-. ~ pIorticulturai Society Makes Bld for New Members ;ZNewcastle - O>n Tuesdav, îkamp be given the go-aheadi previaus week to go over thi A "illth ewecastle Honti- teonden the containers for the !list. cuturai Society held a meet- h anging-baskeîs, subject teoi It was decided te hold an- ng cf lts directons in the Mn.Mgilavn nceedohnonmetg M , Cuneil Cliamers. Thene permission fxom Port Hope Ih evening's business then were ueven members pnesent. Teleplione Co. te use the iconcluded. Th metn oend ih heIposts.! A message te newcomers: Teeetiny oMn. Megit hengIPneliminaries taken cane of,1 May we o! the Newcastle Hon- Setar M r. tes fo ean n we then came te the '"meat" ticultural Society bid you wel. tharminasteno eba ennd o! the meeting, the show prize comne te oun village, which we minuc, thes e ad bte Marco'list. The Horticultural Show take pnide in calling "New- opne meng.Mn gt the n lih as been scheduled for Aug. castle the Neat". This senne open meeing Mr Meit hen 15h, and we believe that the of quiet pride in our commun - He azo mntioed hat he nw przeist will be well ity manifests ltself fulhy a enine d ra-ppe tre hat r eeie y al ebr. tre m of the Hoticultural rived, and that lie would liel Some classes have been de-i show, for it is in the efforts themin utilthe gnound was Ieted and - elliers added, in- o! the people that kny crn- it te plant thern. cluding two flowen classes for munity thrives; and ai the Comitte embns acnovices. show their efforts and talents Comyitte meber ah1 Mrs. B. Heogkamp liandcd can be more clearly seen and niade a lisi o! names te con-,areund copies o! the Junior éàppreciated. tact for thein annual subscrip- garden lisi fer us te 1look ai, 'Right new is a good urne tion. ýwhich she had drawn up aften 'te join the Society, se as te A motion was carried te having consulted with one on get in on the gneund floon o! the effect that Mrs. B. Hoog- 1 two embers ai lier ieuse the the summer's activities. Ilewcastie Community Icoci/ anc1 £Perqonal j 200 Y adIOeS ýNnyWilliams 291 1 ýPen-_______ s283 Newcastle - Congratulations, Centennial pen. The lady wiih Ruth Inwin ____239 anc Cxpressed this week ta Mn. the lowest sce waMn.C Mary Foster -_____ 237 and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt, who Cnonkwrighî who won Cen- iVcBe Mjor ___239 celebrated their 251h wedding tennial paper napkins with Viacii ht ______234 annlversary on Tuesday, April Douglas Wallon winning the'FacsLn ____ 3 25th. iow man and neceiving a box' Donotliy Mencer _____229 Also, April 25th, was the of chocolates. DaeLnsaf-___ 2 Teresa Langstaff ---218 62nd wedding anniversary of, Boys o! Ist Newcastle "B"IDoreen Neal - ---- ___217 Mn. and Mns. J. Hillier, form- , Cub Pack wiil be meeting onceEvelyn Meadows ____214 enly cf Newcastle. Tliey are ýagain on their own evening in Minnie Taylor -_____211 faithful readers of the Cana- 1 ihein old noom. They will meet Carol Bailey ____207 dian Statesman who keep up;stanuing May Isi in the Cen-, Rosemany Kelly -___205 with the goings on in New-1tennial Room, which was Marilyn Kent ----- _- 206 castie and. anea. Thein many known te thein as the old Betty Thompson - 203 friends bene send congratula- ý kitchen, on Monday nights at Joane Hutton -- -- -2031 tiens. lhaîf pasi six. Keep in mind MEN One final draw was made in, that you will ne longer Wie the Midget Hockey 50-50 draw. meeting on Tuesday evenings.I 225 and Over 'Frances Tufiord 