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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 12

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~.- -. <.~..... * 2,....~,. .-~ . *~-... - - -..............~ CadIa taoman, Bownmvne, Mayi' n 1,9g adae endi Julie, of 1A dovisited on SaturdayMm nwr. ogFeia Plan arCn Mr. and Mns. Rou Cryde VIn ffwd r "an, Ellen edLarry atn 4R'. <msaufamers adequacies of the recently said any tirne in the next Alma Rundle, Bawmanvill tl WUd ltplns announced federal d air y couple of mantis wauid be an thc occasion of hem 851 ob Puzlaâment Hm11 ponicy. inconvenient ta some fermera, birthday on Sunday. B* ~i o f a.possible The telegrami also says the and there is "nat muci wishea tram ber Saline fr t-lr yndon John- comniittee plans "ta have a chance te move aur deman- ends ta Mrs. Rundie are ex Xp.goup of fermera tram Eas- stration ta another time Ot tended on this happy occasiei »s~ v'set Wcdneu- tomn Canada in Ottawa et year." MsRs r 01 e t g in Taronto 1 p.m. that day ta hear yaur Mr. Dolmner says hie cx- 0 r.Rs rdemman ac CIewa Marh C . poposed solutions ta these pect.s it will be possible for companied Mrs. Jackson Wra probems. thegovenmen to ind o t o Oshawa and 'Mrs. Alm ateîe- pThbema.ewa sgnd the onsoe ametris' pu: -Rundle and Miss Jean Rund] o LB.John iomr rsieto ems. If not, ho said. "lother o omavleta attend a*n ortcmB.y Uic Ontario Fermers' Union, stops wiIl have ta be takon" shower for twa brides-ta-ti ~ ih hmad his Lionel Sorel, president of tic Problems witi the date Miss Pet Riley of Grattan an Union Catholique des Culti- amuse Thursday, wîen thie Miss Linde Rackhem ot Bow kqra maa Uc cm- atersandChaios unr, Aerien resden's isi tamanville, et the hame of Mr! wd'am ay the momni prsden ftChOariaFed- xo, es enonPesd nvM' o-A. M. Thampson, Bowman presidentof the Otville, onExpSaturdayouact in Mon "t IScuas with us~ eration ot Agriculture. treal. Newspaper reports saidvilo audyftron ht Of thc farmels of Asked etter tic meeting Mm. Pearson wuuld bo in Mr. Lawrence Squair, Sa Canaa, and In pr-haw many farmers ticy cx- Mantreal ta welcome Mm. lem, was Sunday tee guec b Lacqutios andpin pect in Ottawa for tic merci, Johnson. witb Mm. and Mms. Roy Lang tie presidonts seid tiey are Tic decision ta go eiead maiid. planning in termns at 4,000. on May 24 was made Friday A number of residents o ÀBut, emphasized Mm. Sorel, wien ncwspapor reports in- the community e tte n de *tic committee is not "bring- diceted plans tar Mr. John- "Expo" in Mantreai aloni *.Easy dloos iti Oardon care was nover easier obtry Oiler. YouIi me and en- hqY it &Il emsm long. Choose Miler right for you from -modl- 3, &,aà Ihm IIFNYud 0 iipuunt u W. H. BROWN r FARM EQUIPMENT aimG SO TREET W,. ERGUSON'S B.A. stVicg STATIO GR4A'sGARAGE k~8. iBOWMAN VILLE McGREGOR M ARDWARE EOWMAVIW. ing the fammers ta Ottaw" son's visit are -stiliuùnce-rtain. wit ' otiers traom tic Cartic Ho says tic fermers will e Mast originel solution taeHig Scheel. "4coming on their own" be- tic pmablcm ut contlicting Mme. Wm. Ashton, Miss n cause of hheir dissetistec ion dates came tram Mm. Dolmer. Lois Ashton, Miss Jean Baker witi tic governmenî's pulicy. "Someone siould caîl tic and Miss Joan Westlake et. Mm. Munmro said hoie elized White House and sec if Mm. tended e tee et tic home af e, some femmers would tind this Johnson cen came on anotier Mr. and Mms. Don We]sh, bdate inconvenient. But hie day," he quippcd. Salem, en Fiday. 