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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 8

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L PORTopucs SPORTOPICS IXL PLAYOFuS Several f our readers have askd howcum ve bavn' written anythlng on the N.H.L., playofs aineOur pre-se prediction that Montreal Canadiens would wln their thirg stralght StardeY Cup. Mainly one reason has been that ffl woulranliawa s ng, evben ,dthe tate thginan rw Trou lsbnaebhld n h avteCfan was afrald t aul nti.otin f usa lh M1by bouquet Saturdty xnWht, and with due respect to thé.u lhul ~wne c1 lL eague,. whose banquet cornes up Ibis Saturdayeul a s rrs. A d t e L af ut m g t s r rs i i ~4 i.0MWÉ .Town League, you'd have to beligeve that th M uownnpulle e a tstalyCpatoghw'e.11 tyigwt . gIbV probably have the. best set-up of ail Iire. eQ e m LC a po s " pies ti. aitat. -1w.'Cstainly with Intermediate hockey a dead Issue locafly o n L gg ky CampSoWe must admit that thee Habitnn ~w Syon! yaru Ilgives the. graduai« of Juvenile aa oppor-foowgfnagme tâYto continue their active participatil thle spart, joroner he r u ei h a be eevn ra o -402M oth erW se the. otier two leagues m lght w .» b . filedte d n fr m S ch k sw c ed a Bo r a d he i pl i h uy who origlnated the. Idea saime four years ego, prsedt auou h3-0.fyngdfdn BaC&8ker, dserves a tremendous amount of credit for the Bowling N*ws ateisal av uhftiL 4uyho hein brought the. league along. This reporter, who Té econd sciiedule la over tosedo fu 4nsil a tough chare ta get out ta many af the Junior gaines, been deciared the wlnners. leinad 1~j~azéd t the sPeed and abillty when we were able The Pepsi boswill now facelaIiethywnieup 4>tae.ln a couple of their final playaff encounters. And the Mutton & ould tain,.et timeth ~&oguys draw pretty good apectator support too, which wlnners ai the tirnt achedule, «Cqfor the John M. James teaxn SOFTBALL PATC bric ust th posslbillty of forznlng a Junior '«B" or C champonshîp tropliy. ThisCacJckakrhacledapcîefrti.In' tion. batlle will také p lace this M Co Wah tc e' T w ofb l L a a Mue teatth. modern way we live complet. wlth televIsion, Wednesday nlgiil. gue en Weaoc -Jue car and plenty ta do, bath Intermediate and Junior 'B" Howard Bromeli went ail Saturday mirnn. leTienMaeyPk.Hwud 4'*Ôckey was killed in this area. But if the Junior league can th way to win lhe hgh aver. lt 6".- e i ne brsa th tem ot ndr dy abs ag fr heseon sheul.the bail around #a odsupport te themr regular league attractions, no Bromeli bit 244 for 48 gamnes. Skn ffb 2fflQl1# whàt they might accomplishIi f they iced a junior Bob Lawton and AI Osborne Speig osa atya n !teTw finlshed witha 240 average. Leaguc's top paeaswti cibe acin ael Baker believes hhat Uic talent is available, and we'd have rie erfte c dlwo ig saa eralybltrdoreo retoigta laagree vfth hM. The. junior al-stars led