on'equ - ;ý- - - - 1 - - 7- _______________gagement _ iArcies for Sale1 Articles for Sale Carsfor Sale Tners Wcmted Ra saefrSl elEtt --~ Ett o »ROOKS-G nt and Georgina Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wiggers WATER for sale and dlvedRONY oats. Phone 263-8808.1959 FURY Plymouth, new O~gp0 ECSLnwtrebd o ar appY to anounce the lof Trenton are happy to an- 24 hour service. Cal 623-5756. 15-3* licence; some repairs needed, DARLINGTON rom bungalow, buit-in china AL blrth of their son, Glenn nounce the engagement If CENTENNIAL dress, n ew, PILE af manure. R.R.2 o-$* Phone 623-5739. 15-1* TNE O RC aie,$65o 8-37 C lffod, on March 27, 1967, at thir d13 % AcresMr 2 h me- ad , iz 1bar3280.isile.72 -8 06rRALom eH14-v 19E6RILLYS eep, egiÈe e Port Hope Hospital. A broth- Westrik, son ai Mr. and Mrs. 1-*Sae edrpanymr-1- er for G rdon. 15-1* C. Westrik, af Holland, on -1 4 USED Chesteïfields, 2- ce., overhauled, body and ti res Sae edrpany m r-1- INSU] A C od m re adn ln, a March 27, 1967. The wedding 14-FOOT Aluminum b oa t, choice of red, charcoal Or god condition, $495.Pote as ta contents, will be WANTED ta buy-4 BedroBwmnle 36LbtyNopnra.Dnpaen UlPAPPORD-Jack and M uriel wil take place next July. oar a dtrailer. Telephone brown, al in gond conditon 88-73.151 r cived:00by thE .d rs ig, ned 2storey brick o usbe in ow - 623-72 4$,0. C nat J h it (nee Samba) happily announce 15-1 623-7127. _ 15-1 and very dlean; used chrome '62 BUICK V8, power steering-, TuesdaY, April 25th, 1967 paymnent, no agents. Cal BOWMANVILL ot .KlhLdRme the birth ai a daughter Lori GOOD seed patatoes, early kitchen set, 5-pce.; used bed-1power brakes, gond condition, _ _ _ _ __Ib o ,_o n p1 242 ,,1c l o se. at are tc has ule .a ndo rs hea p-p lT o r a n tatr u1 216 2O n t.9 at etnb ra gh Civic H s- inson, R.R. 1, Newtnville, an- Newtonville. 15-3 King St. . a m il. 786-ý244,DN e t ie. 15-1* (½ tn pc - p EARLY Canadian stane, nice- ping. Asking 1 50 . T rm 1- 1 - o n e t e en a e e t-Phone 623-5252. 15-1 '3 M R U Y M ne e , 2 Tenders m ust be sub mnittd ]y landscaped o n h e acres, B W A V L E - C ril ~st1.151 au etheirng g met BE F fo al y h q ater doalhrdop p we seeinon farma supplied by the prestige home for professional Avenue, 3 bedroa ocîin TV E V -Flt. Lt. and M rs. M r. H arold Roy A ustin, son f o ai Kenne h o neîs. 35 r no1* ha d o ; o e te r , Tow nship_. w hih m ay be ob- or executiv e fa iy 2 m le ag , n w b t , ic ri k a - thei da ght r El a A n, r b h h one 83-5 86 15ono, F IR T H B R O S . brakes and rear w ind aw ; 18,000 t î e aeh o w s i O f c , ea t a aw m ai î 2 ief rst $1 ,500. 3.000thn foriaB ar happy aanunce Cali- 3rPan r Hol he ed-DOUBLE bed, aprings and 47 King E. phone 623-5081 miles. 