foi :Obll gui eWar di gether »By m -Plrut. -flortunal .we au 1 --.were ! here w - tuinlty ý'..Vry fei .ed the ý,Ëtand s casion1 .Lleutens 4nly ow .eventsi -2wth n3 ,"whlchi .harp ai are ver3 -elso as wlth son bai-rasas '¶Eowe groundi least the executial IWO ote: lThe foilow- la very famnilarta Most cf by W. Boss you. 0 q. was given et tulhinyRdge was anc of ~yNght dinner be-e Ucfntgi-est offensive vic- lnl-.Eecaus this is tories a! thc wan for the liUth Annlversary of aliezmad certainly lu which mOea Canadien vlctory, thse whole Canadia Corps bcl that rnany renaders was cmgaged. be moat interested in "tI reteCnde ut anicunt of Informe» i tru tis Ae Camadia sntalned ln Mr. Strike's "~ lIdtop let adns. ad been lnvolved lu n auy acdrienlu fI in bitter sud very important un always at s lois oni hes wrfall doeinY" e but occasions ta decide gagemeuts whicbeare actu- I should talk about. aliy tougher ta fight wheu Vetorana get together the euemny ban the choies RYs feed like I ami sure af bath weapana sud ter- leterans o! [ho Boer- nain ta say notbing o! the Id when [bey met with elemeut: of surprise and mi after the firat sa- logistics planned ta the asat lat World War. We detail. certalnly liuked ta- "iy Rdga o ineut tainst know, wss a high embank- vent.meut runuing south [o now Vmy Ridge must nortis serais au otherwise lu in perspective t o eomparativeîy level plain. It ns ai the 2nd Warld sloped. away gradually on lke the relief af Lady- bath north sud south flanks dld to Veterans of the reacing its greatest beighth et the centre wisere agalu those of us who had il sloped gradually down grt et,?play~ in this ta the west sud dropped ar evn suad were almst precipately ta the te enougb ta survive east. It had saine o! the bave aur own private characterîstics o! the es o! the people sud Niagara oscar pmeut but a! nees with wbich we much leas noble proportions. directly coucerned. "'It in obviaus [bat the e'as no time or appor- Germaus kuew ail about for anything else. the strategic Importance a! ew if auy are afford- this idge or escarpment luxury o! a grand- long bofore the wmr started seat ou such au oc- because they got ta it early unies. It may be a lu tho war just a: soan asM sunt Genersi or two. they could sud held au ta it I, amn no differeut giimly despite the i-epeatod bers sud I tod bave attacks a! the French ta dis- Aru recollectians o! lodge theni. The French whichwereshared are reliably reported ta have iy pals aud croules bast 40,000 troaps lu these t infrtuuateîy ai-e be- unsuccesiful engagement: lu Syear less the early yers of the wr ry boriug t ansyoue isbod their tour o! duty at i I bave discovored the Somme iu the. late t =e chagrin sud cm- autumu af 1916 (sud-wbat a 1 nent. bear pit that was> they h were brought back sud f ever ' I tbink it is estabiiahed at the base a! ble under tho h lp oth eto h i-uic: ta recali at cetei otmycide wo!h gencrai design sud I mentîonod previausly was f In o! [bis achieve- its bigheat point. The 0 tbougis I amn sure it trenches w er c obviousiy t formerly ýoccupied by the ' French. sud through the 01 lapse o! time were not in t godd shape sud'we got oui-9 first rcally 'big dose o! re lUIre marîrrats. There were llteralIy h -ilNIEm)IMCIIImillions o! [hem. Oui- sick q parade each marning cou-e sis[ed o! long Ues of troops' st bitton by these lovèiy, illmy a feocous aud disessed nad- ul ents lu every part a! their su body that bocame exposod as [bey tried to olecp. They tr were tise original reai dlrt$r th rats -for [bey had ne- i ipeeelor nvlk or rmce"'-Po3 tbey even bit the ,efficers » th, ...... ......just a: badby es tise ather Vi rahks. he «I amn sure there wa.s marc w rresentIl 14bi> fl tetanus soi-uniused _[bat br t e .oe [bat yen wiutoi-than there was lun ' protct wisely. But