by lire. goals at 911 while AI Osborne captur- prbi d o easae qeor, bawing ta Peterborough Jr. "B" Don Byes ed thc high single for the capay -an ugaigw u urniei etya liii dito otet aliri h season.Cn1eig e n wlth 383. for the locallop anehbto ats aie ntesao.CnlagThis week Ed. Leslie won oexc ýe flownanvil, mad district aggregatlon lied only a single high triple, hiaving gamnea of pýrgct[ee under their beits, and Peterborough reaciied the 261-283-298 for 842. Don evoeri, 1 semi-finals, looks 11k. the junior league ls doing an Bagneli had 832 (250-276-306), ga arcieaclakn fw ihdt lyti esn ~~ e e  t c h a . . dB a g n e l i o n 8 3 ( 2 8 4 - 1 39 ) n da I L i b e r t y B o w ls a ndis 1I1~.J~Coyle Jr., a graduate o! the. loop, made a plea for the high single ganle ofenedatheaer *i atiofa nemdaecusaigtath vr g,32 twice - ancdecd nin sper ;ý'*e eJuniors along wii the expenienced performers ithec.Beaver Lumber had thrhÇi'gî Howver, jdlgb i oIrI oa' perlkl ::otwîn d Commercial league would provIde a top-fllgiit single team score, tl4;' while At the« Town League Hockey banquet recently, Andrews and Bob Fairey; back row, Lloyd Hamilton, thal we would eal amk n o h ensaya, tic P' - '-iflg triple, the hminiOlpa Restaurant t nwa o-Joe asnBo Abbott, l rouble was auc ofwss a aIya aayn >,iome-brew club. Jini, who toiled for Port Hope i.n-inter- 3601, echmiosipOymi1ta wsho- BasnBb ranHghsan anGr j Zaediate ranks aver thc past season, flgured Bowmanviile - 'cidr h î ored and presented with trophies. Team members, ardi; absent, Murray Brown, AI Cole and TryBkr o ens Uould have pcriaps tue best teani ln tic Lakesiar Le -on Saturday, May front row, left to right, John Miller, Bob Foster, Coach Photo by Lloyd McRobbje Ti TownLans, okn frad1 ancd! iba ý7 Suci la the enthusiasmn generated by the. Junior Toi *I emoriel Park Club and Manager Ross MMillan, Grant Wright, George, esnadw, lelsigo i Jno onLau ~guers. W. havcn'l been able ta flnd ilerest fô-çv o n* lulg__________________________clubs, this wektearprabyhfoabiyara ,ï*am and now wc're talking about entening a pairg),4Iubg.ý Second Schedul. Mixed Major L. BrunI 211.2d4wel ;Maybe Baker and uis Ireasurer Ai Cole Could Pjb"v he e Averates - A LL u ouvneîr207 t t t ;nwr. UJndoubtedly the junior leaguers are fhg-bent.heed Naine Ganes Ave. Tic tension was mounting S.PakrI0 ,ggrgegation among te Bowminavfle ~Howard Brome» -48 244 Monday night wen Buday J ri r M ns S fb iHigh Double EWBiT mgtdvlpm telags prsdne Bo Lwon 4 20and Buttonshaw bowled caci L. BrunI 41 We should hasten ta poitt 1 ealli has noîh-. Ohre4 4 other as thcy were lied forI diCd ildf hM 6 Bab 'oron -148 240S. arker -- -415be hdl nnati a rswao yii ;;M t do wihlie federal liagiAuIam - 48 2374r0 laeS.toshwtokePaS lnr ecod e-du- prt-cle-iis uc a-Nny -enB-b O39ndWa >O.P. Russe»l Honey was Onef ltheiad table guesîs. Ruse Ernie Perfect 48 236 two