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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 2

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2 The Canadgan Sttean, Bowrmvffe, Apr. 12, 196? Ladies. Auxiliary Reviews Hos pifai Birthday P arty, New College Headi Addresses Rota ri-cns ivera. -nan-residents. ATThe beautifu costumes weme Pce W.. Bachail NOTE: ATauthentcally detalled in style Thais is for boys 10 and un- and era and tose afthie royal dem 13 yeams of age as af fazly and members ai bbc January ist ai bbc current It is imnportant o note that this Order may affect thec velvets, haxurlous satins, bro. UiceLons centre from 8:30 sale ai land and the validity of a decd, mortgage oz cades and other fine niaterlals. a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Mon- Maywecenbanced w1th day Uimougb Friday, or at bbc Sought before entering mbt any such transaction. ,M O c D O N A L D 1eleowly bUtenergeh.. Vncent Massy SchiaoIdia bs}oîiaobeoedha Scolfuly in keeplng wiforn fn-residents. lime and place, and tb. garb Basbail Coaches flot be the only regulation applicable ia the ai-ca cove ,F O -R S L ~~~~~of other attendants wau also Ifte aenyduswh E s exacty rkht.would wish ta coach in cither o rcig biligs, cnie ion ns be givnt 211 Kloq St. E., Sowmmnvlfl. Thon King St W., forawou- thebAil lorate Plecon- that rnay b. established by the Department'cf M unicil s».Kig t.W., O M4dues m HghPoaels, HealthagueTour csn a"lcrea d eJu. mogrooer, GLata cte a tn -14 e an R- RgwyHalhadTu madInformation. - Vin- demrS-r9lt, n.. Helez «apossible, Wc wouid lUce LoVkIM b1&*KLoveki,thave two coachesiforeach The meeting of the Womnwo venor. Mmu. Rudeli sald that bold the meeting that Mns. Rospital Auxililary held ln hcr co-convenor Mrmm S. G. George Young who has been the Board Boom at MemoriliMcJ<urter, bed cen a towcm a patient ln *oimens Coilege Roupibai on Fmlday afterrnoon of trength, and she thanke d Hospital, Toronto, has return- was opened wlth the. Auxil- the tea tabies convenors, Mrg. ed bo hem home hem.. iayPrayer sald ln unison. L. J. C. Langs and Mm,. Ernest A satisfactory financial re- The Presldent, Mrs. Lloyd Pabtemion for excellent work. port was preentcd by Mrs. R. oyespeof thh. C e iat1- Mru. Rudel spoke grate- G. Cowle, bhc treasurer, who cal Bfrthe etn a OP- fully of Mmm. L. T. McLau!nh- moved ita adoption. Thisg was ta itday Party, sponsored lin'u generosity in donatin seconded by Mrs. Patterson, by bhe auxMlaiy. Uic large and beautiful floral and carried. President Ayre. nid ti>at centreplece for the ucrvlng Mrm. J. O'Neilll, co-canvenor znany compliments liad been table, and she uaid that Mms. of Uic Marathon Bridge, re- received about the enjoyable George Stephen~son, Newcas- ported that Uic procceds tram event. 'Zvetyone haed admfred tle, was very helpful in -ob- thus successful project durlng thie effoectv, décorations, anditainlng costumes. Mns.*Ru- March. amountect to $175.75. thc authcntlcally quaint and dcli, seconded by Mns. Wii- She maved the adoptiofa attractive costumes worn by liam Momison, maved thie hem repart, sccondcd by Mns. niany at h.,niembers taklng adoption ai hem report, and McLaughlin, and this was p art. had- added to bhc bis- thus was carried. carried. roical .atimospheme of thc Mm. Hughes in prescnting Mns. John G. Nesbitt, Uic Party, the sald. then publicity report first Corresponding Secrctary, pre- Appmcclatlon ofithecoc-op- thailed Mns. A. L. Hooey, sented hem report on nine let- eation..of ail the membens who had belcphoned the bers sent during the month. was extended by Mnr. Ayre. clergy with bhc result that The adoption af hem me p rt Nq01 Bbc specdally thanked ail thc notice of the CentennIal was secondcd by Mmi. Earl R convenors, and mont of al Uic Hospital Blrthday Party had Thompson. and camied.