Ana I14, lm Fnlday nlght eSw D. Bond' Cllîbe Snowdui 7-0 to re- tain flrt place. Prout mmde a chu7-0 swcep over DMar- calaimnd Macnab downed B. Wfttlakce 5-2. J. Bond whi- Mc~nlht wth a st;raih and Brock cedged by R. tistlake with a close 4-3. Goodyear Lge. April 13, 19C. The final nlght cf the sche- dule saw the Office lilminate the Millwnlghts' chances of gainlng thc playaffa by clob- bering theni 7-0. Tht Com- bines fafled ta garner enough pointa frein the Braiders, taking them 5-2, but the Fan Boîta white waahed the Crac- kem 7-0 . thus gainlng a tic wlth tht Combies, and, hav- hIng won more ganies over the seedl the Fan Belts eann- ed tht lust playoff spot. Tht Machinists strapped tht Belta "-, tht Banbury mlxed-up tht Reclaimators 5-2 and tht Power House overwhelmed the Rose 4-3. 'Jake " Brown took tht top hanours for tht evening, hav- Ing a high single cf 338 and the hlgh triples of 880. Jack Goheen had a 316 single and aL 769 triple; Murray Grant wlth a 311 and a 787; Mike Murphy had a single cf 303, and Weyburn Adams clipped off a 765 triffle Mens High Triple *-.Jack Maenb 732, Milt Doakin ose, Bob ManuhIml 419. Men's Hlgh Single -Fred1 Tippina 287, Jack Macnb 2581 and 254. Ladies' High Triple « paye Allen 597, Shirley Brock 596, Dot Bond 595. Ladies HLgh Singe - Di- anne McReeIIs 300, Betty1 Westlake 228, Shirley Brock Gamnes 204 Md Over D. Bond 214, 212, D. Nolan 211, F. Tippins 267, G. Prout 242. B. Marshall 213, 209, IR. Ovenden 210, M. Dakin 220,1 232, G. Dennia 208, J. Macnab1 258, 254, 220, E. Archer 204,1 D. McReelis 300 B. Westlake1 228, B. Allen 208, B. MillerI 211, J. Bond 200, 212, 200, S. Brock 219, N. McLean 205, P. Allen 200 2 15, P. Stubbert 211, R. Brock 253, L. Vemna 231. Teain Standings Points D. Bond - 64 G. Prout - 57 J. Bond 56 B. Westlae - 56 J. Macnab - à3 G. Marshall 52 R. Brock -- 45 R. Westlake 42 H. Snowden- 32 J. McKnight- 31 Pins 37,338 37,128 36,680 36,5091 37,608: 36 ,710 35,057 35,570 34,548 36,4561 Mixed Loagne Don Ôke came roaring back' Bowling News te make his bld for the high Dick Pçrfect had the high average but a single blow triple cf tht night with 803. caused him the bail game, Pei'fect had games of 2,53-213 thus Brian Martyn takes thteand tht high single of 337. prize with a 229 average fo Howard Bromeil bowled 746 96 gaines bowled. Don finish- (279-282), AI Osbornet 746 cd wlth 228 for 93 games (253), Morley Etcher 701 bowled. On te the Playoffs (268). and tht Doubles Tournatment. Connle Wiseman had 673 Final Standings for high lady bowler, Audrey Btlt - - 117Osmond 665 (231-258), Fern Hols ____ 134 Bradley 635 and the high single ]Braiders ____.i 129 game 295. ]Banbury127 Vince Prout had a big 316 Macne Sh single game, Jack Davis 280, Macin Sop l6Mary Wilcox 271, Essie Cox Craeamors 1 262, Elton Brock 257, Murray Officers1_10__Gran11 253, Bob Glanvile 252. Ofnfice ___98__ 108Gath Week - 2nd Schedule Comne ts _____ 94 Team Standing Millwrights 94 Teain W L Pins Pt. Power House 81 Etcher - 31 14 43961 74 81Glanville 31 14 43179 71 TOP Tweive Osborne- 25 20 43849 60 Games Ave. Lobb ------ 23 1/2 211/2 43708 57 B.Martyn 96 229 H. Brock 23'/à 21% 43708 57 1). Oke 93 228 Prout 22 23 42477 53 D. Bagneil 30 219 Perfect- 21 24 412.55 .51 yF. Wright ___ 96 217 Wilcox- 2¼ 4' 304 0 R.