I ~fr1ends lni Mldland and returu- i j lied home on Tuesday. Sunshine Group MaIces Iremendous Conribution i (7)Mri. Lawrle Conboy, Toron- oSocial ...7,o s n i to, was a Friday te Wednes- day visitor with her son and Phon 6233303daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ____________ î_ Mr. a~ nd Mns. A. W. Brown, Oshawa, were Friday evening Mr. Douglas B. Nichais,j Don't forget the Canadien guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. Kjgton, sent Saturday wîth Cancer Society's annuel cern- Grant Thonipson. father, Mr. L. B. Nichais, paign for funds will take place Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, <.11IIle Ave. in this area between April Toronto, were w.eekend visi- Just for the record in future l17th and 24th. Please be gen- tors wlth her parents, Mr. and 'eÇars, the weather was very eraus, there is great need for Mrs. Alan Wilscin, and with ettiiy this marning with the, the funds that wiIl be ralsed. hi. mother, Mns. Dave Wilson therinometer registering in the Miss Sally Witherly, who ls and grandmother, Mrs. S. Me- Èild 20's.. Quade. a Iabonatory technicien stu- Mr..and Mrs. Ross Covent,ident at St. Joseph's Hospital Mr. aandi Mn,. George Bow- Church St., spent the weekend1 Peterborough, returned Oý ers spent Friday ta Sunday with Mn.. Cavet's parents,jSna ta Peterborough alter with their deughter and fam Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerow, Har- visiting ber parents, Mr. and ily, Mn. and Mrs. Lonne court, Ont. Mrs. Harold Witheriy, Elgin Chapman, North Bey. Thein Mr. and Mns. Jim Levett Street. grandchiidren, Jeffrey, Ryan and Lise Chapmen returned ~ and faniily, Whitby, were Recent weekend guests with home with them alter spend- Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cunninghami ing a pleasant' two weeks' Mr. and Mn,. Jae Levett, Lib- jand lamily, Jane St., were Mr. vacation in Nestieton. erty Place. rand Mns. Hanald Bnadbury, Mn. and Mn.. George Heas- <« Mns. L. J. Nichais, Prospect Karen, Barbare and David, u were Satundey efternoon ~ St., and Mn,. Elsie Tamblyn land Mr. Cunningbam's fathen, and evening guests with Mn. of Lindsay have returned home1 Mr. Charles Cunningham, ail and Mrs. Roy Keliett, Oshawa. . alter spending three months lof Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Maurice Nes- \r'"'"*.-". InFlnia.Miss Maureen Tigbe spent bitt, Trevar, Sharon and Kev- Miss Irene MacIntyre and the ekend with her sister, in were Sunday guesta with Mrs. Ona McEachern of Can- Mis hnsy Tighe, Queen's M.adMs adnHalp nington wene Sunday visitons University, . Kingston. Sig. Port Credit. Mrs. Nesbitt's of Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Scott, IDoug. Tigbe, Kingston, spent aunt, Mn.. Robent Wright, ~ King St. East. Ithe weekend with bis parents, Janetviile, neturned bhorne.