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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1967, p. 8

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4 .4 Tt t t t f GLESON PLANS-GOLF COMPLEX One of our cohorts froin the curling vorid, brought t Mm<lxi nevupaper yçsterday tdfllng cii Jeclc QJqasn' -1tto -bùfld an inorrtàMâg icentre; eenfg-t j obamplonahip courses, iocated on marc than .5,000 acres, Uleaff Intends ta cstablish a profcaslonal golfers' association -IMMSameint w1th a vboppIng balf million dollar purse. TiM. fat onc - pardon me that ahould be great anc) predicts that "these golf courses vin surpass anything that's fver been deugned for golf before." Gleason says that he latedsta make bis tournarnent the richeat ofaiai."f sanie : eelcsc cores up with $600,000, wel pub Up $700,000. We'Il the bbbggest and thc best." Ail this vil b. avallable by 1970 - in bbc Miami area, et course. Looks 1k. Nicklaus and Palmer are just gaing tc ~t icher and richer. t fit f t ÇfiAMPIONSHIPS GALORtE! .Bavmanvile rcally got bbc bail rolling last week down- iii; TiMlonburg Tuesday night ta capture bbc Bantani "A" gfl1ior Ontario championsbip. Since then tbc entire area bas 4brkcd On »a great playoff record wblch surpasses anytbing au7ýr imemony. Saturday aibernoon, lmmedlatcly following bbc N.H.L. »"Ml-ftlaielevised gaie, we reachcd Whitby Arena in lime bo ne the last ben minutes. Wbitby scored at 14:55 to edge Lesinington 5-4 and vin the Ontario Juvenile "A" minor b tile.1 Wlthln zninutes word was received from Starniord that ",de vahd won ta brng the banta dA"' cron ta the The icurth Ontario Champlonship In less bban a week wartgvnittcn Iinto bbce record books Sunday aiternoon. Oshava 4wnécd St. Catharines. 6-4 in a thrlling If U encaunten ta dam UiheMldget "A" titI., bbree games to tva. Wi heard many people, wbo don't normally frequent1 the local ice palaces, -mention that bantam; and midgct hockey iurPrised the=n - "bbe vay the playera skated." AMIen viev- Mthe i bantarn senles hIBawmanvllle'and that mIdget clash #t'Oshava, ve vould bave ta say that quîit. often bbc minor Icaguca are a lot better ta vatch than Jr. "A" and N.H.L. We'd like ta think that ve speak from experience. WANNA PLAY SOFTBALL? Teaâ insll b. selected for this season's Men's Town Softbafl League on Monday nlght. If you wish ta play we'd urge you ta contact Ray Crombie at 623-2643. Umpires are Use needed, so if you are fnterested lni that respect, Ray Vould 1k. b hear froinyou boo. - lcidentally - a dance vil b. held on June 3rd to ggoeca>J start bhe 1067 campatgn. MEMORIAL ARENA "PUBLIC SKATING MMNDY, APRIL 16d Jack Parkern 42 Ted Bagnei - 42 Si Trevin -____42 ,l George Bebee - 42 Matt Harrison - 39 SDan Bagneil - 42 «Rusa Oke - - 42 ýn Elton Brock - 42 Ab Saman -_ 42 Harold Michelsaon- 42 IBud Bànter - 42 'Bud Hcnning - 42 George Glan-vle - 42 ýMaurice Richards- 39 tCiarenceOke - 42 Steven cOke 24 R11anm I Pper 42 Nr Henning - 42 Bruce Milne 42 John Carter 39 Lou Wiseman- 36 Frank Mahun 39 Bob Richards 42 Fred Thomson 42 Bob Williams 42 Dave McRnigbt 33 LovehI MacDougal 42 yMorley Thompson-. 39 Jack Bond ---42 Team Standing Teamx W L Pepsi Cola 27 15 Ken's Men's Wear 25 17 Beaven Lumben 23 19 Dykstra's Food 22 20 Whybe Bros.