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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1967, p. 15

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Y r-, ~~ i i I ~~~~~~Tuition BARNES & BYAMIThe Canadian Saemn owav8e ~p.1,~7 1 * * * * PLU E!NG & HEA=IN C LiN * HIGH SCHOOL SALES & SERVICE lOooFr ,-,crds of Thanks Cards of Thank Auctoi7iù?rT ens Help Wcmted AT HOME24HU retrseupJnI Tii. Memorial Park Amscia. I would llke to thank ail WEEKJ.Y Euchre party, Tyrone Hall, MEN wanted: Are you sais- O. 01 Burner Servi1ce Now C o e o oG wt tion would like to thank every- mny friends and lamily who vr Friday night. Admis. fied with your work? Would In S~pare Jifle SEPTIC TANK~S AND>e en iAriutr on. who made donations ta attended the showers given for LIVESTOCK SALESsion'7lunch and prizes. 45-tf >'ou like a business of your Prepare for Ontario Diploma TILE DEDSThDtra Cnr Ai-T bln ndJm E ,the bazaar held April 1. We me prior ta my marriage, with at Debam County Sales Are»na Dance, Tyrans Community own? If yes, write Rawleigh 0 HOa iTheurha oit hc od wr mone at 19pprnenate h arenube secl tak ote ote.Orme - Every Thur. 7:30 pin. Hall, Saturday, April 22. Clara Dept. D-140-GG 4005 Richelieu o etrJbHMTN2328 its annuel agicutrlfrinite. ~f~ds h etnddan ud llrasue MDff eWgHosaCt ie,8w , Nesbitt Band. Everyone wel- St., St. Henry, Montreel. 16-1 All books andl Instructions TYRONE 263-2850 Orono, has nawbencasi aucsfl16-1 JleS ep t. 1 .Rllcre 16-10 BODYMAN, hourly rate plus $ month. W rite GE E LlIed as a Class " Fi. Ti E U T C T i T 164 neethnst alo & Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf Anyone wishing to go to commission, good working con- Co IEEA as made knownah ataMme 1t ý4 wish to Sincere thank rltvsadfitd o rail ai Yorkdale Plaza or downtown 1 iin, steady empoyment, American School C NSTRUCTION meeting of the drcoshi ~'P wshtasiceel tan xy elaivs ndfrenlsfo S OC ERToronto, Wednesday, April excellent opportunity for highinOo we eWives and friends for the the visita, cards and fowcrs K RSALE t hni8-22,Pr oe ae.ApyBenr' a-DEPT. 60, 624 PRINCESS ST. C R E T Y a d et 'o"ely rsnainpryadgvnt edrn yrcn Durham County Sale. Arena, 1- age, Newcastle. Telephone KINGSTON, ONTARIO dance given us following aur stay in the hospital. Special 16-1 - '..LVLN WORTh ne clsicaon il recent marriage, w th special thanks to Dr. Anfssi, Dr. Orono, Saturday, April 22ud R1 rv May 5 for Spring 987-4756. 16-i_ __ __ __ _-__ __ _ EW nME ES KaTelo w o grate rns wt thanka to the eommittee in Ferguson, nurses and staff af Selling year-lds, two-year- Tea and Home Baking Sale, CARETAKER for Royal Can- ,~*W - dNWBid I Son allfoyprctgranta aj chrinity ni adianital, Legion. Hallras Bowm can-s nd spniordtaiTriimprUnteementnLegiroHalLTImaL iaLISTING tàSimpVveme Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Yen. Harold Turner. service buils: Sale ta com. Church Women, in Church ville. Living quarters sup. Free Estimates Federal govern nt aogO awx& Dsrc 16-1 Lorne Patter. ~ Iomence promptly at 1 p.m. Hall. lg-i plied. Applications ta be in PROFESSIONAL work guar- Phone 986-4751 ith other Federlgatfo Platuattndh__imprtat_- by May 1, 1967, to Secretary, anteed. Arthur C ol1lis on, 1certain prize mie.TseRa Ett. ar ________ ain aat ed i iran t lf Plan now ta attend and tak Royal Canadian Legion, 84 623-3900. 