Tlhe Caah taueowmaavma, Amr. l,îm,1? - "n-1 ____________ Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Livestock For Sale Wanted to Rent Ra saefrSl Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estato a atPrdei '1Phrm y1967 now available, 16-10 Cli 62-2376. 1-1M. Vogels, Newtonville, Phone age, between Bowmanville13 fAces,2Marns, -LL e RONO an Storebe,for- Pte Ko at reereka hamayWAERfo slean divre, .E RFRGEATRgood 786-2518. 16-1* and Oshawa, on Highway 2. ho1us es, ate;nlrns, 6-oom edroon i 2-s$1ry0bouse,,ga0 F-rXng Street East. 16-3 Cmli CMi Pethick 263-2131 condition. Phone 623-3563. 17 PIGS six weeks nid, also easonable rient. Write Ad- gouindarktedgaodie unae, agew, fui pric e.00,hone REALORETR DENNIS -Bill and Nancy RODNEY oats. Phone.263-8808. 16-1 1,000 bales of hay. Cali vertisr 0,opoCnai n ood nre d e n laynd o9down,7% moae 16hon <nee Hancock) are proud te I5-30 ONE boy'. bicycle, 16" frame, 263-2030. 16-1 Statesman, P.O. Box 190 opn oa.Doh ayet 9350.1- m EEALISRNEPoo0350 annotunce the arrivai of their GIRL'S Spring coat, zfre 7. 11km new, $15. 54 Church St. GRADE Shortorn cow with __________ ma,0P oat oh88-45.52Fak EKin 62-4g ro Stsory.rmebos ab. 9%/4oz. on April 6, 1 967 1o6al-1ddliee SET of drag harrowsset oi Oron o 983-5690. 16-1* N oti esH___________________N wcasle_ i t e r a l eH o sp it l eanor, 7 P h R o 23 30 2.16- 1a1nhdf r c îf on w ek ld N ti e s181 E g lin ton A v en u e E ast L IM IT E D 1 roo m b rick b u n a o w i h a l r m , a g e a a e an aI tat Mlem r itl osit for- 24 hour,service. C ml 623-5756. lever harrows. Phone 623-5821. REISTERED Brown Swiss CALL y ur Rawliegh dealer. Toronto 12, Ont.21 K n . W, Bo m vl e extras. $16,801 300 d w . b r o ag o. S ial Uu1â and Barba-m. 16-1 GOOD aeed potatoe, carlyGO 16-1 heifer, seven months. Bill 983-5570. 14-TF 154 21 Kig St. W, _________ 623-3stl93 Cobbleru.' Phone 786-2202 OO quality horse hay. Henderson, Bowmanville. Dr. Anfossi's offiïce-wil be rombugaow3-he3cti3$935 hpyta announce the STUDEBAJ<ER Service, n. -- 1- W yugso l Terms. o lrgxottVrresyt __________161 orn cos May 28th inclusive. 15-7 Real Estate Board Attached garag,$2.0 aiOhhoftheir son Raymond and used parts. Grahmm'u SPY apples, $2.50 per bushel, Unit bred, springers close up. STANDING Realtor SPRINGSPECIALS HmtnAe eroiha n o a.Akn re lredde on Aprit 17 at Memnorial Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf misa sweet cider. W. T. Cox, Morelmnd Farmi at Enfield, P IGSE AL opital, Bowmmnville hn 2-27 16-1 Phone 263-2778. Hampon1A th rfrC rlna dRc-ROLLEIFLEX 4 x 4 camera10 H A xr odA T D6 3 7 6 Oshawa - Gooul Stream bungalw o ce lt A $l5 0 ens b -o v e r y c o z y h mea 1 . 0 .C n r l y l c t d - e r o d.16-1 and lens hood, $65 HAY, large New Holland10HA xr od Here- Reglstered Quarter Hor-se Sunhet Road 160 Acres of land 4 miles Terms arranged or best offer. 623-3444. 