points ta go ahead by anc B. Preston, G. Edmondson, Gabier, ta nameaiw ilb naledne ikt r asaMaurice Annaerl 45 230 final league nigt and ten Webster, D. Snowden, J. Falls, Charrans - B. Bates, T. Winnrs of First Schedule e e t ate p e enq _o p w-c 22oa . t i L r y Pi e 8 b231 p oint. N xI w e w ill b l ie F n s , . M Ba ker (, H. B a e , ryc da i , l ie Aan s. H . WA very , G . G r, A Ja . a ai bl ah 1 b u k a p at . S o d y u w sh a I nd 4pheue a atci4 -Ed. Leslie 47 227 bied fr Sar ngn let Do23.nG. Michelson, J. Barker, B. Cryderman, . Clarke, J. Con- Carter, B. Hellan. t t t j TwO fleW,wards were presentcd for the. first lime, the Brian Martyn - 48 225 le o iisnl ih33 Bradley, T. Brown, R. McLean, nors, P. Corneil, B. MacMillan, SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE DRA AISSFBL Wfhjr of thie most valueble player being Dan. Rager-MraTie- 48 22RsHîla33BbBu- G. Harneas, J. Rehder, J. Pinn, G. Linton, D. Tierney, A. Par' High Sinigle There wil ly .acBwavieeyh h wIJohn Matiers was chosen as the niost sportsmian- jack Parker- 48 220 iad an 803 triple, Rusa Hall- MÏcPhaiî. M. O'BrinD. Ritraw- K.-01C22_urhmLdie rer. Steve Burns was lie leading scorer, with Ruse HaIciy_ 42 219 man 779, Pee D obbin 766, Whyt's-R. LagodA u a n, oe Ch. utR., Lwi _- 27_23_eg____ts c Llaa tuwg t e o oayep r rp y Don Bagneil - 48 219 Maurice Annart 704. Osborne, J. Kenne, J. Brown, J. Bennt _ -__ __ _ 2394c2d l rp ou wt i nty big k o n a PV ms c p u h g u o o l ke p r t o i .Rus Oke 48 218 O ver 200 Averages B. He lam , D. M cFeeters, B. .Benth23er ____tdro t t t t f Si Trewin 48 218 E. Perfecî -- -_____ 239 Burton, D. Crossey, B. Oliver, uthlR thr29 lgtadCo GESTURE ~~~~George Bebee- 48 217 D. Reynolds -____ 238 W. Lee, R. Beauprie, A. Guern- Yo Eh Triple 23 ite Co BA ele. rceClwilwo ascace GESTURE Rus Halinan- 48 216 F. Hilil-_______ 235 sey, D1. Sainsbury, I. Gi, T. Y .Cb 2 n uiswt A U o!Ui ha fom iscamr t tc BwmnvlleEllon Brook - 48 215 A. Saman______ 231 Wilson, D. McLcan iC) D. D ___otehat_______orertte omavil W. Lewis ______ 721 thls Thursday igi t :0 eta ulcSho.I MatI Harrison - 45 214 B. Buday_______ 228 Sullivan.C.Bdey36wud l onclub for tueir und crlaking ofa malen m ajor prajecl Harold M ichelson - 48 213 D. Joli _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 227 E9 C.Cr ss y, G. WaradE lcs Se cond6 Sehedule a1k. p a o t c r c t 6 37 4 lb. local sports scenge. Juil a week mga tue Kinsmen decld- Art Rowe - 42 212 P. Dobbins _____ 225 lace, T. Leveck, R. Wallace, J. Rslso ia eko N. Goodwin, A. Chittick, S. t t to look ailer lic ralslng o! some $25,000 for renovallons Bud Hennlng -48 212 M. Anniterl _____ 23KlatikRKeelcBsTg uolng Mrtof. oinaRlLal M.PU TE RXoNf heMemnorlal Arena. Ab Saman - 48 211 H. Ballantine_____ 218 wood, B. Brown, L. Stainlon, ATMGRSarhl.PTHE E Maurice Richardse 45 210 J. Carter ______ 215 J. Balson, Mort Richards, J. BANTM GRLS of . i FInalSehedule Probably by3i ieyo r ealghaPiaepi aukh eeal pêsnlace d chang h i e fr iaionss- S teve48 Sk ..