7-tf BAKTC rnsaei - awr-Mrs. Percy Hay- I arn thankfui ta the Lord -1tp.Jc Ri n lf your children ta see the ot u enS Bwanie159LAKTCgrtsrenadtono werd and family express their and grateful ta Dr. Sylvester, Pethick, auctianeers. 16- standing film "Heidi" at Knox gratitude ta everyone for the Dr. Sproull, nurses and staff Christian Schaol next Wed- LOCAL Man Required. - Ii krindness, sympathy and flow- on third floor; Rev. j. Nutma Auction sale of 26 Short- nesday, April 26th at 8 p.Mn need a representative for my If Maney's noa abject, then this ad la not for you -ern received during their re- for the mnany good words and horn cattie, Int. B275 tractor 16-if firm in this area. This open- - but If you've a budget ta wateh, take a look -cent bereavement, especially prayers and also thanks ta with loader, N.-H. baler, M. -H.-i--__ ingmay e woth u to 8,00 thanking Miss Mabel Jewell relatives, friends and neigh- combine, fl in fimpie-B Maple Grave Guides and in ay befor th iutpero. $8,000 astoSVE veyon s eo and Mrs. Lame Phare, also bars for cards, flowers and ments, hay and straw, prop- Brownies Mothers' Association Full or part-time. Age 21 ta af how DYKSTRA'S gives 7011 MORE LOW « R«. G. Werd and Dr. H. visits. Special thanks to erty of Warren McQuade, Lot k are holding a rummage and 70. Can you make short auto PRICES, s0 every dollar you spend puts MORE eguo.16-1 friends who gave my wife a 21, Con. 4, Cartwright, 4 miles John's aIe, April 22 at, t trips? We hope you start good, liourlshlng, deliciaus food on your table. !rd otehsia vr a.east of Blackstock, on Satur- aon'st Anglican Church, 10smon and stay with us a long Adw'v teeo I would like ta ex press my r A erspt asey ay. day, April 22nd. Ternis cash. 4 .. ___ 6- re. Contact Now! Orvus J. aincere thanka to Dr. Fergu- 16-1* Sale at 1 o'clock. Victor Mal- Long Sauit Club 50 Penny Smith, Burketon, phone 263- why flot start shopping - and SAVING MORE son, nurses and staff af Me- coîni, clerk; Ted Jackson, Ted Sale and Afternoon Tea, Wed- 2330. 14-3 at DYKSTRA'S todayf! niarlal Hospital for their kind- May we express aur very Spenceley, auctioneers. 15-2 nesday, May 10, 2 ta 4 p.m riesses and care; Rev. Harold!sneeapecaint h Draws to start at 3:30 p.m.'ini SL GOYA Turner, St. Paul's U. a.W,!a ies o Trinity United St. Paus Couples' Club Tyrone Hall. Tickets are avail- MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS'PE1No1TAL tut. and cl 7 for vsinsis!Chrch, Legion Ladies, rela- A La ble froni c]ub members. 16-1do tuteand oca 74 or vsi- u _ Part tirne or full Urne, in ilowers and gifts while ý tives, friends and neighbours oi Household Furniture and Plan ta attend Bowman- Bowrnanville area. Subtantial patentinthehopiti. for their meny kindnesses, ex- Aplne ville and District Centennial commission rate, gond repeat patint n te hspial. presion ofsymath, foralAppianes Stg, :30p.m., Saturday, April business end excellent incarne Mrs. Tom Stewart. 