~çZ~j The. Orono News Aunt LDzieReminse Along time ago indeed since ahone r1k a Pool of gleangU Mrs. James E Richards, Ecitor kithenM -ieegaed teln aTer ahoeeaker my Saturda nngtask. usually apenta rt-nlhD URt The littIe cnes of the houaus eyye mulng uro Dr. 0. B. Wlggins, Ph.D., On the occasion of Mr. hcld mmde the weekly aupply tanedleMthea. lNe maured Crtrc noooyRoyal PercyMnclf', c sr of 'tallew dlps" and- I could my footcremmuterng Ontario Museum, Mis. Wig- vle birthday a family din- UFAhA Mafa*ia*e fot have been more than six "you have a nince life fotbut gis reg, Linda and Steven ner Party wa held at te ersbl he IkeUU yth ntas!UV a yu Ad !Md it M.M.UH. thes, R- obmeonfonrSand My. Amnigreat round pan cf melted Burnhams. A smli foot snd end ithe:p H.StapesRobnso onSundy. mon 10 Apo catiens beef fat dipplng my stick cf a handsome bust were decided fft.ad ira. Donald Stapies tic guests were Mra. Percy suapcnded candle wlcks ini and acquisitions ln thoe days. A and ilidren. Moncrief, Mr. and Mis. Kelth Ft 88ocf the warrni tallow. When buat cf course, wa a neyer re- ti. ir.Jme ichl f m cEryc Blgnotr fia.Wi WlhcfCu-Moncrief cf Fraservîlie, Mrs. or nya mgrgot ao heavy. that rn ferred- te. A gentleman niight Ohwu vlslted Mand Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moncrief O hrdyeeig it, Mother would cl out 'that havlng a '<hndsome neck mnd lhld ess m son ocf Peterborough, Mr. and MiiOrhusasee.g Mar. will do now 'ýLizzle," they are shoulders" one inferred the on Yridmy evening. Kenneth Syer cf Cavan. 3Oth, terone dro pCm- tlareogh I would go on rest. Mr. Paul Mairtena. of Tor- mîaeesoee tnapia h ext weekly task. Pollh- The travelling taller aise tMr. nd Mrs. Robert Glan-enepntUc ekndwh tiens for the position o fman- lng the many bra cnisaeanalymdmd ut ville apent severmi days in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ager of the Orono Hydro sys- sticks that we used in our and ulsters for the men. 0f Montreal vialting their daugh- JohnMirneSxhUe tem. No decision waa made on daily liffe* (one cf these old thiek woolen materimia made tom and son-in-law, Dr. adnd other rtes, fothLowne, the applications. ones wms lef t me Alan'. from our own wool whlch had Mrs. John Lovery and child- hi$ final exarna in Dentiotry Aise at this meeting and the mother and.laisn my collection been sent te the "factory» and ten. aI i oot nvrly udited report for the year of brasa> Sperm candles were for twenty ive censayr Mr. andl Mii. Milton Tamb- Mr. Percy Hayward, hua- 1966 waa received. The net a luxury and anly uaed on woven into tweedy homespuns lyn were Sunday dinner'band cf Mrs. Roseina Osborne surplus for the year amounted special occasions, How delight- and plaids and aiso blanketa most chagrinned wlîen 1 found frilled akirta. Wu worm white puesta cf Mr. and Mis. Wlter Hayward cf Bowmanville, te a little aver $2000 after de- cd we were whcn lampa came when necessary. out what the word meant, satin alippers and cur parted verhoeven and famnily at father cf Marlon (Mra. Raye preciation. In commcnting on in. Hanging lamps wcre con- When we gmcw eider we hmd Jeremliah 0'Leary dldgo aiumwms crawned with litte Whitby., West), passed away Tuesday, the report Mr. Dent, manager sidered very elegant but ycara breath tiking expeditiona in te well with the large boys that wreiths of artificimi plink rase Mr. Colin Brown of, Les- April 1 lth. Funeral service' of the Hydro, stated that work- liter wben gas was discovercd Toronto where wc shepped in ho was equosted by the Hon. buda. kard, husbmnd cf Mii.' (nec on Thursday from Uic Morris lng capital waa