16-1* bales, 45c; aIma straw. Pete fards, Durhams and Hoisteins, Staillon NrhEs ________________________ w ileCreif B l ck H u g h es with atached bg r ug, nlo d strearn, lr e barns. Just lst- B50'x i llE,~ . n y at As i g r c E n ag m ntK YS cu utnatcll, lîî ew on iie w 6-l e ar r s to ck-ear-olst er ed Blacklarge ,5)(. 0.X 11 ' ht$ Yeu________________________440_JOCrawler steers. Sale, Tuesday, April die iihdrc omwtlNwHms 7 i-. and Mrs. R. D). Patfield ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- lader with GM diesel M tor. 25. George A. McGowan, N o. 89,177 baer. A kn ny $090 ateo raO l w et alrg tn w N w ate w er M nno nce he e gage ent ai v lle.3 -tf Pho e Qi ana 83-5 44. 16-1 Pone 778-2213, H avelock Fee at t re of service - $75.00 lT r s 240 A cres. H ouse w ith b th- ta see one aof e e b a t f l f a m u g l w w t u their second daughtei- ShirleyTRLE foret8mie TWO girls' bicycles, 26" and '16-1 ReunF Sao ast of Bowmanville raam and furnace. Large homes. N.H.A. em.rostinafe ue oa Pr vtdm n y W y e, f o i Exo9r pa e f i g and 28" w heels, blue and w h ite, - M ai-e C r 1 0 e C ountry living, 3 bedroom ,stream . Paved road. G ravel Three A partm e t D e ln i n o a w l a d c p d l t n-itM-. a ndMseA tveRlctiiandndWaynter. like ne Phopnee2-55 (fr iCre-$10 prda . .,* ~- odest snoMran r.A tveetiiyadwtr i eW. Poe6355. Car~js for SJale'brick bungalow, aîmost new, --- - Only $27,00.0 - Ternis. fully rented. 1 ae sig$050 V Cax, ail of Bowmanville. sleeps six, $100 weekly. MECHANICAL transplanter '56 PLYMOUTH. Telephoe- ore Bare -TriedwihHolyn d ithniexr îo cr etea ng Vr godcndtin O pvd oa,15ace e. wedding ta take place 728-8253. 6- (ie ew, 0 8qur sky 63rng)' hurcli at 3 p.n. 16-1 BALED sti-aw, 30c bale; ord- for strawberries (ne w ). '5CHV A C only $18,900. Terms. Iing. Partly wooded . aw$in,0rce$7.00 er ae o osighn,623-2234. 16.1* CHVELE, V8, canvert- 1fh.C Handynian's Speclal ' Terms. Two stores ad3aat * I1 r.iblMe Phoadnc-e 263fr-ve,2073b.Joh.1 1CDA-1ripbotfibe Abc.rhoe 23-07. 1.1 Cotat OB EGETE IAce lt it tru1steam 1AAcees, weatNewcastlnerll lcatd.TrnHaptn Aea 1 ace ot *umber* Frankford, Ontario, Johnston, R.R. 1, Tyrone, t le- glass bottom, trailer, matai-, '63 BUICK, like new, reason- NEWTONVILLE bouse partly finished. Asking Good location near No. 2 ment. Hot waterhaigwt ata ccsl ag Wîisb ta announce the engage- phone 263-2644. 6-1 $425. Phone 623-7348 or Orona able. Phone 623-7694. 16-1 ony$.0.Lwdw a- Hwy. Wooded land. Ideal for'alF1yrne.Pie atre uliglt rcdt 'tent ai their daugliter Ruth INSULATION, blawing meth-98514 16-1 1957 PONTIAC, very good, ment, building your home. $5,500 -se. iYonica, ta Arnold Douglas od, with rock wool. Work- ALLIS-CHALMERS D17 gas condition. Phone 623-2632.