~ 0 20~. }içl1]rý _ 214 Stephens, S. Gould, Bruce HIgh Single S. Cain, H. Moore, D. Brock, 76'era will have 1.Ntoa aktalAscaintlee tain. W. trust tuaI everyone who reads lis colunin la aware NorIn Hennlng- 48 208 L. Connors _____ 212 R. TiAdasc. _ssant 151 J rmiR.elc.wapdu. .tbat thec ICnsmen ralsed funds for thc installation o! artificlal Bob Kent ___= 18 208 R. Wright 212 High Double Warriora. George Glanvile- 48 207 J. Murphy nt___________ L I I ~ G GcaadBok Clarence 0k. 48 207 P. Thomison _____ 204 C. Passan Sunday atro i. j. j. j.K ar i Piper 48 207 R . M aYnard 204 V er y23o U S I I J Ka l r o n b t e na a r e B b R ichards - 48 204 L, A nna rt _ _ _ _ _ 202 G . D adson, B . C ox, C . Pas- l iin al y wccRledca e lemwi own, bua in ti B r u c e M il n e - 4 8 0 4 M . M u r p h 2 0 1s a n t, S . D a v e y , D . F r e d r ic k s . D V L u~ N E W C A T L E E E D S M O N E T O OJ o h n C a r te r 4 5 2 0 4 G . B e b e e _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 0 0 M ..1 >kW n n rs o f F ir al S c ie d u le a n n o u n c e r (in c k d n a l s a i n ! t c b a ) k p n i t While we're on tue subject o! arenne, le., ete., our nel#i- Fred Thomison 45 203 D. Wright 20 B. Cox, J. Locke, T. Tighe, The. Ladies' Maj or League ing an telllg us bu hldliaswnigh ilw bôo ste tue eaIt have wound up their finI seson with Lau Wiseman 42 203 Team S adS od .Boel tandings eandvrulyjs a ace i... 41lge.l.theNewcstleAe. heare nw gol ing ta ae M,, h 33 22Btonhw - BANTAM BYSuncanged lasI Monday night . . a r l f l e a l e . ~J a c k B o n d _ _ 4 5 2 0 1 B u d a y 3 1 ¶H I î B Ya s f u o f t c i x a m s n - U s u a ul y l e s o e m a s o t L r c i n c u d a add a few flnlsliing louches, mainly hIntalllng cernent fonr- Moley Thompson- 45 201 Jol-________28 ..............K ircd Single 18 dasu o tesiuIaxracgainenseonssé edtn.dn.ucesw > h n ea o e ung.b ut fv ho s n u s a d R On M cLean 47 199 H aynes 24 d3g y w s j s r i g t h n e t e t c d kh omteeae4eing ticir fingescrsed liat heBab Wlliams -48 199 Patfield _______24 S hreD ouble___ 37 points n front o! Pmantt!eMy h thecomniîcear eeg em asL well MacDougal 48 199 Wright 2G3Jnso126 aponinefroniatisuou _w lfl have fine weaher for lic Civic Holiday carnival and L au M cF ceters - 48 198 Annaert 23__ _ _ _ . . . . . . .W l n r i S c n cid l r ue o nl g B o k I the Newcastle grop with tic opportunity of rasing s rne Harold Bennet- 48 198 Bickell ________17 K he, .R brs, .m s u f cneto . I ___________Cooke, G. Brunt, M. Adamis. tic other two shut outs, Mar- et the Ève tiousand. Harry Akey - 48 .198 Sutcliffe Wnes.iFnî eedlil dwe Btosiw h IeV George Stephen- 45 197 Dunn Rioun amn t t t tLaurence Leaman.. 