îh Mrn. Bruce Tillison, Editor 1Ilewcast/e Phone 987-4213j United Church Women If i *Newcastle :_ The Newcastle the woship -service on the U.C.W. held thein Easter thee Pae n evc. Wedneday aLernon, iiarcnButl rayoread Seie."to ~~4ILL ~ L'IJ~J1ELL' i Thankoffering meeting on She wýas assîsted by Mrs. F. Newcastle:- Most recentlvy Stan Cobbledîck, Who, we are l 5th, in the Sunday School. ture taken from St. Matthew, thincsl nie~pesdt rpri oe The President, Mrs. Wm. Ru-! chapter 28. Mrs. Ross Allun Church, 16 new membens mcm hospitaî and doiag fain- deli, welcomed . the membersl and Mrs. GIen Allin sang twe 'vere neceived !into the chunch ly well with his crutches. Hean us fo OnNe-1lvydet"vr Pac" by Profession of Fa.îth. The has a beautifully decorated tonville and St. George's An-, and "In the Garden." new members are, Gladys cast, as friends have visitedIglican Chunch, Newcastle. Mrs. Rudeli introduced ther areAllun, Dan-ell DentonJ him and signd their namesl Mrs. F__Ferguson conductedgusspaeM.Gihit Barrett, Diane Lynn Embley, ito nemind hlm that they had cif St. Andrew's Presbyterîan Heather Lee Hoan, Ailene, called. His pals haven't letIk .L E Curch, Bowmanvilîe, who May Muni-o, Mary Grace Pat-1 him. dawn, howe , MkîvarchJI Q i~Imes to'frtee"TeTm erson, Karen 'Lee Parker, wile -therë can't ho a hockeyl and lthe 'Carden" froWi St. Douglas Alfred Perrin, Brad- game, thene are plans under.- Ir k, John 19:*41, emphasizing the ]ey Bayd Wilson, Leigh Anne; way for a dance. Sa keepCan as Nes fact that the garden lighted Wilson, Wendy Anne Wilson,iyoun eyes and ears open,;~ the gioom ef the loneiy tomb. Carolyn Suzanne Woodland,!sounds like fun for ail. T1.i.Mns. Alec Martin thanked the ]Henry Woo, Mr. Roy'Hopxîas,i The Hockey Mothens hedflIIa1 $29 6 speaker for her inspiring mes- Mns. Clara Schmid and Mrs. their meeting on Monda y ev- I sage. Gerrit Venbeek.! ening with 14 members - n Newcaste:- Amount col-i A short business meeting' On Satunday evening, in: attendance. Getting ahead aif lected in the Canvass for the: folhowed. The president an-' the Community Hall, the New- the game they are planning 1March ai Dîmes held the end' nounced the Good Friday sen- castle Atificial Ice COmmit- o te purchase first aid! ai January-$296.Oî. vice in Newtonville Church, tee again hehd another dance. boxes for each oi the five Thanks ta the followingi the World Festival of Chur- This eveniag's pnoceeds 'were tennis,, Tyke, Atom, Pee Wee, canvassen, who made the ches ta be held in Stmee St. to be used for putting ta the Bantam and Midget. The se campaign possible. Captain:ý United Church, Oshawa, lan floor at the ai-ena. It was a are ta be given ta theca cs Evelyn Northrup; W il1 m a Apnil, and the Concert by the ,very pon turnout for the& in change and caried taeout- Scott, Mai-jane Hagerman, Oshawa Barbershoppens on work entailed by the commit-1 of-town games. Anathen set Judith Mîkios, Edna Darlinrg Apnil 5th, sponsaned by Unit tee, who were cetainly dis-1 a sweaters aeed ta ho pur-j Margaret Rudman, Myrtlýj i of the U.C.W. appointed that more didn't!chased, as well