the Vimy battie. Cardite s' lpoi-ant you want to, also became a very acarce i ~e batya hae po.comdity. Huge quansti- p OrYOurselfilise a vent or croak fram tise aitiliery to ige suit arhing out ef sud everywhere you wentbu accident. We'iI b. lu [ho trenches you could Pcl ývew your camplete sec groups standing iu front es d p-oen a la [ato! rat hales stufflng lu att ýd iéen a la tatcoi-dite thon exploding i ab( you realiatic protec- aud goiug aftei- ratsaua they W"4 clowetpssiblcoSt came slinklng out, with atout sticks sud clubs. Some o! a101 these blows missed [heur far mrai- nsd we bad some i-S protty bad bruises sud cou- tbi tusions on sick parade. At roa * loast [bat wmî [hoenopaited W"' BT fl cause o! [beau 1:jurles. frn li their vantage points ou the aud lIESridge miust have become ju:i completely mytlfied aud no meç doubt abarmed at these new ls %IL INSURANCE techniques the unpredictabie thal Canadiaus were developing ind * E. Bowanvibmfor tiseir uext ecuuer Rtealdeno. "The German observera te 623-5498 absa must have been !uIly [he aware o! the uuprecendout.. ly0 build-up af artilliery tbat chie Consider this carefully,.. Stiff succession duties con toesà big bite out of thé poorfy arranged estate, ...draininig away assets built up &mr many yearu, at wslI s cresting needless problemas for the family you louve béhind. ESTATE-PLANNING ... by oompetnt Stelng TruMt pro. fesslonal counsi con qulckly put your affairs in good order. Advte wlthout obligation. lvegt this vuluable service today. Prompt Conifidentli Service ý-SýERIf@TRIUSTS7 S houp . 18 MIuuIuus. I. hn~ wui going on iteadgl througb the winter early sprint. Despîte use o! ail the tisen k tricks o! camouflage Il waa net; possible te hii the bine miter line site: of emplacements that being installed nor the tâutent traffic sud maya in the support ares. "«Well, [ho day came, close ta 50 yoari mgo [hi: lspse of Urne le unbelievabie ta [hase experlenced It. The ai was soonci- than we exý cd sud we suspect tbe masswere lu [ho samo dicameut. As I recali it was nat an esnly el sud the mud bad feri- disappeared. "The dawn wss just a to break en a grey maruiug wheu the 1 started what was ta bec tho wsr's greatest boml meut certaiuly ta that, sud quite possibby throi out the wsr. Line a lineofa guns bath gi-est amabi stretched for nr almost bub ta hub. Gorman batteries- had 1 thoroughly sp'otted lu precediug weeks wben1 age was lbare sud camoufi dif!icult. These positi got tho furet treatmnt mininlize, s beavy court fi-e that wae baund ta cc Thon the creeplng bai-i stsrted sud tho constant r sud din a! tho gunsj [ho screaming sud exploc o! the sheila put Dante': really ta ihanie. "4Vimy wss the fi-at ti tho full force o! the ci-o ing bai-rage was used. had been used once or tw ln a sinaller wsy ta pi- its effectiveness but up thon Vimy lied been an i preguabie position sud had ta heamll out or anot] faiiure. "At the beglnuing [he was stubboru sud bit fighting especially at soi of the stroug point. whe the barrage was net efei ivo sud again wben mor of oui- cager troopa foi- to check thoîr wmtcbes ai got out abend o! the his rage forgettiug that thý had ta boad the guns as wg as tire [hem. in the la: 'raI advance however, [ha [rang points were MQ and more isalated sud gai up the roaitauce or we: surnounded sud llquldatec "I believe some cf oi troopm ieached thse ci-euti te nid g. et noon oer, short, !ter but :thore ut] le . banks. It wu a reî icetory but thé lassos wei cavy on bath asides., The: 'ci-c covntiesacta o! gi-e bravery sud beri-om ar nany a mon gave hl ic i ive bis cami-adea. Th& igbt there wms ne victor )i-ado non aigu: o! greà ation. Everybady was tire i tise point a! exbmustio: M they baed tc dig Into ne' moi[iona, rograup [heur tort afor a passible cauntes tack