nil. The saite- and became general we thought a littie place on King Street John Simpson, whose boys et' Many hundsome gowna and Morris> Brown, pîssed away. Funeral Chapel. ment, hie sald, showed a deple- nothlng could aurpas il as the (Hughes, I thlnk) for "icoming tcnded thc acheol, te return for wrapa hîd been ordiered trom Funcral was an Tuesday from Mrs. Bruce McArthur, Je-lion cf working funda in the last word in illumination, eut and wcdding 1sika and anather term. ithe "City" (Toronto) and lac- the Barlow Funeral Home, Ann, Barry and Brent cf Osh- imount of $11,200.00. He suid Lite was simple in the early satins. They had loveiy im- The cat and nîne tuils as~al n Connela, wlth ber Mr. hontn ilonha waspntth wekndwihthat lîst ycar lie hud forecast elghteen hundreds; ported matenials and fine admînistered with lmpunîîy lngcrs plastered on cuch Mma.Tun d hom ro W is n g h as ndu spent T mH ardye a d thn ed f eUic es t ht M olsLtecet-e Mu-when necessary. chceek, had fittd many flutter- metu ned o m e ro m . . r. a d Mr . T m H a dy a d e o f debenap t ual n t y fth r, C ol. A lan W l- rays, w hih becam e M urray-u w tbm Mr.andMrv Js Lab ng famil. - ureraniworking t capitalf te fctmdtesecI wn, vthmy ngheartsw tu tffetas n M n. and Mrsnd. JimterLam hnandnd i ' ' '- ~ < <>~~ l: now,. appear cd that this fore- ths P ot d et t e a tK ay'a for m any ye r. M y first L t r - ~ 1 ... m a l aKarugen, bÂiaîemdcut asqutecoret.Moey he had walked in the yeiair c buh" h eebrother Ami te Mr. Boites' tretns and eavy embroid- Kure , Otawa.Nancy visitd on S turday aif- he s d is us n t v b e 81 fro "L te Y r " t e1h worn on m y first train ourn y Acade mny in Newcastle. Ths e d sai . Mrs. Ethan Joncs cf Port ternoon. for il js etaalal housand acre farm that Grand. and I am quite ure the min- wms a thrce mile walk but we The Prince'a parly cimel Hope la convalescing with lber Mrs. Lloyd Taylor isaem- r.capital work. The cm- father (Major Wilmot) bad vels ad Ibrilîs cf the train tclununhi 111 a-fom Ecîlmelie oit, lit' ister, Mrs. Ccil Joncs ad plcyed at the Rd & Wite mission decided te give this taken up three miles East couî e ups h f kets, mdc by the Indins. On n the mumer attroeroo md fam ily. Store. m alter further consideration. oc u d n t s r a s t e J y f. s o m a s i a r Mia. James Wannan ha re- Reeve and Mrs. EmnI Wal- The chairmun cf Hydro wi5 îy.wmnili lreCu-m euiu buela lt vr ddnesi oor fa turodtaOrnouten pcd-to c Nwcmtl vsiedMmgiven authority te have pre- shees. Thcy had black kid tocs ningcd that wc stîy ilthcddnrsnCcor tht ing wee wih be duuh. d Mr. Osar uxto. the ncccasary by-law te cI ieml uk sand heela: the buttonholeaschoiml night. There wene avn gas s tressed es, runai 1cr a desoa-i-law, r . and Mrs. OJaes E. Ric agvern industriai and commer- a lad cf4*welvc father hgd mc- wcre scalloped and thcy had sevenal boarders and wc en- thnd cokefoccdThe oine a tersanHuronld GodeMr.R.nd 2, amsite.RPrtcHpe dsecual hydre installations la re- cempanied a farm band whc shiny red buttons. Luxury in- ioyed thé dancing and tunanmd h th wcloe. e rine d garda te deposits for service. a rvn tefml ive dc oe o a etc. the Hon. Sydney Smith and Newcastle, Ontario. lbourg on Sturday evcning. ît was mîso pointcd cut that stock te the ncw home, "Be- 1 wonder if modern children Wc teck French, dancing Col .BotnuceasAde reulton hol ase~~~ on"Just being ccmpleted la their be:utitully run sum- and drawing as xrs Miss Camp during Ibeir brief visit. tcuedathe y-luwgans csa ted U..