5 Prince St. 623-3600. Hatn trTownsiTOffceneshipf Lin Sout,fe HAPO Buligot the birth af their daughten on ding ta take place Saturday, mattress, $20 or best affer. BRING TOUR DEEF A 965Ce-1lt ic-u mntsfrom igShay 41 en ATraON -6' $,0 6376 April 7th, 1967. A sister for May 6th, 1967 at 4 p.m. in Phone 623-5542. 15-i OR PORK TO US 1961 FORD Falcon, red/white, truk wIll be traded in. This and 2; picturesque caunitryside $700 down.Reto ICatherine. 15-1 * Shiloh United Church. 15-1 CBan$5f»**~i We Specilile lu . radio, whitewalls; lady owner; tukmyb npce ya ihfl iwa a hay, 40e bale. Te ep on C U S T O M C U40Gi o,00 5omil e e lle n t on - n tm n, a h e1 A1N - 10 a r s a tl u s t R a Te,00 ephonxceleOMcn-poiTTetNG heTownship taria; four bedrooms and wooded. A sacriie 350 ero rc uglw Mrs. BerniceBrnie ep rd Q eesepardn,1 , etaQueens-W A P IN A D7083 56983-5658,15 1* Ya dHa15n, a1*y bahtender, 2'x 41 HA DI v ille , O n t., w is h e s to a n n o u n c e 1 ,Be-n . 3 3 W A P N GDd i i n $ 5 . t e e h n e O o o wr d e H t o n . t e d e r îl b a tho , u p s a r s, 2 2' x 2 4' a YN - B il i g ltre ,t a h d a a e a v d d i ring ev ningshe Lowest ormanntoof h- "' "'. eparat dining acreeuitabee for bul rec-roam wth bar M arriage te engageme tdai hera R r vic,.n w UIC F OZE F r R ntnecessarily accepted. ram , family kitchen and two- ulder V.L.A. O l l0 0 ris f r $ 40 o t Mn ad us ome cKeest daughter, Elaine Ruth, t jde ats.Gahm 5C ver lb. FrRepiece' washroom hot a TC Mr n u.LreMKeMr. Ralph Michael Cale, son arage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf _____________ etI R. M. SHORT, aiîater, TYRONE -Bulngot oi Nestleton wîsh ta announce af Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cale, SEED potatoes, $2.-0-0 bag Road u3erintenden].* , ache garage; alumin- mai tet 2'x15.Oe aSho um covered t-barn.upe inte dPriv ate fo rfer. S alllos the forthcoming mariage af Bowmanville, Ont. The wed- also peair trees, $1.50 each orTV .TO VERS 'd 2-58 sîI W. E. RUNDLE, 1$37500. Adoining 19 a re K n A. C vry - 23 62 ex letsae ai ear. A k their daughter Aida Leah ding ta take place at three $15.00 doz. Phone 623-2847. $0u NEWCASTLE, three-bedroom Clerk-Administrator. also available. PhoeA623-7539 I tAVon, ta David Peter Frew, 'clock on Satumday, May 20,j __ 15-1 5 apartment. Phone 623-7694. 15-n1ol 1150 Trs son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew, at Queensville Baptist Church. MOTO-YCL, l----k OSHAWA 5s-1 ~ Ls __~F~"R1Esae Es ifomnl t k e t vp la e M y T h c e r 7 min aj 1 0 c . i e n w a l T V S U P P L Y L T D . B E D - s i t t i n g r o a i, k i t c h e n e t t , 'I Iï]- -i m a u lt-c n d t on-o l lackstock United Church. R ece vvtion 623-2921; after six 623-7392. a n o d. E ash wer; furnished; central. vcit 9 li bB liny e ma m rik bu gao tuke pace M y 6th 1967 in .