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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1967, p. 2

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~re anaznStatemuan, EowmanuIfe, m M2, 18ison t ~Ine-Club . AcçrPrie.Jh meb r ~- tll H p es fo r S o lu i n t P o l mmeti U ig, fo lows: Ki._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s o Plckard, Llblemo Ha r ad I lfi / edit] V 9; beg Kinun, fT r i fVcnie &« 4 C re s l ayWssol er District Governor and a A eaSn ~ RaialCrisisWorse inU. Se. Irve(J::Brwaormadwiwqan1'. Honorary Life Member, and new members AI Osborn AgÀ. Lawrence Gra, Gog utCn e n a , e t v'Ard so S p a e n o m s Cn l bton, B laskre, CarlZin, by £luie Raikes* McCormack in this play and also won awards for set de-. w Tloym Preni Gand Gunn , ixen members of the to the best supporting actor sign and production. .0* Terdicii igtlgwitst uubndrloyaaei Toanard. S nderkas;Roard GK eer Bowmnanville Draina Work- Bert Renka. Peter Faulkner, M en~I Thra ici Unite taig htes tosuntinues mt o th emhecommnta in s. gp s Mcne, Bv oDtar, Kenshop attended the oe=iIg the young actor who carried The winnlng play whlch wo ind th eUnoes wIllotiuz ot fth lgo be major industriel cltles will be moat severe. It là aimait lim aced Geàceo nngtfthe Central Otrotenrrtv fteplay will be presented again In i-and ts cKen Drna Festival In Hart House throughout, receivcd a grant Hart Houie ini April, beforej feit throuhaut the wr LdDr mainly negro within 20 possible now for whites and Neil McLean; Lions, Ke o t i h o inionM ar J. R. Colemnan, New ork, years." negroes to undcrstend each Nicks, Carson Elliott, Howardon Tuesday, Mardi 14th. as an aid to pursue his studies coamestivalI the Dominion * ~ ~ ~ à todteCnda lba h pae adta o te.Oea h ctca- Wight, Lars Carlson, Eric Barr The festival was opened by with dramatic courses offered Dae sil th wek o Wes Duham on Thursda a er u iest du- pes of this the case of Adamn and Fred Morrisn. Presiderit hnta i uan te payGov e Br a by fthe ommun t rameay 22 d n S it o n, New- Mi ), Sevening. ates have excellent o p run!-Cleyton Powell. W hite peo- ainue h a a ns- tierjof V in " he ply cNoe an ch ! he De ar me t O o un le d w s wrtt n by d ug * Preident Russel BesI Jre- tics in business and industry, pie cansider that Congressa apast president a! thc Kins Tohsgaaeeigws dcta.MrnoHunteudr, ect-ya-l C.8. f Vision"hemebyigNormann aToroento hamateurd rd waectior- membrsbafthe B * adedetthemeein he inan ar no hndlappd . ws ustiled in its censure. men Club, introduced the Williamns. This was Uic Can- aTw e mb sers on the rislay, t Flew the à rary Audtorium. Itroducingthe are fced prch enledsUichlOntariednDrainallLea-uFormThe andenWistrictArmttrnongeaod tAuroreraDramesronrkshd urora ram bh erved In l.RylCan- There Ih sill strong preJudice negro i raieth ur-ItrCu oligToh anebrgop aocaigthere was a good representa.. Newmarkct D r a maCuSkatinq edian Navy with Uic gueit einong white people ageinst ceiving ts bound to be unfair. Imimediate Peut President tan In this rodupsctower ic tion o! the club et each per. taff lo lyers i and Clhepi 'Speaker, laid that holie sthe havlng negroea as neighborsft Progress towards a solution Dunn, Branch 178 Royalein- owadjudDam or-fo~iac atin n et te fial RIchms odu HiIi Curtilb ic Pro em Offce I ch rg o In oulllng th p obl ma o!the race