10 he Canadian Statesman. BowmnvMfe, Api. 19, 10?vie-ruldnt W&u Th1% Je g, uqretay -treasurer and PubicelatonsconOntario Aj venor; Mms Ina Palmer, Mrs. Bruce RyleY and Mrs. Thomas Clarke Council Approves Jackson, brmnch directors; Gnaak IMrs. Addison Scott, CuratorG a a a k Ross Carr, district director, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. with Mrs. Hector Morton as Durham, announced this week The council of the Town. building inspector. The re- posed budget for the year tors; Mrs. Vincent Jackson Simonett, Minister af Energy Maip of Clarke referred a re- quest was muade to coul by 1967. and Mrs. EarI Weatherilt, and Resources Management far qmet for a building permit ta Mr. Les Reid who recently Cauncil gave autharity to Suinshine committee; M r s. Provincial grants totalllng $1,- construct a warkshop and purchased property on Centre the Road Superintendent to Emery Smith, Resolutions; 100 ta the Ganaraska Conser- storal shed ln Orono, ta a Street in the Village. Mr. advertise for tenders for Icid-Mi,. Ted Spencely, convenor eingl of couricil with the Reid in speaking ta counicil ing and hauling gravel and af Agriculture and Canadian -stated the shed would be used also for the primihg of cer-1 Industries prgrams; Mirs. Ro- Ua ~ ~for starage and horse shoeing. tain roads in the Township of ýbert Ry!ey, canvenor o! Hom UE U E -Council granted authority Clarke. Ecnornics and Health pro IV V V L ta the building inspector ta A letter was received !rom M oMi~rIcQualdd ter t E1a«11» the hlghest returns for Harry oe build em a dMr.l the Clarke Township Public Education programns; M rs R.. No. 5, 709r wool by Patronlzint your ing onRthe e t bui d a el- School Board re the applica- Harry Ryley, leader oi 4à Bowmanville, Ontario ownOrgniztin. awacetheexitig rad l-tion ta the Ontario Municipal Club, with Mrs. John Neals Dear Mr. James: O Ons tiP on.ECT TO: cein pr lot 29, con- Baard for the propased addi- and Mrs. Ross Neals, assîst- I read with great interest aiPCLEC O esin4o the Township af tion to the Kendal Public ants. the articles in the States- Our Retlstered Clarke. col Wareous No.1, leter romCantackre- Payments in the amountsl Mrs. Ross Carr gave corn- man af Aprîl l3th, af the Waehtouse O.ari questing the building af ad- o! $1,676.18 for general, $10,- ments oni the program theme praposed agricultural pra- Wetn Otro ditional access roads ta Mas- 652.07 and $782.50 were ap- «Why Do I Belong to' thc gram ta be started at Pine Obtain sacks and twlne part race track was ordered Wre' nttt. without charge from fie.prove for payment. Woe. nslue' Ridge School. The article filed. 1A resalutian wàs passed Reports were heard from states that boys between W . J. H A LE free s Of noting the change ta Daylight ail committees and pragram the ages of l5 and 16 with M Je HA E th Tonshi Hal inOrooýSaingtime on April 29th. convenars, showing a year of subnarmal intelligence and __for centennial purposes. The Authority was given by prOgress with good education.. lack of education are ta be J..OBONO~ request was made ta coul council ta prepare a by-law aI pragramns at each of the trained in the business of or by writing to by Mr. S. Mather woi t ta estabîîsh an audit fee for ten meetings held thraughout farming. As xny husband is tempting ta promate nana hudti1naonta h er in thîs business, I realize CANADIAN teur show for the Cenien'nii aars000. I t-tre ebespdnaw the classification he is CO-OPERATIVE week. The show is ta be held Tet-he mmespi presumed ta be in: if yau WOLGOIES in aid af the Orono Artificiall Wage Increases their ices, Plus three lufe are too dumb ta be any- WOLIMITE Ice Fund. 1 By resolution council ap- members. thjng else, you can always LIMITEDMrs. R. Chater, secretary ail praved wage increases retro- Plans were made for a be a farmer. I take great 40St. Clair Avenue East the Clarke Township Aban- active ta January lst, 1967:. number ta attend the Durham exception ta this lune ai Toronto 7, Ontario doned Cemetery Board, pre- Clerk-treasurer, $1,500.0() per