- 20 22 Jury & Lovehi 20 22 Selby Grant- 20 22 Nels, Osborne Insurance 18% 23% 1 Frank's Variety - 18% 23% 1 Muttan & Gouhd - 17 25 1 Lander Hardware 17 25 1 222 219 218 216 216 215 215 214 214 213 212 211 211 209 209 209 208 208 208 207 206 203 203 203 202 202 202 202 201 200 Pts, 27 25 24 23 227 17 c ý.' u pwmnvine Town Fuels - Ted Dadson, J ob n Qîhen memers ai bbc forth-i League Basketballers wound Staintan, Doug Hutchison, coming executive are Tom up a successful scason with Wayne McDonald, Lee Boyd. Pearson, the vice-president, their seasan-ending banquet Lyn Lowry, Ken Kelly and and secrclary-lreasuncr, Jimý Saturday nigbt at the Elmn-IJim Coyle. Grundy. bunst Hotel in Newcastle. Lyn Lowry had hîmscli a WiIb ouI sponsors bbc league Scated at the head table big night, captuning tva other js olntoeae 0i vereJimDonett, preswdnt. evMd av4r4s. -liswas pre- vas iitbing that Tom Pearson, John Stainton vice-president; scnted with bbc lcading scorer moved a vole ai lbanks ta the~ Gord Finney, treasurer; Han- traphy by Jim Doucette wilb four sponsors, Slephen Fuels,' old Rnighl, representing Ste- an average ai 13.9 points per Wbyle's Upholsl,ing, Haapcr'si phen Fuels, sponsors ai tbc game ta edgc perennial vin- Jcwcllery a nd Cononalion' vinning club, and Ralpb ner Danny ScIa wbo bad 13.8. Cafe. Whyte ai Wbybe Bras. Up- Ralph Whyte presenledbthe Another important function holstery, sponsor ai bbc final- mast valuable player avardi in tbc operatian ai a leaguei ist team. la Lowry, and then ta cap off is bbc execulive, wbo were1 Harold Rnight presenled bbc cvening Lyn vas elccted lhanked for their services1 Individual Irophica ta mcm- ta bbc office ai president fan aven bbc past season by Ted bers ai the champion Stephen 'the 1968 season. Dadson. MUG PLAYOF'FS APIRMI laIonc whilc Mike Cawker pick- BANTAM cd up anc assisl. Ran Carter In tbc first encounter bbc was cnedited wibb bbc shubout. Braves defealcd bhc Cubs by In bbc second encaunter bbc a close 2-1 decision. The Cornets defcated bbc Orphans Braves and bhc Cubs played by a 5-2 caunt. The Cormets for 40 minutes to a anc ail goals werc scorcd by Gary lie vith goals going ta Eddie Cbisholm wilb two and Gary Banna assisted by Dean Knox Wilson tva and bbnee assists and Doug Henning for bbc whilc Greg Çardcn picked up Braves and Wayne Sheeban, anc goal and anc assisl. The assislcd by Mike Woad for Onpbans goals werc sconcd hy bbc Cuba. Tbey vent 12 min- John MacDonald assisled by1 utes and 35 seconds ai aven John Hamilton whilc Warren lime when Slephen Parker Alder's goal was the picture scorcd bbc vinner on passes goal af bbc day as he picked from David Porter an d Gary Up bbc puck bcbind bis owni Murphy. goal and stickhandled througb In bbc second game thc Pin- bbc Comnets tcam and fircd a1 ates defeabed bbc Panthens by low shol mia bbch corner frai'. a 2-0 score. The Pirates goals were scaned by Murray On-. iston wibh bath goals. MIDGET- In bbc apener bbc Mt. Royals defeated tbc Canucks by a 3-0 count. The Mb. Royals goals S R N were scored by John Goyne ý R 1N Youth Bowling Resulîs af final weekc bowling:ý Boha wnviJe 8 -Wbitby O Omaa 8 - Ajax 0 Teani stading BOswa e40 Bowmalv, e26 Ajax 22 Whitby ________8 HmghSingi lCone Brad- ley, BavianvIlle, 291. Hlgh Tner--Wendy Levis, BOWman .le, 707. The bighllgbt ai today's Pame as a 1297 rofled b Bownmnville. Oshawa 8 Aax- BowmmavMle e - Wib Tcau standings 1Bowianvllle Se____3 Oshawa __an_____ 13 Wbltby 28 Rbicer, BANNER pASSANT 120 Duke St., Bowmianvlu. * Lite Imarance *Incarne Dlsablty * peu"loPhu * Group iuace *n" Da Ilmurane * mbt lmlm cls ln o ea DugSlep BANTAM SEIMI-FINAL The Huskies dcfealcd the Braves tb advancc mb otheý final by a score ai 