~ - , Rd. . OshW& I, , . y of Le ion all ngo: G eorge M TE5 y ar ai; p ciu lo. A k 15-1_Mr._and_______________________PhoPh6ne-5523-5100 15-1 Mm. ad Mns. Edwrd Wil- ~Juat East of Rition Road Phon---35-2-15-1Wednesday, April 5. Reward. RATR2 igS.WBwavleig$890 ansfr$80 latts, 72 Ontario Street, Bow- KEYS cut automatically, while' Dial 723-8131 BACHELOR, also one, two ýPhone 623-5902. 15-1 ELO'lKnStW. D eaths i manville, will be at home n you wait, at M Mullen Hard- Day or nlght - ill Leask, Prop. and 3-bedroom apartments. I ho wnt ale fo6yu2Mm-r5saw3nd Dstic I62S. N.3Nw-sl the occasion ai their 4Oth j~~ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Phone 623-5044. 1- ep\atdBdombnaogr BROWN, oward J-Suddenly Wedding Anniversary ta wel- ville. 3-tf Lawn [M owers THREEroom funished, heat- EN ALrn oney, inspect this 6-year-od Real EstateB rdalrg lonw ilf nc. at is ho e a S nd y, A pn l o m fn en s nd rel ti es on T R A C T O R , C ase S , g od con - ed apartm en t, g ro u n d floor. m an ville office. F or in ter- w ell b ritc dk e pt r eb cd-Asgnaanow ,, 0 gé 1967, Howard Brown ai Saturday, April 5th from 2 dition, safest tractor made; il r Central. Cali 623-5416. 15-1 vew cî 62 762ron bik vner unao 100 A res, Linda Ara5 Are a m IPantypool in his 66th year, ta 6 p.m. 15-1$495. Apply Mr. Smith, LAGEonlbdronraar- OEKEEPER for 15-amiy Owera wilhin a srific-edonm grgbardî-hm ihmdmcne Stmong, dean father a ilaLvsokFrSl 623-3345. 15-1 Qutboard Motors ment, aIl services included, ihcid onnsadps ahmnyAkn uiu aa M r .W n r m ( a r ) r ._ i e t c o a emodemn building. 623-2087. w t hl. M m î g n p s a h m n y s i g priceling shed. Plenty i w trî n e, lr e b r , ce k i h Cu ts ( ae) r.34 O A Y p m ,$0 l," w t a sn io os sibly afternoons, June, July, $18,900.! Asking $26000.wa lo tin 20 M uedrv I ~ . C u t i s ( a z e l ) M m s . P . S I X T E E N - m o n t h - o l d d a r k r e d a u t o m a t i e s u m p p u m p , $ 2 ,5 ; B r l gg s & S t r a t t o n 1NE W L Y d e c o r a t6 2 3 -2n-.e1-2EP E I N C D we nes , n e tr as e m i - d e t a ce d ho u e I -R o m h m .B m i 3 i e e r l a eC l Stirling (Margaret). a n d registered Shorthorn bu 11. 100 foot sewer rod, $20. Phone _____- n-_eà 0 ces rvelyand S th e a tH e.rh h n 6-5 5 5 If 6 37 2.1 - n illro m a at e t e ta, u appearance. Ap i y Northway which recently has been en a: 68', 35' x 501 w ih a t m ic M .In r Jo e se , 9 7 4 1 utt and serichueahldHome ISERED Hostein heifer, ATTENTION, Farmers! For ' ALL NOW IN STOCK - stairs; $75 monthly. Phone esarat Hgwa 15advated. Low eatingcot a <difig feeders. St rem $2.0 3 ne l service wy a he ld t in three m nths; hay and straw . sale, cedar posts and lum ber, e S r i e h t W 23-2318. 