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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1967, p. 5

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Mhen of the no.lnating eom- speker, heM the attention « la srm mit.for the late of officers us ail when @a.took 'Jh n nJrcthe af ovaow: Dtrict Ditector, sentence and enlarged onf, Celeb ate 5 th I i eV rsU. rLU J ra ms.m llg, with alternate giving saine pes and Bible odr Reports from I m Mrs. A. Wade; President, Mis. quatations. It wsvryi-X5c Mr.T. Hendersn FirSt Vice The ladies sang again, a sno I m President, Mrs. A. Wade; Sec- patriatic nuinber, to the tune W orne ns Institutes ond Vice President, Mis. T. of Finlandia. We enjoyed ýay Sowden; Sunshine comnuttee, bath duets. a 1zNDA W.L "MWONVILLE,1 W. L 1frs. C. Brown, MUn. Dennis lr hathd urrs and Mrs, W. Paeden; Audi- for all when the ladies were ...........trJ The Kendal Women' Insti. The 1967 annual meeting Of tors, Mrs. P. Gilmer and Mis. formd ito groupa of thiee -s met at the borne af Ms. th1e Newtonville W. I. was A. Wade; Pianist, Mrs. P. Gii- and ont acted asaaniodel and MatnManders on March 29 held April l2th, wath Mis, C. mer. These officers were duly the ather two designed a rynhaT ~tih 10 niembers present. It Brown as hastess.. mstailed by Mrs. Milligan. dress out of newspaperssand ew Was dedided ta have the ele- Wt began the afternn The roil call was tht pay- pins. Mrs. Baron toak smre tion of officers as our guest with a very delilious"oneto és.Avt pcues o hefnshdPo-bohe speaker was unable ta be luck" dinner and social lime. menkstoitfe sA te ai pîdct. unc a ht fishtvd proah Present. Tht present officers Later, President M : . ron s mtt aes. yMrs. dust Lounch as. ured byr. are to cary on for nwasemoveds by Mrs.d West P soupM.Mn. Bufrraws are a crryon or nothr Smiswelame ailpreent M amns. The meeting, at leading tht Institute Grace. Y'ear. The Roil Cail was and opened the meeting withwihteewr 1peet __ 'Name a tret and tell what the W. I. Ode, Mary Stewartcoe ihttbndcin AL RV .I luse is made afiti". Tht Mot- Collect and Lord's Prayer. _______th éédcio. MPL RVEW ta was "Use each opportun- Mrs. T. Henderson read thet lty, 'tis tht gateway ta suc- minutes and treasurer's re- HAMPTON W. L Tht Annual Meeting cf the cess". Mrs. Couroux gave a port. Mrs. Millîgan gave a re- W.I. was held an April loth reading an Centenniai Pro- Port ai tht District Board of Hampton Women's Institute at 8:15 p.m. ini tht C. E. Jtasggested by tht Presi- Directors meeting. Mrs. Mil. April meeting was held in Building. Mrs. S. Doyle, dent ai tht Federated Wo- ligan, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. tht C. E. building, and opened President, welcomed o ur mIne's Institutes. A contest Samis and Mrs. Brown were with the Ode, Collect and gutats, tht 4-H girls and thei.r Was conducted by Mrs. Wm. appainted voting delegates for Lard's Prayer. Mns. Luther mothers. Mercer. Tht Centennial Din- tht district annual. Several Allun, the President, wel- Tht Rail Cal! was "My fav- ner on April 19 at Maple members offered to donate comed everyone, including ourite cheese and haw 1 Grave was discussed, aiso a articles ta be said at the an- severai visitors. Number serve lt". trip ta Expa. Tht officers for fluai meeting for district present, 23. Rail cali wa cevmnDyisoMy inext year are: President, Mn.. funds. Two dollars was don- "Give a house cieaning hint" Ac6hia eemefDaythe onrMa E. Couroux; Ist Vice-Presi- ated ta the Cancer Society, Mi-utes , "Çottc»'nd May Be Smato. dent, Mrs. J. Henderson; 2nd and a collection was taken for