as goalie Peance, Kathleen P0w ell,1, Miss B. Mclntosh of the support their prajeet. Un- equipment fan the Bantam Maioin Allia, Hilda Call, Evai Anglican Church thanked the doubtedhy, thr ativities team. These will ail be bougbt Hoar, Juae Alldread, Mai--! U.C.W. for inviting their kept the crowd away, bt it ibfore the teams take to the jante Gray, Evelyn Meadows, i W.A. te this meeting. Mns. is haped, should thene be an-j ice next faîl. There will be Bessie Dean, Anne Visser,' Manttn closed the meeting other dance macre will corne one moi-e meetirf1g hehd before Hazel Murphy, Betty Adams,; with prayer, aiter whtch re- out te support the committee. closing untîl fahi and ail]IJacke DeJong, Manjorie Pt'fehmnsw1 sre v and the wonk they are doing. members are .urged ta attend ercison, Helen Rudehi Unit 2. 1As for the people whe did at- and hear the financial report. tend, they had a woaderfuh! A lot of hours and wonk went time, enjoying bath round and tatat the booth at the ai-enaPN TOL square dances, polkas and' this year, but fi-cm the results OY PL jtwists. The door pnizes were se fan, it looks as though AIf eaega alaata ndyeeigfrapee- won by Paul Nimigon, Baw- bas beon wonthwhile. ~Mns. James Moore is makingl'tation and dance for Mn. and manvilie, and Harold Young,i Parents ai Pre-Schoal C -satisfactony pnagress la hos- ý Mrs. Camoeron Porter new i-e- Newcastle. ;drea are remindcd that this1 pitai in Oshawa. 'siding in Onono. Previous ta It was Most unfortunate' Fniday is the day set aside jMn.. H. S. Darnoch and dau- thein mariage Mrs. Porter that the Benefit game, plan-, foi- ennôhîment. Reremben ighters Lais and Janet spent ýwas a Blackstock gi-lad ned for last Friday evening, te take proof of age and, the Easter hoiidays with fnl- ýCamnenon had nesided in this 1 h~ad te be called off due ta the hoahth report with you. ends ia Tarante. 1 area. At midnight Mn. Mcl fact that the ai-ena had neý Oui-fritends and neighborsl The Officiai Boaand meetingi Wood was the genial charman, ice. This benofit was for, in hospital this week, are: Mn.j for the Bethany and Panty- wtth Mrs. Eari Argue readir>g George Callans, Mr. Douglas pool United Churches was the address. The couple wene Cunningham, Mn. John Davis, held la Pontypool Mandayj pnesented with an electric Mr-. Tom Lennard, Mn.. Olive evening with a good attend- washing machine. The recip- Martin, Mn. Alan McCarthy, ance. - tents each expressed their Mns. Eva Mellnoy, Mn. John Mr. Winston Stèwart had] thanks. Fiends of the couple McMulien, Mns. Dora Smith,J the misiortune ta have his car; expnessed their best wishes. Mn.. Mai-gai-et Smith, Mr. stolon hast weekend. We un-, A sumptuous lunch was seri- Ceci] Stapieton, Mn. Henry derstand At was stolen fi-cm a, ed. Good music was supplied 12.Tebbie, Mrs. Edna Whitson, restaurant ad found ater in by Bob Todd Orchestra, with p ,. and iittle Chai-e Brownlee ts Peterborough. We understand,%M. Lloyd Brown as calier iin Toronto Sick ChiIdrens that the car was ccnsidei-allyîand M.C. iHsia.damaged. 