4S0 LIN A Recei ves Elda chrchservice was womking et Woodstock for tic heid at 9:00 a.m. un Sunday. Depertmenl ut Agriculture' Tuis being Rural Lite Sun- and Food in Oxford County. Ex eptional' day, Rev. C. Catta chose tar Misses Helen Baker an dA va d bis sermon "Rural Rhythm!" Mary Baker, Toronto, M r.lI Tic chair sang as their an- Maurice Baker, Uxbridge, M r. IIS w r tiem "In tic Glury Land." and Mrs. Barry Cowling and Sunday Sciaul was held et John, Mr. Lamry Welsh, Sa- Mm. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk, 10:15 a.m. lem, Miss Mary Lau Fylnn, King St. W., have just been Annivemsary prectice iluet Oshawa, were Sunday gucats inturmed tiat hiem son, Dm. J. 7:30 p.m. an Sunday evenings with Mr. and Mme. Tom Baker P. Meyberry bas reccived the in he hurh.Everybody is and tamily. "Exceptionel Civilian Service needed ta ielp out. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kussetz Awr, and Modal, tram tic Thoce parents wishmng ta and Shelley Oshawa, vicited United States Air Farce. Il have their chuldmen baptized witi Mm. and Mrs. Rlphilu undemstood tuis is tic higb- on "Mther's Day", May l4ti. Davis. est civilien ewamdthhetilu are asked ta meot witi Rev. Miss Ida Amnott, Mrs. Jessie given by tic U.S. Detence Cate in Hampton churci et Chester, Oshewa, Miss Vera Services. 3:30 p.m. an Sundey, May 7h. Gibbons and Mmc. Ruth Tey- Dr. Maybemmy il a greduahe Tic 4-H Club girls are e- lom ut Toronto visited witi ut Upper Canada College, Uni- mmced that Achievement Day Mmc. N. Wutten and femiiy. versity ut Toronto, and ro- is on May 6th et tic Legion Mrs. N. Woten visited e- ceived bis Ph.D. in Matie- Hall in Millbroak and not et ccntly with Miss Mildred metics, wiile attending tic Welcomc as previously an- Willmott of Bowmanville. Institute ut Advanced Studios, naunced. Tic motiers and MIss Elsie Okè, Bowman- et Princeton University. fricnds are invited fam tic ville, Mrs. Ettie Page, Ennis- About 10 yceega ha o ejuin- afternoan's progmem wiici kilien, Miss Clara Page, Tom- cd tic 'staff ofthti U.S. Stete begins et 1:30 p.m. onto, visiîed with Mr. and Department as an Operations Mm. and Mmc. Ernest Ler- Mmc. Ross Page and family. Analyst, ettacied ta tic U.S. mer, Blecksheck, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hamry K'noxlAim Force. During Ibis time Mr. E. R. Taylor on Sunday and sans visited witi Mr. andlhe and hic temily lived for attemnoan. Mmc. Vern Powell and femaily,ltirle tycars in Japan and Mm. and Mrs. Harold Vel- Calumbus. wiileeh ad asignments ta lowlees, Bowmenviile. witi Mm. and Mmc. Larmy Dewell,lKumrea, Hong Kong, tic Philli- Mm. and Mrs. Wcs. Yeliowlees Rodney and Debbie. Mm. andpincu, Italy and Holland. Since and Murray. Mmc. Ron Bruome and Kelly retumning ha Americe ho heu Mm. and Mmc. Walter Short were Sundey visitors witi made his home in Washing- and Mm. Luther Short, Cour- Mm. and Mmc. Lloyd eroome tan, D.C. Chiot ut bis office, lice, weme Sundey visitors and family. ctetioned in tic Pentegan. withiMm. and Mmc. Harvey Mms. Lillian Hartley and Dr. Meybemmy eddreused the Yeilowlees and family. family, Ottawa, Mmc. Sid Bowmenville Rotary Club in Mm. and Mru. Hervey Yel- Mitchell, Bowmenvîîîe, wcre 1960, on came aspects ut bis r lowlees, Mm. and Mmc. Bruce Saturday tee guesîs with Mr. lite in Japan. Ho and bis Taylor and Mm. and Mmc. and Mmc. Frank Westlake and wite, Kemstin ut Malmo, Donald Taylor ethended lie tamily. Sweden, and tirce ciildrenc Rural Bowling Leegue ban- Mm.'end Mmc. M. O. Locilin plan ta visît Expa 67 in Aug- quel and dance ield et En- and Jetfery, ut Lindsay, Mm. ust and will tien spend some niskillen on Seturdey oven- and Mmc. L. Parker and ciild- lime in Buwmenville. ing. mon, Oshawa, Mr. and Mmc. Mm. and