East District Annual meeting . al sented council with their pr- -annum; Assistant ta the clerk, ta be held at Cavan on May A $900.00 per annum; Steno- lOth, with Mrs. Harry Ryley, Ag iulu a grapher, 25e per hour; Asses- Mrs. Hector Morto'n, Mrs. riutua sor, $500.00 per annum; Fore- Thomas Jennîngs and Mrs. M men, aperators, 15c per hour; Ina Palmer appointed asvot Mechanics, laborers, etc., l0c ing egasC ln r r per hour. The secretary read letters Thursday, May 4th-Durham A by-law was also passed! from Miss Ethel Chapman, County Federation af Agricul- by council increasing the former editor ai "Home and ture, monthly meeting, On- Reéeve's salary ta a sum ai Country" and from Mrs. Mar- tario Department af Agri- tA A IV L P$1,000.00. Councîllors are ta ian Party, the newly appoint- culture and Food, 14 Frank St., H treceive $350.00 plus $100.00 . d editor; aIse from the On- Bowmanville. TH E W SIN G for the chairmanship ai cer'- tario President, Mrs. Everett _1lj a.m. - High School tain council committees. The Small cancerning Institute Guidance Teachers Day, Me- Raad and Bridge Committee work. chanics Building, K. A. S., . . . . that nickes a private chairman is ta receve $150.È In was planned ta enter a Kemptville. above bis councillor's pav. float in the Parade onMa Monday. May l5th-Peter- herd sire expensively tiresonie ... -Timnes. 22nd ta be held in Mayjtinbrog out ee n with the Victoria Day Cen- Spray School, 7:30 p.m., at **..Waiting until fie is two years oldB tennial celebration. Neil Maciarlane Equipment to ee hathi caveswil lok ..ETHANY $5.00 is to be donated ta the Limited, R.R. No. 7, Peter- to slic wht hi caveswillloo MeBethany Athletic Association borough (Hwy. 7 East). TB Chir ta be used as prize money on Saturday, May 27th-Gradu- * ... aitng nti h isfou yers ldA successiul Clînic forithir Sparts Day. ation, K.A.S., Kemptville. Tuberculin and Diabetes Test- 'Mrs. Harry Ryley thanked to sce how his heifers wiIl develop .. ing. followed by x-rays, was the members for her re-elec- held in the village this weck tion and gave a sumrnary aiof h va Watn . * * i sx ears l sponsored by the Durham and the highlights ai the year'sl III ei Waîinguntl h 15SIXoldNorthumberland Health Unit. wark, which had included a ta see if his daughters will produce ... Approximately 280 adults bus trip ta Belleville where R ~ ~ attended. S c h o o 1 children members toured the School ReuIgseIULgU ait were doinc previousîy. for the Deal; a visit ta a car- You an dvelo you hed (ad inarne' IMrs. Noel Wood was the pet-cleaning factory in Peter-'n tllto ______________________(nd___orne clinic supervisor assisted by boraugh; a speaker froîn the ISaltO Mrs. Douglas Smelt, Mrs. Consumer's Association; a faster with à "no waiting" A.1. proven sire. Buils. Thomas Jennings, Mrs. Char- talk by A. O. Daîrymple, Ag- Durham was represented by les Morton, Mrs. Leonard ricultural Representative- aRsslC.Hny MPad of ail breeds,'with known ability, are as near as Driver, Mrs. Ina Palmer, Mrs. talk by J. H. Bates public Mrs. Honey at the installation Walter Neals, Mrs. Ross Carr, schaol Inspector, a filîm on ai Roland Michener as Gov- your telephone. For catalogues or further infor- Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Mrs. Expo; sponsoring of the 4-Hiernor General in Ottawa an mnation, contact your local technician. Emery Smith, Mrs. Levi Mc- Club, etc.1 Monday. Gi, Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. Lunch was served by the. The installation ceremony ,Robert Gilmaur and Mrs. hostess Mrs. Earl Mc'Quad toi place in the Senate Cham- Ronald Wilson. assisted by Mrs. Vicn ber of the Parliament Build- Ek ~n EBethany Women's institute Jackson and Mrs. Bru centy ings. Mr. Michener succeeds ~I~ K ~ Ms.H I « ley. Mrs. Ted Spencely won the late General George P. C E T A N A R OMs arry Ryey was the lucky tecpri. Vanier, and is Canada's third unanimously rc-elected aseap native-born Gcvernar-General. ~A~ U E ~ pp~** President ai the BethanyWo- The