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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1967, p. 1

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PrêentBéstifl Gfisto -BowIin9 chamçin Honor Canadia.n Champion VOLUME 113 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APlUL 19, 1867 150 Per Copy 04û4b1rn1 tate~m4u $1,600, 500 for.,. Its 1967Udget. Bowmanville's budget amounting to $1,600,500 for the current year was approved by Town * Council at the meeting held in the Council Cham- ber on Monday evening. Ail members of council were present with the exception of Reeve Sidney ' " Little, who was absent because of illness. Revenue budgeted for 1967 la total of $54,100. is as foilows: Government of Other expenditures includ- Canada grants, Canada, $7.000,1ing caretaker salaries and sup- Centennial, $7,200, total $14,200. ples, property maintenance, Province of Ontario Grants, lights, fuels, Civic, Workmen's Welfare Assistance $79,750, Copnain, etc., $19,200. Highway Improvement $22,500, Total General Government Suppiementary $5,560, Police $81,400. The thanee 1967$400, Museumn $750, Fire Departrnent $25,400, 'th thee 967Bowling Champions who broilght silver charm bracelets from Smith's Beverages, and $5,400, Centenniai $14,400, a Animal Control $6,400, Street %ronderfu1 credit to Bowmanville, Doris JoiI, the pen and pencil sets from Frederick's Pharmacy. total o! $134,760. Lighting $14,300, and Build- Wome's Singles Champion of Canada, and Sharlene Seated above in the centre is Mrs. Joli with Con- Revenue from other Muni- ing Inspection $5,800. Total Cain and Connie Bradley, the Canadian Youth Bowl- nie Bradley on the lef t of the picture and Sharlene ciplte:Wlae$50,A-Poctn$168. SeirGrsDulsCapos eehnrdCi n h ih.Raigfo e orgt tnigbulance $3,200, Fire and Ani- Public Works: Administra- SeniorGirls ouble Champons, ere hoored Cin onthe riht. Rading romaift$ii,500,, tCodigtmaiR11,50Re-outionba$Re-,700,$1Reconstructtucton at Liberty Bowl on Monday evening. are: Harold Bennett, Supervisor of Youth Bowling, bate $28,005, total $52,205. roads, storm sewers, culverts, His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs presented each George Bebee, President of the Mîxed Major League, BO nt a rio Liquor Control engineering and supplemen- During the Skating Carnival here on Friday vnnHs osi ao of thethreewith asuitaly insribedBulovaCente- Al Oborne Managr o! ibertsBooaMayorHo7bsoardtario0,Ontaro oHydr rtartototal$$285,57MaitenanetenaaHobbsonabeaîf ofthentwn, prsfntefMahy ane Oe and ictorIrvin oftetrew the itysf ted on. TeteeHArsrne a nagPresdetof Liberty Bowl, MNyoHiSheha, $3,000, Licenses and Permitsl$755.Other maintenance with suitably engraved wrist watches. They wereinhorefrwiigte mial wristwatch, t$5:505, Dog Tae $2,n00ThFinese$32,250.GTotalrPublic WorksiJuniorBPairsyhskating ChampionshipoforaCanada.0AtFiigst$is their PualhcBruce Champions 'each also received a three-piece set of -President of the -Ladies Major League, Dr. H. B. Run- and Fees $3,500, Rentais $32,- $112,075. JuirPissaigCaposi o-aaa smart Samsonite luggage from the local Bowling dle, Vice-President of Liberty Bowl, and Helen Dunn, 400, Poli Tax $600, Interest and Sanitation and Waste Re- Hyland.PhtbyLodMR bi Leaues lage îler ray frm te ibety owl amemer f te Mxe Maor eage.alties $12,680, Suppiemen- moval total $47,000. Conser- ýL e a g u e , l a r g e si l v e r t r a y s f o m t h e L i b e r t y B o w l , a m e m b e r ota ryeT a x e s M j o r 0 iOue .D e b itTa xa t$ 8o n1o !D eH e a ltti o nA m b u la n c e A mF e a t u r ese% tC a n a