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden of 'Mr. and Mn,. Murray Tighe, with tbern. , Blackstock were Sunday even- Orchardview Bivd. Mn. and Mns. Norman Lyons Ing dinner guests of bis par- M n r.Jm Ae-adLoi xrd n r ents, Mn. and Mrs. Sta nleyI -,andMs im Ae-and Lon, Uxderm an Rd Mn. Conden, Brown Street. nethy, Concession St., and Mn. an MndWeiensomn, ittleN and Mrs. Rae Abernetby, Scu: ae n iloLti Mn,. J. Koss, Cindy and gog St., were in Greenbank Bitaîn, wene Sunday visitors. For many years, a few ladies in Bowmanville vities. However, everyone else in the area wilI soon Shenyl spent the weekend witb lit Saturday evening attend- wth thein parents, Mr. and calling themselves The Sunshine Group, have spent have an opportunity to help in the fight against the, Mn,. Koss' parents, Mn. and ing the 25th wedding anni- M,. Cecil Wilson for the Oc- every Tuesday afternoon, quietly but effectively piling dread d sease when The Canadian Cancer Society Mrs. C. Denhertog, Toronta, versary of Mr. and Mrs. rn casion of Mrs. Lyons' birth-i r fanrenl ofBowanvlie Abrnehybroher an k itr a.Ohn Sna aln up a trernendous contribution ta a worthwhile cause holds its anniual canvass for funds between April l7th Mn. L. B. Nichai, bas ne- in-iaw of Mn. Jim Abennethy. were Mn. and Mrs. Richard by making cancer dressings. The work is neither and 24th. The need is great and your co-operation and- turned home after spending Ms ete n od Van Camp and family, Black- glamorous nor exciting; there is no apparent reward financial contribution are most essential. Ladies of theJ Miaster with AhiFson stock, Mn. and Mrs. Wilson for their efforts, other than an inward sense of satis- Sunshine Group above are, from lef t to right, Mrs. dauhte-i-la, r. ndM rospent, s own, aDln ber s.ited eel wiuhdMr.land atinthat they have been able to help persons Who W. B. Syer, Mrs. S. G. McMurter, Mrs. B. Heavysege, Douglas Nichais, Kingston. lWhitby, fiew ta Tampe, Flani- and Mn. and Mrs. Norman have been afflicted. Their work goes on ail year round, Mrs. Harry Saunders, Mrs. Earl Thompson, Miss Carnie Mn. and Mn,. Alex Coulter,ida, taped their Easter Va- Lyons, Uxbridge. without the general public being aware of their acti- Painton, Mrs. G. F. Jamieson and Mrs. Norman Irvine. Pankway Crescent, were week- c tio ht the former', grand- The negulan meeting of ~ end guests of Mn. Coulter's parents, Mn. end Mn,. Forest Court Lady Snowbind, L 193, o~f Peterborough, at Mn,. C. David Hendenson, third son sister and bnother-in-law, Mn. A. Dilling, wha have been was beld on Wednesday, jpi V IW éU -Bunie'sofM.ad r. ue n and Mn,. Gardon Spring, Ber- spending the winter in Fiorida. 15th, in the Farestens' Hll, D ** **yMssAnelhCer oScw-Hevesongndrwntanap rie. Ail returned by moton on Nestieton.MisAgl hrofNwHedsnuewntaap Mn. and Mn,. Harny Donner,Tesyofetwek Eleven members fnom Court r i e e e A rl3 atr optl odymrig Leamington, and son Charles, Altough the weather a, Chalene, Oshawa, were pres- r i e e e A r ih isDrlaLn I~~ n~ a Mishiman Halfax N.., ben n te col sdether en, SsterUnaDar ofMn. and Mn,. George Skeld- Mn,. Jim Adams is spendingi Me isipman, ai faxr. n.S.are e n an te cosol s i our e t Sien eUne entd S' Bow mianville w il have Day-ithe Board of Woks Commit- ing of Blackstock with M . a few day, in Toronto this Mr4s. Charles Symons, Ontario other then the neturn af the ter ayPakes-th"Teiîght Saving Time fnom 12:01 tee. This motion was made by and Mns. Bill Skeiding end week, wbene Mn. Adams' Stretove th weken. rd -breste roins WeTraellng ave.a.m. on Sunda, Apil 3th, ta Councilor Hughes, seconded Betty. work ha, taken hm. Str