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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 5

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Wednesday nlght, April 5th).f A card from Mrs. MeArthur Reports trom enaws eaa President, aM a note of thank gs omMr. LeithdByers W omen's Institutes catering to the Curlers ban- RA3MONW. 1.quet April 15th. District An- HAMPON . L sent OUt to friends. fluai, May 6, was announced. 'rhe April meeting was held This being the first meet- The president expressed her te S.S.- room, and the ng of a new year, ail unfin- appreciation for c-prto rhed business wasetakencare during the year. Reports of ndeein chargell ttendes4. Group leaders presented ail groups were heard: Agri- hi hare o th wel hir epots f standing com- culture and Canadian Indus- pou. heOde was suflr nîttees. New officers were tries given bY Ms Ralph Zcuîowed by the Mary Stewar nstalled by Mrs. MudyLrmr Ctz nshpadEu Collect and repeating of th(<District President, of Bow- cation by Mrs. W. W. Van Lord's Prayer. Roll cail wa' nanville. Mrs. Chant promis- Cp; Hîs tora reac weil answered by a house d us a surprise in the mottoan CretEvts asea cleanlng hint. Minutes wer( vhich created much interest. by the secretary in the ab- réad anîd approved. Appre- Vrs. Twist and Mrs. Cryder- sence of Mrs. K. Sarineis; and ciations were read for card& mani entertained with two Home Economica and Health beautiful solos which ail en- by Mrs. F. Staniland; Fruit EBurnmIng Rectal Itch joyed. and card report by Mrs. C. Mrs. F. Gray of Manvers Hill. Relievedl In Minutes gave an interesting talk o Mrs. J. Rahm gave there the Mary Stewart Coilect. re- port of Nominating Commit- Exclusive Hcaling Substance ferring each sentence to a tee as follows: President, Mrs. Relleves Pain As It Bible passage, which proved Velva Bailey; Ist Vice Presi- very profitable, interesting, dent, Mrs. Percy Van Camp; Shrinks Hemorrhoids. and which wiil be remember- 2nd Vice President, Mrs. J. A. Ifyou want satiatactory relief from ed by all McArthur; Secretary, Mn., L. lItcbing Piles'-here's good news. Tiktar no avlae Thompson; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Tickts re ow aailbleMountj oy; District Director, A renowned research laboratory bas for the Lucky Luncheon to be Mrs S. Van Camp; Alternate, fotmd a unique bealing substance held at the Community Hall, Mrs' M. Graham; Fruits and k that Promptly relieves tbe burning June lst. adMs . amadMs ftch and d ain-actually shrinks 1C. Hîli; PiJ. ast nMrs.Ro Jîemorrhoi dî. This substance bas:C Hil ansM .Ro been sbown to produce a most effec- BLACKSTOCK w. . Taylor; Convenors, Mrs. M. tive rate of healing. Its germ-killing Graham, Mrs. K. Sameils, properties also help preventi The Annual meeting of the Mrs. M. McKee, Mrs. H. infection. Women's Institute was held Shortridge; Resolutions, Mrs. la as ate cse vey tr kngWednesday, April 5th. At L. Thompson. In agsubftac er B io n)gh etn pre ihtett e nAnl hi h improvement" was noted, ev 12:30 the ladies assembled and among cases of long standing. And1 partook of a delicious pot BOWMANVIILLE W. 1. this improvement was maintained1 luck dinner. over a period of months! At 1:30 the president, Mrs. The regular meeting of the This Was accomplished hv a new V. Ba iley called order and Bowmanville Women's Insti- which quckly helps heal inue Ode and Collect. The treasur- Salvation Army Young Peo- oeils and stimiîlate growth of new er's report showe«d gratifyjng ple's Hall. Mrs. G. Bagneil, tisane. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in ireceipts from the bazaar on 2nd Vice President, was chair- ointmnent and suppositori form î March 17th. Total receipts man for the meeting. It was celled Preparation "H". As for it1 from the card parties held opened with O Canada, the at ail drug stores-satisfaction or. through the winter for Port Institute Ode and the Lord's mme rfu ed Perry Hospital amounted to Prayer. Married in Christian Reformed Church $225.00 (after th e last partyl Mrs. M. Wiseman, convenor Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Koenderman Jr., who were married in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmnanville, on Wednesday afternoon, Mardi 22, 1967, at 4:30 o'clock, are shown in the above photo as they sign the register fol- lowing the wedding ceremony. Formerly Miss Jili Diane Kilpatrick, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kilpatrick, and the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Koenderman, a il of Bownianville. Photo by Lloyd MRobbie of Current Events, was in panied Mrs. Aluin. 