1 Congr-atulations ta Mn. How-' n A large numben cf locaîjard Brown who won the pont- BOW, citizens are not very happyý able television set in a draw about the announcement lin sponsored by Minorc key I e' ~ J Monday Ladies - 200 and. dosignated as a Subdivision DrtyMercen 254, Minnie1 being held nt once whei-e they E T TO CASTLE24fi.Carol Bailey 224, Kathy on same. Unless absolutelv Sam Cawken oven the Easterý Armstrong 224, Kathy Mencer flecessary any curtailment iweekend were Mr.. and Mi-,. INSU ANCE 221,Eiaino Mercen 205, Eve- passible home building islCharles Cawker and son Ken- ln Moadows 205, Juanita fnowned on. r neth, Scai-borougii, Mn. and 'Vu hm i our ateI Mri 202. 1Mi-. Elgin Budd, Sîmcoe, Mi-s. Alan Cawken and famiy' Loal erset h e' League - 225 andlwàs a receat visitor ta the'and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Caw- ggn ou' veor - Francis Tufford. Bri:njare&.; ker and farily of Oshawa, ~ver aeAn o'1b 24 Ron Muai-a 279, Lloyd gathered a the Orange Halton, Miss Sylvia Schoof andi I imartto protectthat iliVeSt- Taylor 238, Gond Watson 2U, j Mn. Ralph Cawker of Tonontol irnent with a State Farm Merril Henry 228, Earl Tay.' Doreen Nesbitt 226, Morii Recent visitons with Mn. 1HHomeowners Policy. This lon 225. Henr-y 225, Nada Moogkamp and Mns. Norman Mains and j 1'lo-cos pacage f prtec- Newtonville Ladies - 175 225, Nina Madil 224, Tracyr famiy wore Mrs. Mains' pan. low-ost ackae ofpro eand aven - Angela Mlien 246, Embley 220, Albert Peancel onts, Mr. and Mj-s. WaIterI, tion provîdes broader cover- Maria Vagels 204, Velda 210, Evelyn Embley 208, Ha- Keont. Sundridge. On Satur-' ~g1for your home end be. Brown 189, Ana Vagels 188, zel May Muai-o 203, Stan day Mn. and Mns. Mai-s, Mns. f<.kngs andtoryou, incase Caaiiie Sutherland 187, Jane Powell. 201. Malcolm Emerson and Mi-.. O fl is at Whitney 183, Jean Hall 180,, League Champions - Ladies Milton Fisher attended the les s c os t t h a Hilda Willems 177, Liz Wil- Jetsons - Evelyn Meadows,i Eastorn Star reception and' m ~ ~ ~ lm a17ys5mtar. Penny Meadows, Nancy Wil-1 banquet at Pont Hope in May imla Turoa Mxe -20 adIiams, V iBlight, Eenrhonour cf The Worthy Grandi potîcies. Cati me INv&.S ven -!IMabel Le wi s 287,, Perrin. Patron of Ontario, for the detaits! GÈ Geai- eGlaaville 275, Hannah [eagnue Champions - Men ,Mn. and Mns. Grant Thomp- Farrow 255, Marilyn Cauchi Sabres -. George Kimball,1 son wene cvornight guesta I241, e~Kn Whitney 234 June Ron Muni-o, Ray Goode, Ken with Mn.. Thonapson'. sisten, t i 25 lce Kupery Whitneyarry Pearce, i-an- Mr-.James Naylon, aad hi-a- DIr Brnk ,wu Ptt 21, JanMilc 's &ffrd.hr, Mr-. Robt .Johnstan, ]Rit. 1 SCUGOG ST. Friday Mixed - 200 ndflday Mixcd Ego, Torante, were Sunday ever - Ruth Couch 312. Alee )fi Jacks - Myrtle Pearce,, callons at the Thampsons. EOWMAN VILLE Kupei-y 274, Kay Powell 241, Jin Dean, Mlen Dean, Albert, Mr. and Mn.. Harlow Bailie, : 68-8621; Ron Good 233, [aura Mmxci- Pearce, May Buffett, Bonl'fcagawang, Manitoulla Island, ______________'ton 232. Marilyn Couch 228,IGood. i.and Mr. and lins. Wm. John& 2f«39ý .2 fr,311 19-FL-OZ TINS 2f«5r ý 148 SUPER-IM rUAL5I - CANADA'S FINEST RED