et, ave th w e ken . ne - nea ted rob ns W e Tra ell ng ave ".12:0 1 a.m . on S u nday O ctobe n lby C oun illor M aurice P rout. M . Jack D ean and boys o ! R em em b er o ur C en ten n ial Jenie Prynrs-noticed sevenal littie girls Aiso present wene Sister 29th. This was decided wben O mton by Councillor Toonto, at Mn. nd Mn,. Pot-iuck supper and get-to- Missen e ud, us-with skipping nopes the othen Elsie Prout, District Deputy Town Council on MondayHuhssenddbCoci-CntnBonstangMsgterfr agegio ed In-training et St. Joseph's day, and fishing teckle dis- High Chiel HiRanger, from Bow-ouci- lito Bow's aPterb oro o! p N ursne pet-ys are getting the atten- manvle, and Sisten Iene evnn dopted the report of on Runde, the question of the C. Dean home with them, ater interested friends, t the spn h ek ion o! ardent nges prepar- Nutte, High Marshall. the Board of Works meeting sanitay sewer serving the F. spending a week witb her chuch, Monday, Apil 24, t ,'tebnagh eld lest week. The dates for & T. Sub-Divîsion was refen- sister, Mn,. Brown. 6 p.m. Brîng in nemes and end .iC. C. padr entMreanSt. t roteonn neof tforn pnil 2of thoetin 7:30Daylight Saving Time this red ta the Planning Board for Mn. and Mr,. Jim Gilmer, addresses o! anyone who Mrs.C. . PudyCenrý S. toutseasn. laned fr Aril26that :30year were set in e motion et a recommendation. Karen, Jeff and Lynn of Part shouid, be invited taoaur Cen- Miss Tina Hughes, nurse-n1Ret weekend guests with p.m. et the Causeway Bowling the Board o! Works Commit-. ~JmsHpwt n n Ms hlJn .CnatM, tnaining et St. Joseph's HOS- M. ndMn,. Les Coombes, Alley, Pont Penny. This is CouncillorJae BounkeHoe ihM.aàMr Pl tenniai, Jn .CnatMs pitl ch oi f uring Pt- Libnt S. N nt, ene thir ope t a yon wsbng a o.tee by Deputy-Reeve Wesley seconded by Councîllor Nicks' Gilmer and famiiy. George Stepieton, if you wish pital Scool of ursingPet- Lierty St.North, ere FiceopsecondedonebysCouncaigoion movedonthatbythencRoodsmoendtMn. tOrieldsEdgertonrianeturn-ontatordertaard copyco af thehebook erbarough, spent the weekend daughter and san-in-law, Mn. Just contact Sister Marilyn Ken Nicks. Streets Committee study street ed home Sundey from Me- campiied by Mn,. Cecil Bun- wlth ber parents, Councillon and Mn,. Peter Auch of Belle Cooledge, ieaving your namnemaiioti and Mn,. Glenholme Hughes, River, Ont. During thein visit and how meny wish ta go. tebuissathBor lighting nequirements and mraHopial. enwbigpnt Ontario Street. hierre Mn. and Mn,. Auch aiso Happy binthday was sung Of Works meeting included a bring thein recommendations Mn. and Mn,. Jack Rougb- visited bis parents, Mn. and ta Sisters Marge Eiliatt, Ann motion by Councillor Annie ta counicil. This motion was Iey and sans John and Paul, Mn,. J. Auch of Oshawa. Hart and Imelda Jackson as Oke, seconded by Councillon carried. Mn,. Lamne McQuarrie end Little five-yeen-old Miss Sus. they put their coins in the Glenholme Hughes, that com- Deputy-Reeve Wesley Fice, Sdaugbten Laurel, and Mn,. S. an Coambes, daugbter o! Mn. bintbday box. mittee recommend the accept- seconded by Councillor Oke, iG.,Catran bave netunned Robent Coombes, Oshawa, ne. Foliowing the meeting the ence of a quotetion of $18,923 moved that e letter be writ- fnomn a pleasant holiday et cently spent e few day, with girls put on their "Kitchen from Creameny Package for ten ta Alex Cenruthers, M.P.