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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 10

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-4 --~ ~. F '10 Tihe Candian Staeuan eowmnifle, Apr. 12, 190?kn ad~nd *Mel. W.@lm ~ P au et F D*,In ra,. D&The Communty Coleges cr c 7 jbpt P ay otst ~ OU IN.~.fIaIyare based on tour prlmary L m . . ~ the fin prmciples. 1. They must cm- FU s5L LoD gr. CitCamsboy brace total éducation regard- a hat-tr lelsaOf formai entrance quali- The Department of Recrea- the Senior Citizens. B ilding Communïty Collegesfo mpe vriaan zens of Bowmanvile ta Pot bara Hnig hrnPpr horiontl ebIlIy, uckSupper held at the Lions Michele Lamont, Kathy Blake "2. They must operate in Centre on1 Thursday, March and Janet Lovekin were ter-~ ToM a eFul s o Y ngPe p e tpsbleanco-oertin27th, 967.fe talesnewith their pee o To f ake FullU se of o uh Pê Pl and with social and other mnany assorted fonds prepared T. A. Fanning, Diredtor of pulcagencies to masure that by the Senior Citizen.. The Recreation, thanked Mrs. C. the curriculum Is abreast, if tables were gaily decorated Henning who acted as master !not ahead of the changing re- by Mrs. L. ChittIck of the Of ceremonies and the young This Country's Greatest Resourcelquireents o a techn:ooical Ls etre h totw les for an ecl Follwingthe-su entpresentation of baton and It 15 te malté full use of guest speaker. e told is Arts & Technology. This is a, ricula that In every case meet ton Twrlers, under the lead. Senior Citizens for their ex- tht s country's greatest re-1 fellow Rotarians that Dr. new concept of education forF precisely the combined cul. ership of Miss Patsy thaecellent - co-operation towards source, its Young people, thatl Willey was born in Vancou- a new generation of people,"I tural aspirations and occupa. nerfôrmned a number of Baton te Pot Luck Supper and Mr. the Community Colleges havej ver and received bis early Dr. Willey stated. tional needs of the student. brills. and Mrs. L. Chittlck for their been establUshed, Dr. Gardonl education there. "In 1936 Dr. The speaker explained that! 14. They must be dedicated Miss Cindy Kowal delighted very kain aistnedta WilleY, head of the new On-1 Willey obtained a B.A. De-J it is an economic fact that te! te innovation, through con- the audience with a sang and the Department would hast a tarno-Durham College of Ap-j gree with bonors at McMasterluse the great resource of aur'stant researich, not only in1 dance number, while Patsy Strawberry' Festival for Sen- plied Arts & Tecbnology,l University, Me received bis1 young people we must Up- curnicula but in pedagogical Blake performed a number of ior Citizens to be held some ,Stated on Thursday. Dr. Wil-1 M.A. from the University of grade opportunities and pro- technique and administration. baton solos to, the delighit of time in June. ley was the guest speaker Rt 'Toronto in 1938, and bis Ph.D. vide the economic base. "This "The Colleges of Applied Bowmanville Rotary Club atý said. atne fiient~ productivity are function In four main areas:1f the Flying Dutchman Motor "4Dr. Willey specialized in essential se that we may en- 1. A technological centre simi- AK TC Hotel. the field of metallurgy, and joY and share the other ame- lar te Ryerson which will of- A. H. Strike introduced the: from 1940 to.1944 was an on- inities and pleasures that we fer three year coursese in en-thRerainCteFray M.nd rsEgaHon tarn Research Founidationt wish to pursue. It is your gineering technology in theth erainCte idy M.nd rsEgrHo, IAI ~ ~ Iconsultant working with war! dollars that are being spent, major branches of engineer y ev en n ono!ue cetsaa n Mr. and MriFodr ee imaterials." Mr, Strike saidj on Community Colleges, and ing and industrial manage- r iedr our a ple, Mr. n Wll rer e orSudAyr IV U U L that the guest speaker was anîI amn convinced that therelment, with courses to be add- Ms nhrVnCm.M.spe usao r.Abr Algoa Stel eecutve fr Wrust e ecnomi jusific-!edas neded 2. tewasca the Bgeny al thWgeghtWig Mr.MrMand .rsFredd ARéaalieseecuiv thutee coomc gsîfcaed nede. ecniaîM.C. and kept the audience Trewin and boys. leaiz te ig estreur a ornumber of vears. and became tie . and skilled trades centre smiiing with atonies of Ar- S vrl rltvs vstd a Yo o lby patronhzlng your Vice-President. He added that "Wih tiis a melaativfuetion of povidng a ourgawo to ."ihti sm ai which wil fulfill the dual tlnr's early life, etc., between the funeral pariurs in Mill- SM Orgstin rm 90ta16 r.Wle philosophy I will tell youi . each number of the program, brook on Sunday where Mr. SHFCLET TO: 1 was Research Manager forý about community c o 11ie g e. creasing number o! two year which cansisted o! a piano Wilbert Larmer was resting. Our Regstered Union Carbide. dealing with them under courses, as well as providîng solo by Debbie McLaughlin; Warehouse No. 1, 'snwc'cussfo ejua hmMr.adMs ar a . He also spoke of Dr.wu three headings. 1. What i sanwc'cussfrD-SsnTopson gave an in- r n r. ar a Weson Onaro ey's membership in man,,, the officiai view on Commu- ptent f abr aprn-terstng accun o Obtain sacks and twine important Canadian and U.S., fity Colieges? 2. What is My tcs The two year techni-iCrstmnga oay n Foia; et of Mlier r. ntu ivithut cargefrom scietificorgai7atonsbis hilospcyanwacoursesl are m coecesrre ncomBg Grd BlaeuGtteVanadCamp, anPort, or crry.y ch rg tam work as a lecturer t M Mas-!nitv Coleges'? 3. W h t are he mst p, Mrs. lakndunter re Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer, wlt outsci ntiie rga izaion . hs p i]o opheto ard Co mu-auar a n dth rposdly Like M other"; C arol W erry Pickering, w ere Sunday sup- W . Je H ALE t~er University, and that he we goig to do at Ontario- sexndiarystea n the post rendered a piano solo; Miss ha be aSholTrseei ;DrhmCollege? iecondArbusynestetreay. Aileen Van Camp showed per guests o! her grandmather, OROO SuitSte3MaiA "Dbusiness"he centre Cllee wh ic f oa sesadMrs. G. Fowler. R . R i- O O N S ult St . M ri . D r. W i le . " h e C o m u n ty C ol e g i w il i ais o a b so rb th e th re e y e a r s i e ! l c l s e e n C a rtw rig h t P e e W e e s w o n or by writing to is weli qualified to presidie a new and ectgcoep.ousnwginathen-some from Arthur and Con- te Championship at Sunder- CNDA over the new Ontario-Durhani They ecame a legisativeistitute of technology and the v wedhbdnd T remC.tnelntohny, MrM(4b. I CANADIAN Coilege. He lias greât energy, reality in 196,5 and 18 coi,.lone year courses now offerdvtdterdeadgomoCrtrhtw 1 red 1 se~ats on thé piatform while Catwihtwn aven a strong CO-OPERATIVE :and is keenlv interested in.leges have been formed across at vocatianal centres. To this' Susan Thompson played the Minden teamn in the first WOOL GROWERS what this coilege can do," Mr. the province. The Board o! jwill be added an increased wdigmrhgte epe ame by tbe score o 7. a n LIMITEDStrike poînted out. Governors was appainted inInumber o! two year courses sente.d them wthenaieporbeMcLafer7n-3ei CoMy tsapdicnsCmuiy 96 in such fields as computer TV and miscelaneous gifts. iLaughlin each scored a m 40, St. Clair Avenue East Ci! gsani particular, ý"hese colieges arent u- pragramming, institu t i a n a IBt d itn1rpis pair and Tennyson got one II. To ono 7, On'Do vurham colege teof p lîtai-, ion universi ti e rin managment, marketing and Dancing ta music provided lb' from the blue lne. By hav- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D u h a r n C o l i g e o A p p e d t i t o n s ! c a t n u n e d u - s a l e s , t a n a m e a f e w . 4 . A t h e B u r n h a m O r c h e s t r a o f n g t e b e s t g o a l d i f f r e n c e , tepost-secondanv1 general and appiied arts cen- Scugog was enjoyed andafils school level. Thev are skilli tre, which wil] aiso Play a bouniu uc fre Crina.aned Sottý -1 Iane oc pai on orfle i e ned rbu dual rae. It wil upply much u tiu l nc se v d In the final game Cart- tbe wll e leibl pofo the cultural enrichment The new Anena Committee wright had ta skate ail out ta nci 11%viding for the needs o! theanretdaceicsbct met with Ted Griffin Apnil defeat 0tlia62 CrIigt Cl ~i uu mU uý\young persan and adult seek- for the other three centres. 