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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 5

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CeleIbrdIte VIt r AIIiversdFy the bride adgo Of W5 years. Mr. AnuonTaylor and Mr. Arnold Taylor alm o poke l and told how pleased they Swere to meo e many out ta hoortheir parents. %oy STaylor explYessed their grati- tdfor being remembered on fewhappy event, and apent a fwmoments remlniscing over the past 5o years. They spent hd~their entire married life on the tari on 7A highway, nortli of the village, until building their new home, in >, Blackstock and retiring in 1951. The beautlfully arranged teat table,- with lovely lace cloth, was centred with the weddlng cake, adorned with Yellow 'munis, and golden candies in candelabra, and had two silver tes services, one at each end of the table. Presidlng at the table were Mrs. Edgar Horn, Mis. Harry >McLaughlin, Mrs. Herb. Tay- .5 lor and Mrs. Harold Wright. A ]ovely basket of golden I munis were given the couple by their grandchildren. Many other flowers and gifta were also received. Congratulatory messages were received froin the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson, the Rt. Hion. John Diefenbaker, -Premier John Robarts of On- '~..: . ario,, Mr. Alex 'Carruthers,, Mr. an Mrs. Mrs oy Tay orr*aR.lyho o ethe pa.. and Dr. M. B. Dymond, M.P.P. Prior to the reception, the Mr. nd rs.Roy Taylor forer AIma McLaughlin and three children, Anson of Scar- Farder, Mrs. Taylor's mother, Celebrated their 50th Wedding Royr Taylor were united in borough, (Kathleen) M r s. nineteen in ail, to a smargas- Anniversary in the Christian marriage at the home of the Gm Education Building of Black-ibride's parents, Nestieton, rnt Murray, Cressweil bord dinner at Rock H-aven Restaurant, Peterborough, on stock United Church an March with Canon Kidd, rector of and Arnold of Biackstock. March 23rd, it being Mrs. For- 3lst, 1967, with approximate-St. John's Anglican Church, They have four grandchildren. der's 94th birthday. Mrs. For- ly 200 attendrng the reception. Blackstock, officiating. During the evening Rev. P. der also was able to attend On April the 4th, 1917, the Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have Romeril called the gathering the recept.ion. Prompt, Personal Ruby Anniversary nei Caaadfan tmoan owmanvme, Apr. 28, 1W? Only 3 Days Left! Walker's Fabulous Spring THE HOME-'OF THE BRANDS wo (f iii ;~ Don't Miss the great values that can ho yonrs before this annual storewide sale ends. Hors wo show but a few of the staggering savimgs you'll find for just three more days! biL2 1 ' . . TP! *. c Hm g Iijj piece 1847 ROGERS ÉROS. Service for 8$7 0 and for only $5.00 more rèceive these LARGE SERVING esse,ntial Sy O ServinTABLE SPOON servîg f~COLD MEAT FORIC P ieces. <' BUTTER KNIFE ÈY SUGAR SHEL O* 3 SAYINC 0F $31.00 OVER OPEN STOCK PEICINO) E/Co op er -9s le Ring st E. gfewellery and Gift Shop PHONE 6=.5717 BowmaVniil Mr. and Mrs. E. Willatts On Saturday atternoon, 40 years ago, and Miss Eieen IApril l5th, about 100 friends, Large, both o! Bowmanvifle, relatives and neighbors called poured tea. The iovely tea' at the Ontario Street home of table was centred with a Mr. and Mis. E. Wiiiatts to beautiful wedding anniver-1 extend their best wishes and sary cake, made and decorat- congratulations an their 40th ed by their daughter Kath- wedding anniversary. For the leen. Ruby red candies and occasion Mrs. Willatts wore a bouquets a! med roses aiso deep ruby-red dress compie- adorned the tea table. Guests mented by a corsage of red were served by the couple's roses and white 'mums, and daughters, and granddaugh- Mm. Wiilatts had a red camna- ters Cindy Fomsey, Melody tion boutonniere. and Shelley Aibia, Lee Anne The anniversary couple's and JilI Willatts and Karen famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. George Massey. Forsey (Kathleen), Bowman- Gift plants and floral pieces ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mas- beautifully de coar a ted the sey (Gwen), Courtice, Mr. and home and among these were Mrs. Cecil Aibin (Muriel), red roses from the Ladies and Mr. and Mis. Reg. Wil- Auxiliary to the Royal Cana- latts, ail of Bowmanviiie, and dian Legion, and red carna- their 12 grandchildren were tions from the Red Cross aIl present for the memarable Society. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- event. latts also received many love- Their son Reg and grand- ly gifts from family and son Larry Forsey greeted friends as well as numerous guests at the door. Miss Mary carda, including one from Mr. Aibin, a granddaughter, was Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., and in charge o! the guest book. Mrs. Carruthers. Mis. Amy Tait, at whose Capt. and Mis. H. Fraser of home the marriage took place the Saivation Army Citadel were present and Capt. Fra- ser canveyed the best wishes P U1'YLIrU L o! the Salvation Army Corps. Out-of-town guests attended Included in a large group from Kingston, Napanee, Port of Manvers citizens were sev- Perry, Whitby and Oshawa. eral from this area who at- -Photo by Lloyd McRobbje tended the joint meeting of M a n v e r s and Cartwright SOLINA W. 1. Councils held on Thursday Solina W. 1. met in the hall afternoon in Blackstock. Two on Wednesday, April 12. The representatives f r o m t h e meeting opened with O Canada Planning Board were present and the Institute Ode, follow- and tried to explain how this ed by the Mary Stewart Col- subdivision control would af- lect. The minutes and the fect this aiea. The meeting Treasureî's report were given, was quite heated and it was and the correspondence deait very obvious that those pres- with. Mrs. R. Davis repoîted ent were largely "Nay"'. The on the plans for the District back-bencheîs were allowed to Annual. The roll caîl was ask questions at the con- answered by a veîy interest- clusion. Even a few who ing display of tîeasured slightly support the coatrol, articles. Mis. George Knox, feel that Manvers Township is convener of Agriculture and not îeady or mature for this Canadian Industries, took the ufipopular move. chair for tht program. She Mis. Ivan Kellett was taken cailed on Mr. and Mrs. Clar- to hospitai recently with blood ence Tink who showed us poisoning. beautiful coloured slides of Mr. Earl Giibank is also a their gardens, and other beau. patient there and we hear .tiful spots they have visited. favourable reports about him. They also brought with themn Eight tables of progressive some potted cuttings o! their tuchre were played Fîiday at lovely plants, which were won the U.C.W. party. Top win- by lucky members. Mrs. E. ners for the ladies was Raiph Cryderman thanked Mr. and Hyland (who played as lady) Mrs. Tink for sharing their and Randy Bradley for the hobby with us. men. Consolation awards went Mis. S. Milison commented to Mrs. Iva Cain and Randy on the Motta, «Gardens are L.ethangue. flot made by sitting in the Mr. and Mis. Alvin Olan shade". Mrs. E. Cryderman, celebîated possîbly their last Miss P. Leach and Mis. Tom Sunday in their old home by Baker gave us a preview o! being hasts to a lot o! visi- the akit which they have pre- ors. Three brothers of Mrs. pamtd for the Centennial Din- Olan and their wives were ner ta be held at Maple Grave. guests: Mm. and Mrs. Dick At the close of the program WJorr, Garden Hill; Mr. and aur Annual Meeting was held, M1rs. Elmer Worr, Fraserville and reports from aIl the con- and Mr. and Mis. Austin Worm ventru given. Mis. W. Yel- of Cavan. Mr. and Mis. Olan lowlees vtmy flttingly thanked w'ill be moving into thei new Mis. Wesley Hilîs for hem miodern home very soon. This capable leadership during hem is the second new home ta be term o! office, and asked hem *uilt in this arta recently as ta accept a W. I. cup and Nir. and Mis. Bill Rodgers saucer as a memento. Mis. orne was tht first. This for Tom Baker conducted the tlec- nany yeams was known as tion of afficers, and instailed "Tinker Row", later "Shanty theni in their new positions. Row» and if this subdivision Mim.IR. Eakinu, oui new ontrol Act doesn't become president, was asked to take tw it might become thtRtose- the chan d close the mneet- "iet MbaversTownhLip, Ing 'SHE" SHELLS Special This is an amazing low price for these first quality acrylic sheils. Scoop them f or skirt, shorts , culotte and pant toppers. lu~e, Two styles, as illustrated. White, Pink, Blue, Turquoise, Navy. SM,L GIRLS SETM Reg. 3.98 & 4.98 Target Sale! set 8198 each TÂRGET 'ýSALE! O4 'e This is the colorfast Cotton that shrugs off wrinkles, resists mildew and neyer needs Starching! Swish styl. ings! Ful-skirted shirtwaists. Step-ins. Tailored button fronts. Doube.breasted coachmans. Sweetheart neck- line sheaths. Checks, stripes and eyelash ginghams. Alil in misty rainbow pastels. Misses' sizes, 14-20. Haif- sizes, 16Y2-241/2. "CALDWELL" BATH & HAND TOWELS Suatynad fLxr Batyow Batg.T2.989 3.98,94.98 Hand Towels r 99eci Slight defects will hardly be no. ticed. Choose from a sparkling black, tan. 45'widths. selection cf colors and designs. Harmony, Heather.MedfÀIm and long ~engU~~. 8'k9; 9V,.lO; 1014 PRINTED SURAH DOTS Reg, 1.19 yard lg Ta rgetSale! 9 lr First quality washable acetate. At a saving of 221 a yard for just three more days! Hurryforycurs today for your summer sewing projects. Pink, blue, red, navy, ~* ~.Two-piece sets in assort- ed styles, but flot every size in every style. Nauti. cal knit tops, bell bottom trousers and tailored slirns in the selection. Just be sure to shop early to avoid disap. p ointment. Pastels, Navy, Red. 7-14. TEENS' & LADIES' SLIPPERS & BOOTS V aluesU To 4.98 pair (i f 18t qu ality) ISubstandards and overmakes in the igroup. Choose Ifrom assorted styles, including petit- point, go -go jboots, dainty florals and solid fabrics. B roken sizes 5-8. Shop early, as quantities are limnited. CANTRECE® i-NYLONS Reg. 1.39 pair 9 109r TJarget&Sd£! Sheer seamless n ylons by "DuPont" that fîtIlike a summer tan. Subtie ma tte finish, Wrnkle4ree ai. waysNohen no drag no bag ae rzl GIRLSY a pair BOWMANVILLE 77 eaelk

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