Mrc. Robert Kerr, Ran Emoome and Kelly, Bow- Acton, visited with Mm. and menville, wore Sunday callers Mrc. John Knox and ftmily. with Mr. and Mmc. Frank HAMPTONII Mr. Keiti Rowe and £emý Westleke ad aiv 11Y, Bowmanville, visitcé- Mr. and Mmc. Gea, Kno I amily. IM. Ken Knox wv service ce More than 100 good reasons and the C-I-L dealer network most complete fertilizer servic C-l.L has more than 100 service centres in Southern Ontario. And 5 C-- plants, including our new Larnbton Works at Courtright, back them'Up with a constint supply of high-grade fertilizers, There's a service contre near your farm. If's stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a broad range of recommendod analyses.* Anid supplies of direct application'materiais suchas Ammonium Phoqphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Potash. There ar4 nurse tanks, Nitrogon applicators and bulk If yoies oody for InMtnt service vWe «Wsyt b pply IL Anywhere in Ontario. AiN 0' I--f --n- Ur Centennial Farm ru.Th( th r3i- Lot n. by Hlelen Baker ay William Baker the origina a Baker who settled on Lot 2E le Con. 5, of Darlington Town a ship, came from Suffolk, Eng )e, land in 1830. He settled tirs d in Hope Township, Durha: v- County. His wife's name wa s. betore - marriage Elizabett n- Thomas, shne alsa caming fron ýEngland. After sonne yealu a- in Hope Twp., hoe sold bis prop ,t erty in Hope and purchasec land in the Maple Grave Dis: trict, Darlington Twp., anc then In 1847 hie purchased ti( IMO gs(Intended for lest week) * Tic Aprîl meeting of th( U.C.W. was hcld in the Sun. )f day Sciaul on Tuosdey th( 1,l8th, et 2 p.m. Ton members were prosent. Thc meeting was apened with prayer by tic presideni, Mrc. Mortun Henderson, tol- lowed by hymn 199, "We loye tic place, O Lord". 'The scrip. lure lessun was given by Mrs. Vere Anderson; a short mead- ing by the president; tie Lord's Prayer and hymn 2. "O, Warship tic KÇing!" tirst and lest verse concludod tie devatianal period. LThe business session was apened by tic meading ofthi Merci m1inutes by tic secre. lary, Mrs. Milton Brime- combe; nu business erising tram them, tiey were adoptec as read. The muntily finan- ciel report wes gîven by tie treasurer, Mms. Harmy Beckett. Tiere wes na report tram the cummittee ofthti Centennie) Projeet. Mms. D. Haines gave tic report ut cerds or tluwems sent ta sick and shut-ins. Tic metter of tiecacteming tam twu wedding meceptions was discussed. A cammittco was eppointed ta leke came ut menu and other items, witi members lurning in ta holp. Tic May meeting on tic 16ti will be -an open une ta ho held in tic church et 8:15 p.m. Tiere will ho twa gucst speakers, Mm. and Mrs. Roy Bickell, Who are homo on furlougi from Seer, West Germany. Sides will ho chown and e telk of mission- amy wurk being dune in this part of Germmny. A silvem collection will ho laken and lunch semved in tic Sundey Schuol. Invitations will ho sent ta ail U.C.W.'s on Wel- come charge and district. 1 Tic meeting was ten tun- Legion Ladies id wýith -Mmc N. Fce ut Taunton Brownie News Âevl (ox and visihcd with Mmc. Frank West- lct Hampton Bownies haveAssiçn ments lake Sm. an Sundey. iad a busy seeson. Some of il! ho Mm. and Mmc. John Flett, their pmojects have been as At tic meeting et tic Bow- foîîows: menville Ladies Auxiliary ha We sont lwo plush loddy leRya Canadien Legion beers ho lie "International held in lie Logion Hall lest Share Your Tuys Faundehion" week, pasfrle Zn for e siipmenh ha loy lending Raily ta ho held in Oshawa libramies in Indie. on Fmidey, May 9th, weme dis- Ourannal us ripsawuscucsed. President Mary West- Our