lu tise mornlng aui bove ail, got eut th, runded. "Thse latter wasas ver, lw sud painful proces' )r the wounded. The bar ig had oblterated cvoryý iung. The treuches, tbi )ada, the land marks, I as just one vaut ses o tegrated sheillisoles mut ud. There were very lem~ i-os beiug used [bat nighi id everyoue was foi-ced tc st grope lu. the mudd3 ess. There wore s lot ei t souls wandering arouuci at uight as [heur language licsted. Rations were juan bard ta get la as It ives get the wouuded «mt. Se etroapa dined sumnptuous. an bully beef or machoni. e sud hardtsck. "If it needed any making, ich Io doub[ful, tise repu- ion o! the Canadiaen iier as a top notch fight- g man waa certainly mode Vimy. Th* rnswr tel News [bat noither ideut De Gaulle nor bigh i-anking Trèech lail wcre attendlng the tual Vimy Memmai-l vice [bis year but fow rminai aiclels would id. Smake no comment for leation but 1 anm duty d, lest wé forgest t Id you [bat ung ho doue. or nid uow will-ever dim thee me. Sof a et aMd historlo ýMyv" ybmae gaUnt stroopo, siom of a une Cuiea"", wht tatic Ing at1 laud Can; whe over this bein tiin year aud ou mec troci agr iug the adlir par'q all offy Then ama.l higi, tise farce tieni oil very atten tbati Mors ac"t Md 0, ethe Cauadian Soldie isImdNHs Re putation - M ML M LA L M irMs'. AlîsuHutch- COONATION PICKLES2 J DONALD A. MSGEO on snd sns of Oshawa viit- La O89&P L it.. A u t., H o u a d o n S u d a y w t b M i. a ud A B Y S C l c 8 9 Insursace lira. Clarence Vice. C 80RYimnoo 2I 9 as xi« et .W, rewmavila A numnber of the W.. mcm . AWROSIA IPh.,. 3ozaber atene heCentennial CREAMEI lICE 2 .45e Banquet held at Maple Grave U.ACK CU» usp#~ uM MAVgy Unitcd Church lest Weduesday CHIVERS PIRE JANS . j: MERILL [. DROWN Morgan of Ohawa; lira. Byyg n.E..HrtlraM JET SPRAY CLEANSER o 65 12 PEN . O L.. Lang mald; M n.. D. Flett and W 1 BU&. and Res. Telephone Friday sfternoon guetti wlth DINNTAN 62-21Miss Pearl Lesch. FI£ »SL OLEANSRM JI ages Mr-. and Mrs. l{arry !Knox MM EFFWM AU 26, sd sns w tb l?& . Hilton *1 t I« o um 9 BAKIL O s Pink, Ebenezer, en Sunday. ri mrtae une WESLeYVILLE BOWMANVILLE EI5fl t petes (Intended for last woek) o ta m 'r y pland for~Mndry. April lOhWa Peatponed untilà KDfU A DILET~.OZ1. later date because fi bsd 143 S"àytý tj Theregular niontlily meet- lys tt Ing of the UCW ws held onl DNMLIAPOREO 3s3 Wedaeiday sfltnnoon, Amiil DO M GN RPIT1 Bau. 2th wltb about 18 ladies priset. Thse business was Thswuday svenhNcs conducted by [he presidentNO WL. aMd Uit. 'à*8 itr h.Maethemuetins AbOlisflîng Public Utilities Commission tecntna noe aslougl, Possible, the support for chil (Prom pPe To) hydrant rate. It luflont easy or even The program *was ini charl water lines totafling 10,720 feet inztalied feasible te arrive et a completely accur- of the rop led by Mrm.1 underiî» *me circum"stanoes. ate breakdown of ail these factors, there BâArroclugh heuit The ree' ing- bilit up by the. are too 'any variables. This is the -first lesson was read by Mrs. r Comnmsin e h~*atctworks départ, time in otqr knowledge tàta GmunicipalmAct8:8 meàtwasno ecre. I #à Shon ii cuncl ha prposd tht mnicpalwîtl a amoudern interpretatic in ed w a n o sec et . t * s s o w n in i n c-l l as rt p sed th a t th e ac tu al c out given by lir . A . T horndy ki ourfinncil sat~enteac yer.This -of maintalning fire hydrants represents -Uslng i mtrain the boal practili carried on bY anY utilities the whole cost of the utility for the "Growrth o! the Christia and for the. sane reason ,to mneet at supply of water and equipinent for fire Church in Canada" lirs. Gu least some of the capital cout of impend- prpse. owever, it is true.that our dyke presented it in dialogu ing expansion. The trangfer to tiheTon ydrant rate or rentai is, as far as one form. A film was