290 This time the lucky winnerý Our friends and neiglibors Ken Whitney 265 was Fred Yates, Newcastle. We in Bowmanvihle liospital thisLloyd Taylor -_____260 congratulate ail the happy1 week are: Mrs. Edna Aiken, 'George Kimbal ____260 winners of these pasi fewl William B ar c ha rd, Chaudel'Earl Taylor ---_ 5 weeks and take this tirne te'Biensticken, Fred Cobbledick, Ron Munno 245 say how handsorne those yeung George Collins, John Davis:! Bill Williams 225 feUlôws look in their nîhtMiss Kathleen De Roacli, Miss' FRIDAY MIXED yellow jackets. I Muniel Goodricli, Mns. Etheli: Pasi Mamaons e! Eastern 1Graham, Mrs. Olive Martin,ý Playoff Champions - Misfits Star Chapters in Bowmanvilîe, Miss Chenyl Martin, Mate<ruthrly Couc, Frans Wnt, Oshawa and Whiiby filled two Gordon Milley, Mns. Margaret Maiyeoc, tnAln chartered buses on Tuesdlay Smithl and Henry Teblile. :Pauline Stonks, Wallace Coucli. .1evening te go te the O'Keefe Sunday, April 23nd, neon NWONIL LDE V~Centre te see Carol Channing dinner guests ai the home o! 175 and Oven in "H1ello, Doly." Among the Mrs. Marie I. Garishore wene:' Hlda Williams 228 Newcastle members e!fithe Mn. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Don- Maria Vogels -_____226 Bowrnanvîhle Chapter in ai- rene and Floyd, Lake Shore' Ann Vogels -______224 tendance were Mns. George in urne for dessert luncheen Myrile Hennis 222 Stephenson, Mns. Irwin Colwilailier guests who anived were Jean Hall - ____196 and Mn.. Bruce Tilson. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Crago, MVr. Mîldned Brigham 194« The committee members o! Eric Wicks, Mn. and Mrs. Ron- May Smith -_______191 the Artificl, Ice Association aId Powell and family, Phyllis, Velda Brown ____ 188 bring to yeur attention the fact June and Linda, Mn. and Mrs. THURSDAY MIXED that thene will be another gala Russell Powell and !arnily, 200 and Over evening o! fun and zdancung-in Paiti, Colleen and Ricky, Mn.' Alice Kupery ' - - 224 the Cexnmuniîy Hall on June and Mrs. Frank Rudge and George Glanville 223 24th. Wlth se small a crowd ai family, Dale and David, Ton- Mabel Lewis -___- -__2191 the lasi dance, mank the date onto. The surprise family gaili- Mauneen Powell ____215 on your calendan now te avoid èring was te celebrate the 49ih Marilyn Couch _____213 fengetting thr- event. Make up wedding anniversany o! Mn. Flonine McLean 208 a party or cerne on youn own. and Mrs. S. Powell. Due te 11- Harold Hughes ---- - 2021 These dances are friendly and niess, one daughten, Mrs. Maur- FRIDAY MIXED everyone Is soon enjovlng ice Couiten, Downsview, was, 200 and Over themselves like one big liappyl unable te attend. Mr. and Mns.'Lanry Pearce ____ 336 iarnily. Powell have ilince daughters, Tracy Embley -_____240 Hey klds... Great news. Ithree sons, seven grandchild- Bill Col------------- 242 Guess wlio Is back in the vil-I nen and iwo greai-gnandchuld. Ruthi Couli-h ____ 237 lage! Mr. and Mrs. George nn George Zwîelr_____ 237 j Walton . . . Yes sir, it won't, The Women's Institute Cen- Stan Powell---- ____227 be long now until the weathen tnnial Dinnen ai Maple Grove Evelyn Embley 227 mian learnnao! thein arrivai and was attended by Mrs. FlorencelAlice Kupery - 225 turns that cool air into somelFerguson, Mns. G. Chanland, Albert Pearce 225 real warn sunshine and ail o!1Mrs. Rachel Dennis, Mns.lKay Powell ____217 yeu can liead for the pool. Sa Marie 1. Garishere, Miss IsabeliRuili Bonathan ___-2 13 