Il*r; 09of these te give The Canadian State omnjl Ar 2 97 I Every Easter SeaU SoId nuruîngaloftrue.~rwrU_________ iarge pernaeof O hw oain HeipsCrip led C ln au suurvey held in Northum. MMOflTlhn dtrberland County to encourgeHodFresFoî Atis rue.Tilion, dito Ph% M."7.4213 Since 1947,conrbutonsato1engthy and exeTveprg further x-rayu or MantouF ciait.scol ok hguaranteed the provision of mean soine chldren will ev Janury, la a buy monthfr A t M a funds of the. miciai And care and treatment for girls entually be independent ~ colwr. There were 1628 New Councillor Sworn in> atml th:y would neot give in and boys, infants and teen- movement and speech, thl ivsion-screenlng tests given E .Bseo saabr lddEeitC an u Sa, after trvngt convince aers who havea phyuical dis- tinie and cost iflot imnport.- diteSYfle car, and 1.F.Bseo them for over fhree hour. I abillty, regardiess of the cause. ant.29bosfoiGaeOt8rserndomrctycn-Vno Poescva ad I (J ~~~~~~~~~informed theini1 was going t> There are service clubs sucli In the 40 year history of the were given coîur perception ciller, lhas a iewttefoadrasert lc saw Di theComision in Tor ~as Rotary, Lions, Kiwanls, "Service Club - Society's» tests. te his collection.Hs eowtitSbufr'Aacale; thfomison iot Kinsmen and others in 230 work for crippled children Prenatal classes are belng Rotarians voted h1 pro ae casaRfr l Reeve U nco ers Aout $1f 'h~lor l t i g:e comnitinl es ln Ontario who thre have been thousands oÏ held infBrigton, Port Hope, mosf oten laie t eti ns wilb edn atrSaschidren who have overcome Cobourg anc Bowmanville. and he now has ana rdtEm Wib Tonhp G- T hat (an be tlsed for he V illageI had cooled off they decided Ths service club members ter Seal contributions have Owing ta dubiaus driving Murray Vice anid Ge ls ayCu;Gog Necatl -Hifoy aswiledlir vcy uces wthtxibuinsswoldstp prlwc would all go f0 flic0c1n- voluntarily organize fi ai ae diinlsrvcsrdcni ion nJanuary, most 1 !teOliw ititchina !Roaysrr did,( n withd orth na solihecitor.eaddtinaWsevicslndconiaonsi ftheOh mission in Trnt o. This w agand then use tlic funds expansion of activifies pas- oflice auiome rie testng was Cýus er' Associain pe:ra onte;Ge ls Newcastle - istory was wshed her evry sucneca-opertaxianusnets foucdOn-p sibledandwiahgreatoicitor.sen c- donciin the tCebOnrgsbtenanenaedeaMr.nBastedon with inlievCobourg owd.r1ctorta Mr.DSA;tT. "Affer a short discussion tarie S9oclety for Cr ppled flic number of children that schools. Oflier gçhools vlslted rooster la a cage att1 ra-CegioRfr afpei made on Monday cvening Council. 30th. witli thc commission ln Toron- Children, for flic benefit ef could be helped. on better days included pailie- nual "'Farnier's Frc"TusdetHaodMireeo whert lnfthe Municipal Office, The minutes were passed, A letter froin Samn J. Brere- ta fliey informed aur coin- the crippled children in their It is important ta know thaf bao, St. Mary's - port Hope, day ni lit at MipeGaeDrigo onhpadMr shortly before the regular and delegation s w ere heard ton, in w hich he gave his resu- m i oale0 9 1 a h i y o n o u a a e s v r a t r S a i t w l e N e c sl , B i h o n nt d t u c . M Conclu etigcotude- raanfoetinng fomChirgotat$909.unasficciytwnorrra aea. evryEatrnea gforllb Nwcste Br ghtan ndUitd huci.Maethn 85ryhicilaima-o limld villag's money and that tley Rehabilitat ion for crippled o! somne help fa a crppld Courtice school. persns and OshawaRarnsbte'etral en ce- way, Mrs. Alice Doreen Nez- The first fa speak was îrwin man o!flice Newcastle Recrea- had another $6,000 in a reserve children can very offen be a chlld. A total o! 735 tests bitt was swarn in as a Coun- Colwil, wlio reprcsented the fien Commitfee was accepted account in Toronfo ta be uscd - camplctcd, 