praved. Somne thank 3rau cards Mn,.rH. Bay repSrt.o Vice-President, Mrs. Dennis; tht "Pennies for Fritndship" wert ntad. Reports of stand. Stcretany, Mns. W. Tunansky; fund. A letter was nead from ing committees went rend. the District Executive Meet- District Director, Mrs. G. Cath- r.Batesaigta h r.Brosrn h io ng as regards aur part for - Ms. eatie tatng hatth Mr. Brros rad he istofour District Annual at Maple cart. Branch Director, Mrs. Summary Day for the 4-H next yean's officens, namely: Grave on May 111h. Wmn. Mercer, Get Weil Cards, project "Cottons may ne Past President, Mrs. Bunnows; Tht annual reports were Mns. Eliiott; Auditons, Mrs. Smart", will be held in tht President, Mrs. Luther Allun; given as foîîows: Good ntigh- Turansky, Mn,. Luxon: Treas- George Hamilton school at Ist Vice-Pres., Mrs. Ted Chant; bours, Mns. F. Stevens. Audi- uner, Mn,. H. F'osten; Conven- Welcorne, May 6th. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. George Yen; tons, Mrs. W. Laird; Agricul- ors: Agriculture and Canadian Annual reports 'were given Public Relations, Mr,. Merwin lune and Canadian Industries, Industries, Mn.. Low, Mrs. by Sec.-Treas. Mns. T. Hen- Mountjoy; District Directon, Mrs. W.BonHmeE. Elliott; Historical Research, derson; Auditons' report by Mrs. Roy Metcalf; Aiternate ., . Brwnd H oMeEo ' Mrs. Cathcant, Miss C. W. Mn.. F. Gilmen; convenons ne- Dinector, Mrs. Bryannt; Tweeds- Swallow; Histanical Research Stewart; Home Economics and ponts by Mn,. Ferguson, Mrs muir Book Curaton, Mn,. and Cunrent Event,, Mn,. H. Realth, Mrs. Hendenson, Mn.. M. Jones, Mn.. S. Lancaster* Kenneth Cavenley or Assist- Cryderman; Public Reations s Luxn;Cilzeshi ad Euc- Mns. IR. Farrow (rend by Mn.' ant Miss Nancy Johns, nem- Mrs. G. Beech; Citizenship and tion, Mn.. Tunansky, Mrs. H. T. Henderson, and Mn.. Mc: bershhîp and Birthday Box, Education, Mn.. C. Greenham; Poser; Community Activities, Cullough. Mn,. Hoskîn Smith-, Card,, Résolutions and Membenshp Ms.Mand r,,Mn. Dennis. Mn.. Milligan took chargeFl NnyJh; Gifts and Mn.. L. C. Snowden; Sec'y- Mr. and Mis. Rae Malcolm Lunch was served by Mn,. of tht élection of officers, Mloers, Mn,. Wiifred Smale; Treas. Mrs. S. Morton! Presi- Mander. and Mn,. Counaux. and called on Mr,. W. B'_Auditons, Mn.. Bunrows and dent'.: 'Mn,. S. Doyle. Despite inclement weather colm, Mn.. Georgina Burns Ba-Mn,. A. E. Billett. Mns. H. Cryderman rend on Sunday, Apnil 2nd, a hast an-d Mn,. Milford Goslin. Mns. Munday, the District tht report ai tht Nominating ai friends, relatives, and for- Members ai Nestîtton U.C.W. President, instalied these of- Commîitte in tht absence of mer neighbours called at thé provided tht tasty lunch ficens.Mn,. Chas. Downey, Mn,. L. White. nesidence ai tht Victor Mal- which was served by Mn.. LO R Y O R A SDistrict Curator of Tweeds- Mn,. M. Flintofi ai Bowman- colm,, Yelverton, ta proffer Connie Malcolm, Mns. Ruth LO W REY Omuir books was aiso, present. ville, was in charge ai tht best wishes ta Mn. and Mn,. Mvalcolm, Mn,. Brenda Haynes, Delegates ta District Annual election ai officers and the Rat Malcolm on tht occasion Mrs. Joan Malcolm, Misses N usEDat Maple Grove in May were installation service. of their 501h Wedding Anni- Denise, Karen, and Mitzi Mal- appointed: .Mn.. Chant, Ms It was moved and seconded versary. calm and Linda Wilkins. Bryant, Mrs. Thenan Mount- that the wonk ai tht Nomin- Tht Maicolms were united Miss Mona Malcolm pre- DEM O STRA O RSjoy. Anyone is welcome ta ating Committet be accepted in marriage wiîh tht late Rev. senled hier gnandma wilh a D M O N RA RSgo. Centennial