annuelebs trp sawdu off ho Toronto egain. Thisoveprsd. time ho visîl Turonto City Plane weme completed tam Hall tam a quick look, a tour thie uxiliary's donation ot tic ufthei Parliament Buildings,mclehibaqtonSu- Old Fumt York, as weîî as thie day, April 22nd, tomthie Cub * Marine Museum. A number Peck sponsamed by lie Royal et Brownie mohhers and aur Cnde ein cmhm Sea Rangers accompanied u Faenos. ~ ieputpei dent, lie catem:ng canvenur tom We bave made a $5.00 d-tic event, tldli meeting OMM:,nation ha hic Guide World liat il wac oxpeched liaI 30 Fiendsiip Fund wiich ielps Cubs and 52 parents wauld ho ta furtier lie womk o ath ts banquet. ing in cauntries newly on- Commade Rena Bathgalo and moled n tc Gidemove- lut Vic-Precident Rose Von- asse, lie convenors for lie Caukie Day wes Sahurdey, lunch donahed by lie auxiliery April 22. This wes a combined for tie cash of thie Buwman- venture with lie Guide Ca. ville Figure Skating Club's We iad a succestul day, ccli- Cemnivel and served ah lie .. ing every box ofthti 32 car- Higi Sciaul atter ils fimch por- *~..trns whici we had ordemed. formance, precenhed hheir mc- Sneigibuming Tyrone, Souie, president Weslover was Enniskillen anid Ziori as well riemed cetering cunvonor for K as aur local rosidents who tie Logion DemI League Ban- kindly pumchesed tie cookicu. quel ho ho beld on Saturday On April l8th we gave out evening, April 29th. Socmetamy thie ollowing proticiency bad- Knight wes appointed catering gos: conveour for lie Legian Aux- * Needleworker - B ar b ara iliery Bowling Banquet ta ho Smith.ield on Monday ovening, May Cullector - Lois Yeo. 8ti. Commade Bemney Bois vert wes eppuinted social cunvonor Hause Orderly - S i o r y 1 tam May. Smith, Lois Yeo. Fallawîng lie business meel- fi r e sToymaker - Lois Yeo. ing a social boum was orjoyed, p lu sWorld Fmendship -Leumie and e deliciaus lunch wes somv- Chant. cd by Commado Edith Manîle, Golden Hand -Derlene Social Convenom for April. Lapbam. Commede Boisvemt we thie 10cai -ILMinstrel - Jane Reynolds. winner et tic Lucky rw to c li C 1-LSignaller - Jane Reynolds, for the fastest, hem. Chant, Darlene Lap- l' e ' T fo h atsWeevem -Siemyl Smith. C Sketem Darlene Laphem, Cla Lirde Catta, Debby Ruddy, Cla -Up T cei untaarlo. Bev Ruddy, Pamn Rogers, ConeWhite, Ciomyl Brad- I h etctn ed loy, Jane Reynulds. I i etctn ed Petifinder - Bey Ruddy, cleaning, do it now hetome tic Jili Wilk<ins, Dootiy Hind- frosI cames next faîl, advises man, Barbera Smith. Professor R. W. Irwin, Ontario Evemyone is hucy warking Agricullumal Gellege. on mare badges wbici wxll ho "Mact septic tanks feil, and presonhed beooe we adjourn bave ta ho eplaced, simply tom tic cummor. because tiey iaven't been Duing May* lie ncxt busy cleaned in lime," tuis agnicul- day an aur celendar is thc lurel engineer expleins, "and big Chumch Auchion and this frequenhly means moplac- ]Bake Sale homo et Hampton. ing tie seepage bcd." Our Bmownies alung with lie As a mule oft humh, a septlc Guides are looking ater a tank should be cleaned when "tfisi pond". popcamn stand, tho sludge ofthlicbattamplue and "nations" table. Needless lie scumn on top equals one- *te say, evcryane, especielly third af Ibis liquid> depth, lie leaders, are knee deep in whici is about ovemy thmee ta doîl clothes, aprons, stuftediffve yoars. Lighted matches GROW loyu etc. We would welcame should net ho uaed while mak- eny donations. Guides and ing the check: gases torm in AND PROFIT Brownies have donated a Septie tanks and-may explode, wrITi knitled afghan te Uic auclion, The bulld-up of solide may ho Mms. Sid Kersey kindly camne