2-0. The Huskies goals werc scred byý Don Lorusso and Tony Balson wilb assisîs gaing la Walter Wenesczynski, Mike Lawrencel and Mike Kchoe anc eacb. PEE WEE MUG FINAL In bbc Pce Wee final bbc' Bruins cdged bbc Wings by a 3-2 score. The Bruins goals vere scored by Rcilh Kelly wilh two, and Ken Living- stone nc goal and nc assist,l wbilc alher assisîs wcnl la Brad Rundle, John Parker and Clearing af Reduced Prices 1967 DEMONSTRA TORS BUICKS COME IN TODAY . . . TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE.IN I -PONTIACS !IL 166 King St. E. STEW PRESTON il iiILl Phone 623-3396 GORD COONS, Sales Manager TERRY MASTERS BERWYNNE TILLCOCK BUY HONDA ey COWAN YOU MEET THE, NICEST PEOPLE ON A HONDA UP TO 200 MILES TO THE GALLON Footloose and fancy free . . a and Honda to complet" your fun. 14 modela aIl tld, cngineered fer comiort and sýafety plus ail h. advantages of 200 miles te tie gallon. Sec yeur Honda dealer today. ~. 134 KING ST. E.O AEQ PMN YOUR HONDA SPOROPC IcsBASKETBALL BANUE * ~~~~~~~~~~monial at the M en's B s et al L a e ba q t, i a ou E I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ple a s u r e t a a t t e n d , S a r d y n g t L y n t h s o l g SPORToPIcs ~~president for next sào yp hts~ Ptt 'h COLO .~ w B YSK ATING CARN VA lvan L oc e d sz4n e hey hm*noin thi ar aand O e o h i h :0«ptiuly cote ti.nt knowledgeable officls as ele1cted season is the annual anavî ktn -ôtuiate durng the. ro=etly completed Canadian Centennial J no oigu hsFia n audy "'= -etTournament during Kaster weekend. Ivan was belling -coI A ÂI< Im ea uti . te hee Saut ' i the ii ganes et Kingston fatured sane excellent hockey, uN Iihols Moto1rs i u ir m in hp For S c n Year the Mmoria Arena.Te so sn 'I& Toeonto Butter Beeps (icaseyou didn't know) Win- s e s a w~ujV u ~.ia po sî e o otoanadaA",l 4th nd 1uhn( fting the bible for Ontario. He also pointcd eut that i morneHe dii g t s ye 's C nva vii b ni ten y a ad 43 gaines no major or mlsconduct penalties were handed eut, z ..... Jay *\'..ey of es they stuck to hockey. lb vas rugged at Urnes buttixot TorrJayHumpreatiancovr.. o ebra h ~~~dfrty ~~~~~~~the 1967 Senior M en s Ch m io s i a an d . H is a o Iiicluded ln the bcams froin acroas Canada were'entriesa member of the NorthAeia n ol em etil bom the Yukon and Narthwest Territories. 0f course thc Rusa Hately vas the only Ii safn potnt ascoea aaasb ktr ~ers vere avid N.H.L. fana, only trouble was - they bowler ta make the 800 dWtget ta sec the games uxtil -a week after they vere mark this week. Rusa had ~-Ç~ lintbaotnta ancnbata hi w played - on videa tape. And color TV - well, this ance s aihamp9io43nor but...Bo.wm* little Eskimo boy considered himscif really iucky ta b. stay- bD81 r. plhapinrutdamavile ancetanlhbeprudaiau own Mary Jane Oke wa ihUinilsVco rig tig at a home which had this wonderful mnedium. (288), Rusa Oke 781 (280),woth adinJ One mornlng, somcwhere around twa 'clock, his hast George Bebec 770 (260), Maur- up ta Senior ranks, weevnesu nth eta nai thought he saw a ilght camlng frain the living room. Down ice Annaert 761 (302), Dick Par.opeiin hogoatalok isoern tcTV a tlla. u t Perfect 744 (331), Ernie Per- Last year Mary Jani n itrwr h eta nai h o o e s t o o o k d i c o v ri n t h T V i s ti l o n B u t o f e c t 7 1 2 ( 2 4 9 ) , H a w a r d B r o m -J u i r P r s t l e h d amazement, here vas the little Eskimo player intently watch- ell 732 (286), Steven Oke 716 Caain ca p.I ing the test pattern. He vas so enthralled at