ticket, were an-d that hey be responsible J. W. Totten officiating on corage and ltIle Miss Shel- sota go t Maple Gae o filling tetovcn ac 7th,7, at tht rd' e Malcolm (daughter ai Mn. (FREE HOME TRIAL) Apnil l9th, ta the dinner at offices. panent, (thtePeter Wrights) and Mr. Wayne M om 6 o'ciock, also lucky luncheon Tht delegates ta tht Dis- Psdnc.Hrete fre resd er gral-goam) ticetswen gien uIta eiltnit Anul ae Ms. . Ltuntil April 1920, when they father with a boutonniere. for oun own Institute dinner, Mn,. H. Bradley, Mns. L. C. moved ta Manvers Township, (Shelley ha, the unusual ex- VK E Tueflfe June Ist at 1 o'clock at tht Snowden and Mn,. F. Stevens. south ai Yelventon, where penience of having 10 living Township Hall. Mn,. C. Greenham, Mrs. S. they punchased the Wm. grandpanents). JeOR E RG N S UDIO~ A vocal duel was enjoyed Swallow and Mn,. J. Petrosky Neale ianm. In 1952 they sold Among tht numerous cards by Mn,. Cryderman, Maple are ta be in charge ai ththIis farm ta a son and moved of congratulations was ont Phone 723-0297 Grove and Mn,. Twist, Salemn, dinner. ta Janetville ta tht former from Prime Minister Peason (sistens), and accompanied by Mn,. C. Swallow, canvenor Pnesbyteian Manse ta retire and a commemorative plaque Mn.. Laird ai Maple Grave, ai Home Economics, was in from. active fanming. fnom, Premier Robants. Among 1055 Denise Dr. Oshawa The tapic was "Let us study charge of tht following pro- Guests were weicomed by tht many weicome guests 1 and consider th t "M ary Stew - gram .:h i o t , t e V c o a - p e e t w r r l x C r art Coilect" mont frequently. Mrs. G. Beech conmtented thir ss, thei et Vico.Mal-rest wer M.PP n. AlexCar- Mn,. Gray of Cadmus, guest on the Mollo'ILet us honour cls hi letsn w ntes ...adM, a- Fin grandsons, Marti and Jay ruthens, and Mn. and Mn,. ifl tht ont who laught us aur first Malcolm were in change ai Norman Wright (uncle and Lie sOun MntHer" Sh e s ta tht guest book. Ater signing aunt ai the bride) who will Be amastr b thIle boy s aid ils iketht book, they were escorted be observing thein awn 601h $2 Be a msterbt raile ouIpeysand ilay mb ntotht "tea room" whene Anniversary this a utumn. chne-of-address we o oet olotpecutadpa tht bride and groom were ne- Other well wishens from a i19 changermov with dough. Mother manages ceiving their weii-wishers. distance included guesîs from b e hog laldsieTht tea table was tastefuily Stralford, Taronte, Islinglon, thetlime spent showing them. decoratd fan tht festive oc- Kinmount, eén elaon Falls, Fi: A IlIte daughter i. ready csien wiîh a three-f.ier,:d Osh.awa, Part Penny, Bowman- V-8 ta have ber first lesaon W aI makoto he a pie for tht îamiîy wtdding cake, flànled* by ville, Uxbridge, and local Lie Aferabuttwhhue golden candîts and miniature cammunîties. ofmothen pointing out tht mums. Tht honared couple were ir e different steps, tht pi e sidn i~ni a the silver tea the recipients of a pair ai serics osngth atenon wCrlTVchairs fnom their 1% 1% st O fi ce, g tfdahter ie. Tinlcle intht and evening wene Mn,. Lloyd three sons, and their familie, vaauhe s cs ai hotmaingthe Hunter, Mn,. Roy Wright, and thein sislers and brother., 4 Mn,. Beectfhoclosd wih a pem Ms. Myrtît McGiil, Mrs. Bert as well as other guits from Fin Ms entitl loed oîhen".e Gibson, Mrs. Wilberl Mal- their friend,. wit ch ng o ad re s iMiss Judy Carn was tht A tip ai the bat ta tht three tri commentator for the panade Mn,. R. Davison was appoint- grandsons, Wayne, Vernon Lie cards, fil the mn out Doyle at the piano. Tht girls cock, convenon of tht namin- much appreciated car jockey