May meeting will fea -_______ --..CÀDLE 13 .E UIN G men's Institute at their meet- turc a pragram on "Safety" homneai Mrs. Eanl McQuaid. af Mrs. HarrY Ryley. U YP O Mrs. Vincent Jackson chair- A sale ai plants, slips and .,À& s.s c iA iiO Ned the election ai officers bulbs cencluded the meeting. Pontypool U.C.W. Meeting Iwith the following appaint- The regular monthly meet- ______________ ments: Mrs. Addison Sctt, ing ai the Pantypool U.C.W. OBITUARYwas held at the home ai Mrs. UAN~~uaa1*AUApril I lth, with an attend- ROY W O D W A D S T E ANPERCY RAYWARD ance af ten members. Mrs. TO S E ATTH death of Prcy Hay.. Van Wieringen presided. Sunnybrook Hospital, Toron- in charge af Mrs. Willard ta, on Tuesday, April 11, 197.Skuce and cansisted ai hymns, AGRICO SERVICE CENTRE IN B OWMAN VILLEIHe had been 111 for a year prayer and scripture reading. Son ai the late Charles a rea ding. Hayward and Grace Granger,' Roll cali was answcred with >he was born at West Coken, a donation for the bazaar Samerset, Egad n e table or fish pond. The sec- ceived bis education at Yeouil, retary's report for March was Somerset, England. On ep- rcad and approved. The sec- tember 19, 1919, hie married retary read a letten and pro- the former Roseina Mary Os gress report fnom Kwong Yuk borne, Who survives Chun, the graup's foster child in Hn og Comning ta Canada in 1923, Hng.og LOCAL AGRICO '~SERVICES He's; right in your arsb iSady ta Program. He knows the gras go 0 SoliAJ1lysis ho stocka the fertillzer that's rigi e Plant Analy*d Agrico hlgh enalysTe and regular bulk or bag. A law-cost spresad e HMighAaler to saVO you tue and Money and FPtIIZU'Ammonla applicators are avallal ~ or SqStert thîs apring witli a sai anal e Oulk Spreadlng crop ylêlds. You can do lt with tý Equlp.nt Rntaiservice Centre. * 1'* Ahydua AIIIOIS Cait hlm to-day. and Appilctor 'Ti sth-1C ÂGrnlcuLTWIAL CHESMAÏS Mug LONDM.OANMVLL!pmr hOPe tAGICO Sm" VCE CENTRE, ROYWOODW43%, MAAGI help you Plan Your fortilizer eil and crop conditions end tht for local crops. r fertîlizers are supplled ln fr rentai service la provided id ln *ornearase Anhydrous île et low rentaI rates. lysis and move up to higher tha helP of your local Agrîco Idifference EWMM X8W id *mmCo ^*ADpa*s Bowmanville pproves 7 Grant s Pvation Authority. ek The grants are for additional en preiminary enginering study R. of the Ganaraska River, capi- gy tai improvements ta the Gar- or den Hill Conservation area and [capital improvements ta the ýr-Port Hope Conservation area. reasoning. Let us look at It from the boys' point ai view. Many o! these are from the city and came fram deprived homes. They have always lived in the city and wauld be completely unhappy away fram their accustom- cd environment. On a iarm they wou]d be expected ta work from ten ta twelve haurs a day for a six day week with very fcw hl- days nor could they expect the remuneratian th ei r town or city counterparts could expect. In essence, are we not saying ta these boys: this is ail you're Worth and ail you can ex- pect with youn limited in- telligence and background? As for the farmer's paint ai vicw, he has thausands ai dollars invested in ma- chineny and livestock. Does he wish ta entrust someone ai questionable maturity, someone with a limited sense af respansibility, with the maintenance of his pro- perty ior eve9ý short perods withaut supervision? One ai the farmer's greatest fears is fire. What ai the careless smoker? No man today can hope ta set up a farm without thousands ai dollars ai capi- tal. This is out ai range ai the average individual let alane the boys the govern- ment has in mi. Thus thcy cauld cxpect ta be farm helpers for the rest ai their lives with passibly the lowest rate ai pay in the whole labar force today. la this fair just because they anc uniortunate enough ta he below average intelli- gence and wards ai the court? Today only twelve per- cent ai Ontania's population i farms. Is it practical ta train boys fan a dwindling labor market? And thîs pilot program is