shown poi IY aul of t" reserve was made upon request can determine, somewhere about the traying Uic developmentc the church in the Provincec a«I totalling $105,000.00 but the Act pro- average or below the charge in com- Quebec from the trne th e the 'Vides that this money must be kept by parable municipalities. Christian cross was erected a ton the Town Treasurer in a separate water- TerpttaCuclas m- Gaspe. de ail works account as long as waterworks plains about aur charge ta them of Elizabeth Kel1og came ta thi r line debentures are 'outstanding. The Town meigatrschool and re were Î,it10a.00ld ht h Tw an hour for the use of à back peated her prize-winning tai] Pr st ahve hoe.mheseiiosomthonfusin here Thison the "Growth of Part Hope' aiment at ayheCmiso th treta what we -charge ta private operators Elizabeth needed no introduc earned by this reserve. The importance but te aur knowledge the'Town has neot tnaand she was thanked b vey f this manoeuvre is not significant. padteCmiso an mnyfr the president and later bi 'J.ry The cnftheoCommdssbsequent m- *thefuseothers o! the aprreclativý > ad . -Tecnuinadsbeun e teueof this noble piece of equl*p- group. juat ftind relating. te repair of sewer and ment. Mr. and Mrs. Don McColl who water mains on public streets may or This proposai ta abolish the Public Andrew and Beverly came t( rpect- may flot have been a nliétake. By-laws Utilities Commission~ in aur Town can Mr. and Mrs. Reeve's on Sat. Ger- concerning this were icse at con- îead ta some seriaus long term results. hray frn o ew ork. ove pr. siderable length first by the commission The mem-bers o! the Commission have and been amved ta Vrancuv pre- hi, !amdtei(956 anilltremaie now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cun, ofta ae(96adltrb in n axe ta grind personaily. We are only here until he is settled. An. prn bers of the Commeission and C nclitrse inhe efreothTwndrew will be attending schooý before the by-laws were passed and it and its future development. a. The annual ceo¶etery beE bout was the considered opinion of bath We suggest ta Council that they re- was held on Saturday after- duil bodies that the charges were fair and cansider their decision especially as it noon with very few men able guns reasonable. However, the charges have i la ia h lcredprre tot be present. They did finish ~oe now be meddand *,iremoving the dead branches benamned rfuddnae must be operated by a local commis- romn the pine trees, makinga date The subject of hydrant rentais low sian. The record of the local utility in vast improvement in appear- ýugh- more commoniy termed fire protection its over thirty years of existence has ance. Clarence Nichols drew. after is a perennial source of discussion be- made a very important contribution ta several loads of branches aile sway, frabnieo nte nd tween local commission and counicil in the advancement of the community anid day. frabnieo nte The many municipalities. The fire insurance certainîy will continue ta do se. We A large ciuilt was finishe.d been rates of each municipality are set by propose at a later date ta produce in- at Mrs. H. Darke's during the the the underwriters upon two main cri- formation ta support this. Surely, Bow- week and others on hand will foui- ei:()teefcecan qim t be left for a few weeks until nage tra(1thefieny andeqipi te manvîule is not campletely different and bouse cleaning and gardening lons of the fire brigade (2) the capctyth apart from other municipalities and get a littie attention. ta available pressure, the condition, eff i- what other municipalities are propos- Sunday morning c h u r c b ter- ciency and operation of the waterworks ig eaboîish their PU.