relations probîcin adian Leglon for t e Lei nshop,? Ohawa Little Theatre, a jic. ato so n Sar t uda y an h m soprodc d by ec il y EbIOwm For nDeoie ntchatgeOfIc n cedby icn . nhe rodsUIrouh Uic.labelng held back Teain, winner a! the tourna- pic-Ar Players, Ajax; Scar- enit. tg eer ot as adinn ampua an dlrcted Dof Feounda tth ew Dr.Ceman expan d lb et talra heunconsclOus in- ment, with a total score of boraugh Tetr' id a' Dant byeRbrto a a York. Pouhisostion -NwDr. w CtleUic expin !th b oest nce of meny white peo- 3608, high triple 805, and high barough Players. Damie, V oqurofe ar T hi lon ie qie ia VC hi pd i tion Da-.edcaethexepinuifthecae tple. News Wcek In a recent ingle 31.The trophy was Robertson -Davies, the ad- wDaevie "l our a!theeys mThinSopaycolned quhloie a vanOl Coemnbed tefond-edcte he ms oecoesurvey graphically iluitreted donated 'byFred Cale, Lions judicetor, comrneîd highly wrceyood heewsmdet oc i - psyhl agîcî ne a *tlon'u aid ta mlnorlty graups innumereble obstacles con- thîs point. Clb; Jc aneRtr n ispe o h rfaman- flot anc wc have ta blush and scmt o lasife mwh igurc, ed Sand Its work for cancerning cerning cmployment. Inx cer- akLneRtyonhiplyfrhecf agouhadfr. prbsm o!pvof.tiprsa the urban ghet- "Two questions were esked'iClub; un Callas, Klwanis uhip o! Norman Williams' hen aurhces fo." trhctl classlc foriandhichbe bel polinhs oaddrer. Cleen toin tsefi4 -rcnt lI this uurvey. 1. Mas pro- Club; Irvine Brown, Kinsmnen writing and for the high stand- The most interesting plplaceîi~. It won the Hugh Eayra evèningu, Inbi ual d e stouD roe s e làe 47copren taun gresu been inade lin Integra- Club, and Bill Orme, Legion erd o! the acting throughout. o! the weck, we thought, was Trophy for thc beat visuel 15th »I heuben adlthouhe Unotenatoynal averageo rpe th on? The anuwcru: 76 per Gîe Club. In the final adjudication on "el esfanArudpeetîoMurilhutel 1 te .prcent of the white people seid Reminders were voiced by Saturday night, a special men- thpord.Thsws srloywntbat supporilgactes Stats reardng rce ela.cent li stpro.gresa hed been made, and the respective presidents o! tion went la Joc Mullen and o! assemblages by a London and the Mirvish. Trophy, for o ral, s oil, a m diffi- "The hlgh percentage 1h pe cent of Uie negroeu Uic Rotary Easter Scaîs Carn- Diana Rickcîîs. John Aines- bouscwi!e, Rae Davis, and osî riihgnw tln cuit mrl oil n econo- unemploymncn appliles the agreed. 2. lu progresu coing p aigu; the Kinsmen Zone Con- bury inx the part o! Edwin, the an experient Inx Total went ta Tery Tced,aughtcr smic probjem. maie negro population. There loo faut? Rep e: 74 per cent ference in Linday Ibis oin- adjudicetor uaid, uhowed act- Theatre. o! Tomnmy Tweed. The ply 'The houx' la late but there are two reasons for Ibis. Job t!hUi whhtes seid yeu, but lng wcekend; the officiel Bow- ing o! auperlor arder in his The best actor award wcnt la greet fun and for enyone là gâtili e chance for a solu- aptitude lests givexi by com1 only thrce per cent a! thceinanville Centennial B e 11, rai f a wcak maavr oLa Lwrence Elion, who play- unablc o get ta St. John's, 1 ingo w notlong me . s a nls-! ive roc teindtion-negrocu qucstloned thaught so. uponsored by the Kiwanis Club difficult anc for a man o! cd thc leed in the "Advcntures New!oundlend, In May, it fieg d lhnoreloner epreti-jOb phe erformeso eauuon- In