dan aCaa m p i o n sn Petrbooug PIy W nsAwad UUSUL CLF Charges Recoverable: Schools $10,800, Pharmaceuticais $600, Peterborough__ Play___________________________$135,995, Utilities $45,320, Local misceilaneous (grants $100), Howard Cryderman, R.R. Improvements $15,000, Park- total for Conservation o!A e a F i i d t lisoe of those rarities ing Meters $6,230, Surplus $4,- Health $11,500. ri larke's 'Ham jet' Loses f o nature,a a dual-purpose 912 Misceilaneous $30, total Social Welfare: CrippiedAre a F I d to Cp c y Shortborn calf that is pure $276,965. Chiidren, grants, assistance Tota Revnue$478,130, and payments, institutional care, It ws bnabout two to be raised by taxation $, administration, indigent buri- weeks ago, with pink eyes 12,370 for a grand total Of ais, etc., $110,700o. an pnksknbu ohewie 1,0050.Education: High Schod r Skating Club a ni a apparently normal. It is stiiî 1967 Expenditures: Execu- Board $292,306, Public Schooi VoctinalScOo carid ff heClrkeDH etry H Is eyes water like rz ties $7,500, Travelling Expen- School Board - $7,875, Ude/Club's Carnival 1967 thrilled performance, and y o Peterborouge Collegiate and ing was warm ini his praise o! when If la exposed to day- ses $500, Miscellaneous $100, Over Levy $4,545, Total Edu- enthusiastic audiences that Keith Lawrence, a 12yar two award1 Sho aturii.ed saff the ireDet as ei c o r afhputotal 8,100. Administration, sai-ctol5480 filled the Arena to capacity old Toronto lad, showed sr fut nulOtroCol- abotoc n1,0 its supplies, audit, Planning Board, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) »egiate Drama Festival at fui and told the audience o!f otoceu1,0 itis relgl detsn, fie Rceto n om niongFridae antrd ra 0 riin owealsasinhissol. dsa .500 hat h hadneyerseenaccordlig to Mr. Oryderman. equipment maintenance, etc.,enins. exlentirendprogretaSam wo local stars a udl drN rt 4.1 doa . 5 0 hat he ad nev r s enovation was accorded M ary sented a splendid exhibiio The troupe won the troplay better staging. Bargain y Jane Oko and Victor 1 Igsoo, and, tpgether.t e, kae R pir- beAop&the act.Best a-pelsawaïd Istree, foMHi" lett ie ndg'i s1267- , oun talentedÏ, fi- Di*rid Patterson wes uded soese, o~JI S.(?O f Canada, for their. niairel- two other yug g t ifbeaI her 7 went to Candy Storks o staged successfuily three- at- %IJIII Y iI ossil r ktrAde wr Clrk isritHIh eof tributes are required: the ac- ESY nanucmn ilb aenx Jay Humphry, the 1967 and Diane Cowle theygaebrda rtomalW tors mustnsen kook on y;othey 'The wlnnlng entry was s muit pea emoinarnd they week of the three winners of The Statesman's Red n ield __________ipo Cn (UR O AE W Iceesfroe "ainfJan"bnmut"feaeintin ad hea. enennalEssv oneston"MvRenonihli Rnnr-u fr te enir wopoplaMforsme um mjorprjeo, ahungtp Omiz Bernar Shq-, PlIVTmuet understand what thev advanced ta the regional com- pettion at the Academy Tieatre by winning the north Kawartha district festival. Bradford District H ig h School,' winner o! Georgian Bay district festival, presented "Inside a Kid's Head" by Jer- orne Lawrence and Robert Lee and Clarke District High Ochool, winner o! south Ka- wartha district festival, scenes from "Hamlet'", by William Shakespeare.. Warm Pralse Adjudicator Dennis Sweet- Chosen for Sci are talking about. "Although it was a marvel- lous spectacle, I arn afraid only verYfrew members of the cast really had these attributes,"' eald the adjudicator. O! the winning entry, Mr. Sweeting said: "The production was well paced and the actors played together well.'1 He was criticai o! the stag- ing in the Major scene, but foundý