These permifts are valid for! Tt Iasted fer several weekil Tu aaian Saua.EwavlA,.1,16 Ii only six months from date of betore we Lot il dr con- * j......:~i .u .uu au.r. * * jissue, added Mr. Warren. trol. On Monday morning. Mr. Taylor explained that: February I3th, I looked out M ucii r te s Co r he obtained packing cases and it was away again. It ifrom Duplate and used them! muat have started up during Held in B wmavill edas a windbreak for -hsi Mr. Harmer said he dld fnot tenant's car. Ha added that iight the lire, for had hé em- Aeril 18, 1967 'and removed the wheelu tram nothing aise and I've been.'the day after lie received his ployed anyone to light il. He ~1cry ranekage 27his car. He estimated the driving a car since before a; summons to appear in court1 de hth a upn à-nvlepeae9g"tyO value of the tires at about $303 license was needed te drive" i toa*k ail the~ lumber down1eupetndirhoena ared driving April 9th on- ach. An hour later, when, Wellington Godfrey, R.R.» 3 and piled lit in a heap. reel mounted on a truck. advice of V. W. Targonl James Brockmnan arrived, elected trial by magistrate Conviction brought a fne of "lThis district, which used ~~~~ ~~Parry sold him the four tires and pleaded not guilty taý $50 and saven dollars costs,' ob pn or~> r.~sal .Tlsn for $25 with the promise that three charges af abtainingi or seven days. A beoncouin t r," s aid ais ,Csonotab e patrlol when the wheels would be returned.i goods fram Pye and Grant: Lloyd Harmner, R.R. 4~. trate Baxter. "There is a ht' oasradie trol ekacrHs lnwst report the! Qil Limited by worthless pleaded flot guilty of burning ý town dunip near my own pro-...... .. he wastaied tram hekBicrai wheels stolen, callect the in-, cheques. This as adjourned' waste material in his gravel et hihi upoe ab at~30mies n ou. A hirurance and buy new tires.j until May lflth. pit February l3th. Hae a adfle. ohn smr followed it inta Newcastle lie inethe meantime ha had a; William James M a r t onr, represented by John Greer.i annoying or dangeraus than ;W i adrn v r det et and tram work. Hei aged 20, Cedarcrest Beach,' Charles Warren stated that; smoke and pieces af burning ..... al it ne in veraltma denied that Brockman knew1 was convicted for public in- when Mr. Harmer bought theldebris like Mr. McKee bas on ocet a thesoleon. h is ln oiainadfnd$5ad property on Lot 6, Concession described. And the odour of d)îver was unataady i î- Constable L. F. wDrydetncsorivdy. Evidancai 4, it had bean operated as ai burning rubber is niost ob- teet and srnelled strongly ai' 9PP, said that h ett was given by Corporal J. Mc-, gravel pit. Whule on patroi jectionale. , , fa ~ lPM alcahol. Ha had been at ai investigate the reported stol- Guey. February 13 the inspector! Mr ra one u htI*I1 ii m wedding in Oshawa the day,îan wheals and tires and tound, Edward Edwards, aged 35, noticed a tire and consider-i rth re r p adfotee po-u F W IIthaU I Y..m II I ID U bsore and had only had two' the brand new car without a 13 Innard Road, Toronto, con- able smoke in the piit. e buc adnetbeenpro houri sleep. Ha was drii';scratch On it sitting on its! victd ai illegal possession ot produced a photograph as an!IIn cP aoysd.DoIon cstmso aa espdies. . mtJ* ha . n a hua mathe ro rm church hubs. He was skeptical of lîquor, was tlned $50 and! axhibit. Ha was informed' "Mr. Strike probably as-.amTt Oiough to kriow good food vaiues when .Ux« wsec. u .eywo 1 h e ohay aertemhat aeo. Parry'ms muonsAt Dominionyuko hey, td atd told the ofcrta a ar' tr and called the costs, or saven days, and