35 o! whlch were Guests eathflichcdbeil- VneMutod !Bap cillor. Newcasfhe's first wo- Installation Committee o!flice witli regret. Counillar Eric on the Newcastle Commission. ~ referrals, 5Dschoutaineinran drig flcmeteasrtsedHld succeedisflic clecfed councillor, brouglit ln an up-to-date re. letter o! regret and alte their NW aenwreevdteorthumberIlad & Ilurb b flarve C. Bonathan, who has port and will lafer meet with thanka for the work lielias $9,069-18 and are very happy n m 18 s nd 21 tue. mnt , fn1acedasMC Efefan neyer been sworn into office. the Finance Committee, fliccdone so well be sent fa Mr. ta have this stralglitened outU I.Lb.* Environmental Sanitation- i being anc cow, tlie The chair was first offered ta Clerk-Treasurer Mr. Glen- Brereton. "Mr. Brerefon lias for tlie future". Neaith n it R port The annual inspection of and seven swlnc. 1 diin h ajoadEgrGoai defeafcd candidate Jack Nes- balaie Hu gheu and bis assist- put considerable fume and cf- The Rcevc's good luck which colbyhMeiaOfcr23ptonwr g blft, (noa relation ta the new an Mrs. Gardon Gray, fa go fort into his work, If was is a benefit for ahi Newcastle, Reprt for Januar 97 e noteae n n o!o Healfli in respect ta the General Reniarks- TeUie hrhWnc Councillar) who tfli e did over flic bills. somcthing vcry close ta bis did net end flicre. Wlien lie eeay16 dito lcae n o-sanitary condition and main- The Health Unitofcengru ofMpeGaeUtd flot ish a agin g int Geoge Card nd E Bar heart. He may net bave ai- served on Council in 1923 there Communicable Disease- cd froin fli district. fenance o!flice building, facili- liasmve tehuciatrd-T s Cnecilinthi a andgo 0 d e or hard ndte PBlic way.s agreed with cveryone, bad been mancy, a trust fund M u m p s and chickcnpox Inimunizatlan- lf ies and grounds is required new quarfers a o xac clined. Mr. Nesbittf!illcd the School Board, and presented but lie always did wbaf lie o! $10,000 leff by Thomas wr lcma rvln i- A 2ofieadslolci ne h uhrtyo ThSret aanyon laut ycar's counicil theirbugt They also ask- togtbs" Montague. The interest on cases reporfed during the flics lield during fthe monfli, Public Hca]fh Acf. Fifty-fwo Mrs. Newell, who ia be counicil when dcfcafcd candi- cd for an advancc o! $6,000 if Cauncillor Foshay then re- flua money was ta be used for mth There was also infec- LwenJy-Iour children complet- such Inspections wcre made uoing part-timc puuclethT date Tom Brown passed away their grant doesn'f corne ported that a Recreation Con- fthc upkeep o!flice community tious liepatifis, rcd measies, ed the initial series o! Quad by the Public Heaili îInspc- nursing work in BowavleR jusf before lie was ta fili the through on fime, to whidh rmltfee meeting had licen lield hall. The Reeve lias learned German mcaslcs, scarlet !ever vaccine and fhirty-nine re- tors. Copies aoflice reports is no longer with flc1at chair lf vacant by the sud- Conitaeamto afh ndfitEr atrwsnwfat fliere 15 $2,800 in this fund and wliooping cougli; a total ccivcd a rcinforcing dose. wifîi tle observations and re- Unit. Dr. Doris Treme h E SA E den deafli o! Councillor Rossj cf!cct. On rcading over flic the new Chairman witli Gord- "and I believe saine af this of 124 cases reporfed during There wcre 288 rcinorngc mediosreforwaddhsbe sssigfiiei Dickinson. budget and rcalizing fIat they, on Garrod Jr., flic Vice-Chair- miney should lie used fa buy fic-ol.tisad 148 rmryvaccina fons ficr ariausnd olBad a fie !Hell nci Coundillor Necs b ifttwas (flic members o!flice Sdhool iman. The cammitte wî anenwfbes o fi al lreaim th als wr reor- m iaions n 4 ecin aios. ere taisadt lcPowr o ilfyasla warmnly welcomed info lier Board) lid been able ta keep recommend fa counceil naomes ta have saome badly-needecd