reaaured by uslng a stick or ~ ho aur reacue and jond tic old broornhandle. blocks together. Many septie tanks stop May 19, 20, 21 la our week- worklng because the tanks or end for going la camP, We seepago beds are teo arnali. iQae>cer. Cubland" ca- Therefore, anyone building a bin at CmpSaac Ohaa upttank would ho Wise te f IRUq~IIES lao af~e Ipa fro d wa-bull cmbgor thanla pres- ) . sently naWe.d tarni unti l is death Inin . J Series ptth ent tre John OBITU Y living on. the original home- COLINXM. EHOWN stead and bis children are the uîth gencration to live on thi Colin M. Brown, Leskard, lfarm. The present barn on died auddenly on April Mt, 28,Con 5 Dalinto TwThe stone work dont on the ofClrke, he was born a b arn and th e p resen t housc e a k mile West of Solina, Solina be- succeeding wves are buried was done by the Vices wha Ini 1914, on ay th, he aing known et that time as in Zion Ccmetcry. He died in me:tnmsn a htie h o~er Margaret Pilhartn . B1870 70 time there were three barns bis wlfe Margaret Ethel, and 8, henWm.Baer mmira- Te cildenot he irt belonging to the two farms, anc daughter, Mary Thomp- n- ed ta Canada he brought with family were John, Who went wherc chores. had ta bc dune. son; misa five grandchlldren, g- him three sons and two to Dover, Delaware, to live; amn nersso h Gary, Laurie, Dennis, Randy st daughters and ater the death Wm. who farmed east ut Bars w neres o th ým ut their mather hoe married a Soîiýa» Noah who was in the maesweerixed farmingý and Linda Thompsan. as Tamblyn, thoro being nu Civil Wvar and is buried in Shorthorn cattie, Clydesdales' Mr. Brown has two sisters h childrcn trom this ma'rriage. Arlington Cemnetery; Mary who shcep and swino, and they living, Mrs. Mary White and Mn His third wife was Grace marricd a Porter and lived in taok mnucli interost In showing Mrs. Margaret McRoberts, and ýs Rundie who was niany years the Woodstock area and the their livestock et ail the local anc brother, William Brown. p- Yaunger then. he, in fact she othor daughter who married tairs, particularly at the Ca- Two sisters, Mrs. Harry Fras- d wa ony afcwyeas adera Clemn, wel kownbourg Horse Show, a Show or and Mrs. Fred Plain, pro- s- than bis childron by bis first Darlington Family. (Don't re. that is nat in existence tday. deceasd hm d marriege. The first Mrs. Wm. cail hier first namne). The Bakers have always beon The funeral service was ie d Baker an is buidi oeTwa . Sm er t uca-keenly interosted in sports, held Tuesday, April il, from ie an Wm.Bake and is ngo the yfirs terrm tSoia-especially soccer and as long the Barlow Funeral Home in ing the firt arm at oli aas he was able Thos. Baker O rafa, and was conducted by Wmn. Baker purchased the Sr., neyer missed a saccel' Rev. Baui Long. Interment rfarm opposite and muved ta match. At ane time, 1 believe was In Orono Cemetery. t R 14 Hreside on this frwble still there wes a saccer field an the Palibearers were Messrs. cotiuigtaar tharg-thar. Robert Chater, Wiltred Hawke, cd over ta Mrs. Harry Bec- ai tarm. On this farm the Josephi Hart, Gary Thompson, .e kett, canvenor of the pragramn. younger children were barn: There are rmany intcresting Laurie Thampsan and Randy iReading, The Legend Of the Thomas, Jane (Mrs. William staries ta be tald, that have Thampson. ie Weeping Willow ' was givon Pearce), Sera (Mrs. Amas been handed down tram anc 's by Mrs. Milton Brimacambe. McMullen) and Elizabeth generation ta the ather of the Mrs. William McHoim gave ((Mrs. Chas. Branton), the pioneer days of the Bakers U IE U ýd the account af the Stage Brantan temily residents ci and ather pioncer