don't wait until the hast min- 'Allen and Mrs. Aima Bowen. Francis Wright 211 iiie, gem that swim suit oui o! Ma_______ 209a maoth balîs and lie among the: MayriBuffenry- 207 firClub. IRon Good ------__207d On Satunday evening, the!rioneier Paubhine Storks_____ 204 h .NecasleSchoShowd Bm-en Heogkamp -___204a bers and thein wives or hus- E. C. Weodland _____205F bands entertained the teachingSS '..U nique Hazel May Munno ___202 staff and iheir wives an hus- bands. Meeting in tlie Lien'. G as Roeeniof the Communiîy Hall, ls Buttons NEWTON>VTTTP one of the unît. o! the United ~P~LLjI Churcli Women served ihem a The Apnîl meeting o! the at lovely noast beef dinner with Pioneer Buiton Club was held Two Units a! the U.C.W. al >the- irimmings, topping offlai the hm !Ms ril pnoe a ciothing demon- bi thedine wîh ase-irntig sbeneBowmanville, wiîli 15 stration in the Sunday School di pies. The noom, was beautifully Memers and te vstn alo odyeeiga decorated in colons o! the Cen-lpesent !rom Uxbridge, Pick- lasi week. hi tennial Theme, winning praise e ring, Baltimore, Codringion, Glad to hean Mrs. George se from evenyone. Chairman of Oshiawa, Bowmanvilîe, Janet- Smithi was able ta return ta It< the Board, John Rickard, in- ville, Toronto and Newcastle. lier berne in Newcastle, alter troduced the head table, wlo Mrs. L. Bunleigli gave an lier long sojaurn in Memorial i b were Mn. C. A. Holmes (Pub- illusirated talk on dlean and Hospital. nE lic Schoel Inspector) and his colored glass buttons, showing Mns. W. C. Robli, o! Mont- M' wife, Reeve and Mrs. Eanl1 many buttons o! the variaus real, came up ta open lien col- v.i Wallon, the school principal types meniioned. tage here, fan the summer, RE Mn. Ronald Munro and Mn. The special cards for thleearly last week.C Munro, (grade one teache.ni),1 members te dispiay were mad-- Sixteen. members e! the Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. SIonlçs, cmn glass or aId glass buttons,1 Bowmanviile Nurses' Asocia- i (Mrs. Sterks being the vice- clean or coloned, named, such lien were entertaîned at the MI chairman o! the Board), .and as papenweights, peppens, kal-1homne of Mrs. Clinton Farrow stc wife a! the chairman, yvrs. eidoscopes, swirl backs, wa!- on Menday evening. Mns. Coty Pe John Rlckand. Folhowung a ens, etc. These wene veny art- o! Jury & Levell Travel SI brie! talk, Mn. Munre present. istically arranged in designs o! Agency was the special speak- Mr ed Mr. Halmes wiili a Cenfen- baskets, squares, cincles, churcli er. vil nial Book, witi Mn.. Storks wîndews, trees, and triangles. IMr. Arnold Wade is a patient EP presýingMns. Holmes withiWends cannot descnibe ihe lin Bowmanviîîe Hospital, as ; b utifu1 arrangement o! beauty o! the dazzling spectre!lhast Tuesday. ed sprflg flewens. Following thirC~ai these many colored but-'! Local Wamen's Institute Wl a social heur o! carda was rayd held, tons pernaed members attending the Cen- Ho wîîî thc higli lady, Mrs. R.'î At the close o! the meeting J tennial Dinnen ai Maphe Grave 3 Munro, whnnîn a laosî> Cen- isome buttons were sold on ex-'on Wednesday lasi, included son te 08l r and the ilgi 1 ciangeci and refreshreîMsMSm M C mani, Mn. Barchard, Wininu aWeeseve. s. M. S s,Mns. C. Brown, WEi fig srvd.Mn.. T. Henderson, Mrs. M. his JonesMn. S. Lancaster, Mns.Mal J. Adams, Mn.. W. Miligan; h MisBernice Millixan, Mns. li N ~ TR. Farrow, Mrs. H. tnim. Da% N O T IC EMr. Clintan Burley qf Wing- ElII bam was a visiter witi Mn.. Sug Ceci Burley on Wednesday Nor NEW CASTLE TAXI afirs.o. M. Jne. Maraî- y cd several ladies at lie tea N heur, Tuesday aftennoon, when was Now Ownd and Oporat.d by guests included Mrs. Arthur seve Crowiunst, Mrs. George an and Mr. and Mns. George Nh aaia ttsm1'oranMAj.2.I Bewers attended the fortieth T V O E TeCnda ttsaEwavle p.2,1 weddig anniversary of Mr. eeR getsofM.