reference to differenl la be bcld on April 29tb, and strong character ta portray. o! Mendol Fish", e play in woulci be well worUi selng (F fie setait matae rlgrhe-b test reforedaanc e n- asetypes of negro civil rigitu tic Lions' Auction Sale on Thc prize for tic best actreas the Jcwish idiomi by Aviva et the Hart House Theatre Ilaiebs ta uI patiiptio lx om-vionnen ad eckrondadvoaeeîDr. Colemian sald: June lti. lxx 1he festival wnt ta MurièlRavel ! Mntreal. This play next mntb. 30 mlnkt to fll artciptio incoi. vionnentand bacgrhnd Say what you like about lhc Tic wlnners a! lie Lions berp mnunlty Ilfe," lie speaker practically unknown ta Aemreagesie nIrdia HckyDrw ee ruebetwen sttd emphatlcally. negro. Certainly until recent- moearsiea2eaia oky rw wr rc il was not until Ibis type o! Lush, Joc Cooper, Glen Dawes, v i , O lBathm 4 Inx lie United States negrocu mneunberuahipand lb s preve- that authrtes qulckly went Ewert and C. QuIllen. BdAe t nîwerdi comos 1 pr en o lecd thein engaging Inx skilledlah.mdrengolaes Introducing the guest speak- ~ oe population. Inx the cilles bbc tradtes, and made tie concessions er, Rosi Strike spoke a! Mr. en dr s hI D , ; pouceaà percentage o! coiored people Dhscuuslng the educetion Uiey wcre asking." Graasman's niany years lin the officiais cia ~ u n u i i ie . a , r C lm an pointed o t "T he discrim ination regard. n u an e b s ne s nd oui I I Ig ther i " W a iin tan D. . h 84 per lia wh re choolu are I e - ng col r bas been histori, continuel active interest in l centars negarAntniaWweI a e tlhstdens, e maI emebertnaegreoa decdeseMesai lio Naslmabutcnt egr. Wtare tc nxt ratd n¶ anstdensodoaiaut ime ar cinflg ad scia wok wichbasspexxe ly A ati th Cleveland, and Las Angeles but the scgregeted negro tic white race lu the 10xal Mr. Grossman was born, and T o A tten d C u reers xit colhos ~negroes wll b. In the ia- uciools do flot pravide lh ie norlty inx lie warld," Dr. educeted inx Toronto, anxd in ort If ie exodus o! th same qulity o Instruction or Coleman said lIn conclusion. 12wseecdtaic it The Durhamn County Dis- Expo, stated thett li project and supervision by a respon- rsientn o! an ivd a- ree. n mjrit ac earihSho or ti pnce yte eebr il esn h eatet m m .Coleman foris splendid pre. tic municipal cauncil wihhan tcIhemig Shol nor tla onsord obylictrbo f bEdperain Tic Dtepartet se~I ontto! ond ii a!fc until 1955 when he was tic Secondary School reccntly ec- Peterborough Separate Sciool Festival and provide two S ow In .~ ** BO eS tcunegrofpcodimtions a e cadiat fr cepted an invtationi for itue Board, and Pet:rbarough Su:- meals at the h snow In aie B o S he egroprolei. tday Hesuccssfl cndiateforSt.dents o! Secondary Sciools lin urben'Sciool Board, and liaI participants and their ciaper- h e u calelection. lIn 1961Mr have ben abldinginlxx ceI Etic ee atdCestih p aizaeliondeo! t. Icis-onsfornigit accommostdan li s ui ea L ehese :rCanadien Club tbilaGrosinan was appointcd M i r a :lhelld8l:Ptelborlugh, ell o e d A 4 ooh I-lon rrngd ndpa for as R in d L f e gueut speaker who tirougihalrwtou otoiorn eoielCenre, Pethtrorougi raedy m lore t repre- by tie Deparîment,1" thc let-. îl e te For aPundato digbecame Minister o! Reform nlg i Cbfdre l ti. icliî cf 5 mui actiy the siua Institutions inx 1963", Mr. Ciaimman J. Forbes Heyland senting aven 100 career fields. ter