tht dresses aaing commiltet, presented service on sc an n J -H course "Caltons tht siale of officens prepared muddy day. UlUlE iPflfVflh1UT~1VMay be Smart". b h MissesJosephne andsaîîy Officens for 1967-1968 are: Preece, Barbara Beckett and HPat Presdent, M,. CA ilrîburIR Pat Welsb sang "Wind in~Hln;Peiet n.Ccl O IU R ( o J U 5VSpring". Wilson; 1,1 Vice-President,- Mn,.C. Jfier movd aMrs. Allan Beacock;, Secretary- PTRGRI vole ai thanks ta tht girls for Treasuren, Mn,. Richard Davi- Peter Garvie, 89, a lufe- D ll W fItheir splendid pragram. son; Assistant Secrelary, Mn,. long resident o eb on loinqu iL JMs.L .Snwe mvdaArthur Hyland; District Direc- aiDery Twn vote ai thanks te tht 4-H lor, Mrs. Malcolm Emersonhoip, disudd(enyat hi, L Leaders, Mrs. R. Dubeau and Alternat District Director, aei istb(erOe Mn.. N. J. Lee. Mn,. Cecil Wilson; BEanch nd on hrdy Api Tht meeting closed witb Direclors, Mn,. Harry Mc- 6h hrdy pi thtnepalig i tt MryLaughiin, Mrs. Alian Beacock, Born in Derby Township, hie qOST4 et therest ! the orld t eat ColecI io. M is ubPal;Adios sasnaittlIvxn and Mns. Cecil Wilson gave spoke a few word,. Ts 7-oz. - Sugg ships of approximatoly $1500 each of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years splendid resumes ai tht fashion Graham congralulated theH.I lf Wfshows they allended in Black- Nesîlelon ladies on their ,cjthe . 10 9 University. Sponsorsvera. ladiesand rhanucd are lea -____________1.29___ >o UnvriySpno'of .ach child provides first year through sck. ladesare planning ca and irhanud are sh l e îî Iit .2 i. low s $60 pr moth.ta attend tht Food Forum ini next week on a two monthJ;ew, guarant.ed savings as o as$.0prmnh Cambridge United Chunch, vacation ta Erigland. She sai'end A Lindsay, April lth and tht she had been invited ta ID A SA 70th Women's Institute ban- Women's Institute banquýfld. Assre ou chldth.opprtnit o hîh.redcaton quel in Maple Grave, Apnil Ihere and she wiil be w 'aand I.D.A.'s own brand of Asueyu hl h potuiyo ihreuain 19th. ing tht Wamen's Institut e pa . . Mrs. R. Davison reponted on Mrs. M. A. Beacock, who libe, ..Tbesfrrle without the burden of heevy expense during the university period. Cartwright plans for their nated for ber original Poe;m and of pain Centennial Celebrations. read ber mail recent oi- h.g Write todey: Sevenal couples are inter- "April".' wit h esled in tht Canadiana Pack- Mns. M. Emerson congratte On 300"s age Tour ta Expo '67 and tht lated tht retiring afficef m Stcnetary, Mrs. Davison, 15 with special mention of tÊ e R.gular 99c 6 writing for available dates. excellent wonk dont by Mib. ________________ Eegstrr' Ofice 'Please send further information to: nSplendid reporta were giv- Hyland. in_____________ Begsùls ffiooen fantht y tan 1966-1967. Mn.. Mns..Cecil Wilson, tht n CenennalSchlarhl Nae ________________________ R. Davison, finance, Mrs. president, accepted the offi Mn. Centnnia Scolarhip ameHarry McLaugblin, auditors; humbly, expressed bier than nom PRESI Foundation Building, Mrs. M. A. Beacock, Agricul- asked for co-aperation ing Addressture and Canadian Industries; prtsided for the remainder bat 133 Dundas St. E., Ads Mns. Ralph Saddlen, Hlstorlcal tht meeting. Research and Curnent Events, Tht hautesses, Mns. Geo Mac- Bellevile, ont. City __________________ Mns. Bruce Heaslip, Public Johns and Mns. David Job aying Relations; lu tht absence ai assisttd by tht officens, at lister __________ Uns. Grant Thonipson, Curat- 0f a deliciaus lunch. Age of ehild <duidren) - or, Mrs. Davisan read the ne- Tht May meeting wil aock rtOwing ta thteIllneas of St the home