&n nd -Mr.AInbrose )LywOOd, ryrone Home and School Club have cor pleted th eveigguusc 1r 10 tables of euchre ai théen Lindsay. Prier te selling their Asocation metai Haydcn Spring unit, "Cottons May Bi Mrs. *RO y Bryden, Cobourg, party. Prizes were awaâ lartm Mr.and Mrs Lywood school :o'jse on Thuruday, Smart." Achievement Day is d Suday superget t r C ecilWood, M.B were Cearwigt esdetsf rpil 20th. Residents cf Hay- to be held on May 6th at Toronto. Cak MM e rn Plidnonmsiyae anai-GoreHmitnSchel, Wel- CakMs.Rt Sunay istor wth r.ing this commdious building cere, Ont. Mothers and Randy Anderson, GlIe nn Ms. . L. Byar. 50-50 drauf*' - and Mrs. Ceci Wilson were as a meeting place for activi- guests are welcomne for the Runde, Margaret Hamilton, was won by Mr. S. Goble. i BOWmnanville, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, ties f bys and girls grups aternoon session at 1:30 p.m. Ann Hamilton and Beverley Mr. and Mm. Albert Hfl . morIng from the orthcutt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb and and ailer organizations. Pre- Many thanks te Mrs. M. Hall attended the Hi-C Con. were tea guess of er smâ' Ierence at Peterborough over Mrs. Mabel Wilkinson, eoui,* and Smith Chapel. daughter Leslie, Ennisidlen, sident Mrs. Paul Vaneyk teek Gaskln for leaning her birth-tewknd awa. Mrs. Melville Samis and Mrs. Edflth Lyons, Mr. and the chair. T'he annual report day flewers of 'munis for the teweed Mr. Clinton Farrow attended Mrs. Norman Lyons and Lori, f the year's activties Was Sunday mnorning service. The Sunday School has Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grifii a micelaneos sowerforUxbrdge preare by ecrtaryMrs T.stanted pnactising for their Oshawa, Mr. end Mrs. Clemmi, mielnceusshw fr xbide.prepare ysetiny Mrs.e T.r Mr. and Mns. H. Hardy, anniversr evc.Rahm and children, Aj. brdeelciMiss Elva Ann Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maynard Phillips . e etinofTeyer Bowmanvllle, wene guests last raysevc.wene Saturday eveiilng vâ Ilo'nonatShiohChrc o an Ms.Alc Mir, o feCaturd ev Gen Tylrweek to honon Mrs. M. Gas- iMns. C. Shaw. Mn. and Mns. tors ef Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm Frdyeeig nni]e eeSna ussSh nai rining ki' ItdYa h oeo Ralph Shaw, Oshawa, were ________ Frdeveing. hreated fM.anileMwr.E Sunda usts chol for Boys; candy bag er daughten, Mr. and Mrs. G. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ste prl from aeher atte Ted efn.an rs. tEhains. rcwere packed for the scliool Aîded.Virtue.S.J '1 M xe the avll' Oppentu nitySl ed asee syri an churchchildren in December; visit to Mn..andMrs. D. outhwel Bomnvles rntyUiedsrvc prl3t Mwl be at McLaughîin Public Libnary, Mn. and Mrs. K. Lamb, r n r.D otwl Church on Friday morninge 11:30 a.m. Daylight Saving Oshawa: horticulture, Mr. andi Oakville, were Sunday guests and chîldren visited her MoO-I ~ Mr. and Mrs. Art Bonnett, Time. Mrs. Clarence TinIc; Dr. F. M. cf Mr. and Mns. G. Alldnead ther, Mrs. Gordon Heayn o lng s.ague sAnn, Mango, Christopher and The regular