3rd in Part Perry. Mn. Grîf- had Orillia .5-0 before Oillia ing futher education and It will aisea offer courses o! a fin agreed ta work with the rapped in two quick ones. SUPi training for vacationai and generai educationai nature cOmmittee as their architect Campbell, Carnaghan and o Iavocationai needs. The POssi- which will be a cambination for the preliminary dnawing Tamchishin each scored a Th * biiity o! giving univei'sity o! liberal studies and related adpieesiaeThecmhar.Teby bogthm pro.gjrams bas not been ex- accupatianal studies. Such m:ttee presented their id'ea1s a veny beautiful brand new Its TAKE A DRIVE clue.>cussa journalismarchi. and opinions. Atter many tronhy. bro- TO lr nqeadAndpoie -1 cetdte rpsi u VAN BELLE cotneteredhCatiOf.vews bis involvement In a if built this would be rural In the opening gamne, Cat * FERTUIZER * 8PREADhRS " I sboal br aii édtat provmide a n e g a n e. Oung aos o n esCby M ni w .ta p t h g miotce ro-a * Onania ta a mas totlly n- p apl ta njay ofe h onte a n dtef tte, Bcri-gr TOPSOILS adstheiaie d n te nee s an "Edcatoahpatntis Piwneaatleneednes--tangoysa linles tgtay n * Aeo arGr deN Faieai irm onai tining andurenecity ifCo nada e are o r Sbg pportnigel3 a otsatn n Vanin a Belle Gardento poruntis.Thy s njye Bbu rtp, isn width Oawod, ndth f ourFinl dnCnres 1 hoe pwod basbeomunes- giauatehwil go nto heSott D rrOSlnEmot e.nik Cnaa or ometh ou fwheShrMn patws43fr atrgt at t-ean roprus ndwl a ane n WtOflldy ATis rit crtwon mri goll Ifsud On Highay No, . . . 23-5757Thel rdue a compettiver ou g bt poneng falow onabulheym o c rs e FE TELI ER * SPRE BER Ont rio s al ost totaly I - pe ple e e joyinf Oaehawak T SE AT t anngE illvls r Mi itchellSan a spech SuandaC vsion wthMn In th mids of tec nc ientlaceaidn'Lack o! im andtMnsseFreddDayes tee pvmetnprdc Ivity le Dym a y ses and- oshdt oalott ty V an B eRVIEl e NTaRd E UNs aB o pulation exlsio. w lîtempaitlhis a h dueMr. CandforDayertG and fam-wod ad hepl ! Somethng bas t sk d ln-traing Ca ole uro h Adew fs, sse, r. "YurFrenl Grdn enri! Te ordba bcoe a -gemuaet ndlabag, and mthe1 Mn. and3Mns. Elmer Archer T tIIfl g Mn ,Ûte Em etOshwa atielyanill lac an ufe wic e tmoieleity po- ad tim reWoty r.vsmdn OnHgwa o 2...62-77 etwa eas ure ' "pTh-ad ien ti-h myCa l- n M s . rer n saaioli tienssisteInes i hm n supagy thwiî ty aeturneaut s Hopial. ntd hrho resorcesand mproe thirâ avecomete epect Un. Mr thesmchaWirgho sen leud aents eien-their nenwThe rsoa .t cotinue piin t te = pouc eredan HImpes sve ermn a < dentY wba canetdo sabe t-Je Chnand ompas. ergof .< wem, hpystdn. A . John's Church ev. TO SE AT THE retly euatad culturodan r.Fe ta o meting exdcllenty. tor. ndtary, ppling t a aur Dr. dueltey soke !te ean 11ves. The Sacr.amndo *GRIO SE VIC CEN RE I BO MANV LLEtensionlctlaseséduhatinîando"yComuion war. d mn- offel-rdninthein îst ndresrnc let Artsand echnlog wi 1 be rspiand. Ho underwent an 365 n a d a a nd i . ye r f orpn e t m a u d y Thelg amtamiDunigt ol . and s M rr s.Wlarder Feeofbes Heyad AvisitTch- d Mnn. a.d..r..Fred vi oteo! wl th e t r.' out adbn tUnte heirrne n studnts h ae h tey el.ns te choirdnesde Hs apprseiatindtablet erguetneitoher Fre a t e spCetak epnil itzn nner. fom oil dlv m9 ~ ,~. Dr. Keininethta pstTh S art land at rne ssof . . . .rsiden t,-cie 5 a g ta n et e Perfe ctAttndoc e inzdmrhn sunegîgsr * i LOCL GRCOOhawa Rfotary Club, Howard eea Snd ay i , Mrcan andh LOCAL AGRICO H e& right in your ores r ady t a h ep you plan your fertilir@r Sm itb G. S icom be and p t S nd y w t M . a d SERVIUS n George Ineland, ah of Oob-. r.T Hodge and boys and :. SERVICES gram He knows the aresa&cil and crop cqndltlo 3 and awa, E. C. Wildman, DouglasvitaetteShpo om hstcsthe atir that'a ih o local cropu.SlesdJh . James 'Iiosa h hrehm Bwianvile, 'on Sunday. Soito i A e aalysandroele_________ae____ledIn r.and Mo rs rchevWhit-hîî e: Plant AnalySAr lhaayi drgla etiz, r upld~mee o! Oshawa were Sunda 'J'Ouir ivvimogot vrtr bulk or bog. A Iow-coet apreader rentai service la provIded viioswihfind ee e IIg Anlys I svoyoulie ad ono ad n smeairs&AnhdrusPONTYPOOL Several from hr attend- one place ta find them al[ is Amtiizr on ppli ors areavailabie et Iow .remsrates. t ~~ ~ rge d the Vimy Dinner at Mill- do i, eqipmet.