- Countr-y Living ptuart Redknap, son of Mi-. maimhip guaranteed. Fi-ce tractai-, power steering; aisoe _ 61Bw~vlePbi col $950 Down for this 2 bcd- * *Leage pum4om soeuer_____6- 6nd Mrs. Alfred G. RedknaP estimates, Harry L. Wade, 4-furrow xnounted plaw. Cal'9MTO tto aotaino room bungalow with garage. .5 Acres Near Orono I ngo odto.Ltu 9 kMEplacesonSaiundwygoMyRegistrtino. E.n od o i6f Oshawa. The wedding ta Phone Newtonville 786-2256. Welcome 753-2292. 16-1 6 cylinder, standard transmis-. Large lot. Full price only Good brick 7-room borne, show you the eri o h 38-tf BUYING or 5ellin-g furniture sien, $350. Phone 623-7348 or Pupîls f or $4,500. Bai-n. $14.500. linvestment. G A EL aehoit hr FrankordIUSD washeî- parts, matai-s, or appliances, eall Elmer, Qi-ana 983-50. 6$ 2,000 Down .50 Acres Near Hampton Large 9 i-nomhoecset Ohurcho. eatty, Thor and Crosley Hampton: business 263-2294 - 1955 DODGE in gn sound Kndergarten Tri-Plex, close ta Oshawa, God house, barn, streain school. Verywelcrdf.RalEtt applancs, atinaly aver reidece 63-695 6-f sapethrughut;new licence This registration w~ill take fully rented, yearly i-cnt $2616. Ideal cammuter farm. Only Offrinitel tised lne ai furniture. Paddy's 18' CEDAR strîp Peterborough plates and battery, $150. Wal- place the week of Asking anly $14.700. $23000-Ters fesivt FLoLU.comng Mar-ket, Hampton, 263-2241. boat and 25 bai-se Johnson lace Pascae, 263-8458. 16-1 * After Hours PI geCIIl - ermi. Iov M rige34tf motai-, perfect condition. Ivan 1962 FORD 4-DoorSîT-ATION May 8 to 12 Mr.IgrJres 8-441 I Acres Peat moss ioMahoe Gaeo ran Bd M arriage T YPE W R IT E RS, $49, no Mountjoy, Blackstock. 16-2 WAGON, Licence No. X15234,IA Birth Certificate showing Mr6-1Inge Jorgenhaw987-449 N ;i-OOho me fl argcrna 6 33 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. William money down, $2 wkly. Add- GOOD quality alfalfa and 6 cylinder, standard shif t:,1hild', date of birth ls required ______ ia saa da o col agi t$250 Robinson, Bowmanville, ah- ci-s, Cashiers, File Cab., new, roeha 5ble 1950 white wlth red interli-r. A!for each child at that ti . A.L.lGaerfedeposint red fror qucTe.riewd t dIa $.0. iI ica-l ctbVse >Iounce the forthcomlng mai-- used, rentaIs, service, trades. bCoe. wth 154 baeotor, good. real sharpy. This wagonor bas Biage Pried t Xnage ai their daughtes- Rose Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North tires. wPhone98644 . 16-2 beod en al hple Thisericagnd' i rth Certificates for children sale. Nm orontri bsns îhgo unvr Elaine, ta Mi-. Douglas Walter of Oshawa). 2t ie._ hne9647.__1- be opeeysriced and 1 n nOntario may he ob- REAL ESTATE AND 164 Acres - Simcei-St. N. 6 Rme ome osetwnp tr atan iigqatr I ately, son ai Mi-. and Mi-. 1-fLDE et 'x18,gons ready' for many bai-ns Ro hm Waltr Htely BomanvhleGOOD cob corn, irrigated dur- shDe ent, tracan8p, pales nd of trouble frece, ipleasant miles tained by forwarding informa- INSURANCE Terrifie investmfent. Goodîping. In very jodcniin 1.00dwsokicue ýW1trHaeyBwianile setexr cnpy ols ando transportation. Good wag- 'tion (parents' place af birth) 'Boa manvIlle - 36 Liberty N.1home, large painted barnas. 