* Dr. Gordon Willey, Oshawa, head of the new Board of Directors af the new college, Dr. Wille3 1mniediabe Paît President, appeared in ail chumch bulle- Mns Hooey, thc Gift Shop Ontario-Durham College af Applied Arts and Tech- being cangratulated on his excellent address b3 Mi. W. M. Rudeil, Uic gen- tins on the Sunday befome bhe Cbaix4nan; rcported that thc nology was the guest speaker at the Bowmanville Rotary President Bob Stevens, and Stewart Alger emal convenor. event. She also bbanked bhc balance as of March lst wsoa ryCIub's luncheon meeting at the Flying Dutch- Oshawa, Chairman of the Board of -Directors of thE 1Mmi. Rudell sald that the members who had assistcd $721.40. Durlng btce otar0 Centennial Blrthday Party hem in distributing posters to Gifb Shop receipts; amountcd iman on Thursday. Reading from lef b to right in the college. vins most successfui, and she bbc stores. to $771-58, there was $116.30 picture are Rotarian A. H. Strike, a iember of the thanked ail bhc auxiliary Advance publiciby Included from bhc pop machine, anda mnembens for going aUl out ta two display adverblscments, service charge refund ai $3.75, cannot afford to pay them- niake It uo mcmorably enjoy- 50 posters, and Uiree comidng a total af $1,613.03. Expendi- C la keC l rk C onservatives selves, he stabed. able. events advertisencnts, also bures in Mamch wcme $537.92,Gant ikrd Pesen In thanking 1h. convenors two news ubaries, Mmi. Hughes lcaving a balance cf $1>075.11I. Gof bb cknsrabivesidn ah. sid that their wark had reported. She maved the She maved the adoption ai mIUrhubeladDuha Ad bcen made more difficult by adoption of hem report. This hem report. This was second- W MES~ Ulect N ew O fie ng or cimandDurha vote bhe facb that bbc Party was was secandcd by Mms. Ross- cd by Mrs. Stuart R. James, (FROM PAGE ONE) of~C.~ .. .a thanks ta the guest speak- held dumlng the Easter holi- well R. Callan, and caried. and carried Teohrta .e er, and President Fisk alsc d a y w en se er l e m e n Pr or to bb m et n g a e- A s M i. A llan B . S y lv ester, at bbc A cad em y T h eatre, L in d -N ex p ressed ap p reciatio n to M r. werceOut af tawnr. "I ted liclous buffet dessert lunch bbe Layettes Convenor, was say, this Saburday cvening will At the annual dinner meet- asseted that bhc Ontario Con- Riley. Mmi. O. N. Pluminer and Mmi. was enjoyed. Mns. Harry Jose, unableC G.Mritcfo o-Nwate nbhî ia~o be present, bier me- be 'excerpts from "St. Joan", ing of the Clarke Township servative Gavemnmcnt had C. G Moris, he ood on- ewcatle on ehal df Aylpr was read by President by Bernard Shaw produced by Progressive Conservative As- governed for ail wbile being venro, di a terife jb,"th meber prset tankd AreThere are five layettes The Peterborough Paes sociation held in the Odd Fel- pamticuîarîy concerned with Ibos. Rudeil stabcd. the executive officers, wbo int readincîs including a p- winncrs ai bbc Jortbern Ka- lows Hall, Orono, on Friday bbc individual. Laons Sh. bighly comrmendcd Mmi. had prcparcd the delectable tiuamyatrcie n ,- abaDsrcadacmd Lawrence C. Masan, a paît desserts tram their favori te tensaI trcive anb d y Court Di"Isir icd scad evening, Mrs. Elsie Fisk wH5 Morton Shuirnan, tbe wcll president, bbc convenar in recipes entue ainbbc nadan Cor- ented b bc rde iorsed"rup lced president for bbc coim- known Metro Coroner who C n r charge af hclp, and she also President Ayre wclcomed adeaioesrs that won tbh erinByc wr s ePeie wt tived by the Consra auhanked MmriofFGI.stnsboleomeanewRYmemberelai VbccPrauiint aryeGovemnment