temilies in UD t, Coach Robbery in 1838 in the the Sauina Cammunity elso. the Sauina district, which W O O 1- vicinity ut Roseberry Hill. Thomas Baker was born in shauld be preservcd in writ- Realize the ichest returns for ,e This was follawed by a must 1855, the same year as Eldad rng befare they are complote- Your wool by patronldint your )- interesting telk by Mrs. Car- Church was buit. Ta deviate ly forgotten. nOraito. slus Dickensan upun Lite in briefly tram the Baker family; t In clasîng I would mentionow Ornito. l- the Arctic, and pleasure given the land tr Eldad Curch tht the North Baker arm SHIP COLLECT TO: e ta the wumen by the forming (still in use) was purchased was sald since the death of Our Reglstered il at a brandi ot the Wumen's tram Peter Werry tor $12.50 Thas. Baker Sr., in 1946, ta Warehouae No. 1, ,t Institute t ths ar n rthern and the church built w ste W fy t mî hs rp W eston, Ontario e post. Bible Christian. Ot the urig- erty bas adjained the Baker's Obtain sacks and twlne Tie meeting closed by the mnal family nemes cnnected for well ver 100 years, but wthout charge frrnt 'benediction in unisn. Iwltb tus churci t tat time tic South arm remains in theA e The social haît haur was tere only romains tie namcý' Baker family. I would alsa e-eHAMLE enjyed during which after- ut Werry, Pasce and Baker like ta mention the smallE non eewe eredbyMr.serving tiechcurch nw. Such cemetery on the South East R.R.1 ORONO noonteswasservd b r. nainies as Tremeer, Eltord, corner of the Narth tarm 9Dawson Beebe. Thanks ta al Suhad WieaeIn4weetenmsu gnl or by writing to partin te pr g ogne. Hawever, the people settiers ut Sulina Community CANADIAN tor for ming Up loth ic u- h have taken their places cen stili be seen un the tomb- C-PRTV da tie Cammunity in the past stones. This cemetery wes WOOL GROWERS da1cho.100 years have taken as muci badly neglected for many I TE The final meeting of the priçie and care ut their churci years but bas been naw madeLI TE Eucbre was held recently. as dîd the originel peuple re- into a shrine, preserving the 40 St. Clair Avenue East There was a large attendence, sponsible for its construction. monuments and is well worth Toronto 7, 'Ontario extra prizes given, end a spe- Atter the deeti at Wm. visiting.-- ciel lunch ta wind up anc ut Baker, bis suon Thomas, then the best seesans of aur enter- unîy in bis early teens, alongi prising Club. with his motier cantinued ta A S L Alternete warsiip service tarm the twu Baker farms. JW J M O H AUIfUSALE 1wes beld on Sunday, April Mrs. Wm. Baker, tie thirdDV If MU IF I 23rd, et 11:15 a.m. Tiere was wite died in 1903 et tihe ge a better tien average number ot 85. prsn. h ev a Mno Tos aermrie a- Everything M ust G o chuir and tic anthem "Jubi- they muved ta the Soutb lete" wes muci epprocieted. Ferm, the originel Baker in the Church grounds ut Miss Diene McCanneil presid- farm. Thos. Baker had six ed et the pianu during the cbildren Wmn., John, Arthur, Chirist e o ii h rh absence ofthti organist Mrs. Editb (M1rs. J. D. Hogarth), e o il h r h Helen McHolm. Rev. Munro Minnie (Mrs. Les. Sodn gave a very impressive ser- and Vera (Mrs. Sam DeweIl), M arySt. at Hillcroft St. mon tram the text, "Ho that the four oldest being burn an is without sin cest the first the South farm. Thos. Baker O h w stane." The children's story maved again ta tie North siw was a lesson in doing some- termi whero the two yuunger thing. A boy was once strap- ciildren weme borniand tie ped for sleeping thmaugh a "hired man" lived on the SATURDAY, MAY 6th less an. O n being strapped by South ' farm . In 1912 J