'Modernua-.Ra vleCh o furthe dtals 'The wedding will take place ing season, $45 ton on fmi-m. tent beater, $85. Teleph ane 1 r t htafn, adnt and $2.00 ta Regfistrar Gen- 623-7264 IStream, Owner retiriag. Un- at $9,800. P'iiday, l9th ai May, 1967, St. Also thi-ce-point hitcb or fast 623-3185, Bwmanville. 161* !deîare Ing today andsebuo eral of Ontario, 70 Lombard: equaîîcd value at ony$700Atr9pm1lae al EEA TRi er Paul's United Chui-ch, Bow- hitcb International disc, 28 St., Toronto. Blwmaavîlland North Lib-$67,village an 9ood CoPni ~xanv11c.- 16.* bldes, ery aod cnditon, REE take-away ai household1 yourself a bai-gain. emi ________ 6-1*$250. Henry Eikens, -R.R. 2, discardables fi-rn garage, Full Prîce is - - $995.00 If Parents do not now have erty, 4 bedroams, lot 66' x IA. L. Code --62245Ra. Soe as tahd M. and M s. Reginald Qi-n, 983-5279. -16-1 basement and attic. Gve me ART'S CAR MARKET such prof of age, it shoud be 1124', close ta sh i l ad sho 100 Acre Grae ir . A. MacGregor 8-27d eha. My b ucae îlowen, Bowmmnville. wish ta SAILEQAT for sale, "Light- a cmii. Phone 623-7276. 1- 194-196 Chureh Street acquii-ed wlthout delay. Iping. Asking $15,000. Termm. j 1 Mile No. 115 and No. 35 P. Kowal Jr.-- 62588eumeticde.Sca 4 Announce the fortbcoming ning", in good saiîîng con- -1- BOWMANVILLE1 Bowmanville - Carlisle Av- jHwys. Omono ai-ca. 7-room' 'Inariage ai their daughter dition, compiete with trailer, DeLAVAL milker, anc unit 'Cash - Trade - Tcrms A. M. THOMPSON, enue, 3 bcdroom brick, gar- bouse, large bai-a. Near 60' Yorcnniae fIla June, ta Mr-. Donald- Bruce sails, etc.; ideal family boat, with pipes; two-weltriePhone 623-5064 SpriigPicpl gnwbtsois o-fc ppit. Owner's age Oil .evi Jensen, son ai Mi-. and. Mn.. hoids ive comfortably; 20 DeLaval electrie separator, No. ___6_____ -1__ ____16_______ 2__ dition. Asking $11.500. 33,0001forces sale. $65.000 - TeriELETT T.~ cr n ayse.Py -Chester- Jensen, Bowmanviile. feet long, $850.00. Can be 3. Ernest Hockaday, 263-2708. _____ -161 down. 1 Lindsay - 2 Mlles 4FRALk Stt i drad ny$00 c ýhe mariage ta take place in seen nt 104 King St. E., in 16-1 Pets V/ork Wanted Enaiskillea - Enjoy country14 Frnk i-re,omae 13owmanville Baptist Churcb Bowmanville. Phone Edward YOU get the qliviucx EITRD ims . SWN lcatûs es nrg,close taeoos nd ai-10Acriicstour. Pod.1w hone cmo bna6etr,52o bikbna ________ __x-__ _____ atin _ ý!brckbouse. Large painted'OOOARS 8ArsOHWcoc .i$ auo'clock.16, i Smul6-47.16-1 So id wKithr 20 year tens, blue points, champion- able. -Phone 623-3749. 16-1 sopig. Only 39,000 wîth wt e e ___________1___1_________ _____________1___ mecial lcationnearPSoppin FIRTH BROStck.Ohaa 76188.lAkidin00 -Opn oi- 10w. FRHBO , guarantce. Loi-ne Allin, shp1 ok.Ohw 5615.ROTO -TILLING and ]ight iow down paymcnt. g $3.000 aOpe Deah.s47 lngE. hon 62-501 Pinc St 161 _________16-1 trucking. Caîl 623-2622. 