last weck (FROM PAGE ONE) thaned rs.Glehole nw mmbe oftheDistrict. The pragram will Orville Chatterton, Secretary wben he insisted on investi-sa auxilîary a beauifuuly de- W a yet n raue btn h aa iea h eights witb spring lwr signed hand knitbed set of In Cobourg lait Saburda Jack Bairstow. The imme- Workmcen's Camp e n s a b i o n adpsy whos h A ASSIST YOUR matcbing jacket, bonnet, and evening Clarke Hib chol' diatc Paît President is Llew Board Hospital, was men- weeto sibî mle --A-bootees for bbc Gift Sbop do-."Hmst" ws t ewinr a alac tioncd by bbc speaker. Dm. than lue size statues of negro BOWMANVILLE nated by bbc Newcastlc Hoc-th Award for the Bes te ier a delicious Pot Luck Shulman is a law unta' him- sirpby ldi c n key Mathers. She tald the Prfranebc 1d-d Dinner was enjoycd the edcc- self and a anc man band, Mm. bt rcig ooshldn CHA BE 0 CO MECE auiilrytht ic.cwaslecabor's Special Award, and tion ai officers was held. Riley stated. waitc g ords An olqingt IN HEROFN O MMERCE Uni atedCbumheWaNewcarte Candy Sborks, its Ophelia, wvon Then Alex Carmuthers, M.P.P., pitdgus.A xiit maingd bwa lay ett n b Aadfrbbarseup nrdce e iey cuy Discussing bbc Prudential floral arrangement was set M.Thompson, bbc Tray pmlgAtei Speaker of bbc Ontario Legis facM.Rlydcardta f yafae Favors Convenar, reported The Directors were Roy Hig- latume, wbo was bbc guest there fi a narraw ine regard- Mmi. John M. James, a stu-, o ~rri nv £1e ' ~.J;t~z ri that ta date Uiis year special gins and Miss Joan Bennett. speaker. Inbsadrs mbg interference in private dent of Flower Arranging, 0 w a v le-sC tz n favori have been providcd The Co-director was Beverly Riley claimed that it miýst be Hey b gvenen.wa i hag 0 bcSpand for bbc patients' bays on New Rickard. The Co-ordinator was bard for bbt Ophetonto esadi is truc that infor- Draw for a smart batan a of Year's Day, Valcnbine's Day Marjorie Murpby, and bbc AS- iind iault wibb bprpastoesent iation was available regard- cbamming floral arrangement. a nd Easter. She bld Uicenmeet- sistant Ca-ordinator was Cor- Robai-bs Gocmnmen as he ng transactions by this com- The winning tickets were . fing that Uic C.G.I.T. of st. rie Van dem Werf. Panty, wbich pointcd to bbc drawn by T. A. Fanning, Re- entenn a Ç ear alsntd Cbrh bs Thde duiao' peliMrh n AnFse.Cs investors being second clasi creation Director for Bow- palsUie hrvie tay William Seia uph ndAn ote.Co-nte bolders, but bbey put manville. The lucky winners __________for___ umils nd e nywenteofca somrers .R Lvknhg aiofintercît. Tbey Kay Murray. BALOTMr. allsLiray artasec o a roucio. haresMiheleSawyer, Frances Hoar udhaekon hta Mm. Fanning welcomed ali} BALLOT . pote tatth Jolliffe ai bbc Scamboraugb and Letta Van dem Spruib. cmpany can nat pay cigbb attcnding bbc exhibition. He Chaîmn repwo a ited Bad aiEdutionbbcheAd- per cent wben earning on]Ly tib t hea bcwork of .IinMy choice for Bowmanville's wibb tbc Llbrary Cart during judicatar in Cobourf Save bsdaPh«c n oteSn îv e et h de.Mrs. Van Nest and Mmi. Gar-j Citiz n of C e nt n nia Y ea M ar b w c e M n M. A M ac Spe ia'Sward ta C aryeHighM arilyn T am blyn Citien o Cetennal YaLead, weMn.NebibM. . Mc. Spcol s prdutonore bbc and Janice Rîckard. Hair The Conservabives b a v e yack, and said the bown is Simon and. NMi. tephsanC. beit barck tgironnrteDrcssing, Barbama Sawyem. been welfarc-mindcd, thbe extremely fortunate in hav- A.S impsncte and Mrs. sp endbidc -odiation perfnect Props, Jean Clark, Marilyn speaker sbatcd. He said that lng instructars ai sucb high oHfNamstl.Se, epetmn and wr.slnidc-raniul ct- Hamm and Janje AlUin. legilabson for Medicare and calibre ta aifer bbc benefits ________________________ edA.ppreciain fo xr bc timng and bad ai te Stageciuew'Legal Aid, had been, pgs sa their knowledgeta local Beaica: nations ai boaks made by In hlghly commending the was Ken Stubington. Othe rnbectves ere o The deeo lc.tul mllnr Mmi. Callan, Mmi. Cowie and caît,' directori and cvcryone Stage Crew members were fre nent l ofpeoploed pay The dcigbtul dmîlnyx- Mrs. Audrey Rowc ln Mamch. chie wba cantributcd ta bbc Gordon Allin, Jerry Murphy, o b ed ipal ia xiie nlddmn x President Ayre reparted success ai Clark's presentation Rcid Foster, John Gmady and tha bb BardaiMm. Jolliffe said: "Students Hugb Allin. Ligbting waî by ta Meor of Daectora have learned a fin. lesson in Frank Hendry. special Effecti, cide tal ait 2,00 de- theatre in thus production. lb Bruce Trini and Grant WIl- maedta regrdng 2,H00Pltace ;had firebail stage work and Bai. The Runner was Elcanar * Im May l2th, and bbcy will be thaimg, etc.,. and a rclly great Staua placed in restaurants lnUi theat rical ending. The original Music was campaîed by Miss Comlet th abve alot ithyau chicecf district a few wecks prior ta music camposcd by Miss Ben- Joan Bennett. Guitar, Ralpb Complte th bbcv dayltaiiobservance. f ,nett was cxceedingly effective de Jange, Drumis, Brian Haick the~~~~~ ~ ~~ pesnttehnuegiigyu -aos hedaddcdftoatervacebin cheestablisbment of maod. Trumpets, Hugh Allin anc1 thedpesn a:tob oor, iigyu esn S a datch th play favori Action and eaction of bhc Neil Allun, Baibane Horn, OT and end o: t math thse pacemats are crowd on stage bath in bbc Keitb Allun, Piano, Miss Joani obtainable for $2.40 per 100. churcbyamd and at bhe royal Bennett and Flutisb, Camai Dcn- Bomavll habr fComrcMr. Hughes, econded by court in bbc Castle oi Elsinore nison, Toronto. DPR M N FM Bo0ma Reh amer AfvemmceMmi. Wesley Cawkem, imaved was excellent. The set was Credits for Praperties, Reg- 10owm rAnvile, Ofro that Uic auxiliary order these exbremeîy effective in every ency Cottage Antiques, Talis- DPRM N FM bmmnil, nai.tay favors, and Uic motion way and also very flexible "maAniusJo ncsEd was cammled. bbc adjudicator utatcd. Antiques, Hoopcm's Jewellery, Awar wll b mae attheforhcoing"The Clark.e111gb School Bowman,,iîîc and E. R. Love- Chamr cf Comerc e nualMtinmgAnn*ual apple production ln presentabion bad anc oai e in Chamberof Com erce Anual Meting. Ontario exceedi fave million fincît funeral scenes in 'H am-rn- Fia vnng 4hu bushls.let' that I bave seen presented On ridathevter aing,24 oum anywbere and this includesbDitri coth n Kawr t baponORDER M ADE mr leading proiessional campan- DiricetilbbC Rob oSimpon les. A strong diectional band Drama F apestiva, Ca bong wýas evident tbrougboub. Good samet"Cas rk ae d Scon Under Thme P pictures were arranged by bbce a Claradece H igShl. pi players grouping on stage and te lage gauc tat filled tbc natural movement aifbbtbh c u gnte gymasiumel-aundtar actors. utheexerwas pdcti-onTby The Adjudicator statcd that bbc exps ert p rtin The A N TED ~~a ClareanexHg cl Hept cswas evident and bbc act- thatit pperedcornpletely WE NEED GOD .CLA L 116'iofaper. bs a Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Seils wltb whom are now merged Montejth, Riehi, Waters & Co. aMjpIeu of the latesI atyles fer1 spring and Mmimer '67, and Unes. There were wide brlm- med picture hala, chic Breton sailOrs, crowns of different heaghta and shapes, brims of varying width, and the ever POPular cloches. Materials uscd werc the most the mod- ern fabrics in addition tb fine Malines, leghorn, and ather stmaws, ribbans, and sllk.AiU the most appealing colors of he spectrum were shown in the different examples of b. comingly teminine hats. The fascinatingly marvel- ous floral