rbdb lcLbrtr, muiain nshasr- vincial Departinent o! Healfli. !ound if necessary f icn office by the Reeve, Earl Wal- flic budget toaflic saine amount o! thase fhey wlsh to ask fa plastering jobs clonc, and new 1 o,1 bovine and 1 skunk, quire fewer clinics flan a Periodical re-inspections o! tinue this work. ton, who also gave flic follow- as flie year previaus, .Council- îoin flic membership et a later locks for saine of flic doors. alNetnw shis.l, anves a !c yeae beuenalosfplacarded liouses arc made ta Thc Medical fCer o ing report: "This la a repart lor Walton, spcaking as anc date. Naines have been sug- We now have a bank book t arhntnTwsis eie'h hîrnhv e nin ensure fIat fhey. have nlot HealfI, wlio is a mnibra__ thultsiuld le made ta man an cauncil, but backcd by gestcd ta flic Recreation Coin- caver flua money in flic bank". vaccine for preventive treat- munized priar ta sclool enfry. been re-tenanted prier fa flic flicDcpufy Ministe' Ts 1 tougt soa!nt flhrce persans was TIc number o! rein!orcing required improvements being Force, a committee suyn Ingu e!fflic past few wccks in ta the board for flic manner in selves have not leen contact- witli myseh!," dcclared fiche nscdnfoflia iy plysi- doe recomeded liais as a de a d t asre ae fic poga mmlc ueli pvn io cauncil. Wc have declared which they were able fo do sa cd. Reeve, grinning frainear ft lni eresd lnc r adi las b-cn removcd, pormei naia- - E Mr. Bonafhan'a seat an count- mudli and yet kecp flic cout At flic rcquest o! bath flic car. "There werc fîmes I Tuberculosis-licld in flic urban schools damaged, or severeîy wca- fended a meeting larono cil vacant due ta flic tact that dawn. "I think maybc yau Recrcafion Commttee and flic thouglif they liad me beaf, but Af four dlicst clinica liel, during flic winfer nionflis. tliered. Sixteen sucli re-in- Charlotte M. Hornr he lias been absent for over fclaws had better show the Arena Management Board, if wîei I'm sure I'm damn sure 86 persans werc given an x-1 Public Heahth Nursng- spections werc made. B.A., M.D., D.P.H three manflis. He could have High Scliool Board how if's was suggesf cd fO Council thaf and I won't give up flic figlit". ray. One ncw inactive case Nurses made 788 visifu fa Meat Inspection- Medical Offîcer o eil __ been replaced affer the first dlonc, flicir budget wcnt away fliese le made t wo separate Councillor Fosliay cammcnd- was reported; four cases mov-lamilles in flic monfli o! O! 984 animnais inspcfcd by and Director. meeting o! Council. He will up hast ycar and it's away up conumiffees, raflier tlian fliccd flic Reeve for flic consider- now be rcplaced ly anc o!flice again flua year. You've dlonc Managenment Board flic suli- elle fume and effort put infa defeafedi councillors. If is nof a great job". commîttee fa flic Recreafion lis figlif and congrafulated fair fa flic rest o!flihecocuncil- Harold Wlelr. was pres- Committec. itsfes t f fat hlm for flic $11.000 fIat flic lors for any councillor ta be cnt at flicmeeting. He is flic by dividing these two coin- village would benefit by. 4sp r- * h The acf reads: "The declara- flic by-haw enforcernent officer own satisfaction. tram Toronto f oured flic New- flan nmust le made by fIe as well. A thank yau card was rc- castle Pire Dept. with flic caunicillar fliaf was elected on A leffer was received ceived train Frank and Hazel Reeve, examining flic fruckusUE-I Q AIYCN DA' IN!TRhRNDSH or before flic day fixed for tram flic Secret ary fa Prine Miller, (Frank is flic New» and equipunent. They want ta holding flic first meeting of Mînister Lester Pearson me- castle Fire Chic!) for flic flow- send a mnan dlown ta survey t a a flic lady fa whicî lie was pîying ta anc sent carîjer by ers lie rcceived while in