BRANO Sie: BEEF PRIME ROAÀST LEAN MEATY BRAISING RIBS SUPER-RIGHT QUALIT BEEF HEARIS MAP1E LEAF TRAY PAC PURE PORK SAUSAGE I tIB lb 7-1NCH CUIT FIRST 4 RIOS -SUPER-RIGHT QUAUTfY UCED à45< BEEF LIVER BuRNS r'451 WIENERS A c LX BRAND '59' COLD CUIS ASRE Frs I jIc --)uI- . FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS, SIZE %6s, N. 1 GRDE PINK or WHITE Grapefruit,10 «49< ALL PRICES SMOW IN TIS AD GUARANTEEO TRUGM ________________________________ ATURDAY. ç &b49-e rb531 \/oue-r 79d, AsP WHOLE DEAN COFFIE SALE! VIGROUS & WINEY - CUSTOM GROUND AVE ne. BOKAR COFFER 3-ibbag 2.19 1 La. BAG 79c - SAVE 4c MILD & MELLOW - CUSTOM GROUND BAVE 200 8 O'CLOCK COFFME 3-b bg.99 1 La. BMG 69C - SAVE 6c Jane ParkeReg. Prie@ Ose - BAVEC 140, PLUI1B 'RY PIE FuIl 8-Incb 24.oz size .5 Sc lndnt ftmg, Pimlu.8pke. 83M - CAVE 7le JELLO PUDDINH 4Uffl,59 A&P Frozon Floride ORANGE JWCE 46fi-ozlins95c CAVE la$ il 11.1 ii * recenly wth Mr. and Mrs.' _1%e __Canadien_________ Clarke High School rresenting namiel in Festival "eJhs O B IT U A R Y !h aainSaenaBwavle p.3 97 n d Mrs. Ronald Wff! his orchard and garn t h iepr ncuc ok liarnis and family, Oshawa,1 atya fhslf were Sundny eveningdne Mr. Carntjther Ure isyaaa edrad ohWr M sswt r.Udeercommunity wellhI riu.ln-reebesfth Arnldeit Wltiam.and fmiy.tural and mnicplaar.chi.Te u celbrte Mir. Gordon Heaslip and'Mr. H ws residet0fteDrter Ohediganvr Gordon Fleming, Port Credit, ham Central AgriculuaS-sayi182Mr.Crter were Saturday visitai-s with ceyadWspeetdl peeesdhrhsado Mr..and Mrs. George Healsip.'194 th tdha eAgiutrlanry7194 Mn,. Marguerite Hicekp, Service Diploma 1o ei uvvn r h-ssn George and Betty attended torious service to agrclue n n a trRl e Emmanuel Holiness Church He was also a pastpesdtYokNY.g Convention et. Logansport, of the Men's CanadinCuÈavle oga iDrn Indiana, Manday ta Friday. of Bowmanvîl. ville, nli Ms o Mr. and Mn3. Carl Elliot, From 1922 to 1931heerdLunyowavl.Thr David and KiCm enjoyed the on Bowmanville TowCu-aeas fv nnclde Ice Carnival at Leaskdale ci], during which timeh arn ih getgadhlrn Recent guests with Mns. counicillor, deputy reeeadFnrlsriewshl r Nelson Marlow were Mn. and reeve, in the latter cpcte h hpla h otct Mrs. Gilbert Marlow, Brook. ereetngBwnvleoadSmtFuraHme lin, and Mns. Frank Symons, rCousnti' CocifNotu-owavleonTudy Carolyn, Marilyn and Peggy, Cobend adunhamwheofMi-c Bowmanville. herad and activemme fTre 3 h e.Hr Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs variaus committees. Cuc odcigtesrie visited lest week with their Born ia HaldimandTa-PlbrrseeMsr, daughters and theii- families, ship, NorthumberlandConyJmsAentyOtora, Mr. and Ms. George Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Virtue, rnuutrsws theeet6oo 1m8f77.Pu,,aneih Bowmianville, and Mn. anda miyosichlieaibisShyGntndaue Mns. George Windsor, Balan- athe lt Gorg MfasCaiBxtey Icehitwa trae. Congratulations ta Mn. rthers anElogeiztRusl.BomnilCmtr and Mns. Mains who celebrat- ruHersandthElabthsniig m hebatflfoa ed their iifty-seveath wed- rHemberofth lstfailteeItiue eetos of ow ding annivensary on March sistbeof