>f saving ... Toronto-Domin ion's rd Savings Plan. No medical is required. Great-Go-Ahead idea from TORONTO-DOMINION R. G. LAWTON, Manager ~rance St. Bown sassvlUe, On~ Thse 1997 American Motona weicom es Trent Auto Sales (ROwmanilîe) Lt<l. to tas growimg dealer Orgalzation. Drop lut. î nt Auto Sales (Dowmanville) Ltd. noce sud test drive thme exclting >55w cars froat The 1967 American Motors. The.y offer a compiete model selection ln Lthe new, more powertul Rambler Amerlean - thme ail new Une ut Rebeis anid the luxurions, langer, longer Aushasadon *for '67. ln addition you'U indlu a new wider choiceot power and a romplete range of options. Fer present ownen rx epit ADM. 0"e.(Dowmanvlle> Lis. beut staff adtacilties te give your eegto asie. Drop (n and ses then, soo,.- U MPIFIIM Tla 1*0E, WXiO<SAMSAMSOR, THE AhI.NIW uni 0f1 tous AND MTI mml AM KM ANMOTORS <CANADA> UMITD manvine, Ont.

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