arrangements were unique and in Perfect taste. One gracefully bail pedestal topped with a sculptured fig- ure was cnhanced with drap- ed flowers, and blossomns en- circling its base. Scarlet pop. Pies embellished a rattan screen.highlighted by a porce- lain pixie. There were beaubiful ar- rangements of flowers ;n hanging baskets, whIch were sO pretby and perfectly finish- ed that no one would suspect that these containers had been cleverly fashioned from wire coat hangers and painted. There were also luxurious >decorations for Christmas. y Gorgeous golden wr ea th s rformed of flowers and fruit!I ýe looked as if they might have been designed by Del Robbia instead of by arbistic Cana-1 dians. There were also rich- - lY glittering golden Christmas, 1- trees made out Of gilded acons on covering wareý Iframes, which were held aloft Vby a centre gilt stick support 1held in a golden urn base. e Among the numerous floral : arrangements, ail of which lwere memorable, were roses, *chrysanthemnums, camellias, liles, orchids, greenery, dif- ferent foliage, daffodils, other spring flowers, wild flowers, delphinium, dried and dyed weeds, and lovely blossoms. ,Blending or conbrasting colors, different shapes and sizes, as we]1 as various textures 'hadl been utilized in* the unique, embeIlishments. Ïl Powers adorned attractive 5waIl plaques, and smail bran- ches were ubîhized as graceful bcgrounds f o r beau biful floral arrangements. There Iwere also somne lovely flow- ers enhancing polished drift- wood in various formns, a few of whlch seemed to be repli- cas of woodland figures and smail animais. At the forth end of the: Toronto Montreal Windsor Winnlpeg Edmonton Regina Prince Hamilten George Vancuvew Gordon W. uebl, C.A., lIA. Burt i. Waters, C.A. Ouhawa Oslsawa Shopping Ccitt. 728-752? Oshawa JNICIPAL AFFAIRS 1THE MUNISTER aonning Act Concessions anc (1) ta fourteen (14), bath ie County ai Durham, are designated as ameas of section 27 of the Act. J. W. SPOONER, Minister cf Municipal Affaira. !validity of any future agreement for the )r lease and it is recommended that advice be gto land and buildings in this Order rnay ered by the Order. Prior to developing land c these and other regulations anid procedures ipal Affairs, or such other departmentp as 4 'I I 'J * i rnlfient collecton cetf mnq. 1mente was shown. Unm. Van 6 eut at one clan had toid hq 9utudenta to, draw lota for dlit iferent themnes such as "El' tp#nce", "Centenniai", "Wed-t ing" and so an. Then she exj plained that each one was to b. depictcd with an original arrangement by tic lndivi4- uals in her dlass. Thic exqulsite resulta oft themes' Illustrations were< dlsplay. Among thcm wereý pcrfectly lovely bridai %U quet composed of white or- chida and lilles-of-the-vaUeyg a miniature Chinese garden, a birthday arrangement thai exem lified happinesa, anci allier astonishlngly lovely me, presentations. A buffet lunch of deliciou.qÇ cookies and coffce was enjoyâ ed by those attending thc outý; sbandingly succesaful, Flowel, Amrangîng and Mllinery Ex- hibition. Mrs. Van Neat was the lunch convenor, and shÎe was assisbed by ail bbc Flowem Arranging and Millnemy stu, dents. Money To Invest. earn 61/40o per annum for five years hy lnvestlng In Guaran- teed Invcstmcnt Certifi. cates whlch are Guarantecd--as ta Prin- cipal and Interest. FIcxibIe-may be used as Collateral for loans. Rcdcemable-by Execu- tors in the event ci death. Anthorlzed-ag Truste. Act Investmenbs. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 zàq t. W., $23-2327 RUSfumoetN., Oskawag NOIUM: MMn.te.?bun. or SERVIE aUt te4 Iffamilten caltu7 Vane«ver Af*

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