technical production excellent-Exam- iner. ria, a fortunus 3 Nar, Newcustle, sçf.z-Cdo ud ths Thoefr islabeznruneçer- I IO@und soMDM>a jeu for - icnexfthr. t fln Ille nation-vide liu nu l m Ml!ud~sles orgaisa- Sen. Pog aa<tiea trC4ntennisi Pr>- au tjet inU1l nVder thi Jatlutc's ausple- Nue IgW escouIl bç *o spond six summer wreeks I stise besutitul settins of Lake- Peter H. Reynolds Former Bowmanville High School student Peter H. Rey- nolds bas been awarded a scholarship by the National Research Council for graduate work abroad. He is the son of Mrs. Reynolds, 230 Nipigon St., Oshawa, and the late Herbert K. Reynolds. At present he is studying for a Ph.D. in Geo- Ê hysics at the University of ritish Columbia and received a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Toronto in 1963. The postdoctorate fel- lowshipof $4,500 or more wilI take Mr. Reynolds to Aus- tralian National University next year. final Winner 0f P.M. Contest Wlnner of the final week of The Stafesman Prime Miiser's contest la Mrs. R. Budel. 38 Third Streef, Bow- manville. She correctly an- swcrcd "Lester B. Pearson"l and lier enfry was drawn frein flicseveral liundrcd submitf cd. MWrs. Budel wlU recelve a lef fer froni The Statesman, whlch, wlien presented at Lloyd's General Store, west of Courtice wlU entifle lier te $10 worfli o! meroban- dise. 700 Attend Mass Survey Clinuc Here» TMe tubrulouls sMd Ma- "o.tutgg CW*S i b Usas Centre labec = lu a roarlur busies bf vo sud e""eotu lInersus Thuieday aud Prldmr. N.xt wedt, *isI-ai wlx tabou sd t. ibolos oi AWtXlD8te~! W tOU have boom mode t. tlbsmma et Ibis as a Canadian." The entries are now being judged. t T IL t t CITIZEN - There is stili time to send in your entry to Bowmanville Chamber of Cominerce's search for this comn-unity's "Citizen of the Year." Many names have already come in but there is plenty of room for more. t t t t CONCERTS - From April 24th on there will be plenty of activity during the several evenings arranged at M. J. Hobbs School at Hampton, where a series of centennial concerts will take place, Also, next Wednesday at Knox sehoal, the beau- tiful color film "Heidi" wili be presented for the enjoyment o! young and oid. t t t t t PERFECT - An excited Mrs. Cecile Bowers phoneci from Tyrone Tuesday afternoon to advise that while playing cribbage with ber husband Ralph, she had drawn a perfect 29-hand. These don't happen too often but when they do, the lucky card holder must receive a great lift. Mrs. Bowers certainly did. t t t i. t TROUBLE - Bowmanvîlle's Centennial Bal scheduled for Saturday, Aprii 29th, is receiving very poor support ta date. Music will be provided by one of the outstanding dance bands in the country from the Queen's Own Rifles. Contact any member of the Kiwanis Club for tickets; they'll be overjoyed to hear from you. J. .4. . t HELP - The Easter Seai campaign committee reports that returns ta date from Pink envelopes are about $1,600 iower than last year. As ail the money is used for work aniong crippled children, local citizens are urged to send in those envelopes today or mail your donation ta one of the local banks. Please do it now! t t t t. i EXPO '67 - Only a littie over a week ta go befare Canada's big show Expa '67 opens in Montreai. The Editor was invited ta take a fast press trip there next Monday to preview Ontario's beautiful pavilion. Unfortunately, lack o! energy and other commitments made it imnpossiblç for him ta attend. t i. t t t TAXES - Some confusion apparently exists over discounts on taxes paid by instalîments in Bow- manville, The discount applied