explained. lion.i h icnt o:mc t etiyte si trka-adpresided. Tic project will feature Il was painled out that local Api Third and Hlgh Streets, G. Rosevear prcsented a Discussing tie work o! ne- A letter froin Aubrey J. career opportunities for ail commnxiîy egencles and aer- pubIished Sunuet and Liberty Streets, gîft to, Dr. Coleman as a sou-.habilitation et thc 14 thstilu- Millard, Chairman o! Careers levels of educetion from vice clubs have providcd for the tg Parkway and Liberty Streets venir o! bis visit ta tic club. lions for juveniles, and tie 33 Gae 0thnough universiîy. veluable assistance ta sciools roundinga for dult offenders, Mr. Gros- have only toucbd lic surface It will present e wealh o! and chool boards in theic t hav b en ll in th S ree L tt r B xe aI th sem an em p îsized t ic value ofi n t uis brie ! resum e, and iay up-t -date car er m terial la T ic M inister o ! Education core rs w lth snow on many occasions atc otibtociecby le haeindcdeîy ovrakc tdet, parents, tecers, expressed thc hope laI îey Northumbt to Postmaster Geo. Vice. Bawmanvilîe service clubs saine groupa or Individuels. trustees and tic gencral pub- will again corne !orward ta prisingly As the snow meits, the water damages the Rtîrougi tîcir active inîcrest Forgive me if I bave, and lic. Il will be o! velue ta stu- enable young people ta repre- of cases of mail a el lu morne ames o suc an e t n h î i x xd assistance ta Pine again tink you. dents planning tiir c re rs, sent their com m uniies t th c betes w re Launot b. dellvered -tethe addresaee or returned' M ni tn ide Scoolfo losi e Onarl u ieCeneandi il nte-elRte her s wicere-CNElu yar TRig Scool feOr tio Tis. me etinen il Intb.aert-r ujetaras ta "Tichereeo! ibis year~s wouid be * b the sender because the water *bas eiimineîed. (FROM PAGE ONEî "This sciaol heu had utrong a! interest ta you thaI wc are cancer opportunlties. Festival wlll be. Canada'.S B O Wm e Sthe addreuu on the leIter. spaclious banquet hall. Grace tics witi lhe surrouxxding coin- only two days awey froin an Tic communication Inforni- Cenlennial. We hope tiat uhould mis On March thé 22nd, 1the above'boxes. were w'as said by Ca p Hai erbert munily almost since ils be- historiec event lin aur caunlry'u cd lic board liaI Peterbor- most of lhe acta will cantin- opportunit3 ~ aprexmatey hit fil f~mçtin ~ T. saff rasr. Tc Tasttain tignnixxg in 1925. This Identifi-, iistory. lIn December o! 1860 ough Schools wilh have ahi bute ta Ibis lieme, irfr et he ouételOffice weof ahi.ta i r aonow.l'hdetafferQuwasThrTast ose yM.cta bthe by ar- agrup q! 18 mcxxled by Sir licir Sccondary School pupiha preference will ,bereiv en Y hè othPotOfc eeHooper. Trixxty UitdChurci ch cuseZ curiagai-JqtM A. » c- V .d . .r yeç îrnt pnî totahie xposjlion tic selection commitîe topler- shortage al but oesEaster Card which they beileve was Womexx cetered for tic de- lostruF o irop fr aneYto afkhoùîi ý' -tr,*Acdbrd formncca WIth a'Cefilcnnlàî h.elp. Sintended for delivery b or ne persan ln Port liclous meal. -tnd otier bondsth bas phtheed a help pilahif lie %al anN ntieingodlabas pcstimateelprpcelved flavon. I1hope liat sorte ap- I d IHope. Tiose allihe iead table Ixx panîicuîerîy important part ixx Aienica Act tirougi thie safer aI leest 1,300 students picanîs may prepane origina liewu Th o tTidadlIg u h u I addition ta Ciairman Hooper