« Hately 93 217 E. Brock 20 25 43576 46 D. Pefc'___ 93 217 Bromell - 18 27 42393 42 J. Bond 90 217 Harrison 19 26 40683 42 I. Bromeff 96 215 Brunt - 16 29 40702 36 A. Lobb 96 212 Averages K. Piper 96 207 Name Games Ave. 13. Henning 93 2061AirOsborne 45 241 W.HateIy 96 204 H. Bromell 45 228j ,7» wdd's fhrgesflseller. Over 2500,00 fHudaownersHandavtuu.fetures intlude: *Fantastic EsOO.quY a Depndbility *Absolm .Sefsty a Lew, Law Ct a supweor piemamos 110 »Wur evhyns's goUIng a HONDA. 134 YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE ON A Model C-100 only $279995 COF BOWLING M:~is LADIES SOMALL Bowmnanville's second ledici saftball teani in tht Durham Leagut is holding a practice on Saturday mornig at il o'clock, Central Public Schaal, accordlng ta Coach Bruce Col. weIll Tht teain also bas à sponsor and wlll be called Slaght & Cook's B.A. Beles. Any ladies who would like tc Iparticipate should be at the school, ready te start tossing tic bail around. EBENEZER Ebenesen U.C.W. IMrs. Chas. Elliott cpened Ithe afternoon unit cf Ebene- ici' U.C.W. with some verses on the beauty cf April. We wene rernlnded ta bring our goodduscd clothlng as soon as possible. We are invited ta Trinity United Church, Bowmanvilte, on Thursday, April 27th, ai 2 p.m. te hear Dr. W. H. H. Norman, a missionary on fur- lough frein Japan. An auction Is planned for Saturday, May 27, with mort details later. Mrs. Elliott read tht stony cf tht Good Samaritan, and mnembers of tht group read letters that had been sent ta the 'Onwerd', in reply ta the question 'Who is my neigh- bour?'. We shauld neyer ne- sent the use cf a strange tangue, as tht title written aven tht cross was ln three langueges, and none cf theni was Engllsh. Ht wbo wauld have a good ncighbour must be ont himself. Mrs. R. Hawkea e d tht projector taow lespre- pared by Miss Beatrire Mc- Lean, C. E. Director cf Simcoe Si. United Chuncb, Oshawa. Mrs. Chas. Ellioit rese the commtntary, which ivM' enc. titled 'Canadians cf note frein Oshawa and Ontaria County'. Somte detail was given about the following personalltîca: H!enry Bird Stelnhauen, Jos- eph E. Sanderson, Alexandeir Mvuir, Angus Mackay, Daniel David Paumner, Sir Daniel Efunier MeMillan, Pa t rl1ck Burns, Jdhn Stephen Wilson, Robert Helmnes, Stephen Lea- cock, Robent S. McLaughlin, L~. M. Montgomery, Tom T'homison, H-on. Gordon D. Conant, John Gea. Alihouse, C. L. Burton, Thomas Foster, Viola Whitney Praitt John Diefenbaker, Donald' Grant Creighton and Luella Creigh- tn and Dr. S. Osborne. Ont minute of silence wes 'bsenved i memory of the ate Mn.Horace Hancock, a elovedr memnber of oui' group. Uns. G. F. Annis spoke rieflv.1 t t 1 e c c v tc bi Report from Queenf' Parki ItLtcbe..- 48 V. Peret .45 L Brock _ _45 V. Prout ____42 Jot Nowlan - 45 Gard Wllc - 45 Matt HarrIson - 42 Haizel Dmoogue 42 Alan Lobb- 45 Hildla Brock- 45 Jim Bedford 45 Lou Welsh 45 Aurey od-45 One thr- 45 BbGnville- 45 Hap Palmer 45 Joan Brunt 45 Shirley Davis- 45 Harold Bennett- 45 Mary Wilcox - 45 7er Bradley - 45 Frnie Dickcens- 45 Murray Grant- 45 Bob Leanian 45 Don Bradley- 45 Connie Wiseman- 45 Ken Nichols- 42 Mlex Wiseman -45 Mary Nowlan 45 Murray Joynt- 45 Bob Mlitchell 45 Public Utilities Minutesi Aomiinegua mein fti Commission's ofieldon ti Cvemmionso ffApice, on7wt evl enge Aprnil1, 1967,ari ailmeers rsn, . Cain and Mayor 1. Hobbs. Mi'. Mike Wereszczynski at. tended tht meeting concern Ing a sewer connection ta hiE new home ta