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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 14

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w ictures of Sports Ni*ght at Cou rtceSonrychl Bympathy ffyýpahyof the communi- tween Pont3 la i extended to the family ton. gnd #iends in the passing of The symnp Mr. Howard Brown of Ponty- munity ila ~Mr- Brown formerly Mrs. A. E. ý:.on a fai idway be- members of In the dedicated service of ail, salva workers make no distinction of rac( They are always ready to assist victi erty, personal tragedy and disaster. Salvation ArmY to give aid and coil ever it is needed. OPM YOU E I RED SHIELO API TmWUrer - KenPurdy -ýWpulan Dfr.ter- Il[.m N L Viws BLITZ1 OROO... NEWCASTLE Commim Mciathg DontinszMy b. fuivarded té: ]b e/o Cmadim Impeial leI CÂmte st, DOWMaU Speaker W as Durham's M.P.P. speaker and remnarked thi it he!dent of the Conservatory -a too had married into the.'sameistudent who has everythipig! family and had absorld some Mr. Hiorsbrough followed his of Dr. Beatty's philosophy eitouction bygvigatr Probems f Ca ada' Agi ~~~ecloe toservce eitresadnce enthraterd also worked for the Dept. andrific performance of Beeth- had learned the necessît y of oven's Opus 26 that held his C lU fr he ldrs Mrs. J. P. Lovekin was In mrkedcontrast to this;hostess for refreshments, as- ~i r I e t L U rc I lsubject of old age was the' bthlaiso ru brough of Scarboroug-.L, a;by Mrs. Ross Stonehouse and by Aleen Aked a political rafly who was in gaining employment, estab- bearded young man of 17. (One Mrs. O. J. Henderson poured AlexCaruthrs urhm ~damning evils and isms suchllishiflg a voluinteer elderly prsoetimes wonders whit is tea. Mr. Outram thanked the Psoe nOrSeira Fsim hnsddnyasons service even if only to behind the beard of tctcay's hostesses. On April 28 the post- phon eah da toask ow oung men!) Introduccd. by poned .January meigwl Citizens" to Toronto's Durham Mti l ayclldotDntte renMneLtetnason o he;to b hld clstghhewlte forget rheumatism? It is nec r Bnettakd tesuet traheeasusao N County Club at the Women'sîessary to act our age even, in Art Association on Fridaylthis miniskirt era. Life is like evenng, arch31. e wa apa steeplechase, bunched at the eveing Mach31.He as p start strung out along the pointed by Prime Minister ue-aoea h iih *Robarts as the Chairman of Tesekrsae hta 4 the "Select Committee for1provincial population increases Aging," whose aim was to 'so do the problems of ageing, encourage older people to live1 welfare and crime. Toronto is fuller lives. Mr. Carruthers the fastest growing city andi spoke with first hand know- the largest increase was in over ledge not only on the prob- 65 years bracket. In 1840 the lems but on what has and can Canadian life expectancy was be done both at Government 42 years, in 1966 it was 70 * levels and through that per- years. By comparison the sonal touch to add happineas Romans' average lîfe was 20 -for today's youth are the1 years and in the Rennaissance& Crusaders di scovered and Letters were read from Dur- brought back glazed plates to ham's bestknw "SnoEgan replacing pewter ~ . ..~.Citizen" the Rt. Hon. Vincent bowls and plates the death rate Massey who graciously ace Pt- decreased 50 per cent. Com- _ _ dHooaymebrhpin paring the work power of man, Toronto's Durham County animais and machines in the Club; also from Miss M. E. early days, 13 per cent was Wadidell, Q.C., senior club human and 87 per cent ani- pasîngof er istr, isswaywit th fist racicemember and Canada's oldest mal. Today it is one per cent pasingof er istr, isswaywit th fist racicepracticing lawyer up to her hunan, one per cent anima] Iý 1 Elsie Coulter. at Burketon school last week. retirernent recently to a nurs- and 90'er cent animated wîth MsRaymond aespn - Mr.A.R ubrvitein ho .70wk hours a week com- Lypool and Burke- Friday in Lindsay. frienda in the village on Sun- J. P. Lovekin was convener pared to 32 hours now. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheil day. and introduced Mr. Carruthers With workîng conditionsN athy of the com- were recent Sunday visitors Mrs. W. Bryan attended the as an old friend of the Love- better, industrialization has Ktended to Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephen- funeral of ber sister, Mrs. kin farnily, whose love for the created its own problema. Ribey and other son. Virtue of Toronto, on Monday. welfare of Durham County and From Quebec to the Wind-î the family I the Saoftbal1lela getting under- Mrs. Ernest Adams of. Bow- rich, warmn human qualifies sor border, nursing homes and nille, a former résident -of made bim most sympathetic to facilities for- the aged w.ere. the village, is; stili in Meni- our senior citizens. Mr. Car- visited by the committee. Some orial Hospital, Bowmanville. ruthers said his return to the crowding was one condition A centennia celebration is Club was a pleasure - to a found and recommendations planned for Burketon United politician a captive group was brought these under provin- Church Anniversary. Rev. Dr. "it"'! He told of a speaker at cial regulations and lead toi Green of Queen's University, major improvemen ta. Ontario