being set Up at considenable expense ta the taxpayers, requiring eleven staff members ta train twelve boys. This in itself seems badly unbal- anced. Instead ai inflicting up- on the farmer the resuits oi this program, why could net industry be paid ta train these boys? Today men af keen intelligence are spen ding their days I ln labels on wnd- Ishields on gas tanks, run- ning elevators and other Isuch repetitive jobs. Be- Icause the hourly Wage is good, they staY at it in spite of boredomn. Why could flot the boys in question be trained for suc tasks as this? In Industry they would- have constant super- vision which a farmner has flot time to give. They wauld also receive unem- ployment insurance, hospi- talîzation and pensions with very littie mental or physi- cal effort on their part. By depriving them of oppor- tunities like this, are we flot in tact deprivng them of the things they are en- titled to because they are so unfortunate as to be wards of the court? Does rny argument mnake sense? If flot, I will sign myself a subnormnal wile of a subnormal farmer. Yours sincerely, FOR GREATER VALUE FROM YOUR FERTILIZER DOLLAR USE ÀERO® BRAND Why are more farmers coming to Ceresdale? Because we have the FERTILIZER your CROP needs. CORNK GRAIN, TOBACCO, POTATOES, ORCHARDS, HAY aind PASTURE, Etc. Ail the regular analysis plus many others such as: PONTYPOOL Bfor .'htrarWdoMuiz= ê Mr. and Mrs. Colin Heth- cutt.and Smith Funeral Homiq erington werc Sunday visioOn Mondajrevenilng., Deceas with Mr and Mr. Freded was a Past District Master, with m ian d MsPast Master of Lotusa L.O.L. Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Hanna 279 and *as for 5ô year a and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter, mriebro i Odr h and son Don, a1l ai Janetvile, _nît< Church was flled to were Suinday visitons with Mr. capacity on Tuesday whea and Mrs. Bob Brown. Rev. Piercy conducted thqb Mrs. Lily Richardson is service with interment in 'the, spending a few days in Toron- local cemnetery. ta and will be attending the We are also sorry ta rep funeral ai Mrs. Cuily, widow the passing o! Mrs. Ws o! the late Wilbert Cully. De- Millbrook. Interment wiug ceased is survived by two in Pantypool Cemeter» l daughters, Miss Evelyn and Tiiesday. j Marjorie (Mrs. Percy Mc- Wor. Sister Kay Youngman Mahon), bath o! Toronto. and Sister Ashley will be We are glad ta repart that official delegates ta the Qrar4 Mrs. Mac Webb ai Bethany Orange Sessions a! Offtarli has been discharged from Civjc East which wilI be held le Hospital and Is convalescing Kingston, April 21-22. with her daughter near Peter- We. understand that Uic Ol. borough. P. were called in recently te L.O.L. 82 members were investigate some local rab.w assisted by about 40 members beries. Some lumber wug af Lodges fram Durham East taken from the Pellatt FactorÏ 6-24-24 In 1966 in Durham County we rnixed fertilizer for the top five fields in Corn Competition, the top f ield in Field Crop Competition; the 19-19-19 10-20-30 W. can offer fertilizer in bags or hulk Bulk delivery and spreading service consultation Weed and Insect chemicals Atrazine and Korn Oil ANHYDROUS AMMONIA NITROGEN Crop and soi! HIGHER YIELDS - INCREASED PROFITS IN ONTARIO CUSTOM BLEND IS THE TREND CERESDALE FERTILIZERS LTD. CALL NEWCASTLE BOWMANVILLE 1.987-4711 623-7150 JUMBO GARMENT BAG BONUS I Bowanile ttndd niit crpt ron - the pulpit and United Church regularly un- replace with a new one, and tii a seis illness eight aIse have the seats in the *years &go.. church Varnished. A comnmissionaire, the de- Sunday, June 4th, has been ccased joincd the Corps af set for the date fan the Anni- gCommissionaures, Toronto, in versany Service. It had been *1941. He reccived bis 25 yeaný planned ta have a Garden Pin ion service in 1966, much Party and bazaar the follow- ai these Ycars being spent as, îng week. Mrs. Earl Argue, a guard at the Unemplo3iment principal ai the Pontypool Insurance -Office in Oshawa. Public School, contacted aur Mn. l-jayward