be constnucted cr Lambs Lame. Mr. Wereszczyn. ski was advised that his pres. entation of tht matter would be conidered by tht Commis- alan and that the Manager -would advise him cf tht de- cision reached. Tht minutes of the last reg. ular meeting cf Manch 14, 1967, were read. It was mcv. ed by I. Hebba seconded by R. Stevens that tht minutes be adopted as read. Carrled. It was notcd that oui letter ta tht Ocean Accident and Gueranttc Corporation Ltd. canctnning flood damage to the prcperty cf Mna. V. Frank, Scugog St., bas net been acknewlcdged. It was moved by R. Stevens, second. ed by 1. Habb. that thc Man- ager write S. R. James, Insur. ance Agent, advising that the Commission la net satisf:ed wlth thterranner I whlch this matter has been bandled. The Commission expected Uiat our letto would be acknowledged BO.HOse NEWS br David G*ccn Bownvllle 111gh School won Uic Lakeshont District Badminton champlonship lest week by defeating Clarke thc nunncrs-up, Donevan, R. S. McLaugh l, Anderson, Henry Street, Central, and Pickerng I gaines playtd at the 11gb School and the Badminton Club. Thetetam conalsted of WaYe B urgeis and Lorraine Whie.DenisMcleeters and Karen Kramp; Daug Mcleet- ers and Kâren Surgesa; Psul Luc an sd Marie Kennedy. At the end of the month, $&WM*MfivjUewiflplay ithtj C.O-.8A. Tournnment at âeanti a report frain the Insur- The matter cf nefunding tht ie ance Company would be madcl1$15.00 consumer deposîts taken ie te the Commission. Please froin tenants whlch Is nefund- th let us have a reply before oui' j d mter the bils have been r- nexi meeting cf May 9, 1967. promptly paid for two yeans as Carried. was discussed. A repiy te oui' ltttei' ta tht It was moved by R. Stevens - Ontario Water Resources Coin- seconded by I. Hobbs that the - mission was nead. Tht OWRC defosits be revlewed quart. La advlsed that pressure filtena erly and nefund cheques be n are not favored by them for forwarded ta tht depositans. - municipal water supplies, the Carrlcd. s-more acceptable type cf filtra, The. manager reponted that Id tien la tht canventional me2- due te changes ln Uit peak schanicai gravity filter. Tht load patternof the Electrlc ýr OWRC suggettd t bat this Systein It la now uneconomical >matter be discuased with oui' ta contrel water heatton. It consulting enginens. was recaineded that ail - It was mcved by R. Stev. future Installations or replac- , ens, stcomded by 1. Hobbs that cd heatens be connccted r- Proctor & Redfern Consulting thnough the meter and that a LEngineena be requested ta com. block cf 500 kwlirs @ .7 cents ýe ment cm the recommendatiens be allowed alter tht firsi contained i tht OWRC letton. block ef 50 kwhr. and tht sec. rCannled. onid block of 200 kwlins. d Tht manager was hIstructed menthly have been used. 1te make Inequies as ta tht It won maved by R. Stevens oeperation cf pressure filtens seconded by I. Hobbs that ell 1frain nunicipalltles where this water beatens lmtalled or ne- ýtype cff tilaI used. placed afien this date be con- s A letter frain Mns. Rida nected thnough tht meter and Webb, 25 Brown Street, con.