-A room adjacent te the ball- ted h. ydr uganatcosa c ld .E.Loymlist home- enjcyment that w. dld on our able Vincent Massey, taught rom lain1he Town Hall hud which would arise with the steîd lu New Brunswick. summer helidmys. Picnicking, us drawing and luter on mur- been set aide for the Prince's development cf residenlial sub- Wbat weuld Yeu think? MY fisiiing for trout la Wilmot ricd Mr. Boutes. party. Richly furnishied with diviion. Mr Niholsn ~ father if Yeu could make that Creek. Driving la our 11111e Go v er ilni e atSpotdba hism oce te have Mr. K. Lyccît prépare sae~Unytdy-Over a pony carl te take tbe harvest- schools cama laIet effect about loaned by Mzs. Weller. --------1he draft by-law. -Times four lane road cf umazing ers their mnid mcrning and tbis lime. Mr. Boites' Acad- The table had a beautiful smoothnss or maybc by air? aternoon refreasment. What a emy became disbunded ad h. centre pie'..e cf silver, filled Incoacivable te you as Yu cenrast te our noisy fîrm became Inspecter cf public wiîii huge peaches ad dli- . rono Jr.Bandtrudged along in your cOw- machiney of today. The lovely schools.twb; u e clous Iooking green and purple 1 ing caIlle. Little did such with 1h. quiet swish cf the fifteen and had been one cf ara. Visitors thought thcy V E SP e e t o c r hougbts enter Your contented scythes and 1h.e.drowsy twit- six bnidesmaids aI ysse eeexetoal ie Yugmind as You trod the tcring cf birds. The grain in iCate's wedding te Dr. Reade wr xetoal ie peuceful forest trail. NyrsalIfre h TheOrno unorBan, t he gecf29 aterthose days was cradled and a cf Cobourg. Weddiags la thome evening cf Ibe bull. chondctc Juby r. .DrhB ctdand o the o 29tor large number et mcn wouid days cmused just as much flut- When the Bumnbum carniage you c prcnucdthe i y r. Ah rd Bnmh' JouieaAnd. Tuner the 9orOfbe ut work. W. teck them ter cf silks, satinsanmd chiffons called for me il seemcd se just tsCopesnet Sunduy tterBondJulaAncf Qune rodTe fuir great steaming pets cf coffee as thcy do now. They werce verfiowing with fiaery that I tastert Snd1audteon nu laly1hf lnuinteSdroereg-mde cf ground acase, or Ici more or less copied trom 1h. refused tbgel in and cnush Aprîl 2nd, i h uioimIlryteln ourney t n rebtterdba.Ft- Eaglisb illustrated periadicals. my ficuinces. "I shall wulk" mad the extra ef the Clarke High School.Beevletvsibr.H use er would cli eut "corme on W. teck i deep interest la tb. I flew off before ayone could ulity A good attendance was pre- te tell us as be neured hi: beys" and they would ailiti doings cf the Royal family ad so cudIhdnlgn ent fo 1h or h. asningdsino hers pb would draw s arouad in a circle and soon were well iafonmed la ail their to atr down the- warm- moon- wus augmentcd yasnighre.u by some quiet road finish their wclcomne snack. doingsanmd with binths, dea t s tre tw y le grou anda pano ablI. sde ool and lidy himself by Then came the welcome mcm- and marniages. gapdm undsmte The band, numeing. thirty- th hnn ater. cnt. Father prcduced his 11111e At Ibis lime there wai eyes on my cousin Jîy Ketch-.' seven musicians, played tea Atter his marriage h.e hved brown j*u¶ nda tiny glass. very sélective privaI. board- um."Weeaeyugng selections fer the concert. The with Grandfather unlil the big They wouidaili stand up and iag achool ut Port Hope and Llzzle?" "Why te the -bal.cf type cf music was superior te timbercd and wide boarded meccive Ibeir measure cf whls- il wa decideçi te aend meCcoure"Irpldmdh c that of previous concerts ad "Farm bouse" was built whea key strlght fmom the ju.Ieem lowm esedcrsiae Ieleaon d Upc did show advancement la 1h.elm n hnrdm ixty Work was reaumed wllh great the w.ekenda with iny simIen 1he steps te thm