- Miami and Daytona, Flonide. ber gnandpanents, Mn. and Band" costumes and pictures the installation o! certain ne- P. expressing cancernn ven e M Mn,. Les Coombes. were taken. They aise played fnigeration in M re m o r i a 1 seeming increase o! escapees a couple o! tunes for their Anene. This was cerried. !nom the Pine Ridge Tnaining Mn. and Mn,. Russell Frank- visitons. On e motion by Councilion Centre hene, which in tunn in- lin, town, have returned home "Everyane set dawn and en- E. J. Rundle, seconded by creases the incidence o! bung- ST. AULS eater spendin the weekend jayed e seled plate luncheon. Councilaor Nicks, it wes agreed iery. This wes cennied. with Mn,.Nn EvenCx heDs'e Dg(rc ta have Building Inspector R. On e motion by the Deputy. UN ITE D we,.Ave., Toronto. SatundaY He wasoniy a dog. Same Hethrington inspect the Amena Reeve, seconded by Councillor r,4g loX un~ p antyoj hiMm cdid- y" eping, alarig. the raeters, and the Clerk-Controller ask the'. CH Rn4 eh sonora r. and Mrs. "Nipper". Several years ago then ta repart ta council. Departinent o! Highweys the CHUR H Fankin' seenth wedinghisownr let hm a th Itwas moved by Cauncillor cast and whether the depant- Miter: anniversany. A sing-song, restaurant but thet owner did Hughes, seconded by Council.. ment wauid paint the centre 1ev. R. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. whic!1 was enjoyed durîng the not retunn sa Lucky became Ion Oke, that the Arene Man- line nienking an King Street evenîng, was followed by the Neigbbourhood Dog an egement Board maintain the fnom Liberty Street ta Scugog -nom_________________________ Orgenist: dancing. Fniends wene p ne,- just a stney. He wes quiet, Anene building. This wes cen- Street. Mn. R. Metcaif, A.R.C.T., ent fnom Bowmanville, Osha-. unessuming, friendly - e pal ied. The meeting was Infonmed A.C.C.M. wa and Toronto. A beautiful ta ail and menya tasty tid-bit It was decided ta have b~y Don Myles, 124 Liberty PIE FETV TLSTA RL1 ennvesan ckegnaedth wa lftoutfo hm. lmstClerk-Controller Robent L. Street North, that the neason SUNDAY, APRIL 16th head o! the buffet table and every morning he was at the Byron enquire as ta the cost for water nat draining of! the 9.,45a.m.al joined in singing "Happy corner until the cilden left o! constucting a chin link property o! is neigbon Miss 9~45 e.m.Annivesary" and "Auld Lang on the bus and mny a littelfence ta enclose wlkway be- Cle, was due ta e tile beingRLLOSu . SUNDAY SCHOOL Syne" ta canclude e delightful hand petted hi, gîossy coat. ýtween Sunset Road and Sum- broken when the saniteny RIîONSt 97c2 11:00 a.m. ýevening before ieevlng for For sevenal yeans Lucky led mnerfield Court. This was sewen was constnucted. LOTION it9cL their homes. the aw caeglteuth ne daimededby Councillor NHug he This aterisnefenedta T.Il, -AN Saerament of and be wes ta. be destnoyed. A It was agneed thet J. Ablu- K. Stewart on e motion byDE D A T Eaptism N SL T N couple o! village dog lov:atedteA lmetigo!bsoucllnO e fde N S L T N befrîended him, paid hslatentho! ai etinvitod ta Deuy-llrev Fe,.ecndd1-oz. Large Mn,. Larmen Hylan itd licence, saved hi, life and he_________________________ ed lest week wlth hen daugh- continued on bis menny way.ETNIL E __ leCSa ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. LetFAigCiIAindLoo V MuieSmlsofhlm fan his rabies' shats. D borhafua.hiSPmetsr-LAIl goad things corne ta ani Mn. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey daughter, Mn,. George Elliott.TISE * ~ u m ~ v a m u a n u ghre nd y e st e r e y h e W o fa ! P o r t M N ic o l w e r e e c e n t M n. P e c y B u r e y o ! B o w - T I S U ES1 aepeedthat bedly injuned that bis backlvstr ihM.ad mr.!anville spent severel day, c s Mr.Wl Aho asal oiddpl -11 tiýt in-ýýa-jr'jct '"1.1i h' ca e. .commemonating the Battli !-I AIL PURPOSE ME!CKLB Ithat Cetas 15x'oje~forteocson, wterboevugT.Vimy Ridge, whene be wasjîst7cIT EL r. the EeYSny,:1 . ;h ights have been installed. guest speaker, choosing as ni, we heo4 I i. rsetDt 0 TW L . U ARoWELZO. bAlme tayeaiiy as o t o! . Abeilo! Peeernug, nc !te1 etnn rsn *T eo nd m n c til.1 aff ir, 50 ye es g . A 10 uot bound" er will be turned o n uiai .Mr. W. H. 3l, Weicorne" stlcons lights will cest Brown, progrem cheirman, Mrs. Hgrry Wade receivcd59 J therynoir rlin efeto noprsne rupo otfword recently, that er ne- 2 R99 ug "'5 C2 bnllan efecia nt pesncda rope!yotbu phew, Dr. Stephen Haskill, in 59______________ the night. italent, inciuding bath vocal Australie, bas won an îm- There mey be a few who are and instrumental (,Verings, as Jopposed ta tretllfhting but well as an expert.baton entist. Partent awerd fan hi, efforts "NEg TieMrhe n ndti n acrResearch. PALMOLIVE Sg. T R I N T Y N IT E ( H R C H ime Marc es n' e d t s M. Robert Morton w s ' M rand M ,. George ]Kim. R M rst S H V E P C TRI IT UN TE C URC 1ýsprgres. Aften 100 yeas able ta leave Port Hope Hos- wba i ndn, o Necastle, ftI it s time tat the streets in pital lst week and is con- bwereadi n ofgu e cst lenda Minister- Rev. George KC. Ward, BA, B.D. ail villages and henilets should valescing t the home o f er evening wibMn nday RPMn..tfELME .0 c ligted.Frank Gilmer. Arhr olsoMs.. RSM On Marci 3lst the fifth and the skit or demonstration, and family, Part Hope, were GR O & LA SUNDAY, APRIL lSth, 1967 sixth meetings of the Nestie- whlch the graup is ta put an Sunday visitons with M.ad 3O.SG.LS 9 E ton NiftY Needlewarkers wes fan Achievement Day on May Mi-.. Refd Wood and boy. ad eO.SG.LS 9 3 LAY CENTENNAL SERVICEheld in the basemnent o! 6tb, wene dîscussed. The meet- biboysad n .eve iNestieton United Church. The. ing adjourned and the girls Samis were Mns. Prouse and 1:0girls were to spend from 10-J3o worked an their dress until iChanlie, Mn. Deibent Fisleigh,PRS ITIN 110 .m r. .ta 4:30 Pm ok nlnhtm.Pont Hope,. and Miss NoneenPRS ITON "Whit Is a Hundr.d Vears?" theii' dresses. p.m. orklngonTlunhntime Before lunch the fifth meet- A!ten lunch the sixth meet- Pos !Trno Spakr:DR G EWI MNNiing was beld with Ja-igwshl ieJnice M. and Mns. Geald Adams E Spe ker D . G ED IN AN Wil as bcdt itngJence Hu ntingdon in the chair. The and family, Toronto, with Mr.a acigas president an r.JmAas SUNDAY SCHOOL because Janice Huntington, the H~~ Pledgc wa, repeated an n Ms JmRdre pesident, was absent. The mairol cali "Correct Posture" n n n.HreHl 9:30 a.rn. - Junior, Interinodiat. and Senior eIngmecdwt was displayed by nine rnem- rman and Bob o! Welcomne, &EA 4-H edg omend Ui rathebers. The meetigajome.witb Mn. and Mn,. Harry 110Wm ehesHPeg. adterl altn dor edc. d 1100a.i.