uin_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teacher, exclaimed "But I was Baker built the present hause Cminiga 00 .t nat doing anytbing - only on the South farm and with Cm ecn t1:0am sleeping." "That's just it!" bis wite, the former Laura (Auctioneer- MYLES MIG) said the teacher. Bragg, lived on the South New Ontarl-o Securities Act Government action places new responsibilities. This advertisement tells you what they are. Important changes in the Securities Act. 1966, and inthe Corporations Act became iaw on May 1ist 1967. The new legisiation wiIl have far- reaching effects. 1h, sets, standards whicheveryone in the investment business must fol low. It says exactly how certain vital procedures should be carried out. ltdemands afuli range of information from companies offer- ing shares ta the public, and makes that information fuiiy available ta every interested citizen. liere are five ways in which the Securities Act wiii help the people of Ontario. Financli Disclosure The new Act requires campanies ta, make a full report of their financial situation ta the Ontario Securities Commission every year.These reports will b. made available ta the public. Insider Trading Insiders. of com- panies (senior officiais and major shareholders) must now keep the Commission informed of their hold- ings in their companies, and must report changes as they take place. This information wiIi be made avail- able for public use. Trako-over bide New regulations govern the procedure ta be foiiowed when one company tries ta abtain control of another by share purchase. They include a minimum period for which the offer is ta remain open, and a 7-day period during which the sharehoider approached may change his mind. Any investar involved in a take-over bid will now be kept fully informed. Proxies Under the new Ad, detailed information must be given whenever a company asks for a proxy vote, ta be used on the shareholder's beh-aif. The shareholder must be told exactly who is te use his vote, and what his interest is. The company is limited in the way the vote can b. used. The resuiîwiil be to give the absent share- h aider a more effective voice at corn- pany meetings. The prospectus The way in which a company can describe new invost- DEPARTMENT 0F FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS menîs is controiied by the Act. One importa nt change isthatthe prospec- tus must always be written in simple, clear, nan-technicai language. Another requires the prospectus ta b. published in. twa stages, with a pause of ah least ten days between the two. The preliminary prospectus is for information oniy. trading can- noh begin until the final prospectus is pubiished. The effect will be to give dealers and investors time to think Further information This adver- tisemeni gives oniy a brief outiine of soma of the more important changes in the Securities Act 1966, and the Corporations Act. Nathing in the Act relieves the investar of th. respon- sibili'ty of making sound decisions based on good advice. Your lawyer. broker, or other qualified investment adviser will be able ta give you fuller information: or copies of the Act can b. obtained from th. Ontario Secu- rities Commission, 123 Edward Street, Toronto 2, and l'rom the Queen's Printer, 26 Breadalbane Street Toronto 5. Hon. H. L RownUue, MUbse ctomFinand m mcmmAfat f "'I HABIPTON [1 * .6. c: * A 4' ~ w, 4* .8. 't 4'. 4~ g' s. 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. 4' 4, .4. 4~. 4. 4' 'q. 4. 4. 4. 'f. 'q. w. 4. 4. .4 'a. 'g i.," 'v 4, *4 -4 now 1 w

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