15-2 Highway No. 2 - ewcaoffers. Easy ternis. Dets4 igE hoe6358 rne t 61Bten We hv ag eeto fbt.Some buh ndaafritee.Hva a :eANNNAdlie arh .- BRING VOUR BEEF 35 HP-.MOTOR,19-64 Mer- Fo1en BACKHOE and fi-ont end load- Bowmanville and Oshawa. 2 1 ae aclsarse leina stream. ~A NO , de in S ra E -I OR PO IX TO US cury; 14' boat with contras, F or__ ___ __ ___ __ ___cm w rk. Reasonable pi-ies. Acres with 2 bedroom b use, 1 S ONE HOU asheaway eeral Hospitte on ilzeln.. windshield, plus tai-p and trail- ROOM or roomers. Phon- Phone 786-2223. 13-tf bath and furnace. A barganBwanville, Tyrone, Hamp- Acres. Modernie stnewhtrusram Na pv sseawa pneraullyosatttheoneCSpaTOM C ukhi623_-2687._oneat 310,000 with r an ton and Kendal Hilîs at vers' bouse. Large bai- ihsal d od red I Üesday, April 18. 1967, Ade- C SO CUTTING!er, $695 or best offer. 38 Duk 2-67 16-1 CLEMEYT Poulti-v, Custoni dawn payment. atras.cti e csand ffie lilanr xeletsil a- C Sarah _E. BeaccSt., d WRPIN N»~ Bow.manviîîe. 1- UR HDromfr i-ctPcking, read y for freezer. termLO, 5 s20' *ife ai fhe late William Ban- 12-POO)T moldcd plywood Phone 623-7355. 16-1 Phone Ncwcastle 987i-4353aa-Stt. ibd-omapi tien levng mthe of rs. . QUC_______boa,________________g 8-t brick bouse, on main street, tm25tAtaiEspeet *lo, lvin moheraipes.J.M.IC FRZEN boaNwndsieleseerngcPARMEN.cleasscaltcosetaeveytbng.Pried a HO ME Swit exellnt uiling.sLrgeForfrindcelhnlentdiebun Vd r (ain ),thea Mry lo5c rl. wheel, controis, customn made after 6 o'cack, 623-3058. 16-1 RELIABLE woman will look sel] witb imail down payment Bowmanville, Excellent Value modern brick hrclN i-eApass-Aytmex éd ndo uerl ofMaryv- TV $565 best orad alr fe hide.Rfr .adgood ternis an balance. b silo and dies bwyei-. Resting nt Mclntosb- TQU7P5'or etofr Telephone HEATED apartmeat. Apply Central. Phono 623-2994. New brick ranch bungalowba-.Lresea.Cl:cp udyonct *ndrso Fuera Hoe._ervTVTOW RE.233W.. 1-ra180KinyE.-orPho623-3560 153 Îon.Bralem62st561Io acre 1 aieoflandnd, - brib-are e i th chpel623-3185. $5 u 16-1* -E. Ken A. Caverly- 263-2632 ci-ty St. N. 1,800 sq. it. livin og e VanDyk 6373. Ptil id - 9743 p rc i n 0 t e :ch a p o In t r .a y , S U pB I S N w î p o e d a -1 -1 P A I N T I N G a n d D e c r a tin g -1 - 1 s p a c e . 3 -C a r g a r a g e w 2 0 A C R E S : W it h r c o e L w e e h t e - 0 3 2 5 ep 0a :0 ..Itr SHAWA and Pasture Mixture, eed NEWCëASLEË, thi-e bedrooni Interior and exterior. Cal_______________coameiedaro.El ge- a-s malsiem.FakHckt alîa1r Mient Qi-ana Cemetery. 16-1 T SUPY TD.cornl United M.R. Cyclone apartment. Phone 623-7694. Oshawa 723-1253 after 4 ýceo rai ie atom.EeatAkn 3150- Ofc obansidrd OOR OMNI TVSPL L .lw preader. Your Bishop - -- - - 16-1 o'ciock. 16-3, VVW fLed Lo_.uUy ti-mse. Ak1003150 AfesCodREWtdhit BROWN, Colin Manzel-At Taunton Rd.. EOshawa Sced Man, J. A. Rosevear, BACHELOR, aisno ane, Ïtw-o GT1or aitngdocno. 