16-1 prsin isrpehfoa a ApiP On etr.Amiso ptniewthcrerapr ____tributes and donations ta heSaurday, A rl2 2,LosCnr.Amsinptnil ih aeropr The family of- the leteiHeart Fund, in aur recent be- 1 P.M. - Church Hall $7.00. Proceeda for Centen- tunity. Write Consolidated RobrtNihosonthnkrea-reavement in the loss of a Corner of Church - Silver Sts. 'niai Fund. (Lumit 200 tickets). Paint & Varnish (Canada) tives and friends for their ex- lvn ie mother c and rand- t St. Paul's U.C.W. wlll hold a -- - -1-2Lt.,P-.Bo 3, os-ot presinsaisypahyan mthr.Spcil haksta BAKE SALE ai same tirne1 The Ladies' Evening Aux Montreel. Attention: A. P.c10I flrapresibts smpeiat Ilan Rev. G. K. Ward, Northcutt 16-2 iliary of St. Andrew's Presby- Deitz, President. 16-1 thanking the Bothwell Fam- andsmih Fuel Homei and ___ terian Church are having POSITION VACANCY il7, Bawmenviiie Legion, the ths h epdu nay Auction sale af 30 cattle 3 their Annuel Spring Buffet on Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Rev. Jonw a gur n ay. tractors, A.-C. combine, halerThrdy Ma iltw st- PUBN ISPC R George Ward and the Marris JonMaur6adFaiy forage harvester, full line ni tings, 5:30 and 6:30. Adults Queiified jaurneyman crI _______________for____________ impiements, hey and grain, $2.0M0, children $1.50. 16-1 master plumber ta assist with 16-1 In moiand furniture, tepo-Dra Chapter, O.E.S., wl inspection in County pro- 7C2 6 In______ Me erty af Ronald A. Mclntyre, hold their Opportunity and gramme. Minimum salary- W. wlsh ta express sincere ]BATTAMS-In îoving mem oy Lot 2, Con. 1, Reach Town- Bake Sale on Friday, April $5,280.00 per ennuni. Annual __________________________________ thanks and apprecietion ta of Mary Battams who passeèI ship, 4 miles west af Myrtle 2ist, in the Sunday Schooi, increase $300.00 ta maximum. neighbours, friends, Dr. C. J. away April 19, 1963. Station, on Wednesday, April Trinity United Church. Doors Mileege allowance and other Austin, staff of Chranic Floor A mother wha gave us 26. Terms cash. Sale et open at 10:00 a.m. Proceeds benefits. Applications to ha PINK CELLO PACK MAPLE LEAF of Memoriel Hospitel, Marris The best years of her lu e, 1 o'clock. Ted Jackson, Ted are used for E.S.T.A.R.L. 16-1 received prior to Mey 1, 1967. -~Funeral Chapel, Rev. M. A. Who cherished aur secrets,' Spenceley, auctioneers. 15-2 -_ Mail application ta: Secrctary, D Dougherty, for their acts af Our sorrow, aur strife. MONSTER BINGO Plumbing Inspection Depart- G A E R I OA O S C ta e R Iindness, expressions af syrn- Who taught us ta love, I have been authorized ta seli THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'elock met otu Beradx u-33RUT7M AO, otge R l pathy, also floral tributes in Adtuh st ry by public auction for the estate hem Board af Health, Bx37 the recent loss af a beloved Dear mother in heaven, of M.Tn eifi at his Sponsored by the Junior Cobourg, Ont. 6- V sister. God bless yau todey. farm, Lot 31, Con. 6, Hope Chamber of CommercePc Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey. Your lufe was unseifish, Township, 1 mile west of JUBILEE PAVILION R 49C 27cb 16-1* Footesyuivd Osaco or 3 miles east ai OS HA WA 8-tf LageS'49 cs Not for what you received, Starkviile Corners, on Satur- Don't miss the Centennial LreSz,4' Haass-My