bcing able ta Hap Palmier had top single '. %.Ca din c mp. n 195 he wo te C nrl On ri w.bch television "live" o ta speak and in color yet - that game, 342; Murray Tighc 288,JuirDneco. bv wa waitlng for tic next programme ta came on. Even (264), Don Bagneil 703 (284), A young fellow, i r okn owadt aclgl vlewlng a Aest pattern for an hour didn't dampen his Lou McFeeters 281, Bill Orme - elth Lawrence, an Elee erad h sdsle ab -ntbusiasm. Martyn bath had 268.a future capo. y eih t t. t t The lumber boys from Beav- ionsrensct .B A N T A M S W IN O N T RIO C H A M PIO N S HIPer had high team single gam e - t *b ti n s re n sc t a D n J k o . - . ~~~~~~~~~These great stars wilb aby s p rt d b th B wm n 12 8 hl ur a e i h d ville Skating Club m ei e s n e b ir ci n a r i s Yau rmlght say that the bantams' winning ai the Ontario high triple 3485. On April 2nd, Nichais defeated Ken's ta take Ted Brawn, Murray Brow~n, Larry Lee, Terry Cax, sionals Paul Tatton andMsani any for Bvmnillasthîekcs. One eeka cranirthe anadian c low ecourd h neyhiotheJni8e hce titie, three games to twa. John Adams, Don McMurter, David Green and Man- Misses Pal RudeIl adSanLdy w eyfn kt for onc game. Harold Benett Members af the winnrng teani, frant raw, left to right, ager Dan Oke; absent, Dane Rogerson. eri l iesl efracst edletelclsaes senior girls doubles bowling titie was won by two local had 110. Jim Calian Sr. had Rick Lucas, Dan Hughes, Pat Murphy, Earl Cobble-1 Included in thergameaea auetaCnd girls, then the next day il was Doris Joli shattening ail loy triple, 412. dick and John Mathers; back rw, Cach Jhn Osbarne, Pht yLodMRb ieWnrWo records ta vin the Canadian ladies bowling championship, Pepsi Coha's big lead in the P tabLlyMcobe WneWndcnland,ShwBsnsadRoigTetes then the atoms won the Little N.H.L. tille and nov the tcam standing bas nov been uttnaeafwI cut ta two points. The Pepsi Wust tagnamla few. Do'l forget Iis FnidaythdeSaturda bantanis have added even mare frosting for the cake. kids have 27 pointa and Ken's rdRa wihtowil .It vas unfortunate that the club didn't have another Mcn's Wear 25. O y mWings r siPalshegoas wre ced b igtfr h ow avîî kaigClbCrnvl hme game, because lb wasn't until last Sunday's encounter With only two more weeks y iailundna.yMlnr n that the bantazns recelved the support they deserved. This reminng in the sciheind u l fII IIMLorrt ~is Meadows onc assist R. anes200andOve wua a ighty fine hockey team and tbey certainly playcd big lead in bbc averages. T ap u eEonIg. Titi AN FNLThis . tubert234 20; F Snwde cowod-pleasing hockey. A great deal ai credit must go ta Bromeil is bitting 244 for 42 cInre wthe-ua BANTAM FINAL thwint aychemstnig 27J acaR0.3;E the entire minor hockey set Up, but particularly coaches gaines whihc Osborne dropped Pirates cdged the Huskies by lake downcd Macnab 5-2 .KKîg22 .Bn 6,D Gerg Cwkr ndFrd Buk"Colefo tei tr tarng 241. Bob Lawton holds Olympia Restaurant buîlt sien, Fairey picked up his when John Miller scorcd imb a close 3-2 score. The Pirates Bnd. stayed in first plaeyNon28,03B.M eei G eo ge avk r a d F ed B uc " C vle for the r u tlr ngdow n third place a I 238. up a 3-0 bulge and then w i l- second goal a I 9:55 ai the the em p y net, a goal thatgoa1s w ere scored by A llan w nning w i lb a 5-2 v en M - 2 7 . M K n g t 2 2 3 ; E efforts on thc team's behaif. Don Gilhooly, ane ai bbc best Lau Wiseman is recuperal- stood a late rally ta cdge final 20 minutes. Bob Mar- was t prove thc eventual1J nncn