icîpîxxg tic boys la fanin Mous. a! Lards anxd tic Rouie froin achools aulside Peler- niaterial."11,Iimwu The box at Third and High nd ticoeat n h guesl speaker were meaningful releîionaulps, an a! Cominons. borougi whll attend Cancers ,"Applications la particîpate contact M Sunst ad Lbery haie iedthelocs brkenon ossStrie QC Pesientessentiel ingredient aflen miss- "One hundrcd ycars ega Expo, anxdthiers are facilities intic Festival siould be coin- theTon Suasel and haverîhav o e iad Iii bos ren Ofl Boss Srtr Q C Preuiet ng froin their. lives previaus- laday lieue mexx wiom we la handis an even gra letedd rturednt at bank pont D e m ge a ie ou eul of St eet Le ter Box s iwa is Clu ; P es den R l y. n aw refer ta as the aters nu nber, le chairmn xs le ler tien A pril 28t, 1967. Please e aaeotecnetofSre etrKwanyîClb;wmaxiîîe n s- lp 'Pins Ridge Sciool là easgy o! Confederetlon, ied netunn- poinem u.nt itcc plcto et cf onsiderabie canceru to the Posl Office De. mcxx Club; President Bob 81ev- t ikoIo i ii k-c aCnd xd eelxe Tctirc eebruhma ercammended by lie :partment., It wouid b. appreclated if enYOne0 ens Bownxanvîîle Rotary Club Une beeuse of Uic llghIcd lin- stale o! high expectalion. The boards sponsoring tbis worth-. principal o! lie scbool thc Deloi ;"uez cbuldren putîing snow or ether items iu lie exx President George White, signia an top o! Kiwanls BNA Act, wiich was ta cxx- whule endeavor have recoin- student attends, and appraved ~ S re t L ll r B xe , w ui ed is li P sI ffce aw env hl Li ns Clu 'H use. Th c regular vIsits and able le cre eion o ! Confed- m and ea it ha I rater lien have by a represen atve of le StetLte oewudavs h otOf ce uowmanvile isCecib.rvfratenzixxg o!Kiwaniu mein- enation, iad been passed by 0 al eauet tedo uio or, i omn in merder liaI tescen b. taken to put a sopto e cu as caîleci on ta lx. bers witi tic boys, plus the 'tic Lords' andi 'tie Comnions' o lunay ente gaitcîotiaei *these acta.touelenc mmbr o contribution o! the Scout anxd tisse mnwrMnwlv mcxx weree nowmmbelevel s sbould be sen tol en h orddcdd asp trainxing, forma an importent awaiting tic Royal Assent, tih sr iIel usWh e p aThe boaw Bord deie o! part a! tic life et tic sciool. action wiicb wouhd meke tic given tie maximum oppor- Education'a nomination for "Equally valueble are tie leglîlation law. tunity ta benefil froin CancersleLapo amxgAwd, M tel sport aclivhties and entertain- "Twa deys haler, on Merci EtheG. ampwofLlecret -Awr Clbe nt ve n t e R i s - bic A1867,o uld ge e ffict ria -**-S.aGia ywel, Smin a ry- liee us c l lr e~men:prov uldedby t ica.. gave Ro1867, Qen Vult he Tirepart o! lie Bownian- Treasur: :of tic Associaton Windsor helias ele a teconestsponsoreci by lie Lions wes sel as tie day an wîîcî vile Committes, Wiici was of Secondary Scioo1 Boards, 3Udmontea oppartunlîy for lie boysta TeFatiers o! Canfedcratior utal L. A. Parker la tic Coin- Oshawe a rdlx ecgito GionW l ain self-confidenceadeaeu ra culy-xdmleiireo 97 lo iscnrbto aeue ettssd helmPrtnt change. - --wixthte 371 day lien--«*ù pefl K bft>amp@ ____ __ Ecnler I aneseci Uic u-. "Graduay over lie p aît 20 e"ying Apn l , 197. 