sincere thanks ta But for whet you could give. day, April 22 et 1 p.m., ail his Bahl in Janetvilie C.O.F. Hall relatives, frienda and neigh- Just a loving thought, farm mechinery, baled hayanStryAil2,ta- hbours for cards, flowers, gifts Just a silent teer, and gran,8also1956 PotiaceDEaNrBRAN and visits during my few days A beautiful memory af a car, scrap iran and stable îge ..wt h abr stay in hospital and my con- mother s0 deer. manure. Sce buis. Terms shoppers follawed by BeardDE O R N vaiescence et home. Many-SalmsedbsoDugs cash. No reserve. L. Clys- Judging Contest and Dance. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE .~ thanks ta Dr. Campbell and and famuîy. 1- dale, auctioneer; d.Gl ent Sc 1- Applications are lnvlted for Dr. Munt. Also thanks ta 1-1clerk~ . 15-ilmeAmintdis 5$16-1st _______t he position af nhuGiesitnetsBRffNon 3A an SUNNYSIDE PARK nuseswa an saffHonptl RWNI oigmemary The undersiged auctionýe M N T R BNG E A Edward Haass. 16- aiO a dear husbend and father, will scîl by public auctio O S E BIGFR MABCN W wal lietex Stanley Frederick, who passed some fermi machinery, for T ~ g with the Bownianville Wewoldlie o xress away April 20, 1962. George Davidson, Lot 31, Con- T ursday N~iht VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT.A our sincere thanks ta friends -Ever remembered by wife cession 4, Derlington Town- 74 Qualifications Include: Belng relatives and neighbors for the etcide o n rn ship, 1 mile south af Mitch- RED BARN physically fit, 18 years af age caÎrds, help, messages ai sym- dea. 16-1 el's School, on Saturday or over, resident and employ-c gathy and floral tributes dur- mornlng, April 22, 10 o'clock, OSHAWA ed in the Townf Bowman- ing 1h. b os a beloved wiîe GENA -n oigm- an A.-C. tractor with loader, 6-tf ville, preferably close ta the i - and mather. Special thanks mary of a dear husbend and half-tracks for A -C. tractor, Woodview Communiiy Centre Fire Hall, and be able, with to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ander- fether, Cherles H. Greenharn, an A.-C. lO-it. cultîvator, new; ST RiBNGO ploermtasattnd of i e as son and famlly, ao ta Mrs wopse aa pi 23, A.-C. 3-iurrow 14" high beanM ON ploermiso atndai iels - EN- EDRNO.i John Zwarun. 1966. plow; A.-C. 2-row corn cult NetWiteiplctin-ilb ýMIhaI Pýa an emiiy. God knew that hie wes vator, trector spreader, i3 N x Monday Witnapiain ilb 16h-l aescn suffering, run fertilizer tractor seeéd 7:45 P.M. receiveal by the umderslgned P ot R oast (Iiicken Legs Pr i e Thet the hbis were bard ta drill; 4-wheel trailer for trac- R DB R until Tiiesday, April 25, 1967. MEQAITclub; tr 0 alntn,2gs R DB R R. L. BYRON, FIE ULIY Sc He closed bis weary eyelids tor, 500 allonrtae.Nk, 2 gsO SH A WA Town Clerk. MONUMENTS AND And whispered, Peece be surve., smallailsh. Noae- 6-tf____ 16-1 MAKRS1 thn.10 a.m. Clifi Pethick, auc- Darlingtan Township Cen- ER IS R -iiEvraremembered by wife tioneer. 52teCTTDho onet n . S PE VS R @--a- etO w WTT-m oviJg ernorbai Wated Auditorium, To provide residentia sup-5 3lb3 9b PF4 & R.m W ATT-IMnblvnd muly. o W6-1 15-2 teniShoCng 5echert n M. iin cuslad udn o T n:Arl2-etMaple to baya 14-16 years of age. ________________ B S.LT». my deer dad who passed away Highest Cash Prices for Dead Grv and Maple Grave East-,ulfiain April 13, Crped ar Stc April 26 - North Courtice, Qaiiain ..