lias- flic ares for tire protection, au elecfed, and ini dctaulf le shaîl Cauncil asking ta have flic pif al. If wes learned flirougl saine o!flice Councillors tdft be deemed fa have rcsigned. closesf Monday fa Fclruary lis wife f hat lie may le home this may le mainly ta flic nhe Municipal Acf Chapter 15t dechared Flag Day. This thia week. benefit f a!fli village, wifhÀ 249,1 Section 237, also Section was bcing dlonc ly councils A leffer was received froi ofliers understanding fliat if TAK 144". alaver Canada. The letter flic Onfario Water Resources flm3T mean taking ln anoflierG r a At this fume, Caunicîllor Bob said fIat If weu now being in whicl if was learned fhat and larger ares. TIc Cherk Waltan alsa wclcomed flic new considcred. sincc tlicy lad reccived fleir wau asked ta write for furfher Councillar to office, stafing Earl Bttrell wrate Counicil report Marcli 3rd, if wouhd take information regarding fhis I LN or W thaf if was flic !irsf finie New- that le was giving up bis taxi froin fwo fa flirce monflis for inaffer.S R LN or WG STA castle had ever had a woman business due fa oflier business fîcin fa complefe flicir studies Building permits have been 1 2 -9 en Ifs caunicil, but wounen are interests whldli left hlm n n and le able fa send their coiuued fa flic following: ta C.1 27 96 B ig FU LL SLICED R O U N DSEKIC en counicils cvcrywheme and le fume for anyfhlng cIsc. Ris pleted report back ta counicil. Demooy for a liothouse, ta A letter tram Mmi. Henry Chiarles Carruthers wloio l Hall o! Tarant o was sent di- building a new lieuse on MillhiG R caalai which she felt ftlier Home, aÏ ta R. St. Amand, oi u u uVW N OS rty tafireevte wo! Ne- rhStreet, osifeflc uring B iItda P rty .' ON % E & i lew cast/Me and her famihy were freafed on an addition ta his home. STO tZ ï d ewhen they gtopped at News A leffer was received frein Lunch enreute home on Good flic Cenotapli Committee wlio B N L U ( ? fli Fr~~iday. Rer clilîdren were have liad expeuises in repiac-.B NE E SR M O S ~~rersonai having French frics whlle she ing llghts around flic Ceno-ADW'ENVTGOU STPI D.. and lier husband were iiaving ali.Ta-tyad ec tiESPECIALLY YOIB N L S I L Newcastle - M * uM - - 'wu Xf" a¶ f fi C. Mat.hc and son Mark 1llh est. brouglit and chiarge for v'eal teleplione pales, 'away frini leave the village an Sunday for Please remember ta cal la cuflets. Having already hand- where flic pranksters lave AdP is eeebi.ating il'.40th Aniivereary this yogi., W. their new haminl Vancouver. your social news fa 987-4213. cd flic awner flic money for faund If sa easy fa smash flic certainly want Yeu teahsai.. ln oui. happy oelebratiop. It's wlth mixed emafion flt uet o trîds ad n iborswliaftliey lad ordered, fhli hts and even break o!!flich daobaed l f e î pckupun- i Bowmanvîlle Hospital th mnoney for flic dinner was aise tixtures. TIc total casf would For what would a Bsrtlmday pal*y b. witiut the people mantey ew ilfrîends as wee arc: Mrs. Elizabeth faken ouf. Tliey argued witli le $30.70- Thc leffer did net whe, holped make Eit possible? ln sinoere appreciation of mav ew dlindSev as o their Bould, Brian Collins, George lier, ta no avaîl, and others read that flic commitec were leae ehnd Sverl f her n theboafli nexf ta thein fried asklag for fthc money ta insfall yaur patronage, we're fetturing a month of extraordlnary i Newcastle friends, along with Collins, John Davis, Miss, Mur. e l. frindafrm Prt reif ndic Godridli, (Southi Haven la vain ta fellflic owner thaflic fixtures, Jusf the permis- values. finsfo PotCeianur gHm) o anr e inrla enodrdsiani fa do sa, yet if clearly Tarantoa celebrafed a farewel Msn on) o anr, odne a enodrd parf wlf fhe-i a Satr ayMi~ Elizabeth MacDonald, Mrs. H1all explained shc