of Mma Rich Mns. e" WlllAshton, Mrs. Devi. Davisan with Mrs. sn prepared tht report on Hyland as ca-hosteas. ntn Home Ecanomicsansd Nealth. wiil be th1e usual auctian5 H. Mn.R. W.Jackon presided of plans ad bulbs or W fo hee«cma oS ndâo aeabet d tý ck -___ rvfred by ffivmusanud The Omnadian Stteuman, Eownmnvfle, Apr. 19, 10«? daugter, Roger of Nia- Dn ai Hearst, Wllbur aiof P e'contest whlch ended Aiiril 151 ýner,- Envin ai Owen T.O .e lsuad b.d been contlnuing for d, Muriel, Mis. C. A. Rab- 10 weeks, were Mary Blunt 1 olnwoLois, Mns. Ba e ~ aewlth a welght las. ai12 btrts ai Owen Sound sudBa e al lbs. and Helen Shantz wlth a ,Mns. Donald HarveyIDf 7 % ibm. Their prifes nanville Area Ambulance Two memben aif tht Baw- were a shampoo and set at ce. ~manville Belles T.O.PS. Club each af the two btauty ahoPê. oranet nar hree is- shared the bonor ai belng vhse awners belong teo ouÉ D. Waddelt aill ai Kil- Quten fan tht month ai Our members are busy pre.. Thent are 30 gnandchild- March. Manian Hayes and paring for a bake sale. We nd ont great grandchild. Pauline Jnes each endd the wil be pleamed ta welcomez as prtdectased by ont month wlth a wtight lass ai new members an previou8' er, Walter and ont sister 3 % lbm. and bath* were pre- members who wlsh ta reat 1.te lt alvIynas a aur club aI any lime. Our' Garvie was a memnbe udtevasehanl aouyr manthly meetings are held Tuesday't lsh United Cburch. crawning nigbt, March 28th. nights at 7:45 in tht Lians. -Owen Sound Sun-Times Tht winnens ai aur latest Centre. Everyane welcome. FF LMe A New Roll of Film FREE with every Kodacolor. or Black & White Film Ieft for developing and printing at .. m i.EIC ' -RESCRPINPAMC DEVELOPED BY "CANADA'S FINEST PHOTO FINISHERS" "The Rambler Kings" P66 CHEV. SEDAN 0 1966 RAMBLER CLASSIC (Police Car) SEDAN 'nished in Dank Blue with malching Finished in Red with conrast int- tenio. V-8, auomatic transmission. terio, 6 cyl., standard transisIon, . 27006E. SALE PRICE $1795. reclining seas and white wal tires. $295 Down - 36 Payments ai $50.82 Li. 35057E. SALE PRICE -- $1795. $295 Down - 36 Paymenls ai $50.82 965 CHEV. SEDAN 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC\, (Police Car)SEA inisbed in Black with Red Interior. FnshEDn icutBewthmt- 8, automatic transmission. inihe r clu VisoutaBu hnda h c. 27013E. SALE PRICE -- $1495. trniteion .,sadr ý295 Down - 36 Payments ai $40.66 Lic. 27018E. SALE PRICE -~ $1495. 965 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $295 Down - 36 Pymens af $40.66 (Police Car) 1965 DODGE POLARA SEDAN uisbed in Two-Tont Gray and Black Finisbed in White with Red interiar lbh Blue inteniar, V-8, autamatit V-8, automalic transmission, powtr insmission. $49. sleening. Rc l.27014E. SALE PRICE $195 Lic. 27017E. SALEPRC - $1795. 295 Down - 36 Paymenls ai $40.66* $295 Down - 36 Payments ai $50.82 60 -DAY 3,000 MILE FULL MECHANICAL WARRANTY PAYMENT UP TO 60 MONTHS AS IS SPECIAL AS IS SPECIAL 1959 PONTIAC SEDAN 1959 PLYMOUTH SEDAN cyl., standard transmission, radio. V-8, aulomalic transmission. ic. J92727. $ 19 9 Lic. 259498. $lac% LIMITED .~e"rnf r Kings" I "~4<ing St. E. AGAROL ' For effective relief of constipation la BENYLIN 8-oz. « Sugg. COUGH SYRUP list 1.95 -HALO SHAMPOO 1.19 ALUE89C ON E-A-DAYVitaiin Tablets lsut 3~ -WILLIAMoz- ug LECTRIC SHAVE 3'z. Sugg. 79C INTERNAL SANITARY 10'. - Sugg. TAM PAX PROTECTION liaI 53e 47c. DIIEEEDIU FOR FAST 100's -sg.~ UVF L~I~ PAIN RELIEF lis - 19 **J7 ICRIPTIONS - iD. A REMEDIES à iLEX McG0 nRGQR 'I c Bowmanville, Ont. 67 King St. E. 623-2546

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