- mot cantrolled and that the cernig a refund of charge. approved rate of .7 cents Ver made covening repairs totheîn kwhr. be used. Carried. private sewer was read. A letter froin the Interna- t fen canetul consideratlon tlnal Brotherhood cf Electri- It waa moved by R. Stevens, cal Workens concernnng tht secanded by I. Hobbs, that Uic penision cf John C. Quinsey rmanlager write Mn.. Webb as uaw netlred was read. Aften -follows: Her letten ta, Town careful study and con eration Council dated January 1, It wonu maved b y R. Stevens 1967, was not forwarded ta thtestconded by L HeM»b that hai. Commission unti March 23, pension be Increased by $55.00 167, for reply. Since thla la per month from May 15, 1967 s 1matter which affects many until ho reaches sgt 65 and praperty owners no action receives the Old Age Securlty can be taken by tht Commis- Pension. Carrlcd. alan unti le#al advicc is ob- Accounts of the Electrlc De- tained. Carried. partinent amountIng te Tht 1967 Capital Expndi- $103,865.81 for the menth of turc Budget for thte Metnlc March 1987 were prescntcd 1Dept. amountig ta $84,300.00 for Commission approval. Lwas studled sud discusscd and It was moved by B. Stevens tas a result It; was moved by scconded by 1. Hobbs that the Rt. Stevens seconded by I. accounts b. approvtd as pic- Habbs that Ontario Hydro a p sented. Cried, preval of tht 1967 Budget be Accounts of the Water De- reqested. Tht 1967 budgect partmeuit amountlng te wi eflnanced frein aval1- *6,600.05 for tht month oe able funda snd funds ta be- Marci 1907 wcre presented for corne avallable during 19M. Commisson approvaL Carried. It was movcd by IL Stevens On motion ot R. Stevens, seconded by 1. Hobbs that the sccanded by L. Hobbs the man- accounts be sppnoved as pro- ager won authorized te Inveit uent.d. Carnled. $,000.00 ef the Electrie Dept. As iusructed at the lest funda in 180 day certificates regar metIng themnae bcaring 5 Ver enthIntei'ogt premcted e report showinth wlth Uie Canadien Imperial relative conte of an ugder- Bank of Commerce. This sur, ground and distribu. plus ta b. transitred ftreintien systm ila ew sub-dl- tht curreat accut. Cari& violon&,, lor tht ptwoo et ý7 2 TME SHULMAN CASE tor Shlman promlued net to release 2Liaodindi h eenicn any critical commenta, f the Attorney '~stitution of things tliat society cannot GnrlsDprnet n gedt exiat uxiless a controlling power upo communicate with the Attorney- Gen- tii* wll nd ppeiteis îacd ame-eral througli the supervlsory coroner, 16where, and the less of it there iS within h uevsr oonr ol ltl1 'the more there must be of it without. terfere in the Metro Coroner's Off ioe, îSa wrote Edmund Burke, the eminent nor cail individual coroners about their il English writer and historian, many cases. 19 years ago. 18 On Monday of last week thue Prime Mfr. Wishart deciared that no 16 Mlnister made a statement to the House, eee ntôof tisdn ia evr hbeenf m with respect to the dismissal of Doctor nterewud oadnemlthele noer is no 6 Shulman from the post of Chef Coroner wudcneplt nei~it ý2 for Metropoitan Toronto. such an agreement with any offiiai of 12 theli rtet î Certain allegations, Mr. Robarts eatet istated, mnade by Doctor Shulman, had The duties of the supervising cor- reflected on the Government, the At- oner of Ontario, lie added, as well as torney General and senior niembers of those of the supervlsig coroner for the Attorney General's staff. any metropolitan area, are set down These aliegations, the Prime Min- ini the Coronersa Act. el ister asserted, cannot be treated iightly Doctor Shuinian lias previousiy 1 as they are accusations that can raise