only to taxes pie- paid during January and February. No discount will be allowed on taxes paid by instalîment dur- ing the balance o! the year. The f irst instalîment is due May lst. t i. t t t1 FINALISTS, Those Toronto Maple Leafs'really came throughi last night to take the semi-finals away froni Chicago Black Hawks four games to two. Npw, everybody will be speculating. whether or not the Leafs will be too tired to beat- weIl- rested Montreal in the finals. t t. * t t W imNEI - Bert Snowden was the winner of the KICtnvestment draw lstni* t for $50. XÀR- -'armero In the area should b. out praa> roug'Cte-S marching MI inrçeaton for un -au on, Ottawa ploni. t poeu lad"r d*ûk po&iy. The Ontario Todérîtiàq of ASricu twmr and the Fariners' Union appeauto havei Joinad The erly ays f spingArena renovations. This In bring with them sales at al l b 0. ath~I effe cu tat o pIual the the stores ...bargain daysen atifi cia et o tareing when your money goes arther.T r e C F s New drapes for the living utafe yersgo room are cheaper .. paintf r0 UI f President RaipliWbt lawn and flowers. or O ut tandM o. EJ * fo mornint. The renovations tu- Spring also brings with e lude levelllng fli loor tlia the Red Shieid campaign o! hlas snln l several plaues The Salvation Arn-w. And and the changes ilich ref- what a bargain it is. Nineteen fr ffI .rîgeratbon. system te Ioweý services t hcaienresu- *MtheI U*flctotal horscpowcr se fhxt ported by the Red Shield. A 1 I u a full fIie eng.lneer.wil net young boy taken off the streets be required. oni a 24-hliu and put into a home where Without a doubt the Cen- Metcalf, and the *Oshawa Fes- basla. love and warmth replace sus- tennial Three Choir Festival, tival Singers directed by Mrs. picion and disinterest. That's presented in Bowmanviile E. Drygala, made the evening As fthe arena closed ois a bargain, because the other High School Auditorium last wonderfui and unforgettable. Saturday niglit, It la expeet- road, courts and jail are ex- Wednesday evening, was an Miss Tina Kozub, an excellent ed fthc work wlll start la pensive. outstanding and exceptionally accordionist, also delighted thc near future, so If wlll lis A girl helped back ta soif- enjoyable musical event. The everyone present. Don AI- complcted before 'the sumn- respect, a family tided over a rapt attention o! the audience mond, Oshawa, was the M.C. mer seanon opiens. period o! misfortune ...ail that filled the large hall was "It's a Grand Night for theso and others are real bar- as indicative o! its ploasure as Singing"l set exactly the right gains in human welfare, and was the tremendous applause mood for the evening's spien- NEWS BELO OVER ta you as a tax-paying mem- accorded the singers. did program as it 'was sung Because of a tremendous ber of the community. The singing of the three with spirit by the M. J. Habba surplus of news stqrIes thls Watch for announcements o! chairs, The Bowmanville Leg- School Choir under the dyna- week, several news budgets, the Red Shield . . . it's the ion Gîce Club directed by Ross mie direction o! Ross Metcaif. pictures and articles have beent biggest spring bargain o! ail Cotton, the M. J. Hobbs School This choir won severai prizes crowded out. They wfl appear this year. Choir with its director Ross (TURN TO PAGE TWO) lin the riext edition. One Dead, Three lnjured in Two-Car Collision. 1 ........ .... ind treohr eshird t two serionsly, in a lheon tolUaleabstwecnt e two *' t 1 P:1 pn Lmdsa i",ý' Waat Ua -ILdu n à ;:~ :j 4~oe -ience Program r 1 1 NUMBER it ý

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