the, that Mr. Harmer was work-1sumed I have seen It seo ottn t. cy »0. hfl taoffai o m nn titan t i eanOJ Oo nigl lu ocl had hd a botte otbeer e~! shaw Polce Dpartmnt lquorconfscatd. in at he tre, n reurnin~ I now t byheart" reliedatim stoe WEI n mid wlc oI. Dmantos an com.tlis thonu'etbee a 'aillr' a forehand. raquesting them ta check Constable L. F. Dryden,! to his office the building i n-' the magistrate. "However BWYdB 10W Mmca have mUutsmd upi Add DomninIon. etitCmonn 1 uo ,M.Francek admnitted a Brockman's rasidence. Early opptîdt- outha 1 :spectar found that a corn- there was na evidence excthept- O JJ M Miab tIfdeh hm O lubiidwllCoitne e1 p~evios convction n 1962 Iii da aîte~~oan rockma1 ceiv d tetouta e onte iion îurl eMo~m id o'ot fer.atpen..imuccad oqaeî g ' fr u a onsi tiottnce 'is 1 cama othaetaonBchmt aiveda cali February 181 plaint had been registerad inl that of Mr. Harmer himsalf yIout. gote i ousarK ion o tre1W" ac.eyowftftDmulmok tfate R. B. Baxter fined him f ica. then went back ta Osh- abkou tpm.the ck udenar ar. isabsen ' that rit wa. waH e thaidctewa $100 and costs, or saven days, awa and returned with the prkon Th n ua thudn Mr. Warr aded lthat uri.Ha as icalbot and there was an aiaals and tires in the trunk been drir)king and had a part, was informed that a charge from Goodyear was stili suspension of license for thrae of his car. battie af liquor in the car.! would be laid since there had smouldering tram a tire there. ts M il e au e N Spotor fl~~~nths Detctîv Davd Edardsai Te oticer arranged lodgingl been many warnings. He said If he cani prove that h ol James Brockman, 350 Les- the Oshawa Police farce tes- for him in a Newcastle hotel that Mr. Harmar had an ar- bring a civil action. But once _________________________ li teOs haw. aGrer tifedthtfoloin he' l fr the night and seized th& rangement with Goodyear ta this is on his proparty it iseïù of the M eat CetnilrJc ptsntdbyJh Ger.Hý rmCosabeDrdn h iqo.dispose of their industrialI his respansibility ta sea that l TEBY0 H ER I ET-N AT p4eaded neot guilty o! attempt- went with anather afficer ta; Bernard and Seiby Steeves, waste. When this was burned tdîsmîssîno th hrnige buam T H U OF HEYA -ALM AT-N W S ialg ta mislead police Decam-ý the Brockman residence. At, charged with rape March 3ilst,,complaints had came in quiteý imsigtecag btr 15th. first Brockman refused them' and rapresented by Johin regularly. About a year or, warning him that if this hap- , Douglas Parry told thaý entry saying ha hadi no know- Greer, were turther remnand- se ago they reached Township f pans again ha can ba con- - court that ha worked in Gen- idga ai the wheels and tires e n a k i uso y o0cl w er t w s s g et victed."O éta Mtors as did Brockman, ram Parry's car. Latar with: Wayne Armstrong Adasdthtr.Hrarurth Mate PorsyRR., had now fo! serchwarant he ffierspleadad not guiîty af impaîr-i waste înstead af burning it. lwas charged with usinga about three years. Ha statedlfound nothing in the house on ed driving December Ilth andý George McKae said ha hadi ana-family dwalling as a two- M tIpat ha called the local OPp'tha car. The y requestad thatiguilty af illagal possession a!' owned proparty just sauth of 'famiiy unit. Ha admittad " YO""UNG IMPORTED LAMB 4ketachment office about 9. he comae ta Bowmanvîlle and! liquor. !the gravai pît for three yaars. that his brother-in-law was, HEEM- VRET A.-T- HP -SE alni and told then, the tireidiscusi the matter with Con-I Evidenca was that police; On Fabruary 13 there was ani living in the same house but 2K E ELV REY-RAT COS-SE and whaels had bean stolen'stable Dryden. 