2J por__tance of boys t choal years attitudesb e gIl ta Tht J. E. Hope la tieMm. NORMAL - I~~~~~~~~l arning t a rm i mening ul cange ow arci trea m en î o ! *' o ic A v s r V c to .D R Y I E g 1 4 F O u.. r L n vlelrélationuips lxlntiiithbse wîse anti-socal bé & Cmriteaon heUiPlannIng OILy ..,W ' F OR S L E Sconnecîlon lie congregebion o! haviaur baci gallon hei into COmilt.. a!01thé Board.1 A tie Christian R e! o r me0 d trouble wlth the law. Il heu ThitthleiiCamitlte f vsry SEI 219 Kng S. E.,Bowmnvill 520King t. W, OsChurci bas playeci a mosl taken a long lime for thie Pieaued wlihlte uccesuful PCAFO 219 Ing St. E., Bow anvlle 20 lngW.,ro e n opening thein basic idea ta catch n hat aPening cer m onfes a! Uic Phone 623.2M3 Phone 723.S241 hmst boys froin distant ielpixxg an anti-social indivîi- Courtice Vacational Addition A part oftheproinc wh se. ul t modfy ie ttiude an onMarh FOI1 do have visite froin licir eaume a productive raie lxx A letter frm mtUe Hon. R Get our "3rd Blrthday Trat" speclal fuiture package and familles. uociety maltes mare senue than Willam Devis, Minister of " arsem ta have a fau. smmply lockixxg hlm up mdc Education, announced liaI l.theUI $av# on the World'a& hottest-solling Hardtop 1 cination for ail boys. Tic laler turning hil bse, u-Depentinent o! Educatlon whll Aéi1 Conelane cl obov r 81dIETBDAYTEZIAT SPECIAL FEATURIESt vlsiting thc sohool wlIh licir "Taday we are making in- dent Talent Festival lnx thé the 4fta M«ayTréat, * Wto sdowen*« 4cars li year for tie Ibird partant atrîdes forwand lin Uic Canadien National Exhibition E RE L egawb . 48 " Sir ay e atm * IhJ. u *à" ousoee P" duwsul U lme. You are ail aware o! crrecinal filed. Wiiehe r hom ii coinIil5 um ner. Excer. q a j p e M s t n g S . a w ~ t ~ ~ D o s . d L amd mt l e p u b i c - s p i i t e d d o n a t i o n b y a r e s 5 h 1 1 p o c k e t s a ! s t r n g e - l i n a l l y a l e n t e c i a u d e n t s O r b u ~siMg hulop ~ ~tMi.,,Mon) Wilfred McMecian o! an iulance toa axything but th e field& o! mugie (VOcaMIg*.9 ' 1l00 8 ba oa mp bI wrmo m 6automobielIO hat ha niade aid punitive attitudes lowerds and Instrumental, solo and 0l a B nula <E &tbesavn" Pigdriver training prograin. Sa ta gain broad acceptance for drama, PUPPelry, or otier a., ,,l N « ee e ?Sva1ue 117 succesaful has t'his prograin progressive changes ln ro- talents are Invited te tk. Wht dal N o. & rd thd" îmt 03.«O been tat we are ln the pro- grais ameci at rehbilita. part. SAoN B oUa.svu s à cois of extnding it a ther ton", te Minuster a! Refarmin "Eaci ppearance shoÛld be Police Chic! Bernard R. Kil- Ted Elutton, Charter Presi- minutes. Dai yPerformances SM A bUL iUu~i nYha$ been mail helpful dent o! Uic Bowmanvllle K.i- wHIl b. compased a! five acte ý.1 litt .0 t aconcernlng the course hors. wanls Club, an boel! o! andi rcpested two or tire peope o ths dstrct avevot ofthaks o m. Gou.each act whll b. seen two or 3 USED 1965 MUSTANGS oee hi ersà ela a o i nomtv d he ie nteoedyI Clam g at Reduced Prices dtuing this Birthday Saleby tteah .Ti n h pae asuenir of" "~a! Local achoal and mebool SEIL$ 1 cludes the Bcwnvle Recre. the meeting. Ci'lrmnan Bop. boards are ta b, e Uxable SEIL$ *6 4C ainCommission and lhe cm elio expresd is persanal far transportation rrange. CN nearby Armmcd Iorces bass. 1 apprecletim tb Mr. Grasmun.meuta, transportat I ola.I Flue Cu$457.0o- 111gb School Bard t ToMHeart tufld ra problem !acing lhe1 ion and le aasil linIt larkeme Township eaavass. 