15- Restaurah n t, 98 gh-5 17. 15 and w t e. A ng p ca anm s 3 'co k u sd y aieno n Austin W ood, 623-2212. 155 P on-835371*- I o w txe. Asin r e Te m . _ __ __ _ __ _ ______________________In-_______ "We ServicequireWhat WeNT onI"oun fi$l, Tauton Tau ter nent P ntypool Cem etery. T REE-year-od Holstein c w 728-3636. 15-1 ce taWa a a l et h e n n m l y e t pq it ae , d a , w l Exceptionally fi e so kT1 Pantpoa Unted hurh. n- ostsanysiz ~'t rcuir.talTMeNTonberound fhrlorMaE at omwers y In quistarey colin r.l 15.1 due May lst. Clarence Nich-1 !»ams atro.A And a. ApLtd. î bdror l,,2 t farm. Sahid bic ____ ItlpoeNwovleBUYING or sellîng furniturero aIlnSihC.Ldey om ageb O f f i c e . l l c l l E l e r - t f N e w c a s t l e , O n t . T e l e p h o n e r m o e o a g o . V r h m , a g a n tR A S A E L D MULTER-At Memnoriai Mos- 786-2563. 15-1 or1pinecî le,987-4721. ____ 15-11easy ta heat. Asking priceistream throughetierp-1FakSreBomvle Bowmnviîe, n Mn-_ bils Hampton: business 263-2294 - 85 Rinlg St. W. Bowmanvllle HEATED apartment in Bow-taok erNrhTroutStremRerea diy, Areidnce26 -26 5. 6-tf Phone 623-3134 manvlle, centrally iah 97 li sx m nh l;alo R d e _1lcated, CECMANIC, unde Not ofT u Sra duy, Apnil l th, 1967,.EW .e six montimaid; ae aossneys12-tfPhonellicensed m an. Experience es- ai Bowmanville, 6 1 5) A rs n a O em e I S NE H U Et a C u lter, ag ed 74 y ea rs, seed cats, co m m erci al . w F R E E tak e -aw a y a h u seh o ld - _ _ m e i te P s e s o .ro o m 1 lý sto rey fram e o u se 15.Acr s W l Newtonville 786-2461. 14-tf1 sential. Write stating age, ex-.ihsnmoi xr ah Totpn ndfu tens celrebin tem 4fthr Riey, Bowrnanville; ByOoo 51bsretadatic.Giv ATTENTION, FARMERS!HETE-aat-nt-4-o-s--eiecand referençestarolrggrgeonageVyseicrpmy.LgeAig$37o.Ci:Grg att Coulter and Iene (Mrs. Pcaîl. Phrnrane 623-7276 Sitbl fr .LA.As bert McDowcll), Millbank; GRA esa13-4 PRSioGSAn bt. Crnr ig ndDviySaesman, P.0. Box 190, Bow- . Sîtbefo ...lk bm.$250 si n. ApF S am 's R sa u r- m a n vill . jin g p rice $ 15,500. * * *V n y 2 - 4 7 r e n c e ( M r s . J . P . J e n n e r ) , G E M N S h e p h e r d p u p p e s , -a , 1 i i i n S . B w a - -- C n r l y l c t d c d o mS o l c o e n z d s o e h u e a g C h th k coûler, 36 q n ; ant, 14 Dville.sion_ St14.2 A R E A E R f r o Cn tr lyck t d 4 e ro m S ate y 2 - stam y 8 -raobmiit t b e c e n r x ,,,a.am Srvie ashed sve weaied. 