-Lovingly remembered and BURRETT FUR FARM Courtice Highway, Slina; Iniegriy, good character, DINETTE FAMILY dwathrud sediy mîssed by bis daughter Phono Long Distance April 28--West Courtice and self-control: abillty ta insirucisu m M NMNS W Betty and son-in-lew Tom. Zenith 66550 (no charge ta yen) Enniskillen; May 1-Burketon, an id supervise adolescents, rT C CEMJU I I Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 63-C-67 Hampton, Bethesde, Tyrone; previous experience in youth M a g r n RIMAR Spot ~May 3-South Courtice, Salem; work desîrable, prepared ta C- RA Stafford BrothersRMA Cash on the So and Shaw's May 5-Mitchell's rundiftes. A lM at ms Monmets VILV1 fIkiLS for Dead or Crippled Farm Corners. EFublic wlll be wel- pas an educationai back- ASSORTEHOM O 63cÏRS LIMITED 'Wonunents - Flat Markers Telephone Collect 263-2721 "WESTERN CIRCLE TOUR~" Bicnefits per0 02 Box 133 In designs for eny need Marg-will Fur Farm JULY 22 - AUG. 12 -- 22 Days Sterling aalary $2.06 pr 4Is 31 udsS.E hty 7)TYRONE Places of Interest: Yellowstone hour rlsing la $2.51 per haur __________________ 318 Dunda. St. E. - Whiteb&àPk, Sali Lake CityNead wtheereean talig Phone Whitby 668-3552 73-1002 2- 6627 U~uI Licence No. 101-C-67 ae 7 AL L-J E Rine ndtriin.17 Office Evenjurs 16tf an Francisco, Vancouver, Ful Ontario Civil ServiceKNGS HOC Banff, Lake Louise, many oth- benefis such as vacation, sick KN' HIEi es rvlair conditlaned, beave and pension plans, par- E EM S wéeks . . . our stock of used cars has depleted . l 6-f earn MN T Large BAYER fo we desperately ned good, clean us.d cars. COLMER TOURS 1Save * ' Largo SaRe Western Canada R6 '/àSr iRiN eblt.673 SAVE $ $ $ $ TRADE Up NOW ON A '23neay., Tour peraîinum LDYPAR 23DyJune 24 ta Juiy 16 OetaFeYer LR'ALDYARCIa FMLIJI~ - ~~UKLMRE - MIncludea Calgary Siampede, by investlng iln Guaran- Save VEGETABLE tn c u~rSRYSv FALC N -FAILANEm M STA G ictri. or*ly$*5.0 teed Invesimeni Certifi- 19ctinsPc NFtRm Si Ti 0 GALAXIE - THUNDERB3IRDf Maritime Tour GuaanIte-stPî _____________ fJuly 29 ta Aug. 12 includes Flexle-may be useci asf MODERNE R M Newa Brunswick, PEI. and Coîlateral for loans.f SaveTOILET FO RD TRU KS ovaScolie, for anly 240.00 Eedeemable-by Execu- 13c Botileols itors in the event ai 4 49 eoz. C 20 AT alfo iaAuthorsed-as Trustee See Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, for only $350.00 CENTRAL ONTARIO W. Reserve the Right fo Lîmif Quantifies Air Condition Motor Coach TRUST & SAVINGS MacDO NALD thWahro CORPORION KS RAS E q FUL SCRE23-2531 I. S ~~Includes everythng but jur le s . FO D mAR KEt FRSLSWrite or Phone 1NOURS: 7 KNGST W BWAILLE'111 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE Nom. o.Thurm. 7 IN T.W 1 1VM~VL, 219 King S . E., Bowmanvill e 520 King Sf. W ., Oshawa 14 Orchardview Bîval.a 53 1' Phone 62234Phone 723-5241 13OWMANVILLE f pM te8iPHONE 623-3541 -233265 or 623-3093, Wm Coe ede.says OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M.

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