4rBYS icce.T100oo * * ACREeS:r «ersdw.327476334 M1iI e m o nri a H s pa , B Ap - Jrt E stoüR to8R, 2 3 2 0 5l1. * a n d 3 -b e d ro o ni a p a rtm e n ts. In te rio r a n d e x te r i . B e st 6 2 3 - 2 2 3 7 . 1 6-1s a w C m er i lA sk in g $ 9 ,5 0 0 .C a : G e r e1 1 19, llc, on Brown of Lesail , Dial 723-8131 POWER Lawn Mow r Service, 1Phone 623-5044. 15-2 rates in twn. Phone 576-0644 CE- R- -e --- OsChl a al -Coner c- it 'aDk 2-47 O967, bCovhusiBrondaiofeMard, Day or nitht - f111 Leask, Prop. tune-up and repairs teal THREE-i-oom hcatod apart- Oshawa.8-5213. 16fene p* o ad and ab ork Road. o 50VBEED FAR 613-Acrs.7 ,gret Etta Morris, and demi- GENERAL FREEZERS niakes, blades sharpencd. ment. Qucen and Ontario, May MOUNTJOY Backhac Service -SD o--a-l. Ryx 113' with 6-room homne, two Good buildings. Pvdra jather ai Mai-y (Mi-.. Roy 1967 Modelu Phone 623-2376 or 623-2470 forI- lt; upstairs; $65. Telepboae -onaios-SptetnsSD ort__Ph 6232479 athoms. Would suit two location. Stream. Akn . Thompsan) af Leskard, in bis pickup or leave at 1 Queen 623-.2147. _____1.2 -du nd ackfilî- ed.i ans-Short, Panc 2-27. 16-1 dcos ay3700 e-s1$000.0 em..~ . t'4th year. Rested' at the Bar- 24 eu. ft. CREST FRtEEZER St. E., Bowmanville. 1-1 AARM1Tn6run forMundyBlackstock 986-4737. LIVE paultry7,00aid feather30,01450ACRE Frm :WtLarelo lI kwFuneral Home, Qi-ana, rgla ri.32900 AFT Bulk Cooiei736 can; central, reasonable rent, three 1-ftcs .Fat ..1 eh l" rrlrpie$9.01 PRMN ngon loMutoBaktc 8-77 IEputy l ete ikil 45AR bnt.Sericewasheldon ALE$23,00 Surge milking machine with oams and bathroom. Apply §SHORT band-cook-or-heiping any. Phone 7 r 13 caîleet. - - Ihw acres land. Tm o kreod buiding.Moe 7Bo m vil 17u sday, Api-il 1l1at 2 ..115 eu. ft. Upright Kitchen Mdl. thi-ce units; ane stainless steel Statesmnan Office. il-tf in nursing home. Write Ad- 28 ý front lots and foui- lots on Excellent soil. StIa.Pîe Intrme t Q-an Ce etey. eq. S27 A0 ALE 322.00 was ta k, stinlss tel ETED apartment in B w- vertiser 804, c/o Canadian ACREAGE wanted, with or No. 46 Highway. Only $19 500 t a sel].6 3 2 0 16-1 e LE trug. a t62ed3- ning7anvh1e centraîîy bocated ' Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- without buildings. State full -Termns.30ARSO ti-,Har- t h ole '- immediate possession. Phone manville. ____ 15-2 particulars and prce ta Ad-1 Bowmanville - King St. E. cated aar Q-n. sig 890 ui rc P ,uh L L H dg y-A, t eC o ldnR GDouKRrgE R I L D c uc d taNonvi l 8 - 4 1 4 f INT E R IO R E x te i-or p aintin g, vertiser 797, /o T he C anadia is V aluable com m ercial ica- $1,500-00.V e y a t c iv an co - Plough Lodge, Cobourg, On dlem. Loose pilow back, PASTURE foi- 20-25 head decrating, remodelling. Dou g. Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- tion. Modemn brick bungalow. NEW CASTLE: AI at n w fo- bl t o be o m h me i aid , prl 14, 1 9 6 7 Rn i- S STo fki teto emec oi .o f ' i c a tt e . C o n ta c t J i m s a w - la s S im p so n & S o n s, P h o n o m a n v ille . 