- egnnrsWas enswered by eight girls. Mn,. McLaughiin demon- - Mn. and Mmi. C. M. JoncsD Dianne Vanderbeul nead the strated the serving o! facings, witb Mn. and Mms. Bill Lame 11:N a... - Prlmary »d Kicidergaen minutes o1 Uic let meeting. aleeves and zippers. For the and girls, Port Hond5pe. T W Mr-Lawrence MCLaughlin reniainder of the meeting thc Mn,. Er R n IG S.W and Uri. Lawrence Malcolmi girls worked on their dresses. Grace Ann, with Colleen Webb IThe Canadien Statesman. EowmanvMfe, Apr. 12, 1901 7 d tters &Io &ne Céxidor Apnil 9, 1967 Dear Mn. James, Over three mentbs ega I wnate ta Uiec cuncil about not getting aur refund frnom tbe Public Utilities fon work donc on town propemty out- aide aur berne. The Council !erned e committee ta look Into this matter and for tbrce menths I have been waiting fan a repent fnom the Public Utilities ta ]et me know whetben or flot we ivould receive aur refund. Talking te Mn. Ken Nicks, whe wes Chairman o! the Ceuncil committee. he said after reading ail the meteniel on It, it lookcd to hlmn that the Public Utilities would do notbing. I phoned Mn. Wilfrid Car- ruthen,, who is Cheirman o! the P.U.C., and asked hîm if be would enswcr e direct question, yes or fia. The question was, did he think that we shouid have a refund? Re enswened by saying he and a Mn. Stewart bed e tbousand feet o! waten THE JACK AND JILL'CLUB TRINITY UNITED CHURCH asking for a reiund. Ho i.- fused to give a direct YU or ne. I think these, four mOn who are an the Public Utili- tes Commission (Mn. Van Bridger, Mn. Wilfrid Car- nuthens, Mn. Ross Stevens and Mr. Ivan Hobbs) thlnk that if they say nothing and de nothing about this mat- ter that I will finaily give up. I wauld like the tex- payers o! this tewn to know that sometime befare April I ltb, when thc P.U.C. hold thein next meeting, 1 arn sending e letter requesting !ram tbemn a written ataté- ment as ta whethcr we will an will net eceive aur me- fund. If the enswen is na, then Y arn taking my case ta the Toronto Telegram Action Line te sce whet the law had ta say. 1 am not saying we wiUl win but we will fight for what we believe is right. Sincenely, The average life o! a com- miercial apple orchard la 'about CORNZ A POPPIN'1 AT THE TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE on Thursday, Friday & Saturday April 20,21 & 22,1967 Special student rate of 50 cents for Thursday night only Available froin Club members TICKETS Coricidin "D" e 1.89 !4" - UGG LIT 219 LOZENGES <'S UGG.LIST2.19 89c for 79c PONDS (OLD CREAM MOISTURIZING, CLEANSING AND' VANISHING CREAM Pugg. list 1.19 Sugg. Iist 69C Sugg. llst 1.89 -99C .59c 1.59 !ARDLEY After Shavel Lotions 25 VALUE ........................ 39.. TRIPE OOOTHPASTE 10 'GG. LIST 1.19109 PERSONNA BLADES s Plus Sugg.L FREE list 75e 6 fident Ta bl'ts set ,51 c esphowlecithin VE FOOD & TONIC 1I 1.69IE PHON 62,3-57.92 j vu lu ýRul n Plma 111111 t I..A.REMEDIES Ml Presents 1 NO WORD ON REFUND 1 1,39 l .95s"sel.69 ý