recoinmended, it is reported, that Doc- doubts in the minds of the public as ta toi' Sereny be appointed as coroner for the conduct of senior civil servants, and Metropolitan Toronto. In tliis connec- as ta the motives cf tlie Government tion the member for Downsview, Mr'. in conducting the affairs of tlie people Singer, questioned the Attorney Gen- of Ontaria, and are, in themselves, very eral as to why the appolntnuent waa not destructive of moral among the civil made ta fi a vacancy in North Toranto. servants. The recomnuendation, Mr'. Wishart It was his intention, he said, ta said, was given every consideration, as proceed immediately, under the Publie is the ordinary procedure, with advice inquiries Act, ta conduct a full, cam- on the matter being obtained froin per- plete, impartial inquiry into Doctor sans familiar wîth the individual and Shulman's accusations. the duties of the office. On Friday, the Prime Minister an- Doctor Sereny had admirable quali- nounced the appaintment of Chief Jus- ties, it was~ learned, in some specialities, tice Parker ta head the inquiry, assur- but generai practitioners, who are flot ing the Legisiature that it would be speciaiists, are considered to be more proceeded with as quickly as possible. objective in conducting inquests since Following the statement of the they receive expert advice generaily Prime Minister an Monday, Mr. Nixon, from wltnesses. Doctor Sereny's recom-1 leader of the opposition, questioncd the mendation was based on lis knawledge Attorney Generai as ta whether, under of blood alcohol tests and effects. the Coroner's Act, a caroner's chief res- "On wliat authority, and on whose ponsibility is ta the public or ta the instructions dld Mi'. Jack HUIS attempt Attorney Generai. ta seize Doctor Shulman's file of April Mr'. Wishart, in replying, stated 9th, 1967?"l that the coroner lias a common law duty This question was asked by Mr'. ta the public, but that duty, as circum- Singer, and in answer the Attorney scribed in the Act, Is reiated ta the General affirned that Mr. His attend-ç supervisory and advisory capacity cf ed the office cf Doctor Shuiman on the i the supervising coroner of Ontario (Dr. above date for the purpose cf ensuring H. B. Cotnam). that the employees would be aware cf At this point Mr. Bryden (N.D.P., the change, and to ensure that no fui'- il Woodblne), interjected that the provin- ther public files would be removed, be- cial supervising coroner has no statu- cause Doctor Shulman had been remov- tory authority over the chief coroner at ing mattrial from tht office. c ail. There was neyer any intention on 1 Mi'. Nixon further asked why, In lis Departnuent's part ta remove files. E view of tht fact that Dôctor Shuiman Mr. Wishart stated that a itumber cfe was dismissed on April 6th, no an- files, following Doctor Shulman's dis-i nauncement was made of tht dismissal missal, had been removed by him. b i tht legisiature on April 7th. Tht ail important question, "why h Mr. Wishart repiied that it was was the coroner dismissed",' was an- considered only proper ta notify tht swered several times by the Attorney s( officiai concerned first, and it was Im- GeneraL ti possible ta do thiis until tht afternoon Tht supervisory coroner foi' Metro- G cf April 7th. politan Toronto, Mi'. Wishart declared, ol Fui'ther questioning elicited the lIn- had