1 0 - 8 G o o d lo t. A sk i g 1 8, 0 0 -v e ry W e il k e p t 5 1 o m d b i k s u h e n i B w a v l e 'Ly bel M. Sawye, dear PIIONE 623-5579 or 4-saters, $129.95 up. Sealy do, 2nd Concession Manvers, i-na 98-514o rnan- APOIAT 0 cre 5,000 dwn. bnao Hly late ydiaM attress Sale, save $10 t a $20. R R . 3, P ontypoo i N o Phone' ville 623-7348. 16-4 wbungalow.bHoseywNew ckstce- Campai-t and largeelot. ather a Phyllis (M rs. John R.- --- M urphy C ., King St. W ., -_ _ ___ __ __ __ bo se N wc ste-Or n Laitn fBlackstock, i ESPECIALIZE IN 923-3781. 16-î* -- _ - _ _1- A. B A A'-RS -Port 'Hope - Cobourg ai-oas 2 Ycar aId 1,500 sq. ft. brick ing. le a as a pn ag he emo rc on h is 86th year. Rested at the - - HEATED apartment, 4 roms A A , Write Advertisei- 808, c/o Thelbungalow. Electrie h ea t.,lot, low taxes. $4,500dwntcelo.Neaia.$30. èhapel ai Mcflei-mott-Pana- £RAVEL TRAILERSCOMPLETE store equîpment and bath, corner of King and Plumi...,- H- tin Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box $17,900 - Toi-ms. NORTH OF01 RN:Nw$.0 an .,baker, Port Perry. Funeral * SALES încluding two walk-in coolers, Division.' Appiy Sam's Res- u1î~LX..Lalr 190, Bowmanville. 2,200 sq. ft, l bivigkpae.Tw sei-vice was held at St. John's * SERVICE Toledo scales, meat slcers, taurant, 14 Division St., Bow- 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvillc OÏNE used orchard iprayer, inOroo,2a00oosq.fTwoivnatrsoe Hsiala-a cro Anglican Churcb, Blackstock, * PARTS & ACCESSORIES saw, block and grinders, i0, manville. 16-2 * 1-tf gond shape, ta fit power Beuttu fnised hi fniaceoos Fnsbdmc.ron.bic unao. Vrei1 en Manday, April 17, 1967 at * AWNINGS frazen fond eauntei-, dairyIHU - - NEtkBo a MseyFru oe by OC HONisKebI CN- Cilepa-y.Cottsh 7524.eneinblnd inldd p.m. Interment St. John', * WIRING counter, praduce counter , UE nNewtonville on PRE takson f - h aey-wn u0oi sUCTION osKI75' x 200'ry Cut terletery, Bîackstaek. 16-1 shelving, îîght fîxtures, etc." aved read, 8 rooms, bat han ____UB AY48SmoSutOlwaJurae bia nd ndga-ca PLMING& ETI supporytePhno 3581-na.ow $15 500 aInu. aL fraHAA iooeamit3680 .~tRONAftm ashot îînss.i TAILR PRK 721-5433. l 6-1 Ispace; available May 15. Tele- Phone 623-3540 -16-1 Ipointment at once ta in.spee. n rc uglw wt Wes- t a h North Dlevo, IB W M NVI LE Lov l ___PA R K_ _ Inierntional45 Ba-r --»»- -TY- - -- s..cîa in Clarke ownfulow, under construion le apo 1 4 F r a n k S t r e e te s I C l R o y F a t e r f r1u I t r i c m î y h e a t e d . i a rMo . l a , w i k p e r o bUSSELL. Donald G.-At his HOME 10 Baler 14 Fan Street .ifOUIQVL atclas ieylcte.Siai oi uglwwtbwh-u ae hoe GlenRsarn) RP7DManssy-Fertuuon 10Bowe hneiîe__623_______39-tfaispriclr.Nieylca.S Tranet rGaneonLRederraWi), Incrnitiotondons Daes-lSMALL ongino nopai-s. Repairs * o *V.L.A. Asking $19,50 et aihae aaemi 1,1,erranporth, Cornwall, Eng- OW!NERS Trntera nLf2 eel ilrcietneso toallwmwre nswINCOME HOME: Wihala-glo.