Ç? service was beld here, with rae. sysgeta Rev. Ian Munroe using the age sysem.We are prepared ta meet with flip tchart to give an illustrat- roar In the design o! every municipal Council at any turne not ta quarrel and ed talk on the work o! the and water system there is always superim-cet rcinbtt lnmc e- red side of the church en- sion posed over and above the services re- trco-ordin+ate effort ta ave ur Town veoewiholsteM& beilltra..gv M. offering. At the conclusion quired for domestic and industriai use the best service possible. o! the talk Christine Hill of [me the factor o!flire fightlng services. This It may well be that the local coin- Welcome pesented the chair- ee- starts with larger intake capacity then Mission can improve its public relations man o! the M. & M. Commit- it larger mains, larger pumps, larger and and ta this we intend ta give aur best teqeorge . Os orwha vice higher starage tank, more stand-by effort bath for ourselves and aur staff. lr hreo udySho to equipuient and more and well-placed Sicrl yus hich ollowed the service. it Ail these cost factors should be Wilfrid Carruthers, Tisnovsky received the offer- her given some weigRht in arrivin ait the Ross Stevens. ing and the concluding hymn 9 was played by Jennifer Payne. sreMr. and Mrs. 1. Darke wee A age S O e N Awith prayer. Lteswere i omavleon Strîy me Shuri, the two children in p"rty. ere A lrgecongregation attend- Eldad Sunday Sehool assisted ong Kong supported at Mr. and Mrs. L. Oughtred' et- ed church on Sunday when by lira. Donald Taylor, the school by the group. Lam and Sbawn Houston were in ne tnie "Dedication ta Missions" treasurer o! the Mlssionary Shun says he le tudying hard Toronto on Sunday. gat was observed. Mr. StanleylMaintenance Fund conducted for he is writing exania ta ________ ind Miflon, Superintendent o the the presentation and accept- enter secondary scbool. mi- ance o! the gi!ts fi-arn the Plans were made ta use a Ontario Hydro supplies pow- i Bisiu.. Direcgroupa. Those present.. Centennial theme for the er at cost for the homes, ,el l B a t n t z D i r c t o y i g t e g i t s n b h a l f o f h e i st a w b e r y e s t v a l w b i c h w il l f a r m s , f a c t o r i e s a n d b u s i n e s s glrou a were Mas Sherri Lyd be at the saine time as pi-e- ea o! Ontario. Dividends to S A c c o un ta nc f- th.e C.G..T. Misses Susan cedlng years. Planting of a custorners came in the formi re - Y 'Vice sud Sylyfa Koczulab o! ti-ce was also planned but it o! rates which are among the 1 ive RAy j. DILLING- the Explorers, Walter Taylor was decided that the major lowest in the world. ere Chartered Accountant anid Rob akina o! the Tyro',, d. 93 Cburch Street Php Broorne and Donald - M. ur 623-3861 Dinew of the Sîgma..C and,~" " W.. .COIS Messrs. Neil Tlnk and Glen' NIZF EXS Chartered Acceuntant Mlino h iCgop 15Liberty St. S., BowrnanvIl2. The choir sang for theli T M T Phno'83362~..~ them "ICrown ,stuK LIQUID re WILLIAM C. HALL bis sermon <'Sec What-Your ul R~ ýat Chartered Accountant. Anniveraary practise will ad 38% King St. E., Oshawa begin on Sunday evenlng,, Teehn 7563 April 30th at 7:30 P.xnLct's 32 cc at BuIRRows, SELDY s& Co. have everybody out and there nm 7y Chartered Accauntants la a great need for male voices. et 323 King Street West Mr-. snd Mi-:. Bruce Taylor: edOshawa, Ontario sud famnily werc Sunday din- .. . ~ 'n 725-6451 - 728-7554 uer guesta with Mir. and Mi-.. w William A. D. Selby, C.A. Bruce Montgomery. C. G. Edmond Burrows, C -A. Mi-. and lirs. Lloyd Broorne, r- Ted, Philip, Dennîusand Dale California Garden Fresh id L were Sunday callers with Mr-. le C i ro p a c c,, nd Mrs. Joe Snowden. 