repudiated -the authority cf thte e formation that Doctor Shulman had ai- supervising coroner for Ontario, and he Ji ieged ta Mr. Wishart that information had, without justification, lmpugned thetc on cases had been suppressed. These integrlty cf tht Attoney General's De- CE aliegations, Mr. Wishart said, had ail partment in a manner which was com- im been Investigated but wert pleteiy inconsistent with tht responsi- at found ta bt contrary ta fact. biiity and tht junisdictional authoi'ity 'w Considerable questioning followed cf tht office of chief coroner. S with respect ta an agreement, suggested With the matter naw in the handsaca by Doctor Shuiman, and climed by him of one cf tht nation's outstanding chef Fi ta have been made with tht Attorney justices, and wlth broad teriscf refer- -J Generai. ence, tht true facts should be revealed Under tht alleged agreement, Dec- in tht days ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompklns, Shelly and Robbie, were Sunday visitonsi Port Hope last week, wlth Mr'. and Mn. Ralph Toinins and boys. Visitera at tht manse last week included Rev. and Mrs. Wmn. Patterson of Whitby and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster. Mrs. W. Hancocc of Peter- borough and Mrs. G. Burkitt were Thursday afternoon caîl- ers at Mr. Tupper Johnstona. Mr'. and Mrsý Jin Holdaway and boys arrived at Mr. Harry Wade's on Thursday to spend a week, enroute to their home in Fim Flon, Manitoba. They were living the past winter season in Springfield, where Mr'. Holdaway was a member of tht Springfield Indians hockey teani. There were nine tables In Play at tht Community Hall card Party on Friday evening, winners bcing: High lady, .Elaine Caswell; hlgh gent, Gladys Brown, draws, Diane Partridge, Wallace Boughen; ,dci prize, Mra. Carl Lang- staff. Mr$. Carl Eickell under- aient surgery In Memorial lias- pital on Fniday mornlng. Local people attending the Odd Fellows Ladies' Night at the Temple, Saturday evenig, included: Mn. and Mns. Harry WVade, Mr'. and Mns. Reid WTood, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Mr'. and Mrs. Jim, Caswell, Mr'. and Mrs. Don Tinkle, Mr. and Mra. Wallace Boughen. Mrm. Melville Samis, assiat- id by her aister, Miss Noreen Prouse, entertaied et a bridal shower fer their niece, Miss Elva Ann Robinson, on 'niday nlght. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son were Frlday evening visi- tos wlth Mr. and Mrs. Jin Gilrner, Port Hope. Heather and Wendy Lane if Port Ho pe spent tht week- end with Mi'. and Mra. C. M. cones. Mr'. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- tn attendcd an anniversary ýelebration for Mr. and Mn. Murray Porter of Detroit, held it the haine cf Mr. and Mra. Wally Campbell, Bowmanville gaturday evening. Mr'. and Mn. Melville Janes iccompanied by Mrs. Clinton ?arrow, visited Mrs. Bea rones at Clvic Hospital, Pet- i I PGROCETERIA SHIGHWAY No. 2 AT MAPLE GROVE -' 623-3921 Shopping for a tiler? You can't do botter, than wlth an Ariens JET-line rotary tiller) The finest engineered on the market tadaygl these machines are quality-built for long; dependable service. 