$00dwn '»n-, Apnil 7,f1967.mra bie, i!u lhGanldYon nentoa 4440 b.p. (minimum) diesel JACK BURGESS [aallwmwrcainsw, Cal623-3393 or 728-7518 modemn canveniencos ag '~~d frelya ow av ile, n t ranjdYun nentinlB1 tillers, etc. Aiso tuneupe andlo wih tra AsngLt- 1,17,atrabi Diesel Tractor tractai- cquipped with a fi-ont OIt, BURNERS - FURNA CES blades sharpencd. Fi-oc pick- &ftei- 9 Pan.: 3,ot .0 w n. ancriRd, 0 arem- oDon, beloved busband $TE£E£ BIEF New. Enjor nentoay30 a rce end loader, at the Authority CLEANIED Fup and delivery. Telephane Rob J$h3,000.75-688 OW NVIL, HIGH$.0.TidS. 0. W Avro; demr father af Mrs. Scel at its beut a&B ummer. Cm CGiTatr 450 Ofieanvl14 bFre anSrtchock EARS 63738orOoo 8-16-2onso 2-68 OMAVL Joseph Van Hoof (Cathy),Ca C aàTatr$450 omnilbfr12' EneWsn75 iapton; Michael, John and SIDES - - 37o lb. C@ek$butt 46 Diesel Tracter noon, Monday, April 24th, PHONE HAMPTON 1 o6-a2oui-9.723587STaonTc arge Mn xra,8a-h Pc le home. High MmMas HND *- -67a lb. . * *16,in a se0aied envelop87eot nw ome « fl .m S da A rl2 d,1 7, n a sae n eo e263-2151 R efrigeration Uae M Chog 2 7 4 Cl: G og a D k6373 1 mSud., pi 2r.FRONTS -4M l. NW QIPENainhy marked "Tender forreveins.M _____ _ _ _ _ _ il t NWEQIMETfo lar NClinh 2-74 t . c , B w a v l e . 1 - a p d F a r f aS E I L T r a c t a i " . T e n d e r s s h a l b e M a i l A d d r e s s : a n d t d K -u g e r -7 2 3 - 7 9 0 0 . Lu t h ooGe o r g eh l r d M e o n a i 6 3 - 8 J a a p h s R m a C t i e S , a p ~ . U i i-oy ~ I P E C I A L u ns u b m i t t e d n f o i m s s u p p l i e d P - 0 . B O 5 4 3 - B o w r n a n v i l le A 1n e e v c K . H o i ae 6 3 - 0 5a dexLs t P o t o i eW l H w e r n o 8 3 5 2 adn C boteus Payment plan, Internatioal C11-8y. t. by the Autbai-ity. Theso foi-ms Aplac SevceKn80-432-55 adExls CULTIVATOit - List Pie maY 'be abtarned by contact-. 1.'talVLI.N Cmeea ad AC- -63307AtrHusPlaoCl: HwrdWgt-*32K E mD1'..le > t lA T M ANlfl & I V I = $E 3 7 5 .t 0 - R e d c c te -_ $ 2 3 9 .9 9 - î n g t h e u n d e r s g n e d , X C E R M A N . . .t e i - 6 2 3 - 3 0 77î C o î iAL o o i e r - r ot98 - 5 0 1 D o a d e u rtsy 2 3 3 6 4 i vae- 2 6 - 2 8 M àFRIGID LO C KE T.MC W A N Secetary-Teasurer,' LOADING - T RNCHING Phono BRET STER C m b hcof 0 3Ph7llis M oobbie - 6375 tilt- Six m ple 25e S Y S EZ1lE Q U IP M E N T L T D. C on serv atio n A u th rity , F W l D e lv ere i Nlzs - 23- 377 o aro ok5 - 8 3 erD v d e - B t a y 3 -zN r i gHm c'. P o n 6 3 5 7 34 K nOtn.,B w m ile1 r n t.ri,8 a G- avel A T opS oR IEDayhs - 23-31774 Hswai-d 0orde85- R om Dav donnel - 98 76e1 . sa V l eW esle y A n d erso n - 3 4 - 6 8 L n n h it M or N U ! P h o n el2 3- t7 g 1 à4 " * g r . B a a v i e1 'î m k I ~ L R~L a n d e r H a[ r d w r e G e o r g e e a t o n - - 13-52-754 a 30WMlApMyeL1J Md RELCmeI Pr My M4987 QO.i-e VàmDYk 13737ersnociin