wasfated that flic comiîttee were Pes ocrei fe uigoi OhBrIdyoat d a Cleyl MrtMrs. reporfing fhis Ilichehope fIef broke tan rpaigfiu emped . ly ,Wo adlan MOivs e ry Marf Mr.triciifcould lic straighfencd ouf items. If wai dfflat tla.tey You>l love the extra cash savings ev"ryshopping day ucfs will continue in flic ameMaster t, Mrs. Mary Siblock, lefore Newcastle gof a lad would necd fa get permission________________________ tpo!wr.Mms. Dora Sih Mrs. Marg- naine among fourists. A leffer fram' M. Jones, Ncwfonville, in APRIL Comae »e ... yau'Ii save at A&P. Myeofrs . eanRieked t Smitl, Ms. Mabel Spraff o!f aplagy will le sent by flic before using the ples, and a -a MRs Hanen-krdisCouncil, and fîey wilî aise councillor would contact fiuem PO RTER H flIJ RO winnr lst eek as rs.Tebb c, Mrs. Edna Witon visif witli flic wners af Nw alanweîm te fi boren Gee. onraultinsand Mms. Ruthi Willoughby. Lunch. cammitfec) were going ta in- DreGre.CnrtltosAf this fume, Reeve Walton stallich ligîf s, or flic council. MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS, PURE AIM~MAE te both. It's fIat firne o!flice year gave a report o! lis findings Councillor Alfred Gray said LA Congratulations are exfend- wîen cdean up begins through- ta Couricil. A fiin ee-le would ike faspeak aVCPA léd teafliose Newcastle stu- u "eAstedgrdnan ntahoncl e frc ee aminute on flic "good" 'eroadu. 9 ý WIE N E R Hîgli-ou stohvesoea nhf n shus eady flic fanin s ounc lc sum o $ 12,70 R K 98 MG 4c5 dents taking part lanflic Clarke1 wif h if flic burning o! brush stafement ftran eli Watcr Re- "We all know fao well lic J U SAE4 m Playnag at tfl icr ig l solo eatietwr ald ourfa cs orad s fa pay in 67 Ishape fhey arc in. n r m m moe n mus account sud Mary Henderso 20, D:omeen A .T D Aa TRUST CERTIFICATES foutlrsaito ytheIbis c My enl2-2225 and over - Ken A P i EA 6 BA GS PKG 0F 60 5 9C -no Yi Ufilities accaunts thaf we lad Whitney 324, George Kimbailu & isue ito5-ea frmvillage funds fa Toronto for Forgef 386, George Glanvîlle JANE PARKER JANE PARKER SPANISH " isued1 t 5-Yar ermtIc pasf two years. I asked 249, Jack Clerd 249, Ron flic Commission ta f uma thua Good 244, Lloyd Taylor 244,D K * ern ¼% nteest paabl hal-and tlcy refused. ItIen ney 231, Gord Watson 225.E yeariy by cheque. slowed f hem flic section a! Thursday Mixcd - 200 and flic acf, Publie Uti111f es Acf, aver - Harold Hughies 295. Section 35 (1) Nof wiflisfand- Ken Whitney 233, June Pift - FULL 8-inch___ Canadian Insurance Companies Acf, flic receiptaising train Maurcen Powell 216, Hoace 28ALPIE HW supphying any public ufility or Pitf 206. Reg..rioR «C49o8 SAVE 4aNRe. P18 AD GU9ARANTVEE28 and trust funds. froin property connccfcd with Fiday Mixed - 200 and e.Pi a.4o-AV1.Re.Piec.3 -BV28 THROUCH 4ATURAARL 5 57 flic ut ility, aftt c providing for over - Ruth Coudh 283, Alice flic expendtures lacurred tor Kupery 273, Ben Madill 248, flic maintenance and opera- Bill Cail 247; Ruthi Bonathan AI R Z N FOI A -fT ERA HN » S V 2 fions o!flice ufility and affer 243, Hazel M. Munro 225, A&FRENFODA-"ERALTIG SVIilc STsErnaking any provision auflior- Albert Pearce 223, Marilyn S TE R L I G T R U fed by flie Council for a re- Couch 223, Sfan Powell 222, OAG -L Section 298 o! the Municipal Storks 210, Ron Goode 206, 6.L Acf, shall, quarferly or often- Kay Powell 206, Md Ncsbltf er if flic council se, directs, le 206,dH a 0 .1 pald over fa the treasur of , e r23.o U flic munlcipalify and shal l e - GET CASE TODAT JI E69 placed ta flic credif o!flice FO 0K»APPLUNICES V2 "Y, S4,, 35 DhwIp S4 73" .,. 14,utilfty ila aseparate account trg i...,. suffi@ until thec ebenfures and other forma o! capital debt have been retired, and thereaffer STATE SEA lushat o frnpa te sgesieral fu 6880