1 ~~~~ dm Mr.rati ansd lrs. Robert Kew, 'y G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. c;M. and lira. GrantA SR GU seOfcy Chiropractor Down and farnily, Sunderland; r-15 Elgin St., cor, of Harsey St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Poueo F_ Phone 623-5509 ansd famnily, Brougham, were PUS.o. c e _Office _________________en Sundayr visitai-s with Mr-. and Ua.SN.. e fieH uiIypitet Mi-.. John Knox aud !amily. GradeI3 tf Mr. and Mrs. John Hamer, rd Caurtice and Mr. John Han.: Produce of Mexico Canada No. 1 DE .M. RUDELL, D.D.S. cock, were Sundayqueats wlth Iniported Vine Ripe ar75Kn.Sta 6E. om. dil M-.$and M. Grant aer A q 'a Cla d S tr a n un m n l n o e r et w , w r usl g wth Jie Foi a L e S Fresh Ontario. * [EAN FuESi PORK SHOULDER' Lm Frub Pork Butt Re LaMaWou Tri.. Pork Butt Chi CHICKEN CUIS DEEF LIVER - f~ ë_ k f. 4 1,V TANT...... re ICA Cash Bolu Toas «I pf JUuCE k4b T.p .. m ç fDoble TOMe CNOCOLATE BISCUJITS Bif Fuur! SOIDAE TOPPINCS "BSABY WEEK CURITY COTTON BALL, I Curity Plastic Bandages j & j BABY POWDEI j & J BABY OIL «AL-TEX BABY PARTI Q TUFS 27,.70 AND 29 )UT QEJANIitI pork Sale! a-390 last ".49o iops..65 P:.hmLl5 THiE E. 3c 3ec 1 3 99C 2 49c ut iGA"II LS~2 s. Ob - 4. I juçt as iii Miake suS Sa ctionfoi of a dame Un auto gJad ta ri ibeeds an( jîMat th4 MA JAI, GENElLA Kigst. C ofte 'c 'i 'c g t -4 'i I K 't' I t I s t, à L -1. 1 - 1% 8 Il, a 0-68- 'a ZiGn (Hope Twnh M)ni . Yrwn and coSYted c (Intended for lest week) Mîzpah Benediction. Lunch rge The March meeting of Zion was served by Miss Hilda IL United Church 'Wamen was Raby and the hostiesa& âre held at Mi,.. Meneilley's homf», Syrnpathy of this comrnunlty J. Wednesday, March 29 with an is extended to the wile and -8 attendance of eight. President family of the late Mr. Carl [n Mrs. Menefliey opened the Sunday of Newcastle, also bis ke. meeting with hymn 112. Re- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred k, jaice , the Lord is King, failow- Sunday of Zion and other rela- [n ed by the Lord'. Prayer. tives. Carl passed away Wed- 0o In the absence of Mrs. R. nesday, April 5 at the Osha- .n- Morton the devotional pro- wa General Hospital. Fun. ie gram was arranged by Mrs. eral service was held ln the )- Menellley. Scripture verses, Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Of John, ch. 15:12-21, was read manvilie, Saturday, April 8th. Of by Mrs. Chas. Raby. Mrs. R.i Interment Bowmanvllle Cerne. he Gerow read a poem, "In Christi tery. at 81l men may live again", clos- We are pleased ta report ing with hymn 115, "«Crown lMr.. Robert Morton was able he Him with Many -Crowns". I to be discharged last weec ei Secretary Mrs. E. Caswell fi'OmT the Port Hope and Dis- lk rread the minutes and cor- ttrict Hospital, also Mr. Rose ?".- respondence. Mrs. E. Ruthven Jones. We hope they continue tc gave a treasurer's report, ta improve. by Roll caîl was payment of by fees. ,Ail present re-joined. le The "Penny a Day" donation from 1966 for called for this 1, onth; the response was good. to We hope to have this corn- t- pleted at the April meeting )n The subject of Quin-Mo-La WESE* er Camp was discussed and it s7àv£t/ in understood several children OS7WM utHW -1 may attend from this area. 7di#gv Di The subject concerning the purchasing of Bibles for the ýchurch was discussed. It was left with Mrs. Carmen Irwin lto find out more concerning ;hthis matter. , . aI The roll cali for next met- irig will be a donation for the silent auction table. 's A thank you letter was re-' DARLINGTON * 1ceived from Winnifred Gaîll Norway House, Manitoba' UPHOLSTERY dithanking the U.C.W. for the ý102 King St. W. BowmaflvîlIe e donation of knitted socks. ýPhone 623-7341 Free Estimates *The program was given by _______ TAKE A DRIVE à TO For The ... D)O-IT-VOURSELI *FERTILIZER * SPREADERS - *TOOLS *TOPSOILS *SEEDS, ETC. *Advice on your Garden Problems Von Belle Gaerdens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 5 Minutes East of Oshawa On Highway No. 2 . 623-5757 '