3, 4 and 5 h.p. models - two with tine reverse. So easy to use, niake- gardening a real pleasure ail season long. Ste Your Local Dealer W. H4. BROWN FARM EQUIPMENT 91 KIGUOS ST. . SEVIC WSAINI FEGLO'1A.SEVCESATON BR.1 GRAHAM'S GARAGE McGREGOR HARDWARE LTD. 95 ING ST. W. BOWMANVILLES CHISTIE'S 20/o4 'BREAD JUGMILK, r5 oaves 89C Plus I I I I OUR GAS PUMPS NOW OPEN No. 2 GMS No. 1 GAS f ~ Per Ae Fr STORE NOURS MONDAY THRU SATURtDAY 8:30 to 9 p.m. OPEN SUNDAYS and HOUIDAYS, 10 te 6 p-nî OVEN FIHBREAD RBUNS SWIET ROLLS SUNDAY, onIdving ppr12:45% McInTOSH APPLES, EEIG. 53e 3-1b. f Po1y Bag 397C W. Reserve the Right To Limit QuantifIes. Swift's Ever Sweet E E E E E QUALITY Te COWAN EQUIPMENÎ LTD. TRACY OSMON'D, Sales Representatlve MON ST. E. PHONE 623-5689 ANNUAL MEETING WIDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 1967 COBOURG GOLF end CURLING CLUB 1 1 comparimo we wer able ta The Canadisu Statsman Dowmunvfle, Apr. U1% Ion obtain froin a neighbouring munlclpallty the costa cf con- etutn n underground dis« erborough, Saturday after- leth Burley and famUy tributonsysteito serve a 39 "* bourg, ncludlng th lot ub-dvlaon; the lots aver- Mr. and Mm rs Im ima addition, a new baby d* age 75' frontage. The cost per were Saturday evening visitora ter, Janet Noreen. lot arnounted te $628.72 with- wlth Mr'. and Mrs. C. Brown. Mn.- Edth JOhnta ïout street lightlng whlch ae- Mr. and Mus. BI Wade and former local reaIdený W crngto Information recelv- boys vire Sunday nigh ii !nakng her home in 7oW c wlll be $4,500.00 or $112.50 ner guests at Mr' Harry is a patient I Port Pomf7 per lot. Wade's. together with .Mr. and Hospital, where she undei,. We have designed an over- Mrs. Jini Hldaway and boys. wen~t surgery the latter part o-et head s3stem to serve this sane Mr. and Mm', Stan Brown Mr. and Mns. Waly Cm tub- dMaldon at an estim ated and fam ly f Oshawa C-e90u4thSor e S nd a Po t eost of $227.54 per lot wlth Sundas pe guests wlth Mr'. ci) and daught.r of Bowmanq street llghtlng conslstlng of 16 and Mrs. Rosa Brown and ville, werc lnvolved I A 250 W mercury vapor lamps at faxnfly. serlou . accident on Sunday, $2,400.00 or $61.50 per lot. hfr. and Mrs. Doug. Wagg afternoon, west of Newcastle, Thisa resuits I an increase I and faniily of Markhazn were resulting i the death of on* cost per lot of $401.18 for thc dinner guests, Sunday, wlth person and critical injuries to, underground distribution sys- Mr. and Mrs. Sld Brown and several others. Word reached tei and «nIi ncrease cf $51.00 daughtcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Puret per lot for street lightlng. Mrn. Wallace Boughen was at London, on their way hom It was rroved by R. Stevens a visitai', Sunday, wlth Mr. to Detroit, and they retuinsi. seconded by I. Hobbs that the and Mns. Alvin Yeo, and s0on, to Bowmanvllc. manager ta male the necessary Oirono. Remember the Centennlal reservations for those who wuîî Dnnergests, Sunday, wlth Pot-luck Supper and g et-to-. be attendlng the A.M.E.U. Mr. and Mi. Phil Gilmer and gether i the Sunday School Summer Conference, June 7, family were Mir. and Mrs. Jin Hall on Monday, April2 1987, I Cornwall. Carried. Gilmer and famlly, Port Hope starting at 6 p.m. There à.I There beig no tuthr bus- and Mr. and Mns. Frank Gi- be a shwing of pictures and hiess to core before Uic Coin mer, celebratng Mr. Gimer's somne musical number. mission saine w s adjourned. birthday (exact age n t stat- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cd)!1 Callers wlth Mns. C. Burley, The advcnt of nuclear.eloo. ...-J 1 B.R. by Alex Carruthers,, A& P P. M PLE ROVE 1