1 enu fer thé]Mrost Fouala-' tàm av gran mme and mare ebe utM ard Life frterefr -nbership to o tr naucol. leoted $457.01, wblcb Jane Okemore tban lait year. oy Jan O ke ares caverei inctuiel ait of Clerke Township witb Mary Jane oke, Ibhs exception cf Oron. uMd er of Mr. and Mcm Newcastle. >ie, i8 VIeIl Street. Benet Founiaton effilau «n awsrded a Lb!. are Indeed, grtefub bo boh rbiPl ln ie Dew- thecanveaserand tbm Junior Pairs Cham. it lber ipartner, Irving. anville and district clii have tb. epper. rt eeiag lieue popu. snadian Champions woiilerfub perforai. lite Dowmauvibu Iictiag caraivaî to at MemortlArena Lay and Saturdar 1April141h ald tm PAGE ONE) se the dogs billed liai bai Jusl been >regeatla9 a ioge af 8100and 11,500. oen edaim liey rce th legs, but iiefr OnY tier bad been and Dag ContraI lam tiers la noti- can do. If lbe vie- shoot the Sags and them as beloaglag one, liaI persan sued for damagea. b.ed ia onbip.e AFAGE ONE) iportant survey underwey eenly inder e uciedule 1In ti issue town and sur- arees. lu a slm- ey bail year ln 'erland, a sur- large number f TB and Dia- .e uncovered. It Sdisgraéeful if U V ile cillions us out on lie ty of iiavlng tie re beceuse o! e of Volupxteer an spate ma 11111. id you pleasej I s, n itte, Plender, Hiskins & SOUlS witb whom art 80w mergred %onteith, Riehl, Waters & Co. (FROIM PAGE ON£) Tic lieOrates fan Publia iSch6tol supporters wcre: Rosi- dential - 35.00, Rigi Sciol i ý 2811 Public Sciool 24.72, iCuxxty 18.08, a total a! 103.91 aMling. Commercial - General r39.48, Migi Scioob 31.23, Pub- àlic Sebool 27.47, Counly 16.08, a toaloa!114.26 inilli. This year's rates for Separ- ate Sciooh_ Supporters are: Residential Genemal 42.11, Rîgh Sciocl 30.30, Scpemate Schaol 31.05, County 15.01, a total o! 118.47 miil. Commner. ciel - General 48,44, Il1gb School 33.67, Seperate Sebool 34.05, Cauxty 15.01, a total a! 131.17 mual. Increascu for 1967 lxx lie milI rate coinpamed ta 1966 are as follows: Tiis yer for Publie School Supotr-Reln. lIaI 11.80 .et year 103.91, an Increase o!- 6.89. This yeer Commercial 123.10, lest year 114.26, an increase a! 8.84 ilhs. Separale Scioob Supporters- This year Residlential 118.47 lest year 111.09, an increase oi 7.38 milîs. Tiis ycar Commer. cIal 131.17, lest year 121.69, an increase o! 9.48 ilis. Thc 1967 estimaeuadop led bY By-Law No. 67-11 follaw. Sumu ta be rahseci by taxation: Gencral Purposes $454,395, Counly Purposesý $141,377.98, Public Sciool $22 1,722.30, Sep. ,anale Sciaol $7,888.64.' Assesumenl for Residenliel and Fam: Public Sciaol $6,- 355.130, Seperale Sciocl $186,. 580, Migh Sehool $6,513,495. Commercial andi Business: Public Scbool $2,814,771, Sep- arate School $61,515, Hi gh School $2,904,501, Totals: Pub. lic Sciool $9,169,001, Se p raie School $248,905, Migli Sciaoo $9 417,996.* ý rotiI estimates requmeS duning 1967 amaunt ta $1,622 -f 065. Amounîs ta be levlecl:. Genera1 Purposes $414,913, County Purposes $141377.98, uli ,chool $22 1,722.36, Sep- HITS SPORTS COLUMN Xlçk GAY, son a! Mr. and Mrs.1-.Hanlty Gay o! Caurtice, wes mnentionedi lxx MIII Dun- nels Toronto Star sports col- umn lest night for is valuable Toronto OsImwa r. iehl, C.A., RLIA. Bort R. Waters, C-L ,OVELL LTD LlaiPRESCRIPTIONS -3361 0 SATURDAY, APRIL 1 KOTEX REGULAR - 12"s Reg. 53e SPECLAL---4 KREM Antécud, Tablets Cherry and MinI Flavouro4 Reg. $1.75 - 50> Taba. samoton Calt"7 V»o«vw

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