1. Munday, Auditor's report F I L Icharge of the program. The Mrs.O0. Bragg gave a piano by Mrs. . Bragg, Convenos Smotto "Bad weather always solo "Coronation Medley". reports by Mrs. C. Downey, looks worse through a win- Minutes of the last meeting Mrs. M. Flintoff, Mrs. I. Mua- dow" was taken by Mrs. R. were read and appnovedi and day for Mrs. T. Stewart, Mrs. A New Roll of Film FREE with every Kodacolor % Webber and she closed her re- a report of the Roppen Kar- M. Wiseman, Mis. H. Sumers- or Black & VW hite Film left for developing and "Don't Kil the Birds".gu read from the boy we support Installation of Officens a rMrs. Afe litegeti Turkey. civmn Day odce by Mrs. S. Grant. prntng atspeaker, was introduced by for the 4-H Girls was an- Mrs. O. Bragg nead the siate printng atMrs. Wiseman. Mrs. Allun is nounced and a Food Forum of officers. The election re- M"past presîdient of the Durham in Lindsay, April 18. sulted as follows: Farm Safety Council. She Mrs. S. Buttery, District Past President, Mis. D. (spoke first on the Farm Safe- Director, gave a report of the Park; President, Mis. M. ]FR ED R ICK ' ty Council Surveys. She also District Board of Directors Wiseman; lst Vice President, mentîoned safety serviettes meeting. The District Annual Mis. T. Stewart; 2nd Vice PRESRIPION HAR ACYand possibly placemats, avail- to be heldin Maple Grove on President, Mvrs. C. Downey; F. C T P PN 5 B 5 P,, from the Agnîcultural May Il. Delegates are Mrs. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. I. Office. She closed her ne- R. Webber, Mrs. S. Buttery, Munday; Assistant, Mns. R. 7KigS.E. 623-2546 Bowmanville, Ont. marks with a poemn "The Mis. C. Johns, Mis. H. Couch, Webber; District Dinertor, OTKngSt ~Measure of Men (or Women)." Mis. O. Bragg, and Mms. M. Mrs. S. Buttery; altennate, DEVELOPED eY ""CANADA'S FINEST PHOTO FIN ISHERS" A film was shown on Electri- Flintoff, alternate. is. T. Buttery; Publih Rela- cal Safety in the Home. Mr. Annual reports were given tions Officer, Mrs. H. Sumners- Wessels and Mr. Allin accom-, by Secretany-Treasurer Mrs.1 ford; Dinectors. Mrs. S. Gran,. we Are£eb WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TOý DROP IN AND BR9 . .. .. .. .. .. .QUALITY FURNITURE . . . BAR( BELOW ARE LISTED A FEW 0F OURP .......Bedroom Suifes Chesterfield Suifes W E HAVE . .. . . ..R. . . ..f. . .. . .. ONLY ALARGE Pt Colonia Be II, m uiteg SEETO Fsolid birch, finished in fireside no-mar finish, plt08ror SOFA by Kroehler Kitchen Suites R~~b mEG.aîLyai$499.50oo cnt~ti~ Tifted back cover deck in rum gold nylon matelasse, SA '0 50 T-cushions with eurved front. SECOND FLOOR LNNIVE-$SPECIA INNSARY S-- - REG. $589.50 SOME SETS HAVE ANIES'YSÈIL TABLE AND SIX CHAIRS $49-5 $119.50 to $229.50pc* Traditional SuiteANVESRSPCL$ 995 $11950 t $29,.5 .,,-byGlbad - st proofconstruction, finished ý2 pc. 86" SOFA by Simmons 'NQ inRuset ru t A A~ l Pillowed back, pocketed spring base (a 111e time construction). SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM w EGo$ $40I'4.507 REG, $599.50 ~O5 RECLINERS - SWIVELROCKERS'i- ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PLATFORM ROCKERS - SEVERAL OTHER. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 3-PC. SUITES SEVERAL MODERN and TRADITIONAL 2-PC. SUITES TRADITIONAL AND MODERN PRICED FROM by Kroehier and Braemore RANGING FROM $129.95 to $329.95 and Up $29.50- $39.0 ad U $24,,95 to $149.50 WIN A PASSPORT TO IDEAL FOR COTTAGES . . . USED FURNITURI expo 67 7-PC. DINING ROOM SUITES WE ARE HOLDING A SPECIAL DRAW FOR 5 EXPO PASSPORTS. 4-PC. BEDROOM SUITE DROP YOUR SALES SLIPS IN BIRTHDAY BOX SEVERAL STEEL SPRINGS and ODD BEDS- DRAW TO BE MADE APEIL 29th- 37-1 KNG TRET EST3 FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE Mrn. I. Suinersford, Mrs. P. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlfle, Apr. IZ1% ? 5 j Porter, Mr.. G. Bagneil; Visit- ing Committee, Mrs. R. Rob- bina, Mn.. E. Black, Mrs. C. Duna, Mn,. S. Corden; Pian- Btte ry; A0ditrsg, M. . AcSen'ou d U ist, Mn.. dio.rag, Mns.. c ies:ou d U Bragg, Mms L. Rundle. Intended for last week) cident in the Bank of Mon- Standing Commgitee Con- There was a collision on 401 treal Parking Lot at 1:30 venon.: Agriculture and Can. Highway in the westbound o'clock on Thursday alter- adian Industries, Mn.. M. lane at Hoit Road on Satur- noon. A parked car owned by Flintoif, Social coavenor, Mis. day at 6:33 p.rn. between a John M. Ford, 64 Prospect G. Richards; Citizenship and car driven by Howard Dews- Street, received cdamage to Education, Mrs. C. Downey, bury, Etobicoke, and two its night rear fender wheft Social convenor, Mn.. H. other vehicles. One of these struck by an uaknown vehicle Couch; Home Economics and was a car driven by William whose driver lef t the seene. Health, Mrs. R. Webber, Soc- Smith, Toronto, and the car Constable Ron Parker la in- l convenor, Mrs. R. Patfield. which was being towed by vestigating. Historical Research and Cur- the Smith car.--Constable L. There was a two car col- rent Events, Mn.. D. Park, F. Dryden, OPP, was the i lision on Fniday at 1:30 Social convenor, Mn.. L. Ru vestigatiag officer. o h odI rn !7 die; Curator of Tweedsmuir Mrs. Dewsbury sustained King Street West. The driv- Histories, Mis. M. Wiseman. arm fractures in the accident. ers of the cars invuie wr Meeting closed with GÏod She was taken to Memnonial Mn.. Bernice Joha&ston, ei i Save Uic Queca. Lunch was Hospital for treatment by the Mill Street, Newcastle, andj served by Uic group in change, Bowmaaville Area Ambu- Barry Leon Oliver, 28 Hunt social coavenor, Mn.. L. Run- lance and is stiil a patient Street. Mrs. Johnston wau dle. there. drivîag a car owned by her There was an accident on husband, George Henry John- Sunday at 9:55 a.m. oni 401 ston. Damage to the two cars ml Higha at the Newtonville amounted f0 -less than $100. MemoialHosptaiIntr-Change. A car driven Corporal John McGuey in- by Martin Maglic, Downs- vestigated. W eekly Report view, hit an abutment of the There was a three car col- bridge there. Mr. Maglic was lision on Sunday afternoon at For the week of Apnil 3-9 charged with impaired driv- 1: 11 o'clock. The accident i n cl u i v e:i ng y th i n v stig ti ng o ffi- h a e d o n N o . 2 H ig h w ay inclusione:3 er ntae Clrestig tephenat Maple Grove Road. The Admisios - 7~OPP. He was fouad guiltY drivers of Uic vehicles in-r Births, 2 male, 3 femnale. 5 as charged in Bowmanviile volved were Marion Clark, Discharges 80 Magistrate's Court here on 18 Durham Street, Lenny Major operations 14ATesday, and was fiaed $100 Rogers, 27 Ganrord Street, Mino opratonsand costs. Oshawa, and Lawrence Day- Minor opertion 33 owmanvilîe police would ies, 1167 Windemere Crescent, Emergency treatments - 39 appreciate information from jOshawa. Constable L. J. Ma. Visiting houns 3-8 p.m. daiy. anyone who witnessed an ac- ihoney, OPP, investigated. N. rulzng O, rw r , i tOWSE MAINS DA N a N N V R AR0P C I L Dining Room Suites 7 pc. ITALIAN PROVINCIAL Glazed cherry, 64" Buffet and Hutch. Table extends to 96". Hi cain back chairs. REG. $789-50 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $679___50 7 pc. French Provincial by Gibbard Cherry fruitwood, 48" Buffet and Hutch, table extends to 78", chairs are sohid cherrywood. REG. $799.50 ANNIVERSARYSPCA 7 pc. MODERN WALN9UT 54" Buffet and Hutch, table extends to 74». REG.$3319.50 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL -- -- 3 95 7 pc. -MODERN Danish Walnut 66" Buffet and Hutch, table extends to 74". REG. $589.50$ 995 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL __$499___0 1 SERVER TO MATCH Reg. $1»9.95 with set $95,00 5 pc. Console Table & Chairs 4 chairs, table sllghtly marked. REG. $1"9.95 "IGVE.«Y SEC"$1 49.00 I AROUND . . . 3 FLOORS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS iý ýý dd

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