Want to buya really gcI camera? Kngston, bas been invited as fPTT R bas some 400 Senior Citizens guest speaker. Former resi- O IU R Clubs which have a powerful dents are învited to return influence. In North Bay (which for the service, with refresh.. Miss Elsie Lora Coulter gives financial help) they Get a Commerce Shuter bug Loar, ments after the service. Following a lengthy illneas, wr ecmdadmtb The U.C.W. meeting was the death of Miss Elsie Lorammbrhangbneaun- ounm it ftsoaam ap hpst'apnoowah gmch e held the middle of the month Coulter, aged 74 years, occur- forms and bt.TeGle when tbey made plans for the red at Memorial Hospital, Plough, home for the United or an automobile. Whatever it is you warit, a Commerce Bankplan anniversary tea. Bowmanville, on Monday, Counties aged, was rnentioned Lancnb tiri~M " rne' Ph-"or teDrrt April 10, 1967. as an ideal borne, fa from a 1oredtoyor eds P na rvisit teLoan eat Darlington Council Dauhter of the late Samuel home of refuge as it once nment of any Commerce branch. Wely and Rebecca Jane might have been. Only four Darlington Township Con Coulter, she was born near Of the older type homes re- cil et Aril Oth n t Milverton in Perth dounty, mnain. Welland's modern home Municipal Building, Reeve Ontario, and received her is an examnple of replacing old Muirpreidig, Dput Reveéducation at Listowel Higb bornes with new. It le; manag- - Down, Councillors Gibbs and School and Stratford Normal ".d by a vigorous young man J> Dow attendig. School.and bas a wonderful integrat- ~L'A IC yowarsenMiss ed program. Convalescent hos- CANADJAN IMPERIAL 0BWC F COMMERSE£ Moved by Deputy Reeve For the past two yasMs pitalsan mental institutions Down and Councillor Dow Coulter made bier home witb were also visited.__________________________________________ that the minutes of the meet- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey at ings beld April 6, and April Burketon. For a number of . This problemn of ageing la 17, 1967, be adopted as read. years she resided in Toronto impotnadsoudbgvn Moved by Councillor Gibbs and was Assistant Principal cnieainadpbiiya and Deputy Reeve Down that of High Park Forest Schoolý ail have to face it. We will be tenders subniitted on Fole orno. Miss Coulter begar the senior citizens of tomnorrow PITU O hrtbaci career in a rural and today's bouses are not Crossing, Contract 6529, PAINT UPo NOWfmile. onli McGîl Clver, Cntrat 613 chool near Stratford and be-butfotofaiesLne- beci uve and opned.t613 fore ioining the staff of High ness in old age is one of the be rceivd an opeed. ParkForet Scoolwàs, for most difficult thinga and canFO Moved by Councillors Dow several years, on tbe staff of be helped on a voluntary basis. O and Gibbs that Mr. Totten Perth Avenue School, Tr In Toronto thousanda of old and r. Sort etir andonto As wll, iss otr people are living on toast and and r. hort retre a d o to. As w ll, Miss Coutertea with no one to cook for Down and Councillor Dow A member of Bloor Street the elderly in their own homes. that the, Clerk-Adrninistrator United Church, Toronto, for They pay only a anail arnount ltlt a n ' is authorized to attend the a number of years, the de- because ail service is by vol- W eh "y F v u Annual Conference of !the ceasecl was a member Of unteers. Recently, two trucks Municipal Clerks and Treas- Burketon United Cburch for serving meals-on-wheeîs were urers of Ontario in June. the past two years. She was set Up in Toronto, but winter Moved by Councilior Gibbs a member of The Women's weather conditions make such and Deputy Reeve Down that Canadian Club of Toronto, the a project moat difficult. Many CR E the Tender submitted by Ontario Association of Super- live in one roomn on $75.00 a S CR FE' Ganaraska Bridge Co. on Coni- annuated Women Teachers, ýmonth and pay $40 for rent. tract 6113, McGill culvert is and also the Kirk Club, Blocir In regard to the $105.00 pen- accapeted at unit prices as Street United Church. sion a montb, what is requir- tendered, subject to the ap- Misa Coulter is survived d is a "needa test" flot adb ÀMU itonAryproval of the Department Of a brother and tbree sisters, "means test." Southern Ontario ainA yHighways, Ontario. E. Scott Coulter, Millbank' is the wealtbiest and most e or creed. ~Moved by Councillors Dow Ont., Ms .E ie En' afluent district on the Ameni- ~nisof ov-and Gibbs that the Tender Bowinanville, Mrs. J. P. Jen- can continent, even more so ùM ofpov-submitted by Harnden & ner (Florence), Chatham, and than Soutbern California which HelpTheKing Construction on Con- Mrs. R. S. McDowell (Irene), was visited. Each district bas HepTetract 6529, Foley Crossing, is Millbank. a diffrent problem, Northern " THI X" dort whena- accepted at unit prices as The funeral service w a nio bas5eer e ers5.with tendered, subject to tjbe ap- field froni the Morris Funeral only 8.5 prent moe 5.E-orUm mLb proval of the Department of C h a p e 1, Bowmanville, on wekmoean noeSOho Highways, Ontario. 6t anniversarles are cele- Downand ounillo Dowcoued y Rev. Mhary wAlicbrated. Qui-ec l nymk 2n NMMoved by Deputy ReevoesdA prl lhan-ws ANA U ER_0 i 1

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