entnmnce. We pliying ubility cf the local acres et land becume bis and guste. Rate Reade. Net a very goodloedaun fr ystr musicians. Teasenesa did h rcee bscawym When 1 wa sevea 1 sbarted plan as my mlud was more Rate and it was then that I however, show in seme cf the fones ag aiy chool. Stin.d browa tram taken up with my weekead fgaI my greatest surprise and umbera reducing tb. capa- fu"Yes, Our ways were peace- the weabher tlb. UtIle building frivolities thmh wiîh my stu- . et the ev.ning for ah. was bilities and tull petential af fui nd simple a hundred had neyer known paint. I's dies. There- were just tbree just stanbing te dance wiîh 1h.ý the band. This will be over- yeans ugo. In the early wiater wooden forins and beaches other boarders ut Miss Berna- Prince. come Ibrough turîher public a futed sleer weuid be butch- were bard and uncomnfortible; dailes school for Youag Ladies KaIe la ber wedding dres exposure and expérience. ened and hung in the wood bbe greit box steve -hud a and twenty day pupils. cf white taffeta wibh ils rows A Numbers sucb as Andantino bue a emme ahryuwaiag crack that occasion- The bourdera teck their etpSIuies a ain and Blue Nocturne wmltz wcre muking a rite et cooking a ully belcbed fuame and smeke. meals wibh the tumily ad and I tboughl ah. was the exceptioaally well plmyed bysteak. The grid was piaced î habed lb. cold and would table eiquette wms gently most beaubiful Young womani . . . . 1-à Ailover a glowing bcd of hard- cuddie arcund 1h. big heater taught. Polibe conversaion wmas niere. Many cbrming girls anecelfent depth et sound wood coulsamnd tb. huge thick while the othen children rush- cnceurmged and modemn cbild- danced wilh the Prince that 8-3 ad -ton. which la présented steak nicely brewncd an each cd eut te play "RED Lîne" and ren wbo scoif ut achool meulsaghMs Jnl Dinre by a wcl-balanced compli.side bn tol e argmov--ether games. A numben Of might quibe weli envy the Lyda Bennett niy cousin Anale meçnt of instruments lnciud- cd te augreat platter, bathed la great boys would attend dur- good food that we gaI. I l'e- ad athera who hmd officiai ntrumpets, French horns, we ulr, seusoned and put ing bhc winten wbea tbey were member the "Treacle pudding" nigbts. I enjcyed watching back on the coals for furîher net busy on the tarmsanmd I which was mcml delicieus, them without envy. The mer. I- o kngînabnoiiing. Il was very delicicus tel in love with. Harry Jona. whea sliced- dowh the. rich tact of bcing there wmm encugh Heres a uokn emonsLra iofl t aditterence. and that and bread bak.d ia He brougbt me beautitul red bnown juice would run out. pîcusure for me. the huge brick oven remain apples, polished ne doubt an Captalu Berrodaile was a re- The bail room wlth ls blîz- happy menîcries. Fourteen the siceve et bis homespun tired Indian officer, ceas.- îng gus fixtures ablaze wlth large boaves cf bread and a jacket. quenîIy we bad many delicieus light, the gay uniforma and 11111e round crusty on. that we The achool wis supported curs1daic ninds- adougwn a ar isv e i gail loved best. A numben cf by bbc countmy familles wbo ces. and te nda ih'hnsme.gwsws ar 6 111 1 6 v o pdried fruit pies and lb. week's sent their familles and board- Our scheci clothing wi5 Afler lh. Prince depurbcd ut baking wouid b. finished." c d bbcheucher la turn. vcry simple. In tbe wintcr wO midalght there was a greut In the spring ot bbe y.ar i W. wcre taughb reaing, wcme dark woelea dresses rush te se. wbo could be final In d i nyoung cuit on lriib :ould b. spclling, writing and mihme- with a black taffeta for Sun- te drink eut et bis wine