987-4972. -KRAFT ibuk cole,3 cn;D FARM vile._4____ ______frRoal_____-- MorisFuerl haelt g acin wth din egonHal,______ bic house on large tmeed lot,brc home, t N on uesda at bmoadlaom an electric plid. Livingequaters ymanstAskng price $11, soorStreani pond.lThisivi112 ACR PAR thr Excell2nbathrooms. ceforlenesou.teLargensu7k on'ciock thosetrained, gndwîth wash tank, two staînîess steel ment, pplicatons ta ndyGie an off rer. Ilne5ai.taramounysE M.7: v-adCmtrMilverton. ould be trained for strainers. Cal 623-3097. 15-1 USED TRACTORS: lhat, spacious grounds. Avail- by May 1, 1967, ta Secretrfi00nestu a ffr 151hunting; three months aid.onofOtroC atonbi6s-5153ei1511 mULn T ONh pl____ mLegionIter8atobungalowt.withe Jli 1buiewtatwo-Rofalns.aLocatedinn8arNewuasle:-Wcd bhome.woBarn.s.Stream. Se ______ -_1-1 __ _St, _________ 152_______-r om brck ve ee land. $65,000o 2,0 o n ny $.0 o n ii he orrisWFueac oe 623-5153d, INS TIONrokwing methk- 1 ISetina 'B1Royale. ugaowwihstnbri c 0 Ar k0ily a1967,meon ________forSae _anh guaranteed. Fe Case DC, BOWMANVILLE-Lovely 1-. LOCAL Man Required. - I1on Scenic lot. Asking price WhiV sti0Arem asTwbrnraîsta.0f estimates, Harry L. Wade, Serial No-. 531810500 $598 bedroom apartment with din- need a representative for my $18,000o - Ternis. ~ 2 Waly Gbso aiCERIFID Rsseli Oats, No. Phone Newtonville 786-2256. ~Mse-ans2,ingstove. Avaîlabl Masîng imayn bie orThipet bna e nafie u e od $5,lso $150dn.tesfoi7ya dw.A- ai M rie e n ni g, i S a u h e O t a me li. P h o n e3 8 -tf în ro o ni, refnge ra ora n i m inhi s are a. r T h i o e n- N e w ca stle : F o u r ro o m fra m e stre a n i w ith p o n d i t s a d00 A R S w h C h st a a n e w a str i e ove d , i . o T h e rh i g h e t a i e.l P n R S wser a t , o a S e r ialC o . h u tt 0 1 e it $ 3 4o9p r - u . Ag,0 0n 1 , o . *~D k 2 - 4 7 d~~ rfath er Senial No. 22 G R500P hon e 623-7617. is-tif yea ly for the nght person.,îcati n on a w ll landscaped 10 A cre s M arket G a d n Ln9n 9 5 0. C î: G o g a i d rf aierofCaTol 'Russell 623-3090, Glen Rae Fam. lSD wse ns Os okht 0dee ihhd ---- - Fl ruj tme Ae21 toilot. sig price $05o s~Gerad. Rested at the 15-i Beatty, Thor and Crosley and Independent PTO. THREE bedrooni ouse and 70. Can you, make short auto Trns.Lierty St., No:t iBw No~th ut a d mh Funer - - appliances, nationally adve- garage, c n r l o m n il.tis W e hope you wiîî start manville. Choice g r e al E F F R . .10 A rs Hpm. unralsevie alIEE Cor-Robson Seneca tised lne ai furnitur. Paddy's U-SED CULTIVATORS: Available immediately. Wieson an ta with us a long Onpavdram1 ces $5,500 - Terms. d at. 2 'lock Monday ater- grain , est buy in 85-90 day Market, Hampton, M6-2241. 1 Massey-Ferguson 10 fi., 3- IAdvertiser 769, c/o Canadian tume. Contact Now! Orvus .~.vcn ad wt re. Ak 0 ce n ie Ooo. Sra . A k Ineren S. eoges ranand silage corn. Phone 3-tf Point hltch. 'taOma . ýoxî'n ande $7.500.10 Are -on a.'wiesupylss -0 O 9, Smith, Burketan, phone 263-r ag os.Brl.Cek 3,0.Trs 623-36215,1 6233621 B PP Y 1.1.6 TY PEW R ITERS, $9 n It rational "*Cl" 7-t.f.1- Bowmanvll.