1 fallowed his car north o111 east wind and the tire had addad that ha could flot turn - Off his car parked outside hisi Magistrata Baxten remnand-, Waverley Road tram Base! fnot bothered him so much hm out with a l0-months-old conversation told hi ha tance report. or e-san- funhad thetor.1 bee B INa fArcBA SK ET 2 3cive. îÏould be charged with mak-i Andrew Dunn, a 78-yar-;Bai wafhs and i his ap- cr1h a suc afraid tee av e the The matter wau adjournedi Tne at Rb ing a taise repart. For this.aid salesman, heard a trafficrpearance and mannar af driv-' premisas .in case it should gat ut May 1thfor M.Po-; Tne at î aySola covc1 inti hreaanthdsîsding the two charges wara laid. into the bush that surrounded 1kanskv te ak te ar court..on a tchnicality. This was adjourned for na his buildings and ha would' age ets ak ter a- Pýarry admitted that ha came! 'I ve, had lots of parking1 week. be wiped aut. Ther a ernons esinaM home from shift about 2 a.m.1tickets,"said Mr. Dunn, 1"but aoI RsTare, aen o.i Ilh aml4cor 14,9 li tet laelvradpieces ai burnt de-: concernied i- -mlycor build a garage withut a pr- ialling in ry yard," conlud- et hl rHlfOl tDmno CENTENNIAI. GAME ~~mit Februa y 4th. A. A. H.:edMr.McKeetîtcut KNA L IDPg FINAL WINNER: ýprosecution in this and the~ 1957 and the bylaw was pas- WE 1 R RS. R. BUDEL i following cases. sed two years later. H hd'AdF steMpeLa peLafMl ue lke M R .R U E inspecter, told Bis Worship1b ut an arrangement whereby ware in Peterborough Thurs. M___ f mmc 38 Third St. tomnil hat ha found a makeshîft' industnial waste was brought' day celebrating Mrs. Low's I d * -z Bowmanville building af packing casas an1 in the Goodyear truck andbirthday. ~IIJ U D e WIL ECIE $OOoGITLot 35, Concession 3, aracted' dme.B de hti r.Jh ecradMs s-* * * Pkg. O l U WILRCIEA$00 ITon a garage toundation. Tira summer ha buried it and in .Jac hCn aM re nd Bih 5,W -p pmhald bean îssuldingThai ad hanged t bunying Jc aitfGadnHil 4 ' reimRnSOP T CETFCT RMowned by Mr. Taylor. No complaints about burning ha anitd w Mrs. . MarySaturdy--fo n ~ ( C E T I I C T E F O Mm a k s l e a h i b i d i g , w i t a u r e d i t o i o w n g v i i e d w i h r s a r L x o S iM's P r m u m R i d i s IC O F I E N E F E S F S Lloyd's General Storeinspecter sent a latter sug- year 'round. 1aron .u'au 5tiE ub gsigthat the building bel "When the tire accurred in! We wish ta extend aur sym- B e kfs B C N.minetMdM Insu elPrmàbd% Hi h a o at o s a a cause it dd fnt meet building mer "I ws tld that there ch r a edal Jr. roon, onII stanard. H prduc d 'ahdbean a tira at the plant the passing ai her brother, 7 9g , au uau~uu U b Is PRIME'MINI.STER: phatograph takan March 15! but the wasta niateriai had Mn. Breckenbridge of Mill- showing that nothing had been soakad batora it was brook.MisC W Stwr__ LETRB PAS -e oe H adnhtM.MisC .ntwr LESER . PARSNbende.HsadtaM. brought ta ha dumped. It taught in ber place Friday.ITH RD YN HTFA U ERDYNG TFAT R qiTaylor told bum that ha adi must have smuldered unda- M. and Mrs. T. Stevens -HRDY NG TFAU EFIA obtained a permit In 1962. ground beona bursting forth. wera down to their tarm last PM.T L9PM.OL6PM.TI 9..Q X - ~~~~~~week anct were dinner guests 6..TL .M NY6PM HOW WEIL DO YOU KNOW CANADA'S PRIME MINISTERSSewrt ic CREo- FAvorsltClPArk Congratulations ta Mrs. Neil EM Pn 4Z Elliatt on winnlng the Prima ____________________2 1c____ n5 - Mînister contast last waak. - vu A~I '~l F k S I P I ~ 1 f i l IAi* Miss Joyce Ellitt was home Sv n