goal and two as- Knight. Marshall edge yPut26G.Msal21,. hockey phayers ever ta play from Bowmanviile was tbe ing ailer undergoing surgery Crystal Dairy 4-3 aI tbc Me- 1Junkiih eclse4 contact man vith the 0.M.H-.A. at Memonial Hospital, Boy- marial Arena, last Wcdncsday Jernîson finally put tbc dairy-1winncr, coming aI the 1:&'Pand lanci an M oaB. Wesllakc retainedseodDkn26G.eni23,1; manvihle. W c hope Lau will night. The vicîory gave Olym- men on the score sheel, bbc mark. Ormiston ance goal. The us-rypae wt -2 wn ae 2 . W slac22 6,2 Wc U1p aur bat ta these thnee men and ta tbc foilowing be back at tbc alîcys in the pia thc 1966-67 Town Hockey talhy coming less than a min-1 With thc goal-keeper back ke gas ee crd by Mike SowdcnJ. nd Prth wnou aMler25,29,2:;E = iem ber a ai bbc O ntario cham pions - R obe t W illoughby, nea n future. L eague c am pionship, taking lu t c a er. b l eebc p pe , La r e h oe a nd Ke e n o wc w i cJ o d w t a 5 2 l o g 2 6, 3 6 3 ; G r u Scott Burgess, Danny Cowle, Murray Cawker, Keitb Mount- Standing the best ai five finals bhrce Ted Faircy's goal aI 15:45IPernis fircd tbe final goal af Bnian Brown, BIhI Coombes Men's Hlgh Triple20,27B.Msal23,L joy, Larry Allen, Tommy Simpson, Doug Crough, Mark 14th Wcek - 2nd Sehedule games ta ane. closed the gap ta a singleithe season, threc seconds from andl Ken Holmes ane. assisî Ev. Ring 78 odok22,R vne JhsnGayPetnPalSeoBryMMhn ieGoals by Bob Fairey_ andi marker and with one mninutel thc end. Il was a little boa cach. R. Wesllake____7923J.Bn28,18 Jeh son Ga y P est n, aul Sie on, Bary M Mah n, ikeAverages Bob Foster gave th c cha - ici I Crystal liftd heir goal-Ilae ta do Crystal any god M IDGET FINAL J M e n '.HghSn l Ionaghue, Steve Farsy, Randy Rogers and Doug Paker. Name Gameo Ave, pions a 2-0 first pcniod bulge keeper, in favor of a sixthlas Olympia Restaurant had e'HihSnl «. tHovard Bronicfl - 42 244 Ater a scorelcss middle ses- ce.T em v akicdibcttealice p In the Midgcl final tbc MI. Ev. Rn ____ .5 7 AI Osborne ___ 42 241 Royals cdged the Carnets by R.We élk ____- 24 Wsl 3 TOWN HOCKEY LGE. TITLE GOES TO OLYMPIA Bob Lawtan - 2 2381E A a 2-1 score. The Mt. Rayais J. McKnighl 22--rsh--- -5-339- The lat ai Bowmanvillc's three big leagues rang dovn Ernie Perfect 42 236 ua III oeéIA X a r goals wcrc scorcd by Don Ladies' Bigh Triple rui___ 0 3,0 the curtain on thc 1986-67season last Wednesday night, as L'Lyie 4 3 N U'n Lo w ryuW avBig W iner MMle n n nJh .Wslk 9 .Bn __ 9 3,6 heD n. H. Rundle - 42 233 N 0r >L 1 I Goync nc goal, Alln Bragg D . Bond _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 a n b _ _ _ 8 3,0 Olympia Restaurant edged Crystal Dalry 4-3 ta wn heMaurice Annaert 42 230 two assisîs, Don Forsey anc G. Dennis -_ __69Bck ___41 3,0 VSrn Hockey League champianshlp. Olympia taok the best Don Oke -- 42 2271l.jvtI assisl. Cornets goal was scared Ladies' 111gh Single .Wslk . 3 315 et five final seriea thrcc gaines ta one, svecping threie straight Bian Martyn - 42 226 L T~~E ~ kA T by Ken Tabb assîsted by Gary D. McReelis- -22nodn 2 3255 aiter Crystal, regular scheduie tail-enders, had taken the Rusa Hatehy - 36 225 t fIE ai (1flBa n q ue Baker and Grgg Corden. D. Bond--- 26Mcihl3 340O Murray Tigbe- 42 223 , *, ..-w R_________ Opeer. -.Leli 19 - -____________ u..IOILM ~ usi.~ [BOWMANVI ~. IMM màý re m Recreation RevioAwc - - lqmý luw M lý quu ý m imw a a ul&%O 9 'F'r se. 1 GTIME IS HONDA TIME.1

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