- - 3-tf 2330 .. 14-31 Hampton area. 10 acre ot, Good.weI1,kept fa ni n 24 AC E F R ,8 a m d U'AYW ARD-At Sunnybrook m n y d w , $2 w *ly. Add- point h HU to OUR K EY O A i own. 1rce 4,500 W ith $2 000 lnt ,staté ô i ut t ih m , 2 a n. Nu b r c ~I spita , To ronto, on T uesday, S E E D G R A IN c s a h e s i e C b , n w h e s N O E - M I O A 5 1 - e n s e n s A > ril 1 Ith , 1.9 6 7 , P e r y H y-ju se d , re n ta s, se rv ic e , tra d e s . U S E D D IS C S : S T R EIG cre o m o e, h e W . . A Ig h .Li d . C A E S A R E A.o n8 R o o me< Hay- PATURF-50Acres o moreBheIW.Harniltorh Co.Raglan15(Narths ward, 21 Carlisle Ave., Bow- BBRLE Yamiltonhawala. 12thI.feg.n6f, ritadm--l Ferguson 6 fi., trail be BA LEY of tandem.2 f -Clarke or Hope Townshîp. i Dept. D-140-HY,Nwcse IIRAadCAPANCs -ld ilrTelephone 786-2506. 151* 4005 Richelieu. Montreal, p.Q.JExkceptioaîî ie7momencnvnecs Sial o lôved husband af Roseina ALUMINUM and steel sheds, USED RA ES:- Genteen: I am interested inR ç A R D home, lot 130, x 10. M n VLA sig$500 al Osborne, dean father af Marion 1o T svarnius sizes, with or without R aIs yC- aAn 4- arme n aAs COnl HOMS, O H - C L PR N S o m (Mrs.. Raye West), Orono, and 0ATSraters. af price. Come adi asy-Hri -aon NotiLtdthee'-ld fmo-' R BE i Graàce (Mrs. Ray Champa), STORMONT -RODNEY sec them. MagwîlPu Isteel. CAL you--aleig-deLer. onPart-tu basi dHbung Mn.F.Taloran Ms. . 63272. 0-FrANURE SPREADERSwl- - -d-alr..F P >Fu-time basis LtdReato IfMâcedonia, Ohio; brother of GARRY RUSSEL Pamm, Tyrone. Telephone U7SED 983-5570. 14-TFwmWAvi-eT'brickn.R( PpmeTOP QUALITY nglnd.Dr. Anfossi's office will be ()Please send me FREE Bwmnile bikbungalows.EcletSeîclcto.Ak ltesting at the Morris Puncmal TESTED AND TREATE» PREE lisi af summer proper- 1Ilnternationa 40- 150buanip j mena - bu., lsed froni April 26th ta Cook Book and Catalog 6 3 2 3workmanship. Os a as b s1n 1,0. C î: G og LZ pe, ow anile fr er.tis on Ontai's lakes and PTO. May 28th inclusive. 15-7 with full details. 2 -2 0 home value. Many etaiVny 2-47 c pId , o w mhlr d yav 3,ll c, serv S O R r ve s. R ice, C hem ong, Pigeon 1 International "20V " 75 u., -- -C hurch Street O nly $19 90 0 - $3 .6 0 dwf E C A T E l a t n w ftin n T hsda Ceater- y. ~D' eaS. Jh.Ctaes m ruddrv..j---------- - ---- --- -- 151 R.. F A R M S and S wt. h not taen- o nd di e S T A N D IN G Na1-- -- - - - -- - - - - Acre lot with 2 b d- ' "TOW ER ON T HE G ENflcy wel k p. 5 R o e R..4, BOWMANVILLE ance lowest ternis in Canada. Distributor, 10 fi. CitT. SPrUD.------Ling- F roeb ook oficttnegdrign snCi y ---repla.co i ac S t. C hoice apa rt e t o i c e . W l a w l l a Fmee ook a cottge deigns.