- Tti ihn itergebrook on Friday. The 5th -W ..L..~ e' * Duior sas $tort Ibis sprlng wlth a soli analysis and move Up tb higher 1!hat 1 report the sudden pass- Anniversany of the Battle a! or equip your office VVILII sheh >" eSul Sprdin ropyleds. ou en d Itwlththeheipof our oca Agrco ng of Mn. Howard Brown in Vimy Ridge was suitably corn vi Oul Squ aipm n enaiSrpie . uCen thtehlpo or oa g io teearly haurs o! Sunday mcmaorated with tePdr e ou neeu, your Yllow Pages Equipmnt Rentai servies Contre. mornnng. Deceased, an em- ing the gue4t speaker. Suit- uftiga nieofc r playee o! the Dept. o! High- able filme wene enjaycd by ail. uftiga ntr fieo eAnhydrou Ammnla Coli hlm î ways, had juet neturned home Ail World War I Vetenans it's good to get in the YelIovy and Aplictfflfrom a tour of night duty at were guests and among them mdApilatrssci the Highways Shcd. He pass- were thnee winners of the ed away suddenly from a heart MM. Mn. Edgan Graham and attack. Pnior ta moving here a brother «~ Ted Graham he and his family had resided paid the su préême sacrifice at a on1f fanm near Burton on this historic battle. AGMICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED a *Lëadws in High Analyi Sizd senvative and a 50-year mem- day evening with the late W. LON DON - ORAAiGEVILLE - PORT HOPE I 4mgneous Granule Ftin erf the Orange Order and Master War. Ena. H. Brown 0 OComPlete Crop Meaommnt Proomi was Wor. Master of L.O.L. 82 Ini the chair. It was decided 0 Soli Testing and Plant Analysis at time o! hie death. To those ta commemorate thc Battîs o! J CEquîpm'ent Rentai und CustOm,,APPuiala who survive we extend aur the Boyne et .Oshawa, JuIy 8 C Lwnan Gada Frtiar,,sincere sympatisy. with the Leglors Pipe Band of ~ A RIC S RVI E INT E, Bowm anViîîe 1. and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe Bowînanvillc to su<Ply the et their summer home here. hold à anc ad draw in BOX WOODWARD, MANAGER Mn. and Mrs. Morris Gillie June, if an orchestra cen be and iemily ofAurore were isecurcd Then thse superiorj Laughlin rounded off tise' Mflbrook tein. of the Cartwright scarin Two yeers ago *h sMill- ;ted to take aven wîth Ini the final game the puck brook tam was thc best Na- mal score beig5-.wauldn't bounce for the C art- vice teem In the Peterborough ell, led thc score 1wtbwnight baye and they wercl House League. Hats off ta a rick, Felstead andi Mc-i defeated 7.0 by a big fiashyl fine pee Wee teem. service cenhires ore than 100 good'reasons to cali C-I-L d the C-I-L dealer network for the fastest )st complete fertilizer service in Ontario. 1- L has more tha n 100 service centres in. uthern Ontario. And 5 C-l-L plants, uding our new Lambton Works at urtright, back them up with a constant )ply of high-grade fertilizers, re's a service centre near your farm. stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a ad range of recommended analyses. J supplies of direct application materials hi as Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium ,te, Urea and Muriate of Potash. There are se tanks, Nitrogen applicators and bulk qaders. Du're ready for instant service we're Jy to supply it. Anywhere in Ontario. GROW AND PROFIT WITH FERTILIZERS ng..fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the in your YeIIow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to Dur YeIiow Pages can heip you buy or rent office f urniture lving, partitions, stationery, or business machines. Whatever scan help you find it quickIy and easiiy... whether you're just buying a simple card file like the one illustrated. Yes, ri Pages habit ... everything's here in town. -'r r. r. ,, LU' it inutemi dî

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