Mns DoaldSmciavleLin lb ial 3Mt. They also visited Mrs. - Gregr, Miss Helna t-Cu fBomnilBw Mains' sister and brother-la- ers and Miss Mary Carntes avle PubIic Uiiis law, Mr-. and Mrs. Thos. Fan-antwbrtesJaeanDuhmGorsCd a- now, Uxbridge, who will be Canles, hneredcease g.Saf fCnuhr stxty-two years mannied this hl.srug an Chmbes Faw week, and Mi-. and Mrs in 88M.CnuhesmetSoDnailadTaa George Lamb also of Ux- 1aMntb hr efne .Ie n os otDvr bridge. Mrs. Lamb was the t ThMania uthwest ( bridesmaid for Mn. and Mrs.ý1 Wi ni , fo 1 y. H Man. Qut- ecr f also attended businesse g achievemeat for these thr-e in Winnipeg. Iyugcouples! A hrhl nOtbr8 JAMBECongratulations are also ex-1902, he nln 0 ceE( 'i i A ~~~~~ ~~~tended ta Mn. and Mrs. Roy IRgs agtrc oetH JJV Se oo h v o he s u en s nd t e en ra ub ic wil ha e n Taylor, B I.ackstock, an d M n., Riggs and Ellen G ne nw o , o About 50 studerits of Clarke High Scolhv te tdnsadtegnrlpbi ilhv nand Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janet-I William N. Camrthers also a native of Haiad been work4¶ng hard throughout their Easter holidays opportunity of seeing the young actors in action at ville, who celebnated theinBwavlels nca t Ohya Township in Ontariaohdff'~ and since, preparing for their performance in the Rob- Clarke High School when they put the finishing 'fiftieth wedding anniversanies aider an wll e spt edof citi- Mehadresddadre gone to Manitoba wihm e oFriday and Sunday. j le n elrsetdct- H a eie n amdparents and brother abot h 1 Prt Simpson Drama Festival in Cobourg this Saturday. touches on their performance in preparation for the OMn. and Mns. John Mc-' zens on Mai-ch 2lst, 1967, with nt 307 Scugog Street from yean 1882. Dn Sunday evening they held their first dress rehear-bgcmeion Should they win at Cobourg, theylKeawn Robent and Ann, Mono the death of William Herbent the time he moved ta BawY- Mr-. and Mrs. Canthr 5umesin the stagl wensetheg had a e a ug wrkout would compete later in Lindsay and, if successful again, Road, 'vere visitons last week Canruthers which occurred imanville fi-rmManitaba ia moved to Bowmanvillein h turnes- nd the sage settng had areal touh workou would jurnwythothe UBrucesiHeaslipserlandorMemoriatheHBspe talipBowandn-mo1914Hosniialhisw dea1914 specialîz-ethyearec914-15,er and4-1,tandene wo1 oreyt h nvest fWteiofra Miss Helen Parken, Toronto,î ville, followmng a brief illness. ing in poultry and apple grow- devoted members of St.Pu under director Roy Higgins cf Toronto and teacher further showing. This photograph shows one of the was a weekend guest. Mr. Carruthers was in hi. tng, and remained active in United Chunch, taking n c Miss Joan Bennett. They wilI be presenting the fourth scenes toward the end of their play. and fiPh intq of Hamilet. This Friday evening, parents, ........... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......*:::::::--.....-..... .. ...................... ...... ..... .......... ..................................... .................................. ...................................... ................................ fi Il 14à»-