* * *Re istered Quarter Hor e --'-Drapes and tr cks included.iRent. Swimming Pol1a n o ei g la s a pn M A U I E , J o e h n e o na i e6 2 7 5 P h o n e M u r p h y C a. , 4 7 K i n g ' S t a il i o n ' A s k i n g $ 1 4 0 0 0 . ' B a t h , F r e e U n d e r g r o u d P r - L r e l t o a e . $ . 0 Frilay, April 7, 1967, Josie il-tf WBBlacke 63371 EWEUIMN Mcîndoo ai 28 Brown Street, l15-i Fleury-Bissell 26-tooth Blak ughes alEneWso A rti le_1 Brand new brick bungalo C î mne W ls n 7 5- 7 0 Pw rnanville, in he m 58th year, es fo r S a le C ultivators Te rvis ion. co s e md g u Pian e cb ie et. R n e ho d a d a . 6 R oia e ra h s y e b n a- 2 20V ,i. li i g s a e w rdear mother ai John, Etobi- WATER for sale and d -Inen.ina ilAskin.lrvso ousl n gl J. Sct ln) saa SUSIE baby carniage, 1 24 eu. ft. CHEST FREEZER International Corn Plantera, Return In Seasoncq QuahulWido;ir.ficatioPnsc 63231' 96modl uliatr Fea lm e erie- 7a0 a es141 yas falg$6.0.on us utie iBwmn btrom.Tw atrl tn r e u a r c 2 9 0 - t h t h a d t a l n o e s1N e a r O s h a w a m n i l n h l c e a a d i e l c s i i h d m c o m v14l; Mrs. D. S i ons (Elean- sand; $20. Cal 623-5153. 15-1 SALE $239.00 International 3-p. hith Disesi Hases Boarded - Trained sl-co to:a iiy ta instruet jut es iOh n ot tached garage. Lag1L S A A 5ro eam a Or), Oshawa, Mm. R. Watter- IIN G s se $ g 15 euft.UprghtKitchen Mdl. International Semi-m unted aingf $20 0200.ea an a nin t , s d 29 u .d supervise adolescents, a i h a . C e n a d w l h p a e l d n c o n . A k e , b i k b n a o , w t ami (CamaI), Scarbomaugh; Central Ontario's lowest cash, Reg. S279.00 SALE $229.00 Combination Seed Drills T V/O CREEK previeus experlence la Youth kept. bIcal for large farmuly. $20,0*0* DaviechAvenuemBewmaville ath.oKthenadrnett. Clos Da id ow a vilc mnl, ary prcS. Bill Ham ilton, B W A V L EC ' A R A N C H w rk desirable, prepared te Asking $10500. g r g . 01 h ac ih 4p e Al o , L u s ,ji, A l n a d R gl nB W A V L Ework shifts. A pplicanta m u aiSttb a D iv S eilv enu2-ro oi brc ho e t s h s, t. Ca : M ry .Ata; o ie Jn, Ala n R ga. Act now, Save $$ $ - C Oonat BO E GE T W A N dicio al b c - cy dsiub a rab e l~ -tro ts 2-6 9 JE11Zabeth, Bawmanviîîe. Rest- 1Co4nt ON LEGgrouas n euainlbak t a lt 2-oo e4 ai the Northcutand Smith 1-4 FRIGID L CK R EQUIPM ENT C .N W rLEgon es.Vr eial s olý,yýe otis, 42' frep1ac'. Eta BT A Y o dhm Puneral Home. Puneral sev- GE. apartrncnt size frîdge, anc rc oewt eraiWom,2frpa ice w a s h ld l t 3 :3 0 o 'clo ck y ar id , F rig id a ire cectr ic S Y S T E M 134 in g S . ., B w m a n v ili le7 8 6er90 57,000. fere d. O nga ra$31.500. Criv e ,R asa D avid m on, B eth a nys .ag w rsctswto P O E 6357Phn 62-89 Starting salary $2.060 erTernis cd ba17o,0Akig 7,00 Mowmayaenvie Ce ter 15- axes,1 scythe and several hay 14- tf 1 -..