retired eight graup and suggested that iand a haIt yeans ago. The de-, ýince the school will be clos- ceased senved il yeans in the Ing in June, that a Pontypool Bitish Armny, lst Battalion School Reunion for alI former Somerset Light înîantry, joun-. PuPils ai the schaol would be ing in 1906 and serving inlin arder. A buffet lunch Malta, China and France. His wauld be servcd by the ladies rank was corparal. aiter the visitors had been ta Survvin, bsids hs wfethe school. F'ollowing a leng- Survvin, bsids hs wiethy discussion and a vote, it are two daughters, Marion was decided ta forego having (Mrs. Raye West), Oronand h ade at, andista Grace (Mis. Ray Champa),se the buffe Pat lud nh and Macdon, Oie;and four hold the bazaar and iish pond grandchildren, Darlene, Raye a this time. A cammittee and Barry West, Orono), and waet ontdt aa ie Cindy Champa, Macedonia. . gettîng tednalooaiforer Also surviving are two ss.15 tis fromaiesoffote ter, rs F.Talo an Ms.pupilsfo he register at G.rs PMr.Fay lorSa ndrset En-Bethany. The event will be Gla n y o ere, E g held sometime in June, and a Th fnra erie a hl definite date is ta be decided frThe Moris unral Cwsha - upan at the next meeting, Pel, Bowmanvllle, on Thuns- be committes wii day. April 13th, and was con- ducted by Rev. G. K. Ward Mns. Paul Mucha and Mrs. o! Trinity United Church. George VanDamn were ap- Duning the service, organist pointed te be in charge of the Mis. Albert Cale played twa card party ta be held at the favorite hymns, Onw arnd school* on April 2lst. Christian Soldiers and The Treasurcr's report was read OId Rugged Cross. Interment by Mrs. McKay. was in Bethesda Cemetery.. Mizpah Benediction ciosed Pive Commissionaires from the meeting. Lunch was ser- Tarante and anc Royal Cana- vcd by Mrs. Lethangue and dian Legion Member, Mn. J. Mrs. Fallis, hostessex for the Newman, were palîbearers. evening. Among the mnany beautiful The next meeting wiil be floral tributes, evidence ai held at the home ai Mrs. Wil- the esteem In which the de- lard Skuce on Tuesday, May ceased.was held, were those 2nd. Rail cailita, be answered from the Corps a! Commis- as for April. Due ta such a ionaires, Taranto, Ro yalI long meeting, the travelogue CanadiRn Legion Bnanch 178. which Mrs. Van Wieringen Orono Hydro Commission and had planned was pastponed Police Truate... until the 3May meeting. from vour FUELS AND LUBRICANTS FOR HOME. FARIM AND O NUSTAY Dean Neighbour: You May wonder why distnibutons Of Texaca Petroisua Products are offering youz a free Jumbo arment Stoage Bag. 1.1, there are tua rasons: 1. We ant ta thank thoso people ho deal ith us for thin valud business and to invite those who havn't tried ur fine praduots ta do so. 2. It's Sping. an important tice or the yean tan al afus and us anted ta provide your hans ith a useul, quality item associated vth this seasn. This excellent arment Bag is yours F1PZE ith the purchase ai Texaco Products' and believe us it has al the eatures ladies look on in items ai this type rm double hanges ta complets mth proaing. As a tunthen gesture ai aur appreciation ar your continued patronage this year, ve have assembied a group ar remarkabie merchandise valuaa £an workshp. home and gardn. which. jWsrecertain, you iii ind bard ta resiSt Thoyere yours eithen for cash or on your Texaca Credit Card with yur rurtier puchases or Texaca Fana Fuels or Hating Otis. We'I1 be happy ta give you an order .blank. BILL SKELDING FUELS A. L. WEARN FUELS Newtonville, Ontario *Ask for details or minimum purhase requireucrt. Enniskillen, Ontario Phone: 263-2291 And don't miss these big bargains qouw offered in a ppreciation of your further purchases 0 *SEVEIV INCH POWER SAW reg. 37.95................ ONLY$279 *%igPOWER DRILLreg. $18.95 .........................ONLY $14-135 * WOODEN SALAD SET (9 Pieces) reg. $18.95 ............ ONLY $ 12-95 * ELEGANT CENTENNIAL TRAY reg. $1 2.95 ............... ONLY $ 7-96 * OSCILLATING SPRINKLER PLUS SOARE HOSEreg.$8.95.ONLY $ 5.95 e j' w ý 1 e4w 20- 0.20 8-32-16