glass; slîugbtered and hung la the tic. I disliked aritbmebic and day and lustres add musinin Ia do net rememben participaI- coldepîba cf the greal diri asked if I might take histony. tbe summer. Our underclebh- lng la thîs. flore cela. Al ursupplies Mether had remd il loud te ing wouîd appall a modern Social lite wms very gay la O u i irn housed there. Home cured us and interested us la the girl. Long coton chemises, th.esxtes. Me and my siater huma and bacon sides hung romance. Mn. Scott, aur teacb- fianel drawers, whule-bene Juliai(laten Mns. Melcaît) came frcm 1h. ceiling. SIoe crocks er, wîs very much asboalshed corsets made il borne by theeuboteraa îygie et jms d peseves pup- nd ci se bi fae nw swing weman, petticoats yards by Mrs. John Burke et Baw- kmn and ginger, burrels et as lie sid hesitabingly, "Well, around and trimmed with em- munville for two very slylish cider, Maple Molasses <Mapi. yes,_ 1-SUppoce you could, -but braideries. High necked cottonyonlaisfmWbbyth 1 S-vruJ. veeablesý nnapl- ol aet edau n ianlngtgwswibMse arn BetyBrgltcfCnsmas'Ga Hm *mnleigtdner *se mal Burnham's walnut table that if amet ings hete .The moat thiinJ.ng event et inthose early da. -W. hud V Bett Brihtof Cnsuers'Gas ome@Canlelghtdnner *Ton malhad bea polised unil it Ihe Oman itwho Pb drin- hm MY achool duys was lu 1860 bomtiag parties, roddcand pic- V-8, home. when bhe young Prince Of nicked at tbe Beach. Played stee cooklmaglnaUvmetsosecîuypîanned Treats for kiddies a Hostaus hints allas, bass, baritanes, trom- Make Sense? Seventh) visibed Canada. cock and tennis. Visltcd our Wae keepingKng EhwaththCentennialtlethremad sandteflute. foothImagndaiveouai secad hostnedIn epgwtthCoenilhee bones, saxophones, clirinets Then you'Il be [nterested Cobourg was a flour sinfrienda, skated on ,thc pondu foteCnde oswf n ots.thera wlftboa lOOyearoldgasave n d Autin l.prgn in Occidental'& paycheck town cf some importance maad lukes and hmd many 19 'DlscoverngCanadlan Cusne" enables display, contrastlngwth today's modern was an Orono vocal trio cf Insnce.(Wtecati ilwainclud. Te lu mTPrnce'HalligOurimde. ongpol you tohall Contenn la[ year by puttung the fnaturel go$appt lances. You w! 11have the oJ immy Pm rnLd DaidT- hnceoteton.)biingn.Tenw onHl uimdm yugpepe 6 verflaoroourounryn yurdnin tod itb giartr mLod Dmid h oiLw a very modern ad grand wibh their fat cirs, s d opprtuityo uy coy c te Frreter Dugis Prni i- bildnghmd juat been com- boa, water sklhng and d..nc- whil vrfom Betty contryIIldemournnsttthppisoringCmuadnCuisin te" rsdigte . ugaudeienib If you're 28, for instance, pbctcd and il waa decided te ing would tbiak we led i dulli Iei roo. ety riht II dmostat th "isovrigCaadanCusbi"s peiano solos, iece it onlIy $ 13.25 a mont h open Il witb a reception and lw. and ne doubt think thcy prepmtloofaarîeyovdughfuî ooklt.Cmean hea Bety Bight W.a.o Alios. iru fr would assure your family bail for the visiting Royalty ane vemy mucb ubcad of us in 'Gourm t bn ch à Par ty dlitun eo s bokey. o'l nda Do r B tP rize t . A .temnoon, sal ha l for a $300 check every month ad bis suite. t er g yt n l au e dish forform i an Inf rm el m oal . m yb ey u'Il win D oo Pw us, lb. t einte n ion t te aa in unti 1992 if yeu ahould Evemyb cdy lu t ow n and h e w onder ? ? ? ? *Gormt bunhe e ary unceos ws heIntntonto gain dije T h at woauld b * country round was ugog oven These notes wcre wrltten c bohd a aummer ciass this July $63,690 of insurance te thc lmpending celebration. fromn tales Aunt Lizzie used le and Auguat for nyone wih- start with. New gowns, decoratians, sur- enlertul s ih bn h AA k~ A ~ ~ 7 Lfor registration con b. made Nôt life insutance, lhough mises as ta whom sbould dance vlsited wllh us la Toronto in 5V~I M ~ > -* *to Mr. Allia, Mr. Carmin Paycheck insu rance. with the Prince werc the top- 1921 te 1923 and in Woodstock Comsb Mn Ry Fnreter------------------I aof the day. u Ie 1927 or 8 wbcn iabe died. 8:00 PXi. orn Mm. A. Roych, l ead er -------------------- Aunt Burnbaî wbo waishZe wms a wonderful littie f Jor A. A rrcanem ftets 'dformatoae outr~ecin. somewhut of an autocrit, de- persan, full et tbc zest cf lite havealradybee mae wth ormtio abut ayceck cided that aithough we were and iovcd by all. She llvcd Mn. Danch teH conducAudittiue 1 nsurance. sa bit yeung, my cousin Anale the lait cf ber lite with e TICETSAVILALEAT OOMOr.lO c asses, ' dct he,4 à._____an_ d I sbould attend Ibm bail. aitera Aunt Julia and Aun LOCALWOMENS GclassTes.rne#unir Bnd asWe were tb bave new frocks Maggie la bhc big aid bouse ________________LOCAL______________________________ mse scheduled ta play ut As- ' Address________'exmctly mlice mlthough we were ln Newcatleand made fiem scbyilIeCar.Hg *JSEjust sixteen and net "out" amdifamnous angel cakes and lemeai Sembly odmythenClrey wer- E S VAN NEST we wene te go to the bail. Itibuttertas for ail thc fmmlly' te presetoda ha t heur pro- 118lîsig si. g., 'wus an oppontunily that ahould doi n dcucevtsI E (i~~UESfâ m to, w gprmeAn nt ati o us s pro- owmaVme not bo mlsaed. a 1lysory that wc dld net 29 CELINA ST. OSHfA gA en received by the baud t te *-z y pcoused wem Ore lune l oe cfobr eur l miei lay a concert ut thc Cobourg aOOCIDENITA&L Li"E i Phono 7287363 lma Shdli soetime IblnI o unsnowy grenadinesmade and gradchildrcn. Phne72-763witb rnodestly rcunded necks, (omMWlo~ k.. The kmadim Statesmn, EwavJe p 1M GOUR Harold Mîchelson Bowmanviile RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING USED CAR. SPECIALS transmission,- power ster, custom radio. Turquoisev A one owner -caià, real' sharx V-8, automatic power brakes, mmatching trim. 1965 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. euoe owner automobile. Lic. K15783. .1964 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR., Sharp white with rcd trim. Lic. K8605. 1964 CHEVELLE 4-DR. W/hite wibh red interior. Very sharp. Lic. X14563. 1962 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN A.utomatic transmission, custom radio, steeriag. Very clean. Lic. K14625. pc' Louis Phillips Cour tice LEotMED THECFOMEN THED CAROIN SEDCAR ?65 BUICK LE SABRE 4-DR. HARDTOP -8, automatic transmission, custom, radio, 'powe eering, power brakes, white 'wàll tires, whee ses. Dark Blue with matching blue interior. e. X15053. >65 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 4-DR. 8, autornatic transmission, custom radio, whee' ces. A local, one owner car. Sandalwood Sand [h Fawn interior. Lic. K14564. %3 OLDS. 4-DR. HARDTOp uipped with power windows and seat, brakes d steering, radio, white wall tires, chrome dises, ir defroster. Light Blue with matching ,rior. Lic. 15052. 61 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. 3automatjc transmission, power brakes, power ering, custom radio, white wall tires, wheel es, Whte with brown trim. Lie. K14545. 61 CHEV. 2-DR. HARDTOP cyl., autornatic transnxission, custom radio, ite wall tires, wheel dises. White with red ýrior. Lic. K83534. ONVENIENT FINANCING IROUGH GMAC Or MIC !OY NICiIOLS. M1OTOR'S LTD. COURTICE 728-6206 '6234556 SOWMAN VIL LE j i 't fil I k j.. .p 41 ver ',-~ .- I e! q 't' a 'i 's s if 'i of our Lot of our 1965 -PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DR.,