33 197 Hith Singles u 'J Stan MeMurtcr - 48 195 A. Saman ____ 3230 MJoersoAlcCiouh Tennant. iIl2-1It TOUTH BOWLING ~~~Mike Murphy- 48 194 P. Dobbins 32______m, pil2tha d i Roly Coombes -48 194 HEuh Triple 1323 Baker 2-1 pot, ithPeso Bowmanvilllc continues ta show lhe way Inwin g as Bob lnie 48 193 A. Saman ___ 803BolnbaqeMy2t dftig akr21nth both he bys ad gils seior eamswon he Lkeshoe Do Bisop 4 193Hjgh Averagelith eonHlet63fnaatrco. ______-- 39 BNNER ASSAT .>iii hairp. Doris Joli set the. pace wlth 623-3258HghSne Ollie Pa field 727, Dot Brooks th e boys n girlsa 39,:enlor aiont e akeshabne on B4sInard 27erfectBowling 120 Duke St.,Bowmanville .Lws 6 laorDdo 89ad d ____C___ Ap232rilss2 595 671_a52_ad___oteD.H .Rudetoh. rn ai 4 8 ie nuac 2 Dot Brooks rolled a big 308 Wesktiake 7,-J4i Mc-*bincorne Disability M. Macklin 213 gamne ta take hlgli single hon. GrClre - 4 18)High Doubleortiropsre going ta th ixdLagebaqe, a 1t.. ngh ;Dot Bond 7, on* enionPans C. Bîggs 39 Doris Joli 284, Linda Crossey Brc Aas 5 18 rok0 Jack Macnab 5, Jack Gou DLei 280, Hazel Donaghue 279, Onie F1Krnk Blnt-32 18HrySodn ;Beîîy* GBuinsInsurane. D Lwines 3 Ech4 Houck il- 24 & 379 Bod 2; George Marshall L.,Pper, - S-àden, .15. 97 Variety 18% 29% 49377 18% -MeLean 219; Dick Dennis 213; J. Almopd 236_________ Pnce uc Rey Weatiake 294,' 250; Frank IF YOU WISH YOUR J.Tzopd __12 26j ie PiAv_____ DFUIIG MAY Recreti News Slubbert 231, 230; May AI- TO 2Aerages ClO5T $2795$19.95 C6 399 299 a on dread 204; Bari Luke 22; Bon DRIVEWAY ASPHALT D. Joli -_ _ _ _ _ _ 25 io29 5 2995 S 634.5 2 .9 Boeg tb UBroCk 281; Larry Veana 23; . Pafeld 235______272.95 B o s .i b e lD o t B o n d 2 3 7 , 2 2 0 ; D o u g N O : P A V E D * * * * *S i k a l _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 C1239 3 9 9 O3 7 . 5 3 9 9 Ti. DPartmu tOI f ecc e- in 246, 220, 203; Bob Mc.-S. Bi ell200 C102 319.95 2 99 T 0 9.5 3 99 tio eI ateed i rg&nIM Z. Reeis 236; Ida A drlnga 228-;D 200k P I I N E ê Z 3 - 5 6 6 3 i nga M dk o t'juv m l f- M ar H y Snow d n 203; ]Bill pot - ONA C . E cher _ _ _ _ _ 1 7C 2 03 9 9 1 . 5 " I*ag ue for b oy 14 and ter :222- George M arshail 220; _ _ _ _ _ 197 U O I under -18 yegrs Of age as cf Amy Îhfile 224. J. Balcer 194 ______ S.DavsAliEBNOWW I fuhisN aneu 1.Io Team StaPoints PnsH. Donoghue 188 FOI o 1 ohe . jProut S TEPHEN FUELS _ __ _Ise Oor2 60 40,155 D..Bon $ 1.00 In B - e u - .0 , 571 G eO . S tep h en , P rop . Ti re arc pl2ti5cver t M . .t o u n d * 2 0 0 o u si e f . G. 5 7 3 9 0 4 6 9 p r o t e c t to a s te r s , w e h n g m e -aD l D U £ U I l ~ I Y 1 i a GtM oUb e . 5 3i048F O R F i E EE I 4P4 T Echines, cars, t p w n t n , a d . U r U U L Ma aq,.llt :1 1 An lelg P., W$otake U 4 8 :33582 i mahiez nd some dzn W At bs a SjVE . rck 34 36783* PHONE 6U S.410 of ther peces ai equpment 14Kn t ~~ aI R, .~,wuw.. 34 88,797 suad usig lias. prolectens l 3 igS.E.Bway 31 a\Sfide

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