-- l- iheur nlsing ie, 82.51 Per houri Building Lotsfed.ny$3, __ aY,- e4p, to B u y w mmmer e ce a d train ng.1 O 1 0jot , ar H g - i ram brick ho meoo 0 2 V Y ~ & A L L V L . . 4 . V O n t a r i o C i v i l S e r v i c e l w a y 1 1 5 . $ 2 , 0 0 0 e a c h , s e r v i c e d 8R n x,0 ' x c l e n o m . B O M N V L E . 6 R o m N IC H O L S O N - A t M e mn o ia I U C A IM E D M erchandis e -- 4 L A. I WQ %Tr't r c on e ie c s. S e n n OmsnO omavle fAking $2,000. !ed fon ligbt industry.Asng W Li PooM .S 'J ~ h npo iB~ ravleO W N ER S A pplicants m ust be 21-30 years 1 4 Haurs came 8 irik $500 -Op n or o 0tm h year, beloved hu- Continental Ensembles ------- 40 age, have m atiulton o eNivijc,îely lndsept ed. r abikAtrP l Vera Bell,1der father FUmeP situatedian 50Youxg150'inlot.dCaî p623-3393 for.728-7518r DonalduaMounona5' x 123-36ot a i V r a e l l d e n f t h e F 1 1 u w i h G a i n i c i Y o u g -a - Aon o r e q i v l e n- N s h o t a g e o f s t o r a g e s p a c e .M e o b e - 6 3 7 5 ~.S. Hodgson (Alice), STEER BEEF New. Eajoy Basket Chairs------------------standing- - bei f2t,3ma3or Nie2 (.MGara (ie), rls.' Beci ai lta be8t &Ili ummer. 4Qp yial adcpd rg Gaa SseMs4.9employee benefits and excellent earn- n ae mvwy sîgJ.Bmok 2-77Toa onîy-9576 mville; Donald, Court- DS 7elt Large 9x 12 Carpets ------from 39.95 v da H OM P f dsa a ev -ice 4- 9e b. îU E o n g s o p p o rtu n ity d u rin g tra in in g . jSum m er Cottage Cla e cCulloug b 23 7 4 b ete Nori Cia d m tl FR O]P nS d- 4 . b. AR R TE TO ai H m. Pln a e rvc e u, 1V p M o :I U Y u m l. A Cedar plank, 3 bedroo n Rod Kruger - 72 79 0 W ue Ane on - 3 -6 9 bad i 0: a'&bk on- **d psyas t pl ea n a.d1 988ageumni shed Ac e ws a eR ab J lni n l2y8 1 Ha oi C uis - 1 52 rp~rn1~.,mporarycri- ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ Ste-- - ---to:Kindly reply in person or in writing cottaged esas to akely:Ro niston -72950GoeVnDk 2313 t b«eda Yeu lt. F. r C'e .8& H:En e kin . 62-0 51 1 rîoo Gov rîn C learouts per f t. .29 The Personnel M an ge ,Doe thy Vivian 263-138 1pat yeo * * 62-07P r o l anagerGarael Ricard *623-7397RoFair-Ono9350 W I L O N S F U pR N n J R E G A E S G O O D Y E A R t T I R E a n d R U B B E R C Ç . a r o w d ' e k RDl m O Y Fe u o n nst e r - 1 0 J 1 g a d )S u p l e - (uio I Milford Mefl~~nald -6233911 pan s ac n eo e wt -~os~ P ho e 62 4578C hur li S reetO Fr'C A N A D A LTD . HÉ"rno 98-27 ow ni6 5-85 rie Ui. irs mpe 2 c P-o B ow m anv ille, O ntarijo. Ho wid 62 93-5241 Brokl n ,- 1.0iai r t . 1 Hi . W i ht.O Z -2 5 2 'G e o r g e e a to n -D c 1 - 8 N v R u b e C . - -.**-.---$-- ~*~*~*4 ~