meeting of Nes- Novotny, School Psychologist; and Mrs. Gaskin. ýPrince Albert, on Sunday. rDerrick of Port Credit were teton United Chucli Womnen film on Life of the Indians: Mr. and Mrs. James Graham I Mr. and Mrs.0. Hogg and unday, April 16th, 19«? Iweekend visitors with Mrs. W. was held in the United Church M. and Ms. Howard Mal! and sns, Valleyfield, Quebe, family, Bowmanville, were Strikes defeated HeaRdP1ÛIftg rC. Robb. Sunday School room on Tues-i colin presented sldes on Rus- were Sunday callers of their Satuday evening visitos Of Go-Getters beat undrogu, M s. S . J. L an caster, M rs. d ay , Â p ril 8 th . T h e p resi- s a; M r. A . . D a îy m p le, a n n . R. B c i .M . an d M s. W R o . S n I m s w o o v r M fi . ;W. Paeden, Mrs. M. Jones, dent, Mrs. Norman Mains, Agnicultural Representative' Sympathy te Mn. and Mns. day guests wene Mr. and Mns lMrs. C. Brown and Miss Ber- opened the meeting with a talked on Caees in Agricul- Michael Dubyk, Oshawa, n B. Standish and family, Se: Pointîs inice Milligan went to Coboug poem, "Days of the Week",j ture. The movie .Helicopter the sudden passing of their grave, and Mr. and Mrs. P. mps. No. 1 -______ ISaturday evening te see "The followed by prayer. Canada," commissioned by son Peter. Mr. and Ms. Du- de Jong and family, New- Strikers, N. 5 6 MuicMa".Mrs. Raiph Saddler, unit the Canadian Centennial Cern- yk were former residents of castle. Headpins, No. Mr2n r.Gog ed edrwsi hre-ftemsin n rdcdb h yoe _54., Mren r. G og e d e dr a n c ag o h iso n r d c d b h yo e Mrs. Raymond Paterson and Go-Getters, No. 44 r erson of Port Hope were en- program. Mrs. George Bowers National Film Board, was re- A speedy recvery te Mrs.. girls, Oshawa, visted er dad, Misfits, No. 3 42-_ ;tertained at the home of their gave the devotional, "The commended by Home and Annie Rivers and Mrs. W. Mr. C. W. Woodley. Undedogs, No. 6 1 ddaughten Mrs. Arnold Wade Crossroads of, Life." Scliool Council. Miller who are patients in Tyrone CQuples Club met Ladies' Hlgh Single, Isobel, onSaurayeenng i hnr rs WlBowmanville Memnial Hospi- last Satunday evening at Sal- Gavi (45;M 'sHg on atndy vein, i hne Ms.Wiford Vine prepared Our guest speaker on Thurs- tal, also te Mrs. .Gomn e hrh e. nvr.D inV onr (285);Men ofter50 edn ni a splendid synopsis of Chap- day evening was Mr. A. O. formerly of Tyrone h s othyad r n Ms . ais'Hg rle , bf- versary. Along with Miss ters 14, 15 and 16 of the Study Dainymple, Agricultural Re- patient inOh wHospit a; outlielianwereandchrge . Garin(s' )M esgh Tri.ï Kare Le o! eskrd, heyBook which told of the stant presentative, who outiined the she fell Saturday morning, Two filmswr hw,"unpe .Cnos(1) were supper guests, while oth- of Cliristianity in the Roman vast number o! occupations breaking lier hip. e!0th e eury" nd"Thr e, VSu ndaAril 2(719 7 iens c M . indors vnigEmpire and the persecutions and positions just waiting for Ms.FoAferyBtmn hPne; a very lîvely discus- incldedMn. nd rs.Bey. whicli took place at that time. men and women trained for a ville, was Sunday dinnerien fellwd oGtesba ma t Hendenson and Elaine, Mn. Christianity finally became a careen in agriculture. People guest of Mr. and Mns. A. J.s mSti and Mrs. Cecil Hendenson, state religion and the Church who have gnown up in the Hoan and family. Mn Us. Edna Philp, Miss Jean kers defeated Misflts, Head- Debbie and Terry, aIl o! Bow- and Empire in the East and country or on the fanm