D mno'Bad ~~ rLR1 me ~~enienniai ~~iame -bu ~ouia f~~~fl with han parents, Mr. andiBet uyThsW k HlioBac-Pg.olO AV _____________ Mns. E. Couroux, Mrs. H ltopBlc - -k George Mercar, and Mrs. W.i LyIn Valley - 28-os. Tins SAVE 16e 1 Our April Special 1 For the. B:st CLEARANCE OF p n gMrcer wer: in Toonafto Tues-MA' ES fr$ .0 'EA G13~5 B E In U hoîster Lake iew O A O S fr$.0 Richmello 4 Flavours--t.BikAV 10 ORNEDIKEntertainment Smlstknt h The W. I. ladies quiltad, Maxwell House 30e Off - 10-oz. Jar Reg. Price $1.89 IP E C .,EA ,' ORNEDIKReg. $9.50 - $9.95 - $10.50 home their Penny Sala Quilt Thuns- ICELC i 40-oz. ONLY --- 19C THE Free s$600 s dayand Friday. Tt loSToANksC F EE $1.9 Domino Soda Water o 0o.Bti OPR O FLYING ONLYthe Mr.and wr. a tei 128-oz. Container SAVE 10c 1 eOîtS o Gien O E SfWHYTEhBROSLiquid Bleach 79cGinger AeÀ9 i~ae DUTCHN J EA HY E RI son, Mn. and Mns. Jack Gar- nC AIÇ otuntry Girl - 24-os ie AE6 DAIRY FURNITURE AI butt and Lisa, Mike, Gary and JAV EX iudUe c 9 MOTOR HOTEL SHOE REPAIRFRNT EAN Kelly. Visiting with thern--Scott 4 Clours - 2Roll pkg BAE Pe ro t FOr AEHTAURANT AND PET SHOP 5UPHOLSTERING ISunday warel Mn. and Mrs. AVE 6cR A I4SIN I Sf9 Prdct orLie Hy.41 623-3373 80KnStW5KigE 623-5252 Stanke and thein ou aug--______EL 4 Church was hald a sa Home Needs Licensed Mechani 16- %0YjM _>_jyeaars ai healthtul ivinýjg. _-_ - Sweet JuicyA J UAl M . and Mrs. Eddie Couraux Mutn& ol Uhiteiq Generail StoereiT and Lynn, and M. and Mrs. , ag GouldOne Mile eu t oreshw Realtor RaY Couroux of Oshawa wre Acd Service Station 12In t .6374 Town Lin@ on Righway 2 bcktatheir cottage et Lae Jpen aiFshFA.bak0Drath MNcen s n 72% Scugog St. 623-7451 10 igS. .63741 Oe ka.m. 14 Frank St. 623-3950 Kushog an Sunday. Et c a.m.-_10____Miss____________was Ideal For Salads _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t h e g u e s t o f M is s C a n l D o - ~P n nasik ai P rt Hope na night Bo IWI Comnpliments we 1k. KELVIINATOR last weak. -~-~ U Ii, SLOT RACING KITS* îa.A . ostutv rîeu 2-DOOR NO-FROST Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boy n H ER YIUM A IT JE~ 1SJ o Il ..A osrcieciii REFRIGERATOR and family ai Pontypool visit- AND ACCESSORJES toc,.. heip un to continunee aî .d bis father, Mr. Jamnes Boy, M Eustway *I u t nSna.- to pleue yu! * 102 M. rezeM.an1 r . avd SAil Marchandise la Guaranteed To ie10 itaato 15% Off ListLnsFrpltet and faniily visited wth her Vý Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, pi 2 6,l HihaN. For Phone nw S D irart 338900parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowmawill nry oNOmparnmowSxg Ls $8 0 e , uàa.WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO(II UNII OpnBoln OUR PRICE ------$299.95 Mracnd Ms ay tnos BY NSEvery Day N' with trade visited the weekend with Open Thurs. and Fri.Nghsti9pm Ope Bolin N K ~COWAN their daughtar, Miss Marie SMOKE SHP51et ensd0BEUY AO Fostar, and Mrs. Kerslake at 31 Kingat.723-3485nqir 65 King St. E. 623741 EQUIPMENT CO. St. Catherines, Mns. Foster la _____ 723-3485____ 134 King E.. Bowmanvilij staying for the week. -Members ai aur cburch ?' Board were ta Tara on Sun- Iday ta interview the Bey. E. ftII URLT TOAY FOR *CI* iW. Todd. As it was impos- ~V IS I ~ LT ~ OR ~sible ta get up there for his TRADING POST SPECIALS _nrigsriearne . mentis have been made for bim __ ita came down to Newtonvîlle i' g t n ipo vne(ih WE CAN SAVE YOU $ $ $ HERE 1 for a service Wednesday av-i. îg S.adSm inAvne(iho o at ening, April 26th, nt 8 p.m., A A A A sa mnake an endeavour to be out to hear hi. a* ,,, nu