have Mrs. R. J. Bond, Trenton, ilpvstdM.adMs pn o vnUdres manvi r;Mn ndMs. Fred West was dîscussed.abcgon hc ep evstngle agtn n n ai laey and family, Pit Hende rio, Peter and Carol, aPeirun he hlntsistn erduhe, r n DvdPa Mn. and Mns. Trueman Hend- Mns. Deug Sleep, secretany, mnake them especially suited Mrs. Neil Newton and Neel. Castleton, on Saturday. Strikens, No. 5 -______65 ersen, Mn. and Mrs. Harry nead the connespondence and bO these occupations, manY Of Sunday dinner guests at the Mn. and Mrs. Clara Leavens, Imps, No. 1 ý62 W ade, M . and M rs. M o ne o cards w e e s gned. A f er m uch w hi h ight be city o n tow n hom e of M n. adrs el T n n o e e S n a u s s H a p n , N . 2 _ _ _ _ 1 Henderson of Morrish. discussion it was decided teo oiented. Mn. Daîrymple said Newton wen'e Miss Isabel of his sîster, Mrs. Jean Ab. Go-Getters, No. 4 48, M.adMs iFilofhave a spring suppen in May that many city students are Moe, Mntreal, and Miss1 rams.MsfsN.34 Mn. an M s. Jim Fi ld ofwith the social c m m ittee in a se finding these caree s at- Betty N ew ton, Toronto. Mrsietslon t nfTnind r s, NO3 . - 4__ _ 14 R e x d a le , w ere d in n e r g u e sts, ch a rg e . tra ctiv e . H e lp in g u id a n ce 1fMi;a d rs Bi H ss c k e n e s is t n h e r- M n d ie o s' io h D e n 4 , tuns.Ji damswihMn n Mrs. George Bewers and, available at agricultunal of- and boys, Oshawa, were sup- and Mns. Earl Pssot neter,24)Sine Hg Mns.~~~~ ti dm.* Ms rod Wlîm ae fices. Mns. W. Jones played per guests of Mn. and Mrs. C. Sunday they ail wene dinner Single, Lucian Anet(8l Mn. andMMs. RaL nm naig n unch was sr-amd e fnostîctn.Clr. guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Ace Ladies' High Triple, Betty MerstH Trim, Mn ndeMse ec by Mrs. R. Saddlen and le uc a noe.Mn. and Mrs. Ken Black Abbott, Oshiawa. Chanland (554), Men's Highi Ben Tnm atened hepro- assistants. Tyone 4-H Homemakingand daugitens wene Satuday. Fiday evening there were Triple, Jrn Fair 0) duction o! "Cornz a Peppin'"I(0) in Bowrnanville, Satunday niglit. Guesis during the weekend with Mn. Raymond Bruce were Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Waters, -Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Waters a n d M s. T o m C u rry o ! B e lle -J A E P R EPr c o b 5 e - S V ? c v ille. R g Guests witli M. and Mrs. JRHIIPADRKER PE R e. icech SVM Fak Gilmen during the AtLL8Our week wee M. and Mrs. Mac 7 U A B-P L PEo JL8N Irwin and on Sunday, M. 2PIE IZ and Ms. Jim Gilmen and I s(C A U-R N E2-ZSZ Mns. Lloyd McGahey . oe!a Pont Hope is visiting lien sis- AJA.K Yr/LIIrL ter, Mrs. George Ellioti, fer 2-ZLAE a few days, while thein us- W HITE BREAD 3 2-ZOVS653 tVal Dore,- Quebec tn 1927-1967Pa t Mn. and Mns. Sid Bunley of P rt. a0 0 qmr Tononto, Mn. and Mrs. Hanold r s P od ce 14 Buniey and Deug of Cobourg k were Sunday supper guess ' with Mrs. C. Burley. LRDM RHEDESNo1GAEIZ 96 Mn. and Mrs. Bihl Morion FLODD, ARSSEDLSTheo iGRDESIEt!' with M. and Mrs. George Mn. and Mnsupergus. oe heGstR AERI Ellitra, wre MuppndguessAE RU T Don Elliott. t's ur 4th Anniverscry. Mrs. Alce Austin o! Canton And, in cobbration,- -- spent Monday with len daugl- our, gift ta you is -- terI, M rs. Bert TO n pI . a xr epn i b g c s o i g M. and Ms. T. Henderson cietahllgo i ahsrig were supper guests, Sunday, every shopping day during April. with Mn. and Mrs. C. Brown. This great savings eventfo is aur way cf proving to you NESTLETON that we arei.. your patronage. M. and Mrs. Ch a rles S, if yu want MORE low prices Briggs, Toronte, spent Fniday on MORE fine foods . .. NONE PRIOKO KIOKER AT A&P to Tuesday in thein Nesileten if you want MORE for your- doflar, home. Mn. and Mns. George Fin-contearaty MEXICAN HAND SELECTED VINE RIPENED, No. 1 GRADE ney, Port Hope, wene Thurs- See for yourself what steady A&P sheppinig T t14Tri-OZ day gues s o ! M . and M rs.ca m e n t yo r t t l oo bi . E I UI U F Clarke Williams. w" ent orttlfo il OA O SRL uE2 9 d M iss D ianne M ais, Peter-N NE P I E H G ER A A P borough, and lien collegeNOEPIE GHRA A& friend, Miss Mangaret Invine, Lakeport, spent the weekend with, Di'- ,parents, Mr. _________________ Mn. George Chapman, Balhy -_________________ duf!, visited last w eek w ith à_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ his nephew, Mr. George Johins and Mrs. Johins. Mn. and Mns. THIS WEEK A&P COFFEES ARE PRICED TO SAVE Mun Percy Preston, Lindsay, and '%MBBMNA um UnUUWN pMNU q - LV IJOftU u Super-Right Brand, Vac Pac, 6 to 10-lb Averaoge TURKEYS, ner guests. Mn. Lamne McKee spent tlie weekend ai the buniing camp t Bannockburn. Mns. Charles Gisi, Peter- borough, accompanied. lier laughter and son-in-law, Mn. ind Mns. Richard Davison, te er home on Sunday afien ipendling hast week in Nesile- on. Mn. Edwand Vine, Edmon- on, is vacationing with his iephew and family, Mn. and vs. Wilferd Vine. Sunday isitars ai the Vine's were Mn. ;eg. Middleton and Thehma,,I 'ooksvulle. Receni guesis wiih Mn. and Irs. Grant Thompson werej I. and Mrs. Charles John- ýon and Mrs. James Naylor, lefenlwMn. and Mns. John ernon, Enniskillen, Mn. and ns.m Gendon BeecliBewman- lle, and Mn. and Mns. Roy go, Toronto. ,A speedY necovery is wish-i for Mns. Raîpli Saddlen' hois cu.rently in Part Ferry ospital. Mn. and Mns. Frank Emer- n and family, Peterborough, ere SundaY dinner guests of! sparents, Mn. and Mns.ý BICOlM Emerson.1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarke W11- ims, Mn. and Mns. Richard1 kvison, Mn. and Mns. Caril loi, Mn. and Mn.. MerlinI ýggitt and Mn. and Mrs. )ran Mains attended thie ksnic Banquet in Pont Per- ,Satunday evening. 'estleton Women's Institute is well ne nresented ai the, rentieth Women's Institute alversany banquet at Maple ove on Wednesday, April h. Those attending were B. Arthur Hyiand, Mn.. il Wilson, Mrs. Malcolm lersen, Mns. Adelbert Bea- k, Mns. Alian Beacock, . Vernon Hudson, Mn.. wrence Malcolm, Mn.. Geo. vers, Mns. Walter Welts, m.Grant Tliompson, Mrs. hard Davisen. Mn. La w- ce Malcolni assisted wlLh prOgram and favoured h a solo. Ir. Mnd àM. John ileae, COFFEE COFFEE 3 4b $~ '99 SAVE 6c 1-b ba(79C SAVE4c 1 1-lb bag 69e Kraft Reg. Price 55e - SAVE 6o PEANUT BUTTER 18-oz jar49c Chacolate Reg. Price pkg. 39e - SAVE 17e CADB3URY BISCUITS 3 pkgs 1.00 Criseo Reg. Price 43o - SAVE 4o SHORTENING 1-lb pkg 3 9c Choice Quality FEATURE PRICE A&P PEACHES 3 19--czzfinslOO0 Choie* Quaity FEATIJRE PRICE A&P CORN CreèsrSme 5 19-f-cz tns 9 9e A&P FROZEN, àTHE REAL THING PROM FLORIDA* 6-FL-OZ TIN 1 2-FL-OZ TIN 6 for95< 3for89< SAVE 12c SAVE 11ic I AU.. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTRED THROUGH MTIJRDAV, APRIL lUth, 1M7. PLKE LEMF VAC PAC UPER-RIGH-T BRAND - SEMI-BONELESS VAC PAC HAINES SX BRAND WIENERS SBRAND TRAY PAC PURE PORK SAUSAGE ALLGOOD SMOKED, SLCED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON CELLO PICG U591e 2-MB PKO. $1.37 numom m eOZ PKG 5 le